r Mr. and Ma H. B. Mark, have returned homo from a visit to Balti more Md., Atlantic. City and New J : : . ' - . .. "MMlaa.W Albert, who have been' spending the summer at Wrlghtavllle Beach and Wilming ton,, have returned home. Mrs. Rosa Sinker, of Klnston, N. C, arrived in the city this morning on the east bound "Norfolk and Southern train for a, few weeks' visit, guest at Jthe home of Miss Octavia Kellum. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Pollock, of Dover, N. C, came down to New Bern this morning for a visit with Mrs. Pollock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Foy on Middle street . Miss Mildred Edwards, of Hertford, N. C, returned home this morning on the New Bern and Norfolk train after a few weeks pleasant stay in the city, guest at the home of Mrs. E. E. Morris, No. 30 George street .' u mm Mrs. N. W. Bowden, left this morn' ing for Trenton, where she will spend a few weeks visiting relatives and friends. Miss Mamie Hunter Richardson, left this morning for LaG range to visit Miss Lillian Fields, who will give a house party at Oaksdale at which Miss Richardson will be a guest Mrs. C. E. Weatherington and chiU dren, returned home this morning on the east bound Norfolk and Southern train from a visit in Goldsboro. Mrs. H..E. Royal and children, left this morning for Kinston, N. C, where they will spend a few days with rela tives and friends. '):. . Mrs. Mary Bryan, who hag been vis iting relatives in the city, left this morning on the Atlantic Coast Line train returning home. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Richardson, whoj have been visiting relatives and friends in Durham, returned home last evening- . '' Miss Margaret Archbell, of Kinston is visiting in the city and is the guest of Miss Sadie Whltehurst on Queen street ' . . ' a . Mrs. Stephen H. Lae, wno has been visiting in Goldsboro at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B, J. Hester, re turned home last evening1. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman, who have been visiting , relatives and friends in Virginia, returned home last evening. Mrs. Joseph C. Fulford and daugh ter, of Albany, Ga., are visitors in the city and guest o Mr. Fulford's mother, Mrs. E. H. Barnum on Pollock street Miss Marie Duncan returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Golds, boro, this morning. She was ac companied by Miss Anna Belle Howell wno will be her guest for a few days. The Best Chefs and Cooks. Say using Blue Ribbon Lemon Va nilla is. the secret of their success in making desserts. Always use Blue Ribbon Extracts and your success is assured, Josephthal-Soltan. The Sun is in receipt of the follow ing invitation: Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sultan , request your presence at the marriage of their daughter Emma to . ' Mr. Sigmund Josephthal n the evening jof Wednesday the second of September one thousand nine hundred and eight at five o'clock New Bern, North Carolina. Wedding to. bey solemnized at the temple on Middle street FARE RAISED TO TEN CENTS Newport News Trolley May Charge , More on Certain Conditions . Richmond, Va., Aug. 20. The State corporation commission this after noon granted the petition of the New port News and Old Point Railway and . Electric Company and the Hampton Roads Traction Company to Increase the fare from Newport News and .Hampton from 6 to 10 cents, to take effect 10 days from date. It it can be shown, however, at any time that the figures produced by the petitioners to sustain their request are Incorrect, and old fare is to be restored. ' Feel languid, weak, run down t Head : achat Stomach "off"? JuBt "a plain case of lazy llver.i, Burdock Blood Bit ters tones liver and stomach, promotes Alaeatbn. mirlflea the blood. D15LUSSED : mOUV.P.L Goes Back to Board i v With a Bght BIRD TO CONDUCT HIS CASE Claims That President Barrtnger Was , Anxleis to Have Him Bemoved Declares He Was Throws Out Without' Reason and Ytolatlon of Roles. By Wire to The Sun. Blacksburg, Va., Aug. 20. Declar ing that he has been arbitrarily dis missed from the faculty without cause and without tven the semblance of a hearing, as provided in the regula tions, Dr. Walter J. Quick, chief of the bureau of animal husbandry and dean of that department at the Vir, ginia Polytechnic Institute, at Blacks burg, has appealed to the board of visitors, and has engaged Hon. Rich ard Evelyn Bryd to prosecute his case. . ' .,..''