tiis sun, i:::;? bern, n. a, august n, i::x r. Ml J- STANDING Of TBS CLUBS ' 4 coxes out tea Tin. d'r)i;00H 7. If you have any Work to ; . to ba done phone us :: ."i:faffqtii" Macmnima, xounuera, Boiler Makers & Black- PIIIIMin ..r . .. Phone) 179 THE KORTH CABOLDU COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND KECHANIC ARTS Practical education In Agriculture; sn Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur ing, Dyeing and Industrial , Chemis try. Tuition MS a year; Board $1 a month 120 Scholarships. Exami nations tor admission at the College n September 2d. Address, THE PRESIDENT, West Balelgh, If. C UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1907. Bead of the State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS! College, Engineering, Pittsburg 68 37 .611 New York 57 37 .606 Chicago 66 38 .596 Philadelphia 48 41 .539 Cincinnati 48 50 .490 Boston 44 53 .454 Brooklyn 35 67 .380 St. Louis 31 63 .330 American League. Won. , Lost Pet Detroit 60 36 .625 St. Louis 59 39 .602 Cleveland 58 43 .574 Chicago 53 44 .546 Philadelphia 45 49 .479 Boston 46 51 .474 Washington 36 58 .383 New York 32 64 .333 Graduate, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy. library contains 48,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, cen tral heating system. New dor mitories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building, library. IN STUDENTS. 92 IN FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept 7, 1908. Address? tKANCIS P. TENABLE, President Chapel HI1L N. C GREAT BARGAINS w Com to our show room, 78 Bros tract and we can show you the baft and cheapest Buggies In Runabouts pen and top Wagons, Surrys, Bup Slea,' and Second Vehicles of other us from carts $25.09 very good, but ches? la price.;: - G. S. Waters & Son 78 BlOlf STREET. CITING OUT. the Struggle Dlseourages Many a Cltliea of New Bern. Around all day with an aching back; Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out Doan s Kidney Pills will give re- sewed life. They will cure the backache; Cure every kidney ill Here is New Bern proof that this is so: Mrs. N. Vincent 103 Craven street New Bern, N. C, says: "Doan's Kid 1 ney Pills cured me of backache sev eral years ago and at that time I gave a testimonial in their favor. Since then I have had no occasion to resort to any kidney remedy, as the relief I obtained has proven lasting. Before I learned of them, I had suffered con siderably from backache and distress Ins; pains In my loins. When I heard Doan's Kidney Pills highly recom mended, I obtained a box at Brad tam's Pharmacy and it required only , short use to cure me." .., For sale by all dealers. .Price (0 cents. Foster-MUburn r Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. , f Remember the name Doan's -and ' take no other. .Heavy, . Impure blooa makes muddy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, Indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, y pale, sickly, y Burdock Slood Bitters makes the blood rloh, ed, pure rtotores perfect health. : CareUaa League ; Won. Lost Greensboro ........ 46 , 35 Spartanburg 47 It Greenville ......... 44 34 Winston ......I.... .40 ;' ',. it Charlotte ......... 34 46 Anderson ......... 30 48 P. Ct .568 .666 .564 .431 .425 .385 Eastern Carolina League. ' Won. Lost Wilmington ....14 9 Wilson 12 8 Goldsboro 11 , 9 Raleigh 5 16 National League. Won. Lost Pet .609 .600 .550 .238 "Pet Southern League. Won. Lost Pet. Nashville 48 40 .545 New Orleans 50 43 .538 Mobile 49 44 .527 Memphis '. 49 46 .516 Atlanta 46 44 .611 Little Rock 49 50 .495 Montgomery 45 46 .495 Birmingham 32 57 .360 Virginia League Won. Lost. P. Ct. Richmond 57 34 .626 Danville 54 35 .607 Roanoke 43 48 .473 Portsmouth ... 39 48 .448 Lynchburg 37 50 .425 Norfolk 37 51 .420 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Carolina.' At Charlotte Charlotte-Greensboro, game postponed; rain. At Anderson Anderson-Greenville, game postponed; rain. At Spartanburg Spartanburg Winston 7. 0. Eastern Carolina. At Raleigh Raleigh 1; Wilmington At Wilson Goldsboro 0; Wilson 5. NattonaL At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Chic ago, postponed; rain. At New York New York 4; Cincin nati 4, (Called end ninth, darkness). At Brooklyn Brooklyn-St Louis, postponed, wet grounds. Two games tomorrow. At Boston Boston-Pittsburg, rain. American. At Cleveland Cleveland 12; Wash lnxton 1. W. B. -Xeredftk Cre4es easatla m Virginia Bar AsseeUttea. By Wire to Tbs .