.": i ; "LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE' -Da nicl Webster. NEW-BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1871. VoL V, No. 155. Single copies 3 cents. ileawBrrne. sRtftnuut nn OEO. W. N AS ON, Mr., I Advertisement will be inserted tipn rt-ason-: able terms. ( i Liberal contracts will be made with permanent j- I advertisers. ; POETR Y. M IIKRE 19 THE PLACE FOR TUP POOR! i Where, in oaf churches, ia the pUoe for tin- poor ? I ask Aijquestion with- shame and sor- ;i rotr. Where ia he place tor .the poor?' Admit ij'-tliat here and there a poor person has a seat; jj'n&ere is it ? L fce invited to sit .with us ' in n 'ii good place," or 4o we say to him, ".Stand thou is there, or sit thon here tinder my footstool ?"' - $ Bishop fee?.- . - - i't tflll brihj? your sanctuaries into desolation." h Leviticus 26: 31. I I trod the hallowed ground that bore J ' A Christian (emple tall and proud, if; When at each ide and lofty door - i Went streaming in a gorgeous crowd. j; A welcome day! bid all rejoice, y A fair and ancient festival, I And the glad organ's mighty voice Shook the Htfong roof and Gothic wall, Full in any a token marked the fold, Where rich and high believers mert -The sacred volume clasped in gold, The costly robe, and drowsy seat; Priest, paople, altar, chancel, choir, Arch, column, window, porch and gnte That ample fane, from vault to spire, Looked solenlu all aud calmly great. But mark ! An bid and weary man- A stranger clad "in raiment vile," With faltering $tepa and features wan, Went tottering up the fair broad aisU They cast him oiut 0 faithless race ! On a rude bench unseen remote, Found guilty, ifi that hour and place. Of a lean purse and threadbare rcix.it ! v i ' Oh for a prophet's tongue or pen To warm the &reat in wealth and birth, Who build their God a house, and-then Plant there the meanest pomps-of earth To brand that church which spurns the poor From every Train and'venal pew, Where clothed in purple" herd secure, To kneel or $leep, the lordly few ! Cftristian Year. ICA-TY-DID. JUty did what did ICaty do? She kissed mo a kisa that thrilled toe through . Out ia the light 1 Of the stars at night The stars, that winked aud blinked at the sight; i Among the flowers '.f Of the Summer hours. And the perfumed air of the leafy Jbowers, Katydid Aud then she hid Her eyes 'neath the veil oi its fringed lid, 1 She did, she did, Katy did. ' I ... i . ; Katy did and what did she do ? She vowed me a tow and she kept if, too; I . She said! for life I She would be my wife, That never between uh should cotae any strife; . ?That for weal or woe ! To the priest she would go, And on me her love and faith would bestow Katy did ii- And then she hid - Her eye 'neath the veil of its 'riog4 Ud, ; She did, she did, ' Katydid. Katy did what more did she do ? She brought a bird to my wf.ndm''og.viiW- 4 A lovely girl, ; With a golden x?uil " And a heart as pure as the purest re&rl; And the littli minx, ''. With her winks and kinks, Xa the merriest maid in the world methink, Katy did. Her eye'hah hid. Peeped forth from the veil ol it ; -fringed .lid, She did, she did. ; Katy did. Katy did what more could she do ? She gave me -(you'll Iftugb, but I tell y03 ; true) ' A bouncing boy I To be my joy, Tq bother my pate and my heart employ; . ,' And the little rogue ; Ih much in vogue " " About our house with his lispiug brogue, s I couldn't forbid Wbat Katy did A her eye peeped forth thro" the. fringe ita I hd- -; . I What Katy did I couldn't forbid. ; Katy did well, what more did BKe do ? Why, whenever my spirits became very blue She laughed in gleo . j . My sorrow to see, ; Arid she kissed tvway my misery. Ah, tho merry dame, ... It yonld be a' great shame If -in word or thought I could Katy blame, Katy did, Katy did, - ' Her eye, half hid iVpe.pinaj now thro-the fringe of its lid, Katy did, Kitty did? :;' 8weet KatyMid. O. ti. BOBBINS. (lte