! The board will meet on Friday night, and from what can be gathered there will be a prompt adjustment of the trouble or the first developments in one of the mose sensational fights that has affected a public institution in Virginia for many years. Dr. Quick, according to Mr. Byrd, was fnduced to come here from In diana about a year ago and to accept a position at the head of the animal bureau of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Quick brought with him the very best recommendations that could be desired. ' t Roles Demand Recorded Vote The rules of the board regarding the dismissal of an officer call for recorded vote, and that ' at least two.thirds of the members shall be recorded In the affirmative before any final action can be legally and propl erly had. It is alleged by Dr. Quick in his bill of complaint, that there was no recorded vote, and that no reasons have been assigned for his sudden and summary discharge. For all these alleged misdeeds on the part of the board, Dr. Quick is through his counsel, asking for a rehearing, and it appears as if the matter will develop into a spectacular one be fore it is over. It Is understood, though not stated by Dr. Quick or his counsel, that Dr. R. B, Barringer. the new president of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, was interested in the removal of Dr Quick and certain other officers who were called upon to "walk the plank" at the same time, and the president will in all probability be one of the principal witnesses In the case. According to present : Indica tions, there may be other serious de. velopments which may prove of great Interest to the public, and at the sam time seriously affect the insti tution. Dr. Quick's claim in a nutshell is mat ne was dismissed with no charges facing him, and without any semblance of hearing. The members of the board who will flnlly hear the case of Dr. Quick are: J. C. Carrington (rector), Charlotte; R. J. Noell. Radford: L. D. Kline. Vaucluse ; L. E. Johnson, Roanoke : G. G. Kizer, Norfolk; J. S. Musgrave, Southampton; H. M. Smith, Richrund P. F. St Clair, Pulaski: Josenh D Eggleston, Prince Edward, and John W. Churchman Augusta. A Former iBvestlgatloB The Virginia Polytechnic Institute went, through the fires of Investiga tion concerning its management about two years ago, Just before Dr. Mc- Bryde voluntarily retired, and the legislative committee having the mat ter under advisement gave the insti tution a . clean bill of health. Ever since the recent chance of manage ment there have been muttertngs of discontent and unrest,, and it Is be lieved that the coming Inquiry will go a long way toward bringing about some amicacie cettiement The investigation will begin on Frl day, and will probably last for sev eral days. Doan'a Regulets cure ' con -yrtlon wnnoui gnpmg, nausea, mm any weakenilng affects,' Ask your drug gist for them. 25 cents per box. BEER DRINKERS, and others snf ter With ' Brls-ht's r)lniu niaw . w M.wv.(.vmuu,B li rum iCKTiug , Bach Ache, or any Kidney ti Bladder ldy, August 30th, 1908. van va uuivu il XMfJj W1U iHJLC uywxniu puwli au xlwwzj TABLETS, 60c. a bos, mailed by Tr Bloodlnt qo., Ino, Boston, Mass. ' ; V 1U ALrCTATED In Church lard aid Barfed la Grave - YirJ K Hanover Court House, Va., Aug. 20. Hlstorlo Interest has been revived In the famous old Walnut Grove Church, in uanover county, through the resig nation of the Rev. Charles H. Ryland, D. D.. for many years the pastor. In discussing the Incident yesterday, Rev R. H. Pitt, D. D editor of the Relig ious Herald, recalled the fact that the church was used as a field hospital during the battle around Richmond. "In the later 70s, while a student at Richmond College and pastor of Walnut Grove." aald Dr. Pitt, "I took out with me Dr. J. Lv M. Curry, who was to preach for us;". We arrived at the