' "1 ISK J' 3 P NEW-BEENE, N. C, SATUBDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1S74. Single copies 5 cents. Vol. Till, No. 860, I I (She iUpubUc - Cqimcv.. lit GEO. W. Saws, J?., A: .'Printed by the Nason Printing CompauyVta 1 .i; k St II TEP SI BSCIUFI'IO-. one Copy, one year, payable in advai.. - Five Copies, one year, O.00 if.c Ten Gnpi, on year. -. vjRJLTES OV ADVERTISING. OnaSqiia one Insertion, - - - .- - -Facntubaeij-aent Insertion J.1 Co .6" oii square, one year - - r - - fiv- $15.0" Twfelve line nonpar! el type or one Inch space in length ' of column is considered one square. - Liberal contract made with permanent dv-ru-rs. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRANDiiGIFT CONCERT. 10,000 Prices. $250,000 ro Currency to given nivl the MA80HID BELIEF ASSOCIATION : MIC RELIEF ASSOCIA OF NORFOLK, VA. This drawing has bn lecallzed by apecl a.t oi tuo iJM--rBitanartot the completion ot the J tlaeonic Temple in the city or orrout LIST OF GIFTM: ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, f '0,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT.. 25,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, . j . 12,500 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT. . 10,000 ONE GBAND CASH GIFT, 5,000 ONE GEAND CASH GIFT, 2,500 24 CASH GIFTS, $S00 ea L 12,000 SO CASH GIFTS, 250 each, 12,500 80 CASH GIFTS. 200 each, 16,000 100 CASH GIFTS, 150 each i ,000 150 CASH GIFTS, 100 ear-h, , 15.000 590 CASH GIFTS, 50 ranh. , J9.500 . 900Q CASH GIFTrt. '5 each. 1,000 Orand Total, Ten ThoiuanJ Gifts, all i.ii $250,000 Whole Ttckets. $5.00. Half Tickets.' $2 50 Plan of drawing same as that of Kentucky Hi.ite Li brary Association.' Drawing to take place in Norfolk on TUESDAY, May 5th, 1874. DIRECTORS i JA8. Y. LEIQH. WALTER H. TAYLOR .tEO. S. OLDF1ELD, JNO. A. BOSSON, ! DANIEL- BUSTED, WM. H. WALES ! il.H. STEVENS S. WEIL. j i.uM.MUM.. i A.llviSir lioni'll : ' H!8 r.iceliene Gov. GilWvt C. Walker I CI Tti..i. t Owens. P. O. M.. Col. Kader Bipgs, P.-H. P.. John b vThiteSiead, Esq., ex-Mayor, Jno. R,- Mf Daniel, P. O' Commander, OoL W. H. Taylor, .St ate. --Senator. J. J" Burroughs, Jna. O. Bain, O. C. G. O. C.; Capt. Swn'l' Watts, Virginia Iginlature. Robt. E. Wither?, G. M , G. S. P. Sl D. G. C. of G. C. , Orders for Tickers and all roinmunlcatirma should 1. .-id dressed Henry V. Moore, Secretary Masonic Relief Assoeiajtiori, Norfolk, Va ticket for snie In f ivDftnt liy Tho' Read the Rkpubi ir-CovETER.onlv'i 1 .'50 v-?irlv WALKER & GtriON, South Front Street, NEW-IiFRNtjiN C. . anvl Pealerti in a itocEJ? (iiaiii and--Country IfrodiKte ITU-'hest Cah PriceM paM for B-.l- .1 ' .tua 1 1 ?tf ,o V hi. mit. Pay. .,m n . if. - DAIL BROTHERS, and wholesale and retail dealer iu Dry Goods, Groceries, Frovtelons, Winee, Llqttors. Tobacco, Ciaifc, -. a-.-. Pureliasers are invited to call and exranuie the t-ro. 1. :x our new store, on South Front etreet, njipobjtoOa8to.fi . lion se. New-Berne, N. O. . i.W'..:-n CONCERT & THEATRICAL TROUPES, fiMlR UNDERSIGNED II H LEAHED ; 1 ill". NEW- ' X. EerneThestre for a term of yearn. and Bf-reby informs the M&usgerH of all ehibitiovis u.n tl.- -iS-n-.r ' that t'oe building has been put in t-,..n. I or- r atid, e'i'Ji uitic-n. snd , t hat .he is prepared t k-a.e t!i.- sttiie f..4 diji' m-h or : i ho season. . ' ;j4 Terms reasonable. Telefrranjn 'or 1. it4..-; j.i-ompth ' answered. JOSEPH XKI.S(tV, Lessee. , New-Borne, N. C, December 1st, 1ST.. js 4th Grand Gift Concert ! . FC'6 TIIK IIFNTFIT OF I'll!'