8 THE SUN, NEW BERN.' NCrAUGUSTfl), 1SC3 DC mm nr brief 'm: it m & ft m i - : 1 ' :' It' :- 0: 0: 0 0 0 0 OUR PURPOSE ''-It is our purpose to handle any business en trusted to us in such a fair and liberal manner as to make the customer's relations with this bank satisfactory and profitable. Aside from the excellent facilities afforded, this bank has the advantage of an unusual large number of stockholders. THE PEOPLES BA NK WM. DUNN, C. D. BRADHAM, T. A. vll&uU, asnie , i -i 1 .1 0 B 0 o i ft Real Cut Glass Always Pleases No matter how dull one's artistic temperament, the scin tillating beauty of Hawke's cut glass always "penetrates the depths" and is appreciated. For wedding gifts or tor a gift to your own home, you could make no better purchase than something useful in Cut Glass. We have many nice articles from which to make a selection. Prices are mod erate. For instance, a. beautiful berry bowl, 8-inch siie, for only $6.00. Others for more and less. It A T O N, The Leading Jeweler : Modern Plumbing " You cannot my your home fa ' modern and comfortable if your " bathroom xturej are . old, and unsanitary. Modern plunking and bath room equipment mekes ycur hi me healthy and comfortable. t4rd" plucbing fixtures are the moat durable and unitary fixtures made. We handle this line and add our own guarantee to the manufacturers. We combine skilled, experienced labor with tea. aonable prices and prompt service. W. G. MILAN, 53 Middle St., NEW BERN, N. C Skort htm 9f interest Condensed Vv Into Sma3 Soac. The schooner Ethel' P. Nelson Is at Taylor's dock lading'-with general merchandise fof jrlealers in Marshal- Mr. George N. Ives, a large fish dealer on this market, received 4,000 pounds of fish of many varieties. The haul was made, down lower Neuse river. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL REPAIR WORK 6 On the Best of All Excursions. "All aboard for Wilmington," is the cry of the wise and knowing ones those who know that the $1.50 excur sion to be given to Wilmington on Thursday August 27th, is worth many times that amount It is up to you to get in line and be classed with thos who know a good thing. This trip promises to be the most delightf ul ever offered to Wilmington and the sea shore. This big excursion will be under the management of Thos. H. Knight, which lg a sufficient guarantee that it will be all that is promised. The conduct of his excursions are too well known for comment Train leaves Atlantic Coast line Depot at 7:30 a. m. and will leave Wilmington on the re turn at 10:00 p. m. I i SOAPS - We think we have the best 10c cake of toilet soap on the market TRY IT. DAVE' PHAMIACY. CAUSES SUSPICION Young Jap Arrested For Trespass la War Plant By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 20. Sam Flu, a Japanese, arrested here for tres passing, is being held for Federal au- wonues on me cnarge of being a Japanese government agent. He was found in the war plant of the Firth Stirling Steel Company, which makes projectiles for the Unit ed States army and couldn't give a satisfactory account of himself. He Is educated and well dressed. It has been proven by actual test, that B. P. S. Paint Is all that is claim' ed for it, (As near perfection as paint can be made.) J. S. Basnight Hard ft Company. Mr Robert Weeks, of Harlowe, is a visitor in the city today, and the guest of M. W. Milan. u , Mr. J. B. Jones of Beaufort, is in the city today, attending a meeting of the commission, investigating the value of lands condemned by the gov ernment for the benefit of the inland waterway from Norfolk, Va., to Beau fort, N. C. The many friends of J. M. Hargett, chief of police, will hear with regret that he is confined to his home on account of illness from fever for a few days. Mrs. C: L. Hooker, of Norfolk, Va., who has been spending a few days at Morehead City, enjoying the delight ful ocean breeze, and was