? A j STA5XI3Q CF ?Z1 CLUBS ;i . Eastors,'", CuK, . j-r.-"- Won, r loeU . ' WUnd ngton. . ..12 ; IS . WUaonV.fuUS 1J 0teboro..;,,.1 .'.1'. H -Raleigh. ; . . . : ',',. 8 -,v 87 Pet 647 "" 618 ;5 239 ;,..; Pet 610 llatieal Leagae. y Won. last Pittsburg J New York;.., Chicago.. .. Philadelphia. Cincinnati,. Boston.. Brooklyn., . St Louis.. ., ..64 ...3 ..60 ..57" ..65 ..47 ..39 ftt 48 46 45 54 60 64 600 666 659 505 439 879 343 ImrfcM League. Y-. ; Wan. Lost Detroit.. .. .. .. ..65 41 St Louis.. .. .. ..62 45 Cleveland.. ... .. ..61 47 , Chicago.. 59 49 Philadelphia 51 53 Boston 52 56 Washington.. 42 63 New York.. .. .. ..34 72 Pot 613 579 565 546 490 481 400 321 Southern League. Won. Lost P. Ct Nashville ..57 44 561 New Orleans 57 47 548 Memphis.. .... ....56 49 533 Mobile.. 54 51 514 Montgomery 51 52 495 Atlanta 51 53 490 Little Rock 53 57 482 Birmingham.. 38 64 372 Ylrginla League 1 Won. Lost., P. Ct Richmond 66 37 641 Danville.. .... ....63 36 636 Roanoke '. 51 54 486 Portsmouth 53 56 434 Norfolk. 42 60 412 Lynchburg 39 61 390 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Eastern Carolina. At Raleigh Raleigh 6; Goldsboro At Wilson Wilmington 4; Wilson JfationaL At Chicago Chicago 5; Boston 1. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 0; Brook lyn 4. At St Louis St Louis-Philadelphia rain. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 1; New York 3. American. At Washington First game: Wash . lngton 2; St Louis 4; second game: Washington 4; St Louis 1. At New .York New York 8; Detroit 0. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 6; Chicago 3, At Boston Boston 7; Cleveland 2. Soatbern At AtlantaFirst game: Binning ham 6; Atlanta 2; second game: Birmingham-Atlanta, stopped by rain af ter second Inning. At Montgomery Nashville 6; Mont gomery 3. No other games scheduled. South Atlantic At Charleston Charleston-Savannah, no game. ' At Jacksonville Jacksonville, 15; Augusta 1; eight innings. At Columbia Columbia-Macon, no game, rain. Ylrginla At Lynchburg Lynchburg 2; Rich mond 1. ' At Norfolk Roanoke 2; Norfolk 0. At Danville Portsmouth 9; Dan ville 4. CHARGES WERE TABLED Richmond Mayor's Contentions Were Never Acted Upon Richmond, Vs., Aug. 20. Eighteen months ago, at a regular meeting of the city council, the committee ap. pointed to look Into charges brought by Mayor Carlton McCarthy against the finance committee, made their re port, which vindicated Mayor McCar thy by upholding his contentions a- fcainst tne nnance committee. The re. ed with the proper resolutions attach ed. This was done and the report . was tabledVHV -;i:-yVh:?L'?:;'- r:-"-:i:j Mayor McCarthy's term will expire within a few days, but as yet this re port has never been read before the council nor any public action taken to ' throw light' on the investigation. ; Itching, bleeding, protruding or VII. fl-- i-t .- vuuu pun jw iv uosni vmunenw , inmau nim mmi ' hi J i.tii i i .-www wwwm g r IjHIIM Mreo. uragguta au msk tt. 3v zzzzzuzzzz v mrp 0TOMrroN.v. .Emptied 8M 6u at Clow ...;...wAa CarSpe Jj Rv Wlra to The Sua. Range 8wansboro, Va Aug. 20 Nothing but theu.ttmely;. warning: of r wree sitting In thetonneau of Mr, Lewis and, . the colored chauffeur from in Jury or perhaps death at the hands of Thomas Hancock, a drunken white man. who deliberately fire a charge of Bhot Into the side of the machine as It sped along the road Just out side of Swansboro, in Chesterfield county, yesterday morning. The man, when arrested In the afternoon, gave no reason for his act, as he was still under the influence of liquor. He was placed in the Chesterfield county jail Mr. Williams will appear against him Friday morning, The machine had been sent to Mr. Williams' farm in Chesterfield early in the morning to carry Miss, Wil liams and leave her there. The child was in charge of her nurse. The an tomoblle was driven by a colored chauffeur, these being the only occu pants. The nurse said that as they went out, Hancock was standing on the side of the road with the gun In his hand, and flourished It as the car ran close to- him. She said that she was frightened at this, but that he did not fire even after they had passed. When the machine neared the same spot on the return trip, she noticed that