i ; 1. It. ALCOHOL J PER CENT, j AVegetabteAcparonErAs-' IVoraofcsDitiowClttifiH ness and icstconuins ndar OpiunLMorphine BorMtaaL, NOT NARCOTIC. Afufaujkauaimia VI JbiSmm Aattmi ApofectBemedy rorOonsfSp-" Hon, Sour Stomach.DlantaJ Wonnsjuvmswiisjevtna ness and Loss or SlEEP. ml NEW YORK. Exact Cppy of Wrtpper. Notice to Creditors. The undersigned having qualified as the executor of Orlandon S. Perkins, deceased 'hereby notifies all persons vlng claims against the estate of said Perkins to present them duly authenti cated to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April 1909, or this lotlce will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to the estate of said Perkins will please make im mediate payment' New Bern, April 1, 1908. A. D. WARD. Executor of Arlandon S. Perkins, Deceased. ,'& - - vr-- Lk Parties of .Ten or More. - The Norfolk and Southern railway announces rate of two cents (2) per mile per capita tor parties of ten or more traveling together on one ticket ' between all points on the Norfolk and Southern railway. , v These rates are open to the public. R. B. I Bunch, ; : H. C. Hudgtns, Traffic Manager. Genl Pas. Ag't. ; ? ;. TOCB PLAN SPECIFIES . ' cer 'In quantities of material. To m e the plan, work out right and .- without extra cost you'll be safest -i- In buying your building material here. - Then there will be no cutting to waste, , .V". no extra supplies to buy! Our build- o lng materials are not alone the best; .they are the cheapest as well. We ' can prove It If youH let us. ' Ifcif Bern BIJg; Supply Co. , Phone 163 ; 17 Craven St ; Dr. T. Felix Geurad's i.:GniHlTAL- iTOiLETPOVDEH .''A pure, antiwptio toilet powder for !nfanu- and adult. Exquisitely per ' .fumed and rentiers an excdkwt com , j pivuon. , Keeps tLe skin clu&r,oft and i: i velvety. Uclievei i'riekly Heat, Chafing, V Sunburn and U fkin troubles, a Used - freelr after bathing and shavintc, it is - 'yr refreshing. M dealers ov If mail, ;J JWS eento Box. , , Prepared by i , ' , FEfD. T. HOPKINS, N. Y. CI" Proprietor elOOUIUUB'S OMENTAL CREAK C T. YOUNG, . ' Noise Is so ''Impressive to people when. It's their own that they mistake 'It lor braJn.':;;;:g . . -- , Tcr Infants and Children. Th3 Kind You Have " Alwiys Boasht Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 3fi TMtetNTAUa MUMMY. TOIIII T. NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO; Effective May 24, 1908. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN 9:26 a, m., 7:15 p. m. (Dally Except Sunday) For LaGrange, Cove City, Dover, Klnston, Tuscarora, Golds boro and intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m. 7.00 p. m. (Sunday only) For Tuscarora, Cove City, Klnston LaGrange, Goldsboro, and Inter mediate stations. . 9:27 a. in., 7:18 p. m. (Daily except .Sunday) For Riverdale, Croatan, Havelock.' Newport, Wildwood Moreaead City, Beaufort and in termedlate stations. 9:20 a. m., 5:50 p. m. (Sunday only) For Riverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport, "Wildwood, Morehead City, Beaufort and intermediate stations. 7:30 p. m. (Dally except Sunday) -For Reelsboro, Grantsboro, Bayboro, Oriental and intermediate sta tions. s--.--. ; 7:10 p. m. (Sunday only) -? For Reels boro, Grantsboro, Bayboro, Oriental and intermediate stations, 9:25 a. m., (Dally Except Sunday) For Washington, Plymouth, Co lumbla, Belhaven, Edenton, Hert ford, Elizabeth City, Norfolk, Suf. folk and intermediate stations, New Bern -tO Greenville,": Farm ville, Wilson, Zebulon, Raleigh and Intermediate stations. Trains Arrive at New Bern -x 9:15 a. m.; 7:05 p. m. (Dally ex ' , cept Sunday) From Goldsboro: LaGrange, Klnston, Dover, Cove. Tuscarora and intermediate sta- , . tions. 9:20 a. m.j 5.50 p. m. (Sunday nly) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Kin ston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and intermediate stations. 