a guest at the Arendell Houbc,' returned to the city and is the guest of Mrs. N. M. Hooker. v: Rev. J. N. H. Summerell, D. D., will conduct prayer meeting at the Pres byterian church tonight at 8 o'clock, Mrs. E. F, Morse and children, who have been spending the past eight weeks, visiting relatives and friends in eastern Virginia, have returned home. Miss Mattie Sadler left last night on the P. O. & W. train for Merritt N. C, where she will be the guest of Miss Sallle Muse. The old familiar sound of the fire' bell was heard last night just before 12 o'clock for the first time in two months. The alarm rung was No. 12, but was not sent in from the box, it was rung by hand, the department responded promptly, but no fire could be located. The ladies of the Christian Church will hold an Ice cream party tomor row night on the lawn at the river shore on East Front street. Every body has-a special invitation to come down and bring a fund. "' If the birds and beast could have gathered at the couit house, this morn E and heard Dave Sampson, a mid. die aged mulatto wan, from River dale, imltat,, them, they would rush back to the woods and hide them selves in shame.- Dave is a wonder. ful genius in this special vocation. He has the perfect imitation of any squirrel, possom, in fact any fowl or beast. He entertained a number of gentlemen this morning at the court house, and proved by several witness es that he would go in the woods with his gun and calls wild turkeys to him by imitating them, in other words, talking to the fowls in their lan. guage. Miss Hattie Marks returned home last evening on the Coast Line train from Wrightsville Beach, where she spent several weeks enjoying the de lightful ocean breeze. Weather for North Carolina: Show ers and cooler tonight; Friday: fair. Dr. N. H. Street is having some repairs done to the three story Plant ers house on Middle street New sills are being put tinder and some weath er boarding put on. Railroad ( Cafe ."'."'a Traveling public served 1 In np to date manner . m from the New Restau- I rant on Depot Platform. ' Large and Satisfying I bill of fare. f j TAVU)R K HARWSOJ i HARSHLY ATTACKED Castro Sayg President Roosevelt Has Little Respect for Courts By Cable to The Sun. Caracas, Aug. 20. President Roose, velt Is harshly, attacked In dastro's official Journal. The attack is based on Roosevelt's criticism of Venezue lan courts. He says when the President attacks the courts of his own country, It is not to be wondered, at that he attacks those of others. He says the Presl dent has little respect for bis majesty of justice and the respect he owes the people. .' Physician Hurt in Ait Crash. Richmond, Va., Aug. 20. Dr. C. W. Massle was seriously injured this af ternoon when his buggy was struck by an automobile, said to have been driven by Dr. H, W. Bassett, upset ting the buggy, frightening the horse and throwing Dr. Massle to the ground. Dr. Massle was picked np In an un conscious -condition. He was severely cut and bruised about the head, face and body. 7" Fir des treys, hit peHey with X. Roiatree will rebiOd for j. if W. K.'i SW. We have still further cut prices on our entire stock of Low Qnarter,Shoes, and have ' some very snappy styles to close out. It will be well worth your while to buy now for we can save you good money. We have just received over 400 pair of Ladies Shoes, 375 pairs of Mens Shoes and quite a lot of Boys' Shoes in good styles for fall. Our entire line of fall suits for fall is here and it surpasses any we have ever shown. . Knickerbocker Suits in sizes 7 to 17 from $4.00 to $8.00 a suit. j: a DUNN & CO., 55-57 Pollock Street HART & BALL, Cotton Brokers, Agents tor Rodgers, McCabe ft Co., Cotton Exporters, , Norfolk, V. ? . Sew;Ttrk''ctton I Open High Low Close Aug, Jan... Mch... Aug... Sept.. Oct. . Nov.. . Dev... Close New Bern Market Prices '.. .. .. .. .. Norfolk receipts.. .. . . .. Wilmington receipts .. . . . Toir money's worth always it The Amasea. Ladles i N. B-We have a eemplete line of white and gray enamel ware for the kitchen. J. 8. Basnight Hardware Compaay. AT THE AMCSEA T0X1GHT We take great pleasure in present ing to you tonight a very pretty little Western Romance, entitled the Mi ner's Daughter. This picture is one in which is shown just what a woman can do if she makes up her mind, and for this reason all our lady friends should take a special interest in this picture. The Golden Beetle Speaking of of beautiful pictures, this one in It. self is beauty supreme. Tne um ana tUe Judge very good picture and full of good comedy. It will pay you . to visit th? Amuses tonight " , -V Accidents will happens, but the heat regulated families keep Dr. Thomas Electric' Oil tor such emergencies. It subdues the pain and heals the hurts. Iltchlng piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't euro them. : j Aoan's Ointment cures Itching, bleeding or intruding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drag store. ' . sv 20th. .. .. 8.76 .. .. 8.84 .. ..10.05 .... 9.23 ,. .. 9.05 .. .. 8.7 .. .. 8.82 stead. 8.76 8.84 10.05 9.23 9.05 8.78 8.82 8.48 8.56 ' 9.75 8.58 8.52 8.58 8.64 9.58 8.81 8.70 8.60 8.61 6 to 9.75 .. ..90 .. .. 1 Liverpool Market Open Close Aug. 20th. Aug... 5.54 5.461-2 Aug. Sept 5.13 5.041-2 SeptOct. . . . . . . .4.96 4.86 Oct. Nov... 4.91 4.801.2 Nov. Dec... 4.85 4.751-2 Dec Jan 4.84 4.741-2 Jan. Feb 4.83 4.73 1-2 Feb Mar... 4.84 4.75 Mar. Apl... 4.86 4.77 Apl. May... 4.87 4.78 May June.. .. .. ..4.88 4.79 Sales.. .. .. ..4,000 Close weak, 8 to 12 points down. MARKET REPORT. Cotton- New York, Aug. 20. Cotton market opened at decline 6 to 13 points. Open ing August 10.05, September 9.23, Oc tober 9.10, January 8.80, March 8.84. ; 'Stocks , New York, Aug. 20. At opening of stock market only advance recorded was that of 1-4 In smelting. A num ber of Issues were unchanged, others fractionally lower. Grain Chicago, Aug. 20. Wheat opened 8-4 higher and held firm. Opening wheat September 93 E-8, Corn September 77 1-2, Oats September 48 5-8, Pork, Sop tember 14.80. Our motto t "The best Is aoae too good for onr patrons." The Amnsea. COPLOiYS FOR QUALITY. PROVE IT! That's what we do every time we make an assertion in any of our. advertisements. - Yes we prove every statement by having the coods to back it up and plenty to go around. This Yrfs -Offerings. 1-4 and 1-3 off on all Summer Goods to make room j for our Fall Stock, which Is arriving daily. v See the new Kuppenheimer and Fit rite Clothes, Barry Shoes, Stetson Hats Monarch and Cluctt Shirts, in, ' our. Clothing, Department t In our Dry Goods Department we are receiving daily ; the Newest Dry Goods and Ladles Shoes. ) DROP IN AND 8EB THE NEW THINGS- S CiPLOM 75 AND 77 MIDDLE STREET. VACATION. Going on your vacation soon? Going to take a trip soon If so, you need a tfutikc. fact, you need. a trunk More Forest Fires. By Cable to The Sun. Winnipeg, Aug. 20. Forest fires, on Vancouver Island are extending in every direction and the settlements are threatened, j The fate of scattered ranchers Is unknown. In Kokoslhl district twenty-two miles are ablate and several lumber camps have been wiped out . The eastern side of Bowen Island Is a mass of fire. f G J; '! ' Wlllttm Walker Deaf , , By Wire to The Sun. Jackson, )I1bs., Aug. 20.Col. Wol 11am Walker, editorial writer on the NeW Orleans Picayne, died today. way, whether you are statlo try or traveling And whetlaJLt you buy a trunk, see that it ls strong, serviceable, trim,' and rellable-isucb a trtfnk as you Will get here. We can supply you with the right trunk. At a price that meets and vanquishes competition. Trunka from 13.80 to $15.00. . ' r (- - ;, ,J; is.,; MILLER, M 88 and 89 Middle St,. NEW BERN, a'1

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