ft t . v- ri H: I 0 1111 HIT 1 1 1 Vol. VIII, No. 85(i NEW-BERNE, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1871. Single 8. I t- . t : t F; ! J i ; j; - j . I - r- ' . . copies 5 cent new advertisements; The WniinsrtonlStar. ESTABLISHED JJHp. SIXERS! DAILY STAR. TTAS the LAKUKST (Ull l I. v in i any 11 Daily Newspaper In the Stite, atj.l Sorcnlation in "Wilmington Nearly Twife I-'t?e tiiat Ci any otner paper. - . r- . ... . I VJl IIIO UClia Ul lilt U .1" ......... . . irea when unimportant, at le.nrth when of- m- merit, ami always irepenleJ in a4.-ar. ititrllirtt d ii.t-re-tin j manner. r STBfltlPTIOV In VdviUirj: On& Year,'.. ... . . ' t. T.Wi I 6tx Month., - i ! :'" srhre Months, . . . mi R PRICE REDUCED. THE WEEKLY STAR is now combined with ttie CAROLINA FARMER, and Is one of the cltarfebt paper?. In the country, at the following j j-, . v1': IM2DLTCEI HiTFA ; Ono Copy, Oaa Year.... . . i . . . One Copy, Six Months ,. . . 1 u0 : 3TClrib8 of 3 to 10, One Year, f 1.2.. pef'copy . s -Clubs of 10 or more, One Year, tonly c 1.00 per Copy, : Specimen Copies sent on applirat! oft :. Addrepe, i ' WM.H.BKR.VAHi), Editor ( Pnpri!.r, WItMISTON. II. C- n iMirm im mm iimwum Julius Bauniffarten SEAL ENGRAVER iDitl ; . :. " j I. " ftibbon Stamp Manufacturer, vo. 20 South Third Plf ilwleliiin, F tin. SKALS TOR LODGES AND SO CIETIES A SPECIALTY. Caused hi j the Fa pic. Caused by the Pap ir Causedbjj tlie Public t all lei nds of v 1 all hinds o'"l : v' all kinds, of f Goods Cheaper than ever Hold Goods Cheaper th a n ever Sold Goods Cheaper than ever Sold in this yuarkefi 'in this marhet in this market; AT CHEAP JOHN'S. ! AT CHEAP JOHX'S. I AT CHEAP JO I IK'S. ! eall and see theiu . I call and' see them . j eall and, see iliein . LOUISA". BEAR $ Coin pa ni LOUIS jST. BEAR cS- Company LOUIS JST. BEAR & Company j at the old stand a t the old sta'ul at the old stand j Cor South Front Middle Sis Cor South Front j- Middle Sts Cor South Front Middle Sts JSlew-jSernc, J v u. , New-Berne, A C. , A'ew-Berner A C., Remember the Place. Remember the Place. Remeniber the Place. ' New-Berne, Dec. 20th, 1873. HINOUISH i "' ' AND Hook and Ladder Truck Equipment. "ABSOLUTE PROTECTION FROM FIRE, The Gardner 1b superior to all other Extinguishers in PORTABILITY, SIMPLICITY, CONVENIENCE and EFFICTENCY. . The Truck Equipment is a complete Fire Department in Itself having all the attachments ot a regular Hook and Ladder Truck, and TWO, or FOt'K GARDNER EXTINGUISHERS in addition. ,t Villagea and Towns will rind it th CHEAPEST and MOST EFFICIENT FIRE APPARATUS offered for Pale. Send lor circulars, GEORGE C. RIXFORD- Af-ent, CONCERT & THEATRICAL U TROUPES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS LE.VSED THE NEW BcrneTheatre for a term of years,and hereby informs the Managers of all exhibitions "on the road" that the buildinE ha been put in good order and condition, and 4hat he is prepared to lease the same-for one night or Term jeasonable. Telegrams or Iftters promptly answered. JOSEPH N'EISp.V, Less. Kcw-Brne, N. C. December 1st, 187 THE FRIENDS OF RICHARD TUCKER, HEREBY announce his name as a candidate for nomination y the Republican party for Senator to the State Senate from Craven county. -; . I" Xew.Berne.y.C..Dec.20th,183J ,t Pianos for sale and to rent, by Prof. John F. Hanff. : -'" FLORAL OTIDE FOR 1874. 200 PACES: 500 ENGRAVINGS, and COL. O DC n PLATE. FubUahea Wu"erijr, Year. First xo. ior io ju yJrZ. at same price. - f ;' -l; ' T Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. 11, ;Fu ,,,i.n"H'wui,,UKN- Ifthi 4inittttri - atnitrift Er Geo. W. Sasojj. Jb., 4 So. Print.! by the Nason Printing Company, -t'2 l'-.lloL St., KATES OF 81'BSCRIPTIOX. One C'f'jiy, one year, payable in awl va nee Five Copies, one year, " - ; - il ..0 COO Ten Cnpie. oneear, 10.00 KAijfes OP advertising;. One Jvinaro. onriAWrtlon - f 1.00 .60 ....,. . . . J..l, ...I.