Bed It First In" THE FREE PRESS THE HOME PAPER. 'Today' Nw Tody. : VOL. 24. No. 44 SECOND EDITION. KINSTON, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 26, 1921 SIX PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS Din AlHiLn mmu. nipniiiC iq mtiitri) riniurm: iiLuuiuuj uLiiiiiii iimuniu to mwilii uiutnij i itm TAFT WILL BE NEW HOST TO LEADING MAY RESULT FROM HEAD HIGH COURT FINANCIERS NATION STRIKE IN ENGLAND y II v wy PK pup FigSlftlilg ODD Ulster ofty Vote of Confidence in Briand by French Chamber of Deputies All Needed to Re store Allied Equilibrium--Paris Takes More Tolerant View Entente to Pro- t ceecl With Division (By tlie United Pre) Paris, May 20. Premier Briand appeared today to have swung Fiench opinion "do firealcr toll-ration for (ierniany. h. wK confidently Miovul hejjp that the Chamber of Deputies will ap prove 1 1 is course' in reg'ard to repuru tiims ami his handling of the Upper Silitisiaii situation. A mho of confidence would serv to 'restore fully the cordial relation. of t ie Allies and permit the Snpn me I i.nucii to proceed with i.s plans o! Silesia between tin' do) mam ;i!id Poles. Teaching Men of Army to Bake Repairs and 1 Save Gov eminent Cash ( Hv tke United Pre" I Washington, May 2(i. KollowiaR the" policy of rigid economy laid dmvi I..' thu Secretary of War, and with f.'is approval, the Quartermaster :,,rp hereafter will tc.nli enlisted lien salvage woik. A school for tiaining the personnel in the repair oi clothing and shoes has just be:-:, established at Camp Jacks.')!!, S. C, , iirt -mother sc hool for the rep&ir of typewriters at I'ort MePhfrson, da. This training of the men vrdl bo part of the routine work of the salvage shops, and additional schools will he established as soon as pos sible at convenient points in other corps areas. In this way much mat erial !ioti.','ht for the war can be re paired and utilized for the peace time nce'ds of the army, saving thou sands of dollars to the taxpayers. Lee Memorial Fund Sought; Daughters s Confederacy Colled When -deneral Lee, amid the wreck and milt of IKOri, sought l reinvest his life fur the Hiein'fii of his slric1; cm land, he refused offers of wealth ;itnl high position at home and abroad i.nd the headship uf church ntid stale insi ii.ul ions and accepted the presi ill ii: v of war-wrecked Washington 1'idleee. in the vallev of Virinia. Hi- pi eat kinsman, Washington, hem;. tiih, had endowed the college will his money. General, having in money, gave himself to the institailio: Mid thus enriched it forever. deneia! Lee's investment of him 'i,'f- has brought dividends which even his wisdom coufd not have foreseen or iiuaf;;ned, and the amav.inj,' fruitful nt-rs oi ins 'institution as a nursery of .American 'leadership has recently awakencil fde whole S'-iuth to a fivsli iaU'.at'mn of his many si.led reat ness, and a widespread cle.sire to hon r his hiemory and tarry on his work. this lou-dokiyed tribute in tak in-:; the form of a Lee-Memorial fund for the following and kindred memor ial objects: First the raising of at: enmiiviiieiu wntcn snail maintain a mutable custodian of the Lee mausol etini ami cfia'scl. Second The riton M ruction of the western half of the hapel without chanKin the mausol uiii, siaiue, rostrum or uenenu L,ee office. The chapel is now too small third The equipment and endow ment of the Robert E. Lee Memorial Si'twiol of Civil ami Highway Engin w rinif. This schoid was founded bv (leneral I-e, 'himself an atreomplisheil engniter, as the first act of his ad ministration, but has never been pro Tided with building, endowment oi adequate equipment. Fourth The en dowment of the Robert K. Lee chait of juumalrsm as memorial of the -fact that in 1809 General- Lee Intro duced fully worked out college cours es in journalism. Through the generosity of one of Ccneral Lee's admirers a handsome illustrated Lee booklet will be pre sented to every subscriber to the fund. .. Sample 'books are in the hands f A. M. W'addeir Chapter, U. I). 