THE SUN, NEW BERN, N. C, SEPTEMBER 7, 190K. 3 EDUCATED SPIDEB FOB BRYAN. SHAFT FOB BEDFORD HEROES. i i r ' 1 x ...... .a n --'-.hi obvvnuu r CENT. sunuanngoxiood; as nessandResuninlaliHnfttir Opium.Marphine norMamL MOT NARCOTIC. Apafed Remedy forConriW nan , aour sanaaananwi. VYorasJuJitvuiswiisjewna nessandLosserSBZP. NEW YORK. feuaranieed uivkr ;HwT Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Infants and CMliren. Tha Kind You Have Always Boaght Bears Signature of tie Lx AW (V Use For Over Thirty Years . imminwiMMr, mtmrf. C NORFOLK AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. letegerald, ffoleott an Kerr, Re ceivers. Effective May IMS. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN 1:26 a. ., 7:15 p. m. (Dally Except Sunday) For LaGrange, Cov City, Dover, Kinston, Tuscarora, Golds boro and Intermediate stations. 9:20 a. m. 7.00 p. m.(Sunday only) For Tuscarora, Cove City, Kinston LaGrange, Goldsboro, and inter - mediate stations. ' :27 a. m., 7:18 p. m. (Dally except i Sunday) For Riverdale, Croatan, W Havelock, Newport, Wlldwood, I Morenead City, Beaufort and In. " termedlate stations. l:M a. m., 5:B0 p. m. (Sunday only) Foi Jlverd&le, Croatan, Havelock. I Newport, Wlldwood, Morehead City, Beautert and Intermediate ,.A UtlOM. I T:S0 p. m. (Dally except Sunday) For I Reelsboro, Grantaboro, Bayboro, I -Mental auJ Intermediate . Bu ttons. T:M P- m. (Sunday only) For Reels boro, Grantaboro, Bayboro, Oriental and Intermediate stations. 1:25 a. m., (Daily Except Sunday) For Washington, Plymouth, Co lumbia, Belhaven, Edenton, Hert ford, Elizabeth City, Norfolk, Saf folk and intermediate stations, New Bern to Greenville, Farm Yille, Wilson, Zebulon, Raleigh and Intermediate stations. Trains Arrive at Nwern :15 a. m.; 7:05 p. m. ( Dally ex. cept Sunday) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Kinston, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and Intermediate sta tions. , :20 a. m.; 5.50 p. m. Sunday nly) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Kin ' aton, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and Intermediate stations. 1:20 a, 7:10 P- m. (Dally exopt Sunday) From Beaufort, r More. head City, Wlldwood, Newport, Havelock, Croatan, Riverdale and Intermediate stations. lit f.JO a. m.; 7:00 p. m. (Sunday only) From Beaufort, Morehead City, Wlldwood, Newport,' Havelock, Croatan, Riverdale and Interne-. dlate stations. 1:00 a, m. (Dally) From Oriental, Bavboro. Grantaboro, Reelsboro and Intermediate kiations. 1:15 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) from Norfolk, Suffolk, Elizabeth City, Hertford, Edenton, Belhaven, Columbia, Plymouth, Washington and Intermediate stations; Edenton to New Bern;- Raleigh, Wendell, ' ' Zebulon, ' Wilson, Farmvllle, Greenville and Intermediate sta. , tlons. On June 7th and 21, July 5th and 19th August 2 and 16th, train will leave New Bern Jor Beaufort at 11:15 a. 4 h.," returning will arrive In New . Bern 1:26 p."ni. . MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to a power of sale con tained In that certain Mortgage exe cuted by S. A. Gaskins and S. E, Gaakins. his wife to T. D. Arnold, bearing date the 10th day of Febru arv. 1905. the same being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven .county, in Book 153, Page 442, I will sell at the court house door in Craven county, N. C. on Wednesday the 7 day of September, 1908, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., to the highest bidder for cash all of the following de. scribed property as conveyed in the mortgage aforesaid towit: On the North side of Neuse river, in Craven county, being the land will ed by V. A. Thomas to J. A. Thomas, Mary C. Thomas and S. E. Thomas, bounded by the lands of G. W. Thomas, A. S. Everington and J. A. Evering- ton and others, containing 125 acres, more or less being my home place also one open buggy and harness bought of James Blddle. T. D. ARNOLD, Mortgagee. Flagrant Case ef Natare Faking in the Hoesier State, Indianapolis News. Work was suspended temporarily yesterday by employes of the Hoosier Construction Company at Twenty seventh street and Northwestern ave nue, when a large yellow spider was seen In the bushes at the side of the street, weaving its web and spelling out the name of William J. Bryan. To show that this story is based on fact, the names of Stanley Bowen, and Frank Matthews are here set forth. Both of them saw the spider spelling out the name, and both are willing to make oath or in any other way satis fy a doubting public. "I was at work," said Bowen, "when a colored man who had been standing around came over and asked me to see the spider. He said he'd bet me the cigars that the spider was spelling out Bryan's name as well as I could. I took the bet, and, believe me, I nearly lost I went over to a little clump of bushes In a vacant lot, and there was the spider building his web from one twig, to another. It was wonderful. He was working on the 'R' in the word Bryan when I got there. In a little while he had finished it out, William J. Bran. Tou see he left out the 'y' and that's how I won the cigar. The negro said the spider was writing the name as well as I could, and I knew I could spell Bryan without leaving out the 'y. "Now, the funny part of it all is that Frank Matthews, who was there watching it, is a strong Taft man, and all the time he was pulling for Taft to beat the band. But that spider didn pay a bit of attention, and Matthews was perfectly down hearted. He said it was an omen. He said he had seen Bryan's signature many a time, and that the spider web was a fac simile except that the y was left out" But now here Is the strangest part of this whole story. As to this part of it neihter Matthews nor Bowen vill verify it, except to say that it was related by the water carrier, and that the water carrier had 'never been known to tell a falsehood. A few minutes after every one had left the educated .spider, the water boy went over that way. In a few moments