l i i"N f& FLOWERS COLLECTION iFjIrli Yol. VII, Np. 712. .Geo. W. Xasos, Jit., proprietor and Publisher. Ueo. L. Tinkeb, Editor and Business-Manager, C. C. Holmes Associate Editor.-' Advertisements will be inserted npeuieaBOii able terms. I Liberal contracts will be made vith'-paniiaiiciit Advertisers, I ' : ' i POEITRT. LqVE. re t ile that was first itold in Edeii,'" Thut iiovcr gros Kt4ile to-tho ear,:-' Still teaches the trembling maidea, .V; A secret she Hushes? to hear; " 'i Dtlier jovs may hive beamed ou kcrr Vatkway, To chaim her, kind friends may have Kirov c. I But all fades 'iie-ath tlib glamour -of heariugv : The iinst gentle whisjperoi Love, The-surpriee that creeps over her sch.ses, When told ho is charming find-faii That Lm r Unnh U as blight as the moiuing. I Iiei light step t;s ileift a.- ttie deer,r" ' That iitr voice is as s-sect as the cooing Of dove.s in their woodland .rtrtreat. ." , 1 hat to win In r joun heart's first a.rlj-ction, Would und-.-r aavvv! ity st. e. t. . 'p Oh, crcuulous heart, ct-p.se- your bi-fttiig! Ou, ey-t?, turn your glances asidv!';.. Place no trust in the voice of the ch Himcr, Who "is Hilii'g your bosom with prid'e. ly Cuj id is often a rdvtr; . Beware ol his uattery and arts, -J; Too olten his viciima Accuse him . '- Ot:uiii'iA-j and bnukivg their hc-aitb. True Low' is no e-.iptidns atlecticn, No whim ot' a pussif.ipate hvur, But puie ur, tLt untrodden hnow-iIt;t, Or thi- dew lyiuj hid in a llowe. ; ; . It will strengthen the wtaK, for its uyii'-JU Is to triumph oer ujituxv and self, Though ics tetters at times bind iho mighty, ' It rat.ks above houdr and wealth. : ' Its sympathy renders our childhood, , . An O t,sis of life's early dawn; ' Its iilut-.ion our after life blesses, '.!. Though frail as the jrosu on the thorn; Yet La trials ard cro-sts oppress us, Thi world would be drear without Love; It remains till the deartst cf treasures, And conducts us to 'Heaven above. , ' -Or. . UXTO DEATH. N Oh! it is thou, the angiel of my life, The one faint voice -fro in heaven i That Bllod bit ear amid in v hour s of strife, '' When hope and joy anil light were all. but riven From me. My more than iriend.- 2Vly lrve through all the years love has made f . " , dear, .' ;j . '' "Wait with me till th? end! Thpu'st called me liorn sweet dreams; and yet 'tis well, ;l - Per tho.u t;an sweetest dream ; : ' , Are better far. And I, would ever dwell Within the f lory of tlie teuder gleaia ; j Of those bright ej cf, whiehiend ;! ."Ileaven's Jiht to enrth; and yet it cannot be! '' Wait with io- till tlir end, ! ' And thou, in v lave, bit eome to me from far From that deep, sheltered vale V Whqre I first met thee, my own guiding star, A;dtv;'here, in twiligh hour, love's early tale 'Was spoken iirst. Gh, bend . Xh'y fair voung'face above me yet again! Wait with me' till the end! . For I would have the lips of love first dream Breathe kindly on ibe now, ; : And. give their blessing, fallino; like rlenm Of liea ven upon 'a death oershadoy.f d brow - A blessing that shall lend . 4 .1 .- ir.rv that shall licht me tbronqh.flie u'looin! ' tVott with iv.e tiil'the enlt j v Th.vpresenoo lent a beauty to tho tlojver, A sweetness to the dove, m A' charm to ail the souikIs of twilight's hour; And I had all thy heart's 'iropassionpi love! iiu now uy sotii must rend : J j Itself froni t-lree, and go its lonely way! Wa'-t vrith UK' till the eiid! . Left thee on thut day, now long gonql'v, And while I searched for lame, J My soul feed ou tho love in thy dark jdyc, . And burned that I might gain a nobi-ts name, And that we yet might bond j Oi.r lives iu ono renown; but all ts o'er! Wait with me till the end! . . -j ; hou kiiowcst not how 'ot't throughout ibe nigh t Thy presence hovered near, , And lent a lustpe to my