-- ,,.f.tinari;M " aivkbti?eji:nt ; Twelve line6 Mbpariel type or one inch space in length - wi : r a Mure, uuviciii - f 1.-..00 Liberal contrVda made with permanent advertisers. a,. lp E T R Y. f QUARREL. .- V..n a. "girl of the perind, P.at Sraky should I rare It you flrfjt like the bobs on my r.ses, Or kt k in my hair? I think fVjy are perfectly splendid: Euga"fi thinks so too; Then whjkshonld I heed the duH v. i-h Of ptym folks like yon V You .cay that I'm loud, but I'm sine I've Hirers enough, Who like fill ray ways und my m-xunfis And con't think me rough ; Yet you I 'have promised to marry - I mn$ have been iid; But how con Id I guess you wonld trefd me Ro mfrh like a child 1 'here's Mjiry- you alvrnys are saying She'.sjsweet and serene; B it I shouldn't want to lo..k like h. r, Not list to he seen : No gewgaws, no jewels, i.o rtounr-i- No frfe to ht r hair; When we ;go to a hooial party, In she;.nny where Know ?he Kt. uls oft to u oojiit-r Anl flits there ulone, I.o.j'ks thveriest poke in err-ation, A sti or a stone; While I--Ah, you know it, you know it 1 dane and I flirt Willi lotsjpf the jolliest fe lows, And Where i the hurt ? Now. llnbert, let's settle the inu(t-i : I m lijeu to death Ot i.'proatfhes and ourpings and scoldings At every breath. It you think my serene cousin Mary Is move to your mind You who hardly will treat her politely Whv, I am resigned. I iir't take her: she's ready and willing, That's plain to be seen--Inst as plftin as that I, when I'm mindfd, Can marry Eugene ! Shf-'ll cook you mostbeautifid .dinners, She'lhsweep and she'll dust, And obey "on in every trifle W hen she finds that she must. Sii'il go to'church with you, and s!t there Precise and demure. And tell you the text and the s. rmon Distinctly, I'm sure ! While l'nifree lo acknowledge T t uly Yei y iten when there The faslifftis of dresses and bonnets And people's back hair. It's str.nirf, when a man finds a woman Jteatjytinade in his .style, Willi a calm, sweet, and modest demeanor, And tost of a smile. YV it ii haiAtVing suioc ninothtin liev forehead. )ie(,'Hraight to her feet. With nojttward adornings to make her Moi-rimly complete, . ?-, That he I t?ses this e:cel!ent creature MosS.i'oioughl' by, And al'.ovis.this faint heart to be smitten By aiil such as I. falls in h'e spite of slate pencil crimpius, Spite if trinkets and bows,- Falls in li-ro for the droop of an eyelid Or tiiHu of a nose. . , Tlu-n triev:with what might Le possesses. To f .)' e her to be The modi'l who suits him precisely, MostVJronderful she. Now, Iiolfvrt, one way or another We'll setlle this sham: Take your model, who shan't be my model, Or nit - as I am ! "Jfetl" in Jlitrpn's llr. tr. TII.K C III SOVfi. Apron en and dash in hand, 'er the o'nl churn here 1 stand: -C'achug ! How thd thick cream spurts and flies Xor on shoes, and now in eves ! -taehug ! eaehug ! Ah. how soon I tired cet ! Hut the butter lingers vet:-- Cachug ! Aching back and weary firm Quite r6b churning of its charm ' fJaehug ! cachug ! Sc the; golden specks appear ! And the churn rings sharp and clear. Cachink ! Arms, that have to flag begun. Work qn: yon will soon be done. - ('aehink ! cachink ! Rich ft ikes cling to lid and dash : Hear tae thin milk's waterv splash ! 6alink ! Sweetet music to the ear, . For it ftys the butter is here ! JQalink ! calink ! Silas Dixsjnore, in St. Xicholns for Frl-mary. LOVE'S LAXU. - Iii Jhe South is Love's land, v Where the roses blow, We-aere the Summer lingers "Tearless of the snow. Thpre no Winter chills it. $0 its life is loDg -Gentle breezes fan it, Age but makes it strong. Xriy, fresh roses wither 1 Where the sun is hot Not ia torrid regions .Blooms forget-me-not. love's a fender blossom, .Which the Winter chills, B it too eager Summer 'With its kisses kills. 