-f ... ' VV t. ' i ' S ". tti CTtVT" VTPW Ott It "13 Ttl TIITTOT JY: lfW XiUI OUXly HJUIT JJJ.kM, AV V. nuuugj, V, r 1 i3 -J ft K r r y ALCOHOL 3 PI a lut ifagllieSarrSiriilkwanf rtomotesDi(esihkaful ness and RestXontains neSSr OriumXarphioe nr)SaaiL NOT N ARC OTIC. jkjtsoukaminnat ' retr- -, an v. 7b Kind -Ycallaio ! AIv;ay3 jcjjliir . Bears the Signature of JkUUUtl- . . f A- W- I Aptrfed Remedy fOTCte.j Hnn . Smir Stmrjrh JHinnKt WormsJCntvusunsJevais ncas aniLO SS9T SOXR IteSiraleSnof NEW YD"PlLi. i I ' t WW . mi. ea er In Use For Over Thirty Years SOKE C0XYE5TI05 SEWS. ' bt. Ball.akd JHsjCorpi of Decorators Bxact Copy of Wrapper. V C 3. I'.ORfOLK AND SOUTHERN V RAILWAY CO. letsgerald, Wolcott .' and Kerr, Ee . , eeiverg. ': Effective May M, 1W8. ' 4 TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN :26 a. m., 7:15 p. m. (Dally Except Sunday) for LaGrange, Cove City, , Dover, Klnston, Tuscarora, Golds- boro and Intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m. 7.00 p. m. (Sunday only) Fir Tuscarora, Cove City, Klnston LaGrange, Goldsboro, and Inter mediate stations. ; 1:27 a. m., 7:18 p. m. (Dally except ,. Bunda)--Fbr Rlverdale,' Crbatan, ; Havelock, Newport, Wlldwood, Morenead City, Beaufort and in. termediate stattons. i :M a. m., 6:60 p. m. (Sunday only) Fct Slverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport, Wlldwood, Morehead City, .Beaufcifnd Intermedial tation.,vfv.:i' iM :iM li 1:80 p. m. (Dally except Sunday) For ReelBbord, Grantsbort, Bayboro, THPBtal aiixl intermediate sta- , uons. "V '' ' T-10 0. m. (Sunday only) For , Reels boro, Grantsboro, BayborO, Oriental and Intermediate stations. 1:25 a. m- (Dally Except Sunday) For WasnlngtoiL Plymouth, Co. " lumbli, Belhaven, Edenton, Herfr ford, Ellrabeth City; Norfolk, 8df. ; folk .and intermediate stations, New Barn to Greenville, Farm ville, Wilson, : Zebulon, ... Raleigh and Intermediate stations. Trains Arrive at New Bern ,. 1:15 a. m.;-7:05 p. m.. ( Dally ex. cept Sunday) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Klnston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and Intermediate sta tions. 9:20 a. m.j 6.50 p. m.7tSunday nly) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Kln ston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and " Intermediate stations. 9:20, a, m.; 7:10 p. nv (Dafly expt Sunday) From . Beaufort, More. head City, Wlldwood, Newport, Havelock, Croatan, Rlverdale and - Intermediate stations, i - ; , " 9:20 a. in.; 7:00 p. m. (Sunday only) From Beaufort, Morehead City, u WUdwood, Newport, Havelock, ' -, Croatan, Rlverdale ' and lnterme- c ' dlate stations. . ', ';! - ' 9:00 a." m. (Dally) From Oriental, " Bayboro.'; Grantsboro,'! Reelsboro ' and Intermediate iatlone. c T:15 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) ' From Norfolk.; Suffolk, Ellkabeth , ' City, Hertford, Edentonr: Belhaven, i Columbia, Plymouth, Washington '? tand intermediate stations, Edenton to New Bern: RaAeigni Wendell, ' Zebulon, Wilson, FfrmVta, Greenville and Intermediate ita ivr Uonie y.:!:s'.:VK :f ' On June 7th land SL Joly 6th and 19th I .Attgijst t and itth, train will leave ' New, Bern for Beaufort at 11:16 a. '.- p K returning will arrlv , lttNew V'v. "'. :M P-: nvvr fc-irjfif'i. tAUSXAH WAJfTTD-TO EILl. K. tall tade 165 to $140 per month sod expenses or, commU;3lca.', lV.r jarL enos unnecessary.' lUrotecra-Cl- tar Co, Toledo, O. v MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in that certain Mortgage exe cuted by S. A. Gaskins and 8. E. Gasklna. his wife to T. D. Arnold, bearing date the 10th day of Febru ary, 1905, the same being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, in Book 153, Page 442, 1 will sell at the court house door in Craven county, N, C, on Wednesday the 7 day of September, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock m to the highest bidder for cash all of the following de scribed property as conveyed in the mortgage aforesaid towit: VOn the North side of Neuse river, in Craven county, being the land will ed.by V. X Thomas ,to J. A. Thomas, Mary C. Thomas and S. EL Thomas, bounded by the lands of G. W. Thomas A S. Everlngton and J. A. Everlng- ton and others, containing 125 acres more or less being my home place also one open buggy and harness bought of James