;lxnrzzt 'Crczlztl:: cf :vvvV:': '''; !,' r- f Coto North ' CmSnt: t!stk'.Ctn2sM.- . . - - 7 . - Vc!3 3NoY17; T.-.t.-V.;-. j :iEV7BEPJ?;;y.,C.'' SATURDAY, JULY 1908. Price Two Cea St nOJMinNfX gcpplel pwifilfagrizz axiicj) and PrpspeHtb Mti fl0. tacVrtasta the United States, efffgtti : - ' - I . - -A. ....... . ... - T fi i -t 'Wrnwx law Amenqana, Holding . - ' igntun patents are now compeuea toi 1J Y Xi 1 jLillU " n the WntlftMimWe'Wuhaofli'b- Iu-uiy oe mucn nwre ngoroua emorce ment of the patent lawg and the man- UISCUSSZQQI raurHngll aer Patents on rpreign son will i ' ." no longer be a mere formality. , nn CnnfsYno K ' ' The, ultlmatei result JU be k loss of vuii v.-n,vnvi. capital ; and employment for England, ' ' I which will balance the loss to foreign " - . Inmnuf&jeturera tinder thn nnw Rrttlnh COMBISE KELIUIOSI ASP BUSISKSSIiaw, and the balance is more "than apt , ,r I not tp be In faror of England, , The colonial bishops and clergy whrff Dfusi Bumi itm were w un ftv Jeen Attending tie Fan-Angllcan f Eithastastle Akeit Patent , .Lw,ltdngts hive been mnoh shocked at CoaaercUi Men, v - . - - - - tne facitnat the only churcbfes which arr filled are the rery high churchss whan tha ritual la nlahnratA and tho London, July 18-The rapid growth method, thi clerw eccintrkJ.?thoae of mormonism In England was one of I n which the sermons are inTarlably the subjects for discussion at the re-1 aenaatlor.al ' and the Free churches la cent Pan-Anglican conference andlwhlch politic' openly discussed Tne clergy now go to any length to secure a good congregation. Father many prominent prelates declared that they were greatly worrled by it , . For some years Mormon mission arlea have been going about the coun try and making many converts. There Stanton indulges in wild gesticulations In the pulpit and engages a magnlfl cent orchestra, the Rev. C. Carlisle of the church; many relies, on phono- is a large Mormon colony in Acton, a graph, and lantern slides and so on. West London suburb, and in the Norm PASSED B 06U8 CHECKS. Sharper Dined a Nnaber ef Hotel '.Me ia Thta State. ' CAPITAL CIW t K1I i.f HI . .1 1 'M'iri?ifir4( NEVS BUDGE! News of Interest From Raleigh '1 C0M3OSSI0N ISSUES On State, Private and Savings Banks Charter' A CALL of Agriciltre and , Mechanic Arta, I will star out at . Chadbourn c next (Tuesday going through Bladen, Moore, Anson, Cumberland and adjacent counties. Another starting at Supply, Brunswick county, with C. B. Williams director. of the experiment station Ih charge, will make a circuit that will take in different points in the same counties, visited by Prof. Stevens's party. A fifth party starts in Wilson county, takbs in Nash, Green and oth er counties with T. B. Parker, of the state department of agriculture, in charge. ;1 v- ROADS TO RAISE RATES Advance to be 10 to 40 Cents on Hundred OPERATION ABOUT SEPT. 1ST. calls bmxy a chameleon. New Charter ranted Maseale Lodges Respoadlng to Appeals- Other IfeBS. Special to The Bun; He Charaeerkes the Democracy as ; nregeneraie. By Wire to"; The Bun. New York, July 18. A cablegram has been received from William Kan- Raleigh, N. C, July 18. The corpor-ldolph Hearst ; In reply to a message atlon commission for this state has I transmitted ;to Mr. Hearst from Sam- Lratlng south of Ohio and east of Mi just issued a call on the state, private T , TV V, 8,88lPP,( is announced today, will '. , the democrats stand for labor It would , ' and savings banks to make to the be "an act' jf greatest patriotism for rat8e tne 're,8nt rtes ten to forty commission statements of their con-1 the Independence party to endorso thel0611 on the huhdred, the advance to dltion at the close of business July democratic platform," and urging him I become operative in all probability 15. Th' comntroller of th currencv not 10 run Jthird t,cktt- as !t would about Sept. 1, as thirty days notice at Washlngtn has also called on the national banks of the country for re. elect-Mr. Taft Mr. Hearst's cablegram follows: ports as of the same date. "Paris, July 18. Tell Mr. Gompers mission. of London a big Mormon church is being built V'.' Dr. Spalding the Episcopal bishop of Utah who was at the congress when interviewed about Mormonism said: wrk Uamhah t1iiiwh fit tha nnlv religious organisation In the United La7 Wiro t& Th9 m States which combines In a definite 1 Oroensbdro, July 18.