A THE SUN, NEW UEKN, N.U, AUGUST 20 iSJ03 FEPsomi:. llSl& KQLlCOSET. TQR riXE... I I 6tf itself seems a trifle, . yef ft it , f fa v. collective influence of many spent " ; dollars that holds many a lyoanf; : s man to the dead level f mediocritjf( f and the collective influence of many , single dollars saved in, this Bank that lifts others to success1-1 ,? . '. IIS. B. &UCES, Pm. EO. B. PE5DLET0S, Casnlex. 1Hf. B. BLA9E& Ylea Pres. T. A. GBEEJ,' Yloe Fwtv to make you "glad you came." If you have any dipg store trade, we should like to receive some share of it. Gmhr gm4 Going See 9 Tnau ad EUtahert. Mr. Paul Koonce of. Trenton, N. C, 1 among th welcome- and pleasant callers 4n the city today. Mr. J. Vernon Blades went down to Verona, this morning on a short bus lness trip, ; Mr. W. P. M. Bryan left this morn. ing lor Norfolk, Va-v Mr. Bryan will also visit other points 1efore return ing from his Vacation. : Mr. George Allen, of Raleigh, N. C, came down to New Bern this morning on the east bound Norfolk and South ern train for a business and pleasure visit in the city. Mr. Benjamin B. Hurst is making a short business trip down in Jones county. Mr. W. JR. Barrington left this morn ing for.Askins, N. C, to attend the sale of some lots, which takes place there today. Mr.- Whit Hurtt, left this morning on the A. C. L. train for Savannah', Ga., for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hurtt- r Mr. Joe Ball and son, went down to Jacksonville N. C. this morning for a day's stay on business in the inter! est of Hart & Ball cotton brokers. Mr. B. F. Delamar returned to the city this morning on the P. 0. & W. train from Oriental where he has been visiting for a couple of weeks. Mr. Alvin Fulford of Beaufort pass ed through New Bern this morning en route to Florida. BRADHAM DRUG CO., y At Pollock and Middle Streets. V Buy'Dependable 5$SP Garden Tools V You don't buy gar- j,den hose often so it pays to be.careful when you do. A cheap hose is worse than none. , You .can depend on the hose, you buy here. We carry the famous Roesket brand. It will stand the, highest pressure and out last any other. 'Let us show it to jtou today. J. S. BASNIGHT HARDWARE COMPANY Real Estate Bbiiglit and Sold - ; (Jlfy, Suburban and Farm property bought or sold on commission. V city5 property list ntalniaf attractive propositions turafehod on application. ( , t , . VV. G, BOYD. R0014 105 Kka'Templi (Take elevator). ( o v . Telephone, 400. Y'TJAfi w "YOU WJST KOI , think that a tan is Very aipen-; liye. Consider the benefits de rived from it Twill keep you' Cool In the .warmest of weather, - it of the right sort, and costa , but 'a comparatively small sum. . We're prepared to equip your place with an electric fan, war V ranted, to. give, satisfaction, at lowest price. . Best results as sured. Our reputation is guar anty of that , r.t.V51 Ktr CZTal iLECTRiC 6 SUPPLY C6"PAliY :; v ' T : Opposite Post Office She Tlref ! JSeribblng While He Is Oat Sightly and He is Arrested. By Wire to The 8un. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 20. The fol lowing is little drama which Mrs. Brnshe, . of ,thU city, told Justice Thompson- this morning, - said to be enacted every day and night at her home: ' Scenes 94S3 Lezerlngton avenue. Principal Peter j. Brushe and his wife, Augusta. , Time, 10 a. m any day. : Brushe is upstairs in bed. Mrs. Brnshe is downstairs, either scrub bing the floors or washing clothes for her neighbors for a few cents. When the clock strikes 10 Brushe rubs his eyes and crawls out of bed. He reaches over and puts on a good suit of clothes and other wearing apparel. Then he goes out. Mrs. 'I Brushe is still scrubbing or washing when supper time comes. Brushe is still out. All the furniture -Ihas been sold by the little woman to pay the rent, and she has lived at the Leverlngton avenue home only a short time. They were compelled to leave their last home. Night comes on and Mrs. Brushe goes wearily to bed. Time Bpeeds on. Twelve and 1 o'clock come. Brushe Is still out. Two o'clock comes, and he climbs up tbe stairs. , He has given his wife $2 or $3 in the last three months. He has no money' now for her. Brushe was standing before the magistrate on the charge of refusing to support his wife. He did not deny the charge. I didn't give her the money, was his excuse, "because she used to give It to the children to buy candy." Justice Thompson set bail at $500 for his release for the action of the grand Jury. . Are you tortured to death, daily with Ecrema? Why suffer, when BLOODINE OINTMENT Will give you instant relief and permanently cure you; 25c. a box, mailed by The Blood- ln Co.t Inc., Boston, Mass. v:'": ll' Mayer's Cairt- The following cases1 were disposed of this morning in the city polio court by Mayor Protem E. H. 