Blddle. T. D. ARNOLD, Mortgagee. CERTD7ICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of. North Carolina, ( ' : Department of State. To all to whom these presents may corner-Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof, by the unanimous consent of, all the stockholders, de posited In my office, that Blades Lum ber Company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is situated in tho town of New Bern, County of Craven; state of North Carolina, Wiley C. Rodman, being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served, has compiled with the requirements of chapter 21, Re vlsal of 1905, entitled -"Corporations,' preliminary to. the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution. . t Now, Therefore, f. 3. Bryan Grimes, secretary of the state of North Caro lina, do hereby certify , that the said corporation did, on the 29th day of July, 1908, file In my office a duly executed, and attested consent In writ ing1 to the .dissolution of said corpora tion, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on .file In my said offloe.'as pro vided by lawv ;;;; h-jy- In 'testimony - whereof, I have here unto eel my hand and affixed my offl cial seal at Raleigh, this 2th day of July, A. D., 1908.ti.:'4 f' liH'i Jt BRYAN GRIMES," ' . ,A-t' Secretarjr of State. 5 ; iwa .as auw.(wi vi vx-wabm . i BiiMik -iiidoriom ta Fine , : i ai Joy, Forever. .: Charfotte ObaW Ver." S ' : ;iCharlottea-eoonto be tested. It was V raregone. conclusion mat tne democrats who came to attend the state .convention Jul June would re ceive the glad hand from, everybody.! Mecklenburg county .is decidedly one sided -tn 4t ; politic; ' taepablicans have never prospered well here. But next week the town will teem with republicans mossbacks from Mitch ell, Yancey and other counties In the Blue Ridge mountains, new recruits from Chatham, Moore, Cabarrus and Rowan,, and populist-republicans and one or more distinguished men from a distance. Charlotte will play host to the followers of Taft and Sherman. Always hospitable the peo ple will be so next week. "We are looking for a good time here," said a well known republican leader to an Observer man tester day. "The boys were reluctant to come here but when the good clti- tens of your eity sent that delega tion to Greensboro and invited us as you did, we yielded and will be here in full force. We know full well what you can and will do. There will be several thousand men and wo men here. 1 Lots of the delegates will bring their wives." ' The ;Tepublicana. (expect Charlotte to do her utmost as she did for the democrats. Those in charge of the preliminary arrangements - think that al lthings will be ready by the time the delegates arrive. The hotels are getting ready to room and feed as many as possible and private homes will be thrown open as they were in June. The auditorium will wear Its best dress. Dr. Warren Vines Hall, that calcu latlng wonder, with energy like t ferret, and, the eye of an artist, is at work on the auditorium. He is go ing to see that his brethren, the re publicans from Cherokee to Curri- tuck-r-Manteo to Turtletown nave an attractive hall to meet in. Flags, buntlags, Teddy bears, portraits and other legitimate means of ornament are being used to make the Inside of the auditorium attractive. Early yesterday morning, as an Ob server reporter stood at the square, rubbering, he saw a small, stout man, with r6sy cheeks and round facq, wearing glasses, go out North Tryon street, toward the city hall, with bis arms full of wee Teddy bears, white Teddies, some forty oV fifty of them in all. "Has Jthe man that fnaniy chil dren" asked a stranger. "Nope, that's Dr. Hall, the bache lor," said a native. "Going to treat an orphan school, I presume?" "Nope, decorate the hall for the republican convention," said a mem ber of the G. O. P., with a proud smile all over his face. "Oh, I see. to honor of Teddy Roosevelt" That was it Dr. Hall was on his way to the auditorium then to com plete his work. M ; ; "What are you going to do to the stage?" asked a reporter as he sat down by Mr. Hall "Leave It as we have it What do yo.u think of it? Look at that pasto ral scene In the back ground! , Isn'i that fine and appropriate?" Over the speaker's stand, at the centre of the rostrum, hang two large colored portraits of Honor William H. Taft candidate for president, and his running