louely- light,. As through the si:onthourBl seiucd to heai" Thy voice, a prayer stud To heaven fur me Jow, mere than-1 guardian one, ' ! . W'uit with rue till te end! ' " - ! : - . Dear love! I feel thy liss upon my brow Weop not, my love and iiiel I'll bleVa ibee till welmeet be near tue now, iVbiic am passing' through ibi mortal strife! -Ko other hand can jt' nd '. "hie It'Lc tlrine own anid this hour of:need! Wait with me till tjie end ; . i Chambers Journal. ! I SATISFIED. Ob, Lcnrt of miao 3'0'ro a lyilliul tbiDg, And a trouble to ltue ut I est? I 1 --ive i iuhtjou lotik autl tutorcc 'you well," : But stlifou are nqver at rear, r What U it you want jfou, gKedy gnome, .That you moan like a child in.pa.ia f Ifl crowned ou momuch of rolling ipi I believe it would l0 in vain. . aores. I Lave rougbt ia thl midnight's starry hours, And on till the uaotnint? gray; .- ; I have toiled in the sultry tropics' heat. Xiii the csa&o of thjo weary day;. ; pen has brought you a nie&'suro of fame Xleaped up to the;vtry btini- i A name that bhall iivi wiieu et-nturieB .roll Back iuto the ages fliiu. ''If;'. I've gathered you wfealth that might dower a queen; . ; I have throned yout in regal' state; i , For you I wrestled with many a foe, ; Conquenng-even fate. ' ., I have knelt at yout shrine like -the veriest slave, . K . YliVith trophies from every land; Qeins from the'Bea, and gold from the mine, I- Have been scattered with'lavlsh hand. And honor unstained oh, heart of mine, L What is it you ask for more ? Knowledge is thine; I have sought it out vl From the pages of ancient lore, Xjovel lovel my heart that I taught sb long ? j My heart, that I crushed with a "will ? Eov aare you stir 'neath your silken rgbes, ti Moaning and frettiBg still ? ; ' IIow dare you ask for impossible tjilngs, : Obi viper that I have fed ? - i Why do you madden me, day by day, 'Till' r wish I might see y ou dead. Love! never, never, my traitor hearf ! So comfort yourself with pride' Foli it foyaUy over sharpest paia-r l. Fox yoa there is nangh ocside. A kVBMCVaMMfta-Viiii - . . -i i i. - -- W "LIBERTY AND TLYWjY, jYOW AXD FOREVER, i i iiiM-MniTiMMiraTiiTmwMMMTBWiwfwrMT,BnTWTirriraTlgfn irTimj tt . . - . t Vcr over FOIiTY YEAE3 IhU i llYEll MEDICINE Lib- iovtOtaie tho GREAT UN FA t LI KG SFC!Fi " for LirE3 CoatPi-viVT and its palT;i!: ofx;nln;j, DT:3 PEPSIA, COHSTIPATIOX; JaundiccK:'2i.iiicnis attacks SICK II CAD AC HE. Colic. Dftwirc U, -BOCR STC-SrAClI, 11 f art burn, CHILLS A Ki liv iiK ic. kc. Aiu;r years ot careful expenmr-tt?!, i- mctt a froat siid urgent U- naa-.:il, ne now i.ou-.e ftt'i oui- c r'y:f.-l 'the prepared.- ; a l.iou:i rorra ot j coutiiniug ail it ! &no eH'ci' it in wonderful ;-nd valilaulu iloperta e, ONE DOLLAR BOTTLED The ro-ardera, (price as before,). Sent by nail fl.GO per package l.Oi Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIMMONS' LIVE it HECiULATOii unl bs m eur tUi-ra ca wiapper, v.-ith Trade mark. Stamp and bit-atuje uuUofcu. 5or.e otLcra genunie. , J. H. ZEII.IX fe CO.. MACON, OA., and I-JILLAJjllLPUlA. SOLD BY ALl DKUGGIsTS No. 32 Craven Street. ' (;;tJov,- t ost v-ii.t ,i Fall and Winter Fashions 1572. Always on hand a Bt-lected stock o: CLOTH. CASfif MKS. DOESKIS, VESTING. kC, cspccUlly siutsd tu tL Custom Di-partment. CUTTING, CLEANING aiiU BEPA1U1NG do b at short notice. Satiol'action gi.ar . nrte. 1-oth as to stylo ai.d pvice. - UvUf Mlf UMUI 'HilM '1IITTH""'," Miy-TOTawiriM -TOBACCO. WHOLESALE T0BA000 HOUSE. AM Grades of Tobacco to:r i:: 25o'7 - 3rne AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES, Exclusive Agent For, W. T. BZACKWELTS UX1UVALLED, ORIGINAL AND nrNTTFNK Smokiug and Chewing ! TOBACCO, i ! For Sale Only to the Trade AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES, JAMES OGSQQH, Agent, South Front