I J' . x V - koTt a. xWd trtoW.-Frlia evea. lac. itt. tooir Jot ICUn Ilora Xjaa. of 7-r Osjlotta, wjia l .siting la the city. The tTviilnf vii pent In the enjoy 1 ment W music, after which delicious JJra. L. EL Jones and .daughter, Miss Marr. who nava been visiting for a refreshments were aerred. Those Invlt. 4 were: Katherlne Beaman, Kit Le Hundley. t Durham. 'Kv J, ' Armstrong gadie FJoe, Mary V Nixon, Marry Carraway and Kiss Flora Bryan Messrs. Ernest Dunn, Edwin Richard son. Will Duffy, Root. Richardson. Henry Groves, Southgate .Beaman. Deane Bell, and James M, Howard, Jr. . ' , ' I WRITAXIB DENIES GUILT. 'i-','- Day la Coart Most Interesting Since ,-i , Trial Began. Ashevllle. July 18. "I am guilty of no wrong. I am aha have been sin cere and honest of purpose. I know that there Is a fund m England for the Whitaker heirs. One chief ac countant of the Bank of England ad mitted that there was. Another chief accountant did not deny It." This is in . concise language what Rev. William Q. Whitaker told the Jury and the court this morning as he jboldly faced in his own defense the twelve men who will shortly pass upon his Innocence or guilt under the government's charge that he has vio lated the laws of the land and used the malls for fraudulent purposes. The Session Interesting. The hearing this morning was per. haps the most interesting of any that has been had Blnoe the trial began nearly a week ago. , Every day since he was called to the bar of justice Mr. Whitaker has occupied a seat In the court room just behind his counsel, at times listening with amused indiffer ence to a recital of some bit of testi mony; at other times coaching his at torneys and still at others leaning forward in his chair with eagerness to catch some important sentence as it fell from the Hps of a sworn wit ness. Late yesterday afternoon the de fense called as Its witness VRev. Wil liam G. Whitaker." Almost instantly there was a craning of necks and a shifting abourt of spectators as the name of the chief figure in the inter. eating and hard fought trial was call Jew day, at Cedar Point, returned home last evening, i v - . '"v0: ' ' .. -; '"Vr andUMrfc: C. L...Hlnkly who hare for the past months been residing , Jn' Oklahoma, are la the city. . : y.;. r-Mr. and Mrs. XX R. Davis have re turned to the city after a tew days stays in Beaufort, N. C . . I Hiss Lillian P. Scott left this morn ing on the New Bern and Norfolk train for Vance boro, where she will attend tha teachers' summer , school, which Is in session now. , 1 t - ' ; :. v'-U ' i Miss Florence Griggs, of Baltimore, Md., Is the guest of Miss Fannie Stanly. o . . Mrs. A. D. Ward and children left this morning on the west bound N. S. train, going up to Duplin coun ty, where they will spend part of the summer. : Mrs. Katherine Beaman left this morning tor Winesatt, N. C, for a visit with friends. Mrs. H. P! Willis went down to Morehead City this morning for a lew days' visit with, relatives and friends. Miss Ruth Henderson left this morn ing for Beaufort, where she will Spend a couple of weeks, enjoying the grand sea breeze. Mrs. J. C. Hewitt and child, of Kin rton, who have been visiting Mrs. Hewitt' parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hardison, for a few days, left this morning on the west bound N. & 8. train returning home. They were ac companied to Kinston by Mrs. F. J. Hardison. who will visit there for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B. Kehoe and eon Thomas, went down to Mansfield Jed. Mr. Whitaker arose from his seat this morning where they will Bp?ndand placing the silk beaver that he a couple Of days, the guests at the! daily wears on his short "tramps" be- cottage of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wol. twizt the court house and the county fehuen. jail, on the table of his counsel, and! I found his way with dignity across the I Miss Rebecca Gautier left this morn-1 intervening space from his seat to the lng on the east bound N. ft S. train 1 witness stand. The