Robblns & Pugh,) Practical Boot & Shoe -kker, Np.' 43 Graven St. ur9 j fi Doors PuiBijBcrry1 Drug; Store. Employs no e bat first class workmen, uses the best quality of stock and gives his personal attention to busi ness. Particular attention given to persons who have suffered from wearing boots not properly ? fitted to their . tet. Hive me a trial; i '. J Satisfaction Guaranteed. Repairing neatly done kt the shortest possible notice. D-EiTXMBEB THE PLACE. C. R. ROBBINS, No.' 43 Oraven St., New-Berne. N . C. P. TFENWIThf, Blacksmith Ind Horse-Shoer, Respectfully informs 'the public that ha has opened a )shop on Middle Street. New-Berne, N. C, next door to ( Odd Fellows Hall, wher he is prepared to do all work in his line, in the best mariner at reasonable price. el3tf . F i '-; ... Tohn Prime, Gun maker. Lock and White smith, res mm pectfoUy informs the citizens of Craven, Beaufort. Hyde and the adjoining Counties, that lie has resumed . work, and solicits a. continuation of the custom hitherto so liberally bestowed upon him. Flint, Lock, Guns, changed to percussion in the best manner, also rifles . bored in a superior style for which he has peculiar facilities. He can I be found, by applying to James Manwell at the machine shop on Craven Stret, or to P. Trenwitn. ? nnn i mnnmr Ziii rimn i t Discovery KJ !0iM8 Dr. Fair's Componnd Extract. ron thk rcr.F. or Scrofula, Sliilis, Lier Oumplaint, Constipation, Chronic Rheumatism, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, and all Blood Impurities. We offir to Ui.3 American public a new &n4 valuible remedy for the above-mentioned diseases. Fowkr's Componnd Extract ia coir.r osed of the best medicint-ij j Ldowq to Malerii) XeJLca. It is perfectly .pure in all its j ingrr-dienta, b-ing composed of several wc-H-known arti cles universally used by the best Physicians; each of which, in combination, BiipplieH wliat -spiionc Lan shown to be wanting when singly employed; but the rf-srdt of patient investigation, rvjuiring tiiae, labor and ' klll, bo u to give the public a genuine article, which i they can reply upon, and in place of the worthless and : dangerons Patent Medicines floxling the country ; and : therefore ciiabics ub to warrant Fowler 'k Cora pound Ev- ; tract to be Uie most perfect cuintiVe fr 1 1 m-i. of tM. blood ev-r discovered. SCROFULA. Tiiifl ', - inipoT'.iid is a never-failing cure iM- t h t- n-;b:.-disease. Flow many diseases hve lhr ir eat in the M i diea.es which Iiavo b.-fn treated! vainly t'v y a m. . If the blood alone ia purified, in ni 4t en i.'.-s 'ic.i'.fh a:id happinem will poon return. Dr. I'ov.leil- ..ini.ii;d a. t-i esieci&lly upon ihe viru-i an the bloi, causing In tu: the dishpparanco of th hideous sores, a i.l rest-jr- iuq the iikin to a healthful aeantrire, the eye cteai- anu : fiarklin,-arnl tuft whalo human oujaiuzat H; ijCioine; , ht-aithv. S SCROFULA. .Of all disca' which flesh id heir to. none, so much misery, moral and physical, as Syphilis. To all k afflicted, wo can truly say thi-i remody will help you. i Two articles found, by experience, to be peculiarly f flica cioua for this diaeasoSrc contained in thla c"nmcunJ. ! Weaikyou to try Dr. Foivler's Compound Extract, and. j by giving it a fair trial, it will cure you. j Wo Rpoak with mnah confidence of Dr. Fowler'n Cora- pound, because we know what St ia composed of, and what it will do. Wo know Dr. Fowlor well, who in a physician of known repute, standing second to none in the country, of long experience, an honorable man, who having a reputation for character as weil aa oursives, would never allow a medicine to go before the public, without m rit. And wo say of this Compound, if taken according to directions, after a fair trial, it wid do all wo claim for it. , We offer it aa a new discovery, which it certainly ia a genuine article for Scrofula, Syphilis, and all Wood im purities; and knowing the genuineness of it, 83 such