THE SUN, EETJJ, N. Cr JULY 14, 1903. . ... A' - i r- - -4J n tr- f -. n - t ' V I i I 1 ': i ': - II - i L : i u I U ALCOHOL iniOIRT. ATOeta&ft!ti!.r.5rlf similar! & Rxxfr i.'Wiij- 1 M Promotes Digestkitafiirt Opiuniarphine iwrMSBoj-i WOT Si ARC OTIC. J sWrhft. ; Hob, Sour Stosiach.Dlrt?j WorwsJCQiwnsioBSJCTPM nessaniLossorSlZZP- - teste SfeaMttf ,. Exact Copy of Wrapper. Notice to Creditors. The undersigned having qualified as the executor ot Orlandon S. Perkins, deceased hereby notifies all' persons tving claims against the estate of said Perkins to present them duly authenti cated to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April 1909, or this otice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate of said Perkins will please make im mediate payment New Bern, April 1, 1908, AD. WARD, Executor of Arlandpn S. Perkins, Deceased. Parties of Ten or More. - The Norfolk and Southern railway announces rate of two cents (2) per mile per capita for parties of ten or more traveling together on one ticket between all points on the Norfolk and Southern railway. These rates are open to the public. R. B. I Bunch, H. C. Hudglns, Traffic Manager. GenTPas. Ag't TOUR PLAN SPECIFIES V cei Jn quantities of material. To nr e the plan work out right and 'without extra cost you'll be safest in buying your building material here, ' Then there will be no cutting to waste, no extra supplies to buy. Our build' .ing materials are not alone the best; , they are the cheapest as well. We i can prove It If you'll let us. ; v Hew Bern Bldg. Scpply Co. ' Phono 163 17 Crairen St Dr. T. Felix GosEraud's ORIENTAL iSlUILB.I ! A pure, antiiwmig toilet powder tor I infants nil 'aduiwS' - Hxnufsitety per Si. fumed ami riMVii-rs un ''excellent coin- vfenisxton. Kej. thtf Un. clear, ioft ami i Jelvety, iii'haws msklf. Heat. gnanngv . !.. i ...... t ...! .a ........ . -,v 'fjwj .ruMMiing. m araiera o.- ty man, cro-i'r ur.w.ika. hi v. r.iYv. ; .Vropritlor et UOUKAUD'SORiENTA CR EAK .'waa iiiaa mxs& 4 1 ttt?f!pvmn:mmwtxxiM Sir fry:-r fr vm twrs C T. YOUNG. NEW BERN. N C f. Noise is so '. impressive .; to people ( When it's their own tbal they mistake tt for Drains. v ' - - . i For Infants and Children. Tii3 Kind You llavo . - . Always Bought Bears Signature Vms timua omrmy. new vms trt. NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. Effective May 24, 1908. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN 9:26 a, m., 7:15 p. m. (Bauy except Sunday) For LaGrange, Cove City, Dover, Kinston, Tuscarora, Golds' boro and intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m. 7.00 p. m. (Sunday only) For Tuscarora, Cove City, Kinston T.Oran:e. Goldsboro, and inter mediate stations. 9:27 a, m., 7:18 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) For Rlverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport, Wildwood, Morenead City. Beaufort and In. termediate stations. 20 a. mi, B:60 p. m. (Sunday only) For Rlverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport, Wildwood, Morehead City. Beaufort and intermediate stations.. :.v v 7?ao n. m. (Dallv except Sunday) For Reelsboro, Qrantsboro, Bayboro Oriental and intermediate sta tions. 10 p. m. (Sunday only) For Reels boro, Qrantsboro, Bayboro Oriental and intermediate stations, 25 a. m., (Dally Except Sunday) For Washington, Plymouth, Co. lumbla, Belhaven, Edenton, Hert' ford, Elizabeth City, Norfolk, Stjf. folk and Intermediate stations, ' New Bern to Greenville, Farm vllle. Wilson..' Zebulon, Raleigh ' and intermediate stations: ' Trains Arrive at New Bern 9:15 a. m.; 7:05 p. m. (Dally ex. cept Sunday) From Goldsboro, LaGrange. Kinston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and intermediate sta- . tlons. 