"'- t i if f e i it ii i , "LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVER, ONE AND INSEPARABLE."-Daniel, Webster. NEW-BERNE, N C, SATURDAY, DECEMBER! 23, 1871. Single copies 8 cents Vol. V, No. 157. ! jr y f y; f . HJ m n d It 1 1 pyK ft I ljfl III 113 II !M II f;3 ! 27 1 II 7A. II . M IP r V v V fill v - U . L : ; : ; ' -, ; - , ' i : ; I I : : ,. - . j - ;?'mrm GEO. W.j XASOjJr 'Advertisements fill be inserted upon reason able terms. j Liberal contracts toill be made with permanent advertisers. ; ' i- ' POLE TRY: PATHEUTAKE MY fA.A. The Trajria d4Tk, ijoy Father ! Clon lon cloud Is gathering thickly o'er my head,4 aul loud The thundery rtar above me. Se I staud Like one bewildered ! Father, take my Land, Arid throngh the gloom. Lead safUy home f Thy child! The day goes fast, iuy Father ! and; the night Is drawing darkly down. 3Iy faithleiM Bi'feht , See ghostly visions;; feairf, a bpectmi band, Encompass m Oi Father ! take my hand, And from the night ; Leall up to light Thy child! ! The way is long, my Father ! and my soul Longs lor the rest aiid quiet of the goal, While yet I journey through this weary land Keep me from wandering. " Father, take my hand ! , J Quickly iin l sraight Lead to heaven's gate ' . Thy child! "; The path is rouh, iny Father ! JIany a thorn Has pierced me ; and my weary feet, all torn And bleeding, mark the way; yet thy command Bids :ue press fdnv.ird. Father, take my hand, TMu safe and blest , Lead urS to rest Thy child ! ; .. 1 The throng is reat my Father ! Man a doubt. And fear, and daner compass mo about And lot s oppieAs me sore. I cannot stand Or to alouo. O, Fjither, take my hand, And thibugh the throu5?:i Lead Wife along Thy cf;ild! The cross in heav,- Father ! I have bom It long, and still do bear it. Let my worn Aiid'iaiuting spirit rise to that blest laud Where crowns are given. Father, tike my haml, And, reaching down, Lead to the crown Thy child! . : Commtrii: I A'herilser, Detroit, E.VULISII OUA.HMAU. The Comic Grammar says: But remember, tnough box i In the piujal makes boxes. The plural of ox Should bo "oxtu," not oxes. To which an ESchange paper adds! And remember, though fleece In" the, plural in fleeces, . That the plural of goose Arn't f'gopses" nor "geeses." W may also be permitted to add: , And remembt'r, thpugh house , In the plufral is houses, ';. The plural o'f mouse Should bvf mice and not mouses. ? All of which goes to prove . ; Tnat granlnnir a farce is, For where n the plural . ; j ! , Ot rum and molasses? I The plural, vo my aay,. j I Oi rum don't us trouble, I Take one glass too much And you're sure to see double. A pasr of blno eyes Jusft to vary the strain " iSays tbM plural ol kiss la 'Jo it again !" Exchange. P. TJRENWITH, B ! ack's m i th fan d Ho rse-S i 1 o e r, Respectfully iufornis the public that ho has opened a shop on Middle Street, New-Berne, N. C, next door to Odd Feltowa Hall, where he is prepared to do all work in bis line, in the best manner at reasonable price. el3tf John Prime, Gun maker,' L ck and White smith, res pectfully informs ths citizens of Craven, lieaufort, Hyde and the adjommg Couutiea, that he has resumed work, and solicits a continuation of the custom hitherto so libei ally bestowed ijpou him. Flint,. Lock, Guns, changed to percussion iin the best mSnuer, also riflen bored in a superior style for which he has peculiar facilities. He can be found, by applying to James Man well at the machine shop on C. aveii Stret, or to P. Treuwith. f . ;' ". TOMLINSON & TYLER, Manufacti 08 and Jobbers of Watcher & Jewelry, 20 John Street, 1ST L2ftf F., C.' ToMLISSON Edmovd Tyi.f.r. New Store ! New Goods ! ! H. & B. ESV1AN JEL, (Late Of NEW-BERNE.) have juet openedLa new Store in lnmiiifton, X C. ' with a masuificeut stock r.S . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Notions, &c. Wheu you vibit Wumington and want good Goods, at low prices, jjo to the Store of- H. & B. EMANUEL, t and you will fin4 Deess Goods in great variety. Ct-OTHrxo, for Men arid Boys, to suit all tastes, sizes and pockets front the best, to medium quality. Ladies aud Misses' fihoes aud Gaiters in great variety Mens,' Boys' aud Children's Boots and Shoes, in large : j quantities. Cannot be Bent n Quality, nor Approached ; lit Low Price. Hats. Notions, j Trunk and a full assortment of Ladies & Gents' Fin uish iig Goods, all at popular prices. Look at our cod-fSeiore jou buy and we are sure our low pricea wdl couvihee you this is the place to get your money' wo ti.! - BEMEMBEU jHE PLACE. H. &. B. EMANUEL, I No. 45 Market Street. ; Llltf . i. J Wilmington. C. . - ii riiOFESSIONAL. 