i Mil Dw-mic Republican ANU" COXJIZTSZIZ. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1S71. ' ' '"" 4 --' ' 'Official Organ of the City- and County. LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE STATE. The editor will send this paper fre one year, pam, u any ana aunonesi ana inauRinous parsons in tbiaSttte who desire tx read it. and K 1 Jl a ; , t it i a : n ' 3 . are unable to pay the subscription price. CORRESPONDENCE. We ao kc hold ourselves responsible for the vieics or staUmerdt cf correspondents. We are pleased ia receive brief communications tchich are of general interest to the'puUic, ichich must be accompanied by Hue real name of the authors as at guarantee of qood faith, such names will not be puUished'unless by request of the antho; Personal or abusive communications will not be printed, upon any consideration. News ;of the Week!. The Government of France is uneasy, and there is a great display of troops in Paris. The prescpt status cannot con ttloj3g. i 1' Sir. Charles Mke is keeping up the agitation in London. ; :. Earl Chester$eld died last Friday of typhtis fever. . v . . President Theirs in his j message to the Rational Assembly at Paris, is non-;-pominittal. , The Pennsylvania Railroad: has pos session of all the Jersej' roads leased by j ; The father oi 'one of the Yictinis of ' ' SpnislJ (PyraYmy "ied of grif, a n d t wo mothers have'bescome insane. The, CiibarV cabinet held a protracted seaBiCn; Sturdaj last, at Madrid. The subjecf Tinder consideration was tho . condition of Culja, only part of the pro cedinrliavi !fceen made public. v Agiiirian ' bittrages are reported in Donnegal county, Ireland. ) ' Th' Eurotfean TelegrajjUPCongress, methrcyiefbWsd. An explosion of a cartridge factory at Fprfc Agra, Calcutta, Dec. 1st ihst... killed ' .'Vttoty-Bix:mbn; "J i. f? The "Greasers" in Lower California, have drivcn: ont Drake DeKay, and seized two Ameiticah vessels. : "Tweed is tryilig to Euchre the com - mittee of seventy, out of the Americus Quh'Hpttsei-! " ; J ' - ' General Dixi has presenteel the Grand Duke with Farragut's picture. jHip:oal miners of Scranton threaten to strike January, in consequence of. the low price of coali ' - f General iciles and bride; were in London Dec 5thj qu their wayihome. The Duke cl'.umale and Prince de Joinville, have intimated .to" -President Thairs, that they intend to occupy, their seats in the Chamber of Deputies. The annexation of tho diamond fields of the English dominions of South Africa has been completed. . Tie trial pi Mrs. Wharton charged with the poisoning Genl. Ketcham and others conrmenced at Annapolis Tuesday. Charles O'Conor opposes the motion for rednctioni of Tweed's bail. The thermometer at Omalia ..Monday, was 16 degrebs below zero and eastward bound Union Pacific trains was snow bound at Elm creek. The New-York canals in consequence of the severe cold weather are considered closed for the winter. 