9:20 a. m.; 5.50 p. m. (Sunday nly) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Km- ston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and 1 intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m.: 7:10 p. m. (Dally except ri Sundav)f From Beaufort, More. head City, Wildwood, Newport, Havelock, Croatan, Rlverdale and Intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m.;, 7:00 p. m. (Sunday only) From Beaufort,' Morehead City, Wildwood. Newport Havelock, Croatan. Rlverdale and interne dlate Btations. 9:00 a, m. (Daily) From Oriental, Bayboro. Qrantsboro, Reelsboro i . and intermediate stations. 7:15 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) From Norfolk, Suffolk, Elizabeth City, Hertford,' Edenton, Belhaven : Columbia, Plymouth, Washington : and Intermediate stations, Edentoh to'tKew Bern; Raleigh, 'Wendell Zebtiion.J Wilson, Farmvllle Greenville and intermediate sta. - tlons. Oh June 7th and 2L July Ith and 19th AUguil a ana xoui, ira win ieyo ..New Bern tor Beaufort at 11:15 6.',eturnlng will arrive in New , Bern 6:25 p. m.,----; .'p .St.- n . f i i '' ' .' ' t.f,;- SALESMAN "ff ANTED TO SELL EE tail tade 965 to $140 per mopth and expenses or commission. Expert, ence unnecessary. : Hermlngsen Cj t ' II ' IU (1$ Use For Over Thirty Years BREATHED'S BATTERY, . STUART'S HORSE IBTLLLEBT (Continued from Page Two.) wounding several men and horses. This caused Custer to halt and throw out flankers In order that he might discover our strength. When Breath- ed reached the hill where the other batteries had assembled he had the guns put in position, dismounted men and wagon drivers formed In line on this hill, presenting such a bold front that Custer believed we had a large force. He halted, hesitated, and re treated. Breathed and a lot of his men armed with all kinds of ancient and useless firearms that would have done credit to Falstaff'a army, fol lowed them until they disappeared into Madison ourthouse. Thus did that great federal cavalry leader, Ma jo General George H. Custer, fail In his attempt to cripple Gen. R. E. Lee's line of communication and de stroy the army supplies -thatwere stored in Charlottesville, allowing six guns of the Stuart Horse Artillery and an imaginary force ot infantry that was being unloaded at Chariot tesvlllet the blowing of locomotive whistles aiding very much in the great bugbear ot Infantry that seem ed to take such possession of Cus ter's plans. Reverse the position of Stuart and Custer. Think you that General Stuart would have changed his course because he thought a few battalions of infantry were embark ing from the cars at Charlottesville? think not. Read the history of his campaigns and note a single in stance in which he ever changed his course when once he had mapped out his route. We lost In the whole bat talion two men and eight mules that were 1 nthe field, and could not be caught. We lost all of our personal effects and tents, also a forge in con sequence of being unable to catch the mules. I do not think that the raiders did any harm in the neighborhood. . For the achievements of Breathed and his battery, the dear ladies of Charlottes-1 vllle presented them with a hand some silk flag. I was a loser in a pan of lightbread that I had made that morning, and fully expected to eat for supper; but man proposed and God disposes, was beautifuly exem plified in my case.. Stuart reached us about the time Custer was going into Madison county. It began to rain about dark, one of those cold, freez ing March rains, that would make a fellow as if he wished the Yankees were in the infernal regions and I in my father's library Bitting by a red. hot stove. As the rain fell it turned into sleet. I do not remember ever having experienced a more disagree- able day, Stuart passed us about dark and met the enemy s rear guard at Stanardsvllle, and had a slight en gagement. Custer retired to his camp, accomplishing nothing, having let Jim Breathed, with a few of his cannon eers, bluff him and keep back the best cavalry brigade In the army of the Potomac. One of Custer's regi ments, the Fifth Michigan Cavalry, was commanded by Colonel Russell