1 ROBERT F. tEHMAW. Attorney and Oouueellor at Law. New-Berne, North Carolina, - will execute with promptness allrbusi ess entrusted to him in Cravm ' and adjoining' fcountie. Pai ticular attention giveu to the rolleftion of rbvms. 1 HABLBfii A'ELSOS, Notary Public, j : ,t, i OFFICE AT ; . NATIONAL SiVrSQS BANK, NEW-BERNE, N. C. n roTw.kWASOW. Jr., f vMotarT Pnbllc Si Justice of the 22 4 2 CraTes 8treet, Nsw-Beraa, N. OL I in i GMTESTlIBDICAl IT f hn krrn . j Discovery i Dr. Fabler's Componoi Extract: TOR THE CCtE OF Scrofula Syphilis, Liver Complaint, rinnofiri'iiTn nirrnnin ft.rjfmmntisrn. Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, and all J3iooa impurities, W offer to thi Araarioa public a nev au 1 valuaV.o remedy for the abovvmentloned dl.4afl"s. Fw!fr' Compound Extract i composl of the best rcr dicine3 known to Materia Medico. It is perfectly pure in ail its ingredient, being compoaed of several well-known arti cle universally used by ih best Physicians; (ab of trliieh, in combination, anpplie? what experience ha ihown to be wanting when singly employed; lut tLc result of patient investigation, requirina time, labor and skill, so as to give the public a genuine article, wbich they can reply upon, and in place of the worthless and dangerona Patent Medicines flooding the country ; and therefore enables ua to warrant Fowler's Compound Ex tract to be the most perfect curative for diaascr; of the blood ever discovered. SCROFULA. This Compound is a never-failing cure for thl terrible disease. How many dieanea hve their seat in tho blood diseases which have beon treated vainly for yeu s. If the bloi")d alone is purified, In most cas health and happiness .will soou rtxirn. Dr. Fowler's Compound acta especially upon the virus in th blood, causing in time the disappearance of the hideous eoros, and rrutor ing the skin to a healthful appearance, thtj eye clear and sparkling. nd tho whole hummi orgaizntioii i orno3 healv. SCROFULA. Of all dUeasoa which flsh Is heir to none bi ing bo much misery, moral aud physical, as Syphilis. To all so afflicted we can truly say this remedy will ha!p you. Two articles found, by experience, to bo peculiarly wriia cious fur this disease are contained in this compound. We ask 3'oa to try Dr. Fowlor'a Compound Extract, and, by giving it a fair trial, it will cure you. We speak with niuah confldrmce of Dr. Towler's Coni pouid, because wc know what it i composed of, and wtu:t it will do. V.) kno.v D:. Fowler well, who ia a. physician of kaowu repute,' standing aocoud to I'.one iu ihe country, of long experience, an honorable man, who having a reputation for character as weil a3 ourselves, would uavor allo.v amediciuo; to go before the public without m rit. And we any of this Compound, if taken according to directions, after a iiur trial, it wid do all we claim for it. We offer it as a new discovery, which it eertaitry is a genuine article for Scrofula. Syphilis, and all blood im purities; and knowing the genuineness of it, as t uch we aeiidit forth saying, "Go, Heal the Suffering!" I PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE For salo bv Mm BROS,, m Proprietors, No. 143 Liberty Street, NEW-YORK. CITY. Special Agent for Eastern North Carolina, Dr. JO IIS L. WA TK1XS, Druggist audi Avothecai'i, Corner of Pollok ic Craven Streets, New-Berne N. C. The WIDOWS' & ORPHANS' BENEFIT I 0, J NEW YORK. Its Directory has had an experience of tweuty seven years. 0 M nsuran Wm. H. Finch feCo.iREDUCTiaNooFoP General Agents. RALEIGH, N.C. Travelling Agent. sep3-tf YOUNG & BROTHER, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PROVISIONS. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glass-Ware, &c.; &c. Country Produce Bought and Sold. 1 Stores, Foot of Mltldle Street, New-Berne, Jonri' Bay, Braufprt County; klltf Nebraska, Hyde County, N. C. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! AVID SPEIGHT Ki'tiirns his sincere thanks to the public, :'or th-'ir very generous patronatre during the pat and hereby announces his iuten t on to continue at all tiraen to keep on . hand a fret-h supply of the most choice Ovsters to be had in this market, at hi Ovster House, market wharf. New-Berne, N. G. ikllif fti- Oysters served in every style at short notice. -31 HENRY L. HALL,. BOOKSELLER.STATIONER AND Newsdealer No. 16 Pollok St., xew-berxe, n. c. OFFKES rOR SLE AT TBS LOWEST CASH PRICES, BLANK BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, FOOLSCAP, LE tAL CAP, LETTER, NOTE Axn BILL PAPER. LADIE WORK BOXES AVD WRITING iDESKS. STEEL PENS, PEN HOLDE11S, LEAD PENCILS,' VIOLIN AND G0I TAR STRINGS. MAGAZINES ILLUSTRATED PAPERS, &k klltf SmiL HOUSE ANO LOT FOR SALE. On east side of Ash street brtweeu Cede.- and Queen streets, located in 'Lry boro." adioining city of New-Berne. Tiie lot is HO ft. 3 inches front x 102 ft. 1 inouc at-f p has a -Jiuall shanty house upon, the same now occup-ed by John Hatch, (i-oloi-ed.) Thn l-.onse and lot is offered lor sale for the v. ry ifw sum of il.SO.OO. ii applied for on. apjili"ation should b niad to th - owner. Stejiben Scott or to Naos Ttskeu Jt Nf.ton. AVOID QUACKS. A Tictiln of early Indiacretio , causing nervous de bility, prematura decay &c, having tried in vain every advertised remedy, ha diacovred a alinnl meanof aolf-cure, which he will tend free to hla feuow-suCerera-Addraaa, J. L SSSW, 7 fiurn St., Nsw-l'ork i 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m ATCII FRLE to Akw cH to iT,!ro.?uf- rtic8 tiit , n every hou. 1 t ta k C .. PtVvgh. Pa. 4w 8 O'CLOCK. 4w 1 A a week: I-t Cu "? .J. Ij:i-t!e tewing a. 1 11 IYKS OREti FLLv H. v HIFLF. SlUtr-iil S, i'.KV OLVLKS Oud n.atcril of ev-fy V.iul. VCr'.U: for pric Lit. t rrel Vntru Gun V.l-ris. Pittsb-n ch. Pa. Anay uls Revolvers muhi or t.-adeJ lor. Aeut wsut'.-d. If ; SlflO tO -ft'. Sirl r'-a''i.y nt cvf-ry li'i Sruil'-K s frf-. At- VP.D Willi: M iEi.s. PLiLii Ipiua, la. ltSiirpt.K8 eEt(po8taF3 paid) for Fifty Cents, thjt rvtaiietsil? for Tn r. llar. H. I.. WoLCOii. li.Y. I fllHIS is NO HUMBUG ! QC i JL By ending OU CEXTc with a?e, fceifrht, rolfr of ey aiid ha:r. yon wdl receive by return rua 1. a correct p.cturt.- oi your fut-ire htisbaiilor wife. with name and dut- f i.-.arriau"'-. Addre.in W. FOX. P. O. Drawer, No. ii Fultorivaic, N. Y. 4w PSVt HObt;i(! Fascii.atianorS'. u 1 Chariuing, 4iKJ pages by Herbert liairiilton. D. A. How to use this power (which all po.isc-Hsi at will. Divination. Spiritualism, Sorceries, Deinonol-'ry and a -thousand other wonders. Price by mail S 1.25; in cloth:. paper covers Sl.it Copy irte to arfuls ouli. sl.OOo monthiv casilv madf. Address T. V.'. EVANS. Pub. 41 S. 3th Street Ph ladelpJi.a, Pa. 4w Free to Agents. Abound canvassing book of the PICTORIAL HOME 1UBLE. Oonlainiiig over ,'iOO Illustrations. With a Comprehensive Cj i: pfciia explanatory oi the Scriptures. In English i: Gf.emax W.M. FLINT & CO., Phiia. la. 4w PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. Wo desire to cnae a. few more Agents to seli the AVorld Kdiiowned' I.mpkved HllKEVK SKVI.i MA C'I!I E. at a liberal ?ah.:y or on Commission. A Horse and Wauon given to Agents. Fall Pa' ticulais fumis-hed on application. Address W. A. EIEXDEKSON At CO.. General Agents, Ci.evklan'ik Oriro. fc Sr. Lons. Mo. 4v m THEA-IT'ECTAR. with the Gr'rn To. Fli'.or. Warrant ed to suit all ta-tes. ".) ml' ecu y ivhr r iu our 'trade-mark" pouitd and ha' j i pott id packages only. And for Hale wholesale only by the. rut Atl:mti oi Fncilic Tea Co., Church St. N. Y P. O. Box r,r,()i',. S'nd for TiviSitar Circvinr. 4w GOOD i Who would not have clean, sound, white Teeth? All ; mav, ,y using TiiucstoiiH Ivory Peari looth ! Po'wcUr; it is the he-t Dentifrice known. ' What ia more charniing thau rich, so.'t lus-y hair? I Thompson's Pomade Optimv wiilmalivi it so; its j effects are wonderful. f Sold bv Druggists. Price,- 25 and 50 emits per bottle, j F. C. WELbS V Cit.. I'.ii Pult.ni '-t. . Y. 4v !" ' FREAR COMPOSITION STONE, ! For House fronts, Decks, Piers, Culve- ts Walls, Foun- tiiins, and all building purposes; harder, more durable, i aud one hundred por cent, cheaper that natural atone FOR STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS to manufacture, -apply to Chas. W. Daiiliko, Secretai