Street, Opposite the lateJjio. E, A4Sct S$ore,) NEW-BERNEj N. C. ASl ' Ladder Truck Equipment. PROTECTION FBOM FIRE, Hook and ABSOLUTE The Gardner ia superior to al-pther Extinguiaher in POTi L1 ABILITY, SIAIPLICJIV, COXViEMilJSCE and ilfEICIESCY.. . : The Truol Equipment is a oomp'ete EJra Department i imUV having all the attachments of ia regular Hook and Ladder Truck, nd TWO, or YOVB. GARDEN i,li EXTINGUISHERS in addition. " Villages and Towns will und it th - CHEAPEST and MOST Er'FiCIENT TIRE APPARATUS plfered for sale. Send for circulars, '- GEORGE C. RIXFORD SAM. K. EAT0N, ELLIilG AT IC With small profits a4de?l. IUAVE REMOVED TO THE BRICK STORE FOR merly occupied by Dr. R, Berry,; No. 3? Craven street, where can alwaya be foui-d sod selection of Watches, Clocks, Jeweliy? 3oUd SUvei and FlVitert Ware. Also Agents 'for Laiarus and Morris 'Celebrated Spec tacle b. I can guarantee a perfect fit for young or old . Wa tchea, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and warranted. Ocme and see me. Don't forget the pltPce, No. &7 Craven street, west side second building eou'h of Pollol: street New-Berne, K. c a25!!tf 8AI, Ki EATON. BALTIMORE & NEW-BERNEj STEAMERS. Steamer, JAS. A. GARY, : I ' teamer,-HACENSACK, 8teamer, CO"iJ"iIEIiCE. The above Steamers, form a five da line to and from 'Baltimore, ' ; B. L, PERRY, Hilly ? : Agent, T OBERT F. LpIIHIAW Attorney and. Counsellor XV at Law, New-Berne, North 'CUrellna, will execut with promptness all business entrustei to him in Craven and adjoining counties. Particular -attention given to thai collection of claims. : t NEW-BERNE, . N.-&,SA3!KDAY, MARCH 29, 1873. ! GEORGE ALLEN & L.1BOR &.VX2TGP Cotton. Ccm and . Eefeta CULTIVATORS WILEY'S PATEIsT. i I aid meet IlFi ECirvE Steel I jv in ! i use. ! 3"Ix TOE3 thx: WOIii. or 1 WO VUQWS WITH CbSE t Ail It runs shallow, is caEily" guided, and ia light" 1 3 tie IIer;e. It is made of Wrought Steel, and will outlaat tWQ or dinary Plows. ? It ctr c-ved in auy iell prepared! GoiL aid is Vt: ly cooawr cotton, corn, ana rotatoss. f AJ1 vho have used it-al-o picaaed w:lh it. "It is thobefctfor plowing young cotton I have ever used." cor. A. II. jT.msok. j "It Bnv. s tho labor ove horte End plow, and two hoe handB." EU3EH O. VV. IICFham, ' J. D. CARaoii, Esq., stya: 4 So far a3 I have used it, ' it excels all others." : IjAHhEu WiixiamS: Esq.. mjp: ,!It fives the labor of cce norso and hand." Z'tTA. 13. Fauqchas, says: "I know of not3uitivstor em bra r. n s j many geed points, i.e., to well adapted to working the plant in tna several Etages of its growth. Price $10. Lib.ra! Oisccunt tojhe Trade. Also CHAMPION COTTON AND COHN PLOW, CHAirrzc: Dicssox Kwsep, t. p iid a g-. rat variety cf Turning Piowe.Sft Plow Castings of Every Kind, 33end for a Catalogtia. y. 'Agents Wanted in'every Place. GEOP.&E ALLEN & CO. Pollok Street. New Perne, N. C cf Chronic or Acute llh'2aaiai,-5!ii, Gout, fJoiatiea.TTeui ehe, Lumbago, A .fw, Nervousness or Kioney Affec- ! r.ioi:s accepted for i.raur.cnt that I cannot cure. k23Gm vpf cial Apt-lit. t ; REMOVAL. . j 'J2dm Most respectfully informs thU he has rt;nove,cl hia his friends and metRuicrs BOOK STORE, from Court House building, to the brick building lat ly occupied by Dr. 11. Uerry, No. 37 GrAvcn Street, whei;k he offkkg ton sale at the i.o"rFf.T cash ruiors. BLANK .BOOKS, jsCHGOL EO0.lv fools cap, le-gal cap, letter, note bill Paper,' ladies work boxes and writing desks, steel pens, pen holders, lead pencils, yjqlin and GULTAR TRINGB, HaGA2INE3 ILLUSTRATED PAPERS &c, &c. RememV,r the place, 37 Craven Rt., (next door o Wormella Photogi'aph Gallery,) New-Berne, N. C. a25! t G. F. M. DAII-. W- HAYWOOD EAIL DAIL BROTHERS, j Commission Merchants j and wholesale and retail doaleds in Dry Goods, Groceries, j