direct examination! for Morehcad City, where she wtll spend a few days enjoying the delight- j ful ocean breeze. Mrs. Maud Dudly, of Washington, N. C, who has been visiting in the city for a couple of weeks, the guest of Miss Emmie Howell has returned home. Mrs. Geo. T. Parsons and young son, ! of Philadelphia, who have been visit ing in the city for a few weeks' the guests of Mrs. Parsons' brother, Mr. J. G. Brinson, left this morning on the New Bern and Norfolk train return ing home. Mrs. C. P. Hoyle, of Kenby, N. C, who has been visiting in the city for a few days, the guest of her father, Mr. H. T. Brinson, left this morning on the west bound N. & S. train, re. turning home. , The Best Tet Blue. Rlbbbon VanUla la the best yet. No matter what kind you've been using, you will like Blue Ribbon Van. Ma better. - was gone Into thoroughly during the remaining portion of the afternoon and this morning. Mr. Whitaker told in straightforward manner his entire connection with the Whitaker heirs and the work which ho had pursued for more than ten years. Has Remarkable Memory. Whether he be guilty under the government's charge or whether he be as Innocent as a new-born babe he forced the conclusion In the minds of perhaps a very great : majority of those who listened with interest to a recital of his eventful career' that he is a man endowed with a remarkable memory; that he Is a man of no mean ability; that he is a man who "has done some measure of good. In a most interesting and entertaining manner Mr. Whitaker traced the genealogy of the Whitaker family from Capt. John Whitaker of Revolutionary times to the present generation. He had dates and figures and names at his finger tips. He was never at a loss for words. He was not confused. The witness also told of how he had become' In terested In the matter and how about ten years ago he vent to England to Busy K Business men find this pure, delicious drink wonderfully refreshing and bracing in hot weather. It overcomes fetigue and exhaustion. , Keep it in the office and it will keep you fct for work. The Original Pure Food Drink, Guaranteed under U. S. Government Serial No. 3813. At all grocers, , 5c. a bottle, At soda fountains, 5c. a glass. Beware of imitations. funds and at times going broke. He said that of his own money he had spent $7,500. During this morning's session Mr. Whitaker told of his ar. rest In Dayton, O., this year and of the "confiscation" by some one of his pri vate papers and suit cases. He also said that two suit cases which he left in Asheville with their contents had been confiscated. He Identified some of the papers on the district attor ney s table as pan or me contents 01 the suit cases which he had in Day ton. Whitaker Find Geaiiae. He was asked relative to a certain affidavit which had been left In the suit case and which purported to be an affidavit from an English omciai that the John Whitaker fund -was a genuine fund. Witness said that the last time he saw the affidavit ft was in his suit case. Mr. Settle called on the district attorney for the affidavit It was not In evidence. Mr. Whitaker told of how he had searched the rec- make an iirVeatlgitfon. ,He .aaldl that learneel hahded- Balelgk Society. Raleigh July 18. Raleigh Is well la the midst of her mid-summer social lethargy, with the greater part of her v society folk at one and another , of the easlae and mountain resorts or trav eling far In this country and abroad. he first 'weni o the courts ittd learn ed the procedure which he must adopt relatrvs tothe, claim and then to the Bank ef England. He told of his en trance to the, Bank of England and how as he approached the entrance the "gate was opened and his name was called." He had a letter of Intro duction but his coming was known to down testimony that John Whitaker had loaned to the English government during the Revolutionary war large sum of money; that this money was loaned through a commission in the City of Philadelphia and that, this money had never been repaid. Thos left behind aro making the betM the bank officials. He testified that I tuey can of life while the summer "drags its length along" by partici pance in "hay rides" to Milburnie, lit tle basket picnics to the parks and; other means of passing pleasant even. lngs. ; - i'-. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mahler are travel-' lng in aCnada for a few desks. ' Mrs. Bessie Leak and Miss Annie during his conversation with gentleman . who . was Introduced the le was as sick as sick could be. Friends could give but sympathy aglNow he's well and strong as three. chief, account of the Bank of Eng land the Chief accountant took down a certain record and showed him. that there wsa a fund in Enaland' for the heirs of John .Whitaksr and that this I ! fund aggregated $96,000,000. - : Research la Eaglaad, ' ' Mr. Whitaker told of his research Since taking Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea, ' " ; " v i , Davls Pharraay. HAIR DYES KILL HAIR The 20th Centary Hair Teale wiB make the kalr BEAUTIFUL. , This article is not a DTE, ' but Is made by the re celps of the lead ing dematollglsts of the United States; :' and Is guaranteed under the drugs ; Act passed by Con-' gress Serial No. 8774. ; The use of this preparation will make you appear younger ana pre serve your HAIR and SCALP at all times. : ' . NITER FAILS TO Restore Gray Hair to Its Hataral Celer and beaaty.. Promotes a luxur ant growth of HIALTHT hair. Stops FALLING hair, cares any BI8EASI ot the scalp. ABsOLUTKliX removes dandrnff. ' The best hair D RE 88111ft It to the WORDSS at tk AGE. ' Two sites SOe and $1.00 per hot tie, at OXUG 8T0K1S.. If you fall to lad It; send as the price of the larger slse, we will send It by return pre paid express. TBI Mtk CENTURY CIHVJCAL COl ' ' Dept. N. Memphis, Tens. C D. BRADHAM, Druggist v Special Ageat - Ladles I N. Bv-W have ft eemflete Use af white aad gray enamel ware for the klteaea, J. 8. Basalght Hardware Cempaay. - Ice Cream delivered to any part ot the city at 6e per nuart McSorley. at A 1 TOC CAN TELL A 600D FORK by the way it Is made. By the way it balances when you handle it f Ge one of ours to help you out In your garden work. It makes digging more like play than work. Want anything else in the wy ot hardware? . We have it if it ia good. We haven't It if ft is worthless. This is a quality hardware shop. , .1 OHWWHO-C-O-O ... ., Root have reached Interlaken, Switz- while In England and found te effect erland, on their European pleasure I that be must get, authority from the trip. rt - ' , , : , , j heln to Walm aad sacura this' sum. Mrs. Frank 8tronach and Miss Nan-The witness also told of his second nle Hay are at Black Mountain for a (visit to England in 1901 and how the while. . -.: ... : -'.v , a . ; ' i; I aathoritfes J had , become auspicious; Miss SallW Gogg and Miss Galilei how another" chief accountant was In Dortch are traveling In Canada during I the JBank of England and, how egorts July and August '' ' '" (Were made1 to check-mate his every Mrs. H. E. Colton and Miss Eleanor! move. He testified that the first chief Vug have gone for a sojourn of sev eral weeks at Saratoga. , CempUmeatary Party, Miss Mary Louise Waters entertain- ker said that he had persistently pur accountant admitted (hat there was a Whitaker claim and that the iflaim was lust: that 'tha second chief - sc eountant nevee dented SL Mr.f Whita-I , - U 'Tiig He M Great" BY REV. JOHN J. DOUpLASJ ' ' Fortalo at 1 ; GEO. B. WATERS'. : ; ThU booL need no reeonuaendAtioi. to the peo ple of New Cem, other C kn to know thot ovr fomtr townsrv Her. John J. V u tLe fttzlSor. , '103 iVJDDLE STHLXT , " dao n , , 1 ill: , I '. "' ". ..iii.iii in . " it f ; ' Mil ill i I rJCW M'Mi l yA'&'P-'k 1 . 1 . A f I " I . V Have JtMt Mowed Into 1 l vvv 'TTieirrrand - livery. Fc;J, I'll c? :iC3 Eatt trcnt ieet, new : Ileuie PuYcr CriJ;c Special attention paid to livery as J hzzrClzj fccrti. i! , r:o;v rj)Y rori business. 4 I d la her . charming manner at her I sued his work, using his own prlvata)- i