- 1 . CUN, 11Z77 LIUT, N. C. JULY 3, 1003 1, ' ' -O" -, ... ; 4 . : i.. . l-A iCJL j M " I , I ww AY .n --I I ' .- i i 7 ' I ii SECT ONAL CAO and : E MY STOCK OW1 Ea TrlF D IT TFMFnT VzJA l THE OFFICE OUTFITTER. it, i 3 TAe iVbrfA Carolina STATE NORMAL"AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintained by the State lor the Education ef the Women o( North Carolina. v Four regular Courses deeding to Degrees. ' Special Courses offered In Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Do mestic Science and In the Commercial Department. Free Tuition to those who agree to teach In the schools of North Carolina. i ' Board,' laundry, tuition and all other expenses, Including use of text-books, : 1170.00 a year. For free tuition students, f 125.00 a year.. . - " Those desiring to enter should apply as early aa possible. The capacity of the dormitories is limited. ' i Fall Session begins September 15, 1908. , . For catalogue and "other information address - ' ' ' .'.. ,'j.' J. L FOUST, President, ' ' tL7LjVly JP ,T-'-'M'id Greensboro, N.C. unnTED-AnicHnflGEfiTs V II i sample Latest Model Rnrt3r' bicycle lurniihed by ui, Ourinnti ' f 1 I. k makins? HMinev fast. Writ fm full J . IIUCIITOWI and dittrfct t& J naa anaexmma aukinr money fait Writt Jtr fnli ttrticulart and ittctal efftr at rue: , IIU inuiM&x Jtt!4JlMKIU until you receive and approve of your bicycle. We IMS i to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. xtitlktmt a end A fotit in advance, trthxf frtitkt, and l allow TKN DAYS' FREE TUIAI. during which time vnu tn3vHli hirvrl. n2 i put It to any teat you wish. If you ue then not periectly satitfied or do not with (a 1 utp the bieycia anip It back to ua at our expense and mu mil utttmUoMunt. wc lurnuB tha lugheat trade bicrcles it 11 pouible to raaka one amui pront aoova actual lactory cost, xou save 110 m 1 FASTCSY PRICES ' to fi middlemen'! profiia by buying direct ot ui and have tha manufacturer'! uar nntiM behind vour bacircla. - DO Hiyi' HI) V m hicvcle or nairnf tirM fmm mamm at mnf fvt until you receive our caulorues aud leant our unheard of Jtcitrf pricts and rttnnrkoou tfitcioi offers to rider HffentM. Yn um I fp TfW!"CH when you receive onr beautiful eatalogna and l VtiELL EC Kilm lintU Mudy our superb models at the wondtrullf umfruamtcm nuke you thii year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money than anv other factory. - We are aatlaned with li.oo nrofit ahove faetorv coat. Til : 1 1. 1'. llU A 1 him f-"" Mil MirKwlM Mnr1v knn Mm Mm nls.M douMeTMir priceirOrders filled the day received. aiSCOMDsiAMD itlOSCliliS. We do not rtffulirlv hindla second hand Urvclea. but ttsmllv have l number c-n band taken tn trade hv our CViravn retail atntv. . fh.u mm lar out promptly at prices ran:ot from l9lo8$r 10. Ceicripuve bargain lists mailed free. inauii GBNEnOBD FuiOTCOE-PnCjF Vllfl ( mi est m& irii?re a sakpie pair m - a.B.1 iiiSJiiaiaiiW I BllkaW TO latRuDUGC, ONLY I a i , , V ThtrcKutar retail triuttihtuiira is ,. - f3JS0 pa,,, eu, u ,Htnxluc we tvtn I ttilyouatampupairtarnjurjamwunoractktjui. 1 a i" :t::;sie rsoa pcsstcres KAILS, Tnoha of Uluss Will not lot tba Mr out. Sixty thousand pain sold Uat year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in nee A WAVE OF.. PBOSPERITLV r?3tC"rTIBZ"i MdelnallUa. Itiilvaaiy i and easy rulinv,ry durableand linediaside with -neiai quality oi rnpuer, wnicn nrvvr ikcoi t .mis and which closes uDsmsIl Duncturva w ! i the air toclcapr We have hundreds ol letters from sail. -necial quality ol yub'oer, which brrcf bcoea unctunawunwit allow. : filcuiUrnerstaaiifthaltheJrtireihoveonlybcn pumped up once or twice lu a whole aeaaon. They weirh nu more than an ordinary tire, the puncture reststlntqt:alUiMbciaggiveii . egularpriccoi these ttrtiUps.joiierpair.but for purpovwearemiltiniaepccialfactoaprictto Notice th think 'til 'A. I A il. I nnn..t.i.M . . 