f f i I 1 r. I it P. i r I Eastern North Carolina. Volume 3, No. 35. yHOMEr'Ngffi I TO Martyrdom Not Terri )' hie in Either Case t HANGS HIMSELF TN PRISON CELL FOTVJSM - FaToriu rlecsare of rwlBuw on V? - - 8nrar ginday ud HolMftys Is ; To Taie fe Steamboat Down The ' Blver and Spend Day in The Woods v By Cable to The Sun.l ' 4 Paris, Aug. 8. Paris has two mar tyrs to feminism, Mile. Jeanne Block , the popular music hall artist, and Mile. Hadolcine Pelletler, one of the few lady doctors practicing in Paris, The martyrdom in neither case will be very terrible. Mile. Block, was accused of infringing the regulations concerning motor .cars, and paid no . attention to the summons from , a court composed of mere men. She has just been sentenced by a default to forty-eight hours imprison, ment. Mile. Pelletler made that ter rible onslaught about a month ago on a ballot box, which she trampled under foot, and which was fully de. scribed at the time. The Correo tional Court has sentenced her to a fine of 16f. When Mile. Block heard of her condemnation she stamped her v foot on said it could not be, true. Then ' why did she not go to the court? Because she had forgotten about it. : When Mile. Pelletler heard of. her condemnation sho exclaimed: "Mas cullne egotism surpasses 'anything that can be imagined. Mle. Block, of course, is going to appeal, whereas k Mile. PelletleiThlnks it hardly worth 4 . while. ' 'One of the men in custoday of the i Bant Prison;' on the charge of steal f ing statuettes from the Louvre, has 4 hanged himself i nhis cell,, a :A, He had already been condemned to I . two months imprisonnient, when he was arrtsted on this accusation, trnfl the Inference is that h killed himself rather than risk sentence to a fur ther term of , incarceration.- ,. t , f-. This indivlduaf Julian druan, orlg lnally a barber .by, trade, had tver alnce'lie ''Wai' taken into utody '.de. ftlared that he waa. innnoceni ' but A. - , ... . . I - few days ago he was confronted with j a woman who had been a great friend of his, and who stated in the most positive manner that she had Been Louvre statuette in his hands. This blow seems to have decided him on putting an end to his life. ' He sot about his : preparations ' one evening In a very ingenious style. Being a: ware that . the turnkey might ' peer into' his cell at any moment, he laid his clothes around a bolster, Which he put on his., bed, placing bis hat on the spot where his face Would be, as if to cover his eyes from the night light Then he contrived a screen for himself by laying a shirt across rone, as if he had hunr it un to '"diV,1: and tying three handkerchiefs ' firmly to each other he hung himself 'vte a corner and' when; the 'turnkey :' -entered the cell the next morning he found Julian Crusan lifeless, his body j :-"tlready cold. . I ;j ;;. One' of the favorite pleasures of I Parisians on summer Sundays - and ' i, holidays Is to take the steamboat i down the river, to Sevres,. Moudon, ,or nresnes, and pend-thi 'day Ikr-tha ( heautiful woods; th- Jotifney' costing : only a' few pence. f; ' yOa Sunday, however, no steamers v j i ; Vere plying." Tha employes had held ' ' a secret meeting the previous night, t- and : had decided ! to . strike: ' Thelr grievances are many. .' In ,the first . place their hours are abnormally Ipng Doing sometimes fifteen, or sixteen a day. they, demand a maximum of ......twelve.- t 1 .; In addition to this they ask tor a , 'pension fund,, one day's rest ,.-a week, and there are other minor demands. ; ' -TUecompany has. refused to yield, and its loss for the three days of the national fete will total 6,000 to 6,000 pounds at least ' 1 , ' , , , Development in AULEShiPS S Utavckland Fleet Sighted on Horl zon Today STORM YESTERDAY SUBSIDED ." f . y -, '- No Serious Damage Reported All Plans Complete For ' Reception Auckland QniTerIng With Excite-' . ment By Cable to, Th Sun. " ' J . ' M . f' t ' Auckland, NV,Z. Aug. 8. The hat. tleship fleet has been sighted pa the horizon, approaching in perfect for mation. The storm of yesterday has subsided and fine weather prevails. Some of the ships lost some of their rigging, others met minor injuries, but no serious,' damage. Auckland is quivering with excite ment over the event hundreds of vis. itors being in the city. -s All the plans are now complete for the reception of the fleet, in 'the har bor and the entertainment of the offi cers and crews. i The fleet will an. chor in two lines off the town "with the Australian flagship in the center, flanked by the ; consorts Encounter and Pioneer. V. Official visits will fill th'e program on Sunday and there will be no pub lic demonstrations of any sort. e The prime minister, Joseph Ward, will publicly welcome the visitors on'. Mon day vA large jirendstau'd ' has'', been erected upon the harbor front at the Queen street quay, i Members-of the Cabinet and prominent residents of other towns will be present to take part in the official ceremony.