1 ' The revolutionists of Venezuela have taken" the town of Zaili and four hun- dred prisoners. hePresident's message wits submit ted to Congressh Dec. 4, ,it touches upon -.evebuit ineeolfdi. It is short and to thevpomt"The ther departmental re porlarhave been published and. Secretary . Bontwell's presents a healthy exhibit of the finances. ; The jresi(Mity message makes an ex ceent imp?6ssi5n in Lohclon. The 2mcpeasrof it in high terms. Thev"trince oi iWales ig declared out of danger. ; -1 The rebel General Triveno has taken - Saltillo; Mexlcb. ; Affairs are unfavora ble to ..the Government Telegraphic and naU communication with the inter ior of Mexico being cut oft ; AzerP, ?Newkerk, late agent for Van Amburgh!S'iMenagerie, was . frozen to deaiih lia 9; police station, Wednesday lighVteeork: t - . "c ' 'liMJe 'f Sfcuyvesantbank, N. Y. k promises to be a bad one. the -Bar 'Association' of N; Y. , have articles o impeachment against Judge Cozo;!1 ; ;f l . AJJ -- . A resolutldfi J passed at the1 Methodist meeting' at, Jifoacuse, Tuesday last, to urge' hepqsge of a wibx the N. Y--Stib, ieffislatorey forbiding ihe use of public fjOAos for .sectarian schools. . sittz 'x .'1. ii At a meeting held in the First Pres- riT-i o r ! i t- ! G T Ante A fr A frx y- I u" uuw ' day, seven delegates were appointed to ' Corporations to report a bill to MriUe out cTeTjr ii ; i e- i i,, i, i i i thiwj ia the constitution r qnirinc tb State td tiie national convention to be Held in Cincinnati on tho 31st of Jannry, 1872, I for the purpose of obtaining definite ,c- ; knowledgement in the Constitution of the ' UnitedJStatcs. of God as the author of , our existence aa a nation and Source of , it .; authoritv. x4. .tE.wn, .4. t-. i .t i I'oivnesiaus naa expeuea an tne unites. Editors and Publishers of Southern. ; Republican Newspapers should attend . i. -f.io- onriinl mpptinn- . of i Ult lfgulai annual meiling oi 'the j Southern Republican Press Association to be held in "Washington, D. C, Holi day, Dec. 18th, those who cannot attend personally, should be sure to be repre sented by proxy, and should send letters to the convention making such sugges tions as mav to them seein best. Disgusting. For the credit of our state we are sorry amr man should allow his passion, imaginations, sectional hates and preiu- . . t , -i ii n dice, to pronrpt him, to write the follow ing which we cop' from the columns of the Charlotte, (N. C.) Weekly Courier, of Nov. 23th, edited bv that Christian gentlemen, the Rev. Edward II. Britton. Papers conducted upon such principles generally injure, rather than advance the cause in which thev are laboring: We acknowledge the recei)t of sever al circulars from Chicago publishers, 11 i i . asking puoncauon iree m our paper in consequence oi their great losses by the recent confiacrration. . These people enioved their torch- ; W:Z to tnv u.K.ux-ivtan and asiai; v i 4. 4- i 4.1 , thnt said euargr-s raw- v.'Te.t i.nd LeK: hiti!- hght processions hre-WOrIS, tho ringing St.if resjHmsib?.-. fori the language r: the petition of bells, and the 'oooining of cannon, on and' could piove Hie char: cr. cout.idud in the the receipt of the details of the great petition. j conflagration in Charleston, during the Aftr, ? Io7tby J1"1;'1 the p.-titiou v..i ; 1 i t . rejected by a vote (k Gl to -id. war; and when our peopie were lionse- A bill to" 1)0 entitled an to icorporat-- tho less and starving in consequence' of the College of PLysiciaps and Suvgoocioi Wihuir.;--brutality of Sherman and his Western ! to!1- Refened. i incendiaries and robbers, composing his r to incorporate th- R-uiort l'--d.--Iy . ii i ? Ail.