4 from Scr'ibner'sfor February. T. J. IRVINtt. W. D. KONMAVlLLE THOS. J. IRVING & CO., ; Labs Burton k Irving, Shirts,: Furnishing Goods ORDERED CLOTHING. Tracy Bloc!, 168 West Baltimore Street, Next Aoor tfeatof Adama Ex. Oo.) BALTIMORE !The Xcir-Benie Ilqmblic-Conrier. namraays, ai fi..u yeiny oy ito. i . .'wuu, 32 Pollok St., New -Berne, X. C. Editorial room 22 Craven St- -The Repcblii'-Cocrieb i the official paper for the dry and County, and now baa the largest circulation of any paper in th State, which makes it a valuable advertMng niedinm. Send for specimen copy. NEW ADVEETISEMENTS. j-ff A WEEKTOAOESTS. FaUng seSnsr C t articles out. Three valuable samples for ten ct V 1 J. BRIDE, 7C7 Broadway. Nev-Yorh., ITIIDI7 SEELEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES I U II L. Klif f. Comfort A Cure for Heraia or Kupture. j-me oteei ppnnj ., coated with h&rd rubber. bit;hl "ree from all sour, ruftr. chafing,: f trap V fprv demrable ta new iixno Rraaia Elastic Night Trc-s. Bent by Mail or Express. 8old by aH dealer?. B-nd for Illus trated Catalogue. Etab't?,1347 Chestnut Su, Fhila A 737 Brd'y, '. Y. Bbwaju: of japanned imitations C0FGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS.. AND ALL THROAT DISEASES WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS i PUT UP ONLY IN BI.l'K BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 4w I A YEAR; Vr mm m y r made with our splendid- i COMBINATIO.V V U S H K V T I s . It represent? Sample Pape .V Style r.f Biu.lirg of 30 in tensfy interest iny and U6f ful books, that SKIli in e, iy i Farnilv. Jisil thing evrr trUJ by i'anrasffx. AOENTS ', WA IV'TKD to madr a it.bmanent hr-tv'F.s'? on these Works. Send tl.."( for Proapeetus. the only outrit needed. ch.ose territorj- and commence at ouce. For Illuatrnted C'irt ularo and Liberal Terms, ad dress JOHN E. POTTER & CO.. Pubs., Philad a. Pa. 4w DR. J. P. Fttles. Being sworn, eaya, I rrclnatel at tl.a Universitvof Tona'a iu l.S;n.anJ afcer ,"t ) t-ar" eiferien u, pc-rfjeted Dr. Filler's Veget able Itlieumat to Syrup. I jcuarantae it aa infallible cure for Nerve, K.:J iioy uui Iihsumatic diseases. Sworn to.this2oth April, In ! F. A. OSBOURN, Xotary Piiblu; fhiU. Pliila ,tc.Affiictd should write Ir.I 'itllr.Pliila..fo upla-natoi-- Pamphlet A puarante.ratis. .VI Howard for an in curable oascNot iirc tiot-liare. reality. Sr.ld by druKiftsts. Tlie Highest Meilial Authorities of Europe say the strongest Toni Pnrilier an.l Def.h struent known to the medical world is J U R U B E B A. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the ner vous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Piatt St., N. Y. 4w cures all Ilnmors from the worst Scrofnla to a common Illotch or lintplo. From two to fix boities are warranted I o cure Salt IClienni or Tetter, Pimples ou Face, Boils, Car. bmiflea, Iryslpelas and tiver Joi j:Iul ul. Six to twelve bottles, warranted to euro t c w .rst Scrofulous Swellings aivl Sores I'.'.lii In Conrs ami Soro Throat caused Poion in ISlood or mercurial treatment. I:y i s woudt rful le toral proj.crties it v. ill cure I he nio.-t ,-ovcre recent or the worst linenii'' Coiij'Ii in half the time required bv anv other i!i-.i; ii.e aii'l i-i perfectly fafe, ioschinf?"ceaih. p'xiMiiug' irrii.n! ion. rnd relievinsr screue-. s.ed l y all Dru-r-d.