-, . Hot Springs, Va., Aug. CWWyndham R, Meredith, of . RkhmonC Vs.. the president': of the Virginia Btata Bar Association and a prominent and life long democrat, came out "tonight in an Interview declaring that he would vote for Judge William H. Taft for presi dent this fall against Wlllam J. Bryan. "I have never voted for, Mr. Bryan, and I shall not vote for him this year," said Mr. Meredith. "There are two threatening dangers In the coun try. The one Is plutocratic Cannon Ism and the other is radical firyanlsm; therefore there is no democratic ticket to vote. Judge Taft stands for the .606 enforcement of the Roosevelt policies, wo most-' It not all, of which have had .539 the . hearty approval of all thinking men in the south, as well as in everv 454 other section of the country, and he .380 will enforce them within the law and not outside the constitutional govern ment, as has been charged against the president by his enemies." Mr. Meredith appeared rather enthu siastic over his announcement though he declared that he did not expect to take an active part In the republican campaign this fall. The democratic members of the Vir ginia Bar Association are Indignant that Mr. Meredith has come out at this time, during a meeting of the associa tion for the support of "Sir. Taft. They are considering, it is said, offering a resolution condemning Mr. Meredith for his statement The . bolt of this prominent lawyer has caused a sensa tion, for Mr. Meredith occupies the highest social position and is related to many of the most prominent fami lies in Virginia. He is a club man of independent means and one of the most popular citizens In Richmond. The Bar Association began its twen tieth annual session at the Homestead Hotel this morning. The program con templates day and evening sessions, to end with a banquet Thursday, evening. Judge Taft will address the associa tion Thursday. Mr. Meredith today discussed the federal control of Inter state commerce. This evening Armis- tead C. Gordon, of Staunton, outlined he legal foundations of socialism." The Man and' the Corporation" has been chosen by former United States Sen ator William Lindsay, of Kentucky. for his address tomorrow. Wednesday evening Holmes Conrad, of Winchester will bring back the memories of the abolished old county court. On Thurs day the program will open with an address by Henry C. McDowell, of Lynchburg, giving some misconcep tions as to federal procedure. Judge Taft will talk during this meeting on what he regards as the most important question now before the American peo ple the more prompt and economic administration of justice, both criminal and civil. ' The first meeting of the session was largely attended, many of the mem bers of the association, with their families, having arrived at the resort Sunday. John Garland Pollard, of Richmond, chairman of the executive committee, opened the session with a brlet statement of Its purpose. An invocation was pronounced by , Rev. John G. Scott, after which President 0; 6; New York 1 At Chicago Chicago 2; Boston 3. At Detroit Detroit 5; Philadelphia Meredith was presented. 3. ' Mr. Meredith made an exhaustive At St Louis St Louis 6; New York legal analysis of his subject, all lines 2. of his argument leading to the '"twi- At St Louis Second game, St Louis Ht Kne." where , state and 'federal control of commerce and corporations are supposed to merge or conflict lie pictured the modern day tendency to oat. warn cnange in state and federal eon. ovuincrn. , :, At Atlanta Montgomery 6; Atlanta !st,tut,on nd ta 8tlnped for new land riraatln 1rla1aflnn. a 0. At Little Rock First game, Little Rock 8; Memphis 1. Second game, Little Rock 4; Memphis L At Mobile Mobile 2; New Orleans 1. At Nashville First game, Nashville 13; Birmingham L Second game, Bir mingham 5; Nashville 4. . Sent AUaitle At Columbia Columbia 3; Augusta 2. (10 Innings.) - At Jacksonville Jacksonville 1: Charleston X. : . , ; . Virginia -At Roanoke Roanoke . 