0., f Kin ton. CONGRESS TO PROBE TUG RIVER STRIFE (By the Dnltert Press) IVashingtcV May 20. The Senate Ubor Committee today ordered a fa rable report on Senator Johnson's solution for invest'ijrution ' of tw v Rivtr mine war. of Upper Silesia STANLEY ADDRESSES BANKERS' OF STATE: PROSPERS COMING Senator Says Covernment's Function Not' to Decree (Jood Times Hotter for it to Trust to People and Ketp Hands Off :i'!isl;i,i-,'i, May Tiankeps at ti'iding yesterday's sessions of lh. North Carolina Hankers' convention heard addresses by Senator Stanley, uf Keiduiky, and W. II. Booth, cue president of the Guaranty Trust. Company, of New York. Over oOO bankers have regisler.ii for the convention. Senator Stanley made a povv:f:ii speech. He dialiused the mind of any person who thought he was go ing to propse some government re cipe for prosperity. "It is not the province of govern ment to make mi'ti rich," he declared. "The quicker we get away from that idea, the futher from paternalism, from hothousing, and the closer we get back to individualism, the better," the Kentuekian said. He thinks that prosperity is to return and Congress can do much by restraining from in terfering' wifh the people, not by try ing to enact prosperity but by pre venting foolish legislation. What is Work? Why is One a Worker? Why Do Anything So Foolish? ( He Hie York, United May Press 1 2ti.-- What New vork? A id v, l i V il'i on w n'k : marriage wm k '.' Those arc a few the National Hoard A. is going to fin:) that. Thomas A. I'jli:-. flood of actlile'iil i;' ((ir he qtiestioli- the Y. W. C. tbollt. Now i:.s !ai !f! 'a Ions abroad in the land, tli i-iiil out n list ones. Pei.iiiiai tl of historian is ;oing u . ediy prai t i. al oi tin' veid -igrapiiy, will de, II be what's Want ooveininii resolul t he board rifeiit-!' plies. A :;diii!iHl bv studying of the -place and sigoii'i- aii. -of york in 'I'he Hfe of woman ar; then- .he i e's the particularly pra.-lida tiOLe - for the prouio't ion of I lie nov essary itir-'t ruction. 'I'he qucsti innaiii !n i.-ig compiled will ask for a -lefini Moll of work, and 'including, I hat di puled question ivoted above, anen. ..nan iage. Then it will ask why tin questioned person works. l-or nec essities? A desire for self-expre.-.-.-ion ? 'Among the other iuos;ions al ready framed are: What is the v.ilu. of work? Why is having to-work sometimes regarded as . undesirable V If you were married, would you work '.' V htt.t reward does a married woman icceive for caring for her home? Does a home-maker have to spend as much money as before she va married? From the replies to thes queries itnd many 'more the Y, V classes Will be planned to 'meet as beSt they can what seem to be the hief demands for vocational training. ADAM AM) KVE COLONY I5ROKKN IT. Berlin, May 20. The colony of ettve-dwellers of Berlin, which took the back-to-the-land doctrine so lit erally that scores of men, women. boys and girls dug caves for them selves in the banks of the Spree just out of Berlin and discarded all mod em wearing apparel, has been dis persed by the police. The colony's leader, Dr. Heinrich Goldberg, argued that 'the experiment was a simple solution of the housing and cost of living problems. Queen Mary's Birthday.' London, May 26. Queen Mary celebrated her 54th birthday today and in honor of the anniversary sa lutes were ired by the Royal-Artill ery in all naval and military cen tres. . At Portsmouth the salute was led by Nelson's famous old flagship, the Victory. Her majesty married King George, then Duke of York,, in 1893, having . previous!' been be trothed to his elder brother, the late Duke jjf Clarence, who died the pre vious year, tine was me naugrnier ot the late Duke of Teck'and Princess iiarict. of Cambridge. Harilinjif Determined to Ap point Him to Succeed White, Washington Hears. Nomination to Senate Within Ten Days, Under stood (By the Unit t W'asiiiiigluii, May li.'.rdmj': ha.- decided i;i:n Howard Tiifl to d Press) L'Ji.- President .o aOf.oint Will the biuh ol ii. ,' of Chief . as siicces. las White oil bi-j'hes It is hi go to tin days. lusti.-e of tile United or to the late Klw;ud Doug ', it was learned In re I da ! authority. i'lieveil the iionii'inlifiii may Seriate within a week or ie'n German Sergeant Sentenced to Ten nuans (By the United Press.) I.ipig. May 26. -Germany to day cuitvickii lr first ar crim inal. Sergeant llcinen was sen tenced to ten month:.' imprison i ient and ordered to pay part of the (rial routs when found guilty of maltreating 50 lirilish and Helj;ian prisoners of war. I n IIKKI. ItlFLEllEN ARK l.KST IN 2 ARMY AKKAS. Kalei.;'!i, May .!!