-ts. u, Pllirf.'i:, Tfl. D.. Worhl's Dispensary, HuHalo, ,'. Y. THE ONLY KNOWN MEDICINE THAT AT THE SAME TIME PURGES, PURIFIES, AND STRENGTHENS THE SYSTEM. Dr. Tutfj Pills are composed of many ingredi ents, Prominent among them are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry, so united as to act together; the one through its admixture with other substances, purifying and pur ging; while the other is strengthening the system. Thus these Pills are at the same time a tonic and a cathartic, a desideratum long sought for by medical men, but never before discovered, lu other words, they do the weak of two medicines and do it much better than any two we know of, for they remove nothing from the system but impurities, so that while they purge they also Ptreugth- 1 en and hence they cause no debility and are followed Dr.Tiitt's Pills have a wonderful influence on I the blood. They not only purity without weakening it, but they remove all noxious particles from the chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes im pure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no de bilitation, so there is no nausea or f ickness attending V the operation of this most excellent medicine, which ; never strains or tortures the digestive organs, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner; hence persons takiug them do not become pale and amaciated, but on the contrary, while all impurities are ' being removed, the combined action ot the Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry purines and invigorates the body, and ; a robnst state of health is the result of their united action Price, 2. cents a box. Sold bv all Druggists: Depot CortlandtSt.. New Y'ork. Read theREPrBU:-Corr;iF.R,only sU."0 yearly I I INSURANCE COMPANY Incorporatt 1S19. Chai Ur r-rpstual. CAPITAL, - - $3,000,000.00 liOftse pa il in 54 years, -f.oses paid In 1 months. Sno,ooo,ooo.oo 0,000, 000. 00 Capital snbrinetl ly Stock-) holtlera slnfe Ie-. 1, 17,( ,",00.000.00 ASSETS, March 1, 1873 (at Market Value) Cash in band and in Bank, - $.?.? S3. .0 Real Etat, ------- 4o-..too.to Mortgage Bonds,- - - - - f,,72.",.oo Bank Stock, - ------ i,:i:)?,or0.0o rulted States, Slate, and City Stock, and other Securities, .i,3.-.O.l7 ..H; Laini on Itral Kslalr. - - - - 3.:t30.00 i TOaf? j7-4b LABILITIES: Claims not due, and unadjuted,$4r.l,20.'.00 Monty borrowed, - - - - - -0,."i.t.61 PITT BAKROWS. Agent, New-Berne. WALKER & GTJION, Sonth Front Street. NEW-BERNE. N. C. COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in GROCERIES, Grain and Country Produce. Higbert Cash Prices paid for Baled Cotton. flttf ping or girtiiSnsc unpleawintneas. Cool, cleanly, ugiis safe and dnrable. Unaffected by bathine. Always raMaKiA T.erv desirable cat tern, includine the "lsrgyraen were Cured cy it, and will w.tisfy any on? vt!( - inn -is. P.ev.Thos.Mnrphv. D. D.. rankfrrd. Phila.Kev.C. 1 1 . j:wins,Media.Pa. livT.s.Ku.-iianan.t lrtronoe.lown.Kf v. 1: 11 ftmith. PiftstVr,J. N V. RpV-.Tor HKfi"1. F.illsl -hun h. 3B. L. Churchill. iixxrtasoR TO Kellett A: Churchill andC. A.JIart, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kind of Stoves, Ranges.Iron & Tin-ware, Hardware, Wooden Yare, House Fur nishing Goods, Lamps, Slides, Kerosene, kc, Sic. Tin or Metal Hoofs and Gutters put on (j repaired. All kincta of Tin. Copper and Sheet-Iron Waire .coustautly I on haad or made to order. '. B. L.. CIIVRQIILL,. , At the old stand of Haut & Lewis. Xo. lS.jfS.idle St., Cl8tl NeBterne, N. C .it) James Gonners ;Bons' ! t'SITED STATES 'fx. AND PRINTERS' WAREHOUSE. Xos. 2S, 00 j& 02 CEXTRTf ST., NEW-YORK. J EDWARD SEARS'; Engraving Establishrrietnt, 48 Rekkman St re ft, N. Y. H. T. GOVER & CO.. FLOUR 1 : OK if-'" ALL GRACES 3 AT: !: LOWEST Market PRICES, 110 WSTLOMBARDSTAt BALTIMORE, ,- - fMD. Samples jent v. dcbii tsl. r.ul:' w ishiii," j-ri. es will pleiit-e send theis' aMdres.