MuUln ad Schmidt plrt Erana. ;: Time, 1.57; Um- 8TA3TDI5Q OF T3X CLUBS ' lastsT' TuttUlM(Mi 'Won! Lost. Pet 845 621 652 194 Wilmington, , ;.o ..18 V.l 11 11 13 25 Goldsboro., Raleigh . . . . ..' . ;! ' - Xatieaal Won. Loat Pet Pittsburg., .V .. 64 89 622 New York;. .. .. ..61 ; 40 604 Chicago. . ' . . ". . ... .58 44 569 Philadelphia .. .. ..55 44 556 Boston.. ... .. .. ..50 55 476 Brooklyn.. ... .. .'.88 ' 62 880 St Louis.. .. .. ..34 68 333 AaserfcsB League. Won. Lost Pet Detroit .. ..63 40 612 St Louis 61 44 581 Cleveland 60 45 571 Chicago.. 60 46 566 Philadelphia 49 53 480 Boston 50 55 476 Washington.. .. ....41 63 394 New York.. .'. .. ..33 70 320 Southern League. Won. Lost P.O. 561 549 524 515 500 491 490 367 Nashville . ....55 New Orleans 56 Memphis , ....54 Mobile 53 Montgomery 50 Little Rock 53 Atlanta 49 Birmingham 36 43 46 49 60 50 55 51 62 Sooth Atlantie League Won. Lost. P. Ct. Jacksonville 75 30 714 Savannah 60 44 577 Augusta 49 55 471 Columbia 44 54 449 Charleston 42 63 400 Macon 43 67 391 Virginia League Won. Lost. P. Ct Richmond 64 36 640 Danville: 61 35 635 Roanoke 48 54 471 Portsmouth 42 54 438 Norfolk.. .. .. 42 57 424 Lynchburg . . 38 59 392 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Eastern Carolina. At Wilmington First game: Wil mington 1; Goldsboro 0; Second game Wilmington 1; Goldsboro 0; seven In nings. At Raleigh Wilson 1; Raleigh 0; four innings. National. Louis St . Louksl; At St New York 5. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 2; Brook lyn 1; ten innings. At Chicago Chicago 1; PhlladeL phla 3. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 3; Boston 2. American. At Washington Washington 3; Chicago 5; 15 Innings. At Philadelphia Philadelphia li st Louis 0. At New York New York 4; Cleve land 5; 11 Innings. At Boston Boston 4; Detroit 8; 10 innings. Soathera At Rtlanta Nashville 3; Atlanta 1. At New Orleans New Orleans 4; Memphis 1. -" -At Mobile Mobile 1; Little Rock 2. lV At Montgomery Montgomery 8; Birmingham 1. South Atlantie At Augusta Augusta 13; Savan nah 0. . . At Columbia First game: Charles. ton 3; Columbia 1; second game: Columbia 4; Charleston 2. At; Macon Macon 3; Jacksonville 2- Ylrginla ' At Roanoke Roanoke 0; Lynch burg 6. At Norfolk Norfolk 0; Danville 0; 100 innings, called, darkness. . At Richmond Richmond 0;, Ports mouth 3. ,,.,.--. EASTERN CAROLINA LEAGUE " ' . , . , . ' i Rain Interferes at Balelgh - Raleigh, N- C, , Aug. ",17 Rain broke up the game between Raleigh and Wilson In the first half of the fifth Inning hero Saturday, score then being as follows: .,,'!.,..' Raleigh...'.. .... .,0 8 1 WllSOn.. W iV- ii-.i t.lri 4 0 Batteries; Anderson and Holt; Bran. ion and Wrens. Wfljsdagtoa Beats -Ctoldsbera Twice WUmlngton. N-. c- Aug. 17. WU mlngtoa won from Golds bo ro In four teen Innings here Saturday by a score of 1 to a.. It .-was one of the best games seen here in a long while. -' First game Scorer; y 'ft: i ' ' -V' R. h. e. Wilmington .V." ; ' . . ' -. . ' .'. 1 T 0 Qoldsboro.. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Batteries; , McDonald and Rossi- Austin and Nash. Second game Score: R. H. E. Wilmington.. .. .. .. .. .. .,1 8 3 Ooldsboro.. .. .. .. . . .. '..0 1 1 Seven innlgs by agreement Batteries Bussey and Kite; Urn stead and Sullivan. Attendance 1500. Umpire McLaughlin. NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburg Downs ..Boston Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17. Pittsburg took the second game from Boston Saturday by a score of 3 to 2. Linda man replaced Ferguson in the fourth inning. Dahlen and Kelly were put oq the field for disputing with the umpire. . Score: R. H. E. Pittsburg 001 200 00x-8 8 1 Boston 200 000 000 2 5 3 Batteries Maddox and Gibson; Fcr guson, Llndaman and Graham. Time 1.55; umpire Emslie. New York Defeats St. Lonls St. Louis Mo., Aug. 17. Loose flejd. ing behind Sallce was responsible for the defeat of St. Louis by New York Saturday afternoon. The score was 5 to 1. Wiltse was master of his game at all