- 1 i -i . , L.iucidilnai Assoeiation. R. i',-rie.?. army, me peopie oi uaiicugu, wouui i:oi give the little children a piece of bread. Now, durn you, you are begging. XSv. are sincerelv sorrv that vou were not consumed, along with your property. , You have our sympathy, so far but not one drop of water would we contribute were A'ou roasting in hell. We go back on Dives, as the example; vras set by Abraham and Lazaras. Watts'. Infallibility. A storv is told of an old clcrgvmau, who had the most unbounded faith in Watts' hymn book. Ho was fond of say ing he could never open any passage without finding an appropriate hymn. A mischievous son of his, thonght it would be a good joke to test his father's faith; so he took an old song and pasted it over a hymn on one of the pages of the book, so nicely that it could not ea- tily be detected. At church, on Sabbath i During the first six mouths of the year morning the minister happened to open : 1871, thirty new patents were issueVi to at that very page and commenced, to j applicants from North Carolina, read: "Old Grimes is dead." There -p.; , ,r J . u was a sensation in the audience H- DePllty Marshal bcrogguis was ar Sed Zir, 1 J?d ZyZAot f floe, chafed with an ns , . , , , i e -u v- u ' sault witn intent do kill, him, but such was nis laith m att s : hymns that he undertook it again, com-i We learn from the G oldsbo'ro .1 A-.s , mencing with the same line. There was ; that Col. L. AVI Humphrey, hns pur another sensation in the audience. Look-! chased tiie site hf the Exchange Hotel ing at it again and then at the congre- at that place. ! gation and then at the choir, he said,. We learn from! tho Raleigh Carolinian, "Brethren, it is here in the regular order that thccontracthas been mode and tho in Watts' hymn book, and wo will sing North Western Railroad from Greens- it,anvhow.' Legislative- Sunnnary. Fi'.iday. .Dec. Ut. 1871. The Senate met at 10 o'clock'. The Finance Committee, reported a memorial i askin" that the tax on theatrical performances.' be reduced. The vote whereby a bill to allow a mortgage deposit on personal security, in lieu of a money deposit, failed to pass third reading, be recon sidered and moved to postpone that motion un til Slonday next at 12 o'clock. Carried. srECiAL or.DEa. The bill to promote the agricultural interests j of the State -with substitute of Committee j (Provides that breach of Cou tract on the . part i of an agricultural laborer and abandonment of j his work shall be deemed a misdemeanor and . that the party emploving any such laborer knowing him to have abandoned a prior con- tract shall also be deemed a misdemeanor an 1 j both punishable byline and imprisonment.) jfostponea oy a vote oi j.o to o. . A bill to require the registration of deeds and i Deeds. Refened. House resolution proposing to raise a Com mittee of fourteen to remodel the Congressional, the Judicial and the Senatorial Districts and to apportion anew the Representatives, was taken np. Bill in reeard to jurisdiction of Superior Courts. (Provides that where parties do not Dec. 1st, lb71 object to the action ota uouu not navmg juris-, Tlie R:lleigh OaroHnh.i savs: The J An unpleasant suit Law-suit diet on at the time of trial and do not appeal, , r. r- i V thev shall be concluded by the udgmiit of : Ciegg Copper 3Lnm