-es. ; ' Klfl.r.ni. of Chronic or Acute Hheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Ilead the; Lumbago, Ague, Nervousness or Klney Affec aions ai-cepted for treatment that I cannot cuf5...k2:tittm 11. BERRY. Speelal Aent. TAX NOTICE. OTICK IS 1IKREKY GIVEN TO THE TAX PAYERS ot Craven County, that the State and County Taxes for 18":l are due. All persons are notified to come forward and pay aie Taxes. Prompt payment must be made. 1 vill attend at my oftiee. at the County Jail, to receive -the aind, from and after this date. ORLANDO Hl'BBS. Sheriff of Craveh County, New-Rcrne. N. C. August 9th. 187:1. " 1 n GEORGE ALLEN & CO'S. IAUOR SAVING Ccttci, C:rn and Potato CULTJVATOR. WILEY'S PATENT. 3The Cheapest and moet Effectivx Steel Plow in use. 4-It does the w)itK of Iwo Plo-w ; with One Mas asd One Horse. S It runs shallow, ia easily gnided, and is light to the Horse. It is made of Wrougtit Steel, and will outlast two or dinary Plows. j It weeds Potatoes, and replaces the earth on the hill at the same time. : , : It can be nsed many well prepared soil, ad is eqnal- Iv cood for Cotton. Corn and Potatoes. W- iVr1.! , "It is the beet for plowing young cotton It have ever used." Col. a. m. Faisov. "It saves the labor of one horie and plow, and two hoe handfl.--ELnEK o. w. hcfham. .V', j. d. cabboix, EsQ.i says-. "So far aa tHQvv ued it, it excels all others." .k I Habpeb Wiluams Esj., says: -It save e labor of on nnnw inn ninn. r i,lv jB9"A. B. FABQtiLn, save: "I know o' embracing bo many good pointa. i. e.. so j! adapted to working the plant in the several stages of :J growth. ; Price $10. Liberal Discount . . . . . a? . r . I raue. Also CHAMPION COTTON AND CORN v JOW, Champion Dickson Sweep, r' . tf-And a great.variety of Turning P Wa.-fc lXZ t-7, ' Salolu? - y Agents Wanted in every Place. GEORGE ALS.EN i CO. b2i;tf 22 ii 2i Pollok Street, Ne'Berne. N. C e. r. u. ijail. W. HATWO.JD DAfL D AIL BROTHERS, C M!I ISSlON MERCfly and wholeeale and retail dealer ill Dry Goods, Croceries, Provisions, Wines, IJqnors. Tobacco, Cigars, tc. he. - . - nnw Asr atAM n MSMltlt bhaa-ir-.t Btvaai rintrui4A Xaafrtn Type and Electrotype iifllry 1 V A ad63m uonae, Hew-jserne, . v. A California Story. j The loiiowing anecdote, which as tol l rue ! iy an tyo-wiinesf. I will r. Ist.h as I can re;ol- 1 lect it in his own word. la the early mining Jays ot C.tliiotnia thtrte tooil at the foot of the hill, not many miles from Nevada, one of tho-ie rongh-built gaming h.-mt-s 'so'couimou thronghnnt the mining sec tions of the territory. A ke:ipt:o:i rf tli structure and its surrounaiDCs vr ill convey t0 the retiiler a bettor i lea of th. incident I am about to i l.t.-. Th. building contained but on. r-.m. the eiitran.-y to which was situated t on- end. with a large Adobe fireplace on the other end, nearly opposite to the entrance, bn the largo stone hearth burned a wood fire, giv ing to the room a cheerful appearance. On the front, at the right of the tutranec , was a well-filled bar, around which were Congregated representatives of different nations, some spec ulating on the success of various mining opera tions, while others were discussing the general topics of the day. Along the rear side of the room extended a row of tables, around each of whk-h was seated a company ol miners playing j! poker, and staking laige sums of gold with M I inn eh cociness and apparent unconcern as if iht-y were partaking ot their evening meal. A i' w rude c its gvi.j ii d the space around the , lilt place, and in tbe tront ortion of th room ! beyond the bar. The cabins of the settlers ex- tendeil Rome distance to the front of the soot, whih"1 the unsettled p. -rt i on 01" the- conntivlay in the rear. The hill beitae liM-ntioLrd rising abruptly 'trotn this position thickly inteispersed with I .