9:20 a, m.;' 7:10 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) From Beaufort, More - head City, ; Wildwood, Newport. Havelock, Croatan, Riverdale and Intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m.; 7:00 p. m. (Sunday only) : From Beaufort, Morehead City, Wildwood. Newport, Havelock, I Croatan, Riverdale and Interme diate stations. , " . 9:00 a. m. (Dally) From Oriental Bayboro, Grantsboro, ' Reelsboro and Intermediate stations. 7:15 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) From Norfolk, Suffolk, Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton, Belhaven, . Columbia, Plymouth, Wasnlngtan and Intermediate stations, Edenton , to 'New Bern; Raleigh, Wendell, Zebulon, ' Wilson, 7 FarmvUTe, -.' Greenville and Intermediate sta. . tions." ' ' 1' -1 - On June 7th and 21, July 6th and 19th - - - August 2 and 16th, train will leave 'ft New Bern for Beaufort at 11 : 15 a. , b., ' returning will arrive In New .Bern 6:25 p. m. SALESMAN WANTED-TO SELL BE ,.tall,tade $65 to $140, per jnonth and expenses or commission. J. JExperl. ence unnecessary. Hermlngsen CI gar Co Toledo, Q. I M I? I A Fair Exchange. it 1: ' OrislnaL She was a southern beauty just nineteen, . he : a West Point cadet two years her senior. She had been graduated at a, young ladles', finishing tchool; he was about to be graduated Into the United States cavalry. She had learned to write an essay. She didn't need to learn to write a love tetter. She was born that way, just as poet is . born, not made. He had learned analytical geometry, conk; sec tions and all that. He didn't need to learn to talk soft to a girl; he breathed the spirit of "spoon" in with the West Point air.. The atmosphere there has been so long laden with it that it's im pregnatedthat is, in June, when the roses bloom. They were dawdling In flirtation walk. . "What an odd necklace," he remark ed, glancing at a circlet of finger rings fastened together by gold links she wore about her neck "each ring dif ferent!" "The donors were all different too." "What do you mean by the donors?" "Each ring was given me by" "An accepted suitor V "Well"- "Don't deny it Rather tell me about them." "The rings or the suitors?'" "Both." "Well, ,thls turquoise cluster was given me by a flaxen haired, blue eyed boy when I was fifteen. He said he was desperately in love with me, and be-was for a month.. This marquise solitaire I got from a young planter In Georgia. He tried to ride over a preci pice later on, but his horse balked. This gypsy set pearl was from a pro fessor. He was an old fellow, thirty- one at least He taught Scandinavian or Egyptian literature or something of the sort He'd never been anywhere, but he could talk so beautifully about the places he hadn't seen that he'd make you wish to go there. A doctor gave me this sapphire. He bad been all over the world, but you'd never know It. He couldn't say boo to a goose. I used to say to htm, 'My friend the professor could go through China town and make you believe he'd been at Pekln when the allied forces en tered; you would make a marionette squabble out of the battle of Gettys burg.'" ; "I'll bet the doctor knew a lot more than 'the professor." "Not for women." "Well,: go on with this string of bleeding hearts." "The man who gave me this ruby was splendid young like us. He was so fierce. Are you an angler?" "No. What's that got to do with it?" 'Then you won't understand. My ruby lover splashed about, darting this way and that way, one day treating me with sovereign contempt, the next with anger, till I thought I'd never land him." "And did you?' "There's the ring to show." "How about the fellow who gave you the opal" ,,' "Oh, that furnished me with a dead easy thing In the breaking. I was afraid he'd interfere with the diamond between sapphires, and I had to cut him short. I told him be'd broken my heart, for I never could marry a man who'd given me an opal nothing but unhapplness could possibly result from such a union. But now tell me about your book of beauty. Your chum stole it for me yesterday out of your room." "The rascal!" "I've brought it with me to return It to you. There's No, 1, this black haired, black eyed girl. She'd be pretty If she hadn't such a homely mouth and a pug nose. How long were you engaged to her?" ' "Oh, these girls aren't girls I've been engaged to. They're girls who have refused me., I -only thought I loved themI never really knew what love was tlllnow." "Wheii did It strike you?" "Jiist after guard mount yesterday morning. I was marching off the old guard, and I saw a group of . girls among the lookers on. One face among them made me tremble. I recognized my "belle dame sans mercl.' " "Tou talk Just like the professor. What does 'belle dame, sans mercl mean?",.',::'-...'