. Tiiblio Librnry of ivy. A FULL DRAWING CERTAIN ! ! - i in order to meet tlie general wip'a and .expoctatjon of , ihe public aad tho ticket-holderp. for thVtfull payment i of the magnificent gifts, announced t'or the Fourth I Orand Gift Concei t oi the -Public Libra) r of KPutucky, i the management have determined to jvostpoiie tLe Con cert and Drawing until Tuesday, the 31st of 3Iarcii, 1874. So Fiii'thcr PoHtpoiiement ! No doubt Is entertained uf the 6ale of eVery ticket be fore the Drawing, but whether all are o1d or not the Concert nd Drawing will positively and 'unequivocally take place on the 'day now fixed, and if any remain un sold they will be cancelled and the priite will be re duced in proportion to the nneold Tickets.; Only 60.000 ticketa have been issued and 12,000 Casli Gifi-. $1,500,000 Will be distributed among the tlcket-holde?rs. The tickets are printed in coupons, of tentbe. and all fractional parts will be represented in th drawing just as whole tickets are. I LIST OP GIFTS. ONE GEAND CASn GIFT, ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, ONE GRAND CASH GIFT, ONE GRAND CASH GIFT. 10 CASH GD7TS, $10,000 each, 30 CASH GIFTS, 5,000 each. $250,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 17,500 100r000 150,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 32,500 50 CASH GIFTS, 1,000 each. 80 CASH GIFTS, 00 each. 100 CASH GIFTS, 150 CASH GIFTS, 250 CASH GIFTS, 325 CASH GIFTS, 11.000 CASH GIFTS, 400 each, 300 each, 200 each , 100 each, 50 each,. 550,000 j Totd,12,W Gifts, ALL ASB,amounting to $1,500,000 The cliancea for a gift are as one to five. PRICK OF TICKETS j. Whole Ucketa, $50; Halves, $25; Tenths, or each cou pon $5: Eleven Whole Ticket for $500; ?2X Ticketa fir tlOOO; 113 Whole Ticketa for $5,000 ; 227 Whole T'cketi for ia000 So discount on less than $500 The Fonrth Gift Concert will be conducted, in all res- rects like the three which have already been given, and ' r,iaiTnoi!ifl learned from circt lars which will b. sent free from this office to h who JPPly for thern VwTera for tickets and applications for agencies, will tSaStotb sjrirsii1 v nwtd they Will oe mvm xa pivuijHj , uatJpotatmnt or delay in filling all.' Liberal terms ZT-.-r.to those who tmy to sell again, an agents are pe 81" mrmirA tn mutt a nn their accounts and re- turn an unsold Ucketa by the 20th day of March THUS jc. u lUk a utu MrMiif ftni public Library Ky.. n4 Uttagor Gift Concert. ruoLiirary EaUding, Louitrffle, Ky. POETRY. MOTHER'S FOOL. i .r. j,i iin t. kl-. f.siiii a Itiriiif-r's wile. "I'Los" h''.v-i will make their mark iu hit They nver wt-iv made to hnndlp n h-. And at ouc: to collf-e ont(ht t- Th-re Ir J, l.Vlittle Ik ttrr'n a l'o-l. . Pnr-T':n nn.l Henry ni'ist go to s. !i..l. ' V.Vli, l.-aily, vViN-,' .jui.th laraier Brown. As h(- sat Lis lung of cider down, "Fred rlre more work in a day iV.i me Th.iii Li-i liroihers do in three: Book tatrnin' will ueve r plant one s com. Nor hc(- potatoes, sure' your're bom. Nor nv-nl a rod ot broken fene; For my part, give me common sen-o. Bat hi,H wife waft bound the roost to rult, . And John and ilfinry were sent to school. Whil Tred, of course wftleft behind. i For Ids mother said he had no mind 'T'" j John learned to play the flute and fiddle, : And parted Lis hair, of course, in the middle, j"While hihrother looked rather higher than he. TT " , r , And hung ont a si?n. "H. Brown, M. D Meanwhile at home their hrother Fred Had taken a notion into hU head; Eat he quietly trimmed hi? apple-treen. And