::CT"' ' : 3 . ' 1 - 4 il --v- Ik .. j ii-K . ; 'J;-v'." ..-:" t: ' .' i ' Sig .J)' ; i iiVr-siwri4ii ij tni iiuori iiBilc!sorSBail W. I ui wiui I . : . Ir a. v ' r-' i .; ; ' - .7 n Th rtv Yoars . - ' txaet Copy of Wrapper. ' ." MHmwMMwr. HiiMim : ,'- .v , . Iff n ,...!. 17.ULIOT t:(- WtFctlitroftheV' 5.' Senate . -. i - - . IN SERTED THIBTYJFIYE TEARS DENTIST TELLS OF ASSAULT NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN I RAILWAY CO. -fstsgerald, Tfoleott ud Kerr, Re 4 r ; celvers. - ' v. Effective May 24, 1908. t ) TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN :26 a. m., 7:15 p. m. (Dally Except Sunday) For LaGrange, Cove City, t Dover, Klnston, Tugcarora, Gold V boro and Intermediate stations. 9:20 ni m. 7.00 p. m. (Sunday only) " For Tuscarora, Cove City, Klnston LaGrange, Goldsboro, and inter mediate stations. 9:27 a. m., 7:18 p. m. (Dally except Sunday) For Rlverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Uewport,. WlVdwood, t Morenead City; Beaufort and In. termedlate atations. 9: M a. m., 5:50 p. m. (Sunday only) Foi Riverdale, CroaUn, Havelock, Newport, Wildwood, Morehead City, -Beaufcrt and intermediate ' stationW ,3 Wit: I ; 7:50 p. m; (Dally except Sunday) For f Reelsboro, GranUboro, Bayboro, Oriental aui ' Intermediate sta uona. ' TiJO p. m. (Sunday only) For 4 Reela bora, GranUboro, Bayboro, 'f Oriental and intermediate stations. 9:25 a. m., (Daily Except Sunday) For vashingtoB,; Plymoutli, Co. lumbia, Belnaven, Edenton, Hert ford, Elisabeth. City, Norfolk, Suf folk and intermediate stations, : New Bern to Greenville, Farm ville, Wilson. Zebulon, Raleigh ' ' afid intermediate stations. Trains Arrive at Kew Ben 9:15 a. m.J 7:05 p. m. (Dally ex. v eept Sunday) From Goldsboro, - LaGrange, Klnston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and Intermediate sta tions. . i 9:20 a. m.; 5.50 p. hl (Sunday nly) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Kin toil, Dover. Cove, Tuscarora and 7 intermediate stations. - 9:20 a, m.; 7:10 p, m. (Dally except ' Sunday) From Beaufort." More. head City, Wildwood, , Newport, Havelock, Croatan, Rlverdale and intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m.; .7:00 p. m. (8unday only) f From Beaufort, Morehead City, Wildwood, Newport, Havelock, Croatanr Rlverdale and interme- . dlate stations. ,. . 9:00 a. m. (Dally) From Oriental, ' Bayboro ' GranUboro, , Reelsboro ', and intermediate :atlons. T:5 p. m.--(Dally except 8unday) v From Norfolk, : Suffolk, Elisabeth a City, Hertford, Edenton, Belhaven, ; 4 Columbia, Plymouth, Washington and intermediate statloni, Edenton NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY FltaccraM Woleatt Kerr. Reeclvcrrk SPECIAL OCCASION. Brammeat of North CarollM SUt Our at Msrekma vuj jmy xstm to 24th Awut 4th to leth, 1B08L fin nrrnunt nf th above ocoasion the Norfolk and Southern Railway have inaugurated the following schedule, be tween Beaufort. Atlantic Hotel, More- head City and Camp Glenn: ie io in 1 .OiBOO g US C Cr 00 oo M US IS 9 9 nut - AooooeeA Entered The Senate In 187S And Had Served Contlnioasly Ever Since Was Keiiber ef The House For Eight Tears. By Wire to The Sun. Dubuque, Iowa .Aug. 6. United States Senator W. B. Allison died at his home In this city. The immediate cause of his death was heart failure. The end came as a result of a serious sinking spell due to a prostatic en largement, complicated with kidney diseases, and during a period of un. consciousness, which had lasted since Saturday afternoon. News of the serious illness of the aged Senator was kept from the pub lic as much as possible until his death came as a surprise to the thousands of friends residing in this city. Only the more Intimate friends of the family were aware of his critical