-age brush and thick bushes, affording a temno ; rary hiding ila e terth- fugitive. As the even. I ing wore on, the patrons ol the; saloon became inoif num. ions, while the dullness of the at mosphere caused tt.O'C most interested in the g -sines at the tabu- i gatlier roun.l the tire. The conversation which at this time was be coming animated, was suddfnly interrupted by the eijtianee of a t dl r.twlioned Yankee, bear ing iii his- ;hand a long rirle; aicnr.d his waist he wore a belt, irom -which 't -u'-pended a powder thisk and bullet piv.;-h. Advancing to the. fireplace, he ,, -po.-.in d Jjis rille in the eoitier. and after accepting the scat couift'ously oil'eied him by one of the company, he seated hini.seil bv t!:e fiu ; vesting one elbow on his knee, and diopping his chin into his ! lianil, he s:it gloomily watching the lire an if some luiohtA- ;ricf wr-s prejinr; upon him. lie mumbled incoherently at time , an"i .'.at without chanc;in4 his position. T'r.c attention of the company was so.di di.iwn to the. stranger and an occasional c;lancv of ths- at the table was di rected towards the place w here he .--at. Ilea" length broke out inio su. h lamentations a ; these 'T am tired of life. My claims have failed' and I am without t r i nd or money. 1 h.av.1 iioj evt-n enough to purchase a supper. I havo hecn out all dav hunting :'!:d 1 have kilh u 'mihing.' He a hheSsed Ilk I Ol.e J ,e 1 : , al 1V . a lid 2iO OUC "seemed to m path bv with him in his di.-turbed coutlition. He Mil in .-ilein-e a lew minutes, and then rising his head he t r!.;i;in 1 : "A man may as well he dead .as oat . 1 luck. I will take my own life. " Then taking from hi- .-ide the !:.i-K. he tui-serewi-d the cap from the top. and poured lrom it into his hand some apparently tine Hazard powder, then j on. ing it. can fully back, he re placed tii e cap. and .- v. .. :::g if firmly on, yelled: 'Yes. 1 wiii die m .-eif. and all around me shall die ai He 1'uen tlun.; the j'a.dc u!o;r? liic burning coals. The tumult that followed was indes cribable, 'i l:e iUpli i- i the ijiior was almost simultam ;. i:h. t: rash act of tlie stranger. The. windows serw'las a means of escapee to those who were unable to press a passage through the door. The Yanki c sat a calm spectator till th.- last occupant ot the room had made his exit, then with the rapidity of light ning he sprang to the tables and scraped from them the shining piles of gold w hich had been left j the gamblers and deposited them in his hat, escaping through one of the rear windows. With desperate strides he a-eended the hill? and jumping upon a fallen tree, turned to sur vey the multitude below. All were waiting breathlessly, watching the building, expecting every moment that the contents of the heated flask would blow it to atoms, when the shrill voice of our hero rang out on the clc-ar night air: "Don't be afraid, gentlemen. There is noth ing but black sand in the can." Then springing from his perch he disappeared among the chaparral, completely eluding the pursuit of the gamblers, who returned to 'the saloon to find the tables all cleared of thelas vestice of their treasure. l'nro Air in Cliunlics. Tlie time to chanffo the air in churches is immediately after the congregation has departed. This is a fact for sextons to make a note ol in order to avoid tne complaints of those people who, realize I "'l1. .. , . . 