(. With an on bi.iK- n string of -victories to its cred it i.,i-r the Reserve Officers Train d".:1 Corps units representing tin : ..-' r institutions ot the Soutn and West, tin- State College rifle team has finished a highly successful sea -en wun a notante record, and i: tli undisputed champion of the nd Ninth Corps areas com pris-i:;: I he states of Alabama, Ar -, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana sij.pi. North' Carolina, Soul! Vlis-i na. Tennessee, t'alifornia, Id it tUiitia, Nevada, Oregon, Wasl: , and Wyoming. In addition r ing thu championship matches i oe fourth and Ninth Corps the Tech riflemen also tunic cries in dual shoots over othe .'-'i!tll- ( are! namely, University of South ua, Auburn, and Georgia Tech Artists' Models at Annual Ball Easy to Look at and Recognize (Byilu' United Press) New link, May 2(1.-- It eei-taitih is interesting the other ni-'ht the annual art models' ball held liiiiimy Hall. It was intriguingh called "a true village carnival," but that Wjyjh'l the particularly interest ;i.g thing about it. Picking out the girl you bad seen pictured in your favorite brand of hosiery and talcum powder and pretty nearly everything else you buy that was the thine that, held you long after the hou. when you wen- expected safe within I he walls of your own apartment Tin y really do look like their pictures Probably especially so because a good many ol them came dressed as they are in lite uds within reason, of course. Ccj? Gives Up Job to Drive Pie Wagon; He is Out Just for Coin (By the Unted Press) New York, May 26. Gone are the days when prestige and flash of uni form held -the heart. "I don't like this game; there's no money ;in it," said Policeman Alvin M. Gehrke the other day as he walked up to Lieutenant Fleming, took off his shield and hand ed it to the lieutenant. "I quit." Pressed for a reason, Gehrke explain ed that he was going to drive a -pie wagon. It paid better. And none of the advantages urged on -the side of being a policeman with a badge and authority and everything corn-pared, in Gehrke's mind, with the pay and the joy from driving pies about the city streets. Trinity Commencement. Trinity College, Durham, May 2(i. 'Commencement exercises here will start June 5. Boy May Die. From '.'Knife' Wound; His i Assailant Jailed (By the United Press) " High Point, .May 2ti. Carl Hodgin, 1C, may die here as a result of a knife stab inflicted by Paul Fulton, 15. ' The assault followed an argu ment. , Fulton was locked up. His case is expected to go to the Juvenile Court. Had Several at While House Wednesday Kveninn, is Learned DISARMAMENT GETS BOOST lltii-aii's Proposal hv Unanimous Senate ('on f"ei Adopted Vote in enee He- lrai( Three Naval Pow ers is Brought Nearer (By th United Press) Washington M.i I'll. A tfi tip the nation's finan i.ii l.-a i-a - di. -I tlie revival of ,- ir.-ule -i 'lie entiie financial p, j. y of the erniiienl t.iw-n'd I ! at lioner given by Pi, -.;.! i llanl.i n the White House ui- a;, it learned today. pproval for liorah A aiendineiil. W ashnigton, May 'I'iie I. "i-armameiit reposal unaii::i ran u - if oval in the , iC!la . e cl re 'noon. The se Tin' lilahoan's in: Harding to call an ! . i : - - n . : : armament conferer;- e an i (iteat Itritain and dap.i i u pate with this country. The enee would prulrably hi' In ! .; u ,1 di: !;h lie part ici-c-mfer-Aniei'i 'd.'eit a illilaii'. .'. rs, Hie : evei a.- -! .i. a, and Would Have reduction of the beis;,-. progiams of tin- im-e inns'i aliibitious tin know ii. I'iie aim llilmer.l a ,,. . i rcdtict ion"' anmialiv t its I" Southerners Endorse Federal Decoraiion Day for War Heroes Atlanta. Ga., May I'orseinenl of the pro. May .'111 in honor of '. lb arty on cl to nl,,i,.'ai the men !. , and in oieui- fought in the wot id war ory of those who untdc th;- stii--enu sacrifice, has "jeeti given by L'-iivo men ami women of 1 p. esee. Sd-iith. lb-" latest of whom looxpri"- miqua! fieri approval is .Mrs. W. S. .Ici'tim;' of Jacksonville, Rl.i., first vi;-e pri' ' dent of the General I'ederiti.iii i Woman's (Mul)s, ii-i:. ('enionst ration woi I '.rgani'dtiou. M rs of I he most a. I iv among Wooien'.. m l-nile.l Slates. "Tile adoption -,: director of for that na Jennings i of Si. mil. .ttii..'i!ioo-' . i nci ' lie of May .'ill nor those wl M. avi Day t.i I tireir lives in lb g real world war ii-n. and the endor-e 'ii by .practically all - ..