si Mies EtU Nunn left last night yon $b west bound Norfolk and Soothers train for several ;weke viaft In the Western part ot the SUte, ; t .v.. Mrs. H. A. Siting and children, are 'visiting relative and friends In Wil son, N. C. . ' r Mrs. Fred Q. Smith, and child, of Greenville, N. C., cam over to New Bern last evening for a visit with her father, Mr. L. J. Taylor on Hancock street ' 1 Miss Sara Richardson and Miss Katherin Beaman, who have been visiting at Winsatt, returned home last evening. 1 - -' Mrs. J. A. Jones and two children, went down to Pollocksville, this morn ing on the Atlantic Coast Line train for a visit with Mrs. Jones' relatives. Miss Sallie Shaw, of Klnston, N. C, who has been visiting at Maysville, passed through New Bern this morn ing, returning home. Mrs. Thos. 6. Hyman, went up to Cove City this morning tor a few days visit with relatives and friends at her old home. " Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sultan, and Mas ter Leo, Jr., a sub-letter carrier, left this morning on the west bound train tor a visit to Enfield, Tarboro, and Panacea Springs. Mrs. Daniel G. Bell, of Morehead City, came up to New Bern this morn ing on a short visit. Mrs. Edward Hardison, and child, left this morning for a visit with rela tives and friends in Newport News,. Va. ''", Miss Mabel Cohen, left this morning for a few weeks visit with relatives and friends in Goldsboro, and Wil son. Miss Jennie Sultan, left this morn ing for a few weeks visit at Enfield, and Panacea Springs. Miss Alice Sprulll, of Oriental, came up to New Bern this morning for a day's stay in the city. Mr. K. Raynor Jones, wife and child, left this morning, going up to Seven Springs for a couple of weeks visit Miss Clare Morris left this morn ing for a few weeks vacation with relatives and friends in Virginia. She will visit ''the following places of in terest before returning home: Roa noke, Wartz, Luray Cavern, Va., and Hagerstown, Md. - Miss Lela Hooker of Bayboro, N. C, cam up to New Bern this morning on the P. O VW. train and left on the west bound Norfolk and South ern train for a visit at Princeton, N. C. i Mrs. H. C Lumsden, who has been spending the summer at Davis Island, Carteret county, is home for a short visit. - SPECIFY BLUE BIBBOK If you are dissatisfied with the Flavoring Extracts you hav- been us ing ta;V EpWe (Ribbon Vanilla next time. ' ;' .'.:'. ' FARMERS DISCUSS FAIB8 Hear Speeches Gee Reads at A a. Ml Virginia Institute By Wire to The Sun. Richmond, Va., Aug. 6. The fifth annual convention of the Stat Farm ers' Institute began here today with 600 farmers in attendance. The meet ing are held in the Jefferson Hotel President Sandy presided. Governor Swan son made a speech, in which h discussed schools and gcVd roads and the promotion of agriculture. Mayor McCarthy, also welcomed the farmers and John Jackson, editor of the Southern Plant, replied. The read, lng of papers by Commissioner Kriner of tiie Agricultural Department and Dr. Barringer; followed. Henry Stu art spoke on the advantage of SUte fairs as a promoter of agriculture. Commissioned Coast Artillery Major By Wire to The Sun. '.,,.' . Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 6. Governor Glenn commissioned Capt Max. L. Bar kerker, commanding Salisbury com pany, of First Regiment national gnard major of eoast artillery upon recom. .mendatton of Major Schuman, Com mandant of United 8tates troops at Fort Caswell, where Barker and his company recently served. A strong . hatslllon of coast artillery Is to be : SC3Sai5IRS HAT ROE. Watermelon Catting Chen to th San- salaert By Elder 8IpUas. News and Observer. About forty Sunshtars enjoyed the luclons watermelons and canteloupes of Elder W. A. SimpkinsT about four miles from Raleigh last evening. The Sunshlners assembled at -the capitol at 7 o'clock and with ideal weather, left for Elder Simpklns' In two massive wagons well covered with hay. ',- ' '. - ."""':.;' "'" On the way out singing was enjoyed, Mr. Winder Harry singing several of the latest hits of the season. After the pleasant ride out the Sun shiners first went in the home of Mr. Simpklns, where the Sunshine Glee Club sang several pieces. Mr. Harris was unable to sing the solo which he was scheduled to sing on account of having sung himself hoarse on the way out After spending some time In singing, the guests repaired to the beautiful lawn where underneath the