condition, : Senator Allison was born at Perry, Ohio, March 2, 1829. His boyhood days he spent on the farm, which was his birth-place. Reaching young manr hood, he secured his education in Alleghany College in Pennsylvani; and the Western Reserve College in Ohio. He was admitted to the bar in 1850 From 1850 to 1857 he practiced law In Ohio. In 1857 he removed to Du buque. He was a delegate to the National Republican Convention in Chicago in 1860. He was a member of the . Governor's staff during the Cl, vll War. In 1863 be was elected to Congress and served continuously un til 1871. In 1873 he was elected U. S. Senator from Iowa and represent ed his State in this capacity until the time of his death. either defeated or allowed to die? It was the steering committee more than any other sub.organlzatlon of the Sen-1 Testifies U Threat by A ceased And ate which directed the legislation in I ef His Plea to Be Spared connection with the Spanish Ameri-1 By . Wire to The 8un. carf war.. Indeed In latter years there I - Roanoke,. Va., Aug. 6. The trial bi has been little If any legislation of I E. M. Coulter, and Lee Keedlck, charg- moment which has not had the sane. led with assault upon Dr. W. 8. Gre. tlon of this organization. 1 gory, a dentist, who is alleged to have As a .' legislator, Mr. Allison gave offered an insult of Miss Theodore most of bis attention to the industrial I Irvin, of New York, while the latter and financial Interest of the country. I was a patient in his office, was begun Immediately after entering the Senate I in the police court this morning. he was made a member of the com- Dr. Gregory testified that Keedlck mlttee on appropriations and of that I snapped a revolver in his face, saying committee he became chairman in I he Intended to kill him because of 1881. the alleged insult to Miss Irvin, who He took his place on the committee I Is a sister of Keedick's wife. Dr. on Finance in 1877. Thus the vast Gregory acknowledged that he begged appropriations which have been made I Keedlck to spare his life on account by Congress during the past twenty-1 of bis wife and children. He also geven years have been made lmme-1 claims that Coulter struck him. Coul dlately under his scrutiny and super. I ter attempted to testify regarding vision. He has also given special at-1 what had been told him by Miss Irvin tentlon to all the revisions of the I in connection with the alleged insult tariff since that of 1883 and to all the I to her, but under a recent statute of financial legislation, Including the I he legislature this was not allow- country' sdealing with silver and the led. resumption of specie payments since the war of the rebellion. He has! It warms the heart like sunshine, day, Aug-uat t, not, t ana Including Sunday, Auauit t, 1908. Final limit three (J) aaya, inclualnf date of sale. Tlcketa sold on Friday, Anruat T, 108. from Norfolk Division Station! and Pamlico Division Stations North of - Washing-ton, N. C, not including- Wash ington, will be limited to Monday, Aug-, ust 10th, 1908. ; No atop overs allowed " in either' direction. Usual week end, ; five days and Sunday tickets on sale. First Regiment and Artillery In Camp July 18th to 24th, 1908; Third Reglmsnt in camp August 4th to loth, 1908. Through train Raleigh. N. C. to Morehead City and Beaufort, N. C and return, Hunday, July 19th, and August 9th. 1908; usual low round trip. Sunday raies. R. E. L. Bunch. H. C. Hud grins. Traffic Manager, Gen. Pas. Art. Norfolk, Va. F. W. Tatem, Dlv. Pas. Agt Goldsboro, N. C. NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY Fltsgerald, Woleott and Kerr, Receivers Sunday train service low round trip fares from Raleigh, N. C, Wilson. Farmvllle, Greenville. Washington, New Bern, N. C, and