PAGE TWO THE KINSTON (N. C) FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY EVENING, I JULY 27, i92j THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. CALT BRAXTON. Editor and Manager Publiihld Erery Dy Except Sunday by the Kinstot Free Press Ca Inc. Kinston, N. C. Entered at the poatoffice at Kinston, North Carolina, as eona-ciass inaiver unucr k ui uuhk !..-., - w, ' BabrriptkR Hates Payable in Advance. Ob Week $ .10 Three Months 1 1.25 One Month $ .45 Sua Months $2.50 One Year $5.00 NEW YORK OFFICE-450 E. 42nd St., Mr. Ralph R Mollljran, to sole charge of Eastern Department. Files Tnt Fre Presa can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette BuildinK, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be aeen. , Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Prees, ef any Irregularity of delivery or inat tention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. tfabacriberi should keep up with their eiplratinnx by referring to date on label and send in renewa Ibefor time tipiree. This will Injure the receipt of every copy. Papers are discontinued when time paid for U up. WEDNESDAY .EVENINC Jl'LY 27, I'J21. Be Thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let Thy glory be above all the earth. I Win 57:11. Out in the breezy west in Missouri, tci b; inure pa cific the state of the late .Champ ( lark ami hi.s timm' dawg they are great on slogans. Acvirlin to Kl. Urittoti in the News and Observer the MisHoirrian: are Riven lomewhat to alliteration also the two mental diameter istics producing the following: "ILmliri, llyilc, Hi-li ami Hard Times." "PUT AND TAKE." Beware! Thing are not what they ..c m. There was a time when the barefooted boy with hi gaily n.lord.l top and string pre-umpte'l the sidewalk, highways an 1 byways. None had the hardihood ti guinsiay hi rifcht of way as he with okill would Bet the tup agiring and watch its dizzy pranks. But times have changed. And the innocent top, having parted company with the good stout .string, no lunm-i-pine or 'the boy's iimuaeineiit and pleased interest of the passerby.' row it eiruica covered over with sW.'injre legends: "All Put," "Take Two," "Put One." "Take Ail," "Put Two," "Take One," "Take All."- And thus it has become a most inuidious gaiulding device. Just a little top, spun by the thumb and forefinger-takn.s but a few seconds to deliver Its message, hut the import is deadly. The message appeals to the gambling instinct latent ap parently in welt-nigh the entirety of humanity. The little top escapade is simply baby gambling with all the scientific frills and skillful exhibitions left out. The custom is a most dangerous social prurlice that is under the guise of Innocent pastime ijuiijtly crowing up in miv midst, It i boyhood's response to the gannl'liiig mania. The practice seems to be nation-wide in xtent. In the great majority of pockets of thu youngsters of Kinston these "Put and Take" tops will probably be found: the tendency is to make gamblers of Kinston buys. Jhe tendency may run Its course and the completed pro duct tna issue or it may not. Depends on whut kind of influence intervenes., Hut if the gambler is not developed it will not bo the fault of the device employed. out into the road without looking to ten whi-'her anjbrly was cimiing up behind him. As a n- ui', . ibis n-tai.fen.-c. two women are in the hospital and a w.r and !'.v men painfully hurt, vh..e : wo automobiles ate well-nigbt ! plettly tvickc 'l. li'it the man who cau.-e I the mi-Hem not o:;ry e.vap -i a ! i ; -i u t a .'cratch, but e'liioly drove away without i.ft'.-r.iu I" help 'i vict.'ns, accor );n;t to the story 'if eye-v. il'H :- -. "That feoo.v uuv.t'. to lie in jail. Any driver who backs into ;h road wt'.houl I'tr.-t niukiiig un- :h it all is clear behind b-.u out'ht to lie restrained from drlvtns a car; hut a nrui !. will cause an aei ident like that an f ib:'ii run off witfe.ut offvrinff help is criniinai. More ri'-'ratn' is not cu ..ih. He needs punishment.' mi: iM sr i vu;. roiui. T!f --. v it !.'