Hancock was still there and told the chauffeur to drive rapidly. Ac cordingly, the speed was increased. JuBt as the car reached him, Hancock raised the gun. The nurse screamed to the boy to dodge, and at the same moment she tell Into the tonneau. Just as they screened themselves by the heavy sides of the car, Hancock pulled the trigger, with the muzzle of the gun almost aaglnst it A num. ber of the shot struck the machine, but many went over it and would have wounded the occupants had they not dodged so quickly. When the car was examined after Its arrival here the marks were plainly visible on the hardwood sides. As soon as he heard of the shoot ing, Mr. Williams returned to Ches terfield with his car, and took County Policemen Jerold and Watts with him. They were not long in locating the man, who was captured, without re sistance. He was taken to the county jail. Hancock, who was still under the influence of liquor, would not talk of the incident He is said to be a hard drinker. Mr. Williams will appear a gainst him, and the probabilities are that he will be sent to the grand Jury after a preliminary hearing before a magistrate, SPEAKS Of WINSTON SATURDAY Candidate for Congress Soon Begins Speaking In All Connties By Wire to the Sun. Durham, N. C, Aug. 20. Ex-Solici tor A. L. Brooks has opened his cam paign and made a speech In the Per son county court house yesterday In Roxboro. Mr. Brooks, running for a national office, representative in congress from the -fifth congressional district la ac centing national issues and has a strong speech of an hour devoted en tirely to those matters. He will stump thoroughly every county In the district and will meet his opponent if he has one and that antagonist doesn't develop the usual -Republican race horse proclivities. , Mr. Brooks will be here early in September to address the democratic club, which is to be formed as soon as the county campaign has ended la the nomination of somebdy. ..The ex act date of that club's organization Is not known and will not be until the convention la over and the democrats have a chance to breathe more eas ily. Mr. Brook will go Saturday ; to 1,t Wk rat waaterfal 'OwMh IS J "4 mt4 ot iMaMfe t - v'k - i t.w', i wi.i : m tmmtCt,t. Btatfor". ThaDowtlt CANOvcATiuirno !. WMK.aariirln. ha. la.. Him. v ri Nn, Th. .aai u..i.. t.mpU jg .. .i . 3 Winston to address, the .' Forsythe county democracy on One occasion of its county convention. He will apeak In Dobaon, Surry county. September 1st and 'the dose ot the county con tentions over the d r!ct, wlU have snapped out an Miner try ' that . will keep him busy the remainder of the campaign., w; ; '-r . -" y Mr. Brooks will ask ''bit opponent, who ever h : may happen to be,; to a Joint issue and there la a hope here that' , Durham "county ' will furnish portion fcrja,aa(Bnent ln that ei vent There la strong talk of the nom Inatton ' fMr7'TiAngler for that office on the Republican ticket and Brooks would 'AkV tpt see It As yet he says he hasnt the slightest idea who will oppose him and he would be very happy to know, what man will be put up against him. . Mr. Angler perhaps stands the best chance of the nomination. He is of the faith .that Brooks' )cai vDe beaten and the man with such sublime optim ism would Inake an ideal candidate He la 'not scrambling tor the job and the snap judgment of the convention Saturday without giving Itself that matter a chance to parade' itself, does not worry him. He might, or might not make the race. .But he would be a strong candidate and the Republi cans, if they fall to name him, might do a great deal worse. S'i.' Dyspepsia is America's curse. Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspep sia every time. It drives out impuri ties, tones the stomach, restores per fect digestion, normal , weight, and good health. CONFEDERATE HOSTS GATHER Advance Guard to Reunion Invades Winston-Salem 600 Strong By Wire to The Sun. Winston-Salem, N, C- Aug. 20. The advance guard of veterans of the State Confederate Reunion, which op ens today for a two - days session, numbers more than 600 visitors. It is estimated that the attendance will be not less than 1,500. Local com mittees have made all preparations to entertain the men who wpre the gray from 1861 to 1865. v - The feature of today's program will be addresses by Gen .Bennett C. Young, commander of Kentucky divis ion of United Confederate Veterans, and by Gen. C. Irwin, commander of the department of the army of north ern Virginia. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 20. j-A large party of Rowan Confederate veterans left Salisbury yesterday for Wlnston Salcm, where they will attend the State Reunion of North Carolina vet. erans. It la believed that Rowan has a larger proportion of surviving Southern soldiers than any other county in the State. CENSURED AS INSANITiBX Newport News Establishments . Net According to Law, Says Inspector By Wire to The Sun. Newport News, Aug. 20.State Food Inspector Jones paid his first official visit to this city today and In spected meat shops, grocery stores. confectionery establishments, and Ice cream factories. He declared that on ly a few of the places measured ud to the requirements of the law, and that some were in an unsanitary condition. He conferred with Health Officer Baa- ley, and before leaving said that he would return In the near future to prosecute all parties who have not put their places of business In the is. quired condition. v' V Habitual Constipatioii Pfinunai efforts v.(tKlKe oisW W the.ow TniV Wjicwl laxative -is..p aamr fW II IMU . OSStSIOnce W W..m . 1114. k lure www U Aroduoll, Jispess, wiV J? a$tkeUstsf AtT aulelP iwWarJiiottswprJahttkeriatrtB. Fig Ctew f?n: itvtv piD CYAU.1CA9INO ,r?UCCIT$ tttsoe4r;r rrKMBtle NOTICEl I" ' I To traveling public ttiat BacheW Creek Bridge has been rebuilt and it now open to the traveling public. - ,i 3. F. ROBINSON, " Supt Craven County Bridges t MV til t?nin ' -. , GIJLYT DAHGAUo ' M -A r , ' - wr m Con to our ahow room. 78 Brow. stmt ud we' can ahow yon the ba and ch -apest Buggies In Runaboute open ftad top Wagons, Surryv Buy ties; and Second Vehicles of other n from saris $25.00 very good, but chesr te pries.' . ..-'. t & Waters & Soa 78 BX019 STREET, MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to a power of sale con- talned in that certain mortgage exe cuted by 8. A. Gaskins and 8. E. Gasklna, his wife, to J. W. Stewart. date the 13th day of November 1900. the same being recorded in the sfflce of the Register of Deeds of Craven county In, Book 135 Page 61. - . Also another mortgage executed by 9 A. Gaskins and S. E. Gaskins, his wife to J. W. Stewart, bearing date of the 11th day of April 1906, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county In Book 159, Page Also another mortgage executed by S. A. Gaskins to J. W. Stewart, bear. ing date of the 7th day of November, 1903, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 147 Page 573. Also another mortgage executed by S. A. Gaskins to J. W. Stewart, bear ing date ot the 16th day of December, 1907, and recorded ni the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county In Book 172 Page 140. I will sell at the court house door in Craven county, N. C, on Monday the 7th day of September, 1908. at the hour of 12 o'clock m., to the highest bidder tor cash.- all of the following described property as conveyed In the mortgage aforesaid, towit : V ; - On the north side ot Neuse river. In Craven county, being the land willed by V. A. Thomas to J. A. Thomas, Mary C. Thomas and S. E. Thomas, bonndnd by the lands of G. W. Thomas. A S. Everlngton and J. A. Everlngton and outers, containing 125 acres more or less, being my home place; also one open buggy and harnes bought of James Biddle. Also a certain tract of land lying and being situate in Craven county, N. C. on the "Shno-FIv" ma A Mt.t.1. ing 48 2-3 acres, It being the same is z-3 acres inherited by John Q. A. Bennett from his first wife, Josephine gammons Bennett, and 80 acres the said Bennett bought from the 8am- mons heirs, as set forth In a deed from the said Bennett bearing date of Feb- ruary 8, 1907. J. W. STEWART, ' Mortgagee. July 29, 1908. BOTE CUTJOOAND New York. B. W. Cor. Broadway at Mth Stntf Rear 5 0th St Subway and 63rd 9 Xlevated and accessible to all sur face lines; HEADQUARTERS FOB SOUTHERNERS. Ideal : Location.' Near Theatra Shops, and Central Park. V' BEIf AIB FIRE PROOF, STEJCTLf . ' ruuST tXASS