we send it forth saying, "Go, Heal the Suffering!" PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE For bv mWll BEOS,, Sols Prspriatan, 143 Liberty Street, SEW-YORK CITY. Special Agent for Eastern North Carolina, Dr. JOHXL. WAT KINS, Dwtggist and Apothecary, Corne.r of Pollok & Craven Streets, New-Berne X. C. The WIDOWS' & ORPHANS' BENEFIT 1 J lie 0, NEW YORK. Its Directory has had an experience of ".litY- seven vearsj Wm.H. Finch&Co. General Agents, RALEIGH, N. C. Tra reUiny llfjeni. s p;i-tf BATEMAN HOUSE. (1 iruic'ly ILirvt-y Buildings,) SOI'TII KROT ST.. XEVV-BER.VE, -V. t The Billiard room, Bar aud Reading rooms house are not surpassed in the ytate. The 'popular favorite,'' E- O. McAlpine, ia rcadv to serve cirstorneri. 3f this j always ! YOU NO & BROTHER, Wholesale and Detail Dealers in PROVISIONS, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, ! Crockery, Glass-Ware, &c, &c. j Country Produce Bought and Sold. j stores, Foot of .MltMle Street, ew-Benir, I Jones' May, Beaufort County ; klltf Xebrnska, Hyrte County, N. C. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! ifAVID SFJUlUvfciT I! Ii Rrturus his sincere thanks to tbo public. If 1 for th"ir very generous patronage during the past and hereby announces hi mte n tion to continue at all times to keej) on haud a fresh supply of the most choice Ovsters to be had in this market, at hi Oyster House, market wharf, New-Berne. N. C kll If it Oysters served in every style at nhort nottc HENRY L. HALL. BOOKSELLER, STATIONER Newsdealer. No. 10 POLLOK St.; SEW-BERSE, X. C. OF FEB 9 FOB SALE AT IDS LOWEST CASH raiCE4, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, FOOLS CAP, LEGAL CAP, LETTER, NOTE BILL "PAPER, LADIES WORK BOXES A VP WRITING DESKS, STEEL PENS, PEN HOLDERS, LEAD PENCILS,' VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, MAGAZINES ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, &c, Ac. kll.tf To introduce them twen ty new articles, useful to everybody, will be sent Free to any part of the 10 (United States for only 10) Ten Cents. Address ilacufacturer, Box 449 New -Berne, N. C. nsurance I i NEW A DTI! im.SEMENTS. WATCH FI1EE to Agent to introduce articles that sil in every bona.?. Latia & Co. Pittsburgh. Fa- 4w 8 O'CLOCK. 4w $325 A IdOSTU Horse and n'hed i ezpenaa paid: II B. SKA.W, Alfred. Me. carriage fur Bsmplea free. 4w KIFLKS, SHOT-Gl.NS, KKVOLVEIIS Oan materials of every Lind. Write for Price List, to Ortat Western Oan Works, Pittsburgh. Pa. Army guna and Revolvers bought or tradi-d for. Agentu wanted. 4 w Cil -r ) XiT month UArmnteel 1 f J i,J fVrsnre to Agents every where Stdlinjj our new ven strand White I'latina ClotKt Lin,-s. Slls readilv at everv hoaae. Sample free. Ad dress the UIUARD Wlltr. MILLS, Philadelphia. Pa. 4w FIRE Mat Cam. Belts. Shirts, Badges, Trumpets, c.. for Service and Parade. At the old Manufactory. 143Urand Street. N. V. CAIICXS Ad Br.O.. late II. T. Grattcap. Send for circular. 4w FliEE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will send a hand.-em o Proppectna of our Acw IUut tratfd Family Bible, containing over !400 fine Scripture Illustrations to any Bocdt Agent, free of .charge. Address National PcEUSHrso Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, Ga., or St. Louis, Mo. j 20,000 FARMERS. THE HELPER shows you how to save and how to make money on the farui. Where to look lor the profits, and hnw to obtain thenl How to clear S6OO.0O from Oct. to Ma v. A copv vuf.K to everv farmer sending name and P. O. address to ZJKGLF.K i MeCL'RDY, l'hiladel phi.i. Pa. j 4w THEA-NECTAR IS A PIKE liLACK TEA. with the Grrt-n Tea Flavor. Warrant ed ito suit all tastes. For saU every whtct in ovr '-trade-mark." pund and half pound poc!c. tges osly. And for ale wholesale only bv the Oifat Atlantic k Pacific Tea Co., H Church St. N Y. P. O. Box 550fi. Se-iid for TheaXcctar Circular. 