Provisions, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, &c, c. j Purchasc-ra are invited to call and examine the stock at our now store, on South iront street,, opposite Gaston j Hov.68. Kew-Eerne, N. C. tlf-: i DAVID SPEIGHT returns his sincere thinks to the public, for their very generous patronage during the past and hereby announces hia iutentioa to continue at all times ta keep on hand a ftesh supply cf the most choice Oytters to be had in this market, atliia Oyster House, market wharf, New-Berne, C. SS" Oysters serveii in eyery style at Bhort notice. YOUaSTG Contemplating a BuElneaB Life should attend tho BRYANT, STRATTON & SADLER BUSINESS COLLEGE, For Circulars', and Specimens of Penmanship, enclose- two stamps and address, W. H SADLER, Pres't. No's 6 & 8 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md ICE, ICE. A cargo of ice just received, which Is for sale in any quantity at 1 cenfper pound by ailltf WHITE, ER03., & 5ILBEBN. Win. S. PHILLIPS, S ADD LEE and HAENESS ?IIDDLE STREET, next to HENDERSON GROCERY and PROVISION STORK. NEW-BEBNE, N C; ah vina rt'ijattii'X! dana in the neatest vo tEib manner at "-ldw rricea ' ! .11 J. H. STEDMATST. Rooms No. 23 Craven St reet New-Berne, Nortli Carolina. ., i ii- u. n-ELroao's iallow bPisEnr. U:i f l.Oop.al j . - -r--y,M inwii i Slaniifacturod onlvlV ! rislMSIIi 4)fi. mm& cow-pox mm. 1 '' j t&UXi cmation. instituted by Prof. Dppaul, of Paris, in April, i sW'??f'" 'Vjli bsae. from the famous-case of spontaneous cow-pox rt j i . H feA'-fevK" augency in France: and inaugurated in America, in r i&C &X&m4 I Stewber, 18T0, by Dr. Henry A. Ulu- tin, with virus ! i ;. 0!- - 3?-'JfrP CJL .i&'fgS&l f 2t 5 ! ana autograph instructions from th... hand cf Prof, j i - l3 $32&& :M.UMtTM ' DePfaL Ourfestahhshment ia by far the largest and mofct prrfect in the world. Lago Ivory -'lancet"' points, j 7 1U- I lfv?& Phages cf 10. f 2.00; primary crusts, (scabs,) moet carol rSMMSSMI41 ' IiK, HENRI ' p:rlSa QUANTITY iaaE5si ! v ft H SZB3fSbfJA IfiW ttUtlS - - ; ICE, OjYE AND INSEPARABLE." -Daniel Webster. NEW ADVEETISEMEKTS. 1100 TEACHERS QR STUQEHT8. f MALE or IXilALE, can sei ING YRVZL $10i) to $150 euro EMPLOYMENT. PA Y- per mont.li during the Spring sad Summer. Address, PEOPLE'S JOUBNAL, 518 Areh-tt., Philadelphia, Pa. WORKlfIG CLASS JSSf S SSSS- uegpectabla employmeat at home, day or eveninc: no capital required ; full instructions, ana valuable package of gooda sent free by niail. Address, witli-six cent retnra eLamp, 51. YODG & CO., 1C Couitlandt-st., N. Y. iw AGENTS! A RARE CHANGE ? f We will pay all e.gcnt$ J40 per week cai, who will engage with us at oxce. Everything i-urniLednd ex penses paid. Addreei 4w A. COULTER. & Co., Charlotte, Mich. iktSYCIIOMAVCY, ot SOUL. t llAiDIIXG" M ITnw Althfll OCT iyiot- -f niiln -. 1.-.-.--- fend affeetiona of any person tliey choose instantly. This queer book. Address Tj, WILLIA3I & Co, Pubs. Phlla. iw Agents wanted for our immensely popular 31rs :6s Charts. Our lareo Man of the L'iiitea States xrttli ft beautiful lar:o "World" cn averse side, Bella Bplehdidly. lach it.ip 40x59 inches. Ifl fi fl AS-ct9 wanted for our ce Charts, "Holy U U U Virgin and Child" and -Christ Ble33ir.g Lit tle Children." Tliey wiU find a place in every Christian home. H AASnj & LUBKECHT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment. 107 Liberty St., New-York. 4 v numekous tes ra have proved H. F. BURNHAM 3 HEW TURBINE WATER WHEEL, TO BE THE BEST EVER INVENTED. PAMPHLET FREE. , ADDEE3S, YOEK, PA, is ESPECIAL ATTENTION of manufacturers Vho hare become difgusted with the odors of Paranno Oils and their ill t Sects tin on ma chinery, ia invited to E. H, Keljxjcc's SPERM Exc-rNi: Oil S l.rcPrjl It will bo packed to,p;o with perfect Eafay by m3il. Full directions for us$ accuropanv ea?h- pr.rka--o. rir mittance raupt acconrpany order. Safe deliver r of Virus Insured. . . . ''A. MARTIN & SON. AGENTS WANTED For Professor Parson - ivs of iismcss. With full dir.y Oils' arid forms for ail traniraefior-o ni every Stato of the Union. By THi:OFHILUS PAUSOSH. LL.p. A correct. .cKiur:iical and safe. Counsellor and ffenrtJalfbrdi I ilWl - iiu vo ms, etc. .vinnvss . 