--Mr. U T. wav religion and business.' It is Jiot I Rosemond. chtef Clerk at the Gnflford- only a church claiming a uniaue .and Bonbow Hotel, haa' been -notified that , final revelation from God but It Is tne onesk f0V ,75 which .he tashed for alBO an Immigration society. Since .. '- : t .those who accept the offer of that I one Blake on June sotn is worth church of land and a home in Utah are less and it falls on Mr. Rosemond to expected to accept tne Mormon raitn as pay. ; tsmce receiving tne nouncauon well, it is Important that the should Mr. Rosemond has learned that Blake "know-what that faith is. T stopped at' several hotels in North Car- Joseph' Smith the prophet of the ollna . recently and presented bogus Uormon church' taught that Christian- chocks ; which were cashed, v Prom jlty had. ceased exist on earth by the Greensboro he went to Winston-Salem lghth century and that he was deft- and had a check for $75 cashed at the nitely called to restore it It is there- Zinsendorf Hotel.- He aleo had worth. fore held by the latter days saints that less checks for $75 each cashed at the -there is no valid Christian church save I Central Hotel in " Salisbury, and at their own." . V' ' I Hotel Keoyon, in Goldsboro. ' An enormous triple alliance of coal I Blake arrived . at the GullfordrBon -mines which will probably devefop Into I bow on the evening of June 29th and th areatest coal nroduclnaT acencv In I the next 'moraine h'e 'laked' Mr. Rose tte, world Is about to be tUfected.- jmond for his mall 4tt 4rctlrrrt The Cambrian Collleres Company a, letter, containing, the 7S check and whlcff fenttyaulr .1 prepertles of the Glamorgan CoaljCom- p. B. Coles, treasurer or the Utlca paty Is to take over the control f the FtttnTe .Company, ofUtlca, ir;yM for Ckiilet Nv4t$iejl3$f Jrlim etStip6&ri be the combined output of the mines traveling. The letter stated that, the which produce the best quality 01 check was for expense money. Welsh steam coal will 2,750,000 tons a Blake showed this letter Mr. . 7ear. They will not' be exhausted for RoBemond 'aod by smooth argument -Bixqr years. They already cover 70,000 convinced him that the check was o. k., acres and two uew pits are soon to be and It was - cashed. The check was sunk, which will In three years, give properly endorsed by Mr. Rosemond - the combine then the largest producer and It went to Utlca, for payment, of coal In the world eieven pits ex- but the protest papers coming back eluding levels. '. It will directly employ with It stated that no such firm as the 20,000 men with a weeky pay rool of Utlca Fixture Company had , an ac S1Q0.00O. The capital of . the mining count' with that bank In Utlca. companies win be nearly eighth mil Since leaving Winston Blake has lions of dollars, r not been heard from, but the Hotel V Perhaps the most remarkable case of I Men's. Association have taken the martrydom to science is that of Dr. I matter up and an effort i's being made : J. Hall-Edwards, of Birmingham, who I to locate him. "has just had his remaining hand am-1 He Is described as beta, (about 40 , putated ,; -for the agonising disease or 0 years of age, having dark com- known as X-ray dermatitis. .. . I plexlon, . grey , moustache, wearing - For six years Dr. Hall-Edwards has heavy eye . glasses, weighing' 150 ' suffered tortures getting no sleep ex- pounds, neatly dressed and presenting cept by the use of narcotics. As rad-la pleasing appearance, which readily lographer to the Birmingham General I dispels any suspicion of his being a Hospital lie haa devoted himself to I crook. - the X-ray work since iU discovery and -hecame affected. , , ' By5Wlretp The Sun. , J 4 f In February last his left forearm had I Mitchell. S. D.. July 18. The 15th to be . amputated an dnow-hla other annual meeting of the-South Dakota hand has Just been taken off. All this Holiness Association, which began an time "he hag; never tellngulshed hU eight days session today, promises to work and even now lie Is preparing a be the most successful meeting In the book containing his1 observation on history at ihei MSodatiOsl Tho; at- the X-rays and the diseases they cause ?en(lanCe WltoW M large antf We with a treatise on possible cures. -He g,, onB 9t .ttracuve will also give oeiaiia regaruing iuybh- BP-ri. foP - mMtlna nf tha aa. ,tlons of his danger, xUnhappUyls Lo .ervloei.ar. to be led living authorities on radiography, did w te charM of M! A.' A. A mM fa. ' itmm I - . ' " lu' -ri-TLT" Ajth.rF. lagler.ofL6w.il, Maw. vto save himself., , , , , tl , , ,,. . English Utemenwh . were at first T tktetve ' 741k Wrthiay. usil F" . wvmm I Uu..i.',wl,.i tm .' m ... lacturers u4'--ttt'to-tm:ihatlymTZ? .1 V- 1. Wtll l.rtna nmnt .1l.Hn wm w nuw-i worn many pans tnnntH.. of the UnlUd 8Utet,' J.' A; Ktalberley, men here , are discussing what the th nttr paper manufactarer of the ff would be If America whtoh la Fox Hver Taller wDl tonlorow cele- onldered more than likely should fcrafo'nls'TOth' birthday.7 It U, Intend. tm similar laws Jtf ow to make ot the oecastoV gala v British . subjects,, folding United In which the publlo generally tiiaies4aienui wui iuu nave w ian- " that ! am not authorized to speak for The secretary of state charters the memberjlh,p of independence aiewart oauiwnum, 01 new oera, Le.Mei bnt a-cordln. to mv neraonal with $20,000 capital, by W. D. Lane, BtaB(,ards; purer patriotism consists Mrs. Sarah C. Stewart and others. m laboring to establish a new party The Masonic lodges In Raleigh and wnteh bi consistently devoted to throughout North Carolina are -re- the Interest of the citizenship, and sponding to appeals from the Fred- particularly to the advantage and ad- erlcksburg, Va,, lodge, No. 4, A. F, A vancemeni of the producing classes. I A. M., for contributions towards the do not think .the path of patriotism lies erection of a memorial temple , toln supportidg a discredited and deca- George Washington, the father of his dent old party, which has neither con- country, who was made a Mason by Iscientlous conviction nor honest In the Fredericksburg lodge in 1752-163. 1 tentlon, or J In endorsing chameleon Tha FrederlckLbure lodge sent to the candidates who change the color of William G. Hill lodge this city, photo- tbelr pol tlcal opinion with varying anaua, ana Baia in jew xonc rrnnhi nf Tia Pthlo that nait In UUO Ot OPDOrttnlSm. 1 00 not think any means confined 'to the North Car r ollna law of contracts, the student, who proposes to practice la" North Carolina ; will hate double advantage of know- i ing the law of contracts in general and ' a thorough famlHarfty with' the North , Carolina authorities The annotations will also give references to later cases and to loading authorities , of other jurisdictions and to text writers, where a more extended discussion of all .Im portant points may ' be found, thus enabling the student to investigate in telligently any point by means of the ' full law library of the college, and also rendering the book up to date and - of practical use la his practice after graduating. Dr. and Mrs. John C. Kilgo, left this morning for the western part of the state. President Kilgo will return to the college the first of next week, but Mrs. Kilgo will remain some time on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Kope Ellas, Jr., at Governor's Island. Professor E. C. Brooks, of the de partment of education, is conducting a teacher's institute in Vanceboro this week. Last week he was engaged in the same work in McDowell county.' Professor J. C. Wooten, of the de partment of Biblical literature, is at om st be given when new tariffs are tending the Wilmington District Con flled, with interstate commerce com. I ference in session in the Tabernacle church. In the Onslow Circuit. Dr. Edwin Mimsof the department of English, is delivering a series of lectures in the summer school at the University of Virginia. Territory Effected Is Controlled by Southern Freight Association and Southeastern Mississippi Valley As sociation, By Wire to The Sun. Louisville, July 18. All roads op- The territory effected is controlled by the Southeastern Freight Associa tion and Southeastern Mississippi Valley Association, the . railroads, however, are con fronted with grave danger in making this advance according to the Inter state commerce commissioner, Jud- son Clements, who says the roads can be brought to book under the Sher man law. ' - James J. Hill, chief owner of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific, is just back from a fishing trip in the lodge when Washington was given the best benefit of laboring men lies hia degrees and also f the records of ln suppoitins. the old party because the lodge as signed by 4shlBgton sop f . false promise, when the vr w. .v -performanc,jf.;that party while ln power did more to injure labor than all the injunctions ever issued before or since. I have lost faith In the empty profsslons of an unregencrate democracy. I have lost confidence in 4Ha ..nhllltv In iha alnrtaHtv anA even Sotth Carolina Is Issued, from the o u tbe lntegrlty ot tt8 ,Baaers. I do These have been turned' over by Sec retary J. C. Blrdsong to the North Carolina hall of History, Col. F. A. Olds, director. A requisition on the governor of flee of Governor Glenn for W. C. Dos". (Signed) "WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST.' 4Tie companies comprising the Third I Is both sound and sincere-? regiment, North Carolina National Guards are preparing to start Satur day morning for Gamp GlennK More- head City, for one week's encampment for target practice. The' Second regl "The roads must raise the rates or the country will die. He Is not in favor of cutting wages, but the railroads of the United Sfatii ast raise th sates loose six hundred million dollars a 'ear and that loss would eventually all on the American people and cause suffering." Salt Over Trent Bond. By Wire to The Sun.' Norfolk, Va. July 18. In the law and chancery court today Judge Martin was engaged in hearing the case of the Union Trust and Title. Corporation against the Atlantic Trust and Deposit Company for recovery on a bond for to- !3000 on 8 deed ot truat to Euaran- tee the former company against loss on the Victoria Hotel property. Judg ment was rendered tonight ln favor of the Union Company. ? tal THIRTY IEABS. ot consider It patriotism1 to pretend! John Evans Fond Gailty of Mirder In Second DeiTee, Raleigh, M. C, July 18. Joh Evans, colored, was found guilty of . : lii - -. a. a vew, wuuo man, wamoa m - iaonFoeito ,UDDOrt that .which; raa a CHlsen. I secret assault with intent to kill W. atotruBt, and detest, and I earnestly p, James. Busbee has been arrested atHope the independence- party will give Grfenwood, 8. C., where he la being! me an opportunity to vote for can- gem until tbe North Carolina officers -dldates that are both able and honest murder ln the second degree In th SJI-r'mlBK't' tmn Cor a declaration of principles that I superior court today and was sen tenced to thirty years ln the penlten ttary. No witnesses-were introduced, the evidence from the preliminary trial being in court. Allen Bailey, a young white man, ot larceny of $48 M. Estes and ...Notice of appeal was filed. Former Norfolk Man Killed. By Wire to The Sun. Boston, Mass.; July 18. Ziba H. Nickerson, ot Lynn, a packer in the customs service, was killed today by an explosion of detonating fireworks which he and some others were opening. Two others were killed and three injured. Nickerson was a- former resident of Norfolk, Va., where he was employ ed by a cotton shipping firm up to- 1880. " Soldiers ta Camp. The various companies that compose ment Is now drilling with regulars the nnt Regiment of the North Car- wag found at Chlckamauga Park, and the naval "na wauonai uuaras, passea tnrougn from the per80n of R militia of the state are cruising in New Bern today, en route to Camp Chesapeake bay for practice on board uienn' near "owneaa uty tor nve batUeship. - Farmers Institutes to be held the next few weeks in Cleveland, Gaston, fMecklenburg, Davidson, Caswell, Rockingham; ' Forsyth. Alamance, Johnson,,- Wake, - Orange, Davidson, Rowan, Cabarrus, Iridell, Catawba, days practice. A special came in early this morniig on the Atlantic Coast Lin road, bearing a number of troops, which was transferred to the Norfolk and Southern train who conveyed them to camp. On this special were three companies from Charlotte. First Bat tery, Field Artillery, Hospital Corps, given two years. Court adjourned at noon until Mon day. W.TA ,1 . . 1 . , I " ' r , w.. . k .,u1u and Compony d, N. C. N. G., and a ooutttos?aT to have th Advantage of number 0f other companies. The sol Negro Killed by Train. By Wire to The Sun. Union, S. C, July 18. Robert Je ter colored, was killed by the south bound train No. 10 Thursday night '.bout six miles south of this place. Engineer D. -M. Broom saw the form Shot by . Brother. . By Wire to The Sun. Atlanta, Ga., July 18. T. P. Cox. a roof repairer, was shot and instantly killed late today by O. E. Rutland, a railroad fireman of West Point, Ga., In the rear of a moving picture theatre on White Hall street Cox was to have been married next Monday, and It Is said, that the killing grew out of his jealousy of John W. Rutland, a brother of O. E. Rutland, and with whom he had quarreled a few hours earlier. Rutland surrendered. Quiet la Strike Region. two well equipped demonstration cars ,er( nfe 0f the braves began today at 011 tne track and gave