mate, James S. Sherman. The one la decorated with a mustache and the other with small Burnsldes, or mutton chops. Surmounting these is a large,' gold bronze eagle, above whose head " floats three ' American flags. On the stand will be a num ber of, green plants and. other deco rations to gvie it color. Immediately in front of the stage an immense pyra mid of Ice, in the centre of which will be a picture of Mr. Taft encircled In flowers, is to be placed. ' ; Dr. Hall's task Is almost finished. He put on the last touches yester day. Long festoons of red, white and blue spring from the iron columns that support and aurmdunt the gal leries to the top .of the building. Through the centre run long stream ers, with stars and stripes, Jn festoon effect The centre' streamer, running from front to 'hack, , Is trl-colored. From gallery ; to gallery,'; In . front of the Btage, Jiangs a pendant of. North Li '.v.. .,- Constipation cause headache, nan tea, : dizziness, languor, heart palpi tetlon. prastio physics gripe, sicken, weaken th J bowels and dont. cure, Ooan's ReruleU act gently and cure AOstlpatloii, 25 centa.; Ask your drug- . Stop earache in two minutes; tooth ache or pain of burn or scald In five minutes; hoarseness, one. hour; mus cleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas Electric Oil, mon arch over pain." " Carolina flags. Here and there, at regular" Intervals, large and small Japanese lanterns swing from every point of .vantage. The centre piece consists of a large octagon shaped chandelier, in which eight white Teddy bears support long crimson streamers, 'between which are inter posed as many pendants of blue felt, bearing diminutive -oil portraits of Mr. Taft "'and the whole supporting the emblem the elephant of the republican party. Fourteen ; electric fans, blowing yard long rlbboas, are placed about the hall. Dr. HaK and his co-laborers have acquitted-themselves with credit in decorating the auditorium. "How about the money, Mr. Hall?" asked' the reported. , ! "The people are going to give us a plenty, I think," was the reply. "Three wards have been heard from and they , did nicely. We will get enough." , , The republican convention held in Greensboro in the spring disposde of some of the work of the regular state convention but there are several im portant matters to settle here. The eight members at large of the state executive committee are to be elect ed. This will cause somewhat of a contest as will be seen from the list of names mentioned in "connection with the places: Marion Butler, of Eliot; A. A. Whitener, of Hickory, Thomas S. Rollins, of Asheville; T, T. Hicks, of Henderson; A. E. Hol ton, of Winston-Sal em; Z V. Walser, of Lexington; W. B. Andrews, of Ral eigh; F. D. Jones, of Gulf, and others. Judge Spencer B. Adams, chairman of the state committee, and his first lieutenant, Mr. E. C. Duncan, of Ral eigh, are expected hero Saturday night or Sunday. They will be at the Selwyn. Other prominent party men will come Monday. Tuesday night the delegates will begin to arrive. It is .predicted by local republicans that the crowd will reach 6,000. If some attractive speaker ilike Senator Tbliver, Jim Sherman, or Senator Beveridge comes the number will be doubled or trebled. Recently the name of A. E. Hoi ton , as a prospective canaiaate tor governor has loomed above the hori zon of speculation. Mr. Holton has always been very wily and It may be that he is trimming his sails to lead the Btate ticket. But at present it looks as if Dr. Cyrus Thompson will be the man if he can be prevailed upon to have it. It is said, now, how ever, that he would prefer to have the nomination for secretary of state. Charles French Toms, of Henderson- ville; J. F. Newell, of Charlotte, and J. B. Norris, of Wilkes, are spoken of in connection with the nomination for lieutenant governor A H Price, of Salisbury, may be nominated for attor ney general. For electors at large, Col. W. R. Henry, of Charlotte, and Mr. Marlon Butler, of Eliot, are mentioned by their friends.' For state auditor a confederate veteran will be named and Railroad Commissioner Dr. F. C Abbott. One of the features of the conven tion will be a grand parade the night of he 26th, the delegates carrying red, white and blue umbrellas. 