'ihjjn .1j ia;n.Ll.SH.ljS( CO.. iiepipbis, Teun. ; Atlanta, (.ia , or Cincinnati, .Ohio. A:v notk;3i:. REDUCT!0?J OF PRICES OF BOARD. ST. CLAIR HOTEL. IToiiuic?it Srluarc, tJititi more, rIi, Qa and after JIarcIi 1st. 1S7LJ, hoard at this h:.t,l. io merchants, will ho $2.'U per dny. Tho only hotel h: Baltimore with improved elevator. Suits of iconi , iih baths aud all other eonvenu-n'g, iw IIAKUV I, I"0I.E, Manager. 3 83 4! CABINET ORGANS. TUP flfJB V Amei'kau Musical Instruments cf I Ilk Uilloa such extraordinary and recognized excfclleuco as to command a wide sale iu Europe, not withstanding competition th?r;. wan products of cheap labor, , fc !iiVQ awarded highest premiums, including rtlafVHlQthe Medal at the Paris Exposition. Of hundreds of Industrial Exhibitions, there have not been six in all where any other organs havo been pre ferred to these. UNIVER8ALLY recommended by eminent musicians as possessing excel lencies not attained in any others. See opinions of ONE THOUSAND, in Testimonial Circular. H&nFI V employing several important 1 J buyUl vLUl inventions and embracing every real improvement. THE &108T EHTENS1VE tn. world, producing better work at less cost than otherwise possible. i PHiP C' aQd &s low &5 cohaisicufc with I scrupulous employment of only best material &ud workmanship. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AXD TESTI MONIAL CIIiCULAR. WITH INPORTXM I1VPOR3IATIOS ABOUT ORGANS WHICH 51 A V S WK PURCHASERS FROM HI. SAP- i I'OIS'TMEXT IV PURCHASE OP IXPEU IR OR WORTHLESS INSTRUMENTS OR PAYMENT OF HIGH PICES, SEXT FREE, MASON & HAMLIN OB&AN CO. 101- Tremost St., Egstos; 25, Usios Squaee, Nev? York; 80 akd. S3 Adaks St., Chicago. 4w ifi. if kited alarl huahv known rmncdv. it will eradicate extirpate and thoroughly destroy all poisonous substance"! in the Blood ana win eneciuaiiy aiapeiau jncuusiuuu to billious derangement. Is there want pt action in yonriincr v 1 TTnleKa relieved the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, ; producing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotcnes, t eionB, jrusiiues, wiut. jriiuvivo, &tfavVi von a Dvsneptic Stomacli I Unless digestion is promptly aided the system is detiltated with poverty of the Blood, Dropsical tendency, general Weak ness ana inertia. . . - Have you; weakness OT ine n""" : You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or Inflamma tion of the Bowels. Have you weaKness 01 me twrme or uri nary Or cu us 1 You are exposed to suffering in its most aggravated form - Are yon aejeciea, urowojr, uujj, daliohi wi pressed in spirits, with head ache, back ache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth ? For a certain remeay iorui ui uieou iuwoom, " coy nesses and troubles; for cleansing and purifying the vitiated blood and imparting vigor to all the vital forces ; for building up and restoring the weakened constitution JURUBEBA which is pronounced by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris "th most powerful tonic and al terative known to the medical world." This is no new and untried discovery but haa been long used by the leading physicians of other countries with iconderjul remedial results. ; 'Pon'tweaken and impair the, digestive or gan s by cathartics and physics, they give only tempo rary relief indigestion, flatulency 'ana dyspepsia with piles and kindred diseases, axe sure to follow their use Beep the blood pure and health is assured. , JGBN Q.- KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St , New-York, Bole Agent for the United States. Price oaeDoUar per Bottle, Send fox Circular. 4w s:mpie mental aoquirenicnt all can poesGiB, free by mail, for 20c., together with n marriage guide, Egyptiau Oracle Dreams, Hinta to Ladies. Weddinsf-NiVnt Shirt, kc. a E. IL.Kelloco'3 TALLOW Esgine Oil (fi ll ioi3ral ! M 1 f NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.: 7 r De .deceived, but for coughs, colds, scro. throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficulties, use only WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLETS. V ortliless imitations are on the market, bnt the only scientific preparation cf Carbolic Acid for Lung diseases is when chemically combined with other well nuicuiio, aa iu. muse iaujeis, ana an parties are cautioned against using any other. Iii all cases of irratation of the mucous membrane these tablets phould be freely used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing, Be warned, rer neglect a cold, It Is easily cured In its incipient etate, when it becomes chronic the cure is exceedingly difficult, use Wells' Carbolic Tablets as a specific. JOHN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Piatt St. New-York, Sole Agent for United States, Frico 2o cents a box. Bend for Circular. AGEJTTS WAX TED. The most liberal terms ever offered, Explceatioss in Africa. The PioCotebxb DISCOVERED. The adventures of a most adventurouB life. A large octa vo volume, splendidly illustrated. Contain b incidents '! the wonderful career of the Great Traveler, tie Country Animala, Natives, Hunting, &c. The best digested Cy clopedia of African Knowledge and LrvEJasTONE'a Ex plorations ever published. Full account of How Stan ley FoumjLivisgstoxe. The only book endorsed, by the Press, Send $1 for outfit, or write at once to UiflOH Publishing Comtaxt, Cincinnati, Ohio. . Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and LAings, such as Oonarhs, Golds, Whooping Cough, BronohitlB, Asthma and Consumption. Among the great discoveries of modern science, few are of more real value to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A vast trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, haa shown that it does surely and effectually control them. The testimony of our best citi zens, of all classes, establishes the fact, tnat CnEniiY Pectokal will and does relieve and cure the afflicting disorders of the Throat and Lungs beyond any other medicine. ? The most dangerous affections of the Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of Consump tion, cured by this preparation, are public-, ly known, so remarkable as hardly to be be lieved, were they not proven beyond dispute. Aa a remedy it is adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount of Buffering not to be computed. It challenges trial, and con... vinces tho most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand.f-3 a protection against the early and unperceived attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first, but which becomo' incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lunga need this defence ; and it i3 unwise to lie without it. As a safeguard to children, amid iho stressing diseases which beset the Throat aiv Thest. of Childhood, Cheuky Peotobax,.'