4w FREE TO AGENTS. A "bound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE. Containing over 300 Illustrations. With a Com prehensive Cyclopedia explanatory of tho Scriptures. In English and Gebsjax. 4w WM. FLINT & CO.. Philadelphia, Ta. COM POSITION R STONE, For House fronts, Docks, Piers, Culverts, Walls, Foun tains, and all building purposes; harder, more durable and ont hundred per cent, cheaper that natural Ptone. FOR STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS to manufacture, apply to Cnxs. W. Dabltno, Secretai y N. Y. FREAR STONE CO., 1,23J Broadway, N. Y. 4w CHIGAGO I (jREAT (joFLAGATIOH A concise history of the PjlST of thia most wonderful of cities, and a detailed, circumstantial and vivid account of its destruction by fire; with scenes, incidents, &c. By Messrs. Colbo t & Ckamberlin, City Editors of Chica go Tribune. Fully illustrated from Photographs taken, on thb spot. AoKjrra Wxstbu. Address C. P. VENT j Cincinnati or New-York; 4w NAUTILUS, OR. Ortiising linder Canyass By Capt. John N. Matlltt, of the late Confederate Navy. The most thrilling, popular and humorous Book in the market. Send ?2.(K) for sample canvassing book and cir. culais to UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome Street, New-York, 410 Market Street, St. Louis or 177 West 4th Street, Cincinnati. 4w WELLS CARBOLIC TABLETS, For Coughs, Colds ot Hoarseness. These TalUls present the Acid in Combination with other efficient remedies; in a popular form, for the Cure of all THROAT aud LUNG Diseases. HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are immediately re lieved and sUtenient3 are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of Throat difficulties of years gtanding. j T ITTHM Dont be deceived by worthless lni VyU 1 lJl itat-ians. Get onlv Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 ,Cts. per Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 13 Piatt St.. N. Y., Swle Agent for the U. S. Seud for Circular. 4w REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. GREAT SAVIN G TO CONSUMERS BY GETTING VP CLUBS. &iT Sond for our new Price List and a Club form will accompany it coutaining full directions making a large iavintf to consumers anjd remunerative to club organizers. THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 31 i 33 VESEY STREET, P O. Boxf.C43. ! NEW YORK. 4w JU R U BE B A. It is NOT A THYMIC It if NOT what js popularly called a BITTERS, nor ia it intended as such ; IT IS A SOUTH AMERICAN plaut that has been Used for many vears bv the medical facultv cf those couutries with wonderful efficacv, a n POWERTTL ALTERATIVE and UN EQUALED PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD and is a Sure and Perfect Remedy for all Diseases of the LTYFR AND SPLEEN, ENLARGEMENT OR OD MRUCTION OF INTESTINES. URINARY, UTE RINE, OR ABDOMINAL ORGANS, POVERTY OR A WANT OF BLOOD. INTERMITTENT OR REMITTENT FEVERS. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER, DROPSY, SLUGGISH CIR CULATION OF THE BLOOD, ABS CESSES, TUMORS. JAUNDICE, SCRO TI LA, DYSPEPSIA, AGUE & FEVER OR THEIR CONCOMITANTS. DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA id offered to the public as a great lnvigorator and remedy for all impuritie. of the blood, or for organic wtakne with their attendant ; evils. For the foregoing com plaints j- JURUBEBA is confidently reeomnJended to every family ss a house hold remedy, and should be freely taken in all derange ments of the system, lit gives health, vigor and tone to all the vital forces, and animates and fortifies all weak andlvmphatic temperaments. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1 Piatt Street, New York, : Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. 