massive oaks the watermelons were enjoyed. The Sunshiners returned at an early hour thjs morning with noth ing' but words of praise for the hos pitality of Elder and Mrs. Simpklns. The party was chaperoned by Mrs. Gattis, Mrs. Hilyer and Col. Olds. The, following ladles enjoyed the evening: Misses Mary Stronach, Mary Habel, "Pete" Uzsell, Emma and Lucretia Roberts, Daisy. Haywood, Louise Bernard, Jane and Ruth Ray, Frances Abernathy of Chapel Hill, Annie Lee Wynne, Lena Windell, Pauline Crouch of Washington, D. C, Susannah Busbee, Olivia. Smith, Mil dred Ball, Ethel Rogers, Julia West, Norma Wynne. The following are the names of the young men who enjoyed the evening: Alec. Fields.. Sam Sanders, John Un derwood, Mclver Allen, Fred Hllker, Jack Harris, N. B. Broughton, Jr., Bruce Jones, Herman, Briggs, Phil. K. Miller, Winder Harris, Maple Mills, Hardwick Mills, Garland Bagwell, Wm. Mears, Richard Ball, Wm. Robbing, Leo Heart, Grice Sherwood and Phil Utley. ASPIRES TO CIRCUS. George Shepherd Will Try John Rob logon's Shows. By Wire to The Sun. Durham, N. C, Aug. 6. Young Geo. Shepherd, a boy of thirteen living on Morris street, is a candidate for circus honors and when John Johnson comes here August 20th, he will ask for a place in the big tent , Young Shepherd has been for the past year or more practicing rope walking until he Is today as good as the average artist of the show. He can do any sort of a stunt in civilian's clothes and dally gives performances in mid air. He has a wire something like twenty feet high, perfectly slack and he walks it every day then lies fiat down on It m a fine balance. He is the envy of all the small boys of that section. The little fellow's parents do not object to his aspiration and there is small doubt that when Robinson comes here he will add to his show the Durham boy who gives promise of, a gOOd dJ.: 'f v--' - A LARGE PARTY GOING. Raleigh Will Join Durham la the Trip '"'' -".North. ; By Wire to The Sun. Durham, N. C, Aug. 6. The Durham party of forty who will leave here the latter part of the month In a spe cial Pullman for Washington, Buffalo, Niagara and Tornto, is to be augmen ted by another from Raleigh and there is strong probability that the two par ties will reach almost to 100. They are going first to Washing ton, then to Buffalo, Niagara and some will take the St Lawrence river and follow it up to. Its mouth,, for the St Lawrence always did run up hilL Then they will como back toAlbany perhaps take the river Hudson down to New York city, commune with the sky scrapers, come through Philadel phia and Atlantic City, .where they stop a day or two. The trip wilt cov er more than two weeks and the party will charter th special car. V -Mr, C. H.; Gattis, of the Seaboard is much Interested in the trip and will very' likely take charge of the party. Tobacco Market at Rocky Meant Rocky Mount, ML C. Aug. 6. Rocky Mount's tobacco market opened to day for the season with sales at 60,- 000 pounds, which brought satis fac tory prices, The prospects ire bright for a large crop In this territory and tobacconists are anticipating fec- ord breaking season. The quality of the offering today was poor. If Its a Bogae soand melon r F. F, T. Hams yea want (Call a H. C. - ) status c? crops.; Damage By ahs ii the East Kt 8 -V- v -:.;.; Great, ,": ' ;. By Wlr to The Sun. y ' Raleigh, N. C, Aug. ft. It seems to be the Impression that the damage to crops in the east by the rains last week was not nearly so great as was at first thought . Secretary of State Grimes has news from his section that the damage was. alight this applying to Beaufort and Pitt-counties. Chairman Wilson G. Lamb, of the 8tate Board of Elections, who cam In today; said that it was small In his. county of Martin. It will probably be a few days before the amount of the loss can be ascer tained, for some farmers who came in here today said Uiat hot weather will certainly cause shedding of the cotton, and two or three of them said that god sised bolls; - were falling off. Your correspondent had a talk with Mr. Bagwell tor many rears in charge of the extremely fine cotton farm of Mrs. Florence P. Tucker, about three miles west of Raleigh. Mr. Bagwell says that the -wind, coming along with the very wet weather, usl the plants to form "funnels" at the roots and that today he waa doing some thing he had never ; done before in his life. He put eight plows in the