.. -dffectJiru iroWiliumTlCfe gWjgfflSgk Ved to tho love and affection centred on them; acts speedily and surely against ordinary colds, seourlng sound and health-restoring sleep. No one will suffer troublesome Influenza and pain ful Bronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, and c.ueeossful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in making every bottle in the utmost possible perfection. It may bo confidently re lied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures &s memorable as the greatest it has ever effected. PREPARED UT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., riftctitai nnd Analytical Chemist,' SOLD BY ALL DJRUG GISTS EYEBYWRJEBE. jO'STANTJ5T ON HAND and for sale by JONATHAN HAVENS, Commission Merchant, CORN MEAL, BALED HAY, GRABS SEED, ROCK AND FERTILIZING LIME, COTTON BAGGING & TIES, IRISH POTATOES, SEED OATS, SEED WHEAT AND RYE, STOVE AND GRATE COAL, BUILDING INITISIilAL, Window Saslics, glazed ant! unglazed, AJSJD BL1NIS9 I ILOTELS AND BRACKETS, SHELVES, MOULDlJsG NEWELL POSTS, BALUSTLMIS AND HAND RAILS, Of Ell sizes, on hand and made to order in tho best and strongest maiuer, of No. 1 White Pine Lumber, thor oughly seasoned. Aleo, sash coi:r & sash weights, Prices Font upon application and guaranteed as low as any Uoute in Norih Carolina, person:.! attention given to the purchase and sale of grain, cotton, and general merchandise. U6tf No. 11 Craven St. New-Berne, N. C, NEW DRY GOODS STORE On Middle Street, Opposite American House. A. & M. HAHN-' TTfave opened a New Store with a complete stock , of t a New Store with a com fresh goods, consisting of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes HATS, CAPS, &c. Ac. In Bhort, everything to be found in a First-Glass Dry 1 Wo offer inducements to Cash Buyers which are not c-,, massed bv any House in New-Berne. We invite an nspection by our friends and the public. 1-15-0 A. A. JOHNSON. VI. ABRAHAMS. A. A. JOHNSON & CO., Na 88 SHEAR'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, MdM MANUFACTURERS OF We warrant our brands of Flour to run regular, : cllly AVOID QUACKS. A victim cf early indiscretion, causing nervous de bilitv. nremature decay &c, bavins: tried in vain every. Advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of se 11 cure, which ne wax sena tree to ms teiiow suserers. address, J. II. 79 Nassau BU, xew-xoriu oisr Ms Store V Single copies 5 cents. CORN ANDiNOT COTTON IS1IH& I O HIlsrESE oo"Risr" IMPORTANT TO FAB3IEBS. V ' ..; . . . j ; V, . .. THE GREATEST DIStOVEBY DI TTrrwVvRTp Endorsed by the Prat. ndomd by Ou Clergy. Endorsed Jy the Medical Endorted by Vu Seed Dealer. Endorsed by Druggist, Endorted by PlatUert mi - Farmer. A Eiidarted by Zrerynnotul Extra Early thirty Jwa Rowed Conu . . ln H K?in 32 rowed sweet corn, growing from 10 1 ft ll!etelfht fw Pted tteflrftMarX it was. sold ia the .market July, 23d, (81 days.) A later platting was ready in 76 days. 7 ' ... its claims , - 1st. It will produce, more Corn to the Acre witli the uxme cultivation and in aiy variety ofiouT toovartety? 6te f kernel ttaa anyhorao- ith T; VSr 7 83 rowed rarietyj t' i! Q lbf,totae buahal. sealed measurV 5th. Cth cob. It ia a aolid white transparent corn, with white 7th. It grows more rtgorou anaripens lta whol earlier than any other lielJewVariet! 8th, it makes better meal, being sweeter and richer. ?i x5. f ore folee makes more f eedT f 10th. It can be planted on land from which wheat has ben harvested, or fnsm which potatoes have been dug; folly ripening before frott. 11th The spikes shoot out within four feet of the ground, consequentiy the crop is not liable to be tji. tlT VT5"wW; Itls likewise eXtogaStJ 12th. It bears more fill grown ears of corn on each stalk than any large field variety, CB 13th. The Up roots penetrating the sabsoQ to a verv great depth it win sund severe drouth better thanv other variety of corn. i uwt Hth, It can be successfully grown in any State We give the most satisfactory reference thu the corn is. in every respect, what we represent it to be; sndfur. ther, we are the only persons throughout the country who have introduced this variety of corn Having a quantity , we are now able to nil all orders for thosed. . Biroua of testing