6; Ports mouth 2. - , - At Lynchburg Lynchburg 1; Rich mond 3. r - , ( - At Norfolk Norfolk 0; Danville 2. ' '''1 1 i' .',' ' ; '! '.,- :' ' Iltcbing plies provoke profanity, but profanity won't curt them. Doan's Ointment cures Itching,; bleeding or protruding piles after year of suffer ing. At any drug store. and drastic legislation; of attempted new construction of old legal prin ciples. All of which, he said, was a movement of the people, brought about by misbehavior on the part of the corporations. The country's great safe guard from the encroachment of elth er state or federal power over ' the feedom of commerce. Mr. Meredith pointed out Is the conservatism of the supreme court of the United States. That the states have an Important field In the, control of corporations created by them was pointed put by Mr. Meredith, and the limitations of this field outlined. He also dwelt at considerable length on the rate making problem contending ,'that thf result ougnt not to diminish rates tor trans portatlon below a profit making point - After he Mad listened to the speech of President Meredith, Judge Taft re marked Jocularly as be congratulated Mr. Meredith, "I am certainly glad that someone has made a speech, that is longer than , the one 1 delivered at ,Mr. Taft was given an Informal re- ii My kf M. R. at. w m ssmi for twnty-Bv ;mti Bo Unto Bleed Btlm (B. B. B.) faa ba eurlor yaarly thouaande ( ivStrari from Primary, Seoondarv or Tortlurf Bleod Peiaoa and ail Jorma of Bload XMaaaaa. W. aolictt the moat ebatiMte eaaaa for S & B. eurea where alt alae falla. If yon have exhauatad the old methods of treatment and atlll have achaa and paina la bonea, pack or Jolnta, Rheu matism. Muoua 'Patches in mouth, Sora Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Satins sofas, are run down or nervous. Hair or Eyebrows falling- out take B. B. B. It kills the nolaon. niku tha blood pure and rloh, haaltns' every a ore and completely changing; the- entire body Into a clean, healthy condition, Itchlnr. : watarv bllatar or amii. Itching humora, Risings or pimples of Eczema all leaves after killina- tha poison and purifying- the blood with B. B. B. In thla way a flood -of pure, rich blood is sent direct to the skin surface, the itching stops forever and every humor or sore is healed and cured. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM IB. B. B.1 - Is pleasant and safe to take; com posed of pure Botanic Ingredients. It purines and enriches the blood. C D. BBADHAJPS Drag Store, $1 ptr Large Bottle with directions fer home cure, ". I 17 Free Blood Cure Coupon '.This coupon (cut from The New Bern N. C Sun, is good for one large sample of Botan ic Blood Balm mailed free in plain packages. Simply fill in Sour name and address on dotted ines below and mall to BLOOD 1ALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. State name of trouble, if you knOW.-..:,. . ...... (& 5AYIHC, . HOHET -Almost every man has read the : Talry Talest of the Clothiers, ta the newspapers and maga- tines. '.'-1 . '. V, ' . .. . -t ,. ; , . . . Almost every man has been disappointed and dlsgueUd on ' ' looking at the Clothes they pre- ; trad to descrtbo.:';; - - -". We Invite these men U oalV at our store to be most agree.'; ably surprised. It's easy to ' draw picture of Men's Clothes as they should be, but Its not so easy , to make the Clothes that look like tha nlrrnr We publish no misleading Illustrations hut we do know how tc- ' provide our patrons with the right kind of clothes. If you have hadt clothes troubles, sir we invite you to come to this store for relief. ' We will surprise you with the excellence of our Clothing, and please you with oar reasonable prices, Come you're next ' ' - i SAMUEL YOFFliE, 'i ON THE CORNER. , 62 MIDDLE ST. S ception as he entered the ball room of the Homestead Hotel, where the meeting was held. Of the 124 mem bers of the Virginia Bar present nearly every one presented himself fory an introduction or a friendly greeting. Judge and Mrs. Taft accepted an in vitatlon for a coaching party this af ternoon as the guests of H. St George Tucker, formerly president of the Jamestown Exposition Company. No republican politicians are here and no political conferences were held today. A letter Indorsing what Mr. Taft said on the labor question in his Cin cinnati speech from Ben E. Chapin, of Newark, KL J., editor of the Railroad Employee, was made public at the Taft 6f0ce here today. The proposed trip to the Greenbrier County Horse Show at White Sulphur Springs has been expanded to