4w A. A. JOHNSON. W. ABRAHAMS A. A. JOHNSON & CO., No. S8 SHEAR'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, Md., ArAXTTFACTTTRERS OF I FLOUR,. AVo wRiTant1 our brands of Flour to cllly run re ular. NASON, TINKER & NELSON REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Land and Dwellings for sale tn city and country. Laud wasted in Parcels from one acre to twenty-five thounand, for present customers. Parties having land for sale, and persons wishing to buy are invited to communicate with as. Office cor. Middle & South Front Street New-Berne H. C. Geo. W. Nasox Jk.. Gxo. E. Tbteeb. C. A. Nelson. ' "vlt hai the delicate and refretln; (jQ yr--fr-ranee of geunl Farka QS tZl-C'olBe Water, and 1 it man. 8old ty Irofr1t . i ! JK aU rn la Pi;KFCMEEV?. i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CUN DURA NGO BLISS. ICKEVE t CON Fluid Extract, I The wonderful remedy for Catic-r, Syphilis, Sfm i Tmli, Utrn, Pulinonnr)- Complaint. Salt ! Rlieara. and all Cli route Ulool l)Ufst, i. pre- ' pared from the Cienuinr t'andurano Dark, 1 Irom Loja, Ecua.lor, ecnre-i by the essiuiuce cf the aathoritles cf that country. It i th most rlcfive : pron ad trrtain alteratire aid blood purifier known. Sold by all Drug-st. m pint txittiea, having cn they j ouriiame, trade mark au-J direct on. Send lor a'cireu- j lar. Offlce and Lalxritory, No. CO Cedar St.. N. V. I " DESTRUCTIONS A fun and ccn:pkto history cf Chic- h'-r past. yrc--ent and fatare. With graphic enep. incdeuta r.nd rull tie. tails of the disaster, by Geo. 1. L'pt uand J. V. sh.'-r.liiu. I editors of the Chicago Tricnn Wuh ov:r lOO paes ! and SO iIlutratlou-i. U i n-.v ready fcd-hv. ry. AGENTS WANTED, Send il.00 Kr gm'JLi choi.- 'i territory. au 1 LUjou PubiiBhin C o Chicago, Rl., or I'hiia , T's. JST. MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEI&If. N. . Right Rev. Tho.. Xtklnn, l. D.. Vis.t Rev. Albert SMT.r, 1). D., Re.-tr. Ret. liEN:KTT S.niIr-. A. M.. Aniil t. The Sixtieth term f.f this S. Lo, l trill ,.-::., Sixteenth of January, IsTJ, and i;..uiiih Seventh of June. The charge, per term, lor board a:. d h;i ii is One Hundred and Twenty Lnliars. For a circular apply to the Rector. l.e.til the i tuition. PLANTERS, FARMER3 AND UAEDSEES foi: The American Farmer, Now combined with Tlie llmal Ite;I"ter, nd pviblithed ruoutlily &r No. y N rtn Mi'-ot, lU't.moi t: Md., by SaMCKl a: son. It is f.c .. A'jri.-n!iufal Journal in Amrria. nd wa- i-'niiti:ciod . r 'jo yi-.rs by our Senior! New eri-'! beins January t. 1 . i. 1.,VJ a year in adancc; copiK, il; 11 : ' r .-r K. Svi::i prospectus. Premium! Iistn, Ac. 3 mmmmmmm 7 OVER 0E IIU.VDIIED PAGE", Piiutd in Two Cohu, on superb Titi:d r.vn n. Four Httiitlrrcl Eiiivii oi" F1om', Plant and Vegetables, with Descriptions, aul TWO COLORED PLATES. Directions and plans for making Walks, Lawns, Oar dens,: Ac. Tho handrfcincwt find beht FLOIUL QUIDE in the Woi-ld.. Alitor Ten Cents, t Uioi.) who think of buying Seeds. Nut a quarter the c t 200.000 sold of 1 7L Addre.-v, JAMES VICK, Rochester, IS. Y. MORTON HOUSE, a Now Southern Novel, by the author of "Valerie Aylmer." 8vo. paper, four illustrations. Price 1; cloth 1.50. It is a story of the South, thirty years ago, and the scene is laid entirely in that region. The young authoress, who ia a lady of North Carolina, has in her second effort improved upon the first. Sent free by mail to any address, on the receipt of tho price. ' p. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, New-Yerk. WHIP AWAKE: & Past AsW' a ii iib a n 1 1 a pmr of superb French Oil Cbromos subjects LIFE SIZE, exquisite fac timilei of original Oil Paintings, CI FLV A WA t to every subscriber to HENRY WARD DEECHER'S GREAT LITERARY, RELIGIOUS, WEEKLY NEW8PA PER. Agents having great success. One took 1,000 names in 3 mouths; another 672 in 35 days; another 118 in one weekj one 47 in one day and many others equally well, making frpm $5 and $10 to 40 per day. Takes ! on sight! An old Ageht who knowt, says: "I think i it the best bvsirua for canvassers ever of (red. Sorry I did not engage sooner." Pays better than any book I agency. A rare ctonce to make money. j LOCAL. AGENTS WANTED. Intelligent men and women wanted everywhere. If you wish good territory, send early for circular and terms ! J. B. FORD & CO;. 