-. i'illy l'i; line," I ho A aierican I c ia men t of I his :,cl an ,,r gatii.a I ions, i i .aid Mrs. .Iciiiiiiii in a letter to ' of ihe Ainrri League, which ibutioo of me worn eeueralK Soul oern lii adoua r : an-l' i an -o I iiiidi . s in charge of ! lnoiial poppies to May :lll. Overman Opposes an Investigation Kacc Conditions, Slates Washington, May 2d. -No good in come from a national investigat ion ot race conditions. Senator Lee. Overman of North Carolina vitotdu'y toid a negro representing the Association for the Advancement -f Colored People. His support was solicited. Only hard ledum's could esult, Overman said. Closing at Catawba. Newton, N. C, May 2(1. Com mencement exercises are under wav it Catawba College. BULLETINS XMEIilCAN'S Al l. KLIMINATEI). Hoylake, May 2fi. America's hpe for the lirilish amateur golf championship died in ihe sixth round here this morning when Kred J. Wright, last United States survivor, was defeated by Bernard Darwin. KICKENBACKKU OFF AGAIN. Redwood City, Cab. May 26. Captain Eddie Kickenbacker took off the second time on his trans continental air flight shortly after 8:3(1 a. m. today. The famous -ace, who is en route to Washing ton, I). C, made his first start earlier but was forced to return on account of a fog. COTTON .Futures quotations Thursday were: Open. - Close. January 14.2.1 14.58 13.09 14.12 14.13 14.32 129 Li.t'.'J 14.04 March .., July Octi!er December Coal -Miners Warned That Smokinss Will He Impos sihlo d" I'rocurnt Shortly. 'Manufacturers' Stocks Are Depleted By indi-n, the United Pi ess) -ateiie-l i. May 'Jii. A th 1 1 1 i in- to-lay broil of the Hritish -tie f; ht clos er set t lernen ua! tr 1 ooacco lactones v;ln larue star' fai'toric if manufactured gmids ami with fair implies of find I lit)-- far have mail iged to or. crate. Within the la-it week, however, thei'r supplies have been depleted s.i that a-1 official warning was issued 'by the assoeia I ion of manufa 'turer.-' to day titat a cigar-die famine Would re u. t l'. -iiu con! '.Tins! u-i- of t in- : :' rikc. n rini HAi-iiri r? i iii j iiujaai aim Barracks Turned Over Public Health Peopk ( liy the United Press) w : Hi.'! ' 1 on, .May Jo. 1 1, ,,i.e v. i ' i n of the War I lepart 'iicrii ytlhing possible for disaMt i if tin- world war, Maj.-Gcn. he deci- to do eve veter ails H. L. quarter ma -4 or -general reported today that la completed the transfer Health Service of the at Kort Mcllcnry, .Mil , N. M., Whipple Ha: 'ox lliils, N. Y., Oteci. .if the army, has pract ically to ihe Public army hospitals Fori K.iyard. r.-i-'U: , Ariz., I- N. C. and ( a up Kearney, ('alif., wil'i all real estate, buildings and iaipi .. . e inents.' Qii'irti rmaster supplier amounting" la $l,lll2di;i(, have als.i been turned over. In addition, three army posts are now available for the use of the Public Health Service. These are Fort MacKenzie, Wyo., Kort Walla Walla, Wash., and Fort Lot-,'. Hoots, Ark., with all real estate, buildings, and eipiipinenl , and they will be capndilo of providing hospital facilities, in addition to the t-eaiy hos pitals, for patients of the Ili.ireau ,, War Risk Insurance or of I be Federal Board for Vocational Trebling. Km Walla Walla and have not been used for some time, and meiit at Foi l Logan ol del'e-1 e! ett hi"! e. Fort Ma Ki n;-.i di' v pos ,:i detA. s has boi Pool Contract Awarded for Expo. Building at Carolina City ( By ' lot I c, the United May :ld. Press) Tire I'nill r.'V Carolina.-. l'i lis been sign i-ectiun of the Inc., exhibit 1 d. It V iiist ruction company of thi; -rift the building and 1 hi alls for an epeinliline ol lire completed building i d'.iiiiiin be I III lied imp.inv iii.l- over to tin- o posit ii.,! later than - ti). list. Il This building will be lino by 2(i0, o.u .