.;';; . He stopped and gazed at her with all the fervor of his handsome eyes, but with an expression of despair in them. "Beautiful one without mercy," he re plied.; ye.:::- She turned and looked down through an opening in the trees on the Hud son, evidently to conceal a deep emo tion. - "Oh, If I could only trust your she said In broken tones. "Tou, the only. one of all . My punishment is more than I can bear." "I swear" ' "It has Come at last, but to mock met Let go my hand!" : . ' ' Her bidding was obeyed suddenly. so suddenly that she was surprised. At the same --time , the wooer exclaimed. somewhat Irrelevantly, "Great Scott!' "What's the matter?" ' "Offlcer-and we're oft limits!" An officer With several ladles passed. The cadet faced,1 drew himself up stiff as a ramrod and brought his , fore finger to his cap like dummy worked by wires. - e:' '.i. s': '' . That night when the pair parted a ring set with twin diamonds a family heirloom passed ,, Into the necklace, and her photograph passed Into his book of beauty. , Five years later they met again both married. There was a delayed recognition. Then began- a skirmish very different from the one In wblcb they had engaged at West Point. Nel- J ther could remember the other's name. ;,'"'. Tke fPeaeeck Kingdom." Consular and Trade Reports. The. little native state of Mourbhanj. known as the "Peacock Kingdom," is the' moat northerly of the tributary states of Orissa, and native chronicles relate that the principality was found ed more than 2,000 years ago. The chiefs emblem of signature is a pea cock, which Is held sacred, and hence the killing of this heraldic bird is strictly forbidden throughout the state. The state has an area of 4,243 square miles and the country is varied in soli and scenery. It abounds in rich val leys, but a vast extent is clothed with primeval forests. The m ah a rajah of Mourbhanj is an enlightened prince and administers his state on modern British lines, as the administration report for 1906-7 shows. The govern ment Is divided into separate depart ments, as in British territory and each department Is under an officer, who Is responsible for Its proper ad ministration. Mourbbani offers first- class opportunities for exploitation by American mining engineers and manu facturers of various kinds of small machinery, sawmills, and the like. New York Tribune. Official announcement was made to day by Vice President Mohler, of the Union Pacific Railroad, that extension work on the Harriman lines will begin July 1, where it was stopped several months ago because of the threatening financial unrest. Work will begin on the Athol Hill cut off, in Colorado, and the extension of the branch line up the North Platte river and from North Platte to North Port. Large gangs of men have been sent to both points. "Had dyspepsia or Indigestion for years. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." J. H. Wal ker, Sunbury, Ohio. CASE AFTER CASE. Plenty More Like This In New Bern. Scores of New Bern people can tell you about Doano's Kidney Pills. Many a happy citizen makes a public state ment of his experience. Here is a case of it. What better proof of merit can be had than such endorse ment? Mrs. M. N. Hanff, 48 George 'street, New Bern, N. C, says: "I received more benefit from Doan's Kidney Pills than from any remedy I ever used and it would be Impossi ble for me to recommend them too highly. I suffered a great deal from cackache and oicen on arising in the morning would be so lame and sore that it wu3 some time