THE SUN, NEW BERN, N. C. . JULY 4, 1908 17 .1. i -'- FOU CT I. - 4 ' - . SE CTIOMAL CALL AND MY stock: OWEM DUNN, THE OFFICE OUTFITTER 11 11 The North Carolina STATf? NORMALZAND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. Maintained by the State for the Education of the Women of North Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Do mestic Science and in the Commercial Department Free Tuition to those who agree to teach in the schools of North Caro lina, .. Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use of text-books, $170.00 a year. For free tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to enter should apply as early as possible. The capacity of the dormitories is limited. . Fall Session begins September 15, 1908. For catalogue and other information address -; :;,''.'-',-, t J-.j v J. L FOUST, President, IMGUPUUUT VW 'T '.Wmj$ ' Greensboro, N. C. ,1 ii h U a 3 111 ii mi', i mini IMi S HffiMH l MM' -lira i ti m tow II HIM vi.W mail ina uuu b WW UirTEAQIBEyGENT sample Latest Model "Rsuisrer" hxycle furnished by u. Our agents ev IttCHTDWI and district to ride and exhibit I malunf money fast. Write full particUare and ipeeial tffrr mi once. U MOKKI until you receive and approve of your bicycle. We this) , to anyone, anywhere m the JJ.S. without a centdtpwit in advance, prepay freight, and I allow im OAVS VREB TK1AL duiing which time you may ride the bicycle and I vw u jo any ic ryu wiu. i rou are men not penecuy satined or oo not man to keep the bicycle ahip it DacK to us at our expense and ton will not ie out one cent. FAfiTARV PDIftFC w ,unsh. ,he hishest grade bicycle it is possible to malt, a HvlvHI rnltilaw at bne small profit above actual factory cost. You save fie tO BSC mlfldlemen'a DtDhU DV nUVlnB HlVWt ni lie nA hava tha m.mir.fliiM.. man. antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at attv Prtre 'until vou receive our ratalno-iiaa mnA Um mi. f f-rin frictt and nmarkaoii t fetal ojftrt to rider genta. Vflll Wil I RF ACTflXKUrn whn yo receive our beautiful catalogue and IVUIIILL DC miUilidNCU study our superb models, at the wmdtruU, ftv. wb "nc you uus year, rv e sen ine mgnest grsoe Dicycies lor less money titan anV Other XaCtorv. We are satisfied with nrnfit ahnv. firnrv raiL . llirVI!! K 1IEALKIU1. Km nn mall nur hlrwlaa nn.l.. a .ana nlala our orices. Orders filled the dav received. KKOOU 1IANI laiUaCLiCS. Wl ln Kit milarlv lunula .vJ hlna-laa hi ' usually hive a numbrr cn hand taken in trade hv nur t 'Liraon ratait atnra Th... ,a ..I.. m rmumiitlv at DriCeS ninainBT from S3 tO ft8 m if 10. Dearrintiva liarvain lifa naailaJ fraa $(TT)50 HEMETIIMfl P0f!CT0nE-PR03F 1 8 uYSELFH A SAMPLE TO MIRQDUGE.OMLr fjun m 1 1 r-'li MAE WOOD INDICTED. Perjury and Forgery Charged Against Woman Who Sued Piatt. By Wire to The Sun. New York, July 3. Mae C. Wood, whose suit for divorce against. United States Senator Thomas C. Piatt was dismissed, were indicted today for perjury, and for forgery in the third degree. The perjury consists in her having sworn that she was married to Senator Piatt and having produced a marriage certificate written on a blank which was made, according to the printers, after the date of the al. leged marriage. The forgery charge is based on the letter wh;h she said Senator Piatt had signed acknowled ging her as his wife. Assistant district attorney Garvin, who presented the case to the grand jury ,said that Mae Wood was in the west and would be here on Monday. POLICEMAJf DIES OF WOODS. Bristol Blnecoat Was Shot by Fugitive He Attempted to Arrest By Wire to The Sun. Bristol, Tenn., July 4.MPoliceman William F. Campbell, who was shot by Raymond Stroops, a fugitive he at tempted to arrest 62 days ago, died today from blood poisoning, superin duced by the lodging of a bullet in his hip. His bowels were perforated in thirteen places. He was 35 years old and one of the bravest officers of the force. He is sur vived by his wife and several children. V 1 Thtrtfular retail trice 01 that lira is 111 5-w per pan. Out to tnlratuee me will ttllyouataMplepatrtorffJlvumMtiiunorderms). R3 MORETEOUBLE FROM PCKSTORES NA.IL9, Tsvcka or G'.xsg trill not let the Air oat. Sixty thousand pairs sold last vest. ' DESCRlPriOMt Made in all slsea. It isltvely t?f8ffi?'.:. aud easy riding, verydui auleand lined inakleirith ' a aoedal duality of rubber. Which nmr become ..porous and which closes up small puncture without allov.. iris; the sir to escape. Wc have hundreds of letters from satia. Scdcust omersstaiinajliiatthtlr tires heveonly been pumped inanevorticainawholeseanou. Thevwri7hu jiorethan a ordinary tire, thepuaclure resistinsqnaUtirsbemf given , by sevenil layers vt thiu, specially prepared fabric on tht 1 tread. Theregularpriceof these tires isf.soperair.oot for advertlaiuuTjurDnHavreare makintrasDecial factory once to the rider of only Kilo per pair. All orders shipped sajie dy eitcr is received. We ship C O. D. o pprovaL You do not p.y scent until yon have examined and found them strictly as represented. - 'Wc will allow ensh dbioount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price sM.S4 per pair) if vou end VOIA CASH VVl l'tf OtDtu ucd ciicloix this adyertisfneiit. We will also send one nickel plated bras hand pump. rTiree to be returued st UUM expense if for any reason they an not sotisfsctory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent tons is as safe as in Dana;, si 'y -wear better, It r ow that v "Um aMfift vian In lanrl hi a trial nrilar at iii.a Itanr Ifila fannirknhw ttrm nITar Notion the. think rhhr trtmA A" and ponotoro strip "U" ud D,lso rim strip "H" to praTont um mttlns This tiro triil outlaw! any other If you order a pair of these tires, vou will find that tbey will rid easier, run faster, tetter, lost ionRcr and look finer than any tire vou have ever used or seen at any price. . wt that you will oe so vml pleued wlten yon tumt a bicycle you will give as your order. ... fr. mA mmm m twll a, l..a ,.la a. - afc. .l .ial ea istrt tmrmK,n rsntra duu't buy any kiul mai.