27 Park Place, New-York: 11 Brom fleld St., Boston, Mass., 285 West Madison St., Chicago, HI. 50th YEAH. NEW-YORK OBSERVER . " $3 per Annum, including Year Book S I P N E Y E. MORSE, JR. k c o 37 Park Row, New-York. SAMPLE COPIES FREE UNIVERSALIS. Send for free sample copy of the CHRISTIAN LEADER, a firbt-ciass weekly journal, published by the New-York State Convention of Uuiveraalisls, and containing the Sermons of IJr. 1- . IX. CHAPI.V. Terms $2.50 per yean Address, Publisher C H RIS TIAi LBAQER, lS'i Broad t a y, Ntw-York City. WUUJJ tree during the coming year to every sub scriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo Blade, Pomcr-iv's Democrat, etc., which Is am evidence of its worth aud pcpul. Horace Greelev, James Partnn. Tb odore Tmon, .r3lv. Guil luf eeiy uuuiber Lu iuoL.iii". it f'lieir tnrc period:---! i f th..- price ot'one"o!' tJiem. iibtial tc-naa. It i; A variety ol prcniiums ori (.. ual'y an original, r.ft-.' hi.-u n,a. ..zu . Volume X begins w uh free.. A'ddreiis, Ian. "" H. S. Tin SpcilliiU copies WOuT),3"c"vbu rhT PETERS' MUSICAL MONTHLY Tha Dec. No., price pieces Yo-al and In llu-iic, wt.rth 4 in lias l'.i I'icliO 'I C t ful 1:1. We will mail two back Ncs tor COC, f.jur for l:''., or Ja'j. to D..-C. T1, f T ; "j.'j't, (reguh'.r pri--. J'J.) Bonnd copies lor IbTi, gilt sides andedgfl, fr. The Music is by Hays, Thomas, Kinktl, Gounod", etc; Address J. L. PETERS'. .'. Y. P. O. Box A I J -?u OI V- Oil, 4c. Acknowl "Jitehair. jps. BTSITS'I ft Ci., I;6-;un. Mas -Sold by all Umgists. iiiii'itrc c imitation f. $425 A MO.VTH 1 Hor lud. H. B. SnAV, ie fumistwd. Afr-.d, Yic. OENT Wanted. Atiuts make mure money at work for us than at aijvthitii? tlo. Businer,". Ught and pertnau'siit. Particularti free. G. Co., c Art JibUihe) ti Port. auJ, Maine. 4 VOID (il AGKS.-A victim of early is disuse-' XJL on. causing nervous deoii.iy, prematoie decev. etc.. Laving tried m vain every sdve tised n-modv, La discovered a eimple mean's of neli-cuie, whichhewi'l end to hia fellow-suffcrrra. Address J. H. REEVES. ,4 Nassau St., JS'ew York. . ' thirty years' experience IS TEC TBEAT12fc.T OS Chronic and Sexual Diseases. A PHYSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE, The cheapest book ever published containing nearly three hundred pages, and oue hundred and thirty fine plates and engravings of the anatomy of the human or gans in a state of health and disease, with a treatise ou earlv errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, with the author's plan of treatment the only rational and successful mode of cure, as ahowabva rt port of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married aud those contemplating marriage, who entertain doubts , of their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address on receipt cf twenty-five cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing. Db. La CK01X. No. 31 . Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be con sulted, epos any of the diseases upon which his book treats, either personally or by map, and medcises sent to Any part of the world. EO. W. NASON. Jr.. N?s Notary Public & Justice of the Peace. 22 & 24 Craven Street, New-Eerre, N. C. CHICAGO j iiaiiiiito , etc., vvnu SHI R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF n RF.STHK AVOUST PAI.Y In from One to Twenty Minutes. ; NOT ONE HOUR atTcr iis:r.p this ftdvt rtii-n:cct need anv c-c srF FT.n v.-rrii paix. p.rvrAT ? r. f: a hy. relief is v cir.Er. r every tain. It ni tl - n-t isr.d is Till! OXI.V PAI REMEDY thit instantly ot pa lb" iLanuatjos, a::d in: Lnng. Stotrich. C--w-. rr. fx era ia ting pains, aUy i t vait.gr.s. whotlier cf the . t c tl.cr K.nds or crgana. by vrn. up-T ucHtf n. "in :: ,: unf to tv.t:;tt vinttes. no matter hew violent or cx-roclfit'CR th pa.a KHLUMATIc Ee-d-r.Jd. n. Iitrr.:, Cr.pplod. Ncrv the -uj Ai.c, cr prostruii J witu rt;s a; miv sunir. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WlIX AFlOPvD IN. l ANT EASE. iyFI.VAlATiUN OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMATIONOFTIIii BLDDEIt. inflamation or the dowels. CONGESTION Or THE LUNG3. SORE TTIDO T. DITTTCn.T BICFATFIINO. l'Al.ITTATION OF.THE RE.VRT. HY.sTrni-i. cp.i r. dii iithkeia. CATAHKH, INFLFKNZ.1. nr.vDAcnF, -roc.'nrAi.-F. N E1T.ALC. I A . EIIEl MATISM. cm.v cnn.r s. .c;i i: cmr.i s. ih. applut i,-u ui the iteiuly It.l lef to the part or parts where the paiu -r .i.ill.-.ilt ists will afford and cvm: rt. Twenty dropq in a !.:.'.:' n lun.M.-r r-i water will in few iiK.i.iotita cure CHAMPS. M'AfM. iOL'R STOM ACH, HEADTDI F.V. SICK HF.ADA1 HE. MARKMEA. DY.SKNTKUY. CtI.lf. V. JNT IN THE hOWIJ.S, and all INTERNAL I AiNs. , Travci-r-r? nhouid alwa;. s cr.rry a bottle of Ritlw ny'm Itrntly Hrlit f uth thr-ni. . i. v drop in wat.-r will pr v.'-m K-.-kneps "r p.-unx fi om ch.inpr- of w ati-r. It i- b :t.- t!-::':"l i ; !) )i Drs. n.iv iiitterx a btimulant. I'KVKlt AM) .vlilK. r.TV'En .Nr AHVi:. enr.-d f. r fifty -cent.--. There is i:--ta rciuvdi..! k--, -..l ..s (L:h tl.ft will cure Fever aud Ajte and all oil-'-r ralnrii uh, Dtlonx, Scarlet, Ty ldioid.l V ilc w, aud other 1 -ve- (.dded bv RADWAY'S TILLS) po tj-ufk a-j liADWAVS l.i.ADY RELIEF. Tifty Cent.- pO!' bvtti.'.- HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG .WO I'UI'F. , RICH BLOOD INCREASE OF 1 "LEMI AND WEIGHT CLEAR f'KIN AND BEAf i Ii L L 0.03irLElON b ECU RED 10 AlL. DR. RADWAY'S SAESAPAKILLIA!! WSLim HAS .MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every; Day an Increase In Flesh and ; Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every-dmp of the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine and other fluids and juices of tho systflm (he vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. ScrrfuLi. Syphilis, Consvmptivn, Glandular dis case, L'iccr in UKc tkroU, Mouth, Humors, Soda ia the Glands and thcr parti of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumcrons discharges from the Ears, end the worst fvrmpf Skin du easa, Eruptions, Fever .Sorei, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rkfwm, Eryripdas, Acne, Black Soti, Worms in the Fltih, Tumors, Cancers ir. the IFcmt, and all iceakenina aud painful disehargcs,.Xighi Sweats. Loss of Sperm and all uKuU.it of the lift: principle, are within the curative ra-nge of this wonder oj Modern Chemistry, and afev days' use will prove to any person using ii fur either of these forms of dis- j east tts potent power to cure them. y ! If the patient, d&ily becoming reduced by' tho wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing suc ceeds in arresting these wastes, aud repairs the same with new material made from healthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure Is certain; for when oncet his remedy commences its work of purliicaUou, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better a id etronger, the food digesting better, tppetite Improving and flesh and weight increasing. : iot only does tne SAn3APAiuu.ijLN Kesolysst excell ' all known remedial agents In the cure c f Chronic, "Scrofu ' lous, Constitutional and kiu diseaeos; but it ii the only j positive cure f-r Kidney and Bladder Complaints, j Urinary, and Wcmb diseases. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, ; Stoppage oT Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dis j ease, Albuminuria, and; in all caecs whero there are j brick-dust deposit?, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed ! with substances like the white of au egg, or threads like j white silk, or there Is a morbid, dark, bill:ous appear : ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and wbeu there U a j pricking burning Renecticn when passing water, and i pain in the Small of the Ba-.k and along tbe Loins, DR. RADWAY'S jPSRJSCT PURGATIVE FILLS, ; pefettly tatele? , elrrantly coa: d u:th sv.'fpt gum, ! purge, regulate, puz try, charge ar.d -t;- npih- ti. Bad 1 waj 'j'Pill, fv.r the f u.c of ?'