intermediate statlonO to the great Atlantic Ocean resort Morehead City and Beaufort. N. C. Bun days, July 19th, August 9th and 234, 1908. First Regiment Infantry, North Caro lina Guard, and Artillery in Cama Morehead City, N. C, July 18th, to JuU 24th, 1908. Third Regiment lnianiry w Camp, August 4th to August 10th, 19 Trains will be operatea on me ioiiow- ing schedule: always been regarded as a conserv a-1 cheers the soul like wine; gives bope tive, on all these questions, but it for the future, blots out the past, was ever noticeable that while ap. That's what Holllster's Rocky Moun- pearlng to defer to the Judgment of u,n Tea does- 35 centa Tea or Tab" others, he very seldom yielded his lets- Davis Pharmacy. LONG BATTLE WITH LYNCHERS own convictions, and his friends as sert that the legislation of the past fskttw vaora nrfll ntinw t a nAnatnatlnn of as many of his Ideas as of those of Prl8nr .8ht.b?.H,,,ta ,0r AHeRed any other men in Congress during that period. " nnnm 8 rio a ... n S .cues ees mi Mf : gj . ,. Is ir.r.n m 4 .ioii I I ! e ia la o u oeaoae , -oS ' 1-81 ?3 First train leaves Atlantic Hotel at 9:15 a. m,, and la not operated from Beaufort Last train artrves Atlantic Hotel at 12:20 a. m., and is not operated to Beaufort. Tick els on sale July 18th to 2Sd, 1908, Inclusive, and August 4th to 9th, 1908, Inclusive, at the following- fares: Between Camp Glenn and Morehead City (Uptown) and Atlantlo Hotel Ave cents one way, ten cents round trip. Beaufort fifteen cents one way ana twenty-nve cents rouna trip. - n v. RiinRh. H. C. Hudglns. Traffic Mgr. ; ; Gen. Pas. Agt F. W. Tatem, Dlv. Pas. Agt . MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to' a power of sale con tained In that certain Mortgage exe cuted by 8. A. Gaskins and S. E, Gasklns, bis wife to T. D. Arnold, bearing date the 10th day of Febru ary, 1905, the t same being; recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Craves county, in Book 153, Page 442, 1 will sell at the court house door la Craven county, N, C, on Wednesday the 7 day of September, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., to the highest bidder for cash all of the following de scribed .tirpperty- aa conveyed Jn the mortgage aforesaid towfU j:: 7; -On the North side of Neuse river, in Craven county, being the land will' ed bv V. A. Thomas. to J. A. Thomas, to New Bern: Raleigh, ( Wendell, Mary c. -xhomas and S. IV Thomas, bounded by the land of G. W. Thomas, A. 8. Everlngton and J. A. Everlng' ton ' and4 others,' containing 125 acres, more or ' lee's being ny home place also one open buggy and harness bought, of James Blddle. 4 .. - .- ; , i , . T. D. ARNOLD, i ctniAn ' Wllsnn. . Farmvllle. .'..1, WWIIIflVH) . . . " w , ' " Greenyllle and internfediate sts kmV: tlont. ' pir .-: .'nv 5-- Oa June 7th and 21, July 6th andltth - 'August t and 16th, train will leave v New Bern for Beaufort at 11:11 a. h.,' returning will arrive in New Bern :25 p. m. SALESMAIT WAKTS9 TO SELL BE. ,ail tade (5 to I14Q per month and ' expenses or commission. Expert. ' . enoe unnectssary. Hermlngsen Cl ' fV Co, Toledo, O,' .' J Mortgagee. New Bern, N. C, Aug. S, 1908. 1 Doan's , Reguleta cur constipation without griping, nausea, , nor any weakenllng effects. Ask your drug' gist for them. 25 cents per' box. - Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 6.When told of Senator Allison's death, Mr. Bryan said: "Mr. Allison has had a long and conspicuous career. While be has been for many years a leader of his party, he has enjoyed the confidence of the country regardless of party and his death will be -sincerely mourn' ed." Allison's Career In Senate . To Senator Allison, more especially than to any other man who ever oc cupied a seat in that body, belong the