Alger, late secretary of war, and of embalmed beef fame. General Custer in his report uses the following lan guage that does not bear a particle of truth upon the face of it: Official Records, vol. 33, series 1, page 162: "The pickets of the enemy were met about six miles from Char HOTEL CUMBERLAND - New York. 8. W, Cor. Broadway at 64th Street Near 50th St Subway and 53rd St Elevated and accessible to all sur- ' face lines. HEADQUARTERS FOB SOUTHERNERS. ) I ' Ideal Location. Near Theatres, Shops, and Central Park. NEW AND FIRE PROOFj STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Dt EVERY a ; ' ' RESPECT, j - All Outside Rooms. No Carpets. ' All Hardwood Floors and Oriental Rugs. European 'Plan. -f '-. iT'.t. Transient- rates, $2.50 wtth bath; and up. Restaurant Unexcelled. ' Prices Reasonable. Send for Booklet i HARRY P. 8TIM80X, -. Formerly with Hotl Imperial B, 1. BINGHAM, . Formerly with Hotel Woodward MM mm i lottesville, Here I discovered a su perior force of the enemy's cavalry. supported by four batteries ot artil lery in position, and a very heavy force of infantry (imaginary), which have learned was Early's division. To satisfy myself concerning the enemy's strength and position I or dered aptain Ash, of the Fifth Unit. ed States cavalry, with two squad rons of his regiments, to charge the enemy's right flank. Captain Ash drove the enemy back very gallant ly,, and succeeded In capturing six caissons, filled with ammunition, two forges and harness 'complete, besides destroying the camp of the enemy. Learning the vast superiority of the numbers of the enemy compared with my own, and the strength of his posi tion, I determined to withdraw my command, which I did deliberately ind in good orcltv. After recrossina the stream; I also burned a large flour mill at hp point as well as two other mills at different points on my route. I retired on the road leading to Stanardsville." Custer's command consisted of the First, Fifth. Sixth. and Seventh Michigan cavalry, and the Sixth Ohio, and Battery E, First artillery (horse battery). Oh, for the days of "Ananias and Sapphira, that this miserable barn-burning vandal might have dropped dead when he was penning this report. Capt. M. N. Moorman who was supposed to com mand the battalion of horse artillery Confederate states, on page 168 of the volume of the Official Reports, gives as his loss the following: "Moorman Battery, two men and two horses captured; Chew's Battery, ten sets of harness, one limber with can teens, one forge, six tenth, five tent files, four tarpaulins, ixty pounds axle grease fifteen curry.combs and brushes, three public horses, fortv government bags; Breathed's battery nine tents two horses, three and one half sets of harness: McGreeor's Battery, six sets of harness; three tent files, twelve bridles, six saddles and blankets, tour halters, two mules and blankets, four halters, two mules, four skillets, two camp kettles, four water buckets. In addition Breathed's and Chew's men lost heavily in pri vate effects." Shortly after this raid the horse artillery battalion maved from their beautiful camp (bidding good-by to many friends, nevermore to look on that spot again) to the mud-holes of the vicinity of Gordons ville, where they received new horses and equipped generally, as a pre. paration for that never-to-be-forrgot- ten campaign of 1864, the equal of which in endurance, hard fighting and hardships of all kinds has no equal In ancient or modern history. The nervous tension of every man in that grand, ragged army of Gene ral R. E. Lee was strung to its high. est tensions, for they knew that Grant was In their front, trying to get in between Lee and Richmond, with one of the largest armies that had ever confronted them; that their firesides were being despoiled by van dal Invaders. To give up now would be the surrender of all of their cher ished institutions that had been hand ed down to them by their forefath