-.lory, containing lll.tititl s-piare fee! of floor space, and will be of liuiderit fiit proof const ruct ion, lo ick, I'lini-retc and steel. Additional space will be provided by. the ii-'ctioii of a fraoli ;lruclure-I..U by '2(10, and the build, ing eoniulil tee was instructed to llavi plans prepared for this building i.n mediately, so thai Ihe contract nuiy be let as early as possible. Punch to Road Signs cn Long Island; Tell Where Hospitals Are Hiy the U' -d " 1 New York, May 20. Tiie - ...ul com missioner or whoever it is ot Oyster Ray -knows something about tin psychology ot advertising, as well as if the prosaic matter ol making roads. Motorists on the north shine of Iong Island .moot with many kind of signs giving warning of steep hil1 or sbarp turns. This is especially true of the Shine road, Which traces the coast line of the sound. Put it. is a sign near Oyster Bay that really makes the speeding motorist think and hesitate. "Slow down," it says, "dangerous hill. Nearest, hospital nine miles away." To Entertain Veterans. Durham, May 2(i. -This city has asked for and is expected to get the annual convention of North Carolina Confederate Veterans. Confirmation David Blair Expected in Senate. Immediately (By the United Press) Washington, May 26. Confirma tion of David II. Blair of Winston Salem is expected in 'the Senate to day. Few senators will oppose the Tarheel, who has been fought in the upper house by Johnson of California, Troops Shoot Jnlo Rioters Dublin Cus lorhs House Ruins Searched for Bodies Believed More Than Ten Died Sinn Femer Named to Northern Parliament by Londonderry Voters, is Announced JUDGE SAYS DONT RAISE KIDS OUT OF HOOK; WON'T WORK What Does Kaehelor Law yer Know Aixmt It, Anv way? Inn in Court. HiiiiKo's Lecture Pleased Jurist, Audience ol One Tie.- .May i ii ni in:. 1 lernl of Sup. ri o Court ad.joU.m.! Thur.-day after clean ing up trie docket and disposing ot a cases for the lime iiciiitr. at least. Some time was tal.-n up Thursd.i morning witti tin- uisp.iMtion ol tor case against John Sill Ion, a yolin. negro e-i-uuted of healing his wife. . side bsue was the di.ipo.-it ion of tw child, ill; unite a little levity, ill w ill, lod,;c Bond led, was indulged ia. I'll Midge bad some tun al the expense o Attorney Guy Moore, v,ho appeaie for the Sutton negro. Moore is bachelor and the judge i;ues,ii.iieu nis .pialil teat tons tor sug gesting how t.i "rai.--e young'uns." The Judge was reminded of a visit bepai a siiji't time ago to his daughter i Norfolk, to see her first-horn, hi gi.inn. line, a a -1 lie loiliiu mat slie w.i: raising him "by a book,1 and on i vest igat ion he found out that, ihe bo was e.lited by an obi maid and 'an i bacnelor. His advice to nis dauclitci was she "ask her mail: my f suggestions; that she knew mo. about raising children, as she Ii, r.ii.-ed ,i ear load of 'em." I hiring Judge Ho. id's visit here lb week, be was nim li impressed with lei lure delivered to him as an ail-! erne of one, on the street. He loi about it in court : one of the lie: t I-, in some tinie. Il lu'er and Ibu.-.e 'Uncle" Mingo, Ml. Ill Who lieVi.lei nil said that if w:r t uses he bad Ilea: .le-.".hc, th,- Ii.- piesent ri-( oi'iiiz.-il v enerable col Iri-il l.i lime to so I work. In the eio.-wig hour Slmwarl ( 'h.'iiidiei lain d lor forcible lresia:s, ail-litional inontii for ol Ihe tern 'ew six in. nit ii Uoa King at i.-sault with : deadly beating try, "'i for two weapon, an 1 John Slit tun, bis wife, drew the luiky rayer for judi-nieii! c.