before I could get about with any t'egree of freedom. An anuoyanco from the kidney secre tions also added to my affliction. When I heard Doan's Kidney Pills rec ommended for such troubles. I ob tained a supply at Bradham's Pharm acy. Thcv banished the backache, corrected the kidney difficulty and im proved my health. Other members of my family have also used Doan's Kid. ney Pills and can speak just as high ly of them."' For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. NORFOLK & SOUTHER RAILWAY Red Men's Celebration, New Bern, N. C Saturday, July 4th, 1908. Reduced round trip tickets will be on sale from the following stations to New Bern and return! Beaufort Division Goldsboro Millers ) Bests LaGrange '. Fields Falling Creek Klnston .$1 25 . 1 25 . 1 25 . 1 25 . 1 15 . 1 00 . 1 00 . 90 Caswell Dover Cove ......... Tuscarora .... Hymans Clarks Thunman Riverdale' ..... Croatan Pine Grove ... Havelock . . . . . Newport , Wildwood Mansfield Hollywood .... Morehead City 75 . 60 . 45 . 40 . 30 . 25 . 30 . 40 . 60 . 65 . 85 . 90 . 1 00 . 1 00 1 00 Beaufort . 1 20 Oriental Branch Olympla ...... 1 25 40 60 , 60 65 55 76 : Reelsboro Blades Junction, Grantsboro .... West Alliance . . East Alliance ; . i' Bayboro .". 1 Stonewall '' Ashwood 75 : i 00 1 00 Fares for children five years of age and under twelve, naif a above fares. Tickets to be sold for Morning trains (only) Saturday July 4th 1908 final limit date of sale. Spent the Fourth of July at the Great Eastern Carolina Seashore Resorts Morehead City and Beaufort, '. C. Round trip tickets on sale at great ly reduced fares, Saturday July 4th, 1908, limited to return same date. From the following stations: TO BEAUFORT 20 CENTS MORE Morehead City. Goldsboro $1 50 Bests 1 50 LaGrange l 50 Falling Creek 1 40 Klnston 1 25 Caswell 1 25 Dover 1 15 Cove 1 10 Tuscarora 1 05 New Bern 1 00 Riverdale 9 Croatan 90 Havelock 80 Newport 50 Wildwood 40 Oriental Branch Reelsboro $1 05 Grantsboro 1 10 Bayboro 1 25 Oiiental 1 25 Spend The Fourth of July at the Sea shore Virginia Beach and Cape Henry, Vtu, Reduced Rates. Round trip tickets on sale at great ly reduced rates to Norfolk, Va., Fri. day, July 3rd, finaly limit, July 6th 1902, from the following stations: From Fare: New Bern $6 50 Vanceboro , Chocowinity , Washington , Pinetown Plymouth Mackey's Ferry 5 90 .....5 00 5 00 4 50 4 10 4 10 Roper 4 25 Pantego 5 00 Belhaven 5 25 Creswell ,. 4 65 Columbia 5 00 IRON-CLAD SIGNATURE TICKETS to be validated by the ticket agent Park Avenue station, Norfolk, before being good for, return trip. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager. F. W. TATEM, Division Passenger Agent H. C. HUDGINS General Passenger Agent. Excursion Rates Via Atlantic Coast Line. Round trip tickets on sale to all points, July 2d, 3d, and 4th, final limit returning July 8th. For further -information communi cate with nearest Ticket Agent, or write, W. J. Craig, T. C. White, Pas. Traffic Mg'r. Gen. Pas. Agt. Wilmington, N. C. LEGAL NOTICES 8 ALB OF GIN PROPERTY. State of North Carolina. County of Jones. Pursuant to an order of the Super ior court made at the spring: term, 190 of Jones county in an action entitled "New Bern Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Mills vs. W. C. Waters & Co., S. S. waters, P. M. Jenkins and U. f. Nel son,, executors of Le-vW Bynum, de ceased," we the undersigned, P. M. Pearsall and William Dunn, Jr., com missioners, will offer for sale and -viil sell at 13 O'CLOCK M WEDNESDAY, JULY 13th IN THE TOWN OF MAYS' VILLE, N. C, the following described property: All that certain cotton Kin. engine, boil ers, and all fixtures of every kind, all pipe belting and all other machinery and appliances and fixtures used in connection therewith, now owned by said parties of the first part (W. C. Waters & Co.) located, erected and situate on that certain piece or parcel of land situate In vvhlteoak Township In the town of Maysvllle, county of Jones," state of North Carolina and leased from A. J. Collins and K. R. Hay to which lease reference is made, to gether with' all