-V1 t-. k- y THE SDN, NEW BEEN. N. C JULY 4. 1003 V r - NEWS IN BlUEF are urged to; follow tEe example of thousands of their sisters and take Cardui. Cardui is a son- mineral, son-intoxicating medicine for women. It is for sick, weak ladies, .with sick female organs. IP TAKE t2 1 i II Will Help You It is a genuine, curative medicine, that builds up the female system and relieves female pain. Mrs. M. A. St. Glair, of Eskdale, W. Va., writes: "Before taking Cardui, I bad given up all hope of getting well. I had suffered for 3 years with my left side and was confined to my bed, so I took Cardui, and now Cardui has about cured my female trouble." AT ALL DRUG STORES (-JO C DC U TiTTJV jrp UAVQ 0 fi 0 0 0 Vf AAA- A A AXXAkJ To do business with The Peoples Bank. Your money is safe; every safe-guard and protection for the depositor is furnished. Your valuable papers may be stored in our fire and burglar proof vault Our offices are always at our customer's disposal. Our farmer friends are especially welcome; they will find our bank a handy place to write letters and transact their business. We want you to feel near enough to the officers so that when you want advice regarding your business, or any investment you wish to make, you will freely consult with them and feel that any advice is gladly given, as it always is. THE PEOPLES BANK WM. DUNN, C. D. BRADHAM, President. T. A. UZZELL,' Cashie" " DC Expert Watch Advice. Is very important when buying a watch and that's where we can serve you with a knowledge that on! long experi ence gives. Our stock of watches is large very large. Elgins, Walthams, Howards, Hampdens and all the Stand ard American and Foreign makes. Choosing is easy. Gold, Gold Filled and Silver, Plain, Engraved and Jeweled effects. We tell you exactly what the movement can be depended upon to do and all about the case. To this frank treatment we attribute our ever increasing trade. From $10 up. E A T O N, The Leading Jeweler City Tax License Persons conducting business in the city of New Bern, not having listed and paid their license tax as required by city ordinance, are hereby notified to call at the city hall at once and list the same. Failing to comply with said ordinance subjects the offender to a penalty of $50. F. T. PATTERSON, ' City Clerk. Special to The Bachelor Boys" If you send us all your wear, ing apparel .we will make you a very low special rate. Phone 222. and ask 'about it. Ell STEAM LAUNDRY THE BEST OJfE 1 1 PINE ST. PHONE 222 ENNIS & WESTCOTT, - We repair worn Garments and sew on buttons. K. Branch office at J. G. Dunn ft Co's. 67 Pollock street. . Seed Cera! Seed Cora! The World" Premium Seed Con which took , the . Premlnm at the World's Fairy Raised and sold only bjr the Daisy Seed Farm. Write today tor circular, Frier: List and . Sample, free. - - , - ' THE DAISY SEED F1SS, ' R.W.D. No. S, Winston-Salem, N. 0. 1 0 0 o Vic -President. 3C An Out of Doer Card Party. A simple but unique morning card party may be given by the hostess who has a lawn or large porch in which to entertain her guests. Cover the tables with green cheesecloth In a pretty shade. For tally cards use leaves from the oak or maple tree, as these are good shape and do not with er easily. Gold paper stars or circles are used to keep score and may he had at any stationer's. The prizes may be a dainty white fan with pos sibly a suggestion of green for first prize and a huge palm leaf with a bow of green ribbon for the booby. The re freshments are sandwiches of lettuce, olives, nasturtium- or any other deli cate green filling and Iced tea served with lemon and long stalks of mint After this lees with mint cherries are served in white paper cases with little wire handles wrapped in green paper On each handle, fasten a white but tartly cut from paper and marked, a little with water color paint Tlaln white' and green iced cakes may be used or a white cake with a touch of pistachio In the filling. Green and white peppermints may be served dur ing the game or after the ices.-Wo-man's Home Companion. "I ind Caieareta and feel like a new nan. I bar. bn a eafferer from djrapepeta ana aoar etomaefc for the lut two yeara. I ha own taking meat atne and other drnn, but eould find no relief only for a abort time. IwiU recommend Oaaeareta t my frienda aa the only thing for Indirection and aonr atomaeh and to keep the bowels la good 00 a dltlOB. Taeyare Tory nice to eat." . Harry Btucklei, Maaeh Chunk, Fft. Cost for The Dowels, CAMOV CATHARTIC Merer Sicken, Weaken or Grip. Me. X, it. jUrrW ; old la on l. The tannine tablet itaaiped CCO, arantead to a are or yoar money back. . . . j . awning tcemaay ko., vmcafa or e.y. 399 . Ice Cream delivered to any part of the city at 85c per quart Mcgorley's,' - , ( - f , i DC Sour Stomach Short Items of Interest Condensed Into Small Soetce. ." There will be a called meeting of the New Bern Athletic Association to night at 8:30 o'clock in Dr.-Gibb's office and .all those who are oa the bond are especially requested to be present. Matters of much Importance is to be transacted, so a full meeting Is desired. A naptha launch will leave the foot of Pollock street tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for BrWgeton and will carry passengers free of charge who Wish to go over and attend the Bap. tlst Sunday school. The many friends. of Mr. John C. Green are glad to see that he has suf ficiently recovered from his recent ill ness so that be is able to be oat again. "Pop" was celebrating the Fourth today by taking a buggy drive and exchanging compliments with his friends who he has not seen in sev eral months There was a very good shipment of fish from this market today over the Norfolk and Southern by express to various points in North Carolina. Many boxes came up from Morehead City and Beaufort on the west bound train and was added to the shipment. The New Bern base ball team was In Goldsboro this morning and played a game with the local team. Of course Goldsboro won in a close exciting and interesting game, score 1 to 0. From midnight of the 3r'd to the hour of going to press, that part of the 4th of July was unusually quiet and no accidents had been reported to head quarters. There are no markets today. All exchanges being closed on account of a -holiday. DROWNING NARROWLY AVERTED Guests of the Patterson House Have Exciting Experience. What might have been an untime ly death from drowning was narrowly averted last night at the foot of Pol lock street, had it not been for the cool and clear head of Mr, Ennis, one of the proprietors of the Steam Laun dry in this city. Mr. Ennis and Miss Sadie Gilbert, who are guests at the Patterson house were out for a walk about nine o'clock and it seems decided to walk out on the pier leading out from Pollock street. There was no light", and the bridge was dark and wet, and neither of them gave any attention to the thought that there might be a missing board in the walk. - Before they had gone far, and while they were still In conversation, Miss Gilbert stepped fairly in the center of an opening in the walk which had been made by the removal of wide board, and went on through the bridge down in the water. The depth of the water was too great for her to stand on the bot tom and she sank again. It was then she discovered a post close by her as she came to the surface and clinched it. . About this time her friend, Mr. Ennis discovered the trouble and was promptly in water aiding her to hold to the pile and at the same time call ing for help which was rendered by a man who was close by in a boat The boatman responded prompt ly and . took them both ashore, where Miss Gilbert showed signs of much excitement and several small scars caused by coming in contact with the boards on either side of the opening when she was falling through. Today Miss Gilbert does not seem to be any the worse on account of the sudden shock and seems to regard references to the accident with no seriousness. The pier where this incident oc curred Is frequently visited by people of this city, as a place for recreation and to be In the cool air, it leading out Into tie river, and- no thought was ever given of such a thing as any of the boards from the walk be ing removed. The absence of this plank is not accounted for. ; There Is no reason whatever to believe it was done intentionally, and the only so lution to the problem is that it must have been the fruit of negligenca and lack of forethought on the, part of some one, certainly it was not a prank. The depth of the-water at the Dolnt where Miss Gilbert fell In was about seven feet, and had it not een for timely assistance rendered her she no doubt would have lost her life. -, , , . Tonight, . Bljoa.. Don't fall to see Orthello. - ..The great feature of colored pictures taken direct from, the Famoss Opera of Orthello in five acts. All lorers of good opera productions VhOaid see this pletnre. Also one program -an ap to-date renewal and playing at chess, The best plctares yen have ever seen Adnlta 10; children f cents. I This sale is the greatest one we have ever held; we have been busy from morning v till night and everybody has realized thai it has been a sure enough bargain feast. Our store is full of good clean, seasonable goods marked down to record breaking low prices arid the wise buyers have certainly taken advantage of the cut prices. We ' still have plenty of goods to go at cut prices and you will do well to examine our lines carefully before buying elsewhere. J. G. Phone 212. NORFOLK AXD SOUTHERN. It was only a few years ago you know, Our grand old state did boldly show; Thinking they were relieved of a bur dened load, When by leasing, the old A. and N. C. road. To better the country all wanted to see Smart men with the road could not agree: And the people of the state have been deceived, Of the treatment from the road they have received. Cheap freight rates which a benefit to all, Have vanished away like a swift can non ball; And In some offices along the line you can see. A crowd of cimling headed men, offi cials they claim to be. Once these people thought they were wise Fooling the state and making a great surprise; For many long years the lease was to stand . But the time will soon come when the state will take in hand. We give the new road credit for the good it has done For the upbuilding of the country through the land it has run; But the time has now come trust com panies makes a dive, And gather in the Norfolk and South ern like bees In a hive.. When first came out the richest In the land, , Ando ften spoken of as Rockefellow in the band; But now we know the millions at his ' back, He would not allow the business to go slack. i And the old North State stands with her arms stretched wide, To reinstate the old ones that the new . road set'a8ide: , The governor of the state should take the matter in his hands, And if the Norfolk and Southern can't run it then the state can. AN OLD EMPLOYEE. t If It's a Prescriptica Take K to j OAVIJ PBARIJACY. ';',!'! VX'V' ,yv -vi'.,-'' .tv..X ?',-' v-"' E s iSLtr niTNN A', 55 S. Coplon CUTS PRICES HERE'S THE REAS0N IN A VERY FEW WORDS: June 27th finds us with too many suits and summer goods. They must go and go quickly. That is why we have put the prices so low. These suits are all brand new, all of this season's purchase, consisting of mappy and conservative patterns. The makers of these clothes have their guarantee label sewn in each suit. Such makes as Kuppenhelmer and "Fitrite," we back with their guar, antee and our regular guarantee. Because to see the big display in the windows. Don't buy a man's suit until you have seen these. S. GQPLOPI, MEN'S AND BOYS OUTFITTER IT HE FAILED J. S. MILLER'S time. , Money is hard to get now and 5 to 10 per cent counts at the two large furniture stores. '-XS. MILLER.1 JULY 4tb '"'.;.'- a - : " rn 57 Pollock Street R COPLON'S FOR QUALITY. rM. , Copyright 1908 TSa Howe of Kuppeaheuacf Qucago TO GO TO , 4- . The quality was not as good as he wanted and the price was too high. Guess he will go right next - "if V''':'' :'.-;,v.:.:' V-'' j'jir',' ,''..''. . J ' V