and Smelting The wrong. side-Suicide. ; such Court.) Railed to pass second reading. Company composed ot New-Yorkers are j A d porter Sirnorje-' -i?;hiMf Gmynoft!ieHoBM. ; S!1 ''f -e largest Uead-HoWa. A bill to be entitled an act in reference to the : mines of Lnathaii. G:i:i?ord and David- Gentlemen of high culture Hon attendance of witnesses on Superior Courts in ; son counties. .growers. ' - - 01 A1 DilTlio be' entitled an act to amend the r On, tiie lGth o Decem'xr, John Wii- A day ride-t-A ride to tlje gallows, charter of the town of Beaufort. Referred. j son, begro, will! be hung at Hilisboro' ' --Sin fe)'cuiTs Clervmari A bill to amend the charter of Reliance for the murder of a fellow negro maul A!W,vKrt wat l- l) Bucket and Ax Company of Xew-Berne. passed ; mmea :Jack Hffll, a short while since. ' ' ' f stump its several readings. . , The murder wasiof a most henious char-I v : ' ' t i: j , ' . December 2nd, 1871. acterj Wilson having the kpife. with i , ftJin sto1es' fll3TJnlj tL' ir The Senate met at 10 o'clock. ) whicii he perpetrated the deed,' made : ow,n f a,ei aucim-k1 ashes ('noLrl1 to f n' " A hill to confer the risht of cumulative suS- i flJa ,,rtCO ,1,. , rich a largo farm. race on the voters of Wilmington, N. C. Re- - . ferred. , o-, Senate resolution autnonzmg tna governor to ofTer a reward of $200 for the apprehension f 1 1 I i i I Iv t . U UUIUVUi Q-ntt4- hill to amend the Mechanics and j Laborers' Lien Law, passed second reading. j i-. i van i-.A a ;-i rr fnr iTfhanainor the i sanfA hill m-ovidine for exchanging the stocks of the State for bonds with which snch stocks were obtained and for other purposes, and all bills relative to the State debt, were postponed and made special order for 11 o clock on Wednesday next. . Senate bill to consolidate the Planters Eail road (Company and the Wilmington and Onslow Railroad Company, passed its second reading. December 2nd, 1871. 10 o'clock. The liortse met a i A retiointion instrnotins the coamittfe On i .- , ' . ..-TJ. i JJIU1UC iJI UiC CUJAJlCiAULi U. Iii; J. tLatlUllUJ. Calendar, ! loh ,V.? 5tU a atit ofS" number and condition, of the wooden les now bclo1J? ty tL Sf tevCaI-nilAr- r December 4th, 1S71 lae Senate xxil-z .it 10 o clock. TWrr hv thP l'v fr. A ileitis r-.f tl.i. v Bill to amend the law of evidence. To change tbe j time of LoUing Superior Concerning the brobate of f. mnvv exate;aationof v,rrr:o:i th iiuiiLS ui liic i.nnic. CpncenJng jtLri-suiction cf Superior Courts. Corananv o! New-Ben To' incorporate ! Excel -:cr Backet and iC. To auifind the chinrtcr oi Jl :b and :lroad Compauyj i Doccuib.-r-itb, 1-71 r Ilonse met at 10 o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Atkinron of lliis cliy. The Journal of yesterday vra? rcatl and ap proved. A resolution to raise a j'.iut comittta to itj ve.tigato certain charges against Col. Lee .M. McAfee, and other Ifnrabor.- and ofti.'eis of the (iiiftral A-;r-itil)lr. i n.ilrm.lnr. Mr- Dudley, a resolution repe.ilinc: a re. - olu tion ia favor of Jauics II. Moore, Public Priu- ter, parsed at tho Session of iJ870-?71, authoriz ing the Tix-anrer to pay 3ifr. M.oore the sum of $700 per v.eclc fqr public printing. Calendar. Mt. Dudl.