cotton, making the single trees very short and wrapping the traces with cloth, and he Is In tola way plowing the soil and filling the funnels at the roots of the plants. He hopes this will succeed. Mr. Bagwell says that the crop at this farm is the finest he has ever seen and that he has been rais ing cotton for .more than thirty years, and had annually taken the first prize at the state fair. The chief damage to the crop In the east was ev idently by the flooding of lands and by washing of sand upon cotton. Corn' has suffered more . by . being blown down or partially so, this applying more to the old corn, which Is very heavily eared. ; A lot jof corn was noticed by your correspondent yester day to be injured this way near Ral eigh, but the damage is not great Stop earache In two minutes; tooth ache or pain of burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one hour; mus cleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas Electric Oil, mon arch over pain. . - , . Sew Box Factory at Winston to Start Up Next Week. , Winston-Salem, N. C, Aug. 6. The Lamb-Fish Box Company has complet ed its plant here and will begin next week the makln got tobacco boxes. The plant is one of the most com plete in the south and will have a capacity of 11,000 boxes a day. About 35 hands will be employed regularly in the factory. The plant is in charge ot Mr. L. C Hancock, who haa a broad experience in the manufacture of a superior tobacco box. The boxes will be made from Mississippi red gum and oak. The lumber is shipped hree from the famous Lamb-Fish Company's lands in Mississippi. They own be tween 300,000 and 350,000 acres of timber lands in Mississippi. , Are Yon Suffering from Piles. '. BLOOD INE OINTMENT la guaran teed to cure by F. S. Duffy.: Thou sands who have been cured by BLOCD INE OINTMENT are constantly rec ommending It to their friends. There Is really no excuse for anyone suf fering with Piles, now that BLOOP INE OINTMENT is so readily obtain able. If you have any doubt about Its value F. 8. Duffy will let yon have It on a guarantee. J Positive Proof, Mr. F. 8. Randall, of No. 20 East Main Street Leroy, N. Y., writes that "Bloodlne Ointment" has proven effic acious in a stubborn case of Pliers and Rectal Fissures where everything els has failed. 'Bloodlne Ointment coats but 60o a box. ' ' " . Habitual , CanstipattGii May U pmwnehfly overcome iy proper mona' efforts WitMKe assistance tttheatw Truly Jpnefmal )xtlve Aim Itoumoer aJ) AMiLti remedies, when refined, are to us AO. JttTil net U Mipplant tke hatu J factions, whWK matt Acpm aJti. tatfon prppet noutiaKw-t, f Uvv Fig Gykup Co. cnly SOLD CyAUL LEADING Mtiri'T uilVMUi.;a Lis" "TUESTlEtFJlA Y''x ' For over 15 years, th.8Uoff Way has been to sell each piano, aa If our reputation depended on that' on, sale.' : ,. : We hav never lowered' the art of piano building to the mere level ot a' money-making trafflo. 1 We never spare' expense to produce th best quality. We have never made cheap pianos, . and never wili. ' t The reputation of . Stieff Piaaes has been gained by merit alone; the standing ot our hous by business Integrity. We sell direct to the people. ; We'have a few Organs taken in exchange and put In fine con dltion, for sale very low. Write for cataljgue t. L. C, Steele, Mgr, 114 Graaby Street Korfolk.'Va. Mention this Paper.; 'CScul Piano Jameatowi ExposSioi HAIR DYES KILL HAIR The 20th . Centary Hair Toalc wtt sake the hair BEAUTIFUL. . . This article is not a DYE, but is made by the re celps of the lead ing dematollglsts of the United States; and is guaranteed under the drugs Act nuiiAil hr Can- gross Serial No. S774. The use ot ' this preparation win make yoa appear younger ana pre serve your HAIR sad SCALP at al) times. jnSYEB FAILS TO Restore Gray Hair to Tia 5ataral Color and beaaty.. Promotes a luxur ant growth ot HEALTHY hair.' Stops FALLING hair, cores any DISEASE ot the scalp. ABSOLUTELY removet dandruff. The best hair DRESSING. It is the WOXDEK t the AGS. Two sizes '60c and $1.00 per bot tle, at DRUG STORES.. If you tall to find it; send us the price ot the larger else, we will send it by return pre paid express. v-:" THE 20th CENTURY CEHMICAL CO. Dept. N. 1 " Memphis, Tenn. , C. D. BRADHAM, Druggist Special Agent ; MORTGAGE SALE. S Pursuant a a power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage exe cuted by 8. A. Gaskina and 8. E, Oasklns, Ua wife, to