THE SUIT, 1TET7 BERN N. C , JULY Z IC.X. ':. ,...MV :.'.;":'. t 1 u '-; :f". II . " B iSHED DAILY. Accept Sunday tkw Ben PubSshat Company. : OFFICES AND PLANT: ; ; No W Crave Stmt owex . dunn, Managing Editor. ; - j SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, , (la Advanced :irw - .... .10 van tt ti Mnntha 1-25 luno -.-- l- lUTn-th- 2.50 D1A nYBr 5.00 Telephones Business Office Bdltorlal Booms .' No. 230 .. No. Entered at the postoffice in New Bern, N. C, as second-class mail mat Mr. FRIDAY. .July 8, 1908. A woman and her opinions are soon parted. What makes beef rare these days Is it the price or the chef? A guilty conscience needs no ac cuser, but it usually has one. The power of a clean record as success, cannot be overestimated! You can lead all, Tar Heels to water. But how about making them drink? When the fad for thinness encoun ters the directorie gown well! well What then? He is rich whose income is more than his expenses. So long as it re mains that way. , "The way of the transgressor is so hard." Perhaps it is because it traveled so often. ' THE COLORED TOTE. ; "Do not let any political party feel that' they are always Bure 01 your YILL HOT DEMOCRATS ISSUE HANDBOOK. Will Farottk Anunniltioa . for Co. Furakh AmmnaiUoB . for vressioMl Campaign. Tote, nor let any party reel mat uey bjt wire .10 me u,v . , can never get your vote." V V , - V : Washington. July STh democratic This sentence is taken from, a re- campalgn text wWch -onuins cent speech of George W, Cable, who 389 pages of reasons wny; the. next waa' making an effort to gain the ne, house of representatives ' should be gro vote, by endeavoring to pose as democratic. It Is composed Imost al ..'' together of extracts from the congres mlssonary, with a heart full of ad- tivlnt anMh. made vice and politics., p . ; by leading democrats during the last To us of the South, who know the I session of congress. . v I At- Vlul tt VII... itlmt,lv tt la redicutous and Among me -uujw;i. r repuuii-au time waisted, carrying on such, work extravagance,' "Publteltfpr campaign funds" "The tariff and. trusts." "fed- as some of the republican leaders mo. eraJ U8urpation ," "Financial and in The negro is a republican., It is dustrial conditions," "currency reform, with him a fetish to follow blindly the Tyranny of the speaker and rules com- ' i .. mlttee, republican responsibility, The party that liberated h.m, placed the 1 A1.rm, mndl. ballot in his nerveless hands and for tIons lab01.( election of United States distressful time Ws feet upon the senators by vote of he people, Mer necks of his prostrate master. 1 The chant MarirJ). Parker's vindication, . - and Thou Shalt not steal." The latter lessons Ot muse uuimruuuauic "" . , : . , I IN H I RIIIUUIIITLlUIl Ul LUK Hlli:Kf-l 111 II 11" it will take generations to unlearn. j Bya . New y-- on Feb. The temporary evil wrougnt Dy mis ruary 4, Inserted in the record under total subversion of the fundamental "leave to print" given to. Representa -of- u .;iww. tlve H. D. Clayton, of Alabama. . "v arners vinaicauon is an eauonai wun me resuus or laws of human when' compared the Ingrained twist it gave to the hopes and passions of a weak nature. You just as well expect to ' gather grapes of thorns and flgs of thistles as to expect the negroes to support the democratic party, especially in the North and South. Mr. Cable becomes eulogistic, and thpn droDs into a delusion, while in from a New York newspaper of Feb ruary 4, the Insertion of which in the Congressional Record was secured by Representative Francis B. Harrison The republican campaign book, is sued by the congressional committee will be issued about August 1. ROOSEVELT WIELDS AXE Hazing Days Over, Roosevelt Turns Energy to Felling. Trees. this dream, it appears, he sees visions By Wire to. The Sun. and comes forth with this prophecy: "It begins to look as though the time was at hand when it would be acted upon by the negroes of this country more extensively than ever before since the emancipation." It looks like some new roads have been cut along the