-v a bill to retpal an act reouiring that all, &tate, Comity aud'Manicin.i officers to be vote.dfir on a sdmr.tty ballot. Referred. ' " - I I). - ry.h, 1S71. S:-natu i:iet at 1 Of o'clock. Pi nyer iy the iqv. Dr. Mason of tli city. Cdminilice on l'dntin, reported a bill to re enaqt section C. chai't-v 103, Revised Code, v.-tth an r.niendn:enit. C;d ender. 5th, 1R71. House met at 10o:Iook Pravrr lv the i;dv. Mr. C dlisf of the Hon so. A inera-..r:al ir'-niiMr. It. S. lvuoktr, of Wul:e county, in rei'renct to. a eiaua i. viust the Slato made duiir.g Gov. Korth" ; aduduistration. lie ferred. ; . Mr. Justice prc.snt..d a H ilticn ftoin a ror : tion cf the citizens iof Rutherford county, char- i ing eertain inembdr ; of tho General Assembly Judgij Bond i at Ralch-h. ! VOAUJ,iM1"' l :l -N:inPI " . 1 T .1 .. , L 1 . x ' ". ii Baiik. j The Vwlson ..",- , lvablieation. ! sr. --pr-rn led Trinitv Coliege lias one hundred" a?id thirtv students i Dan Rice's Circus company will ex j Libit at Raleigh Monday DecvlHh intsr C. C. Clark, Esq., is re-elected Gnmd Master of the Grand Lodge of the State. A new paper is to be started at Dur ham's to be called tho Durham Tolicc Lo ! the fat Indian -Redmau iloA Plant. j ' ; mond.) : , ' Mr. Anderson: of Wavne eouutv ad- Whistling near tho market is prohib vertises for his horse, stolen from him itc- A man. whistled "'Old. Dog Tray" one dav last week. ; . ' yesterday, while passing a say sage stand boro to Salem will be completed and in running order by the first of July next. Air. Jessie Jon4s of Green county, had hi leg broken Ion Wednesday of last, week by being thrown from a wagon and it is thought that amputation will have to bo 'resorted toi So w.e learn fro? a dhe G old sboro Medchia : The Penitentiary, in Raleigli, even in its unfinished condition, has dol inmate? 335 males anj.1 17 females of this number there are 70 white males and 1 white female and 2G4 colored mal-s aU(1 11 coIorecl Wales. 1 Tiie Statcsvillb Amrrirsn savs- In! Alexander county, about twelve vcavs ; ....- v,.- aS, a q"ict citizen without any known j cause, hanged himsclr on a tree. A few : days since his wife hano-ed herself in her i YoolQ. having seteral orphan children. 1 The whole number of Post' Offices in the State is about 750 costing the ov- ' ernmeut on an average of $200 per an num to supply them. Ihe amount re- tCiVcu ' tue yueiaiueai lor iriu- sor- , vice in the State, is. $85,000 less than the j cost of service. . ! : . a k 4-u. . l r :i ' i works iu Cfaathhm conntv for thn rair. : , T 1 ; 11T. 1 . ill - TP..l r ,7 f v M 1UiiiU Aiomi me arocro zouikcrncr tilAf inn S-ifnrdv lic nf TV! n.n.-f 1 tire broke out iii the buildin occupied I ---v . : -r- ' as a Urug store, ideweiry store and Post Omcej, which consumed the building ti. i 1.1 l 1.1 1 ii i ,. 0 The tire then extended in both directions destroying dhe arge store and ware- j house of W. HJ Carstarphen and the cfn,.n yimiinc k- t . 4 i awn vi i.iuuu.u vv JLJi. j. jjusa CCU lii .1 L I at $10,000, par ially covered by insu-! ranee Supposeid to be the work of an j incendiarv. Ol'K SNUr F HOX. A "Bond of peace- Judge i i. 1. A double toii-gued paper X. Y. i ZfvM-fnr.T i -V," -i-A mill that women ua't tiki- -vi .a 1 -4-A popular hall O' A K. II.;.:. -f-A try tint goes vd.c-ncr.dtr-- . fry.'