right, title and Inter est of said parties of the first part In and to the said piece or parcel of land held under the lease as aforesaid, upon which said buildings, gin and machin ery and fixtures are located. TERMS OF SALE are to be one third CASH, one-third September 15th, and One-third October 15, 1908. This the 13th day of June, 1908. WM. DUNN, JR. P. M. PEARS AL. Commissioners. P. M. Pearsall, attorney for W. C. Waters, gives notice that at said time and place he will oner for sale and will sell the saw mill and other fix tures and appliances on and near the land above described and owned and operated by said W. C. Waters tt Company In the town of Maysvllle. North Carolina, Craven County. . The Weddell Grocery comnanV hav. lng duly assigned Its entire business to me, in is is to notny an persons in aeDiea 10 ins saia .uompany to nav same to me at once and all persona having claims against the said com pany, please file them with me within the next u days. , June 2, 1908. ' v 1 , i D. B. HENDERSON. Assignee of the Weddell Grocery Co. - Oriental . . '., Paralke Division Bridgeton . Askln . .... Ernul ...... Vanceboro .. Bragaw .... Frederick ... Chocowinity Washington :- Special Kaiet. Effective May 16th. The Korfolk an Southern Railroad Compapr will place on sale tickets from New Berk. o Mors head City and return at ' following rates: ' Season Tickets $1.6 Five Days' Tickets Lot Week end Sunday Tickets 1.31 Regular Sunday tickets May :7th. 1.0 Tickets to Beaufort, 20 cents high:" than Morehead City. Thir o continue throughout the reason. PROFESSIONAL CARDS r. m. t ...: Simmons Ward 4 A)m' lttoraejs and Counsellors at taw. Office No. 69 Ponth Front street, over . (J. Telegraph office. Prau.ce in the Counties of Craven. Dud lin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carteret, Pam lico and Wake, in the Supreme and FederM Courts, and whenever services are desired D. L. WARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 52 Craven St , NEW BERN, N. C. Practices in State and Federal Courts. DR. J. H. LAWRENCE SEIIIALIST. Diseases of Ey Throat. Eyes Ear, Nose and examined and Glasses fitted. OFFICE 79 Middle Street, Next derjj to Hotel Hazelton. Office Phone 13?. Res. Phone 7ft Residence 70 East Front Street. ICE Made from pure dis tilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith Strtet. Phone 23. LL Moore. Wm. Dunn. Ji- MOORE & DUNN. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law 40 Broad St New Bern. N. C Practice wherever services are required. jFire Insurance & Brick G. A. NICOLL So. Front & Hancock Sta. Phone 200 'mmrnmammmmimmamiml GREAT BARGAINS Come to our show room, 78 Bro; atreet and we can show you the bast and cheapest Buggies in Runabout, open and top Wagons, Surrys, Bun gles, and Second Vehicles of other u from carts $25.00 very good, but cheat . In price. G. S. Waters & Son 78 BROAD STREET. NOTICE OF JUDICIAL CONVENTION The Dtmocratlc Judicial Convention for the X tlrd Judicial District Is here by called to meet in the Court Housa In the ci y of New Bern, N, C, on Friday the 19th day of June 1908 at 12 o'clock noon. ' The convention4 It called for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Solicitor. EL M. GREEN, Chairman, Democratic Executive ' Committee ' Third Judicial District . W. M. WEBB, Sec'y. Grand Opening Ball. ' .The Grand Opening Ball at the At lantic Hotel, Uorehead City, N. C, will be given on tSturday night, June Uta. 1908. This will be a brilliant 'affair, an wlll attract from far and near. P, P. MORTON, . :-' WiVe i .. ' :Art i''1;t;;, ':ee enm: ' :yA ':'ee?K eire ! V- etp mn -eM Si ' ',';,''. . ' 3 V f -"''V , t . i ,':i'.' P ." e - ,;1 h -'"At I'f ". .ret 1 . mi 14 - ms,e ".-V S '44,::Si4?; j -'e?,e ee- : . ;'.''!. ec.: ''':v!f:VV. ?:-e ':,:"ie ) "'-': e&XX eees.- '4e:e$$4 :eem.. ::.e'l ; eeme -jn.'.-'t't'. i eeef-ye' mm- .;'.vv;'; ;.: S ;V! 'ik)f:t'f,' v- -.: ;; .: ; KMMAUNE C. BURKE. 'A":':-i i i (o-?'.',:, ...H;v.-.v.l.;-;t t'-e .-i".' .' 1 ':.''; i.1 ; ivl . U' -,..W M-i :-J"-'-. '::''': ' Jl '".' .," ' ; 4!:; ..'.: