-4 Price Two Cot ; :'.--. pnm, Happiness and Prosperity ... ... I- 4 :!?:: "w WORK OF BBAMIOXftSr. "j- V 'X4t;X'?ii'?-''N-V.",; Prevented WlimllireCfci:? Tan Stral jtWfctm 5Trs-' , tees el Waie r,t 1 - a .e ta rpeclai f o The pun. 'SSftri-rr6 '?f rrJeUh, ft CVJuly,13.-TU t?ake county grand i Jury? la followingfn tructlonr from; Jadse Q-y.V.ier.'-Neal In his unique charge Monday In the matter ot having an eye to the fcroBf cutioa of defendants who perjure theni , .selves when on the stand in. their own' behalf. Joe Baiythel young farmer otvNewlJghf township, ho was acquitted ')m plr'if charge ot disturbing a trimative Bap tist meeting; Judgo Neal -afterwards disclosing the? 'ijnj. vice on the roand& have convicted Bailey, Is now reindic ted by the grand Juty on ' that charge of perjury in that ha tifed'la f Ma .own bohalt that he wai not "fiUBain" at the meeting 1 while t wo membg-a ot the congregation testified that he1 waa. The warrant Is ont for Eailey ,on tne new Ind'etmohf but it is fcOtyet served, j. trochan- MraaslanV a youag Armen 1 a waff given two yara in the, peni t ir-farT today for a. murderous as- t m his. 15 year old Bister Mary. ; with ,fr!oaJj t the'.;, will .f her brother.He upUra.Uvid her for it "and sho ran.' Ha fired at her, the .lullot tatei-lti"':)rirWy' Che was Jn tho hospital threo weeks. Fine" work of Braadon in the hex for Raleigh yesterday prevented JWil- mlngtdn from getting three straights here tt'a week, th Be Sot winning from the Sailorsfyesterday; : 5 to 1 So well pleased were the Ral6!-a fans that ihov r.ade- uVoodly purses for the r i h twirlor' and tpme of the other j'ayers as an 'e'x'presauaol ap ' 'Ion." The score fallows l f .vvr. .c:3 CCS 9- r 1 -on ;.v..'.cioccdc:ji r i 'srlos: Eussey t..J .3 f r V'J- -a; Erandoa and "r-an f :r f.al . rasunaary.Two t.. fcy U. '-"ton, ICoff Jian "and F.eld for , Easea 'ca balla, Trai; .'.n 2: 2. Struck, out by Eussey 3; "on 10.S Umpire Henderson. Time l our and forty ruinates. ' Atte'nd- o hundred 'dollar reward Is offer- the. state for -the arrest of theuhe chtirches with insincerity because r-murderers or jonn m. morris e ne t : roe,"! Thera 'are to-hava;fceca two, ct the t:.e r "ri is t""0 each. Mor s 'iot : 11 ty t ren wno f r r nnrv !.jv known 9 L 3 V 1 F rved rr:s r. , t t 1J- r of 1 i t t I i v t' i ? i C ! t I t t f t 1 "fit ( ' t' - : r .the services. .1 cf a 'arrbnjjd Also offlciate at t His lecture will ; series .'the broth.. foi(,by distinguished men 'ct the coun- try. . ...;.; . - -. . .There' was hb, sal of the plant and good 111 bl the Ralelsh EvetunglTlmes as, there" bs 3 .advert:, ed to b by Re ceiver' Paca, J ' j T.'alter Neal having ma-Van t - c ::: i it "olt. oathe grr d that It v . s made tb appear, to i t' a t'-j c--: uiay wlll be able to II . .to Its l . '. utedneBS without, the vl. : x co-Riiflt::;.aoe t. ft ecelverthip, :a it IT nierstood that ,the affairs; of e . receivership -.will .be wound tv'pt once; ..; jm : jalo "Jm : to h4v." been' to: the t?cheat bidder tbrbush jealed hida. Th Enidar-Ralney Company of Sal isbury, melv'edht charter today,;capl tal $15,C00 for wholesale grocery tasi nessJty L, A. Fr.!-?y and A. U. eaidf. There is also a charter for the Reids- vfll Paper'Companyj capital $25,000 by ft Toy, H, R. Scott and others. State Superintendent of Fubllc Ih- Btructlon J.' Joyher calls the North Carolina- Association ; of iCountr ? Sni perlntendents)';to ;nieet ?U Morehead August 28, Vti arid 28, for the anajual conference oetwoeit state superintend ent and count euperlntendenVThe law 'makes attendance by hl county superintendents ompulsoryfeav" ?. Ther;'; arrisisteen iiebnntlei 'repre- senteo jin; enrollment of 210 teach er for the eummer school at Boone, Watauga TfeoBn accoraing to jnfor mitlpij Just received 'la ttie office o the state bu perintendent ot public Instruc tion. - &i ?itf-' iiyn if? ,1V V A- V.' ocs .iifiTtitt ta CttndKit;for 'rresiaent "ei Prohibition TicketA ."-'5t.'";;i. By Wire to The Sun. Columbuai O., July 16.-The refusal at Seaborn Wright, of Oeorgla, to alT low his name, to go, before he Nation: ai rronimuoa-convenuon aa a candi date for -'president: has; left the dele gates very much at sea as to the can' dldates, but certainly not tor ft ' lack ot inaterlftL i;:s:?',v H. UJ'eakeot Sandusky, O., li not presiding as . hlnn& of . the state meeting, becansr ot the alleged of Judiciousness in his keynote as temporary chairman of the ephyea- : Peake's attack on the Churches and the" Antl Saloon Leagna ind' aainst the "woman's ouSrage movement la the subject ot bitter comment ; lie -declared that rdecayea preach ars' wore making their living out' of the' Anti Saloon League, fthd charged they do not ' support the prohibition- ECIE SSttpi :rl tZU& PijSTPOJnEII. rrls; e Too T.1 rren ta ' Endure Jto Cy-Cr.Me-to.The Sua,-.1, E i" i. July 11The case of Prince r! '"p ii Elcnburg, who la being tried t i 'i t: s . cf perjury la connection rnUrt " 1 3 t i 1 's,of,last year. 1 on acoount i ! t , 1 i. " r t. . oplnlua r to, 'follow . ' 5 t;-:.:J. ' t; t'-e 1.'. :.. .1 r i t :: , v t.. , t '. f. e al weakness uf f I ly tlie court i l ' ' "9 Would i i rt t. 1 1 H7 i r .S!.:.yj?XS"? 5V-' Vr!iqated la aaraai Iloa f YriB gAtea 3Uy Stoaetawa jt-AsfcefcWim' fiysWlr to The Sua. . v . WUmtogton,tNC.Jnly ItjPlre thla morning , about :;T.SQ. o'clock de stroyed the Ocean View hoter,. one ct the' MUiififiO Beach,' also the casino and several other 'bolidlngs.' 'srS.ST-ffe, )n icostly and; handle pavilion Lnmlna caught fire,' but was saved. The tire' originated in restaurant anV : butfos. hj-lwind ? belng.-iii-; the rignt direction many buHOinga on tne beach would have gone.' : HITCBCOCX 60E8 WEST. Has1 Beea Dedde4 That He Xust Ee a Flghtlig Ciraaad, , By Wire to The Sun,,' ;Tlrglala -; Hipt8prSfJlir;3il of the repttbHcan. Bfttfoaal committee frhb, has' had talks, almost evory 'day for a week Tlrltk Mr. ;Tal and has" Just returned, from XJticW N.-Ti, where he went to " confer j with Jaa : ShermH, auuie jf vice-preident.jJef w afternoon for the west to Bpend -sev- era 1 ...dayjl' tia' jipjiectt ye "point; being Denver ; aaa orasnjSBrjBjvSU' though he;' may " atop at -Columbus to see' Axtiuir 'ifHrn'.Jimuoni for Mr. Taft, and at Chicago, go over thevground with Senator Hemenway, ot .fodlana; Wovr In Charge at :the hjeaA. It la i.under8tobd thaC -Jmuci j of Hitchcock's Ume will be spent in the west, which part?- leaders realises' Is the fighting ground,, and because -.of the' anxiety, about some of the weat- em atatea, Hitchcock .was, harrtad off Tart had no political Visitors today f n"J spent iuost of his time with the creiary- worainf on nis speecn oi ceptance, though, he : found - time c.uly lathe moroinr to get out to the ; .WaBhington,:v'iaiy."t ,16.amea-:?,'ft caormatfi republican,; ?aa41data4 ; tor ?se-resiaent, today decided W resign fa chairman of tho republican con greaaional- campaign - committee and wllj within a few days5 call'A meeting at which time a successor will be chosen. ;. RTi-&&LW$ Coiictc -n iJamca A,.Tawney, ,bf Mlnnosota, one cf the republican rhips of a'r . - 3 , watt, isSbst'r Alt- Cussed If I j i .J, but may not c oept, all' '- can fct cbosain'Wtth put oppoi,..:a U,L will but say .the word, v 1 . '-a an! '- 'K Tawney wa a th'rd tonti for Jjtooaa 701 boomer, and Las a fioht on' his hands for rcnoiuljaticini'ftaJ' rieoila all the time he en t't to watch offences at home. -, .,. . i. V); ilfh ' ') V Nobody? elre la mentioned for the Mace If Tawney c ticot oo h la way ilear t accer-t It, lt Bhermaa.' has tt' length dec! : 1 U u!d ba obviously !m proper for ! ' . cket amd rt adttee chair 1 1 1 1 1 on tie rational i ,. :res;..r;3i -com- r i:a t i UN0rrv2 4aI ftf .ew- BI ACQUITTED Saya X Kaf to Sheet Km la Keep t . -;:,..?,..- ., '-i..-.-v.., v.;.- dat - . Shootmg CerBallet la Kls Laaf Has JTet Beea E- f ' i'J'iH' ''"''.'''' W -J i?f - 8yWir i'Tfce Sun. s 5.trH ? fjong cngn, i. i., juiy . lm atrs. Hartley T.v Hgrner, who V :beid on the chagehbttelonious assault pending the outcome f a bullet wound she ln filoted on her 8on-ln.law, tr. Simpson, said "iodayirough hervUwW'ttlS she' would.plead self-4efense as her JusUflcaUbnfbr the act jand expected to' be acquitted. ' . ' "I had lived, in fear nf rir Rlmnsnn for a long.tlie," she said, fantf bad toshoof him to keep him from shoot ing n- , f - , , All the doctors In Roosevelt hospi tal are still probing for the. bullet In fiimpson'a'-lHhg. but caa'tget; ! aid toda jreaj hope'le eld bathat simpaoa can recover. CrBQIttES P0Up O HAEB0R. lWered ia PaUpgeo FoHewing p on. ;raaTi waoiesaie wewaiag.; Sy'WlreT-fhe Sun. ;': ''-;-s.:.:';' ''.J V Baltimore; Md.; Jaly :l.EaTiy this moi-nln th?( oMcebot : Lannan. Da- tma af liinday-:8torttv ipicked iiip taa'bpdles of ifary Bader.-.Mary Weld, ner, Emma Weldner,- - Antonr Bader, Joseph Bader and HenrJ Dutousch. i They were found floating about 250. Jrarda southwest of Hospital , shore, most , directly across the- river from where the same boat' yesterday raoov- tredlhe bodies of Joseph B. Lergeu miller Peter Dletrick,- Edward JOmi merman, ana wuuamMueucorav zoav otheK victims. RAISED EHXS OCT. Twe Dollar Votea Kaia. lata tttm Passed aa Clarkabarc Kercaaata By Wire to The Sua; -.,. v Clarksburg, W, July: 18Hpae and: two dollar bills, raised by Ink etching Into flya doling bills are being circulated here, and business men are heing yarned, ljy the banks; to he oa the. lookout for thetn..':Severalot ,(he raised bills Twere passed yesterday wad today; but the counterfeit was not dis covered until ;1:iatiilBrt',Uk; the banks for deposit .'; .'. ;; ' The bills .are cleverly, raised and de- taction is possible only by close scrut Injf, i; All the' large figures in the cor ners; aa well - a - the letters .of the words denoting figures, are caretnny rased, and stamps of the higher fig ures and letters are placed Over them. W Sri. TIUES EXPORT, frzm ByVire 40 The Sun,i,jfV';'fi;sy Richmond, Va July le-r-Bradatraet' Saturday will .say tor Richmond . anc victmty?; r"&VZfKW)M&h-s Trade conditions genorally are about as reported last week;, aome linea show improvement- ; Dry Qoods' donlera-re port fair ordors. T.'holesale dealers in and rooster ' of c "ee and tmpotterr ot ; teas report i lea lq excesa . ot comparative per' 1 ct last yearv . Pro- due and fruit tlontlful.;.. Larger su'rmenta of i i f om North Caro- :' are not-: cturera of ex '.s, aoda f t rr"? and gro : -.aipecla!' ' ' va.' Favor ai: ccndl" s la Ylrn 5 r:or:h C f X . 'J a f ' ' i C- '7 '- 4 14 f t A i t'Ttie ae;..jns " I Ii r; tern fi 1 ' 3 Cut"! i t- i. r..uu i tre slow, ; RAXSfia 1 3 ; COBRESPOKIDEHT. Keaaedy, E j by Keroccaa Bandits, g.aa UBe rwa,-.;.-By Cable 0. The 8ua. . Londa,4Jnly 16. Foreign Secretary Grey announced In the house of com- monsc today that Clark Kennedy, the Englishman who was captured by Mo roccan' .brigands more' than a month ago and held for ransom", had come to terms with' his captors, asd expected to effect his release shortly. . - v Kennedy, who was In Morocco sa the correspondent for a London; newspaper as once a wealthy Scottish Iandown- fct; JR; married Ilsa, Alice. Appleton. ot Boton who iff ad a f ew yeara later. "The foreign, ofi.ie was persuaded at about deliberatlly for newspaper pur poses; t;l'-'wv BOLT. HITS GFABDSireirS CAMP. 8p:liaten Tree Close ta Sow af Teats, Sparea Soldiers. ' ay Wlr9 to The'un.:-;;S;;:- ;''.r -AnnapoIlB, Md., July' !. Lightning struck a chestnut tree at- Saunders Range this at ternoonwhlch la only about 10 yards from a raw' of tents. In which were the membera "spjjjh Annapolis company ' of r guardsmen, now on duty there. Tha ' tree Vas splintered down one sidev , Allen Hubbard, '. a member ot the Cambridge company;, who was doing sentry duty a 'few ;;vards;..iway,:; saw the lightning play around his body and iegs, but was not Injured. BICYCLE AYARDID Uou N. Heaimtm Tam The Tint Last ff!gM4. C Jehnsea Geta See- Dad trtaa, I The contest' tor the bicycle ; given away by.The Sun for the largest pum ber of tea-cent sales sold by Its news boys and newsdealers came to a close last night, and the wheel waa awarded to Leon N. Henderson, who had ,822 tickets Each ticket represented ft ten-cent ale. v v The second prise was awarded to J. C. Johnson, better known as the Blind Man. who had 578 tickets. Mr. Joan- son' received $5.00 in gold . The third ariae was awarded ; to Robert Snolllngs, who had 350 tlckeU Robert' received a'watca as his '.'fa. The Sun ia grateful to the boys who have worked to earnestly in thla con test, ' they having made many new friends for, the paper and It is thadei aire ot the management to have these new friends remain friendly toward it it shall be the aim of the management to make" the" paper Interesting"; and newsy In an' endeavor to keep them. ; The Sun la no lest grateful to the boys who were In the contest but did aofwhi They too added to the list at tnanr- new friends: WVv V-:' OFFICERS ELECTED. BY ELKS. Hash L, BaUaad is final Exalted Raler..v,' 15 v- By; Wire fo The Sun. " - -' '. V Dallas;? Tex? July M8rand B alted Ruler Rush Li Holland, Colorado Springa,- ;ClraBd:tUael LaadfiBff;Kal()tL' John G. Shea, Hartford; Conn. ; Grand ; Esteemed Loyal Knight Al M. Macelwee, Fort Worth, Texas. - Grand Esteemed Lecturing Knight Warren O. Sayre, Wabash, Ind. Grand .Treasurer. Edward: .Leach, New York. , ;7-'-' Grand Tyler, Charles E. Decker, Mln .. Grand Tmsteei. Alfred T, Holley llackensack, N. J.V ,'d s Grand Secretary Fred C Robinson, Evuka. Iowa.7v':-i!v'-v :ii Crand Inner Guard A. M.' Taylor, Zl An-iatlaertla.';'.'-' ; Next conveatloB city, Lo Ansoles :;:),X.r:. 'if Taw York,. Jy 1 C " . i tie mv ..fca i 1 ! itl- : 1 t Prize DROPS DEAD ; Q D. Jordan Cnni' . - . ,.J i ' ' .... . f t-....- X 1 ; Vw ' -. ..V v -; ; ' V... t i ,A 10 a ouaaen tna -::-w':;''-vs;.-::-w-'7''vv:.;-:;;',.i COMPTROLLER OF ASSURANCE CO. ' 'l Had ; Beea Waated to Appear Befora the Arautreng InTestlgatins Com- . mlttee aad Explain His ManagemeBt af the Eo.altaala By Wire to The Sun.i New York, July l.