! : - ' ' r, , , . ' taanciOi Age OOitif a A'-t'. ir(!i) I am. . -r-. OTV-ifcrme S Larl Kiobard. -4-A. Courier anxiousiv looked Republican 5c Courier. Y Female rag Suffrage. -f-Wbose name did the Russian Pulce pronounce and what command d:d give when he thought there was z j . for 'the Frigate Beec-her Pri tee of W ( h ) ales A hi rate Li tin v. S cur that- should not I e taxt-t Sue -com. a-r-A seel to piaiit Succeed. -"Why is China the best p!;-.ce : v - pnan s iecaus I u-daddy.' thov can uhvavs 1L--. 4-Pay i ng cus t om s Import-l -i-Sausage cutters Teeth. Tiie Bay River Adur.vii h.i-, rived at the last ditch vet. v-r-A good miss Sub-miss. ' 'Significant namo f;r a c.nr. laud Ambassador Cookt fi mi::. A water shed A tear. Cy If i dines resp-jetuIK iu" holders, that theibes arc uiv,-;:-- Ad- in tuoir places au.i tiio ;:iau 1..- ( 1 ! 1 i phitforin m front. A vooden ax Stor-a:;. Penniman, nays he waa'.d isk.- 1-. r insure his life in a liotv conipanv, but is most afraid to tiak 'xk t. vol J .v tlaiigcrons toe Stiiet-t . --True blue An infantrv tv,a-o.t.. P To raise horse radish Plant your coif earlv in the ppriner and: in th.: heU' be a'ble to pull U.'- -rA saleable pin Capt. Chapiu.. Who is the.be d, (.' with Rit.-ian Diiko Pay -oil'. -A slow nation Stag'-nn S : : . -How would shakesoeare 'have -. rit- i. te-Ud-'shufilo dY tins "mortal coil," if kero sene had iieen in ue in his day ?. v-A bath for every body Bab-bath. r-A new arieal machine -Kero- ene oi!.: ir An unusual penny Truv-uoiinv. '4 -Barney Kane received ' this vcek, ;i feather bod from New-York!. "Who i-; Barney Kane?"; "Is ho- an ris'imaa v 'A powerful tea Trus-tee. ; 7"xliC b0Ht iip-Court-ship. . ; iie largest snip rownsiun. and was jodoyvea by a man s wli .de - c ih trade (tray'd.j y Tiie best bread True-bred. -Corporal Kelly has applied tor vo motion. A pleasant plight -Trotiiplighi. --McGinnis bought a bottle of pri,o pe-fumery, but can't tell whi6h end -of the cork, the gold dollar is cm. A musical door-. Troubadpr. A high Insurance Company The Andes. , ; ' A loj'erv with uo blauk.; Hldb JLoia Xe w-Berne'.s iavorite- J Jerry, ;An tiged parent iatutr; liw. "Good Dye John, i ; Don't stay loug," ; and John tlid'nt stav lon.gv:' but when he came back, he found "hisowh "'ehioka biddy," had talren up with another re -ter.' : ; yX feather .mouse Titmouse. ::oDi;r.x noTnrr. goose. Little Qrlul Jr., sat in the corner, Stroking his whiskers sly, i ' ' ' lie put up his thumb and pulled ioui one And said, "what a great boy arii,I.":' 7 A tough pig A pig of iron. Our Ch Magistratc-4JCaj. Paha or. Prussian diet Sauer'Kraut. A hard diet Diet of Worms'. On a bust Kerosene. ' Wick-ed Lamps. ' Tambo workers Street. , musicians. Crank A grindstone. 1 ' Ma what is a novelette .' Whv it .-,: wouiu De a novel-let for vour iatlier U let me have S5.00 to spend shonpin-- at one time, : 1 AU0 oe!iC Olgan liiL'cstiir orm - -Alwavs rrtrining Wate: Whole -omi A broken teapo A rare tea Charity. V rare teaCharity. A bee that ino drone Philadelphia Rus3if Salve cures burns, ' . , . T --Russia Salve cni-es fools. All the snobs ns2 it. --Chewing gum(s)-rOnr. giand- mother's.' r 1 O.r.re dr. ?Iia - rt . v t : DEPOSITS iOV.' EXCEED $2.CC0GC0. 1 ! IllM rr . ! . .'. ;c i n It y In't , .t : .... . -v . ,;. ' - titlrt v fin y :,i drsiml. ' : i. . : i -. ; fiv.riry rd!i with ::U rt i "u .it 1'iohanc ilr m , u ti.