weeded his ouions and plantel peas ; While somehow, either by hook or crook, Until at last his father said. He was getting "hook larnin' into hi h?ad: "But, lor all that,' added farmer Brown,; 'Hc-'p the sniiuten boy there is in town ; The war broke out, and Captain Frd A hundred men to battle led, And when the Confederate liag came down. Went marching home as General Bro An, But he wont to work on the farm again,. And planted corn and sowed his grain, Re-shingled the barn and mended the ien-e. Till prople declared "he had eommou seiiiie Now common sense was very rare, And the State House, needed a portion there: So the "family dunce ' moved into town. And the people call?d him Governor Brown, And his brothers who went to the city school, I Came home to live with "mother's foo!.' At h pei'i MARRIAGE IIYf. vl service at Westminster, on the day of the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh, tie hJllowing hymn. rompoed for the occasion, wa snnf : TatLer .i l,iit confoSMUg Thy Majeit' and power, We seek Thy gracious blessing To greet the bridal hour ill.? troth in Eden plighted, The wedded now renew, ilav they, in Thee united, ! Fill death be pure and true "le-.u. , li- deeiuer, b-rir ut : Still bathe Wedding Jiue-d: Thy gentlo pve?.-nre neat u-?. Makes common thin;; moie bled: ' L'en Cui'O '-ball be a learning Ln ble'H due ; :i divine. Ji Thou wilt r.tili Ve turiuu The v'.'itPt into wine. .kM:!iji.! l-vi', df-.".'ndiu. Impart Thy joy anl peace, '! h.-e b..t,.'H together blendinv iJde-s with 'Thine own increase Athwart ih- roughen'd ocean. Or on the peaceful tide, Thy breath through each emotion r Tiif ir heavenward cnnrRe shall gui.te Tin'- ('mii. h. Thy bride, hath given Tier liles.ino on the vow. oh. ratify from heaven Her beiiiMUi below; ble.s Tether, Hon and Spin i . i ne union now begun. Titat ill the Life eternal It may ' ever one. Ainen. - - TIIK AWKY AT III R(TI. I liey were .singing good. old '"London .Am the evening, ool and swt-et. Lrifted with purpie shadows down The city ntreet. li.mnd every i-huii-h'.s window The lusty ivy clung; The red. faint sunshine flickered Tts matchless- leaves among. The din; nave wiih its arches And clustered pillars rare Had e. hor-d to the cadence Oi ihe pale rector" prayer. nd now. through tender silence. Tbe thrilling flute-notes rang: And sweet aa angels' voices The, rare old tune they sang When sudden, lo ! appearing On carving quaint and old. Like fair astray from heaven. Fluttered a speck of gold. On to the lectnrn flying, Up to the bishop's chair, With clear notes soaring, chanting His wondrous vespers there. Full rolled the singing voices. Yet sweeter, richer, higher, Ood'a silver-throated chorister Ontsang the trained choir. hi THE EVERLASTING PERFUME is H0YTS GERMAN PERFUME! o - In ail others the odor vanishes with the drying ot the Alcohol. ' HOYT'S GERMAN CO LOG NT. " improved by tim1, FRAGRANT AND LASTING. Tnal sirr, 25 cts. . . Larq bottle, $1.00. Sold at wholesale and retail at Worxeixs. Ah Craven Street, New-Berne, N. C. a2o2tf. NEW YORK. SAFETY Steam Power Co. Rteam Fngines, with and without mt-on, and sectional Safety steam Boilers, built In quantities by special ; : fcn., ! mmwm tnac: hinery. Send for circular. Certlmd, St. BT.. V. Wm. S. PHIIiMPS, . . . I SADDLER and HARNESS SI MIDDLE STREET, next to imSTEIkSOV ! nnnrRRT ami frt frtrrsTn w nrfiTif NEW.BEBNE, C All Unas un poattw. . r Mm 10STA.TL,Y OS 1IAVD tad for sal ? JONATHAN HAVENS, Commission Merchant, CORN MEAJ.. BALED