times. Score: R. H. E. St. Louis 001 000 0001 7 6 New York .. ..010 030 0016 7 2 Batteries Sallee, Hlgglnbotham and Ludwig and Hostettcr; Wiltso and Bresnahan. Time 1.55; Umpires j Klem and Johnstone. Philadelphia Beats Chicago Chicago, 111., Aug. 17. Two long hits, a double, the other a tripple, gave Philadelphia Saturday's game. The locals were unable to touch Sparks and barely escaped a shutout a base on balls, a single and two outs, scoring tholr only run. Score: R. H. E. Chicago.. .. ..000 010 0001 4 2 Philadelphia. ..010 100 100 3 6 0 Batteries Brown and . Kling; Sparks and Dooin. Time 1.47; Um pire O'Day. Home Sun Wins Game Cincinnati, O., Aug. 17. Kane, the first man up for Cincinnati In the ninth inning, hit for a home run, ty ing the score; Mitchell hit the first ball pitched in the tenth for a home run, winning the game. The Cincin nati club Saturday signed a contract to train at Atlanta nevt season. Score: R. H. E. Cincinnati.. ..000 000 001 12 5 0 Brooklyn .. ..000 000 100 01 0 1 Batteries: Campbell. Coakley and scniei; wnnelm and Bergen. Time 1.30; Umpires, Rudderham and Rig ler. AMERICAN LEAGUE Phillies Shut Oit St LoaU Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 17. Powell outpltched Bender In a pitchers' bat. tie here Saturday, but the home team won by l to 0 on a pass to J. Collins and Schreck's two baggor in the elghtht Inning. score: R. H. E. St Louis 000 000 0000 7 1 Philadelp 000 000 Olz 1 2 0 Batteries: Powell and Smith; Ben der and Schreck. Time 1.28; Umpires Sheridan and Egan. New York Defeated la Eleventh New York, Aug. 17, The game be tween Cleveland and the local Ameri can club lasted eleven innings Sat urday and the visitors won by a score of 5 to 4. With two men out Rhoades made a three bagger, which brought Kinchman over the plate . with the winning tally. Score: ,' R. H. E. Cleveland ...004 000 000 016 10 2 New York. ..011 000 200 004 U S Batteries Falkenberg, Rhoades and N. Clarke; Hogg, Chesbro and Blair. Time 2.15;' Umpire 0LoughlIn. i Boston Beats Detroit ' Boston, Mass., Aug. 17. In 'aft ex. citing add hard fought game Boston defeated Detroit ' ' " " n ' 1 Score:' ' " ' R. H. E. Bostoa.v, ,i;..000 021 000 14 g " 8 Detroit.'.-.. V.000 101 200 03 9 3 : Batteries v , Young - and Carrigaa ; V Chicago Wms H IS Iaalagi : Washington, D. C, Aug: 17.-Chica. go defeated Washlu. a Saturday ( to 3, the game runnhtz tosa innings. Walsh- pUched.. sauUrful ball . but Parent's error seat the contest to ex tra innings. :-- -r,.-r.v. . r- A-8eoret;;r:;S:!:r0..i;: r, h. E. Washington ..100 000 110 ' 's.-ivi; .i. ooo eoo3 10 2 Chicago V, , .000 021 'MO X X :.v.Vi o.'oo2- is 4 Batteries Smith; Keeley and Street, Walsh and Sulivan and Shaw; time 3.05; -Umpires, Hurstand ConfiOUy. POnmD FAKAGSAPHS I" .-! S .. Chicago News. Hungry poets are' not satisfied with empty honors. , ' ' The lesa a man says tho more guess lng his wife has to do, :. It takes an experienced elevator boy to let a man down easy. The only way to crash an egotist Is to pay no attention, to him. When one good turn begets anoth er we shall have prepetual motion. . The man who Jumps at conclusions seldom lands where he expects to. It's easy to reasoi with a man af ter you have staked him to a good dinned. REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR New York Press. - , A woman's Idea of a sweet poem is for it to be tied up in lovely ribbon. A man who tries to be interesting to a girl who is engaged needs a new set of brains. ' i 'v " The reason a man wants to wear his best suit when he goes fishing is his wife won't let him. A woman is always willing to ask forgiveness for a . misunderstanding unless she was in the wrong. The chief reason all women would like to the actresses Is because they have so many photographs taken. A WORD TO HOUSE-KEEPERS ' I have Just received the finest lot of fish this season. Large Trout Large Hog Fish; Large Mullets. Med ium size drums for. stewing. Give me your order Just as soon as you re. ceive The Sun. The fish will go to your house nicely dressed' without any extra cost Phone 142. J. B.;WATSON, Market Dock. Elixir8enna acts gently yet prompt I lyonthe bowels, cl rises fke system effectually assists one m overcoming Habitual consfeaiion permanently. 