title of "Father of the Senate," he was not only one of the oldest men in that body, but he held the record beyond air Others for length of service there, More important still, his service in the Senate waa such that his title to position depneded not at all upon his advanced age or extended service. Senator Allison was at the time of his death and had been for a third of a century, a leader in fact as well as in name. r Mr. Allison entered the Senate on March 4, 1873, and had served contin uously ever since, making the longest period as a member of that body ever covered by any individual. When he died today he has Just Completed the fifth month of the 86tb year of his occupancy of this Important post His present term-wouldl have expired March 4, 1909, but he had already been nominated by primary for still an other term, Thus, if death had not Interfered his service in the Senate was assured until March 4, 1913. If he had lived until that date, he would have just completed his fortieth year in the Senate. : Service In The Hoise In addition to his service in the Senate Mr. Allison had previously giv en eight years of his life to the House pf Representatives. -, 1 , ; I By virtue of his position as chairman of the Republican caucus and espec ially of the steering committee. Mr. Allison was the technical leader of the Senate, and by virtue of his abilities he shared the real leadership of that body, with only one or two others.' As chairman of the steering committee he was permitted to select his own as sociates and thus he became In a "pe. culiar sense the arbiter pf the fortunes of legislation in the Senate, for, as Is generally known this committee, al though not recognised by law, prac tically determines what important bills shall be passed and what shall be Feel .languid, weak, run down? Head ache? Stomach ;"off"t Just a plain case of laxy liver. Burdock Blood Bit ters tones liver and Stomach, promotes digestion, purifies the blood. Undue Intimacy, Rescued By Wire to The Sun. Richmond, Va., Aug. 6. Jacob L. Hechler is believed to be mortally wounded and Royal E. Ellerson is in Hfteheock Delnwl With letter, for the clty jaU on a char8e oI aempted uiuruer. me snooting iook Diace in BATTLE RAGES OYER HUGHES. Raleigh . . . Boushall . . Knlghtdale Eagle Rock Wendell ... Zebulon . . . Middlesex , Bailey Neverson . , Wilson Evansdale Stantonsburg Z Hechler's home today. Hechler ac. cused Ellerson of Improper conduct toward' his wife, and Ellerson shot him three times twice in the face and once in the lungs. And Against Governor. By Wire to The Sun. New York, Aug. 6. In spite of as surances that the national committee intends to remain neutral in the diS' pute over the selecti6n of a republican candidate for governor, voters, includ- in gbusiness men and politicians, the former in a majority, have been' delug ing the national chairman, Frank H. Hitchcock, with letters which offer Mt'tllltISVttSiJ'' c" s"Bd"7 suggestions for and against Governor The Norfolk and Southern Railway an a .has Inounce the following reduced rates HUgnes. I Klnston. N. C. and return, account of Mr. Hitchcock refused to state today tne aoove occasion. - that the sentiments expressed were, I Day. for the most part, favorable to the sti t"0... I . 'XI governor's renomlnatlon. He insisted LaGrange ... ... ... uover tnat ine position oi tne committee as Cove NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY Fltsgerald Woleott aad Kerr. Receivers. SPECIAL OCCASION. Two Days. he had heretofore expressed it, was New Bern distinctly that of an organization Rlverdale which desired to learn the drift of I Havelock' .36 .30 .50 .65 1.00 1.25 1.30 1.50 Si e " CO 2.7 1. T 2. ? 