HAY. OBA8S SKI, KOCK AND FERTILIZING LIME, OTTOS B AGOING A TIEH, IRISH POTATOES, SEED OATS. SEED WHEAT AND BYE. STOVE AND GRATE COAL, L.lIJ,lI?sO MATERIAL. "i Window pSmm1, laei mid unglaued, DOOltS ASJJ BLIXDS, at NTT.L9 AND BRACKETS, SHELVES. MOITLDlXO NEWELL POHTS. BALrSTERS AND HAND BATIKS. Ot all size, on band and madf to ordr in the bt and troneMt manner, oi No., 1 White 1m I.iunber. thor oughly seasoned. Also, SASH CORD & SASH WKIGHTS, Prices sent npon application and gnarsnted as row as iy Hcnae in North Carolina. Personal attention girtn to tke porchaee and aUe of grain, cotton, and general merchandise. Lltfl cor. Craren k 8o. Front Sfs. New-Berne. N. 0 rpnr carolinv spring bf.i. PTLsrrn Jasi i.v i.th, 1-74. ( AK01JXA SPRING UF.D BOTTOM will, tl ( Iir APNl SS, DURABILITY AND COM TORT. he challenges tLc wv.rl.l. ; This bf d is i-omposed of the pplral ppriny. maJ; .i the best tempered steel, is simple ifi structure, and is perfectly noiseleM), teiiig ari iaprovptnent upon all other similar patents. I will sell COUNTY or STATE RIGHTS at low figures. Parties wishing to npgotidte ghould oomruunicate v, it ti me at once. Any one, with s lutlo enei-y, ca.u make money with this patent. For particular, addrrPr D. W. wniTAKFB, a3l2tf. Raleigh, N. C. O II N A It il H T li O N G , No. l FuTTTEvn.tF. Strft r, RLriaH. N. (' it o o k it i c i) n if AND BLANK BoOK MANT'FACTT'Rr.R. NEWSPAPERS. M(iA7!NK's. aM I.W BOOKS, of every dcH. riptioii. bound in the very let style and at lowest price. Old numbers of Supreme Court Re poits taken in exchange for binding. aJlztf. DEALERS IN- S fS? IE P PROVISIONS. a i ti t;. i . Agents for the Iw Bon Sewii Maciie. IE SOUTH FRONT STREET, NEW-BERNE, N. C. C J. J. WIIK CL GRAND GIFT CONCERT ! fc ? 'DiissE'' BESS--. P 5.. 1 ; - -- - - - ----- - & -"' $28,350.00 In Valuable Real Estate and Cash to be Distributed to the i Ticket Holders at the : O-IFL 1ST ZD GIFT CONCERT, To be Held at Long's Hall, KUKTSTOKT, INT. 0.7 tSatixrciay, J'jjLLy 1874. j At which time Gifts will be distributed as follows: ' j 1st. The Kinston Hotel and Furniture, (Family Furniture excepted), located in Kinston, N. C. corner of i Queen and Caswell Streets. This is the only Hotel In the place, a town of 1,500 inhabitants), Is three stories high, i has 33 bed rooms, parlor, 2 good store rooms 20x39 feet, 2 offices for Hotel use, one office on Caswell Street, large ! dining room, kitchen and 2 large pantries, good wash-house, warehouse and cow-shed, splendid well of water and : ' the finest garden spot in the county. The house is in thorough resair and has a good patronage. 2nd. One modern built cottage and lot located in Kinston, corner of Kine; and Independent streets, 36x54 feet. I 9ft brick basement, has four 18x18 feet rooms above, broad hall, with dining room, kitchen, pantries. Ac. in base I ment. The lot contains one ace of ground under good fence, with stable?, &c, all In ierfect order, the house. ' having been built in 1868. 3rd. One modern built cottage and furniture, (bedding and one chamber set reserved), with one acre of ground, i situated within 100 yards ot the depot st Old Fort. Jiouoweu county, N. C., on Western N. O. Railroad This cot tape was built in 1872. has 7 rooms, and ir one of the most desirable locations In Western North Carolina. ' S28.350.00 IN GIFTS AS FOLLOWS: One Gift, Kinston Hotel and Furniture,. One Oift, House and lot in Kinston One Oift, House and lot at old Fort One Cash Gift of $2,000 nT.ciiniftnr i ftiin lS.OOO 00 a. ooo oo 2.500 