THE SUH,, NET7 BEEN) K C., AUGUST, 6 1903 ft FtirmprR Wealth- comes out of the 'gTund, "'and eterr yeJeVpruaefr more than all tha;gold and stiver' mines. ,. iXVvi ir? IL $owever, he tavjitt'; hia earnings lii nuAa 'T turn be cannot get khead., -fer'l ' v'. , ' -'V He has," mdeeda told mine atlhla door, and IfVh will out put his spare money ln saTlnga account In- thUbankv he wttlgaln fowrrper cent interest, have his money where he can, get It if, he. wants to Increase or Improve his farm, . and he can rest-secure and content- ' ' c. jab. a. JUiAiJEiOf rres. wv jgv'TTM. B. BLADES, Tlce Pres. I I V, Nptoiore neaimanagrowxn man tne iooa ne eats. Nestle's . Food, ; Malted Milk, Mellin's f Robinson's Pat- ent rariey, reptogemc muk Powder. .. .JMaiiy- other- things - for, ,Pun!. . and,Pbwder Boxes, Infants' Hair Brushesr Nipples, Sterilizers, Nursing Bottles, Teeth-j ing Rings, Bottle Brushes, etc. : 1 5 " BRAPHAMEW At Pollock and Middle Streets, r , ,, t, j r'r' ' ' ' . i ' - i i ' ' ?, is! r :pays(tOuMcaMlMetfyo Chose ! is rsejlhan none. , -m r CYou 'catt' depend on? the; hose1 'you ' buy here. We carry the famous Roesket brand. it m stand the highest pressure and; out last any other.' Lerusshow I I Custls House and IjdL t of Pollock street I .icfs ; lmttWtxoil&i Mat, kiHok ortt KOreat feargalh)' U a Vacant Lota George. and National Avenue." ; ";';"-'y, , v:. t . S-: ; r. , .- ....... , .,..-....., ... , .... ElUtaanj Iasarance Ageat i Roony W5 Elks temnletttake elevator)'. ; Telephone. 400. 1 irr t i mi - ; TO H?JtTlCp u. risjwusxun, wim . JL GEEE5, Tie Pres. JoC portant, to the , baby's! r R11 V nrfTi(fl Uarden 1 ools (.den hose often so hV I . 5. , if' - ..... .. ... 0 think that a fan is verj epeni sive. Consider the beheflt 4e rived Yrn''lt-;,TwlU keep1 you . cojol Uf the warmest of weather, u vi USUI. PVlhi auu VUI ; jbut comparatively small sum. . - .We're, prepared vUj u.uip your,' ylac jjth ettncjbn, war ranted to give satisfaction, at -1 fewest 'pflce. 1 BeSt 'tesulU as- ,neeured-.'fOnr,repmiatlon) hi guarv ; SDFiiY C0:!PAIIYr h ii fi....rr-t-n--CT-a- CtPnplt&mb GoiMj Sea ox Troau awf Ehtwkert. Mr. EL B. Lewis, of Klnston, N. C returned from Oriental, Pamlico coun ty this morning on the P. O. and W. rain where he haa been In the In terest of the . Woodmen of the World, and left on the west bound train re turning home. . ? Mr. Jack Street, went down to 8al talr, Carteret county this morning, where he will spend his ten days vaca tion on the sound. ... . . . f Mr. H. P. Dorch, ef Goldsboro, N. C, arrived in the city this morning in the interest of the Norfolk and Southern Sallroad Company. ' Mr. E. H. Jordan, who has been spending a lew weeks at Black Moun tain, returned to the city , this morn- 1 Mr. Pempsey Wood, of Falling Creek passed through New Bern this morn ing ea route to Moreheadf City on a puslnesa -visit. '-.Araw pt lUleigh, soliciting agent for the Southern rail road company, arrived in New Bern this morning to spend the day In the city in 'the interest of the company. Mr. Andrews has many friends here who are glad to see him at any and all times, Mayor A. C. Avery, of Cove City, came down to New Bern this morning for a short stay on official business Mf. B. B. Davenport, returned home this morning from a visit to his farm in Pamlico county. Mr; W. J. Swan, of Stonewall, Pam llco county, arrived In the city this morning on the P. O. and W. train on a short business, visit. Mr. Chas. Luydam, of Edenton, N. C., has been spending a few days pit Oriental. N. C. He tame ud to New Bern this morning to spend the day here, which was his childhood home Col. W. B. Rodman, was a passenger on the New Bern and Norfolk train this morning returning to his home In Washington, N. C. Mr. Carl Richardson, ot Washington, after spending a few days at the sea shore, came up on the west bound train this, morning and left on the New Bern and Norfolk train returning home. Mr. H. S. Styron, went over to Ati rora this morning where he will load t barge with lumber for the northern market. 1 Mr, W. C. Hines, of Greenville, N. C who has-been down to Oriental with his blood hounds, trying to track a negro, Who was. wanted there for -a murderous assault on a white - man, passed through New Bern returning home without any special results. Mr. Mark Dlssoway, left this morn ing on the east bound Norfolk and Southern train going down to Shack- leford Banks for a couple of V.weeks' visit . v- :; Mr. George A. Wood, returned to the city last evening from Beaufort where he has been spending a few weeks With his family who are spending the summer there Hotel Arrivals. The following out of town folks ar rived in the city this morning on the different trains and are registered at the various hotels: Hazelton: J. J. Atkinson. N. C: H. W, Cummings,' N. , C; E. D. Mlllner, Norfolk, Va.; E. B. Hartshorn, Wash ington,' D. C; Ben, May, Beaufort, N. C; M, W. Foscue, Trenton, N. C; F. Brock, Tronton, N. C; J. A. Morton, Harlowe, N. C; A J. Maxwell, Dover, N. C. vr - ;;:; Gem Hotel: 3. C. Luyden, N. C: J. R. Jamlnson, St. Louis; L X. Pell, Va. Gaston Hotel: W. R. Owens, Phil adelphia; WMH.: Holland, Danville, N. C; Fred Smathes, Ashville, N. C; Z. P. Smith, N. C; B. J. Walsh; Char lotte, N. C; F. M. Simmons, N. C; J. H. Simmons, N. C. KENTUCKY FEUD. ... I.' ; wmm . Three Persona Killed and Several - Injured, By Wire to The Sun. - ' Frankfort, Ky., Aug. 6. The blood iest feudist battle of years occurred at J-ayman, Horlan county, .Ky., late yesterday afternoon. Three persons rere killed outright and several were seriously wounded. 