republican party lines, especially those leading up to the negro headquarters. This doc trine being preached to them is ail right and is not denied. Their right to choose between the candidates is cred iule, and cannot be disputed, if we are allowed to look over the campaign be Hum Wants it Blrf Carte Sow. ;;.". New, York Time. . t,--' . . The town, of Montclair has silenced the dogs and early jnornlng church bells, nd. now a nervous resident baa asked Councilman Charles H. Haft- shorne, the instigator ot. he curfew bentenCe LOJnnUted tO pr to measures to sUence the birds ot the town. Life Imprisonment FOR MURDER OF 60Y. STCEXBURG Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 3. Presi dent Roosevelt, In the first ten days of his vacation, has succeeded in, do ing considerable work in the fields and woods on his grounds at Saga. more Hill, besides entertaining many visitors and holding conferences with Mr. Taft. His activity never halts. If there Is no work on Jthe grounds of his state he spends his time In reading or In recreation in the form of tennis, riding, swimming, or rowing. Splen did weather though somewhat warm, has favored the president during his vacation. The president's home on Saga more Hill are several fields which this year grew good crops of hay. Taking Orchard Was to the Last Opposed to Having vHls Sentence With Hoped Efforts to Save Him Would FaiL , By Wire to The Sun. Boise, Idaho, -July 3. The state board of pardons yesterday commuted the sentence of Harry Orchard, who was under sentence to hang next Fri day, for the murder of former Gover nor Frank Steunenberg, to imprison ment for life. , Orchard was arrested two days af ter the assassination of former Gov. ernor Stunenberg at Caldwell, Idaho, December 30, 1905, and a few weeks later, while confined In the Idaho penitentiary, confessed his guilt to James McPartland, a well known de tective, at the same time asserting that he was employed to commit the crime by officers, of the Western Fed eration of Miners. As a result of his confession, Charles H. Moyer, presl dent and William D. Haywood secre tary and treasurer of , the Western Federation of Miners ,and Charles D. Pettibone were arrested in Denver, and brought to Idaho to answer the charge ot murder. John Simpkins, another member of the federation, waa also In dicted, and is still a fugitive. Haywood and - Pettibone were ac quitted after "memorable trials, in This disgruntled cltlsen takes partic ular exception to the noise ot the robin and the sparrow, which, he says, awak en him too early every morning, A woman on Valley road has asked the councilman to introduce a "curfew" tor the yowling cats of the town, and Mr. Hartshorne says he -expects that Interf erred I somebody will soon want him to sup press the bark .of the trees. : . A great big 10c worth at the Dixie this evening. ' Schedule B" Tax. Lawyers, Physicians', Dentists, ' Cig arettes Dealers, etc., are hereby noti fied that they have been doing busi ness since June 1st without licenses. Come to the sheriff's office at once and get your license and by so doing save trouble. J. W. BIDDLE, :j -I. Sheriff. Bone Pms, Cai- . Mill books of the late Senator Hanna. We I advantage of the fine weather for hay- The absence of free passes prevent ed a crash at Chicago and its effect will be felt at Denver- have no doubt that this evidence might be reinforced were the things dono in secret during the present canvass proclaimed from the housetops. The negro must be judged fairly. and to do this it requires the com prehension of his antecedents and a full knowledge of his unquestionable limitations. You cannot measure the race by the high standard of a few advanced and honorable members. It However, the smile that Mr. Taft carries is of but little utility in pro hibition communities. The kindly, rain made its appear ance yesterday. Lucky for New Bern, Our percentage remains the same. A woman lawyer of Chicago has earned a fee of $30,000. A woman who can knock down that sum by talking is in luck. V; There are three things about which