00 2.000 00 1.000 00 ooq oo on Oah oift of soo...;...; 208 Gifts, amounting to One Twelfth of the The object of this Concert is simply to convert the property into money, therefore I will not sell any more tickets than enough to pay the above prizes and incidental expenses of drawing, and the Manager pledges himself not to retain a ticket for his own use, with a view of taking part in the drawing. The following well known gentlemen have been appointed Commissioners, under whose supervision the drawing will take place. Hon. W. T. DORTCH, of Goldsboro, N. C. J HENRY R. BRYAN, Eeq., of New-Berne, N. C. JOHN F. WOOTEN, Iq.. of Kinsnn, N. C. Whole Tickets, $10. Halves, $5. 11 Tickets, $100. I will also announce, that each and every person buying a ticket, can. at any and all times, examine my booke and all bnsineee transactions connected with the enterprise ; and aa the drawing of prizes will be placed in the j f of honest and disinterested men, it will insure a fair and impartial distribntion. QOOD RESPONSIBLE AGENTS WANTED LIBERAL. COMMISSIONS ALLOWED. Money should be sent by Express, or by draft on any solvent Bank, by Post Office Money Order, at Registered ,j letter. For particulars, address DR. C. K. BAGBY, HiANAQER- JPJK O PltlHTOR OF KINSTON BOXEL. D. T. CAEKATVAY, Agent at New Berne, N. C. S TED MAN. Dealer in ) Choice Wines, Liquors " b cigars. Rooms Gaston House Building, Kew-Berue, Xortli Carolina. INSIDE LINK f. ; I fli. r New-Berne to Boston, Providence, New-York Philadelphia, I. BALTIMORE AND NORFOLK ., Till'. I'lON'F.F.H TH A.VSPORT VTTU V CO. will inaugurate a New Line of Steamers i between m o it fo i. k & y e w - li i : it x i : on the 2d of September 187.1. Their nrrt c lass steamer RALEIGH. Capt. W. T. Harding, with a capacity of 6u0 bales cotton. Will leare Norfdk erery'Tuesday morning on and after 2d September. Ajrive at New-Berne every Wednesday afternoon. Leave New-Berne every Thnrsday at P. M., and arrive In Norfolk every Saturday in time to connect with steamers for Baltimore and New-York. Passage to Norfolk including stateroom 2.00. Meals extra. Breakfast and supper CO cents each, dinner 75 rents. Through bill a Jadim? given at Baltimore. Phila delphia. New-York, Providence and boston. Freight ' guaranteed a low aa by any other line. For iurther inlormation apply to Capt. S. II. fJRAV, Ag'l, Xrwlferite. ( '. E. YFATM AN. Sup't and Qen'l Ag't Norfolk. g2C. if. NEW DRY GOODS STORE On Middle Street, Opposite American House. A. & M. HAHN Have opened a New Store with a complete fetoi k of fr&ab goods, consisting of CENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoes HATS, CAPS, &c. &c. In nhort. everything to be found in a First-Glass Dry Goofis Store! We oiTer inducements to Cash Rnyers whii'h are not snrpassfid by :tny House in New-Berne. We invite an inspection by our friends and the public. t One Cash Oift of $300. One Cash Gift of 2O0 . . . 100 00 100 00 600 00 1.250 00 2,000 00 One Cash Gift of 100 Ten Cash Gifts of 50 each. . . Fifty Cash Gifts of each. . . 200 Cash Gifts of 10 each... $28,300 00. Tickets will draw Prizes. J. h. Our Snufl Hox. How to make a h-i him. d Whrn a i hi.: take notes. n ! If i u .'ae Book-keeping iuhv .- tt;lit in a Mt!! son of three word-- Never len.l them. What is that from whie-ii v .'i t:ike th- wh le, ome remain '. W hoh-sonie. Prohibition Lws are nid'ti. be bouetlcmi t the corkscrew trade If a saloon-keeper gets rich it is becuv -f he makes many good bar-gaiiis. The Patrons of Husbandry in 'N isconsiu have started a new!jp;ipfr ' entitled the V--..n rh'w-. Thete i nothing that will change a man so much as grief, unless it is shaving off hi-i mous tache and whiskerv. The new Chief Justice is an Episcopalian. Rnt cam li Pu-Un ill.