- Already the town is gaily decorated In bunt. Ing and flags. Arrangements have been made for a grand fireworks , display, and ac commodatlons have been provided for hundreds of visitors. ' A parade will ,be held on Monday, at the conclusion of which the Mayor of the city will welcome the visitors on behalf of the citizens. The principal officers of the fleet Will lunch with the Mayor. tl Many social, diversions Have been planned during the stay of the fleet, ; JDECISlOJf EXPECTED MONDAY. South Carolina Railroad Commissleii i Llkey U Sistala the Preset Ar-f ' rahgeniBt as to Mileage Books', k By Wire to The Sun. Columbia, S. C, Aug. 8. The indica tions are that the railroad commission will render its decision on the renewed protest of the traveling men's organ izations against the regulations of the Southeastern . Passenger Association with regard to. the new mileage books next Monday, but a majority of the commission has not yet indicated what the nature, of , the decision will be. It seems A comparatively safo bet, however,, that the commission will by a vote of two to one sustain the present arrangement, as It did on a former occasion. Commissioner Caugh- man, who has a campaign for re-election on bis hands,' voting for the de mands of the traveling men as before. The railroad people claim the com mission has no authority to change the present status, which protects the revenues of the railroads, and inti mate that ft the decision is against the roads Its effectiveness will at least be long delayed by appeal to the courts, And It Is hlntfld that If. tha forced to mike' an exception of this state they 'will' withdraw the reduced rates,, which will cause the travelin public generally to suffer. A New Airship By Cable to The Bun.' ' ' - Frlendrichshafen, Aug, 8. Count Zeppelin has given an order for new airship, the Writ to begin at.once Already he has In hand 175,000. from Private subscriptions.' Steamer Premier Bamed , Winnipeg, "Aug. 8.-iNewa has just been received of the burning , of.'the steamer Premier, Captain-1 Stevens, Lake Winnipeg, Thursday. Eight lives were lost. - . n. ...... S ..... .. W-wWH "'I'1.1" -W'Hif wfawm NEW BERN; N. C., SATURDAY. AUGUST 8, 1908. WILL ERECT " BUILDINGS Separate White Insane With Tuberculosis CENTRAL HOSPITAL TO DIRECT. Conference Last Night Between Com mission and the Governor Move, meat to Have Location Elsewhere Other WorkTrogressing. Special to The Sun. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 8 Special build- tigs for the white insane persons under the care of the state who have tuber culosis are to be erected in connection with the state hospital for the insane at Morguntoui', an order to this effect being just made by the state hospital commission which has in hand the ex pending of $100,000 per year for five years for the enlargement and better equipment of the state hospitals. There are to be separate buildings for the male and female patlcats, each to ac commodate 25 patients. This is con sidered ample for the present The commission also orders similar build ings for colored insane tuberculosis patients at the negro hospital at Qoldsboro. In considering the matter of enlarge ment of the capacity of the hospitals the commission decided to confine the principal operations in this direction to the Central Hospital here until this Institution is brought somewhere near an equal size with tile Morganton in stitution, especially for the reason that the managements will be thrown more Into competition In tho matter of keep ing down operating expenses. There was a conference last night between the commission and Governor Glenn and soveral members of the council of state discussing a knotty problem that has bobbed up with the commission as to the location of the colonies for insane and epoleptics that it is one of thoir specific orders to provide out of the $50,000 appropria tion. The commission Is divided as to the best course. The big Grimes tract of land here adjoining the Central Hos pital farm was bought some months ago for this specific purpose but an effort has since developed to have those institutions located elsewhere. The 'whole matter, however is to be settled at once. . .. ( - v- Reports to the state hospital com mission in session here yesterday and last night showed that the work om the construction of the , $22,000 purses house at the Morganton hospital is progressing rapidly, the walls now be ing up to the first floor. And that the fine new fire proof men's dormitory at the Oerotral Hospital here will be com pleted in October, This is tho only fire proof building for Insane that this stato has, none of the other buildings at either of the three institutions being fireproof. This dormitory Is to ac commodate one hundred men. Both it and the nurses' building at Morganton were designed by,andro being erected under the supervision of Barrett and Thompson-, architects, Raleigh. . MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP Experiment la Cleveland Proves . Failure By Wire to the Sun. ? Cleveland, Aug. 8. Mayor Johnson's three cent fares has run the muni cipally owned street car system $80, 000 behind In two months. Efforts are now being made to Increase the cash fare to five, cents.1 l.i'T ,. ";7 1 " " ,s - .v':: Falls Heirs to Fortine. New York, ;Ang. .