'.THE SUIT, - ,7 ZZ711, 17, C. JULY S 11 : 1 j. : 0::'" 'Wl,,.',-' 8 ' .v-i--ft'- V 1 f No Goods Sold on CREDIT AFTER JUNE 1. We will sell for cash only. iXMVT ASK US TO BREAK THIS RULE. 45 POLLOCK STREET, Capital Stock $30,000.00 (INCORPORATED! SPECIAL SUMMER SESSION. Big Reductions to all who enter bef ore July 15, 1908. A liberal discount n either a single or combined cours e. Position guaranteed, backed by Written contract Write for handsom e catalogue. It is free. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Raleigh. N. C, or Charlotte, N. 0. Baptist Universty Located in the center of Raleigh. Five distinct schools. I. School of the Arts and Sciences, with eight professors and six assistants, and including English, aMthematics, Ancient and Modern Languages, History, Science, Philosophy, Pedagogy and the Bible. II. School of Music, with three professors and eight assistants, and including Piano, Pipe Organ, and Violin and Voice. III. School of Art, with two professors and including Oil Painting, Decoration and Design. ., r'.;ftiWWiij IV. School of Expression, with one professor and one instructor. V. School of Business, with one professor and including Stenography, Bookkeeping and Typewriting. Systematic training in Physical Culture In charge of a director and two assistants. Club, In which by about three quarters of an hour of daily domestic service students save f 45.00 per session, , Next Session begins September -2d, 1908. ' ' '"'-ft .' For Catalogue and other Information address : ' J R.T.VANN, kIiJ1N!fi; w"' BalelgH, N. C m soc:m. Valuable Real Estate For Sale. Custis House and Lot, Foot of Pollock street Lancaster House and Lot, Avenue A and Griffith street, Riverside. Stimson Property, East Front, whole or in part, (Great Bargain). Vacant Lots George and National Avenue. Old Dominion S. S. Co.'s Pier, foot Craven Street W. G, BOYD. Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent. Room 305 Elks Temple (Take elevator). Telephone, 400. " Y and E." Filing Fct-No. bl Don't you get Tired of "Reaching Ho Vd you like to have all Letters and Papers regarding Matters Pending FILING jfflXSYSTEMS XJ' Shan't we mail you Descriptive Folder? ffled in a "Y and E" Vertical Tray like this one? I It's an Ideal Way, in i t s a S i m p 1 e, Effective, Red-Tape-Iessness! 1 Such a "Y and E" Vertical Tray, complete .with Daily, . Monthly, and .Alphabetical guides, and 200 strong m an$l a Folders, will hold 3,000, letters or papers, occupies Only 13 x 20 in, and will cost you r-f nt orJyO.UU. Miss Eula Cole, who has been' spend ing a few days at Seven Springs, re turned home this morning. , Mr and Mrs. John'; Robinson, re turned to Mew Bern this morning af ter a very pleasant ' visit to Seven Springs. " Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Hawk, were among the passengers,., on . the east bound Norfolk and Southern train this morning going down; to Beaufort to witness the presentation of the sil ver service to the U. S, cruiser North Carolina. : Miss Mary Oliver went down to the city by the sea this morning to be present at the presentation of the sil. yer service to the U. S. cruiser North Carolina. i : MIsb Marie Duncan1 was a passenger on the east bound train this morntng going down to Beaufort where she will be the guest of Mrs. Richard Chadwick for a few days. .';; Miss Kate Griffln.'of Durham, N. C... passed through New Bern this morn ing on the east bound Norfolk and Southern train goihgf ;Bown to More head. City and Beaufort for a short visit ' ' a;V Miss Minnie Nelson of Vanceboro, N. C, is among the pleasant and welcome visitors in the city today. Miss Anna Hanft has gone up to Black mountain where she will spend the summer. -: Mr and Mrs. Chas. E,: Slover, Mrs. E. B. Ellis and Miss Elizabeth Ellis have gone up to Black Mountain where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jordan left for Black mountain, Mrs Jordan will spend the summer there. O v.';; Miss Gertrude Hill went up to La Grange this morning f on the west bound Norfolk and Southern train for a visit with relatives and friends. Misses Carrie Thomas and Glennie Sutton, went down to Rhems this morning on the Coast Line train for a few day's visit. Miss Rosa Tolson left this morning for Morehead City, where she will spend a few days the company of Miss LIbby McCoy. . Miss Kate Thornton, went up to Raleigh, N. C, this morning to visit relatives and friends for a few weeks. Mrs. Alice Thomas left this morn ing for Kinston on a short business trip. ' Miss Llllie Smith is spending the day with friends in Kinston. Miss Pearl Daw left this morning for Greenville, N. C, where she has accepted a position as operator in the office of the Home Telephone and Telegraph Company. : Miss Bcrta Pugh left this morning on the west bound Norfolk and South, em train for a visit with friends in Golds bo ro and Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lewis and children, of Raleigh, N. C, are spend ing a few day in the city with rela tives and friends. RAIN DRIVES MAN CRAZY. SunlTtr ! a Fk4 Gee Stark Xa4 . Every Wet Bay.