- . . it t iorwartt objections nov. . : . When a Milwaukee paper remarked recentlv "The lilac bushes are buddinc. a nader .ai'd . i, ... excitedly, ou lilac satan. If two persons meet with the intent to kill each other and thereby both are slain, which one should be punihel? Either one. There are two reasons why some people don't mind their own rbusint s-. One is they haven't any business-, and the other is that they haven't any mind. A wealthy Buflah lady of sixty lats jnst mar ried her own widowed son-in-law, and the chil dren of two families are now puzzled to settle their relationship. An ox that had lie. a eating fermented grain, which was in preparation for making ale, be came intoxicated, and was offered for sale bj his Owner as "corned beef. ' An undertaker in MiunesoLt, wishing to sell out, presents as an inducement to inquirers the fact that a j'oung doctor of "no experience li:s just settled in the town. P'lnrh .says the habit indulged in by some young men of wearing a single eye gdnH stuck in one of their eyes, indicates r,or defective- vis ion, but mental deficiency. A man who waa trying to dead-beat the Lake j Shore Road bv playing deal and dumb was! asked by the conductor how long he had been so, and be replied: "Why. ni.iij. I w.-n born this j An editor, & In .--peaks with the air of :i in, in j who has disco vered a new htct V.v experi-nce, j Bayg that the new way to prevent bleeding in ; the nose is to keep y.mr no-ieont of other jeo- ple s business. 'My dear, ii.i a htisbutut tj Lis wife, 011 ob serving new .stripeil stocking on lm only heir, "why have you m.ido barber's oles uf our child's legs"" "Became he is a huh- -lnver.'' was the ne.it reply. A wealthy vto;. lately gave the church which he attends two tables of stone, with tho ten commandments engraved upon them: whereupon, a member of the church remarked that his rea.'on for giving away the command ments was that he couldn't keep them. A very handsome lady recently euieted a store on Middle Street and inrjuired'for a "beau.'' Whereupon Orful, Jr., threw himself .back, and remarked that he was at her service. ';Ves; j but I want a bun, not u green one,' was the re- ply. . Ortul, .Ir., wu-i non-plusscd for once i ! A young ladv of lons, Iowa, recently said: ' Some men are always talking about patroniz ing their own town always harping on that duty - and yet they g abroad to get married, while we stand waiting ' I do hope that some of these men who marry Eastern girln will get cheated. The Travi l.v's book at an inn in Switzerland contains tin- lullowiug epigram; i ii : two i i: avi;li.i:.s. !'.- ; my pr i nnanteau ' T pity yon v grief.'' ' Ail my sermons were iu it ! T pity the thiel. ' What i- n mnff vhilarating sight.' sas a Vermont a,'ei , -Mi, an to see eight en hand some girls sliding down bill on an ox-sled .' "Nineteen," says the experienced 'editor of the Boston Post. Make-the number twenty, and it would add at least one-tenth more to the lovely picture, Washington, N. C. J-jrpress. Double the number and take a way the ,-ded. - RErt.HLTC'-CCfRIF.i:. f A clever New-Berne politrian who wants to Mand well with his grangers, sing : "The hickory berry vine entwines, I The brown nuts of tbe turnip tree; The cashmere heifer skips and plays To the