1 One of the dead U a woman and one woman was wounded. - . The trouble dates back generations between the Blantons and Taylors. The Immediate cause of the shooting was A dispute over the school election. KICHXOJfD HIS TB1DEDI --.f'-r ' '"-' (Continued from page One) when pursued by Ellyson, who had revolver and shot gun. When Mrs. Hechler was finally pre vailed upon to speak, she Inquired somewhat nervously as to whether her husband' would recover or not, and asked had spoken of the diffi culty to the police. She then protested her undyln af fection for the man, saying "If you see him, 'give him my love. Tell him ho knows I have always loved him. Tell him I am lying here alone and that I will not eat a mouthful of food until he has returned. Tell him if he dies 1 will take my life." According to the police. Serzeani Soweil and, Officers Jordan, Andrews, Oerring, Bradley and Bernstein, who have been working on the case and who figured In the arrest, Hechler had been groatly frightened recently by burglars. For this reason he had re- guested his friend Ellyson to spend the night with' him and help guard against the possible invasion of his home. The 'men were supposed to be each sleeping in a separato room about 2 o'clock this morning, when Hechler awoke and found his wife had left him. According to what may prove to be Hechler's ante-mortem state ment, made to Police Officer Gerrine the husband, upon flndlntr his wifn gone, waited several minutes before going In search of her. He then entered the adjoining bed room, where he was immedlatelv struck over the head with the butt of a revolver, and was attacked both by Ellyson and his wife. Later he was fired on by the man. Wounded in three places, he then attempted tc leave bis home, whereupon Ellvaon grabbing a shot gun, followed fast be hind him. As Hechler entered th street and staggered off through the darkness, hit iupposed Ifrlend Wfa. charged the shot gun full at his back ana returned into the Hechler ihom When' the police entered the house later, they discovered and. took with them both the revolver and shot mn This seems singular in light of the fact that both Ellyson and Mrs." Hech ler gave as their first statement that the wounded man had been shot by burglar. According to Mrs. Hechler's State ment to a newspaper 'reported this morning, the first words of Ellyson. upon returning into the house were: Oh, my God! I believe I have shot jaice. , , To the police . Mrs Hechlr would at first. say nothing, while Elly son stated, to Officers Andrews anrt Gerring, who 'arrested him, that he had not shot Hechler that Hechler was shot by a burglar. According to Officer Gerrlne. to wnom Hechler made his statement, the wounded man said in substance: "'Early in the -evening they attempted kto Inveighle me into the yard by firing a pistol. I, however, did not leave my room. I believe had I done so they would have .fired upon me and killed me, and that they only wanted this opportunity as an excuse for car rying out their murderous designs. I looked upon Ellyson as a friend until this assault. I now know the man in his true colors as a would be assassin and home wrecker. , "Last night I was not only as saulted by a false friend, but by my own wife in my own home." When informed by Officer Gerrin that his wife had said that Ellyson did not shoot him (Hechler), he re plied: "Did she say that? Then I will tell the whole story just as Jt happened and let It all be known. , When I left my room In search of Mrs. Hechler I found her closeted with Ellyson, To my certain knowledge they had been together at least five minutes. It was now after 2 o'clock in the morning. When I opened the door they both as saulted me. The . officers of the law and the public can draw their Infer ences. ; 1 f f .! I "DBX" LAW IX FORCE Time Limit Expires and ' Fredericks- birg Saloons Close . ' By Wire to The Sun. i Fredericksburg, , Va, Aug. . For the first time In Us history, Freder. Icksburg is dry. 