. . ;,.-.. h-a'l- us to iilieve that our IViv lb nry lord . . aft no--t and .- - er- in i.viiluai, pei bap - a i.tlle .ntrie or nii'i'tmeiiin-ft with i'lio. yn-ern-its. Like tno.-.' tee-ntrk' individuals ho i. ijrivei. le liiliM! h-!,: I'a' perhaps bec.-iii e of hi- pcniliur '.er- ilH We 'l:;i-t ;,!! c :l! till ; pi iV'le,". 'J'he fact tb-it I m lar;v" ' i.e !,a a hear: that beat ..'i yu.'-pathy w'.'.h mankind. Mr. Ford ti'i ! ai, .in: c t 'i.ti Jim - activity sh :i have for in-:r -u:r -, objet t the al-vi ,t:oti '' human suf fering ar.l 'h- el-vitwii of biiiii.i;iKni.. An-I m tuf hijtsf iloen bi- .ipt.-ar l ' ni oe i'"o,iy i.e. ..-nv I than in tne nriiiiii.:. ion .f i oti 'i.iiii. W ii 'U- " v.' a r drum was .ouimi:i:' t :-w . . -.ii a.M : :o U rvor was at its bi-ij-h' Mi. l-.-i i .-. ii , 'i; .. n'v.,.'h f' 'her vi.- i.iiiarh -. .- !' n : n i! a it aiiil en t a.' ross t o pi i si. w. ,- ui' ttln ii thi- tempi's t. !l'i;i.,r! Hie . i ,-e)i for ! tie aettl of l i- b id i" e;i ..:'; ;;' h L ! wi ii-nijjH ' i-n ! U: ::,fii : i-.o it j i; toil i i .-0'' w i ii' y it -be i.oe-miiiioii-. Tin do.; to b'-r il.atii; an-! I' . her into trie vwi'.r.' apo Mar - bad Lew tin his nraivh of death iai-1 de.- . 1 ; . am aiai it '.' , I - th.Ti too late to slay hi. exultant prnfii,- Hut imw id's 'tench has been con- plelcd; .and Lies d'.ir.c iiuman 1 1 y e- fr.ianing inriti'ath the well r 1 1 1 f fc intihi-i s.i' wcii'lil of anea'sii and m.-ery left ill the wal." of , i.aiiity v,:.- I.,r,l. The time i:- pr a;;. ici. fir a itm id w ide ii 1'oi'ni' on : and Uncle llei.'.-y ,. a 'a t! nil tin- j.,H. lie pruposes to ; ; ' t siiiiit'e!y bi'hiud I'.. ide:u tlaidi'i..''.; -I: armament i i gram (whali, by ; u; w.y may have been --wipe I fr!i Senator- !b,i,.,i,) t help t' mni.c i: i-festivia With ail the re-unices at I: . coinanaiid -looie.-y ,aia! "I-'oid-," il nice -' : ' i he ;iop--is t- K ip tic- ' 'c.-. t i . tit in idia.-.ip' Mar-' off the f.i. e ..' tne ,-:r'. :. To be .lire be sees soliu Jioeie-', and n,a', in- i hv a -r t,.,;itii' -. iiut the paint is the automobile. cc: iif.e I tu r i; ; e:li!' la do 1:! b-.,-t, to prevent the rs'Uri i;,.v of a,-! Iik the late la mented whu Ii 1'....- bit the whole iwo'id oi a s..:lly de ranged COlllii, iii.'l. Success to n in a. I i be like o,' him! AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS. We know not whether to lilame it on the weather on something else but automobile accidents as reported by the public press seem to be abnormally frciuent in oc currence. Monday's News and Observer carried eighty-two items of news. "Twenty-one of these items" according t.i the News and Observer, "told of injury or death, most of the twenty-one of fatalities canned by avoidable accidents, several of the most, horrible being fi'.m automobile cas ualties." Which fact leads that papi r to suggest thai every auromuUile driver adopt the following: "Caution; many curves. You might meet a fool." Such a caution would undoubtedly help; for sad to say a driver may lie prudent on his own part and at the. Mime time suffer from a "fool" whom he chances to meet. Then comes the Grebiiilvfti Daily News with a descrip tion of one of the aforesaid species aa follows: . "At Spencer. Saturday an automobile driver whose car had been parked on the side of the street, suddenly backed tii vr i; k;: .n st.vimm . The riiilfu.'ui... ;.:e not so nieek and mild, after all. l.ik. Iiwst ptii'ii'ol'tiariiti I iltdi idtials they are unwilling to turn loose a itoed laim- after they mice pet, ;i goo. I hold Secretary i!i ma a of tly North Cai ilin i Traffa- As .socintiiin find? now that this characteris-tic. so prevalent in mundane affairs has developed in the Washington rate conference!". Mr. II amnti and associates represent North Carol imi shdii'iefi. These (rent lemon ate sitting in with the railrtiniM in W.Y.'oitii'ton, tryinir to find out just what the Tar lleei .