U EVERT - SESrECZ,, , : . v All Outside Rooms. No Carneta. AH Hardwood Floors and Oriental Rugs. European Plan. " ' ' Transient rates, 2.50 with bath, and ip. . Restourant ; Unexcelled. Prkat Keasonable. Send for Booklet HAE2T P. 8TirS05, " Formerly with Hotel Imperial ', ' a. i. edtghah; Formerly with Hotel Woodward If lis a Bon ssiai melon er F. F. T. Cass yen want, call VL C ' if i rv i :! V Art: tree . rkoae, 171, . r e, i II- " 45AVI!IQ' f Ws publish no misleading Illustrations but we do know how it 'provide our patrona with the right kind of clothes. If you have had clothes troubles, sir we Invito you to corns to this store tor relief) ' We will surprise you with the excellence ot our Clothing, and please you wiia our reasonable duism. aSAMUELfTOFmtp ON THE CORNER. 62 MIDDLE ST. Southern Rail PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT Annual Mountain Excursion to ASHEVTLLE AND SAPPIURE COUNTRY August 14th, 1908 - SOUTHERN RAILWAY has pleasure, In announcing August 14, 1908 as the date for the ANNUAL MOUNTAIN EXCURSION from Norfolk, . Richmond and Intermediate stations to ASHEVILLE and the SAP : PHIRE COUNTRY. i , . The Round Trip rates will be extremely low, as follows: Black Mountain. N. C....... $10.00 , t Ashevllle, N. C. 10.OO Hot Springs, N. C. 11.00 Waynesvllle, N. C.......... . iiM HendersonvUle, N. C. ........ n.oo Lake Toxaway, N, C. ..... , . .:, . . 12.00 Tickets good on all regular trains August 14th and returning on all regular trains within tendaya from date of sale, but not ex ceeding August 25th. ' 'Por complete Information apply to Southern Railway Ticket Agenta, or . W. W. CROXTON, T. P. A. ... Norfolk, Va. Incorporatatt. First division of the Fall Term, Wednesday, September 2nd. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Telegraphy and English taught by experts. A ochool with a reputation. The eldest, largest and best equipped business college In the Carolinas. Write for catalogue, Address. KING'S BCSOESS COLLEGE, Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte, If. C. A TRIP TO EALTIiMOE Is especially attractive now via The C!i3ap&alie Leave Norfolk daOy, , Except Sunday, at 6:00 p, m.'..;:;;, ; r Club Breakfast 25 cts. to 60 cts. Table D'hote r Dinner 75 cents. For particulars and reservations address, W.QW. CROXTON, T, XMorfolK, va. , . , E. J. CfflSM, G. P. DO YOU BMW JPROrESSOX koldzij? , The Man Whose Con Lectures Md Cera Trains Hare Added Vers than Twenty milea Bushels te the Con Crop e( lews. Tnt golden haa prepared for us a book which gives the crests of his lectures on corn growing. It tolls all about seed selection, seed testing, getting a stand, corn Judging, com pests, etc., to,: fy ' ? ' It Is i practical farmer's handlbook. . It not theory but praotiot Just as It has been worked out oa the farm. Thi name of this work W'-'V:--;;V?'y'H'-;r.''. ma A d.cAkd comanruiiE "zest taluaile eccx cf the czxttzv , A. I, Boot, the tetsran agriculturist and bee man, says! "This book la the most Valuable work published In the last century It the farmer will take right hold of It with, enthusiasm and put 4U teach ings Into' 'practice." - j " .::.i ' -V:'";;: ,"t . ' . . ' : ; :: ;,: - ' ; ' The book' Is 61-4 by 11-4 Inches. Contains 100 pages and over 81 Illustrations. Well prlpted, neatly bound. Ws want to put this book In the hands of every live farmer and farmera' boy in the country, and wl!l nmlti th-i rW low accordingly, ' ' ' .'i ' A EALAIT r: Cnl ti cents, esla er stamps,' and we wn t-zi j'.i l' 5 : i trt -:vpofi:;iix W, wbea yes get it yes era r t i If at e v i i 1 1 t j a t rl r?rt M)si.r. 4 i Almost every man has read the :fry; Tales of the Clothiers;' ;s in the newspapers and maga sttet, '-iK-H ; Almost every -inan haa baen disappointed and diaguotsd oa poking t the Clothes they vt tend to describe, :--cVvh":..- . ; Wa Invite these insn' tot call at odr store to be moat agree.' ably surprised, s It's1 easy to draw a picture of Men's'-Clotnea ha , they should be, but its not so easy .to make the Clothes that look ilka tha ntonr coma vnn'ra ? any Cacltai Stock S3u.000.00 Line Steamers P. A., . E.,T. LAMB, ' Gen. Agt. At Baltimore,' Md. .- t-1 we w!3 retan yesr saesey, alts -si,. Cctll anyiLIrig ks fairer!, li.