15 get Its beneicial ejects buy The oenuine. - 'anujacturedbythe mm mld wfuam ORucctsre-Bpr ptami Are Yoa Suffering from Piles. . BLOODINE OINTMENT is guars n teed to cure by F. S. Duffy, Thou sands who have been cured by BLOOD INE OINTMENT are constantly rec ommending it to their friends. There is really no excuse for anyone suf fering with Plies, now that BLOOD ING OINTMENT is so readily obtain able. If you have any. doubt aboat Its value F. S. Duffy will let you have it on a guarantee. Positive Proof. 1 ' ' Mr, F. 8. Randall, of No. 20 East Main Street Leroy, N. Y., write that "Bloodlno Ointment" has proves effic acious in a stubborn case of Pliers and Rectal' Fissures where everything else has failed. Bloodlne Ointment costs but 60c a box. ' i Are yoa tortured to death, daily with Ecsema? - Why suffer when BLOODINE OINTMENT WiU give you instant relief and permanently cure you; 260. a box, mailed by The Blood lae Co.Inc, Boston, Mass. , , y y NOTICE! . To traveling publlo that Bachelor Creek Bridge has boon rebuilt and Is now opea to the traveling publlo. ' '' , J. F. ROBINSON, r Supt Craven County Cridges ... -- 1 .VVa . Oooe to our show loom, 78 Jerot street and we caa show 70 the bcl sad ch-Apest Buggies in Bunabouta opea and top Wagons. Surrys, Bua ties, and Second Vehicles of other us om carts 826.00 very good, but the a price. ;v .jV : c. ; 78 BBOA STRCXxi MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant te a power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage exe cuted by S. A. Gasklns and S. ' E. Gasklns, his wife,' to J. W. Stewart, date the 13th day cf November 1900, the same being recorded in the afflce of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 135 Page 61. Also another mortgage executed by S A. Gasklns and S. E. Gasklns, his wife to J. W. Stewart, bearing date of the 11th day of April 1906, recorded in the office of .the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 159, Page 273. . Also another mortgage executed by S. A. Gasklns to J. W. Stewart bear ing date of the 7th ttay of November, 1903, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county In Book 147 Page 573. Also another mortgage executed by S. A. Gasklns to J. W, Stewart, bear ing date of the 16th day of December, 1907, and recorded nl the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county In Book 172 Page 140. I will sell at the court house door In Craven county, N. C, on Monday the 7th day of September, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., to the highest bidder for. cash, all of the following described property as conveyed In the mortgage aforesaid, towlt: On the north side of Neuse river, in Craven county, being the land willed by V. A. Thomas to J. A. Thomas, Mary C. Thomas and S. E. Thomas, bounded by the lands of G. W. Thomas, A S. Eveiington and J. A. Everington and others, containing 125 acres more or less, being my home place; also one open buggy and harnes bought of James Biddle. Also a certain tract of land lying and being situate In Craven county, N. C, on the "Shoo-Fly" road contain, ing 48 2-3. acres, It being the same 18 2-3 acres inherited by John Q. A. Bennett from his first wife. Josephine Sammons Bennett and 30 acres the said Bennett bought from the Sam mons heirs, as set forth in a deed from the said Bennett bearing date of Feb ruary 8, 1907. . J. W. STEWART, Mortgagee. July 29, 1908. HOTE CUI.IBEEAND New York. & W. Cer. Broadway at 64th Street Rear 60th St Subway and 63rd 8 Herated and accessible to all sur face lines. HEADQUARTERS FOI SOUTHERNERS. 4 : Ideal Locatmo. . Near Shops, and Central Park. JEW AND FIRE PROOF, STEICTL) i FIRST CLASS Cf EYERY -u' H.i$:y iBESrECaV'c,-'-rC':5 All Outside Rooms. No Carpets. Al Hardwood Floors and Oriental Rugs European Plan. ,' .. ';j V Transient rates, 2.60 with bath, and pv . Restanrant Unexcelled.