4' - ' V 1, Sun . pqw Z8HXD DAILY, except Sunday V Kea Urn KLilatf Company. OFFICES AND PLANT: K . v:;; S t Craven Street' " : OWES 6. DUNN, ' Managing Sitter. , subscription price, v (la AtvaneeJ One Week -10 Three Months US 8b Month 2-50 One Year . . . . .......... . 1 . .... .$500 " ;v .. '. .'. vf Tdepheses uUest-Qfflee . lUltorial Reeats Ne. 230 .. No. 4 Catered at . the postofflce In New em, N. C, as second-class mail mat ter. -C- THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908 ) NATWNAL TICKET. , President W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska. Vice-President Jno. W. Kern, of Indiana. NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Governor W. W. Kitchin. Lieutenant Governor W. C. New land. I Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes. Treasurer R. B. Lacy. Auditor B. P. Dixon. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion J. Y. Joyner. . ' Insurance .Commissioner James R. Young. Attorney General T. W. Blckett: V 'commissioner of Agriculture-jW. A. Graham. .Corporation Commissioner B. Arcock. : , v Electors at Large J. W. Bailey andl Walter Murphy. . Admiral Evans is yet a big man. All should depend upon self, tut there are many who would suffer" at that Judge Pritchard finds that he is un able to make the run for Governor. The rates are too high. There is some difference in other people say of us, than we say of other people. what what If these presidential elections were held in watermelon season, the ne gro vote could be handled with less expense in the South. In Salisbury the other day a girl attempted suicide by jumping in a well. Must have changed her mind after her feet got wet. Mr. Roosevelt has denied the re port sent out that he would take the Btump this fall for Mr. Taft Does this mean that another member has been added to his Annanlas Club. Rather than go to jail on the charge of assault and battery, a farmer near York, Pa., took poison and killed him self. This is a mighty sure way to win, but some of us don't mind los. ing some times. . Mutiny broke out among the crew ot a United Fruit Company's steam ship this week. The trouble, it is said, grew out of Chinese complaining that they were receiving bad food. Civilization is spreading. "Keep off the streets and don't spread foolish reports," is -some of the advice given to people while the riot was going on In Springfield, the other day. Wouldn't this work 'all right any time and anywhere. : Postmaster Breathitt , was officially informed that post cards mailed out of Hopklnsville and other towns re cently, showing the four bodies . of negroes lynched at Russellvllle, Ken tacky, August 1, should not have been allowed? to ass through-Uncle Jtap' haldi iSi taH card abbwrtT a frewsom View tot tour mea Strug op to a tree and were genuine, reproduc tions. This was liable to carry the ! matter too far. " -GOYERNMENt CLERKSHIP.- The fTnlted" States 'Retirement Asm? elation,' an organisation ot clerks frote the yarioQS government departments formed for the purpose ot solving the problem of what to do with clerks In the different government departments who have been in the service so long that they are now unfit tor irvce, has offered a prise of $150 for , the beet suggestion Along this line. The com petition Is confined to departmental clerks, and It la hoped that the effort will find the solution: . : One of the drawbacks of the merit system as applied to the civil service Is the fact that it will keep a man in office as long as he is efficient, and then when it ought to let him go he is found to be too old and too unfitted for his government work to be good for anything in any civjl line of em ployment The result is that all the departments are full of men and wo men who have given good service In the past, but who are now a drag upon the work and who keep out the younger men and women who would be a help. Neither the heads of the departments nor the members of con- gress have the heart to put these faithful old servants out, and yet they haven't been able to agree upon just what to do with them. All sorts of retirement and . pension plans have been formulated and advocated, but when one . doesn't