the danger sig-1 By Wire to The Sun. with farm household and farmhig ap- camp Glenn. pnances m addition .to a number of -U the best equipped specialists to lec- 'M As to Gould Divorce Suit. nal, but was going at such a speed that Birmingham, Ala., July 18. Corn- It was Impossible to stop the train be- paratlve quiet reigns today in the coal v ture and demonstrate tor the farmers I By Wire to The Sun. ana tneir wives. Tne rwo cam are be- . Niw York July 18. Contrary I strike region, Jefferson county. The I military is In command, but Is ordered to act only in case Major Brown and fore the form was reached. The ten der struck Jeter on the head, crush to I ing bis skua ana creaking nis neck. Ing equipped here nowl One is to carry the rumor that Mrs. Frank J. Gould The supposition Is that he lad down force of deputies on the ground are gasoline and the other ranges, the not. w w rnMn to hr hnahand on the track to rest and fell asleep, overpowered by angry sinners. aaww ww - -w I d flreless cookers, churns, separators I and that their differences had been and other farm-house appliances with amicably settled Mrs. Gould's suit for which Mrs. Hutt and Mrs. Hollowell, I divorce is on the motion calendar of the later of Goldsboro, will ' demon-1 the supreme court today, and It 1b ex strata In cookery and a wide range nected it will be brouaht to trial with Of the work that falls to the lot of I m the next few weeks. farmers' wives and daughters. In the second car being equipped, there are Betolatlen Tetterlag. rariotles ot cultiVktors, h&rrowa. By Wire to The Sua. planters; ftrtillicr'' -distributor 'andl ' Washington, D. C, July TRINITY COLLEGE NOTES. Gen. Comer and the sheriff, Ex-Gov ernor Comer and sheriff, expect no further trouble. Special to The Sun. Trinity College, Durham, July 18. Prof. A C. Mcintosh, of the department I ot law of Trinity College, has Just Not Call Negroes "Mr."., By Wire to The. Sun. Wilmington, Del., July 18. Judge closed a contract with the Edwards I Cochran, ln the Wilmington Municipal and Brougbton Printing Company, Ral-1 Cowrt today ruled that witnesses I jhJ rl 1 Ma eSiaaa wttwalM m m m aaan Wm1 I a . . . . m . & .. ai m .. aa lSThel ' v"" "v, i inouia not reier 10 negroes as r., on ue law oi comracis, prepsrea oyi j(rs. or Miss. other of .the most;pprpve4 and to- repnl of : th. revolutionlsU In both r CYJA or iss." in oraer to enrorce trmin. wv..l .w . -A' Mcintosh, tor the see of law stud-1 his decision he fined Christopher car. there wW be party of aplal- Honduras.! official advice. ..SIS1 Sttir?..!' sua casta lor nogress, "Mrs. Ar- T.U R.H- W.n..n Ku. I .u. Tn.1. i. .1.. l " u" uwn umHw . T. Tf" f Z7i '-f;--rr.i-- w "Mfereaces between the North Carolina ATer made in Delaware. law; and that of other Jurisdiction I where such a difference exists In botnts I Aiua ay ugBjmnig. ; jtif aaffldent importance to deserve! care there wUI be a party ot special- Honduras, official advices of wblch ZtrV Knh ST. j . ' . .T lst.,todi.euUMeth'od. mi fgrtamg.' Uer. received by Minister Ugarto,-ol "J? fiSgar Jfudfe ,uWtrning' ,5 dairying and ctber'"rhrk,JwoVlL Dr. h. ,v n.. h. iiaa ." ne Bnmewu8 ,ecnUng witness, a nogn ' . -- I " r i unci notes giving me suDsunMiai qii- ibjv ogusr, Buup. ToyDniariu, .uw Another party1 to 'travel' Twltioot I Minuter Pory.enrrrt" ist-4ii.' I 5! Ceitesses to Seven Maraers. . demonstration cars will start at.l4ls-r Suffolk., Va.,,, July J8,wX)Hrlng an molltion. Aa North Carolina Is an old WlN to n Bn '.! hara- ftuxf TOesdiV 4nd -tiki, In thalaTaMHA atnrm In aVanklln taa nlrhtL... a t k.. .1 L Clarksburg, W. Va., July -FnUHk northern and wMerfi tobacco , andlDensoa Hall., a negro was kUledTw conservative, and many very able law- Jobnson, a negro, who la to be hang- fruit-growing counties. 8tate Entomo- lightning andrbte iwite was rendered yen have. been members of It, every "s evenmg naa maoe xonres-. loglst rwklba Bhea(beig in unconscious for more than an hour point of vaTue can be fully and practl- lon stattng that heir guilty ot kill charge. Still another party under Jt. y Hall was walktat by a window ben cally Illustrated from our own re- ln five Psople. He says he Is a native elevens, oc tne norta uarouna uoiiege'g'bolt came. , . iports. While the book will not be by' waria. ' -') :: ' -. ' v-..'---',i-:S;5''v 1 ' V , rrAAAA v' ' '. -'.f ,,.,-.,,01'. '' V' Vv,;1r-'V';;' V.V l,'.,-, r- ,- .? : .;.

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