1 " mint. M It mim r treud tvrlp atrlo IP to prevent lirta ntUnf. TbJuy ttro wlit ontiitirt atny tfaar tnako-HOFT, auLAttllO eUa4V by several layer , tcsa. xnerei vArtiHinirrjarrjoiMwearemiikfnffaaDccliactora-tirice t e rider of only M in per pdir. AU ctde shipped aaiie day -ttet la received. We ahlp C O. O. oaj t irovcl. . You do not pay a cent untit you have examined an J found tbent strictly as represented. 1 -'e will allow a oath UUooant of t per cent (thereby tunlttn the price 94.03 per pair) if yon t 4 FULL jOAVNH WI l it OiUWJil cud enctow this advertisement. We will also (end one i '1 r'iittd braiu band pump, .Tlreu to be returned at VI) It expense if for any reaaon they are ... .ctory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money aent to usleaaeafeae in a i . it you order a pair pf thee tire, voii .will find that they will tide easier, run faster, v er, last lonp-er and look finer tlvan any lire you have ever uaed or teen at any price. We l t v.ni wur dc as) wci pirawt t.mi wnen you wm V e m..i ..a to aend ua a trial order at once. bt;ucs tliia renu ii-.rt oon't ouy any kind at auy nnce until yon aena ror a pair car i special i t 4ribei anu nweareniu i want a Wcyeie you will give ua your ordetv larcaoie ttre oner. . you looi ' v price quiit-d abow; or write for our big fire and Sundry Catalogue which t .k.f lledjeihorn Pnncture-rroof tirea on approval and trial at 1 ma If p. ami kin Jj ol lire t atvMit half the uaital nrlrn. . Init writvtv a THMtat today. 1K NOT TiUNKOf BTJT1WO a oteycte . .orapxirot' titva front anyotw until you know te new and wondcrfaa aoi jiao pustai to learn everythlDg. Write it )W. , i. - i " i ." ..V -s a. Av f f ... ..y v - . C - .. 1 1 '. I.,.'''' Va V ' laUaatT Flood of New Orders Starts Big Shops Going Full Blast. New York Herald. There is one Milwaukee concern which has been unable to wait for July 1, the date set for the demon stration of returning prosperity by the national prosperity association of St. Louis. W. H. Whiteside; president of the Al-lis-Chalmers Company, which has its great $5,000,000 shops here, declares that he has been forced to increase his force of employes steadily for several weeks, as during the last 90 days there has been ,an increase of from 30 to 50 per cent in new orders. Today the plant is running practically full time, employing' all the men that were working before the 1907 troubles. Other concerns show the same condi tions, The Thomas Furnace Company will resume full force August 1. The Northwestern shop employes who have been working four allays a week, eight hours a day, have been put back to five and one half days, and In another month will be back at ten hours and six days.-' ,. Three, day vgo the contractors who are erecting the big city auditorium advertised for help. They needed 50 men at once, but only ten have put in an appearance.: On November 1st it was. estimated that there were 11,000 Idle men In this city. . In an interview, Mr. Whiteside says: "Like previous depressions, follow ing which collections for comparative ly long periods continued yery un satisfactory,' there was a substantial Improvement, Ithin a short time after the recent flurry, and at the present time collections, are exceptionally good. While some difficulty may still be ex perienced in the way of. financing en tirely new undertakings, ;tbe financial condition of the relatively small buyer Is on a sound basis, and credits are about normal.vf la fact, ? the improve-, ment In new orders placed comes from the smaller class of purchasers, who are, commercially, an Important fac tor; Of course, this class of business is-widely diffused, but In. the ' aggre gate It is greatly stimulating Improved trade; conditions. The business out look Is distinctly encouraging. We have a new Una of Kodak' sup plies tn. Let. i show you the new Kodak enlarging machine, J. 0. Bax ter, Leading welr.-'';.;' H::Kf-: BOIS BOKJf IX HARD TIMES. Cleveland, Ohio, July 2. Control of the sex of infants is a practical propo sition, according to Dr. Frank Kraft, secretary of the American institute of homeopathy. Dr. Kraft says he has discovered no new principle, but has shown the practical application of one originating with the evolution theory. The principle, he says, is based on the law of the survival cf the fittest. Dr. Kraft makes these declarations in a book just oft the press. It is well known to scientists, as serts the author, that savage races and races which exist where the condi tions of life are hardest, produce a preponderance of male children. From this fact he deduces that nature recog nizes In the female the weaker sex. Thus, he says, in times of plenty, fe males are likely to predominate. Some thinkers of the subject even go so far as to say that the hard times produce male children. ! I I Va. I IV7 W1 mm mm 1 . WE SELL STAG PAINT thePairrttr SqS Usadoodsidii wheayousee It represents maximum value at minimum cost Goes farthest! a M for Sale ty CUTLES.BLADES HARDWARE NEW BEEN. N.C CO. KOflCEI Stock aa. Flxtares For Sale. By virtue ot the power given me In a certain deed of assignment by J. L. McDaniel, duly recorded In the office of the Register ot Deeds In Craven county, I will offer, .tor sale tha tanttr stock, office .and store fixtures, fit cof iter Broad and Handock streets. :, : June; ?3,49p8.'::';.." vtk DO YOU KNOW PROFESSOR HOLDEN? The Mari Whose Corn Lectures and Corn Trains Have Added Mor than Twenty Million Bushels to the. Corn Crop of Iowa. Prof. Holden has prepared for us a book which gives the cream of his lectures on corn growing. It tells all about seed selection, seed testing, getting a stand, corn Judging, corn pests, etc., etc. It Is a practical farmer's hand ibook. It it, not theory but practico Just as it has been worked out on the farm. The name of this work la THE ABC AND CORN CULTURE UttjST TALCABLE BOOK OF THE CEJfTCBI" A. I. Root, the-veteran agriculturist and bee man, says: "Thia book Is the most valuable work published in the last century If the farmer will take right hold of It with enthusiasm and put its teach ings into practice." The book is 51-4 by 81-4 inches. Contains 100 pages and over 8 illustrations. Well printed, neatly bound. We want to put this book In the hands of every live farmer and farmers' 007 m tha country, and wi'4 maka tin p ice low accordingly. A BARGAIN PRICE Send ng 10 cents, coin or stamps, and we will send you the book by mall, postpaid. If, when yon get it, yon are not satisfied drop ns a card and we will return your money, al8o postage for the return of the book. Could anything be fairer!. Ad dress , THE SIMMONS PUBLISHING COMPANY. Publishers of Holden'g Corn Book. Springfield, Ohio. Spring Neckwear. r MONEY mi m Almost every man has read the "Fairy Tales" of the Clothiers, in the newspapers and maga zines. Almost every man has been disappointed and dteguetsd on looking at the CHoth&hkhey pre tend to describe. We Invite these men to call at our store to be most agree, ably surprised. It's easy to draw a picture of Men's Clothes . as they should be, but Its not so easy , to make the Clothes that look like the picture. , We publish no misleading illustrations but we do know how tt provide our patrons with the right kind of clothes. If you have had -clothes troubles, sir we Invite you to come to this store tor relief. We will surprise you with the excellence ot our Clothing, and please you with, our reasonable prices. Come you're next SAMUEL. YOFFIE, ON THE CORNER. 62 MIDDLE ST. I r i !i mi 'Si 1 .'.rT.,:v-E f - - X A 6: m :tiv. j ' ' sfWJf,& t!V- . ' ; V I'J.Vf.-i,' 't '?;' , 'vW-1- .'.i-'-'rrv'rXx SB ." ,: '"A . '': I XV? :4 V 'T JOSEPH dASKILL, ' t, JS ', i''"'...'i ' f f ,'