y I N. Y. FREAR STONE CO.. 1,2:)8 Broadway. N. Y. 4w WELLS CARBOLIC TAIILE i'S, For Coujrlis, Colds IIorseics:. These' Tablets present tha Acid in Combination with other efficient remedies, in a popu'ar form, for t!ie Cure of all THROAT aud LFN'i Diseases. HOARSKNESS and ULCERATION" o: the THROAT are iiamediatt-ly re lieved aud statements are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in cases oi Throat difficulties of years standing. r- a j TTTHV Doutbe deceived by Worthless Ini lw.U 1 IwiM itatious. Get only Walls' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 Cts. per Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y., Jjole Agent for the U.S. fcend for Circular. 1 4 R T r 1 lt' VJ uU VMM REDUCTION OF DUTIES. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMER'S J BY GETTING I P CI.U-TJ?4. ! j- Send for our now Price List and a. Club t. nr. will ' accomj-any it contaiuiiifi full direction.--rinakin:; a large i saving to oouaumerfcaud remunerative to tiub'iranizers. ! THE: GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, ! P. O. Box :-Gl3. 0 NEW Yf.Itlv. 4w n is NOTj A PHYSIC It is NOT what is p. i.u'.u m RITTF.RS. ma-is it inteinttM a Mien; it A OUTII AjlEr.lCAN plant that ha.; been used for many vea s bv tiie ruedie-al laeultv of tno.-o coniitii.-s with wonderful efdeacv. ns a I1)WL1ITL ALTLUATIVL and UNEgUALED PCKIFIidi OF THE ULOUlVand is a 3. ire aud reri'ect itemedy for all Disoas.-s of the LI-rf, SPLEEN. EN L IUtEM ENT i; Oli- )N OF INTESTINES. I illN AI l , L i P.INF Oil ABDO'MlNALOKtiAs. Rhl.l.Tl "r. vrvsr of bLo-m. inteu?jittent oh E I'M ITTENT FEVEIiS. INFLAMATION OF T'lF LIVEIi- DEOPSY, SEFCoiSlI t iE CFLVriON OF THE BLOOD, ABs C! SES.TrMOP.S. JAUNDICE.-StTJO-l'ULA.. DYSPEPSIA. A'.iI'E - FEYEU I OK TilEIK CONCOMITANTS. OR. WELLS' tXTRACT OF JURUB-BA is offered tthe public as a treat inviorativr and remeny for all iinp-.ir.tie-' ot ' thf l!i. d. v for organic weaV.n--s with their atlt-ndaut evilj, For the lVre:,' ins com plaints JURUBEBA is confld'-ntly reeonnr.ud.-d to every family a a house held' remedy, and s&otild be freely taken in ail derange ments ot the system, it ives health, vi.n- and t uie to all the v.tal 'forces, and animates and fortilies all weak and lvmphatic teinptrameuts. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. IS Piatt Street. New York. Sole Auent for the United Stat. s. Price One JolHr p -r Bottle. Send for Circular. 4w . A. JOHNSON. ; W. ABRAHAMS A. A. JOHNSON &C0., No. 88 si "EAR'S WHARF, BALTIMORE. Md., M VNUFACTURKRS OF We wair.iiit our bra ntls of Flour to run rejrulnr. ! . . cllly FINE LOT OF Hera Horses ! : Has iust rec.-ived from NEVV-YORK and VERMONT i some very valuable horses for Farm and Family Use, which will be sold low for cash. Call and examine them at S LE and EXCHANGE Stable of II. HAJIN, Middle Street, New-Berne, N.C. ! $1 from SOs ! -lt htt the delhuf mid petrehli Z" frugranoe tr jcouulne pHrtna (JS TfZT -Coloffne Water, and Ii thu Tollct? SOlT W-?1e' 1 1 r.mD. Sold by I'TurrNtH :: J lS;n!-r hi I'E It F L 7- NEWS NEW A D VEIiTLSE ilENTS. 1 1 SVI I I A fi I .. ej 1U.IS 4. KEE.VE i COS Fliiid.Eitrart, The wonderful r medy for C nctr, SpUllls, Scro fula. l"Jrr. PuiinuDaiy Complaint, Salt iiiirum, aud all C'iiruiiic- blood Utotatc. is pre pared Croa the Urnuiur ( umluraugu llaik. fwiji Lojs, Ecuador, boc-ored by the PSisiace of the autliorities of tha.; chantry. It is the inolit ejTcfiw prompt and certain aiunti,.- atd hloxt pktrTbt-i- known, bold by all Dru'.M.j, in p:ct bottl, .having on them our'name. trait- mark cud ihrt-ct ons. eud ior a circu lar. Offlce and Laborstorv, Ko. 60 Cedar St., N. Y. CHIGAG3 DESTRUCTION. A full and compit te hUtory of Chicag", ber pu-t. present and futore, W.th graphic scenes. u.cidini aud mil de tails of the 'disaster, by o. P. Upton aul J. W. Sheahaa. eduo.s of tb-Chicago Trivtm. With orVr 4M Ihj?-i aad 5U illuitratiuii -. It is now read v for dcLvt-rv. AGENTS WANTED. -S id for outSt and ioiee of te4r;torv. Union Publishing Co., Chicago, LU., cr PhtLi.. Pa. ST; MARY'S SCHOOL, RALEIGH, X. C. , R-;ht r.-v. Taos. Atkinson, D. D., Visitor. li-v. Alkei SMEDts, LK V., Kector. ;y . IteV. iJEKNE'iT S.MEHES, A. 51., Assi.