- ivr:.. : Tr; : , at cnrrr.t rau--. tioltl lraftt r rvk Voth ir..: : . - ;:t ri:-: ,.i r. ,-r.r fr.'-m f A. ::. OIL" FOIiTE A I T8. T 1 '1 i $ r . - s t ... I V i ' - I t: .t . - " -J rf " 7 J i ; . i i .' 1 . O i i I'l f - i CHANGE OF aiid arrii '- r.t '.' ...:.;) ai e, ., i a. . ., tj. Weldoa i. u :i V .o . ?-. : ' 4 :00 a.'m ,tV' ' : ; . ..t ; . L ,. .a.u.av.-3. i u : .v ; . .,, . ; .. An a -C'jii.ivaui'. t-:-. .. 1 .I.t a t i a. i -i..;;;. . ;!. .. :- ., j l;' tll:-la::-r. I-rf-( i.. i i ; . , .. : Wilmicfjion :a 2 V 1 1 r.;iIC:i!.l!. C.I l i.. aPi- w atje jet Oilier Ldiilrttidi ( o run u.v :' U.ib nd ,:i a .' oUtae- tn i mail t::tv i.ot-.-i; 5 r !i.'i;-. a.-. :-..!. r:,,u v. (.;'( " - e . r - 1J...", 1:1 iU:.e -.yr ! V, :.. A. r 7 ' . . 1, i ;i vc O CLi li. a. ff t T7 ( 7ft t :- i .i t i 1 , - - t it : . , -:,.fh-:l ' '- i. -i it iu:.. . . ,: t - I -.:-;;! : i l, i- , , ; y i - lit- ;.A i : , - .X iv.'' : : A I, i . .:;..'. : Th- UNIOX :r ii. au'--n. ;.::.' t -1 e ::ai.' !' Uli l '-.lijul il.'- .it.:: l V&:i.---" ''! J.e r . :!:' ; a. it.srfc r.---rt- t,.'. i. - jj -1 i fiiar.-.-tJu. Siu.-I- -'-:.i-- f.vt .-traa r :a- I):reo'ara to IV i .1 . c RATES OF ADVERTISI -..tial Nctut j iv, tat ctnu r- r a . .r i - - NotLted of ilcvUr-. T if. Aivc-rtifet Dilute ia wuu nsiruvti, t i"iu oc mere, CO ctals ptr lino; cue mouth. t'irce ?ii.i.-0; six lEcmhd f cue year $7.. Special iuducements: held oat to lrgs advfci-tiif AJiresi, DAILY UKIOX CelbU, 9. C. juo eta ? a ' h! i d z u t o: a f' S V,- w 3 : -i t' k Sc L' 1. i i i Vi v. . - .'. I liiii'.tc lure r d" i -. it--, 'A f , -. i IU. W vJ ! ' I ".i .1 s . j l : I L.;4.'i : ici-: .- a:. : j " ; ' j : cv" ( J , . ' ' -1 li ' ! U- I M j 1 P,LA: KS.v-i ITKIaC I L. ' ;, j i ' ""I r : ; 11 a a All ritt'r o if"t r r t Real Estate Agents, Nciil-Jimiie, X. C. WAilTElEh -. IMMEDIATELY, Tor Present Cnslomrr; Pi:o timber land. in fractM i.e:a 3,000 to : :'m0: acrs, lwit"e '..con vf uimt tr wa k. r U'ausportioa-'Wtit:t - having such )mu.i for fa 1 ft mil d f w e 1 1 i.-roi njn u n i - a, X VSONTTIKKKR !v" NKLSOX, Ii ldatf.agt Lt - l or .SU ffii"lxeliniiK. - .-h'p.cr wUl'XjJr.g- 'tr Ilixe aal Let n , I't iii-'. Mi .-it oi" ,!yAl wtuatd m.: CnjVH . lAnfeft Cc-umjr.- 1rml 1vrilT tin --a w;:h : j i-. K'-iPril arip.i on t!i -.Lro. To j !-. . ! .. .f W1;" A Uul a t-"vt t-ari.a n ! ';-'r" 'a ? a , " : ' A ( ireivti argaiji. e si -i - U'.v.a ; u.-atan C'raveti tiut..- -u I. a. - . S. t. . i:. U., c---. vl t-o .!-.- .. . i . - - :...s . ,v:-vt - Vit-r rniU .v.ri--t :: "r.i.': hv.iy l"n,'rr,-l J:r. f' f' ::. 1:. i e.d. I l '. i.M.i,f T o:u n j:n . ! i. r. - 5rr. v.- t-. -fi fa,-::ur. ; i:: :'. :.a Tr. biy. TfXKl Ii NI'TON, i ft. ai.rr:j S-iru.. tKalr -V. t '- : liuii'lCttJ1- , r fin ,i "..-rt-i a: 'J I' Tsna -i;i.do.l f. . v.-i- Tr l-'.zi.d i :. H ':I 1. ll.i.K' -J. ia :lv'l.('. I . - r ! v- . art a a: ll. I 'm..- :..r. .o. a . N'-'.j. r.. "l-'V . .-V,; r '!'. .1 '.lu ' '--v r. 1 '.u:i..t. n i fi,. T.,ia a !. , -. a: aui-c , t . :U X ti .. - a . .it X : y -t. t- .t .,((' -1 : " . ' i ; ui, . . .. !. :'. .1 . -i'..'. : -: lav v-! -) .kj ;u,4 i v di iui Odlb v ..';.. U- . : ' .. ;.-,f .-.. . . ..-it .-. '4'K-''. 1 :.?fi:- r. . ; 'It-' ii'! - . - e. i :dii ! si. ; . -3 : . t N . .t .V N . L. .; i: .a.