'Every saloon closed at midnight the "drys" having won the election, and the time allowed for closing out the Stock on hand, having xpired. The election Is being -contested on lefeal grounds, and Judge Goodllck will render hig opinion Thursday, which is awaited with great interest. T Gas Explosion - By Wire to The Sun.! Albany, N T.," Aug. 6. An explo sion this1 morning wrecked the plant ot the Avery Portable Gas Company, two men were killed and others were Injured. The damage Is about $25,- WAR DISPATCH CAB :' '... From Raleigh te Camp Glena Beached JTew Bera at 10 180 aid Lett at 2 p a. The war dispatch automobile, that left Raleigh at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning In charge of Mr. John Parks and his chauffeur, Mr. Thos. Harris, bearing an important message from Governor R. B. Glenn, commander In chief of the North Carolina National Guard, to Brigade General J. F. Arm field, at Camp Glenn, near Morehead, where the Third Regiment is in camp for ten days, arrived In New Bern this morning at 10:20 o'clock from Dover. The car left there this morning at 9 o'clock, making the run of 28 miles in one hour and twenty-eight minutes. The despatchers say some parts of the roads were very heavy and muddy, ob stacles on the route were met by the messengers, but were overcome with ease. The 15 horse-power Ford Road ster, showed up in splnedid form on reaching the city, not a tool having had to be used in making repairs on the machine during this run down to New Bern, as none have been needed. The car is painted red and was fly ing the United States flags, the State flag having been torn away while com ing through a narrow road, which was almost blocked with heavy under growth of bushes. They traveled through mud holes and water up to the axle of the machine, caused by washouts. These small obstacles de layed the messengers some, but when the struck good roads fast time was made. Messrs Park and Harris said at all places on the route favors were generously shown them by the big hearted folks which they highly ap preciated. After the autoists partook bountifully of a sumptuous spread at the Gaston Hotel, they boarded the car and speeded on to Camp Glenn with the message from the Commander in Chief to General Armfleld Pamlico Potatoes The schooner Fannie Brevard, the well known sweet potato boat, master ed by Capt. N. B. Lee,, arrived from Gatlln's Creek this morning and un loaded 50 barrels of potatoes, the va riety is known by the name of Yel low Bark. They were transferred to the Norfolk and Southern warehouse,' and will be shipped to the northern market, where there is always a de mands for this grade of potatoes. The captain also had on board 100 bush els of yams for the local market, which he is disposing of at the market dock, and is receiving the neat little sum of $L00 per bushel for the desirable "red yam tubers." OAK RIDGE n- HOLT, New Patterns in Iron Beds JUST ARRIVED Best line of Cheap Beds ever shown in New Bern. Full assortment of Felt and Combination Mattresses and Springs to go with these beds. Cash purchase tickets to draw nice framed picture, JOHN PHONE 257. The Weather is These Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezers, Hoze f or Springling awn and above all one of those Oil Cook Stoves. We keep these. Phone usi 147. Gaskill Hardware Co., 73 Middle St. Phone 14 Four , DepartaeuUr-Col?egfc ri : ate Graduate, . Engineering " and Law. Large library fa cilities.' Well equipped lab- -oratories In all departments of Silence. Gymnasium fur ' nished with best apparatus. ; Expenses very moderate. Aid ' for worthy students. Toung men wishing to study law should Investigate the superior advantages offered by the department of law at Trln- ity College. ...... For Catalogue and further In formation, address, ' D. W. JTCWS03T, Registrar, . Durham, JT. C. I 1 1 f Trinity Park School ) A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accep ted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing forty thousand volumes. Well equip ped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruc tion. Frequent lectures by prom inent lecturers. Expenses ex ceedingly moderate. Ten years of phenomenal success. For Catalogue and other infor mation, address, ! H. H. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, K. C Don't forget, that we have a large supply of lawn hose, any length. At tractive prices. J. S. Basnlght Hard ware Company. BOAT FOB HIRE. Gasoline' motor launch Lancewood can be engaged for excursions, picnics, moonlight parties, fishing or hunting parties at reasonable rates. Inquire ot R. L. THORNTON, 22 Hancock street. Ladles 5. B We have a complete line of white and gray enamel ware for the kitchen. J. 8. Basnlght Hardware Company. INSTITUTE A High-grade f ltting school, witn Business college and Normal Departments. Pre pares for the Professions, for Business, for Life. Diplomas honored by Leading Colleges , and Universities, North and South. Fifty-seventh year begins Sept. I. For beautiful Catalogue, Address, OAK RIDGE, N. C. B. IVES, - 93 MIDDLE ST. Hot. You Need Goods 1

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