-!at" -et ..ii! of the recent Interstate Com merce ( 'ieiiii!is-i.Ki ile. i -'..-'i iibolishinr discriminatory rates to hit h -.!: ik Cuviina iia i -n lun: bettn subjevtOiL Tha railroads unpi ired ! tit;' North Carolinians as be ing perfectly willii..: to abidi. h ihscrituinnt ion, llu! al the same time these soulless ones -who manifest much wisdom in '". ways of the world, want to bo very careful to see whi-e they "eat off at." The out come of whiih cogitation. ;;ccor.!m l Mr. ljcaniau, is that the carriers have sti'm -.tie I a ibi lule of rates while show ing decrease ia me parttctiiars how.i au increase in e'heri-., niakin.'; pa the vvhele aii increase of freight, rates for the r.taU And not oulv !'i: but m fao pending rend justments they propose to pay,, ll.s, r re pe ls to their long-time ' bene fit iaries, tlt Vtr-ft". inn--, ucil ,ts the down -trodden Tar Ileils. For it 1- ttu .r avowed iuirpose: to the rates Viigim i into North Carolina and vice ver.sai Thus a delightful ;;;tAv i- a-hi'cwmj;- one that Uncle Sain will have to, ejve I'ai tin r al !tnl ion to tiefote the' final feast is Kiread. invis&jBawnrirasRsit . . Special for Friday an Saturday Black Cat Brand Silk Hose ."' M OC Besf quality. Pair j)A. J ' m a. a a Best grade Lisle tine fashion OA fi ii ir ArfJ fi nose, oc. quality, pair . . . u .. -i-.t, r i . j: ci ... i . . ii . vur huvk vi muivi jiiwj nc nvw anu arc price.! low. Give ut call. We will aavc you money. Yours to please. Mark Cummings Co MOR-;l5 I F 12 Send Now for This : 1 i IT'S MOT?-T.TT?F. CULTURE ?'l rfn t,.ni'7 tinnirt pt tumwiw i w - FREE With a Treatment " Growers .. ,49 Special Cleaner ----- .49 Spei;ial Shampoo 49 6 pedal Liquids .49 JVstaso .11 To! at Treatment! ?2.10 THE ECST li WOSLD TO WOMENWHO,PLAN For Hah- CULTURE COURSES Mame anj Address t Bx. 765, B'liam Ala. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS ' C. OETTINGER ' Successor to , Kinston Insurance and Realty Co. Telephone No. 182. 110 E. Gordon St. imiiiiiiiiiiliiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiumtiiii ml COGUE SOUND j WATERMELONS AT - . ! OLYMPIA CANDY KITCHEN DR. F . FITTS OSTEOPATH OFFICK noCRS 9-12. 2-5. 7-8. Of tire, SO. THONES Ees. 405 kja GENUINE "BUIT DURHAM tobacco makes 50 oojd cigarettes for " 10c RHEUM ATI Sf,l SHOULD ft TREATED THRU THE BLOOD Medical authorities now agree that rheumatism, with its aches and pains, is caused by germs that pour poison into your blood stream. Rubbini? will not give per manent relief. Thousands of rheu matic sufferers have stopped their agony with S. S. S. For Special Bnoklei or for nrfi. v idual adv ico, w it hAut char o, write Chiel Medical Aijvinor, S S.S. Co., Uep t 441. Atlanta, Ga. Cot S. S. S. at your druggist. Standard For Over Fifty Yean NOTICE' OF SALE OF $700,000.00 LENOIR COUNTY, NORTH CAR OLINA, ROAD IMPROVEMENT BONDS. Sealed bids will be reecived by the Board of County Commissioners of Lenoir County at the Courthouse, Kinston, North Carolina, until Thurs day, August 18th, 1921, at 11 o'clock A. M., when they will be publicly opened for the purchase at not less than par and accrued interest of $700,000.00 face amount of Road Im provement Humis for Lenoir County, consisting of 700 bonds of the denom ination of .$1,000.00 each to be dated June 1, 1919, to mature as follows: $110,000.00 on June 1st in each of the years 1945 to 1949, inclusive and to bear interest at the rate of six per cent. (G per cent) per annum, payable semi-annually, on June 1st and De cember 1st. Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of the United States at the office of the National Bank of Commerce in New York City and interest on retristercd bonds will, at the request of the re iatered holder, be paid in New York exchange. The bonds will be coupon bonds, registerable as to principal, or both principal and interest. Interest coupons on said bonds maturing on or before June 1st, 1921, will be de tached before delivery. I Bids may be addressed to the un dersigned County Treasurer for said bonds, and must be accompanied by ' a certified check drawn to the order (of the County of Lenoir, or cash, for or in an amount equal to two per cent. (2 per cent.) of the face amount of bonds bid for, to secure the county against any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his bid. Purchasers must pay accrued interest from the date of the interest coupon last maturing before delivery which June 1st, 1921. Delivery will be made in Kinston or New York City, at the option of the purchaser, within one week after the bonds are awarded. The successful bidder will be fur nished with the opinion of Mess Reed, Dougherty & Hoyt, of New York City, that the bonds are valid obligations of Lenoir County. The bonds will be printed under the su pervision of the United States Mort gage & Trust Company, of New York City, which will certify as to the gen uineness of the signatures and seal on the bonds. The bonds arc to be is sued under a special Act which au thorized an unlimited tax to pay them. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of County Commissioners of Lenoir County. Dated July 15th, 1921. JOHN H. DAWSON, County Treasurer of Lenoir County, Kinston, N. C. DR. C. F. WEST Diseases ui Children Internal Medicine. Hours: 9 to 11 a. m.; 2 to & p. m, 8 to 9 p. m. 'Phones: Office 7C6; Residence, 868. INDIGESTION Bos; Public Official Says Thei ford's Black-Draught Helps Him Keep Physically Fit Clay City, Ky. "I hare been in business here for twenty-one years; am b4so coroner, riding the Kentucky hills and hollows in all kinds of weather and under all kinds of con ditions," says Mr. Sam T. Carr, of this place. "To be able to do so, I must keep ' physically fit, and Thedford's Wack-Draught is my etand-by. "These trips used to give me head aches, and that, I found, came from hurried meals or from constipation. "I was convinced that Black-Draught was good, so now I use it, and It gives perfect satisfaction. It acts on the liver, relieves Indigestion, and certain ly Is splendid. I am never without it." When you have a feeling of discom fort after meals, causing a bloating sensation, headache, bad breath, and similar common symptoms, try taking a pinch of Black-Draught after meals a pinch of the dry powder, washed down with a swallow of water. Thle has been found to assist the stomach and liver to carry on their normal work, and helps prevent, or relieve, constipation. Your druggist can supply you with this well-known, purely-vegetable llvet medicine. Insist upon Thedford's, the original and only genuine Black Draught liver medicine. NC-137a Regular Prayer Services y , at the FIRST BAPTIST TONIGHT ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Ltf McB. White, Pastor YOU WILL BE WELCOME Insurance in All Its Branches ( Bl BtaU BoogM and 8oll W. D. LaROQUE Insurance and Real Estate. Offices 212-214 Ilanter Bid. TELEPHONE D. E. WOOD & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 307 N. Queen Street. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Night Phone 179 and 314-J Day Phone 46. VANCE P. PEERY, M. K Office With Dr. Woodley. , FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Office Phone 45 Residence 123 L . . y-i it l- :i - -l m Trie Missouri State late insurance uo., inrouKn us agent J.-imes F. Parrott, has just paid Mrs. Georgia E. Sugg, t wife of Picrt I). Sugg, the sum ot $13,&uu JUie insurance JAS. F. PARROTT ALL KINDS OF Phone No. 12. INSURANCE. 500 Pollock St. iHt 1 We have leased the store formerly occupied hy the Corley Co., next to 5 and 10 cent. Store on North Queen Street OPEN FOR BUSINESS TOMORROW Thursday, July 28. Where we will he better prepared to serve you with more complete line of merchandise and assur ing you our low prices will continue as here4ofore North Queen Street We Sell It For Less" Kinston, N. C.