run contrary to the constitution It Is found to be impracticable or Inadequate. Many of the clerks have no other means of support than their monthly stipend from the government and are without either friends or relatives who could look after them until death re lieved . them of . their burden. They simply can be turned out to starve or die iA'e'poorhouse. It is truly a delicate' and pathetic problem and one rendered all the more difficult by the fact that few, if any, of the superan nuates realize that their day of useful ness is over. They think-they are just t . fas good as they used to be, and conse quently are of no help in solving the problem that they present. Between the superannuates who persist in hold ing, their Jobs and the younger Clerks who are forever agitating in crease in pay, the life of the heads of the departments and the congress men must be far from being a happy one. A dispatch from Waterbury, Conn., I to the New York World, gives the following Information about raising potatoes, both above and below ground: . Samuel, Wilson, of Wolcott, Is raising potatoes both above and beiow ground on the same tine as a result of two years ot experimenting. A few weeks ago, on looking over his new potato plants, he saw little bud. like protuberances growing out from the bases of the leaves. These buds developed Into well formed and good sized potatoes of the same kind as those growing , at the roots of the plantSi j The. Dish potato is a cross between the Beauty of Hebron potato and the Delaware. Those above ground grow from four to eight .On a plant, one at the base of each leaf; Food' experts ieport the hybrid to.be far more nutritious than the Irish or sweet potato - and much more easily grown. ,' . - i CONSERVATORY SEPT 10. ...1, Regular Fall SessIea .WlU Open en September 10. ,. , , By Wira'to' Thef Sun..' J , ; , Durhani, Aug.' '20. The Southern Conservatory of Music will open in its regular fall sesslpn September 10 and the management in an advertisement Is announced ' that date this morn ing. ' ' The faculty will attempt a newt course this fall that has never been given. Mr. Bryant has a new work on the subject of teaching and it has delighted the big musicians of the country. He will be directly in charge of the musical department but will be assisted by two or -more young la dies. . . - fi&i; ;. The Conservatory this fall is giv ing Its best work. Miss Kinne re turns from studying abroad and the thoroughness of the course Is already established. Vi.'K '--rl ! "My child was burned terribly abouC the face, neck and' chest,; I applied Dr. Thomas Eclectrlc Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank into a lest tul sleep." -Mrs. Mary . M Manson, K2XICA3 II A 3 LY- HARBOR - First Yessel Tloatlag That Flag Erer -r v 8eea Then Ry Wire" to The 8un. ' Newport News, Va, Aug. 20. Tor the first time in. the history of the port . ot Newport Mews the Mexican flagfloated in local waters. The flag waved from the' mast., head ot the Mexican steamer Baa. . Chrlstobal which came totals port Sunday tor bunker coal consigned to the C and O coal agency, After taking bunkers the vessel left here yesterday. . v" The San Chrlstobal.'- is a tank steamer and is carrying , s cargo of oil from the po't ot Coheatsacoalcos, Mexico to London, this being the first cargo ot refined oil ever shipped from that port which has, sprung into con. lsderable prominence lately because of it8 activity in an Industrial way. The vessel has been nntil recently fly ing the British flag and under those colors has made several vtrips to this port Recently she. was sold to the Mexican government and this is her first trip out under the flag of her new owners. " The captain of the rSan Christobal had some little difficulty with his crew while here. Four ot the crew who signed papers for the voyage decided they would go no further than this port and demanded their money which was refused. On the refusal to pay them off the four, two ot them Mex icans, one a Spaniard, and one a Cos to Rlcan, were apparently taken sua. denly and critically 111. -When a phy sician was called he declared that they were feigning ill. The captain finally decided to leave the members, but without paying them and he took on four new men here to make up his crew. v Do you have that dark brown taste in your mouth every morning wwhen yau awake?. It son, you are bilious, and should take two or three ot those little BLOODINE LITER PILLS, easy to take, never sicken, weaken or gripe, 25c mailed by The Blooding Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. -:':S;';fV: f . WHl Eater National Kile Costest Salisbury, N. CVAng. 