-... !;? a-:;.t i . ..' -: . '. i . ; , , .a.i-H.f lilt; ! i'.j. i.lii ; j-:i. r. a.. - . . , '.: ; ;m.i,- i '', iff - :tf. 1 " ! i ' i -ia. : -i . ; " a fa.nllii. At m"-' T i- r. . -. ! V.Hi,l,i ;i,Wl-!l . f.'H t r. - s 1 -1. ' s ,4 c1 '! 'itMi yi.tai;: rii.ini r f ,j :... ; . ... ., i ,-. : ia, e aij.i:t; . it '.A. n. ,. mUl - i v-',; v..-.J.a. f.-.-a.;.n J;:a :!- - i.t i: jiif;Tr;t (a ! Mi ; s.-'u. 'I lil -,t; u ! - J'ii:, - vf ' tuphi-A "u-li ; criit.,l nii' r i : W a u0 iiahUi-1:!!! . I . i' i'ml Ih tts, ai'nl !. : ,- i. e. - : - ', . : : 1 15., rt". V. .-a - .. . . i e. ..:.!. : ; I 7 m- h -: i ; i",. : . ft, 'S'i ;t, t-. .i ,i. A, 'i i4-ta ;.. . ,. T.. '.- . N '; :.-. i : ;; . . . N. c AND -for SALE ff'.-r ' tV-&" saie (t.uH) t.rt tiii la.- ,.'. in aa:. ia k U. a. ( j'.-e -. Jrw tfvl urjv lfc. nwt.rM. ti.r'a.f J.f atc..t , ; .; li'.ii.'i: .,t'Sti. el Mfili-il- 4;r..a uii I'mj v.-;.i. ii . - ;':,:Uy lMi'i-fweii. Ci'.u, W.vSAijON. J.-, Nwv-1;.t:u. X. e LAND FtR SALE 1'p-town loin far .sSle. -' '''!- . ' i';- I'riees from 60. f A : -i;al i :m1 :ti. .r, te.fijiidill'' stl't-et. in ni" the v..r:'a- t, St"i"e on lea"..jd -ronnti. 4 IomI foC;i i. -a. S'i ,1A "0 et troiVt 'hv 50 feet Wi. ")n.- fi? u La . v.. .uu'v- t ii .t . i! v Li I14 Lm r (1 l ii: .- t 1 a, e: , (4;.jay, n iiiiii:u'u I'.-iv . I'4 1 i .V t . , t : . :IT ' U m j. . i-. i : ii'.j xAt:i ,ij h rnt:i nr ..iv n,i.. . . '.o. - ";.Ni,iii,'.l ink r . N, . s K' .U Total Aiwit. i.c'i'' -. 1 l.tii.d! in ujiper iirt f Joiit ' 6 r U uiile'is ,-lr?iA Ti'entou ; .j;nt i-.v;itnp in-.Vd!v timlfri-rpite : pin;- titli- inli .-ii;t!-- :ae(r.,!.;iildin. JVi,-. :,-'o a r, Ii. N'-ath :,id- . r A T", r-. lrO:id ','th, S mu' l'rui , .,d -' u land' i-i! "eiiiK Nu iij.pnai naMit". !' . - I.-I- . - a:H-n'ty,d 1. JVoia r.dlok- - . ..a : i , to i teit ecru. I y ; 3'?U a. nj, li'.O f re-: !' i vrl Vnie; :u;d 'cnnij' l-nai-v o la., '.: s.,'i ?u Sdirf ; c vjitO'; dcv,-rduv-' : il.a .. i'-'i .-piVi'U ; i,;Vm 1 i Ottoti .d v, i!H 4 ." -i?-! ;; irri. 'Tf'-O, TiO rn-ds ': v.-.:.i.,-'ji'tSi:.4;.a s.- . , ' . i i:i:! 1 f'Tii' Nee. -i ia ii N. fi. I .- I- df r. .auii. i.j ,t, ... ' 1 (- K . . 2 nnie.-. i:- i. i i 1 .', i 1 ; i. 1 1 t -1 .'in- ,-f ' i i t ; i ii f ;.' i i i i' a.-re:-: : i ,; a I.- i; all Le - :-' i v pi. ii.:- ,? ami; a .:. J 1- v.y." ia I'-vjO' i.ij.-d.ai d, ; r ! tin- ! .... V i ; ;.a.- l,,.'--iiiiii-. - .ii th' n. .-iiw-KijiC' h ".!!.-.. ' " e , -J -T.h ! a.:U:a 'd,n-- ai.. - f Nr i a. a in ! ' i:nr .:: 1." r .;.:.! can - I p. .a 1 ; . ; coi-i eti: tr, anil fad per- ;i d: : w v. i: lf5r-'.ina7. it r a -a Lot l'i4 n.4M.4U (SiU.t 'i -:, Ifraufort,. : .a; -ij ii.-i.fi. - -u- - 1 ijv 21 L.V 4,. ' -? '''J'j 5 fHa 4 a-; Vi A . SiI O.4.. J. lory la and .. -V& ; :. i::5a; a si UiOT ia 21 i3 r TAILOR THmDGOOK 3SL.'-P0LL0K street, pvS W-BlMNE, N. C. - ' t . v . ij.- - , i ,. j . u-i3y t L m now ptepcrfd to ui- iTii: i? rff.;.ri4i4l.YA, eAVs Tt.yTT. JtH-trr Covet l Nw-Eyr?,N. c , lt0. 'f riv:..;- iUi bi.i.si;..;tti.g wtUi.i4 tbe jnrisdktivu e ". v;!! cat , t ticie4:n2.1ti u hundred dollars ir. con . a a .-. ?ia ' - - J Crijuiii'i! cates vrLc-a tlie ilfe. mill not exceed fifty dol i larts. ol- ove :i.oina uiritOiM4iit. Cfilcc U rollod trttt, tlii-etj door wetof t Office ' . ', "a,. i n

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