11 POISON Bone Fains, to cep, Scaly SHU, , Pimih. Maar People gaffer traai Blood Polaoa a4 aoa' kaow It. Heat Syaiptoau. Baallr cntl y D. B. B. FBJSEL For twenty-five years Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) hae been curing; yearly thousands of sufferers from Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison and all .forms of Blood Disease. Wa solicit the most ODSunaie cases ior a., B. B. cures where ail else falls. II you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains in bones, back or joints, Rheu matism. Mucus Patches in mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored : MOBTGAGE glLE. Vtlne sores, are run down or nervous, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, take B. B. B. It Kills the poison, makes the Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, blood Dure and rich, heallnft every sore and completely changing the entire body Into a clean, healthy condition. Itchlnar. watery blisters or open, Itching humors. Risings or pimples of Eczema all leaves after killing the olson and puruying me oiooa wun I. B. B. In this way a flood of pure, rich blood is sent direct to the skin surface, the Itching- stops forever and every humor or sore is healed and cured. BOTANIC BLOOD BALM (B. B. B.) i niftusant and safe to take: com- Dosed of Dure Botanic Ingredients. It nurifle And -enriches the blood. C. D. BRADHA5TS Drag Store, $1 pr Large Bottle with directions for home cure, Free Blood Cure Coupon This coupon (cut from The New Bern N. C. Sun, is good for one large sample of Botan ic Blood Balm mailed free in plain packages. Simply fill in your name and address on dotted lines below and mall to BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. State name of trouble. If you know. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Simmons Ward 4 Miee Attorne)S and Counsellors at Law Office No. 69 South Front street, over W 0. Telegraph office. Practice in the Counties of Craven, Dap (in, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carteret, Pan lioo and Wake, in the Supreme and Fedem Courts, and whenever services are desired D. L. WARD, ATTORNEY AT LAM 52 Craven St, NEW BERN, N. C. Practices in State and Federa Courts. ' DR. J. H. LAWRENCE SECJALIST. Diseases of Ey Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes examined and Glasses Fitted. OFFICE "9 Middle Street, Next ' to Hotel Haielton. Office Phone IS?. Res. Phone II Besldence 70 East Front Street "Had dyspepsia or Indigestion for ears. No appetite, and what I did eat distressed me terribly. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me."- J. H. Wal ker, Bonhury, Ohio. GOOD MEWS. Many New Bern Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news travels fast," and the thousands of bad back sufferers In Now Bern are glad to learn that prompt relief Is . within their reach. Many a lame weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kid ncy Pills. - Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the old Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading. C. P. Battling, 136 Middle Street, New Bern, N. C, says: ' "I can rec ommend Doan,s Kidney Pills Just as highly today as I did several years ago, after .they cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble. Before I learn of them. I had suffered considerably from backache and pains through my loins often being in such a condition that I could not attend to my work. The kidney secretions plainly evi denced by their; unnatural appearancs that my kidneys were .out of 'order and learning" of Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a box at Bradham's Drug store. They went directly to the seat of my trouble "and I had not taken them long Wore I was cured. Dur. lng the year which have elapsed, I have never bad occasion to use a kidney remedy, ' as my cure proved to be a. permanent one. For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. FoBter-Mflburn Company. But falo, New York," sole agents - for the United 8tates. ' U:V;. ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ' ..ICE Made from pure dL' tilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE C 19-21-23 Griffith Street, Phone 23. L. L Moore. Wm. Dunn. . MOORE & DUNN. Attorneys & Counsellors at 40 Broad St New Bern, N. C. Practice wherever services ar required. COLVIN AM. HENRY Civil Engineers. Land Surveying, Draining, Mapplj'ji Plans and Estimates. Offices haw been moved upstairs in the J. W Stewart wilding on Middle strut 9W. . Pursuant to the power of sale con. talned In that eertaln Mortgage Deet executed by L. M. Satterthwaite and Harriet T. Satterthwaite, his wife, to William Dunn bearing date of Au gust 18th, 1903, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Cra ven County In Book 147, page 182, I will offer for sale and will sell to toe) highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in New Bern, Craved, county, at 12 o'clock M., on the 17th Day of August, 1908, the following described property, ta wit: : :: : : Being one-fourth of the two lots No. 95 and 96 In the plan of River side laid out and recorded in the of fice of Register of deeds of Craveav County Beginning at a point cm Griffith Street, 150 feet from Gulo Street, thence in a Southwardly di rection 50 feet along Griffith street thence in a Westwardly direction and) parallel with Guion Street 109 feet. 4 inches to the East line of lot New 94, thence in a Northwardly directio with said line of lot No. 94 50 feet, thence in an Eastwardly direction and parallel with Guion Street If feet, 4 inches to the beginning. July 14th, 1908. WILLIAM DUNJf Jtortgag" MOORE AND DUNh, Attorneys. 7-15-30t. North Carolina Craven County, Superior Court J. M. Cox, et al., vs. New Bern Lighting and Fuel Co, Notice to Creditors. Pursuant to the order of the supertax court of Craven county, N. C, in th above entitled action, the undersigned having qualified as permanent receiver of the New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company, hereby notifies al person having claims agalnBt said New Bera Lighting and Fuel Company to present the same, showing also priorities) where they make claim for priorities, duly authenticated, to the undersigned. on or before the 15th day of August, A. D., 1908, at the office of the New Bern Lighting and Fuel Company, im New Bern, N. C. All persons Indebted to said com pany will please make Immediate set tlement GEO. A. NICOLL, Permanent Receiver This July 4th, 1908 North Carolina Craven County. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. Stewart Sanitorlum, J. W. Stewart Proprietor vs. A. L. Clark. By virtue of an execution dlrectee) to the undersigned from the Superior' Court of Craven County In the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 7th day of September, 1908, at It o'clock m, at the court house door ot said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said A. L. Clark, the defendant, has it tbJe following described real estate to wit: Situate, lying and being in No. I township. Craven County and forming a part ov wnat is known and called Asken in accordance with a map which has been recorded of said town site, being lots No. 2 and 6 in block 2; lots No. 4, 6, and 8 in block 3; lots No. 2, 4, 6, and 8 in block 4; lots 2, 4, 6 and 8 in block 6; lots No. 2 In block 6; lots No. 2, 4 and 6 in block 7; lots No. 2, 4, 6 and 8 In block 8; lots Nov 2, 4, 6, and 8 In block 9; lot No I in block 10; lots No. 2 and 4 In block 11; lots No. 2 and 6 In block 12; lot No. 2, 4 6 and 8 in block 13; lota No. 2 and 4 in block 14; lots No. 2, 4, 6 and 8 in block 15, and lots No. 2 and 4 In block 16. J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff Craven County. August, 6, 1908. Do Tot Wait a Plane. If you want a piano write us today. Almost every make to select from. Stelnway $225, Chickerlng $200, Knabe $185, Weber $155, Stleff $137, another Stieff at $77. Terms to suit your purse. Also bargains in new pianos Wishing to devote all my time ts my shoe business, I hereby offer my millinery department for tale. This ia a good thing In a biginess way and can be bought on easy terms by right party. J. KARCHANT. It warms the heart like sunshine, cheers the soul like wine; gives hope for the future blots out the oast of several particular makes. Address xhafa what Holllster'a Rocky Moun- LESTER PIANO CO., INC., jtaln Tea does. 85 cents, Tea or Tab 66 Granby St, 'leta. Davis Pharmacy. . 6t Norfolk, Va. r If your' property hasn't already horned have A. X. Bountree Insure It before It does. , f If Its a Bogne sound melon er F. V, i, Hams yo want, call ip H. C Armstrong. Phone, 174, ' CASTOR I A ' For Inianta aad Children. Tlta Kind Yoa Hats Always E;:gW Bean the Signature of ''-.' v ' "T V t "V.: ..... 1 (. I ig,v " :