20. Corporll Theo Jenkins, of Company B., Rowan Rifles, who made a high record in the target contest with the First Regi ment of North Carolina troops at Morehead City two weeks, .ago, left last night for Fort Perry, Ohio, where he enters the national contest. Win Set Electrify Road " Richmond, Va., Aug. 20 It Is stat ed at the offices of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad that there Is no foundation for the report that that company would use electric motor engines between this city and Ashland. Any skin itching is a temper tester. The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doha's Ointment cures piles, eczema any skin itching. At all drug stores. SPEQAt NOTICES.. ONE CENT A WORD'. Ko ad. taken lor leas than IS cents, the price f three lines. Six words of average- length make a line, The following rates are for consecutive insertions: - i? CMrtasMee carts e Uae 4KerteaM -4 Mrtsease. t caats e V- s cMts a Hee ' 4 UMInmmhih 78 Omu. :' All orders for these ads. most be aocompanied with cash for at many, timet as ads. are to run. These ads. are inexpensive, but ' they bring quick results and sure re turns. . FOR SALE REX SALTED PTA. nut machlneg with stands tor cash, cheap. Phone 295 or call at 147 Middle St .. 6t WALTER BAKER'S CHOCOLATE 19c. Cake; Barrlngton Hall Coffee, 85; Post Toastles 10c; Oatmeal in 11 tins 16c; Llpton's Tea in l-4tt tins, F. F. y. Hams, 18c At H. C. Arw strong's, Phone 174. WANTED BOARDERS, TRANSIENT and regular boarders. : Mrs. Mark Disosway is no wready to receive boarders at her residence, formerly The Royal House. ' Polite atttentlon and reasonable rates. Apply at the hOUSe. - ' i -, M. " ;',-v r-vv ? ; LOAH WA5TED-. FOB , CLIENT toan oilLOOO, for six months, with ; absolutely gilt edge securRy.x In terest paid in advance, W..(J. Boyd, . Telephone 400, Elks Temple. CRATE N LODGE NO. L KNIGHTS 0) HARMONY. MeeU second and fourtl Wednesday bights la each month b ' Knights of Harmony hall Pollocl street at 7:10 o'clock, a R.VEaI ' ,t''r ' . i "it. . j , . II X;u y 'fV'X I THIS $500 PIANO IS THE FIRST PRIZE THE GREATEST VOTING CONTEST EVER FULLED OFF IN VIRGINIA OR NORTH CAROLINA There it a chance for you for the Total Value of Grand Prizes Amount to -FIVE THOUSAND DOLXAR3 : x Remember it costs nothing to try but the use of yonr brains. Our reasons for distributing these val uable prizes are as follows: J 1 ' ' " , ' First Wo want the name of Lester to become a household word in the musical families of the South. Second, We want to teat the relative advertising value of newspapers. Third, We wtntyto convince every ' intending purchaser that wo have the largest. stock ot pianos in the South, and that we give the most' liberal. terms of payment : : The conditions under which 'this great contest will be held are as follows: -Just count the dots that appear -in the outlines of the Lester Piano above. . ., The correct number of dots Is known only to the judges. The correct answer 4u been deposited la : the sate deposit vault of the National Bank ot Commerce, Norfolk, Va. Each answer wil be 'numbered cos : secutlvely as soon as received, and will remain sealed until opened by the ' following 4 reputable citizens of Norfolk: A.. H. Ward, John J. Foster, W. B. Webb. - ' Anpne. residing in the United Stated is entitled to one answer only. This contest positively closes .Monday, August 81, 1908, at 6 pun. Everyone entering this contest will receive a neat little book of songs, words and music. This book contains oyer fifty pieces of popular music. - , . No one engaged in the muse business, nor any employe of the Lester Piano Company will be allowed to enter the contest ' - ' . . . ' . : " . : . . " - . More than 40,000 people attest to our fair smd honest dealings, 'and we can say beyond sucessful. con- tradiction that we have the largest piano buslnesi in tn South. The prices of the famous Lester Pianos are well established, and are marked in plain figures. ; V , Here are the Grand Prises First Grand Prlzef One brand new $500 Lester Upright Piano in mahog- ' 'any case. v 1 -" j , v Other Grand Prizes, amounting to 4,500 in order of merit as follows: ' Second Grand Prize, 1"$200 Credit Certificate. Third Grand Prize, One $150 Credit Certificate. Fourth Grand Prize, One $125 Credit Certificate. s.Next Jten OjandPrtsea, each $100 Credit Certificates, Next twenty Grand Prizes, each $75 Credit Certificates. Next twenty-flve Grand Prizes,' each'$50 Credit Certificates. Next eleven Grand Prizes, each $25 Credit Certificates. Grand Total, $5,000. All answers must be plainly written in the Coupon herewith, and must state your count ot the dots, your name and address and whether you have an Organ, Square or Upright Piano,' and the name ot the in strument, . " , '' .... - L' ' ' After filling out the Coupon plainly, cut It out and mail it to LESTER - ...y The number of dots 18. ............... My namo Address. Upright. .Square . . .' Name ot Instrument.............. ' Town ; 1 .State Date .....Coupon A. president; J. H. Smith, secretary; R. R. Hill, financial secretary. FOR SALE FIRST CLASS STOCK of Staple and Fancy -Groceries in one of the best locations in the city. The stock, together with all fixtures will be sold cheap for cash. Call on joe Clanton, 146 Burn St. FOR RENJ FLAT OYER SAM YOF- lie s store. Five rooms and kitchen. All modern conveniences. $12.50 per month, including water, electric lights. and gas.' Apply Sam Yoffile, on the corner Middle and South Front St. ' THE BALTIMORE IRON AND METAL Company will pay the best prices for Rags, Bones, Rubber, Iron -and all kinds of metal. Apply 115119 Federal Alley, New Bern, N. Cw (Come to see us.) ' TOR RENT-HOUSE NO. 8 CRES cent street Apply, to Wm. Dunn, Jr., No. 40 Broad. St LOST SOMEWHERE ON POLLOCK, Middle or Craven street,' a bunch of ; keys. One key had Norfolk and Southern mark on It. Reward tor return to this office. ' V WANTED SECOND HAND HOIST, ing outfit for hoisting material on building. ; Rhodes ft Underwood, New Bern, N. C. ; v-- ;-. LOST WALLET ; CONTAININO small amount ot greenbacks and several checks In my favor. Finder will confer'treat favor by returning immediately.' W. O. Boyd, ,C v call at the west end -tis? Market tor Morehead City Esh, i. Main street, Pavle Town. ' - W1U 1Q1-. .J PIANO COMPANY, :.:M'Gnnby Street, Norfett(Ta, .Organ..., The North Carolina STATE AND; INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Maintained by the State for the Edscatloa ef the Wesiea el North Carolina - Four regular Course leading to Degrees. ? - , , K . Special Courses offered in Teacher Training, Music, Manual Arts and Do mestic Scienc and in the Commercial Department ' . r,( Free lnltlonto' those who agree to teach In the schools of North Caro iina." ' .r "' ' 'e . . t-' ' : V . 4 " ' .'-' 1 t .' , Board, laundry, tuition and all other expenses, including use ot text-books, $1703)0 a year. For free tuition students, $125.00 a year. Those desiring to" enter should apply as early as possible. The capacity of the dormitories Is limited.' ,'- - 1 , ., . Fall Session begins 'September 15, 1908. , For catalogua and other information address . ' . , ' , 3. L F0C8T, PresldeaV , t Greeasboro, N. C mm) ' ,.v.v Phone) BT 4.,, J LESTER P1AIJ0 CO. CONTEST DEPARTMENT. 66 GRANBY ST., NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. WE HOLD UP OUR TEAS ,- ' '( in'--,, ' for your Judgment because we know they will stand the test For strength, delicacy of flavor and moderation In price they excel any others we know. The character of all ou groceries la illustrated by our teas. Try them once, and it is only lndefference a KXth molltw mwk Mit tliaf wl!l W WVWt lIMll M-. ww. .. vifmm , keep yon rrom trying tnem again, f(V : ',,. .f. j ; I u LUCAS 2s tXV13 t .Wholesale) and nta Grooesre . R A L tICR lit f km Hamburg, N. T. ,

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