J. W. Stewart, date the 13th day ot November 1900, toe same being recorded In the office of the Register of Deads ot Craven county in Book 135 Page 61. Also another mortgage executed by 8 A. Gasklns and 8. E. Gasklns, us wife to J. W. Stewart, bearing date of the 11th day of April 1906, recorded In the office of the Register ot Deeds of Craven county in Book 159, Page 273. Also another mortgage executed by S. A. Gasklns to J. w. Stewart, bear ing date of the 7th day of November, 1903, and recorded In the office of the' Register ot Deeds of Craven county in Book 147 Page 573, Also another mortgage executed by 8. A. Gaskln to J. W. Stewart, bear ing date of the 16th day ot December, 1907, and recorded ai the office ot the Register of Deeds ot Craven county in Book 172 Page 140. I will sell at the court house door in Craven county, N. C, on Monday the 7th day of September, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., to the highest bidder for cash, all of the following described property as conveyed in th mortgage aforesaid, towit: : ': On the north side of Neuse river, in Craven county, being the land willed by V..A. Thomas to J. A. Thomas, Mary C. Thomas and S. E. Thomas, bounded by the lands 'of G. W. Thomas, .A 8. Everington and J. A. Everington and others, containing 125 acres more or less, being my home place; also one open buggy and harnea bought of James BIddle. . ' Also a certain, tract of land lying and being situate in Craven -county, N. O, on the "Shoo-Fly" road contain ing 48 2-3 acres, It being the same 18 2-3 acres Inherited by John Q. A. Bennett from his first Wife, Josephine Sammons Bennett, and 30 acres the said Bennett bought from Ihe Sam mons heirs, as set forth fn a deed from the said Bennett bearing date of Feb ruary 8, 1907. ' - , i , X W. STEWART, , Mortgagee .July 29, 1908.' Any skin Itching la a temper tester The more yon : scratch the worse It Itches. Doan's Ointment cares plies, eczema any skin itching. At all drug rw " "': mirk .. ) The use el com tncrciafi letliixeTt f on the wheat crop is year ly becoming more : general proof enough that it pays, and pay 'welL . ' Too man j" tanners, however, use tertilizera without due regard for, the special needs of their boOs. Often they buy the cheapest grades. : Or they use very 'mall quantities. - That such unscientific use of f fertili zers has proved profitable indi cates what it can accomplish for wheat grow ers if used more carefully and intelli gently. . ' The best way to learn just what fertilizers will pay you best is to make com parative test on a small scale with your soils then use a OKH) - 0 - r f ty ii U ' -.flam U V2I uuer DJ2C2S mrdrare lozpany 69-71 Middle St, 80 South Front St, PHONESNO. 1 and 275. NEW BERN, N. C 0 DC ',' ' A ''! j&tfs Real & BrcHi r .. liTcry, Fed, S2 2d EiQhrje Stables ;i03 East Frorit Street, near. ; ( . . Neuse River Bridgey , ' Special attention paid r to X"" ' livery and boardinff horses. t NOW READY FOR BUSINESS, r I cm ; ii-v. uut. ui fl,;.' . - . BYtnsv. john j. tpi,y- ," '.. i.r.-x For Js tij' j !-.-;. j1, j . geo. - b. vo rr y:'j ; ! Ttis IccL nstii no recc-. - 1T peo- f pie cf .Near C:ra, c'zr tin tal. -; pur nsici1 tiwnsn4 Zen J!j J. V;; J is flv. author. mm - -h.wV xa.cia:ro. CaJMp I i sufSdent amount and. increase not only the: average yields, but your profits as well J Write to the Vir- rinia-Carolina - Chad Jical Corjapany for itfj new kearDooic or ..... v Jl manac, a costly 130 page book, written by government ' and private "experts." It shows ; how "and why you can in-' crease "your xiop three ' or four fold by following mod ern agricul tural methods. A postal to any of the Com pany's offices gfven,below will bring a copy by mail free of charge. TISGINIA-CASOLINA CHEMICAL (MX IUduMtid,V, - DiftaH.N.C Wwlolk,V. ChulHto8.C CokdkLC AUutOs. Colgnbat, G. Smamh,Ga. TOU CAN TELL A GOOD FOBS A i t-' i r. i - by the way it is made: By the , way It balancea when you handle - VJ G one bt ours to help you jt one ut your garaen wore. , it makes digging moro like play ' '"than'work." Want anything else la . th .way of hardware?, We have It It it Is good. We haven't it if it Is worthless. .This Is a quality hardware shop. HHHH) ,0 3C - n" ., Commodious PIIOIiE 03 fTntl A .V formed In th near future, ; : ,' ; Arautrrag. Parte, 174. KJ tatsaeenly, rokr prk 6HtwW torej..r;';:;;';; '. t

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