-iit in f.'t year' upon payiiienl if Negroes Seiiteuced for Norlina Riot, One to Eight Years Watrcnloii, N". ('., .May 20. -.b-ronu lliinler, negro, will serve eight- years in State's prison, four other negroes six months and three others one year for participation it) a riot at, Norlina in January.. The sentences were im-po-.ed by Judge Cr.'iiilner in Suprrioi Court here, in the riot, which was started by an altercation over ten inls' worth of apples, four whites and three nee rocs were Wounded. number of other negroes bail Ihe charges against them mil (truss ed. Two negroes were lynched follow ing the riot. Whole Cabinet Done Over in Corps That Once Claimed Denby (By the United Press) Washington, May 20. Secretary of the Navy Edwin Denby was at one time a member of the United States Marine Corps. Now he is one of the foremost members of President Harding's cabinet, as every one knows. But does everyone know this: On the muster roll of the Marine Corps. today there are HO men bear ing the name of "Davis," 14 .hearing the name "Wallace," 11. whose sur name is ''Hughes," six "Hoovers," two by thb name of "Weeks," one "Fall," one "Daugherty," one "Hays" and olio "Mellon." f Not to mention a "Harding," whose home is in Washington, D. C. Attend Kotary. Convention. Asheville, May 26. itiramett Galer, international sergeant-at-arnis, and Charles lioness will leave here to morrow for Edinburgh to attend the world Kotary convention.' (By the United Press) Dublin. May jr.. With (be sinonlderiiiK, blackened ruins of Ihe customs house here under guard, soldiers and police twlay searched Ihe debris for additional ictinis. Tin- number of dead resultiiiK liom (lie most spectacular effort of the Sinn I-Viners sime th Ullli rebellion as placed definite ly al ten. It as believed, ben ever, thai .i miiiiher uf additional Sinn l eiiicrs hail their I'scapo cut iift bv the Black and Tall police and perished in Hie flames. Ihe Sinn I fillers seized and burned Ihe iir-doiiis boti .f veslerday. l-d'-o t. .May :!:. - iiargiug through .''tiii.' mobs all. I firing :is They ran, liit.'n soldo-is- today broke up n umber of riots growing out of the tc. en. elections. There was fierce ,'ighting in the streets of Belfa-st. Sinn Fe'mer Elected. ls.udon.le.rr,v, May 20.--At leant otie Sinn Feiner has been elected to tho Ulster Parlia.iient, according to first it torus announced here today on the . li.ctbm.-, Tiu'sliy. Professor JcAra ..e.iell, null ii-e member i d Sinn Fein lected here. eader, was Head Naval District ' of Norfolk Dies at Hampton Roads Base By the United Press) Washington, May 20.--Admiral A. Feihlider, commandant of the Fifth N.iv.,1 District, Hied at his quarters it Hampton early today. The a mi :! I had bi-en ill for some time. THE) DON'T DO THINGS UKE TMT IN NEW YORK. New York, May 20. Probably New York just doesn't know how to be "neighborly" in the old-time sense. One woman who recently moved in to an apartment house on Morning side Height: from a very small vil. hire, can't understand it. "I'll take half of this strawberry short-cakfe to the young couple across the hall," she told the cook. ' You'd better not, ma'am," the cook advised. "They don't do thinks like that in New York. the neighborly spirit was not to be downed. She rang the bell. A wiiite-"apped naid took the uUte with an amazed stare and disappeared -ne c;,nie oacK tietore the woman oi- 'Ileu t V, : i i i. t ner own uoor. ivirs. j. m ; all right and how much is it .I'd was it. to raise money for a harity?" Woman Who Stole. Own is Located in Georgia; Back to NX Asbeville, May 20. Mrs. "" Fletn Burke, sought two years for kidnap ping her own daughter at Black Mountain, has been located in (leor- gia and will be brought here for trial. The child, five years of age, was spirited away following Mrs. Burke's seperatioii from her hus band. The court bad given the child in custody ol a grandmother, v. Birthday Cake, Sure. New York, May 20. "Whtcha got in that package?" asked a cus toms inspector at the Hollaml-A i Line pier. "A birthday cake," the owner re- pli-.l. . Sure enough, it was. But hidden n every one of the 4o birthday can lies was a small bottle of cognac or rrench tirandv. The birthday celebration was rit- tber dull. Meeting of Ball Club. There will be a meeting of the di rectors of tihe Kinston Baseball Club at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at A o'clock Friday afternoon. All baseball ent husiasts ?are invited to b present. : . . . 2 STATE TROOPERS REPORTED VICTIMS (By the United Press) Williamson, May 2G.Polk:e head quarters awaited details today of re ports that two State troopers had been killed last niglit in a fight in the mine war zone. , ;',.,;. ..v.v-. ..' : " '...''. tn'L'1 vat 1 it J!!i-i :iiM 'i V.:.: ut v iill i:'?rhl i !,ii ti 1! i t