church Just as the Sunday school was adjourning, and wandered around under the glorious trees for a few moments. -V. "Presently' I observed In a clump of bushes a piece of garden paling, standing upright, with something rudely carved upon It Pulling it up for closer inspection, I found the name of a soldier, his rank, his com. pany, and regiment I recall that he was a lieutenant and was from Mis sissippi; a date.v and then these strangely touching words that told the whole story: ; : His Right Arm' 'Some gallant' fellow had lost his arm; it had been amputated in the old church; some comrade had burled it, and had marked Its place of sepul ture in this simple fashion. More than fifteen years afterwards we had stumbled upon it I made full mem orandum of the Inscription and re placed the simple monument. Refused Anaesthetic "I am not anxious to put any strain on my reputation for veracity, but I must complete my little story. I came to Richmond to be pastor of the Venable Street Church in 1SS0. A year or so afterwards 1 was one day talking with the late beloved physi cian, Dr. John Jackson, who had serv ed as surgeon in the army, and told him of the incident, showing him the full memorandum which I then had. He x.uickly said: I remember him. 1 performed the operation. I recall him distinctly because he refused to take any anaesthetic." Don't forget, that we have a lanse supply of lawn hose, any length. At tractive prices. J. S. Basnight Hard ware Company. Why go without Insurance when A. M. Reontree can insure yon at little cost and take very few minutes of your time In doing so. t NORFOLK SOnilERN RLUWAT Redaeed Round Trip Tickets to Nor- ioik August zi u, final Limit Aug ust 27th, 1998. (Fitzgerald, Wolcott ft Kerr, Receiv ers.) On account of the above occasion the Norfolk and Southern Railway have announced the following exceed ingly low rates to Norfolk, Virginia and return from the following points: Beaufort Division Prom: Fares: Goldsboro ., . .$3.00 Bests . . .. 8.00 Lagrange , 8.00 Falling Creek ; , 8.00 Kinston .. .. ... ... .. .. 8.Q0 Caswell ,3.00 Dover . . 8.00 Cove .. .. 3.00 Tuscarora New Bern. Rlverdale , Croatan . . . 3.00 ,. 100 .... 8.00 ..'8.00 3.00 Havelock Newport .. 3.00 Wlldwood .. Morehead City ,. 3.00 1.00 Beaufort . . ., .. .. . . . . ... 120 Oriental Branch Brldgeton .. .. .. ,. .. ..13.00 Olymplt. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 Reelgboro ;i 8.00 Grantsboro.. .. .. .. .. .. .. J. 8.00 West Alliance . 8.00 East Alliance.. .. .. ., . . . . ., 3.00 Bayboro .; .. .. ,. .. t 3.00 Tickets on sale Monday, August 24, 1908, limited tor return passage until Thursday August 27th, 1908. - C , F. W. TATEM, ; Annual Excursion to Asherllle, Aug .t t, I7ta, 180ft, Sontherh Railway will run its an raul excursion to Asheville on Aug. 27th, 190S. Train leaves Goldsboro 8:45 a. m.; Raleigh 8:45 a. m.: Greens boro 12:20 noon; arriving at Ashe- ill 8:15 p. m. giving daylight trip through The Land of The 8ky.;. Fol lowing round trip rate from Golds boro 15.00, Tickets good returning on any, regular train up to and In eluding trrins leaving Asheville Sun 1 Vfr TnrKr fnfnpm.flmi m . or call on your depot agent R. L. VERNON. Travelling Passonger Agent T- I.', U fce" - ' S033 sricui, s PIANO AND ORGAN BARGAINS, We frequently trade in Square and Upright pianos and organs In part payment of Stieff or Shaw pianos. ' ; - l" " '-Each of these Instruments Is thoroughly overhauled and put In goodo ondttion by our factory workmen, and then put on sale at extremely low prices just what we allow fop them. We offer you some of these now. We have a few Square Pianos that will do service a long time, priced from ton dollars up. A few Upright pianos that are great bargains, from S150 up. . A few organs from ten dollars np. When we sell a second hand piano, it Is always with the un derstanding that we will take it back at cost price when you wish a new Stieff or Shaw- piano, Write for particulars . ' L. C. Steele, Kgr 114 Granby Street Norfolk, Va. Mention this Paper. XSctal Huo Jamestown Exposition HAIR DYES KILL HAIR The 20th Century Hair Tonle will make the hair BEAUTIFUL. " .:.,.... . . ' ' g'ja This article is not a DTE, but ll made by the re ceips of the lead ing dematoliglsta of the United ,y States; and " Is guaranteed under the . drugs Act passed by Con gress Serial Nov 8774. u . u.'