extend from Friday until . Sunday. The Taft party will begin the 40 mile drive over the mountains Friday morning and will remain at the resort until Sunday, when the return will be made by train. BEER DRINKERS, and others suf fer with Brlght's Disease, Diabetes, Bach Ache, or any Kidney or Bladder Trouble can be cured if they will take BLOODINE BLOOD AND. KIDNEY TABLETS, 50c. a bps, mailed by Tha Bloodlne Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. FeU Twenty Feet te His Death By Wire to The Sun.. v ..; : ;:: Roanoke, Va., Aug, 6. Charles Broomneld, white, aged 27, and unmar ried, while ascending to the ton of a well, clinging to a rope, lost his grip and fell to the bottom, a distance of 20 feet, striking on his head. . He died In a few minutes. Do you have that dark brown taste in your mouth every morning wwhen yau awake?' If son, you "are bilious, and should take two or three of those little BLOODINE LIVER PILL8, easy to take, never sicken, weaken or gripe, 25c. mailed by The Blooding Co., Inc., Boston Mass. ..';:'X:':W!- V Refused to Sarrendet With Lee By Wire -to The Sun. : i Staunton, Va., Aug. : (.David K. Shrockhlse a Confederate veteran who served as a member of the Sixty-sec ond Virginia Infantry, was four, times severely wounded, and who refused to surrender at Appomatox,: leaving to Join Johnston's army, passed f away near Mount Sidney, aged ( v He leaves four sons and two v daughters. .Had dyspepsia or . Indigestion for ears, wo appetite, and. what I did tat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Betters cured me."-J. H.. Wal ker, Sembury, Ohio. As a proof that" Buck's stoves and ranges are all right, we have sold with in a year 100 of them. J. 8. Baanight Hardware Company. . : . ;',; It has been proven by actual test, that B. P, 8. Paint Is all that Is Claim ed for It (As near perfection as paint can be made.) J. 8. Basnlght Hardware Company, ' , - Pll IMA af 1' T' W ' wvm 'WW Jf. W 1UC CX I v ..J r c : www - a ami - un,uuua Cabinets, each containing two , Vertical , File Drawers; one K J n i i j c 1? - " !. w-Meww vaiu uiuca gevuuii for 5x3 cards; together with Top and Base Section. J You can begin with one or two Sections if youlikr euraaaamore as you need them, q These "YandE" Methods keep you OUT of trouble, and you know very well what that's worth to you! tT" Shan't we mail you "Y and E" Sectional Catalog showing a great variety of Cabinets in com bination? i Write or'phone us! ' OWEN a DUNN ' Stationer. Printer & Blank Book Manufacturer. 69 Craven St NEW BERN, N. C A TRIP TO BALTIMORE Is especially attractive now via The Ciissapsake line Steamers Leave Norfolk daily, Except Sunday, AT 6:00 P. M. Club Breakfast 25 cts.; to 60 cts. t Table D'hote Dinner 75 cents. ' .. For particulars and reservations address, W.&W. CROXTON, T. P. Ai, E. T. LAME, : Norfolk, Va; " ; Gen. Agt. : E. J. CHISM, G. P. A., ; Baltimore, Md. " ; DO YOU ( HI0T7 FIIG7ESS0R COUDEU ? s Tke Kis Wkeie Cera Leetares aa4 Cera Trains Have lldei Kere thai Tweaty Mllllea Bssaels te t Cera Crep o! lews. ' Prot Holdea aas prepared tor as a book wbich gives tns oreaia , of bis lectures on Cora (rowing.;. It tells, an aboat seed seleetlom, seed testing, getting a stand, com Judging, eon" pests, etc, etc. ' .It Is practical tanner's nandlbook. It Is sot tbeory but praotlos 'just as It bas been worked out on tbs farm. '.The name of tola .' work 1 '? ' S;.; -;.;;' ;? y . :v :.:;; ? :;-r.::; -y''" 2 '-; tns a o c and cohri cuuurx ' CCSX YllCiXUt S05X Cf K3 CZXlTZr ' , '; ' A. L Root, the Teteran agriculturist and bee man, says; This book Is the most valuable work published la tbs last century It tbs - farmer prill take right bold of It with enthusiasm and put Its teach' ' Ings Into pnetj!r:)r i-'V.---;.; The book Is 81-4 by 11-4 Incneev Contains 100 pages and over 81 illustrations.; Well printed, neatly bound. We want to put thts book In the hands ot every lire farmer -and farmers' boy u the country, t and will mak tin rrtca low accordingly. !. ''''TX''s"-'-:- ' s . A B1EG1I5 rL:C2 Send is 11 1 cents, coin sr stamps, and ws ,wUl lead yos te book by ma!l postpaid, If, when yen get It, yci . are sot s&'Jlc4 drop as a card and we will return year mony, pol?r far t e ri'.-rn of Ce book. Could anything be f'-rf. 15- e-fs tiroifs rucuszixa cc-?A!cr, r-- -itz'" .'s c.i rjcx r c"v 1