-ufct. Too Sixtkth term of this School will commence on the SixtecLth of January, ii72, and tudtinuo until the Se eijta oi Jar.e. ; Tiie charge, per tnn, for board and English tuition, is Oi;e Hundred aud Twenty Dollars. : For a circular apply to the Rector. ;: ; , PLASTEE3, F AND GARDNERS suecrile tor The American Farmer, Now combined with The Rural R j;lter, and pubii-hod monthly at No. 9 Nortn Strect Laltimore Md., hAMixL- -ands 4c Son. It is o:ust Agricultural JoKYi ur- Anf rice, aiid was conducted oVer veara bv our S'-'i.io:' ! New uar in a-lvance series begins Jami.i -y -1.72. ? 1.50 a ; 5 ropifri, S; 11 tor;-$.lL'. Send for prospectus, Premium Lists, ic. i. fji 77 Eli4i.E HUNDRED PA Ci Printed in Two Colors, on superb Tixtf.d Paper. Four II ti utlred E.n jrsivinM oi' Fiowm, trmux ana fgrtaniro. with Descriptions, TWO COLORED PLATES. aad Ln-ect.ous and. p:::s mat.n' Wx.aii. Lwi;s. Gar- (U-i.s, Kc. Tl. handJotiest and hi tit FLtdtAL Wj.kl. Alif ;i'Tcu C-':at-. to thuia- in tu. who think i i buv;u: N'ct a Q'lalrter the cost. 200.10J soid-oi luTl. Aadres JAMES VICK, Roehe.4tcr, X. Y. 31'the' LTt.V HOUSE, a New Southern Vovl. hv author of "Valcri Aylmer." fcvo. paoer, four uiiisti?tir:s. I'rice SI; cloth 1.50. i, It is a f-.bry of the South, thirty years ago, and the . set-tie is laid entirely in that region, : Tiie young authoress, who id a lady of .North Carolina, bus in her M-coud effort improved upon,-like first. Sent ; fret ty mail to any address, on the receipt of the price, j L. APPLETON A: CO., Pubhtdiera, New-York. i 'WiDE AWAKE & pai'rofsuperb French Oil C romos subjects LIFE H.ti, exquisite fac simile ol' original Oil Pamtmys, QJfrW A WAY to every srdscritcr to ? HENRY WARD BEECHER'C GIlE'AT LI 1'ERAIIY, RELIGIOUS, WEEKLY NEWSPA PER. Agents Laving great success. One took 1,000 names in .i mouths; another 072 in 35 daym; another US in one week; one 47 in t-ue day and many bthera equally well-, niakin, from ro and $10 to $4y ibr day. Takes on bik'hi ! An "Id Agent who know, fcays: "I think it the fast .business for c'unvass'-rs ever, offered. Sony I did tivt engage sooner." Pays beitfcrstiian any book ag( ney, A rare chanue to make money,, i LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. Intelligent men aud women wanted everywhere. If you wiWb. Rood termoiy, faeud cxrly for circular and teruiii ! J. U. xOKb i CO.. 1 Park Place, NeW-VoiTk: 11 Brom tifld'St.. Boston. Mass., '263 West Madison St., Chieago, II'- . ; , "T 50th YEAR. NEW-YOKK OBiRVER $3 por Annum, inelading Year Sotk f.r 1872. SiD-NEY E. MOUSE, JU'. & CO., 37 Park Row, Xcv-Sm-lt. SAMPLE COPiESREE. UNIVERSALIS. Semi for' free sample copy of tbeiC'IIRISTIAN bEAOElt. a iirfi-class we-kly jfUrifel, published by the New-Yoik State Conveidion ot Vi'i-i ersalists, aud conumimj the Sermn of lr. P..I1, t 1I.P1. Tcriii-s 5'j.r.o i-. r y..r. AiMres., I'byiaber t:ll TIW LEALHIll. I -iS's iirou(Uvu', Atw-York City. SIOISEHOLU 3IAOA3KlE ia offered comiiiii iv ear to everv sub- I oii-tk) iilade, Pon.erov's f its worth and popularitv. Th ;odire liiton, cad liuii.oer. iftrlodieals for the oi pii iiuiui.M on equally i, i;r.-ijb-.ciHs ii'aiiziiif'. Th ..fpeciliieii Oi ),. Nirwbur. PETERS' MUSICAL MONTHLY The 'Dev. No., 'rice o0c, Las 19 pieces Y al aiul Itistr'i Piano Music, w. .rth. in Bh.--t form. Y."r will ma.l t o ba k Nos. for r.oj. f.ur for f'.''ii.,f r Jan. to Dee. '71, for 2 25, -(rogular price, S3.) Bound copies ic 1871, yiit Bides Bud ed'cs. . c5. i'he Music is by Hav. Thomas. .Kii.kel, Gounod -t". Ad bvss J. L. PLTER.y, 50!) Lroadwav, N. Y.'i P.O. Box 54 -yj. ACOUlLOiuiil Ot L" ti-tnt iii! .fv- A r-1 . VF I . OiUUcbcst promote- of the growth ami l-tutj ot thchair 2"2.:zJ: c jib-ton. .m,, bo.U by u.l lru;fi.,w. Un-ure'-kf imitutions. m . i. g,ni..aiiW,iWM,ii,i $425 A Jlo. TH ! Ho: se f .trut-heJ. paid. H. Ii. SHAW, AlfriMe. Expenses . ..... . . . . . . i, . a itfcu. A;,'tuts : inalie more money at woik ior us than at anythiifg else. BuiUieoB i.i.bt and permanent. Partieuiaio f.tie. O. .Sxioy ii cV-. '-; Art J'ubii.ers, Portlaud, il.ine. ""oiL) Til Al ii A victim early indiacre- t;oa, caiieiug nervous debu.ty, premature deeav. tiJ,, Lav.iiD' tried in vain every advrt Leed remedy, La.