-.; .. ',' The victim of a peculiarly recarrlng mania, in which he loses his treason whenever there Is a rainstorm, Cltarles F. Rotterman, a miner, became , unbal anced during the storm of last night, and held his wife-prisoner until this morning in their apartments, when she managed to. escape and notified the police. Rotterman Is now in the hospi tal ward of the. city jail stark mad. , When Patrolmen Keyt and CcDon ald entered,, the house, to take charge of Rqterman, he threatened to cut their hearts out, and was overpowered only after a desperate straggle. When searched; at police heSdquarters two knives were found upon his person. , Ten years ago . Rotterman, then a miner In the Cripple Creek district, was caught in a flooded mine, and nar rowly escaped drowning.1 Since that time the sight of water in any great volume has caused him to become mentally unbalanced. Jn the past three years the police have bad to deal with him on nearly a dozen occasions. Once he jumped through a plate glass win dow, cutting' himself badly,' and at another time he threatened his wife and children. In October, 1907 he disappeared from his home in this city, and when next heard from was confined in 'the city jail at Greeley under heavy guard. He had terrorized people all through; the town by his actions. When his .wife learned of his plight he had ' been adjudged insane in the county court of Weld county, and committed to . the Pueblo Insane Asylum. Before time for his removal there, however, he re gained his faculties, and his wife suc ceeded in securing his release. He returned to this city, and as far as the police know, the present spell is the first he has experienced since that time. Rotterman is a man of excellent physique, and his affliction Is pitable. He is perfectly rational between spells and realize his failing, but is powerless to help himself. He will be placed in the insane ward of the county hospi tal until be recovers from his present attack. JUST; ARRIVED .. . j ; ' Best line of Cheap Beds ever shown in New Bern, j Full assortment of Felt and Combination Mattresses and Springs, to go with these' beds. Cash purchase ticket to draw nica tramnA nirtiir. ,m$; v I JOHN B. IVES, ; PHONE 257. ' . 93 MIDDLE ST You don't buy gar-, : Xden hose often so it 1 pays to be .careful when you do. A cheap hose is worse than none. . - You can depend on the hose you buy here. We carry the famous Roesket brand. Itiwill stand the highest pressure and out last any other. Let us show it to you today. J. S. BASNIGHT HARDWARE COM LOW EXCURSION RATES. Via Atlantic Coast Line To Birmingham, Ala., and return ac count of Annual Reunton U. . C. V. Tickets on Bale June 6th, 7th andd 8th final limit June 20th. ; For further information with near, est Ticket Agent, or W. J. CRAIG. , T. C. WHITE . P. T. M., G. P. A. WILMINGTON, N C. HOTEL CIOERLAND New York. 8. W. Cer. Broadway st 54tk Street Near 50th St Subway and 63rd St Elevated and accessible to all sur- SUCCESS DEPENDS. On the flavoring used. If Jrou would have perfect desserts always use Blue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla. ' If you haven't the time to exercise regularly, Doan's Regulets will 'pre vent constipation. They induce' a mild, easy, healthful action of the bowels without griping.': Ask yonf 'druggist for them, 25 cent t ; . i i- 1 D'H i ML mil l 7 -.mm mm mm Buy your Cakes and Pies from . ' KAFER'S BAKERY. -. v ; . : v:-. : : ' Cheaper than you can bake them yourself. ' 4) DC DC face lines. HE ADQU1ETERS FOB SOUTHERNERS. ' Ideal 'Location. Near Theatres, Shops, and Central Park. 'EW AND FIRE PROOF, 8TRICTLI . FIRST CLASS IN EYERI . RESPECT, All Outside Rooms. No Carpets. All Hardwood Floors and Oriental Rugs. European Plan. , Transient rates, f 2.50 with bath, and up. Restaurant Unexcelled. Prices Reasonable. Bend for Booklet ' HABBY P. STDfSON, Formerly with Hotel Imperial s B. J. BINGHAM, Formerly with Hotel Woodward TOU BEAD WITH that flies carry disease as well,' as discomfort Even it , yqu t 1 v don't belleye all you read, beUiLJ , ter be on the safe side by screen ir ing your doorB and windows, ji Bring the sizes you vneed here; and we'll supply the screens, all r ready to use,. or the materials f with which to make them. We have all the necessary hardware' .too. 'y-tfjt'&y-tf v o-o-o-o-oo-o-o-o i Girdle of The Great" ; Bt REV. JOHN J. DOUGLXSJ ,," ": k ' For'sale'at ? f'V ' h s " Thu booL needs no recommessd&Uon to the f- pie of llew'Dern," ctLer than to know thot err fcrrr.:r towr.cr.-in, rteV. JoLa'J. Douglas U the tu!!:cr.V :' " CcSlsr :Bties :Ihrdyare r Ccny h CD-71 Middle St, PHONES NO. land 275. 80 South Front St, NEW BERN, N.C n, CC0 DC DC 31 '7 :SS;M;Brcc!r Have Just Moved Into v Their ' New and fCommodiou '""""TTT tV" ""' t , C-H ilQ3 Eatt Frcr.t Street,' near; . Cptdal , ."cr.Usn , paid ,'to ' trztyt'l fcerdi KcrWf' ';- ' Etationcrrrintcr&C'.ar.k Cock Icufacfcrcr fY C""- r 'v r " r f'4 ic: -Nf r f -y. . ")Y rc? r.u;-:::3.