'Me dows: : . City vs. Martha Pollock, charge- disorderly conduct in the city limits, She was fined $1 and taxed with the cost, $3.15. City vs. Parker Perry, charge being disorderly in the city limits.; guilty; fined $2 and taxed with the cost of the proceedings. . City vs. Ed Pearson, charge being disorderly in the city limits; guilty; he was fined $1 and taxed with the cost of the proceedings. FEDERAL WORK AT SALISBURY I Postofflce Plans 'Ready and" ITatfonal ' i Cemetery to be Improve4 ? By Wire to. The Sun. j j Salisbury; N." C.,?AUg. 20. Senator Lee Si-Overman, has been advised that the preliminary plans and sketches for Salisbury's new. Federal building have been : completed , and forwarded to; th cabinet board for approfai;" It 1' salso stated that work on -the new structure, which is to cost $125,000, will begin at an early date. ; t Assistant Quartermaster General Whltworth, writes: Senator Overman from Washington that the bids for the construction of a public roadway to the national cemetery in Salisbury will include bltullthic pavement, and that ornamental gates, will be placed at the entrace to the grounds, where more-than 11,009" federaJ" prisoners were burled. An appropriation of $15. 000 was ' recently made ' for the im provements here.sj'i 'ii -0 . : i v Thirteen Persons Hart By Wire to' The Sun. Fort Smith, Arfc, Aug. s 20. Thir teen persons are reported hurt in an accident to passenger , train on St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway. ' The train was ditched in Oklahoma. v Details are lacking, and it is not known whether any-of the injured are dead or. hot. -fi A healthy man is a king in his own right; an unhealthy man Is an nhhap py slave. Burdock Blood Bitters builds up sound health keeps you well. 1 Earthquake 8hoeki By Wire to The Sun. r ; , . TernL Italy, Aug. 20. The earth, quake shocks here have been, serious, and caused houses to fall and threats ens a landslide from a mountaln-r-whlch towers over the town of Ban Valersteino. People have fled to op en fields. ' '' le was as sick as sick could be, Friends could give but sympathy Vow he's well and strong as three, Since taking HoUIster's Rooky Moufi tain Tea, v . Ico Cream delivered to any part of the city at 35c per quart McSorley's ' Hotel Arrivals The following out of town folks, who arrived in the city this morn ing, are registered at the Fasten and Gem hotels: GASTON R. S. McClarmock, Greensboro; J. J. Gonzales, N. Y.; A. J. Hamilton, N. V.; E. R. Estes, Nor folk, Va,; H. P Dorch, Goldsboro; W, W. Harrlss, Va.; W. J. Moore, Orlen. tal, N C. . GEM A. B. Sprauls, Cincinnati, 0; Wm S. Mithers, St. Paul, Minn. ; MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to a power of sale con tamed inthat certain mortgage ex ecuted by" James Borden and' Sutton Borden to J. W. Stewart, bearing date the 13th day of October, 1900, the same -being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county in Book 133, Page 393, I will sell at the court house door In New Bern, N. C, on Monday the 28th day of September, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock M, to the highest bidder for Cash, all of the following described property as conveyed in the mortgage aforesaid, towlt: Fifteen acres of land bounded as follows: On the East by John Latham; on tbe South by A. & N. C. R. R. and on the' West and North by Sam Brooks, being the place where I now reside! J. W. STEWART, Mortgagee. Aug. 20, 1908. J SHORT SEA TRIP- The Most Delightful Route to . New York and all Summer Resorts VIA THE j Old Dominion Line. Express steamers leave Nor folk, Va., daily except Sunuu at 7 p. m. for New York, ai rect. ; Fare between Norfolk and New York, one way $8.00; round trip, limit thirty days, $14.00, including meals and state-room berth.'' .''V::- For tickets and general in formation, apply to City Ticket Agents. IV. I Woodrew, Traffic Mgr.' J. J. Brown, Gen. Pas. Agt Gen, Offices 81 Beach St, N. V, After September 1st 1908,weiHall conduct our business as follows: - Household accounts not over 60 days. Wholesale accounts not over 30 days. We purchase for spot cash to obtain discounts in order to get lowest prices. We no longer care to give in definite credit for months, years, etc. We are tired of "Please remit, your account is long overdue" etc We take this'step in justice to those who are good pay and also to ourselves. We have no time to listen to explanations or "hard luck tales" All those having outstanding accounts with us please settle, as we wish to liquidate them and cease worrying. Difficult accounts will be placed in the hands of our attorneys for collection New Bern merchants cannot go on successfully unless prompter pay is demanded and exacted. E. B. HACKBU Aug. 5, 1908. NEW BERN, N. C. laaaaaasBMBBBHMBMSBBBBSBBMMBBMBH! O AK RIDGE INSTI TU T E A High-grade Fitting School, with Business College and Normal Departments. Pre pares for the Professions, for Business, for Life. Diplomas honored by Leading Colleges and Universities, North and South. Fiftv-seventh vear jr begins Sept. 1. For beautiful Catalogue. Address, J. A. & M. H. HOLT, OAK RIDGE, N. C. FLOOR COVERINGS RUGS, MATTINGS, CARPETS, AXMINISTER, BRUSSELS, SMYRNA, INGRAIN, ART SQUARES. CHINA AND JAP MATTINGS, CARPETS, UNOLEUM AND OIL CLOTH, FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. JOHN B. IVES, $ PHONE 257. 93 MIDDLE ST. BOAT FOR HIKE. Gasoline motor launch Lanct-wooil can be engaged for excursions, picnu h. moonlight parties, fishing or hunting, parties at reasonable rates li'v 't R f THORNTON. 22 Hancv w (' PAROID ROOFING W e guarantee every roll. If not as repre sented we will make it good. Cheaper than shingles and lasts longer. .... Gaskill Hardware Co., TA Middle St. Phone 14 ' D I 7 -V.:; .; v-.v,'.'A