ers. Land of our birth, thee, thee, sing, Proud heritage is thine; Wide to the breeze thy banner flings; Thy freedom ne'er resign. Land of the South, the foe defies Thy valor, Lo, he comes, To prove thy strength. Awake arise! s To arms! protect thy homes. H. H. MATTHEWS, Breathed's Battery, Stuart Horse Artillery, Army of Northern Virginia. City Tax License Persons conducting business in the city of New Bern, not having listed and paid their license tax as required by city ordinance, are hereby notified to call at the city hall at once and list the same. Falling to comply with said ordinance subjects the offender to a penalty of $50. F. T. PATTERSON, Jdke the Painter Si In every corner! STAGpPMIT Is used and highly rec; ommended. Its praises have spread everywhere. Its so good! HEfoHonmakesM For Sale by CUTLER-BLADES HARDWARE , NEW BERN. N.C CO. ays MSB EES Apaint71 ADYEBTISED LETTERS. Hen- " , B Mr. Bouse, Henry Brock. C Mayor Craven, John Conrad, C. E. Cook, Sylvester Cudick. D W. C. Dizer. E W. H. Ellis, E. M. Evans. F H. A. Fisher, F. E. Harris. C. C Houileg, C. M. Henderson, M Hines, W. B. Holland, T. W. Hat. Ion. J D. D. James, William Joseph. K Henry Kennedy, Claude Keener. L Willie Locker. M J. Q. Mitchell. James Mcintosh. P C. W. Pool, Walter Powell. R Simon Rodie. S H. P. Sawyer, H. L. Shepherd L. Spearman, C. E. Summer. T Hoyt Teedle. WThos. Wright M. Women B Eva Bobbin, Ethel Brown, Cath erlne Bellamy, Alice Bryan, Lena Bronner. C Mrs. Williams Clock. F Marp D. Fulcher. G Asa Gaskins. H Jaomier Hargrove, Cassie Harris, Susie Huggins. J Laura Jones. K May Kirk. M Sallie A. Mollocks, Delia Moore. N Jane Neal. P Mamie Prucen. S Emma Smith, Orange Smith, Ellen Smith, Susaa Schroder. T Lena Tarker. W Nettle Willis, Louisa Willis Grace Williams. First Election Bet Is a Heavy One. By, Wire to The Sun. Chicago, July 14. The first political wager to be recorded in Chicago on the presidential election was made between H. G. Merry, of Baltimore, and X. E. McBride, of the Auditorium an nex. Mr. Merry wagered $1,000 against $500 that Taft and Sherman would be elected. He declares he would accept similar wagers to the amount of $"0.000, de claring Bryan will receive the lowest electoral vote of any presidential can didate in years. Stop earache in two minutes; tooth ache or pain of burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; mus cleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas Electric Oil, mon arch over pain. LEGAL NOTICES North Carolina Craven County, Superior Court J. M. Cox, et al., vs. New Bern Lighting and Fuel Co. Jfotice to Creditors. Pursuant to the order of the superior court of Craven county, N. C, in the above entitled action, the undersigned having qualified as permanent receiver of the New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company, hereby notifies al persons having claims against said New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company to present the same, showing also priorities where they make claim for priorities, duly authenticated, to the undersigned, on or before the 15th day of August, A D., 1908, at the office of the New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company, in New Bern, N. C. All persons indebted to said com pany will please make immediate set tlement. GEO. A. NICOLL, Permanent Receiver. Tfcis July 4th, 1908. SALE OP GlJf PROPERTY. State of North Carolina. County of Jones. Pursuant to an order of the Super ior court made at the spring term. 190s of Jones county in an action entitled "New Bern Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Mills vs. W. C. Waters & Co., 8. S. waters, F. M. Jenkins and U. F. Kel son, executors of Le-vH tiynurn. de ceased," we the undersigned, P. M. Pearsall and William Dunn, Jr., com missioners, will offer for sale and -vill sell at 12 O'CLOCK M WEDNESDAY. JULY 18th IN THE TOWN OF MAYS VILLB, N. C, the following described property: All that certain