tuneful bleat of the feathery bee. On tall boughs 'mid the buckwheat buds Wo hear the low of the finny plover, While the bay bull hitched to the rumbling scythe Hvisks out the golden clover. " SEND FOR THE BEST ! ! STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS SOUTHERN SCENERY Cotton Fields, Negro Groups Swamp Views, and the Finest ! Mountain Scenery in America. ! Scenes Pecnliar lo the South and Meyer Before Pnhlishel FOR SALE AT TIIK HKIIPAL BOOK STOItKM. PUBLISHED BT RUFUS MORGAN, - - Charlotte, N. C. -gp0 -m -v nanos ana urgans 14 East 14tli Street, X. Y. Billings & Wlieelock. PIANO-FORT MANUFACTURERS. and General Agents for the BURDETT COMBINATION ORGAN. Containing CARPENTER and BX7KDETTS new Improvementa, THE GREATEST SUCCESS QF THX AQE ! The disagreeable ready tone entirely overcome in this instrument. The verdict Is unanimous ( We challenge the world to equal 1 i 1 , We can furnish New Seven-Octave Piano-Forte from (275 to S950. Second-hand Piano, Organs and Melo deons.from $40 to 1250. Kw Cabinet Organs 145 to f.1,000. h35t The Xcw-IIorrie llepuMlc-Coiirien An Independent riorne & Unaral nrpapr,pnbUaaep Satardaya, at J 1.50 tearly Iby Oo. "W. Vuod, Jr., ai 2 PoUok St.. Nw.Brn.i 5. C. Editorial rootna tt Craven SL k T&e Rjtrmuc-CormtJiB i tha ofUcial paper for tfea City and County, and now naa Ule largest circulation of any paper in the State, which 'makes It a Tahtabl adrerUttng uedinm. Send for ptlmn crip?. Only $81 per Ton. WHITE BRO'S & MiBDM ! , . m v, i IVliTered rree on boar cars or Tel, or laaay ! Prt of the city. 1 ; i . "ms the .1. nnaiui Imt ytmroT- ! ders with , 5 ; -.... A.. . . . . WHMh UKU S & KILBURN. New-Berne. N. C. Dec. 27th. IS 73. NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS. QESTS WANTED f5 to tin mada dairr. San pies mailed free. N. If. WHITE. Newark, If J. w $78 A WEEK TO AQBKTM. Faatlnc mtUtng -io oui. i nrTuuDM aampMss ror tea cts. . BRIDE. 767 Broadway, New-Tork. i 4w P YCIIOMANCY. or SOUL. CllAlL&tlAO.4 How either sex may fascinate and gala the loraard affections of any person they: choose instantly. TWs stni ple mental acquirement all can possess, Irs, by BULlLfar 25c., togsther with a marriags gnide, E4fyptiaa Oraols. Dreams. Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, ke. A quer book. Address T.WlL.lAM8 it Co. Pub, roiia.w An ACC1DEKTAL, CURE, Vv lien death was .hourly expected from CONSUMP TION, all remedies having Tailed, and Dr. H. Jaku was experimenting, he aceidently made a preparation of IN DIAN HEMP, which cured 'fcis only child, and now give this recipe free, on receipt otwo stamps to pay expenses. HEMP also cures night-sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break a freph cold hi 24 hours. Address Crmd dock d Co.. 10;j A'.wy St:,"Phita, naming (hit paper. w COrUHS, COLDS, UOARSENESS, tun u i TiinniT nipriorn j hil nriurt I Ul jCftgr. j, . J'--Hl!," T WELLS' CARB0LIC;TABLET8 PFT UP OLY IN m.I'K BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. w 'TDEOGRAPHY't'.A new bok on the art of Writlnf by Sound; a . otnpleie syrttem oil I'honetie Short-Hand, th shortest, moat Piinple.eaijy.