one shuld not betoo conscious, and which is well to leave undisturbed- one's digestion, one's love, one's re liglon. ; : A Boston paper has discovered that a large amount of horse meat is being sold in the markets of that city. Is Boston really slow as this would in dicate? When a man makes up his mind to give up anything, from a woman to a vice, it suddenly becomes bo attrac tlve to him that he begins to take i now and violent Interest in It. , . The 'man who keeps his sentiment bottled up and his monoy lying in the bank Is bo narrow that he wouldn't take a broad view of anything even If he saw It on 4 bargain counter at talt price j ' ' " ' ;,- ' Immediately, upon tho completion of the temporary organization . ot the ...... ." . Denver convention Judge Parker will introduce a resolution teaching on, the . life1 and character ot Crover Cleve. land and calling for a recess In re sped to the memory . ot deceased . ex-presldent, -"' ''',, making the president went out into the gelds and helped to do the mow. lng and raking and loading the hav. The hay crop having befti' harvested the president has turned his attention to the clearing of a stretch of woods comprising about forty acres recent ly purchased by him to ' enlarge his estate. With his axe on his shoulder accompanied by an attendant, "also with an ax, the president this morn ing Btarted out for a few hours' work at tree-chopping, Before noon he had Hbh People Suffer trm Blood Polaoa d doat kuw It. Read Syatptonu. KamUj eared r B. H. is. For twentv-flve years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) has been curing yearly tnousanas ox suirerers irom t-rimary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison and all .forms ol Blood .Disease, wa solicit the most obstinate cases for B. R R. cures where all else falls. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches ' and which Orchard told a story of Whole- pains In bones, back or Joints, Rheu , . ., ........ ..Imatlam. Mucus Patches in mouth, sale assassination which shocked the! gore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored pots. Ulcers on any pari oi me ooay, iHtlnar sores, are run down or nervous. bone, the case against Moyer was dls- Hir or Eyebrows falling out, take B. I B. B. It kills the poison, makes the missed. - I blood nure and rich, healina: every sore n, . ll4 t land completely cnansin? me enure. unuaiu icueu buiii iu uiuiuer i body into a clean, healthy condition, In the first degree. In pronouncing V ItChin w"bH open the opntpnno nf rtpnth n weeV Intnl. I itchlnor humors. Rlslri-g or Dimnles of . . . . . . .. . . .. I Eczema all leaves after killing- the juoge wooa recommenaea mat me i poison and purifying the blood with t j ' . ...x- " Ik R B. in this way a flood of pure; uoara ot paruons commute me sen- ,(ch blood is sent direct to-the skin tence, saying he was firmly convinced surface, the itching stops torever and I pvery humor or sore is healed and that Orchard had told the whole and (cured. - : n v . 1 HivrAinR blod aALM iB. a b.. uuui ot iub viiaia ui naugu s pleasant and sate to take; com and Pettibone, and that he was there- SSatt'ttffi-;" fore, for the service he had rendered C. D. BBADHA5TS Drag Store, $1 per Large Bottle irith directions for. homer "cnre...-. 7 1 ONE CENT A YO?vD No ad. taked for lest than 15 cento, the price of three lines, feix words of average length make a line. The, following rates are for oonseontive insertion; - 7 V. ; : . . y , ' I as .... i. i isaiilw 1 fins m.mM seals aH - i tins ' 1 1 i .4 ceau aaae tt Itmu I "n i i ii i Mats a R e tl tssns i . IX sets s M-e 7 tsa-n I S . aeau aHae , AB ordeM for these ads. must be accompanied with .cash for as many ' times as ads. are to run. These ads. ' are inexpensive, bar' they bring quick result, and sure re turns. '.. J u . FOB SALE OJfE NO. ' 2 OLIYER Typewriter and one roller top desk Cheap. Call , at A1 C. L. Railway office. S ' ''71 lw- LOST LADIES GOLD WATCH. BE, tween Barrington's store and O.. G. Dunn's printing office. 