! disorder 4 f tlio Stomach, I LiCc-r, -Bcwcls, Eidiiejo, L'.a i.kr, Nu vom Dieaaes. i Hcadathe, Cocstii-aticn, Cii'-nfcjH, Indigestion, i Dy?pep3'.f. T' i.ounio i;ill....m I'e.or, Inilammation of the Bo,r.-t?.-. TU' vand all Di rar,;.f inri; of ibf Internal Viscor'P..- V.'u: i i-t' -i to ctfect a j.c-.-.tne cure. Purely Vegvtatic, coi.t tir.iug no ij, r.-y, ir-aieral-i, rr . hterif'Us drv. :rsu ..twin- -ymr :"' .'-u'tiL.g irom e-!t:vc r ?i. ' vrj'A Pile??, Fu'.lre.-.f t!; T'.lixA in f tin St .ir.n-'h. Nausea; Ht-artburn, Co'istir-atij:!. In'. the Hend, Aciditv Di-:;u-t n 1 Y f: ur Eriu-tstion-t. s. Ir.ts.-; cr V', if-ht :u thv stomach, : : r.i- rinf. rir.- :tt the iit of the ftLe Hjjd, Ilnrri. d and DliBcult jtr-earjiin-i A !'vw '1 lie.-.t, Br.ri!iig in the H. -h. f :l RADW.Vi'.S I'lI.I .S v.ill ti.-- ayPtt'Til ' i i iAi pr Irtteretamp N. w urk. . all tlje a"t- "o nar.y-d d': - . rii -. I'w:.'. ..-x. SOl.DBV DK!"(iIHTS.. ItE VD "i ALMl A:Sj IRUE ' s u l out- to ilAlAV.vV lr.f.'rii.-ti..-i; . gl-iy ( i.) tii ! I . .-.-;.! t,-. -:;t v on. m V The Verdict of the People! The Verdict of the People! IS THAT G. r 6 W. Gail & Ax's W, Gail & Ax's VV. Gail & Ax's CELEBRATED Scotch Snuffs Scotch Snuffs Scotch Snuffs ARE PRONOUNCED To U the b'cfct SNUFFS in the market. Let all who have not tried it try it and they will use no other, for it ia free of ail injurious ingredients commonly used in the manufacture of oth r Scuffs. Poid in New-B roe.N.C. by J. J. Woifendn s Co.. John E. Amyett, Walker, Jonee & Co Thomas Williams. Wm. H. Oliver, Gates Or ten, F. D. fehiachter, F. Boesser, Lorcn Bor & Mills, Holister & Slover, I..H. HadHeston, iL Patterson. Rowland Bros, Whok-al Grocers, Agents in Norfolk, Virginia. L. j. Bossioux, Wholeale Confectioner, Agsnt in Richmond , Vs. O. W. WiUikms i Co, Agents in Charleston, 8. C. New-Bern Tixzs copy The New-Berne Republic & Courier an ladependant Home & General newspaper published every Saturday at $1.5 per year by Geo. W. NasonJr. No. 22 & 24 Craven St. New-Berne, N. C The F.epublic & Courier is the official organ for the City ! and County and now has the largest c-.rcaiition of any paper in the State, which makes it a vaxable advertising i medium. I: People I WHITE BROS. & KILBURN rei!ra m Jd U MM & tt, Wood & Goal, RAY l&EAIN. WHITE BROS- & KILBURN Ice. WHITE BROS. & KILBURN Dealer in II WHITE BROS. & KILBURN Dealer, la eed Settea. BALED COTTON, Sheep'tWool, I DEEW WAX 1 WHITE BROS; & KILBURN Dealers In al).kind o WHITE BROj & KILBURN Wliari', Warelioiiaes and Office Near People's Market, New-Beriie, IC. giitt GROCERIES! GROCERIER t IIOLUSTIiR & SLOYBR Kr--t constantly on ha4il. a fall assortment of Groceries oft all Grades, Staple and Fancy ! Which Uiry offc-r' ?tt lowest price? For Cash or iti Exchange for Cornt-v Tollok anl Crimen' Streets, l J-10-il : New-Bern, N. C. Broome Street, . New afaYnnIko C. 31. TREM&NE & Bro. PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, end GeueralVLgeats for the BriUiETT COMBINATION ORGAN, Contlinrn , ., CAKi'ENTl'Jl and BUKDJCTF8 new tmproru&ants, THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE AGE i Tb? dharre-ble reedy entipsly nmaM Jtt tU Instrument. The verdict aoa&liooua I W cfaaUaof the world to equal it III 'i ' : " i We can furnish New Sevtji-OcUve riaAOPrtea fir ow $275 to $950. 8e-ond-hsadiKaoe. Orfa&a. U& Halt deone, from 140 to 1 250. Hew Cabinet OrgsiU $43 to $1,000. : Maii Hay, Coal, Wood & Lumber A foil) supply C0X3TAXTLY OXjEIAXV A FUJtyJSUZD to Queer. 4- D. N. KILBURN QOAJL atd 8AX.T i ftU AST ITIE TO Kl'lT, 2,000 Sacicj Liverpool Salt, 100 Tons Crate &Stovo Coal. BENJ.L.PKIIRY, Market Wharf, - "J; - Ntw-Bern, fl. C. Boston of Ln jCuHTRY PRODUCE PIANOS'. j - - -i r