- Prlcei Reasonable. Send for Booklet HABRY P. STITSSN, , . Formerly with Hotel Imperial r B. h BINGHAH, . . Formerly with Hotel Woo&wart . If Its a Begat hbb! atelea or F. F, T. Cams jtm want, c&U ay O, C Amitreig. Fhene, 174, ,2 f $ ssst 1 ' .. Theatrar , 1 f n i.S 5 AVI! I G t ' S f??C llOHEr l f,Tlf!v C. rsj mm, r i 1 in. We publish ao-misleading Illustrations but we do know how t6 provide our patrons with the right kind of clothes. If you have had clothes troubles, sir we invite you to come to this .store for rellet v; ' We will surprise you with the excellence of our Clothing, and please you with our reasonable prices. Come you're next .', ' SAMUEL ON THE CORNER. 1 South ern Railway Company ''v n i AAPSlfAffSM PUPS 1 i si v rAoaiUiVauv lKArrlU UJLrAKlMLINr Annual Mountain Excursion to ASHEVILLE AND SAPPHIRE COUNTRY August 14th, 1908 SOUTHERN RAILWAY has pleasure in announcing August 14, 1908, as the date for the ANNUAL MOUNTAIN EXCURSION from Norfolk, Richmond and intermediate stations to ASHEVILLE and the SAP PHIRE COUNTRY. The Round Trip rates will be extremely low, as follows: Black Mountain,. N. C. i.". $10.00 Ashevllle, N. C. 10.00 Hot Springs, N. C. 11.00 Waynesville, N. C... Hendersonvllle, N. C. Lake Toxaway, N. C. Tickets good on all regular trains August 14th and returning on all regular trains within tendays from date of sale, but not ex ceeding August 25th. For complete information apply Agents, or ! TW imi Hdm Scfcwl filial Calm. M; A fan PwomWDiwiiIiI mmnamn. Uitp-M 1 aWsajejsl nottd wOs sht MsMlF- IVboiejf sliciMt M tMdyoot A TRIP TO BALTIIMOIE Is esneciallv attractive now via I1U llUaTIIIUTilIf U iiiiv vuoaupocuiy liuiy uiaiuuio Leave Norfolk daily, Except Sunday, ' ' 'AT 6:00 P. M. Club Breakfast 25 cts. to60cts. . Table D'hote s-. .,- . . Dinner 75 cents. , For particulars and reservations address, ; W.IJW, CROXTON, T. P. A., E. T. LAME, , Norfolk, Va; ." , Gen. kgt. E. J. CHISM, G. P. A., Baltimore, Md. DO YOU KKOff FR0FESS03 C0LDEII? , , . ' The Man Whose Cera Lectures and. Cera; Trains Have Added Hera' than Twenty KllUea Bashels te the Cora Crop ef Iowa. - - v - Prof.' Holdea has prepared for us a book which gives the cream of his lectures on corn growing. - It tells allabout seed -selection, seed testing, getting a stand, corn Judging, corn pests, eta, eto. . It is a practical farmers haadlbook. It la not theory but practios Just as It has been worked out on . tao turn. The aame of this V TIIE -A B C COrUI CLtUHSi " C5ST TALUAELI CF EES "CZXtSSX" ' A. L Boot, the Veteran agrlculturlsr and 'bee man, says:. Tlli -' book Is the most valuable work published In the last century if the farmer' will take right hold of it with enthusiasm and put its teach lags into practice." " - , - ' " , Th book Is 5 1-4 by 1-4 inches. Contains 100 pages and over 81 illustrations. Well printed, neatly bound. -We want to put this book in the hands of every live farmer and farmers' boy in the country, 'and will mki Uttrlci low accordingly. ' xt : ;:i ::. A EAr7A:J mcr-asl is 1 cents, cola tr stamps, aU ws ;tw1 mi. fsa,t-s. lv j .toO,' isstpati.': ' It' when yen gt It, yea are r:t i i "? is a c ra ssg we wiu re tors yoar aieney, a!, t t'Z t i- tt' "a f t s lci,. CoaU aayttlng be L'rcrl. 1. L Kacliwear. w 1 -. i .1' tt ti'' .. ; AlmpsTery'man has read the - la the' newspapers and inaga- ''J-Wi.wry..-aMA. has been looking at the Clothes they prei tend to describe.'. We Invite, these -men to" call 4 : at out start to be most sztm- ably surprised, It's easy to draw a picture of Men's Clothes as they should, be, but its not so essyx to make th Clothes, that look like the picture. YOFFIE, 62 MIDDLE ST. u wmma . esveAsaM wmmm - ". U n.00 , 11.00 12.00 1 to Southern Railway Ticket W. W. CROXTON, T. P. A. ' .. ' Norfolk, Vs. RALEICH.N C; 1 to Vowg Wk Mw4 wfcfw . l MmMiaim Mill Ait .mmm raoaiav- am Hnry Jftm Stwcltn. ' I inu -THllT1Iirs

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