-rCtodfTlel Probst, a waiter Id a .bakery here has inherited jointly with; lis sister's estate in Ba varia' valued at sixteen million dol lars. .V'K-, ; ' v,. jvv-''Vv, ' , ; TaWhr 'Secedes. - ; :It v ' oeived here from' Persia say Tabriz the largest city ,fn Persia has seceded from that country anddeclared alto- glance to Turkey: Labriz was the centra of the recent Persian' revolu tion. ' GRAND JURY ON CITY HOME Richmond in Sensation al Excitement MAKES EXHAUSTIVE CRITICISM Accompanying The Report is An In. dlctment Against a Nurse, Mrs. Gaylord Woman in no Condition to Be Removed from Home. By Wire to The Sutf Richmond, Va., Aug. 8. After less than an hour's deliberation yesterday the grand jury presented Its report on the Baby Vaughan murder to Judge Witt and handed in a true bill of lndicement, charging Mrs. Ethel Gaylord with the killing of the ehild. The report is exhaustive and com prehensive, as well as sweeping, in Its drastic criticisms. After examining many witnesses connected in one way or another with the management of the City. Home, the Jury declares that the Condition of affairs at that institution is la mentable, that there is practically no head, and that the rules of the Home as provided by Council, are entirely inadequated to the demands. The management of the Home and those associated with it are severely censured. The report also hauls the young doctors iver the coals and gives a .dig n't fhe City Council. Accomp?r?p& the report was the mcueemenc against Mrs. Gaylord. This document covers thirteen pages of typewritten matter and charges the woman with having murdered the child by administering bichloride of mercury and chloroform. The indictment relates the story of the first appearance of the child at the City Home, and states that the father's name lis unknown. In presenting the report Foreman Taylor stated to the court that he was sorry to have taken up so much time, but that the jury had been given a tremendous task. The court room contained but few spectators when the report came In, but those who were present listened attentively to the reading of the paper No comments were made, except that the "management of the Home had been severely roasted." Imemdiately upon the reading of the lndicement against Mrs. Gaylord, in the Hustings court this morning, Judge Witt issued a capias against her, and Deputy Howls was detailed to execute it. He conferred with Su. perintendent Davis and Dr. Trevillian, and it was decided to allow the wo man to remain at the Home for the present, under surveillance. "She is In no condition to be taken away at this time," said Dr. Trevil lian. Acting upon this opinion, Superin. tendent Davis decided ' to place a watch upon Mrs. Gaylord, and when her condition becomes such as to al low her to be taken to jail, he will inform the officials, who will then remove her to Jail pending a hearing in the October term of court ' . " . , v NEGROES ARRESTED Charged With Attempting to Werck a - - . Train By Wire to The Sun. Danville, aV., Aug. 8. Three ne groes were arrested here, charged with attempting to wreck a Southern passenger train, ; No. ,29. Dynamite was placed on the track. ' The windows of the coaches were shattered, but no serious damage was done. No one was hurt , : 2 TO 2 IN TEN INNINGS. Morehead City and State Guards Play Tft Game. Special to The Sun. - Morehead City, N. C, Aug. 8. More- head City and State Guards played a draw in a ten Innings game of ball yes terday by the score of t to 2. Batteries:. State Guards, Stafford and Borkhead, , ' Monh&A City, Wallace and Willis. ' -.w. j--J Education, Happiness and Prosperity WILL SPEND, TWO MILLION Inlmprovements on New York Central 24,000 TONS OF STEEL RAILS. Placing of Order Will Cause Idle Ma chinery in Mills to Start Thousands of Men Will Be Brought Back for Employment By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Aug. 8. It was announc ed here today by officials in authority that the New York Central railroad will spend immediately more thaa two million dollars in improving its road. This amount, it is stated, will be devo ted entirely to the Pittsburg district of the company. Further improvements are contemplated in the general im provement plan which is under con sideration. Pittsburg, Aug. 8. The calling for 24,000 tons of steel rails by the New York Central Railway, will be placed with the steel mills here, starting the idle machinery and bringing thou sands of men back to work. Many other steel contracts are being figured on that will cause fires to be started in furnaces that have been cold for the past ten months. THE CAMPAIGN IN ANSON Only Two More Meetings to Be Held In The Connty Canvass Wadesboro, N. C, Aug. 8. The coun ty canvass in Anson continues alter, nately hot and cold. The candidates have only two more points at which they will speak, ending the campaign here Friday before the election on Sat urday of thi3 week. It seems im possible to get up any enthusiasm among any of the candidates except those in the senatorial race, as stated a few days ago, the speaking was a tame affair, at White Stare, having been quite lively for the two days before. The next day following, at Polkton and Peachlahd, there was no lack of interest. Mr. Lockhart in his speech charged that his opponent for the senatorial toga, Dr. W. J. Mc. Lendon, was a candidate of "special interest" (whatever that means) and that his campaign was being managed and paid for principally by