2.7S 2.79 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7S 2.2 2.20 t.l 2.20 2.2 2.2S 1.7 1.7 1.7S 1.70 1.7S 1.7 1.7t 1.7 1.70 1.41 1.41 1.41 1.2 1.2t public opinion, even though it was wwood' is! not able to take any active steps one Morehead City I Beaufort way or the other. Reelsboro If the majority of the letters from nboror0 up-state voters is in favor of Mr. Oriental , u,.v,o nnnnstinn i ,, I Tickets on sale Sunday, August 9th, Hughes, the opposition is losing no m8j llmited as above from day of sale! 2.05 2.25 1.35 1.40 1.55 1.90 85 .55 .40 .35 .66 .75 1.10 1.35 1.46 1.65 1.90 2.00 2.25 2.45 1.40 1.50 1.65 2.00 H. C. Hudglns. Oen'l Pas. Aet P. W. Tatem, Dlv. Pas. Agt time to impress the committee with the l1 L. Bunch, ' I Traffic Mgr. iaci mat it oeueves tne governor to be "undesirable." William L. Ward, a memoer oi me national committee i Dyspepsia is America's curse. Bur- and its representative at headquarters I dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspep. in the absence of Mr. Hitchcock has I Bia every time. It drives out impuri- had several conferences with the na- j ties, tones the stomach, restores per. tional chairman, and has told him that I feet digestion, normal weight, and the national ticket will profit most I good health. by the selection of another candidate. Mr. Hitchcock is determined, how-1 Norfolk and southern railway ever, to take no step at present, and nt Wttltoi Kerr probahly Will not unless it snould ap- I Encampment North Carolina National pear that there is peril to Mr. Taft In O-arat moj tne opposition oi tne state macnine tousus. ,., ji j .-1 xiouna xrip jricxeis on saie ax ex Mr. Hughes t candidacy, or that the ceedingly low fares from the following lruAl leaders are Isrinrlnfi' nuhlln snn. I stations: tlment ia their war on. Governor Hughes. Mr. Hitchcock will go to Oyster Bay to take luncheon with the president on Friday. He will, of course, discuss the campaign and It Is probable that the new York situation will take up a large part of the lnter- ..i . ' I From Ivroiuauv.v, ................ v. . Bests N. C. Public Service Commission, was a call- Falling Creek !n! c.' N. C. N. C some information which Mr. Hitchcock Dover N. c. Beanfort Dlvlalosu afterward described as "interesting, as Tuscarora N. c. . N. C. . are all conferences with republicans irdai?' N c" and those Interested in the success of Croatan !'.'.n! c!! HnW Havelock N. C. . the ticket. . ' NewDort N. C. . Gen. T. Coleman Dupont. national Wildwood ............. N. c. S fllMaimeal Hmsimbi Delaware, was Reelsboro N. c. . named today-as director of the speak- aor era' bureau. ; General Dupont will Oriental U,J,,N" c" move his family to this -city and will Raleigh N. c. n. u.. ....... N. c. palgn. Other callers at headquarters Zebulon .............. .N. C. . included John P. Hill, member of the Bailey ....'.'!!!.'!!.'!!'.'n! c'.'. national committee from Maine, and" ""oVaouVi''"" c'.'. the state chairman.' Mr. Boyd, both Waistonburg !!!!!'.'.!!! N. c. ". of whom urgedMr. Hitchcock to send o?Zvnie :'.'.'.'.'.vt'. C.'. . . . N. C.. ...N. 42. . dential candidate, and senator W. E. I Pamiio ditIrIom Borah, of dah,T.to :tpeak ' in' Ifaln teri2ic,;.': I Y.Y. '. " cY this monthOvs.?'---Washington i ' , rineiown :, ' '-I iPlvmnnth . .1 .1 Itching. , bleeding., protruding or .wtn rerry blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment I Columbia ...... Chronic cases soon relieved, final!) pan tego mrA nrnrsiofa all m11 t I Belhaven '. . t (..... ,T7. C ,N. C. lli),.th OIv ........ .N. a. mv shoe basin. I henbr H mil Tickets on sale from Beaufort Dtvls ' - If O..AIMH. I.nli.lni A.I..I . . t)....k .N. C .N. C... .N. C... .N. C... .N. C... .N. C... .N. C... .N. C... N. C... J-0 2.26 2.15 2.05 1.95 1.85 1.75 1.65 1.55 1.45 1.85 1.25 1.15 .90 .50 .40 1.45 1.60 1.75 2.00 4.50 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.40 4.26 3.45 3.46 3.45 8.46 3.45 8.05 2.75 2.10 2.60 2.90 1.46 4.20 4.55 5.16 5.63 4.70 5.55 5.70 ......