-, a.r'eovei ed a e.niple meai.s i-t eli'-c?ii e, which Le wi;l endto hit fello-oiiffei trs. Address . H. RLEYES, 7d .'a.'fiu .Yew York. ' ' THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE i" Tat nixaiMir or Chronic and Sexuall Diseases. A PHYSIOLGGICAL VIcW Of MAKRIAGE, The cheapef-t bock ever published Containing nearly thjreo iiunored page and cn hundred and thirty fine piatt-.-and eiiicr-iVings oi the anatomy of the human or gatio in a-sut of u aitn and disease, witn a treatise on -arly .' i roi its oep.o: ati. consequence upon tae mind ; and oo.iy. with the a:thui 'a j-ian of tr&lient the only ! rat toi.al ind smvewiul niole cf cure, fca chown by a re- ! pn t "t i uses t. t-uted. A truthful advierto the married j a.i'd tii j. contempUtiiirf i4TC:ig. who entertain doabte oi their pliywcat couuif.on. Sent free of poetae to any i adiress ou, receipt of twenty-nve cehti in atampa or no-nil curren.-y, by addressing, Ib. La CROIX. No. 21 j Ma. den Lane, Albany, N. Y. 'The author may be con- nittod upon any of the disease upon which his book treat, e.ther personally or by maj. and medcinea acnt t any part of the world. i T introduce them twen 10 t United State for only 10) Ten Cent. Addreaa ty new articles, useful to everybody, wiu oe m Mar.uractarer, Box 449 Fret to any part of the NaW-Cra, Cm 'Uvsji VV UUU O lm- durin.; th.. feefibcrof Meny's Mfirntu, tht i l'ciiiooiat, Lie., SSSSJ 'which i mi videuce 1 Horaeo or. e'.-y, jaiaet I 'art on, ' II iiin'.to . i u.. ui.t-iivr evvrv n ITiiidTuTuir. it -.f:'.-rs tlsr trsl- ' pi iO-- "f oln- t t:: !)!. A vurl. ty I VoUii!-." X be-.'in.s with -T!i. '72 toyit-B ; 1 live. Aci.ir. . !?nN. v. j RL R R RADWAY'S READY RELIEF CUR.ES THE WORST PAI.VS In from Oneto Twenty Minutes. NOTiONt HOUR aTter reading thi adrertiaemexit need any od bUFFLB WFTH PAIS. li VU WAY'S READY REL1E IS CURE FOB EYXBT PAIN. It wu the first and is THE OXL.V PAIX REMEDY that instantly atopa the mcr exmieiatinj? psiaa. allay innamauooa, ana cur cooetiona. wbeUtr of the Lungs, btomacb. Bowelj, or other glands or organs, by one appneauon, IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excruciating the psin the RHEL MATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm. Crippld. Nsrroua. Neuralgic, or prostrated with, diseas may suffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF 1 IL1 At rVKU 1STAT AS. INFLAMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMA.TION OF TH BLADDER. INFLAMATION OF THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS- SOUL XII BOAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH. rNFLUXSlA. HEADACHE. TOOTHACE. NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application of the Ileadjr Relief to rhs part or pa rta where the pain or difficulty exists will afford case ana comfort. Twenty drop in s half a tumbler of watsr will in few moments cure CRAMPS. SPASMS. SOUR STOM ACH. HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE. DIARRHEA. DiSENTERY, COLIC. WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all INTERNAL t AINS. Travelers should always carry abottls of Rdwy Ready Keller with them. A few drops in water will prevent su'knesa or pains from change of water. It id better than French Brandy or Bitters as s stimulant FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty .cents. Tbers 1 not a re-medial agent in this world that will cure Fsver and Aue and all other Malarious, Bilous, Scarlet. Ty phoid, lellow, and other Fevers (aided bv RADWAY'b PILLS) ho qunk as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fifty cents per ootue. HEALTH ! BEAUTY ! ! STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD INCREASE 0 FLESH AND WEIGHT CLEAR bKIN AND BEAU TIFUL COMPLEXJON SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SAHSAPA!l!LLIAN HESOLTEHT US MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; 8C QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BOD . UNDERGOES. UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THLS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the 8ARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVEN 1 commuuieates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine anc other nuida and juice of the system the vigor of life, foi it repairs the waatea of the body with new and sounc material. Scrofuia, Syphilts, Consumption, Glandular dis ease, U.cer in the thruat. Mouth, Humor $, yodes in th' Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Strumoroui discharges from Vie Ears, and the worst form of Skin di eases. Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms inUi Flesh, Tumors. Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Aight Sweats, Lets of Sperm and al wastes of the life principle, are teithin the curatire range oi this wonder oj Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use wit' prove to any person using il for either of these forms of dis ease its potent power to cure them. anci delorSposA' on'lnatco'n&fnjgrftwln aut ceeda in arresting these wastes, and re pair the aaui- with new material made from healthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and doea secure a cure b? certain ; for when oncet hia remedy commences its work of purilication, and succeeds in diminishing tha lose oi wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day th patient will feel himself growing better a d stronger the food digesting better, appetite improving and nesb and weight increasing. Not only does the Sa.bsapabixl14.ii Resolvxkx excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous. Constitutional and ekin diseases; but it is tha only positive cure for Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Urinary, and Wcmb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dis ease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there ar brick-dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, xuixeo with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like white tulk, or there is a morbid, dark, bill ous appear-H ance, and white bone-dust deposits, and wben there is a pricking burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small of the Back and along the Loins. DR. RADWAY'S ninu riT.:-Ai!vz fills, pefectly tas teless, elepantly coated with sweet gum, purge. 'regulate, purity, cleanse and strengthen. Rad way'a Pills, lor th cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver; Bowes, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Disease. Headache, Conntipatiou, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Lillioueuess, Billious Fe-er, Inflammation ol th'eUowcls. Piles, and all Derangements of the Lnterral I Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purelj 1 Vegetable, containing no mercy, minerals, pr deleterious drugs Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Or aus: ! Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood ii I the Head, Acidity of , the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn. I Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in tht Stomach. : Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of thi j stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficuli Breathing, Heat, Burning in the Flesh. A lew doss of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the system from all the alxve namd disorders. Price, 25 cents pe. i B. x. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. j READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letteritami I to RADWAY CO.. No. 87 Maiden Lane, New York Information worth thousands will be sent you. giiy 1 The hki if lie People 1 The Verdict of the People! The Verdict of the People! IS THAT G. W. Gail & Ax's G. W. Gail & Ax's G. W. Gail & Ax's CELEBRATED Scotch Snuffs Scotch Snuffs Scotch Snuffs AEE PE0X0UNCED To be the beet SNUFFS In the market. Let all whe nave not tried it try it and they will nse no other, for it is free of all injurious ingredient commonly need ia th manufacture of othr Snuffa. Sold in New-B rne.M.C. hj J. J. Wolfenden k Co., John I Amyett, Walker, Jones k Co., , Thomaa Wffllama, Wm. H. OLver. Galea k Green, F. D. Shlachter, T. Boeaaar, Lorch Dor k Mills, Holiatar k Uorar, I. H. Huddleaton, M. Pattancu. Rowland Bros, Wholesale Grocer. Aetata la 5osk. L. J. Boasioux, Wholeaale ConlectloneT, Afest ta Richmond. Va. G. W. WUliama At Co, Af snta In Charleston, i. C. . New-Beme Txxxa copy The Xew-Berne Republic & Courier Aa In dependant Home k General newspaper published erery Saturday at $1.50 per year by Geo. W.NaaoaJr. No. 23 4 24 Craven 8L NeW-Berae, H. C The Republic & Courier is tne otnclsi orgia tat the City and County sad now has tha largest drcclattoo of any paper ia tha Stela, waiah rnaiaa it a Talabl adrcrtslaj 1 ittrMf LIME ! LIHE ! LIME