-ayid coiaprehensire.enabllnf anyone in a short time to reitrt trials, speeches, sermons. i.e. The Lord's Prayer is written with 4 strokes of tb pen, and 1 lO word per niioate. The unemployed should learn this art. Price by mail AO cents! Agents wanted. Ad dreBs r. W. EVANS A: CO.. I39 S. 7th St., Phila.. Pa. 4w i ' '' -' . - - The IIif;het Medical Authorities of Kiiropf say the stroneesi Tonie. Purifier and Deob sttuent known to tho modical world is J U RUBEB A. It arrPHt decay, of vital force n. exhaustion of the nsr voiis systeni, rchtoros vigor.f to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, rciiioveH veficlrt obstructions and arts diroctly on the Liver, atid .pleen. Price $1 a bottle JOHN' Q. KLLO(U..lh Piatt St., X. V. 4 $ 2 5 0 0 A YEAR mm w w - ja te with our splendid tOMBlSATIO .'";; Pll OSHKCTUS . It represents Sample Pa.alji.ityU of Binding f Ui -t'ntrh inU rutting and ufidulbooks, that SELL lo every Family. Itestthing rcer 'trienkbtt Canrattert. AGKXTd AV'ASTKl) to niade a i r.liMANi:? BCniKEss on the. Works. Send fl.so for. I'rtfepectns, the only outfit needed, choose territory aiid commence at once. For 1 1 1 11st rntod C I rt-11 1 a r t Ind Liberal Terms, ad dress JOHN E. POlTElt kj o.. Pubs.. I'hllad'a, Pa. 4w T 1 1 R P ? LEY'S HARD RUBBER TRUSSES I UnL Kfclief.Cotnloit & Cure for Hernia PCCQor Rupture, Fin Bteei rprioK OO CO coated! with hard rabber.hiehiv pohsue.1. r re frorar J1 sour. iruty. chatiniz. strao- ping or girthng unpleasantness, t ool, cleaaiy, light, safe and dimble.. UnaAec-ted by tothioK. AIwhvs reliable. KTeay dewlrnble pattern. Including the new Hard Kubbkr Euusiio Niuht Tar?. Keot by Mail or Express. Sold b5 all dealers. Bend for Iliui t rated Catalogue. Estah'tf.1347 ChestliatHk, Phllaa Brd'y, X. V. liWAK of japanaed iralUUtm Br. J. P. FrrtKB Blti wnrn, ssyf. X rrrusl4 at ta UniTfritT of Penn'jkia 13-1, an.l Ur flD ra.r' cxprla!, j rf.cted Dr. Filler's Vegetable llheumatl Syrup I marantes it aalntalUbUeursfor Kerts. ut v aiii HlieaiBaXiediseMes. i M-xor'n to, thlaftkh April, IT1- F. A. OSBQTJRN. .Votary FmbUe, rkU. Te CI : r rraea ww twsi y H; and ill satisfy any ooe writ ing uvrcv.l ho.MniT)hv.l. r)..f rnkford,PhiU.Re.T H. i:riac.Media.Pa. KeT..i.S.Bnchatan.Clareiiee,Iowa,Eev. r. r..,Sniiih. Pittford;N.V.;t'-J-os Besrys. FaUsChurrh. Phila.,c Afflicted shodd-wrt Dr.f itler.PhiU.or eipU natory P&niphlet A ruTntee.jrrati. f fiO Reward for aa hv cnrabla caw No cure no chaise, a reality JSoid bf 4nurtiste. WE WANT LOGO FIMTCLAsS BOOK AGENTS at once, t s 11 two of the inmost popular works eyer pub lished.: 5 life at Rev. 1 I' Wi K. Handy, MARSHALL'S LIFE OF Gen. Robett E. Lee. if Send for Circular at jjince. TrRXRULIJ MOTHERS, -.1 4V . Dltlmore, Md. rXcl 55 in"- mm. rur. s all Ho mora front th worst Berofnla te a r uiu m ltlu(4 h or Pimple. From two t tlx hot!!. 4 are warra&texi to cure Salt Ittitam crTeiter, Pimple on Face. Uo lis. Cjstw hiincU'u, r.rnlrM la and Lirer Com r-luinl. .-i . to twir ve tottJei. warranted to cure f. - r i Krroftiloua tvelllnfrs and Sorem l'alns iu Uutif- nn t Kre TUroaK carpe t t - Fulauii in. lilooditr mercartal treatinenL i: - in wof .Urfiil. Peftornl TTOpertiMdt will c-r" uie no-t M-re recMit c ttta worst lirijrenor Coifrla 1" t If tii tlm rciulred by any otlaer i ... i.. si fi uri.t i t. rfetfv fafe. Jooaenins" run. ' iiMir..!, iini.niictiHK eonrncs. . TXm'I w".-."- B. L Qlurcliill srryrasoa to Kellett A: t'hnrcHUl and C. A. Hart, Manufacturer tnd'Dealer In all kinds cf .mm ijAiiutywjaA vui xui II 111 Ut Hardware, Wooden Warp, House Pnr nishinp GoodaflLamps, Shade, Kerosen, Ac, lc Tin or Metal Roofs and Onttera put on or repaired. Ail kinds of Tin. Copper and Bheet-Iron Ware conaUnUt on hand or tcada to order. 'w , p.i..cnTJRcinix, 1 At the old stand of Sax ft Lrwn, Ko. it Hlddl BU CMtl ti wBrnM,0 . are s.U.a jstii CML ; of the BEST QUALITY. w RUP TRU mm J IU I Wfc ;t.