cotton gin, engine, boil ers, and all fixtures of every kind, all pipe belting and all other machinery and appliances and fixtures used In connection therewith, now owned by said parties of the first part (W. C. Waters & Co.) located, erected and situate on that certain piece or parcel of land situate In Whlteoak Township in the town of Maysvllle, county of Jone. state of North Carolina and leased from A. J. Collins and K. It. Hay to which lease reference Is made, to gether with all right, title and Inter est of said parties of the first part In and to the said piece or parcel of land held under the lease as aforesaid, upon wnicn saia ouuaings, gin ana mavhln ery and fixtures are located. TEIt.MS OF SALE are to be one third CASH, one-third September loth, ana one-iuira uctoDer 16, i08. This the 12th day of June, 1908. WM. DUNN, JR. P. M. PEARSAL. Commissioners, P. M. Pearsall, attorney for W. C. Waters, gives notice that at said time and place he will offer,' for sale and will sell the saw mill and other tlx tures and appliances on and near the land above described and owned and operated by said W. C. Waters ft Company in the town of ' Maysvllle. North Carolina, Craven County. The Weddell Grocery company hav Ing duly assigned Its entire business to me. this Is to notify all persons In debtee! to the said Company to pay same to me at once and all persons having claims against the said com pany, please file them with me within the next to days. D. E. HENDERSON, Assignee of the Weddell Grocery Co. PR0FESS10IIAL CARDS r. m. Shssons Ward 4 40ea Attonie)s asa Ceaisellers at Office No. 69 froth Front street, over O. Tele raph office. Pni; in the Counties of Craven, Dap in, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carteret, Paav lico and Wake, in the Supreme and Fedanrf ourts, and wbereever services are desire D. L. WARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW 52 Craven St., ' NEW BERN, N. C. Practices in State and Federal Courts. DR. J. H. LAWRENCE SEt .IALIST. Diseases of Ey ?. Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes examined and Glasses Fitted. OFFICE 79 Middle Street, Next ( to Hotel Haxelton. Office Phone IS?. Res. Phone Iff; Residence 70 East Front Stnel Made from pure dia tilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21-23 Griffith Street. Phone 23. U L Moore. Wm. Dunn. Js MOORE & DUNN. Attorneys & Counsellors at Law 40 Broad St. New Bern. N. C, Practice wherever services are required. COLVIN AND HENRY Civil Engineers. Land Surveying, Draining, Mapping. Plans and Estimates. Offices have been moved upstairs in the J. w. Stewart building on Middle street 99. NOTICE 1 North Carolina. Craven county. J. L. McDaniel, Grocer corner Broad and Hancock streets, has duly as signed his entire business to me. All persons holding bills against said J. L. McDaniel will please pre sent them to me within thirty days from date of this notice. All persons Indebted to the said J. L. McDaniel are requested to make settlement at once. June 23, 1908. JOSEPH GASKILL. iMimMMSMJttWIftHMtWf! JFire Insurance & Brick 1 I a A. NICOLL I So. Front 3c Hancock Sta. I ; Phone 200 8 MtMMMMMff GREAT BARC.AINS 11, J Come to our show room, 78 Bro. street and we can show you the bet' and cheapest Buggies in Runabouts, open and top Wagons, Surrys, Bug gies, and Second Vehicles of other utv from carts $25.00 very good, but cheat In price. G. S. Waters & Son 78 BROAD STREET. NOTICE! Stock and Fixtures For Sale. By virtue of the power given me im a certain deed ot assignment by J. L McDaniel, duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds In Craves county, I will offer for tale the entire stock, office and store fixtures, at cor ner Broad and Hancock streets. June 23, 1908. JOSEPH GASKILL, . - 5. . v .,v,. -; " , gar Co Toledo, O. '';v.--.y.; . ft.- .' i-.i ; : -: )s: -1;; : '-.'i.v.V;"'- iAi t,"',; ' t. ' Hi

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