I The Deep Gully lame Company ar prwr4 to . Fijrnish Merchants, Shippers and Farmers - ' Wha rapsrtor quality f TLaILMjSLISS By th busheL bmrrsl or losx. upon ths iaot faTorabls TERMS Apily to ' . - C. H. & 0. A;'LATITAM Agents, CORNER CRAVEN and 8017X11 TOOST ST" 10.15-ni U. SEW.DK1WK. Jf. C. 3M" O 33? I O 353 OO-PARTNERSHLP. THE undsrsigned Lars ifcis day forxasd a Co-parts ar snip under the nam and sty of Lorrs N. Ran 4 to., rot Uis purpoa of carry usj I : i BusiMM at tbrU staadof U Cheap John." New-Berne. N. C. Jea.,3. IfTl. JaIES CAUPBFiL. Thankful to the dttxe&a at Kv-Bm &ad rir-tmn-m past patronage, we solicit a condnuaDce of the mmm guaranteeing that we shall e II ae cheap if not cheaper aetpectfully, , I LOUIS K. BAXB k CO. a-7 I Xew-Brne X C Zinkand's -Oyster House REFRESHMENT ROOMS UlE ALWAYS SUPPLIED WTTIT THE LUXURIES OF THE SEASON Always on hand a Urge stock of choir brand af FORKIG.Y k DOMESTIC CIO All. rlKi LItlUOH AJC. AiC. FRESH LAGER EVERY DAY. llddle St.,betweeat Fylloli aad Dreea, n-9-o jrEw.BKANB. ar. c. ril ORKAT FIRTK IN RtCIt MONO. Herrings Safes I N T II E H 1 O T H W ( O D 23,500 IN CURRENCY, i 4iid the Books. Papers1. 811 re end valuables of the Spots wooa uotet ana tne Aaaaur soutaeru upreee Gobi Pn l are SAVED IN HERRING'S SAFES orrrcx or Adau Czraasa CoarrAirr, No. 6V BaoapwAT N w X 0K. Dec. SI, 1870 MJUSMi. fUaarNO, Faabxi k SasaMax : Our Aaeat it menmoua writes : we get tnrouen to-nunl drying ind flxine ud the money from the lste fire. The con. tents of the safe f 23,600 ihJbUls, we recorered. It was Herring safe, and a good one, certain. Tours truly. V"L ?. BABCOCX. Treasursr. Mzaams. Hzaarxa, Faaacx.!4c Shk&man, Nnr Yoai iTS : The two Safes of your manufacture, which wo 'tad in u e on the morning .of the 25th iust. st the disas trous are which destroyed the Hootswood Hotel and ad- iud served to prevent thVdeatrucUcn of some S Ju.000 in urrency, besides the vautable papers and books eneioeed therein. It was inipoaslble for workmen to excavate tat 4afc until nearly 80 hours after the are. i Keepectruiiy, V J. F. GIBSOS. Ass't Sup't for Adasus Southern Ka. Co. Bicaaovn. Va, Dec, 79, IfTiD. LETTER FROM J.-.M. aABLXTT k Co.. Proprietors fifthe Spotswood. Richmond, Va.. Dec. 19. 1879. Mesh&s. HcsarNo. Faaaefe k Hhk.bmmm. Oksts: Oa the morning of the 25th int,'we were furtunare enough to have one of your Herrihgfp Pateat Champion fiafes. which fell into the cellar among a burning mass of ruins. Vfter the fire, to our utmost surprise, we found the con tents, consisting of valuable) papers money, and soots dilver ware, all in good oru. Had It not been for youx Herring's Safe we would have lost everythiner. J. al. UUtfUVi a cu. "M s HKItltlKO'S Patent Champion Safes, The moot Reliable Protection from fire now knows. HEBSIltt'S tIEW , PATENT Champion Banker's Safe, The Best Protection alnsf Burglars' Tools now known HERRING, FARrtlir St SHERMAN, 351 Flroalway,6r. 3Iurray St., K. Y. PARREL. IlKRUlSf O A Co., Paviladalp'a. IIEIlIlINti si c-o., cnieaajo. Ilerrlnfc, Fasrrel & SUeruaasi,"N. Orleans. Feb.25,1871.1y. , GROCERIES! GROCERIER ! HOLLISTER & SLOTEB Keep constantly on Land full aasortmftat of Groceries of all Grades, Staple and Fancy ! . Which they offtr at lowest price For Cash or m Exchange for Corner Pollok and Crrn Stret, 12-10-tl Nw-Brnf ti. Ci Pianos and Organs 435 Broome 8treet, K. Y. C. M. TREMAINE & Bro. PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, a&d General Ageata foe tha BURDETT COMBINATION ORGAN. Coaalaittf -CABPI5TIB and BUKDTTS new improveaaeata. THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE AGE 1 The diaagreeahlo reedy tone entirely oven-one in'lbiV natnunent. The verdict ja anaanaumal We caalleage the worldtoooaai HIlt - r: . We can furnish "ew Seves-Octave Piano-IerUe frora 274 to $9S0. Second-hand Flanoa. Organs, and Htlo deone. from Sad to t0. Ktw Cabinet Organs U to tijooo. r. t :?U Hay, Coal, Wood & Lumber A faU sTtrpply j QQXSTAXTLY OS &AyV t FUBSISHJSD ' TO ORDER. i fe'D. N. KILBURN fOAX. arul IALT ltVAXTlTIt 10 sTClT 2,000 SackcL Liverpool Salt, Xarfra 4 BHsht Paaluaa;esl ' J 100 Tons Qrato & Stovo Coal, Jaut IUeata;ad;tst Fo faiulrjr C..I: Uarkst Wtof, -! tlaW-Bcrnjm C General Dry Ms iisM r . 1

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