It, Isast season we could ti&2QL0 buehels more, but could not fill the orders. In order that all may receive seed, we have reduoed the price to $ 1 per package, Any person who will eet up a club of five will receive a package gratis. Fifteen packages for f 10. Fiftrpackages forfsor A stalk of corn will acS)mpany all orders acove $ip. with from 5 to 8 P"" of corn for sample. Addjesii'i ' . ' - MARSHAL 4 ITORQAN, ' V . ' HOLSIOH, YlZQXSU, . HOME JttjbiX',irZC TXCTZ, Messrs. Chas. Benton' Ac Brother, Bankers; Morrison & Bald y, Grocers and -Commission Merchants; F. Q. Stanley, Proprietor of JPlanter House, 8tout & Wilson, Agricultural Warehouse, r any of the gentlemen named n the indorsement in ttfr advertisement, INDORSEMENT8. We, the undersigned'iCitiiens of Oseaola Ya., having examined some of "thej'CHrNEsB Coa. grown ou Mr. James Whiters' farm, ne mile east of this place, do certify that some of thetalks produced six spikes, the largest spike we notacedtmeasured 11 inches in length aud 8 inches arodnd: Capt. C. W, Morgan,'; E. F. Gardon, Merchant, H. J. Kennedy, Esq.? S. Clark, Pres. National Bank. We, tho undersigned, iflo hereby testify that the above named gentlemen are actually residents of Oseaola, Vs. CHAS. Eli LORD, Justice of the Peace, Rev. ALFRED T, TOMPKINS. i 'a Oseaola, Va., Oct. 16th. "11. v Messrs. Marshall L Morgan, Holston, Va. Gentlemen: As yoit -requested me to give your Chi nese Cobn a fair trial, f I have' done so, and will state that I was disappointed at it, I planted on the 10th of June, and ripe enough to shell the latter part of August. I planted seven and bne:oighth of an acre, when shelled, it measured 80 bushels and 3 pecks. I cheerfully rec oramendit to my brother farmers, hoping that it may revolutionize the agricultural world. ' " Yours, rery respectfully. A premium of $250 will be paid by the undersigned through First National Bank. Oseaola, Va.. H.S.Clark. President, as follows;' . $ 100 to the person producing the largest yield of Chi nese Corn to the acre.' $75 to of an aero. $50 to of an aero. $25 to of aa acre. A report mnct be sent to First National Bank, Oseaola, Virginia, by the 1st of De cember, signed by;the person and sworn, estimating the eorn at OS. lbs. to the bushel. A sample ear of corn must be sent with report, L it ' f A. W. Henderson of jGreen Castle. Indiana, received the $100 Premium for-producing the largest yield of "Chinese Corn" from a 3.pound package. Grkes Cabti.e, Indiana, Dec, 20th, '72. Messrs. Marshal Jc Morgan;, Holston, Va,, Gentlemen: Your letter of the 14th of this merth came to hand yesterday with the Draft of fino on the First National Bank of Indianapolis. Allow me to thank you with my best wishes for success in life. Very Respectfully, b22i;it A. W. HENDERSON WALKER & GTJION, South Front'Street, NEW-BEBNE, K. 0. COM MIS S Ioif MERCHANTS . and Dealers in GKOGJEKIES, Grain ami Country Produce. Highest Cash Prices paid -for Baled. Cotton, r!fl$tf DIVORCES. Absolute divorces legally obtained in different State Legal everywhere-desertion-general misconduct Jtc sufficient cause-no publicity required-no charge tinti divorce gran ted-ad vice free.. Call on or address JOHK JT, FULTON Counsellor at Law Ko. ISO BROADWAY, NEW-YORIC CITT. GEO. E. TINKER & CQ., Real Estate-Agents, ::: -f '": .- i NEW-BERNE, N. O, ':'5:lj.' - ' - Real Estate; for Sale in City ,'' " .i and' Country. . ' ': T -1 j INFORMATION RESPECTING CLIMATE, SOIL, CROPS, S$ CHEERFULLY GIVEN. Correspondence Soucted. Our intimate knowledge of the condition and iltuatton of .2i . . 1 " lands we offer give us great advantages over other Agents. REAL ESTATE WANTED IN ALL 8ECTIONS OP EASTERN JiORTH CAROLINA. Addre88 GEO. TINKER & Co., Meal EsiattiAgent?, o.l5Utf 1

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