$ 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.50 2.60 ...... 2.50 2.60 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 Waistonburg 2.00 Farmvllle 2.00 Arthur z Greenville 1-50 Simpson Law Grimesland 1-60 Bryan 1.60 Chocowlnlty 1-50 Washington 150 Chocowlnity t-ou Frederick 1-50 Bragaw 1.B0 Vanceboro 1-25 Ernul 1-25 Askin Bridgeton 100 H Parn t . . 1.00 Fares for children nve lo years or age and under twelve (12), half of above fares. Elckets limited date of sale. No baggage will be checked; N stop overs allowed. Bathing, Sailing and Ashing. Spend a day at the sea shore. Through train service. No change of cars. The Atlantic Hotel. Morehead City, N. C, now open for the season. R. E. L. BUNCH, Traffic Manager, M. W. MAGUIRE, General Sup't H. C. HUDGINS, (Jeu'l Pas'r Agent, Norfolk, iTa. Fv W. TATEM, Division Pas. Agt Goldsboro, N. C LEGAL NOTICES X0BTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale con. tained In that certain Mortgage Deed executed by L. M. Satterthwalte and Harriet T. Satterthwalte, his wife, to William Dunn bearing date of Au gust 18th, 1903, and recorded in the office of . Register of Deeds of Cra ven County in Book 147, page 182, I will offer for sale and will sell to the highest .bidder" for. cash, at the Court House door in New Bern, Craven county, at 12 o'clock M., on the 17th Day of August, 1908, the following described property, tc wit: : :: : : Being one-fourth of the two lots No. 95 and 96 in the plan of River side laid out and recorded in the of fice of Register of deeds of Craven County Beginning at a point on Griffith Street, 160 feet from Gulon Street, thence in a Southwardly di rection 50 feet along Griffith street, ' thence in a Westwardly direction and parallel with Gulon Street 109 feet, 4 Inches to the East line of lot No. 94, thence in a Northwardly direction with said Une of lot No. 94 50 feet, thence In an Eastwardly direction and parallel with Gulon Street 109 feet, 4 inches to the beginning. July 14th, 1908. WILLIAM DUNN, Mortgage MOORE AND DUNN, Attorneys. 7-15-30t. I Edenton irishlna a dawnta all m ll Hertford ' c wv wv sasuvj syv I .1 4.95 5.40 6.05 mi.. j .4 . . . . , lion utations mciumng urieniai nrancn, Illlnery department fer sale. This 1st R.ieish Division stations and Pamitco a good thing In a bnslaess war and division Stations, between Washington, gova twins; m siBcss way ana N an)J New Beri)f N c (aat)y)i from ch ov miagsi on easy terns py ngmi other stations taaiiy, except Hunaay) 4 winmi 1VT leaturaay, juiy is, ivvs, o ana inciua party, a. JUttlUAA r v Thursday. July 21. 1908. and Mon I w - - North Carolina Craven County, Superior Court J. M. Cox, et al., vs. New Bern Lighting and Fuel Co. Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to the order of the superior court of Craven county,. N. C, In the above entitled action, the undersigned having qualified as permanent receiver of" the New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company, hereby notifies al persons having claims against said New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company to present the same, showing also priorities where they make claim tor priorities, duly authenticated, to the undersigned, on or before the 15th day of August, A. D., 1908, at the office of the New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company, In New Bern, N. C. :.; : ;,; : All persons Indebted to said com pany will please make Immediate set tlement. GEO. A. NICOLL, v ' ' Permanent Receiver. This July 4th, 1908.

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