'Finder please return to The Sun office and receive reward. v.:'- 'i C-.. V ; ' vo LOST A ' WATCH BETWEEN . Brownsville and James City chu-cb. " Finder will receive a reward" of M by leaving same at Sun office, Mary R. Foy. ; i. , v . FOB SALE HOUSE AND LOT COB, Green ' and Griffith streets.. Apply to Guy W. Pope. FOB BENT AT SEYEN DOLLARS per month, two, five-room houses In Bridgetown One block from new . school building. J. B. BLADES Lumber Co. ' HOUSE FOB KENT ON CHANGE street with seven nice large rooms. Apply to Annie Justice. 83 East Front street CALL AT THE WEST END FISH Market for Morehead City fish "9 Main street, Pavle Town. - WiNTED BBICK.MASONS, average days work and wages ex pected. Address Pope Morehead City, N. C. STATE v ges ex. ft Hobson. LOST CERTIFICATE, NO S3 SERIES No. 19 ot the New Bern Building and . Loan? Association., Application" will , be made for duplicate. D. F. JAR VIS. the state, entitled to clemency. Orchard was to the last opposed to having his sentence interferred. with, Only yesterday he said to the attorney that he hoped the efforts to save him from the gallows would fail. Lives on $75 a Tear. I foil pri a nnmhur nf trees lanvln- ftnlvl.. . Is, to our mind, unreasonable and nn- . . . . . . A tji mew York limes. h,.(n,M t.nn n -t.'it. " " UCD"U lu w " order that he may give his en- ,-...... w - property correspona wun that ad. tire nronertv etnicai ruies to wnicn we suDject menoinlng. : to the poor, Victor Schmidt, a well known Omaha muai- A 4 1 .. 1. .J .U - U 1. I . ... ... . j-i mutucuii luutty iu yr-.iucui eu- ciai, was today discovered living In a tertalned S. S. McClure, Casper Whit- cellar, for which he paid $1.50 a month.' ney and James T. Wlllams, the latter in his pocket were certificates of de- a member of the Taft campaign bu-1 posit for nearly $8,000. Schmidt as- reau. " ' serts that he lives on 175 a year and gives the balance of his earnings to spring ahead in the direction advised MONUMENTS TO CONFEDERATES the poor. Schmidt Is a college bred man and A Bedridden Veteran Pulled String l a former student at a German univer- That Unlveiled It. - Islty. He has always been a charity By Wire to The Sun. ;5: worker. He Is attempting to save $10,- Buckingham, Va., July 3. The Con. 000 with which to endow an institution federate monument just erected here 1 for the poor. was unveiled yesterday at the same time that the cornerstone " was laid. NOTICE CITY ORDINANCE ! The double, ceremony was very im. Section 77. AnyfTCrson who shall most civilized races. The negro is nature's well grown child and without doubt is the chattel mortgage of his republican herdsmen and when the goad is applied he will regardless of what has been said or done previously. Free Blood Cure Coupon This coupon (cut from - The New Bern N. C. Sun, is good for one large sample of Botan ic Blood Balm mailed free In plain packages. 8lmply .All In your name and address on dotted lines below and mail to BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. t. State name of trouble, it you know. . I CRAVEN LODfiE AO. L, JSJ-IGnXS J0F HARMONY. Meets second and fourth ' Wednesday-nights in each month" in Knights of Harmony hall Pollock street, .at ,7:30 o'clock. . 8. R..Ball president; J. H. Smith,, secretary; R. Hill, financial secretary. V v : x $U0 RETURN TICKET TO , M1LMIN0T0N. ' r The Atlantic Coast Line will sell tickets front New Bern to Wilmington July 4th. 'limited to return . Monday July 6th at rate of $1.50 for the round trip. A splendid opportunity to visit; Wilmington, Wrlghtsvllle Beach and witness exciting base ball games be. tween Wilmington and Klnston at a small cost ' . N - If He was as sick as sick could be, ' Friends could give but sympathy Now he's well and strong as three, Since taking Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Davis Pharmay. pressive and was attended 1ty i large shoot off a gun or other flre.arms. crowd, including a great number of or shoot any rocket, pop-cracker or veterans. i .. other fire works, or any combination Mr. WUllams B. Megglnson, an aged of gun powder or other explosive ma- veteran, who