- price until you send for pair o Mr WUU SlHtH Hedgethoru Vunctnre-1-roof tires on approval an,d trial a? the special Introdoctorv price quoted shove: or write for otrr big Tire and 8undry Catalogue which lecribes end quotes all make: and fcir.da or tires nt about hall the usual prices. ' rV I" my WH IT t write us poUl today. DO NOT TU1NK Us BTJT1NQ a btcyclt M tttJi rU 1 j or a pair of Urea from anyotra until you know the new nod wooderf u! offer we are maklog. Itoolj cosU a postal to lenrn every thing. Write it MOW. - I O. La uiulX yy..ifii.if UtJIU .LJ, ILL 'A Lot of Money. Boston Globe. According to figures prepared by offi cials of the department of agriculture at Washington, the crops of 1908 will be worth nearly 18,000,000,000. That's a lot of money. Going into the pockets of the Ameri can farmer It means prosperity for them, and when the men who till the soil are prosperous the times are gen erally good for everybody in this country.' Take the'tip and get ready now to do i business. ' Don't let the fact that this ! is a presidential election year scare you even a little bit. Folks will eat and drink and wear clothes and build homes regardless of the political com plexion of the next lodger In the white house. The harvest days will soon be here sooner than you think. Iron Furnace Resumes. By Wire to The Sun. Clifton Forge, Va., July 4. The iron furnace at Iron Gate, near this place, went into blast today, after being idle for several months, tl will give em ployment to a large number of men. FULL TENNESSEE TICKET. By Wire -to The 8ti. Nashville, Tenn.., July 3. The re. publican state committoe of which Newell Sanders is chairman, met here yesterday. It was decided to place a full state ticket in the field for .the Novorber election and a state con vention was called to meet here Au gust 12th. r We have a new line of Kodak sup plies in. Let us show you the new Kodak enlarging machine. J. 0. Bax ter, Leading Jeweler, -c I 1 ME t" r 1 hiVIB ft 1 WE SELL STAG PAINT Jalce the Miter Says UsaMsidn wheayousce It represents maximum value at minimum cost Goes farthest! jforSole by CCTLEB.BLADES HABDWAEE CO. HEW BIBS', N, C. KOTICEt Stoek and Fixtures For Sale. By virtue of the power given me in a certain deed ot assignment by J. L. McDantel, duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Craven county, I will offer for sale the entire stock, office and store fixtures, at cor ner Broad and Hancock Btreets. June 23, 1908. JOSEPH GASKILL, I DO YOU KNOW PROFESSOR HOLDEN? The Man whose Corn Lectures and Corn Trains Have Added More than Twenty Million Bushels to the Corn Crop of Iowa. Prof. Holden has prepared for us a book which gives the cream of his lectures on corn growing. It tells all about seed selection, seed testing, getting a stand, corn judging, corn pests, etc., etc. It is a practical farmer'B handibook. It lb not theory but practice just as it has been worked out on the farm. The name ot this work ia THE ABC AND CORN CULTURE tffOST VALUABLE BOOK OF THE CENTCBY" A. I. Root, the veteran agriculturist and bee man, says: "Thla book is the most valuable work published in the last century If the farmer will take right hold of it with enthusiasm and put its teach ings into practice." The book is 61-4 by 81-4 Inches. Contains 100 pages and over 89 illustrations. Weil printed, neatly bound. We want to put this book in the hands of every live farmer and farmers' boy m the country, and will maka th) pice low accordingly. A BARGAIN PRICE Send us 10 cents, coin or stamps, and we will scad yon the book by mall, postpaid. If, when yon get it, you are not satisfied drop as a card and we will return your money, also postage for the return of the book. Could anything be fairer?. Ad dress THE SIMMONS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers of Holden's Corn Boo&Vs Springfield, Ohio. Pspri ng Neckwear. 'in 1 vim m nOilEY a) Almost every man has read the "Fairy Tales" of the Clothiers, in the newspapers and maga zines. Almost every man has been disappointed and disguetsd on looking at the Clothes they pre tend to describe. We Invite these men to call at our store to be most agree, ably surprised. It's easy to draw a picture of Men's Clothes as they should be, but its not so easy to make the Clothes that look like the picture. ' We publish no misleading Illustrations but we do know how t provide our patrons with the right kind of clothes. If you have had ' clothes troubles, sir we invite you to come to this store for relief. We will surprise you with the excellence of our Clothing, and please you with our reasonable prices, Come you're next SAMUEL YOFFIE, ON THE CORNER. 62 MIDDLE ST. n