. The use- of - this ... preparation will make you appear younger and pre serve your HAIR asd SCALP at all times. , . NEVER FAILS TO . Restore Gray Hair to Its Natural Color and beauty.. Promotes a luxur ant growth of HEALTHY hair. Stops FALLING hair, cures any DISEASE of the scalp. ABSOLUTELY remove! dandruff. The best hair DRESSING. It Is the WONDER of the AGS. Two sizes 50c and $1.00 per bot tle, at DRUG STORES.. If you fail to And it; send us the price of the larger. size, we will send it by return pre paid express. THE 20th CENTURY CEHXICAL CO. Dept. N. ' - Memphis, Tenn. ' D. BRADHAM, Druggist Special Agent If you have any work to ' to be done phone us :: New Esrn Irca Wcrks Machinists, Founders, v Boiler Makers & Black smith :: :: :: :: :: Ptwiss) 179 t H 1 THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE CF AGRICULTURE AD CLCBAKIC ARTS Practical education In Agriculture; A Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur ing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemis try. Tuition 45 a year; Board lit a month 120 Scholarships. Examt nations for admission at the College tn September 2d. . Address, s- THE PRESIDENT, '" West Raleigh, N. (Q UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1788-1807. 1 i : Head of the State's Educational System DEPARTMENTS 1 ' College, . ..Engineering, , Graduate,' " '-r-.i Law, n. "MedlcuN Pharmacy, library contains 48,000 volumes,. Now , water works, electric lights, con- tral heating aystem. New dor- : mltorles, ; gymnasium, T, .. ' , ' M,.' C A.' huUding, . ' " s -i :'v VrT. Bf STUDENTS, 81 Ef FACULTY. The Fall term begins . : ' , ': - , Bept 7, 1908. Address - rBANCIS P. VENACLEr PresWent - ' Chapel CC1. N. C. , . it 1." ; a IpS DOIfT i m' TOE ' :' a - , " ja -N -' i.v: vGct.fpTrr.Ichoy ;.t v Out of Your Liiiib "l, 7 1 1 . fi makkK them Vteld thai Llsnrest rm&V. 1 rU -A . 1 - , it ? grow out of the soil -and the more plant food there sw' k ln: the soil,: the quicker and bireer and mm 1 r;V"fV-. plentifullf the grainwUl grow. But you must first ?! ' iff vlk lt toe food mto. the aoUbyliberaUyusihr1' f -J viroinia ill Fertilizers Then a big surea, because these fertilisers ' ) contain ,' f-S R , required Carolina rz use, we Digger is trie crop, ana . 6(L Jp . the greater their profit, ; . I' ftli Have vou eotten the latest Vlr. einia-Carolina manac, the most useful and valuable book any farmer Virginia-Carolina RicluiKad.Vk. : MocfellcV. OXaBba,S.C Snauk,Ot. DC OMHMMKKH) Cutler Blades Hardware Company 69-71 Middle St, PHONES NO. land 275. 0 . OCD'OC DC 5 rrjt f mm- .. Ii?ery, Feed, Sa!3 5103 East Front Street, Neuse River Bridge, a Special attention paid livery and boardinj horses, NOW READY FO. BUSINESS. ri:o:,'2 C3 -TT-TT ; BV REV. JOHN VCT , J i : This tccL needs ho'reccn...!. i . Ihe peo ,ple of New Crrn, ciher thia to for. V our former towc;rjnt H:v. Jchn J. Dc.-l - i is L"s eulhor.. , ' sbbsI' - - . r - mv 1 1 1 t bumper croc- la necessary element!" by the soil to prop- grain. r apners invanaoiy r . find that the more Virginia Fertuizer they - if Year Book or Al- - or grower can read? uet a copy irom your lertuixer aeaier, " ,v 11 11 g or write to our nearest sales offico and . i" one will be sent you free. . . w;- : V'-A 'ffi'f tina Chemical Co. : Wl MW.K.C ' Ckuta,S.C BUmon, M4. i-S Ututmmn.Uk. KmpMfl, Tens. DC 30Cjj THERE'LL BE NO " t. l .FLIES ON YOU it you let us 'feupply-yoti with window and doo- screens. They'll' keep out the flies' and" let in all (ho breese there is. We ' sell O sxsrns all rady to put 'up, or we will sell you the wire, the frames' the corner braces and everything else, so you can have tb fun of making them yourself, Better get your screens in now. Fly. time is here. , .'''. f1-' H 80 South Front St, NEW BERN, N. C DC - . , Keali; Brock- fr Have Just Moved Into l? t - Their New and ' "- (Commodious . aid ExcMne Stables 3OCl0 near ' r ' : to , 4 T r I i i'..t, 1 ' w '3 n