-Thomaa T. Jor dan, formerly comptroller ot the Eqult able ; Llfe Assnrancejsoctety, dropped dead of heart dioeaae t?day in the Wall street station by tragic circumstances. Scores of persons saw him fall, amonx them Dr. F. Cl Welle, a friend. - t''")M stricken, friend, but ho saw immediato- ly; that'; -rJ-r Jordan- -was -vdeai:;. v.Mr;:'; Jordan had parted fr&n his son, Frank M B. Jordan, only a momont before, andi ?c messenger overtook the yonug man . - on the otreei and informed hln of his i j father's death. The son was overcome' with grief. ' ' t It was in the course ot tho Arm strong committee Insurance investiga tion th&t ' Mr. Jordan's mama cama prominently before the public. ' It waa -broaght out then that Comptroller Jor- V dan had acenred lo&ns aggregating "v: $68,000 for himself ad James W. AI-, ;. exander, former president ot the Equt, . table, from tho Mercantile Tru3t Com- , pany, and that these loans hid beoa . , cpveiproah books ot .fh.apad. pany. Thla $88,000 cfjne fa,bjBRM!fa '. as the'"yel!oW dog"fund. ; , ' vy?? A desire was expressed by the" Arm- . ': strong committee that Jordan appear before the committee and explain his ' financial maccgememt of do Equitable, ; but the prccesa Bcrveta were unable to locate Mr. Jordan. H!s ccn was called before the cemmittoo and askod to tell where his father waa. The young man said he did not know. - . It was after the Armstrong Investi gation had come to a close that Jordan put. In aa appearance.; It was then learned that ho had been In Europe. Aa a result of the disclosures made before the Armstrong committee, .the grand iry found eighteen indictments for forgery and ono for perjury against Jordan Only recently Mr, Jordao ap peared before Justice- Goff and plead aot guilty to the indlctmenta Hs trial was setior the fall. ; , : Since his indictment Mr. Jordan had remained before the publlo eye as lit- H.i. ik: invn L. '' jt financial c'rcles, his name attorn -', JT i appeared In print , '.r'' ' Mr. Jordan had come to New Yoik '') today from his home in Englewood, N.. ' ; V 1,' to attend a directors' "meeting of , I ' the Pacco Improvement Company, of v", rV?: ' - : which he waa vice proaidont, whon he . , .,-, ' ;. i was stricken. - :''-: :' y':;i'Y.syi-:'i' As '.eobn;; Mr: Jordan's eon-, hadMv v 'Sl-vt'!'; been aommoned the body waa taken to ;:; sy&;xt',: the police-statlon.-There'it'was vtewad (:0??&s:&$gt. by Coroner's Physician Weston, who ' said that death was due to heart fall-v v ure or apoplexy, and that an autopsy ' was not necessary.. He gave perml8- sioa for the removal of the body,7 and Frank Jordan had the body' of his father, taken to Shglawbod,' Mr. Jordan leaves ft widow, his son - Frank, and a daughter, Mr Edward D. O'Brien, who mirried the son of Judga Dennis O'Brioa. , 1 1 ; , ( . J - - 6. W. ELKOS' B0KE BPRJTEBv , PkllaaIptU Traftlon Heir Away J Wfcei Uktatac Strikes, By Wire to The Sun. kMytf'.ii;)f? Phnadelphla. July ; liDnrtng aa electrical atom which passed over Ogonta a suburb, tonight, the ; beautiful-country residence of George W. '- Elkinsr aoa of the late WUliam Li ECMna, traction magnate, waa struck br E.-thtntmc and d.itroVed hv fire: The less la eatimated at f CCO.COO. i;'.;t .Lundreds of dollars worth of brie t a-trae and. paintings were saved' from r':;v,l'v the Cre -br'partanft-attracted-.ta-'-tli.''( scene.'' iThe Are. la "the r 'lat f thef: suhartaw homes of some of the' gaoatf I rt ';--:;t resSdaots cf t'.'a city, cas-jA,;y -.,.?' f'S"- M' i-.: ,1 '''L'.K lv'- 7: ft ,.!"MV!af-lSi.- I .,: ':h:":ir:fc 5 '4' A' ' -:-.f,: " 1 l :,-" -r' Vr-- " "-t i V' :ii if;'v '-v