has been bedridden for tertal in any street or footway;, or many years, was placed in his wheel I shoot" off any gun'or other fire-arm Endless Chain in Kansas. American Greeting. The rasberry crop Is now ripe, but the chickens are picking them. The hawks are catching! the chickens, the 1 cbalr and rolled to the base of thelcharged with ball or shot or any other monument and he pulled the string aeaaiy imng wimin two nunnrea that- threw aside the veil and jdls- yards of any habitation within the played the monument, A great cheer city, except In cases of necessity, shall people are shooting the hawks, the city marshal is after the shooters,, the public is after the city marshal at all times, and the wet weather Is doing the public up generally. Phone 57 WE HOLD UP OUB TEAS , If -..' for your Judgment, because ,w; know they will stand the test; For, strength, delicacy of flavor" and moderati6n in price they excel any others we know. The character of all our groceries is . our teas. Try them once and It Is .only lndetference to both quality and cost that will -keep you from trying them agaln.v LUCAS & LEWIS r Wholesale and Retail Grocer., TO FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS went up from the crowd t when the I be fined ten dollars for each offence, yell was removed. - . ; one.halt to go to the informer; Pro Judge R, T. W.r Duke of Charlottes-1 vided nothing herein contained shall vllle delivered the oration, 'Ji Dinner prohibit the exhibition of fire-works was served on the grounds and the I authorized by the Mayor on occasions Virginia's Stat Board of Health Will oM soldiers seemed to enjoy the re. of public rejoicing, Bcgia Campalga at Oace. ' union day. . A band of yohng girls Any persons desiring to shoot , off By Wire to'The Sun. r 1 dressed in red, white and Wue sang pop-crackers and other fire works Richmond, Va., July 3. The . new "Dixie" and a - number ot the ' war within the city limits on the 4th day state board of health, created by the I songs of long ago. . Captain Sam T. 1 of July are authorized to do so pro last legislature,' entered upon Its ca Moseley was on hand witlf Ills banjo vided howeveK that all rockets, roraan reer yesterday and with broader pow-1 end played and sang.- v I candies and nre worm or that kind ers and larger appropriations will be-1 '". ' I must be fired-on East Front street, gin at once a campaign In the inter. MARTIN WILL NOT ATTEND. ' land pointed towardsNeuse river. Per est of Ipubllc health. War on tuber- . A u. ' sons firing rockets of Any kind at any culosis will be" waged fromthe atart, Virginia Janlor Senator Unable te Go other point within the city, will sW and plans of work in other directions i ' vTrth DeiegaUoa to Denver. , i ject themselves to a penalty or $iu as were discussed in addresses by mem-1 By Wire to The Sun, '' ' - ' -J provided in 8ectlon 77 ot the Ordl bers at the first session of the board Richmond,' Ya., July r s.--Unlted I nances ot the city, this afternoon. Dr. R. W.' Martin, of J States Senator Thomas 8. Martin, one Tie firing of guns and pistols Of Lynchburg, was elected president and of thefour delegates at large from any kind, at any poldt within the lln Dr. Charles D.j Grandy or Norfolk, I Virginia oaaccount: u Illness in hunts ox me city is loroioaen. toee sec, BBureiar, uw. aiuutun u nuuaun is 1 uuuuj, wui. uut sucuu .uii ' usuooi 1 i.f state health commissioner in charge! convention. I' : l , By order of the mayor. ot the new, department, with Dr.t W. Senator Martin was vigorously op-1 . f, T PATTERSO, Allen Freeman and Dr Meade Fergu- posed to instructions ior Bryan by the I , ' , ' City Clerk son as assistants. . !- . state convention, " , ... .s New Bern, N. Cm, July 1, 1303 m O will always try to , meet youl) wants y v ..' e .1- '" ' ' 1 e 'r ' ; m tne orocery june. v s;H v CALL US UPK : V: 1 . it ;t A n Tifcn r r m n . y ? ; ii xie Oe -fi it mo j. it y iv tr ' ; .acr 1 1 Juit Received a Frccli StiiJy cf Pcrtcmoulh Liullcb. j. aviLuA::r, cr to V," 4

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