the North ern insurance companies. These, Mr. Lockhart says, are bitterly, opposed to a law which he shall endeavor to have passed compelling them to invest more of their surplus in North Car olina securities. Mr. Lockhart says these companies are very much afraid of what he will do for them if he is elected to the Senate and for that reason they are willing to spend a great sum of money right here in Anson county to defeat him. He said that he believed that Prof. D. A. Mc Grepor, chairman of the Democratic executive committee, was employed by these insurance companies in their effort to defeat him. Since Mr. Lock hart made these attacks on Professor McGregor at Lilesvtlle the latter has been going with the candidate at ev. ery speaking place. He has some du ties to perform in connection with his office and his aroused Scotch blood wants to be present when his integrity and Democracy are being at. tacked. At each point he rises and replies to Mr. Lockhart, and each time many of Mr. Lockhart's followers, just as It it was already understood, rise with him and apparently start for home, at the same time yelling so as to drown out much of what Professor McGregor says. But at Peachland, Professor McGregor and Dr. McLendon l replied to the attack of Lockhart and had a"very respectable hearing by a large part of the audience. The tjde seemed to turn here, so those present say, and after the speaking Mr. Lock. hart sent Professor McGregor word that If he would go back to Wadesboro and remain that he, Lockhart, Would not attack him or make any charges against him again. Professor McGre gor did this and yesterday when the candidates spoke at Burnsvllle, iall seems to have gone on . as merry as a marriage bell, ..-.v;" '. , i" M O Sh.rrlll L t . . . i. 'iff i Eastern North Carolina. Price Two Cea CAPITAL CITY NEWS BUDGET News of Interest From Raleigh UNITE RSITY TO HAVE OFFICE Proctor to Have Charge of Ta Grounds and Power Hosse, and Serve as Purchasing Agent News Notes of Interest at Capital City. Special to The Sun. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 8. The UnL versity of North Carolina is to have a new office in connection with its management, that of Proctor. He is to have charge of the University grounds and the power house, and serve as purchasing agent. This of fice has just been created by tha executive committee of the board of trustees and Chas. T. Woolen chosea serve in that caoacitv. Ha has been registrar of the University for some time and will be succeeded in that capacity by Prof. Thomas J. Wil son. The salary of Proctor will bo $1,750. Col. A. B. Andrews presided at the session of the executive com mittee today at which this action was taken, he acting as chairman in the absence of Governor Glenn. Other members present were: JoseDhus Daniels, R. H. Battle, Dr. R. H. Lewis. F. H. Busbee, and President Vena- ble. The first campaign phonbgraDh re cords received in this State have just been gotten in here by the Canifal Company. They are records of Wil liam Jennings Bryan on camniim Issues and include: "The Trust Question," " Imperialism' "Railroad Question," 'Tariff Question," "Labor Question," "Guarantee of Bank De posits", "Popular Election of United States Senators" and "Swolen For tunes." United States Marshal Claudius Dockery has gone to LaGrange where ne sold today the distillery nremispn of the W. M. Skinner government distillery, seized some time ago for irregularities. Tomorrow he sells the distillery premises of Ben D. Taylor, Fremont, geived forsimilar violating Monday he will sell at the govern. ment building here, twenty barrels of corn whiskey that was seized from the same parties, all having been de clared forfeited to the government. Governor Glenn returned last night from a week's stay at Montreat, where he went to deliver an address before the Missionary Conference be ing held there under the auspices of the Southern Presbyterian Assembly. He says a splendid work is being ac. compllshed at this meeting, the effects of which will be felt throughout the South, Both attendance and interest Is the work are most gratifying. The receivership of the Can uw Power Company, involving the Buck- horn Shoals power plant has Jmit been wound up in the court of the United States Judge Thomas R. Pur- nell, here, the receivers, Belvln and Maxwell, being only retained for th time for the adjustment of some mL nor matters. Their final report has Just been audited and allowed. The plant was brought in by th bond holders of the defunct Carta Daai Company at $188,000. and the plant is being developed as rapidly as pos sible. It is understood that a nnrtiH of surveyors , is now at work running me ne irom Raleigh to the Burfc horn Shoals, thirty off miles,' for transmission wires to bring the cur rent Here for commercial and other purposes. The plant was comniAtwi and put into operation by the receiv ers and is now supplying current for Fayetteville. WEIGHT OF HEAVY HAND. Trust Crashes Oat Floar Mannfactur- . Ing Company. New York, Aug. 8.A disnatch frm Chicago announces that a receiver has oeen appointed for the Plllshnrv ws. burn Milling Company. The company is , located at Minneapolis 'and la Hit largest manufacturer of flour outside toe trust. j iv.' '