1 1 -ii linrr tliPir ri?ht to nil re air, Will not j breathe a vitiated element without re-.5 I ultlUUC 11 .. i ' monstrance. When the services for the i j , ji.i Tr-Uila on 1 nre cuiiclude.l and while the au- J (jenoe room is - Fit ill warm, if the windowH : - , , . . ana UOOl'S are leit open lur ii suoit tune the cooler air of out-door will rapidly j displace 1 hat which has been breatnea i acraill bv the thron? of - - - r-! J ru tzaiu u uie iiirour Ol : WOrshippei-s iue nsiial Custom IS tO ClOsO tlie cnniCll VintlOS ana aoors RS S0011 as it can be done without nidenCS?, thns leaving the bad air to cool and con - centrate nar the lloor. Then tlie win- (lows and doors are opened for an hour or so Saturday evening, or Sunday mor - ninp: before the services legiii, being closed again before any large proportion of the fttlilOSphere has been Changed. The Powders, (priee aa before.). . per p -kaVi How well the old plan succeeds is shown : tty na.. ...... ,-1.04: by tlie mnrmnring so often heard, in : .CCAUTION suburban parishes, and by the pleading j Bny no Powdera or prepared soAions- Uvek for "pnrer air' occasionallv made by "a regulator unless in cur engraved wrapper, with gasper." The new plan & easily tried, iifS9 "l8 mtook" and as there is no natent Hsht to sell in i ' haJ. 11. ZEiLisf oico., , WUUCtUUli 1 ALIA Ik (A utai U A1 Ul U ! . ' cheap as it will be beneficial. INSIDE LINE fnn New-Berne: to Boston. Providence,' New-York Philadelphia, BALTIMORE AND NORFOLK ft tiii: piovkp.r tiIaxspoiitatiov ro. j j rill loapgurst6 New Line of Steamers ! - '. ' I-- : ,. beftreen . . 1 : noufolk sNKv-Dcnxi: on the 2d of September i$tl. Their first ctaaa atemr RALlOII. Capt. W.T. Harlln, with a capacity ofSOO itales cotton. Will leaya N'otfolk every Tneaday morning on and after 2d September J Arrive at New. Bern every Wedneelay afternoon.; Iae Ne w-Berne every Thnrday at 4 P. M., and arrive lu Norfolk Tery SatunUy in Umc to connect with Bteamera fAr Balti,mor and New-York. liissar;e to Norfolk including atateroom jM. MeaU extra. P.reakfast and' upfer irt centa each, dinner 74 cent. Throngh billa lallff ff'iven at lUltimore. Phila delphia. New-York, Providence and. Ilooton. Freiht Ruaranteed aa low a by iny other liue. For further information apply to : " f Tupt. S. If. CaH AY. Ar'. NVw-Bfrnf. C. E. YF.ATMAN, Sup't anOen'l A't Norfolk. i . -f- . . C'tf. NEW DRY GjQODS STORE On Mldcjle Street, Opposite Aiiibrican House. A. & Have oiiened a New Sto-e with a complete atoc-k of frth, good coualating of GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Clothing, Botrfs; and Shoes HATS, CAPS, &c. &c. In short, iaveryllrilig to be found in a First-Class Dry iMs Store ! Wo offer tnducementn.tdrCash Bnyera whkh ar not surpassed by any Uons&an New-Iiern. We lnvlt au inspection by our frieuds and the public. a.. eft; nmNr. 1-15-0 1 JOXSTAXTLY OX,,llAJf I and for sale by JONATHAN HAVENS, Commission Merchant, COKN MEAL, BALED HAY, GRASS SEED, IRISH POTATOES, HEED OATS, HEED WHEAT AND RYE. HTOVE AND GRATE COAL, ROCK AND FERTILIJ LIME, COTTON BAGGING .t.TIEH, nUILDlXMATKRIALv Window Sashew, laed and unglazed, noons Air blixds, MANTELS' AND BRACKETS. SHELVE, MOCLDINO NEWELL POSTS. 11 A LUSTERS AND HAND RALS. i -' ; ' Of all sizes, on hand and Jltade to order inthebefct and stroutrest manner, of No. ; S White Pine Lnmber, thor oughly seasoned. 'Also, i ' : . l SASIICOKD &SASII WEIGHTS, : s Prices sent npon. appHeailon and guaranteed as low an any House in North Carolina. Personal attention (riven to the pnrrliaaa and iale of grain, cotton, and general rcerchaudue. Llt;tfl No. ll traven St. Netr-Brne, N. C. For over FOBTT TEAKS thia PURELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDiCIE haa proved to b th GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC i I ? pVpti. rnvsTtPirrn i.l.u,. i.-..t- j SICK HEADACHE, CfcUeU Depression of KpixiW. HOCK w v i After yearof carefnl tstperiment, to meet a great ; d nrgent demand, we now prodnce from onr ori-iial t - THE PREPARED. A T . inn t.l 'form nt srrrfnVS T.TVF71 Bmi'I.lTnP ; containing ail u wondejrfui nd valuable propmirii! " n ", I ' MACOS, OA., and PmLASELPHlA. 1 SOLD B"V ALL. DRUGGISTS mm AGENTS H4?(rY: i WAITED VsJj V- if- "ft i

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