he came back very much ex cited and declared that the spider had noticed that the "y" had been left out the wor Bryan, and that the many leg. ged bug, as he called it, had spun a caret just beneath the word "Bran and between the "r" and the "a" and then had spun the "y" just above the caret Washington Frm to Erect One by Order of Confederate Veterans. By Wire to The Sun. Bedford City, Vs., Sept 7. The con tract for erecting a monument fo the Confederate soldiers at Bedford was today awarded by the Joint committee of the Bedford Camp of Veterans and the local chapter of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy to M. J. Falvy, of Washington, D. C. the lowest bid der among a number of competitors. It is to be a shaft of granite, 40 feet high, with a base 10 feet square the cost to be $3,800. The work is to be completed in May, 1909. Doan's Regulets cure conpt-vrtion witnout griping, nausea, not any weakening effects. Ask your drug- fVt for them. 25 cents per box. Schloss Adds Wilson to His Circuit I The following item from Wilson to the News and Observer is of interest to Rocky Mount theatre goers. The reference to Rocky Mount being In I the circuit, however, is premature. Wilson, N. a, Sept. 7. For the past two or three years Wilson has been I shy of having first class theatrical troops to appear in our midst and the I question which has been reepatedlyl asked: "Why is it no good troop3 everl show here." Wll Inow be answered. Manager Privett endeavored as hard I as man could to get on the theatrical circuit through this section, but in every Instance failed, until today when he made a dicker with Mr. S. A. Schloss of Wilmington, for the lease of the Lyceum. Mr. Schloss has also added to his long list of pleasure houses the opera houses a Gtoldsboro and Tarboro, and it is possible that the opera housr at Rocky Mount will scon be in the circuit Get the Most Money Out of Your Lands " . r TLi l by making them yield the biggest possible crops. 9r Grain must get the nourishment that makes it m" grow out of the soil and the more plant food there jg&sit is in the soil, the quicker and bigger and more ifffr plentifully the grain will grow. - But you must nrst pat the food into the sou by liberally using Vuslaia-Carolina rertilizers Then a big bumper crop is as. sured, because these fertilizers contain the necessary elements required by the soil to prop erly and fully mature the grain. Farmers invariably find that the more Virginia Carolina Fertilizer they use, the bigger is the crop, and the greater their profit. Have you gotten the latest Vir ginia-Carolina Year Book or Al manac, the most useful and valuable book any farmer or grower can read? Get a copy from your fertilizer dealer, or write to our nearest sales office and one will be sent you free. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. mw mm - Tzaisr: 1 f i Rkhmood.Vfc Norfolk. Vl. Columbia. S. C Atlanta, Ca. Stnauk.Ca. Una) a . m Mmphh . Tea. If Slwveport, La. My . Jr. 'mm jcnniwiu to Durham. N. C. Charleston, S. C. Baltimore, Md. Colwba,G. Mactgofsery, Ala. Stop earache In two minutes; tooth ache or pain of barn or scald in five mlnntee ; hoarseness, one hour; mus cleache, two hoars; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas Electric Oil, mon arch over pain. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles yield to Doan's Ointment Chronic cases soon relieved, fiaally Mired. Druggists all Mil tt. 8ALE8XA5 WASTED TO SXXL BE , tall tade l5 to 1149 Pr month and expenses or oommlsskm. Expert, i enoe unnecessary. Heralngsem Cl- CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To all to whom these presents may come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof, by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that Blades Lum ber Company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is situated In the town' of New Bern, County of Craven, state of North Carolina, Wiley C. Rodman, being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served, has complied with the requirements of chapter 21, Re vlsal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, secretary of the state of North Caro lina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 29th day of July, 1908, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writ ing to the dissolution of Mid corpora tion, executed by all tho stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office, as pro vided by law. . -. In testimony whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal at Raleigh,; this 29th day of July. 'A; D.; 1908. ; 'r i f J. BRYAN GRIMES, - -. tretary ot State. tiM to WltmlngienTH. C, ail Be "Ari via Atlastle Coast Line. I 1 f .Tickets, Si sale,' everV;"Satirday nrnoea jto return we rouowing jMon My. -Electrl ; oars 'JtoUYtrlthtavilt Beaclv3,Ter 0 minute, I For further Information' pin agent, or write: . T. C WHITE, - General Passenger Agt W. 3. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager, li - y .Wilmington, N. C. Exploding Boiler Hurts Fireman. By Wire to the Sun. Raleigh, N. C, Sept. 7. In the Sea board Air Line yards here the engine boiler of the shoofly train between Ral eigh and Weldon exploded this evening injuring the negro fireman and badly damaging a shifting engine. Nearby buildings were shaken and consider able glass broken. Anpnst Tobacco Sales. The sales of tobacco on the local market during the month of August amounted to 1.947.098 pounds; several hundred thousand pounds more of the weed were sold than during the month of August last year. The August sr.Ies cost the buyers $136,238.04 an average of over seven cents a pound.l The grade of tobacco sold was of the poor est, sand lugs and first primings, and greatest satisfaction is expressed at the returns. The Kinstora market keeps high and every pound of tobacco sold brings a good price. Prospects are good for heavy sales Monday. Kinston Free Press. Lectures to Convert Railroad Hen. By Wire to The Sun. Grafton, W, Va., Sept. 7. Miss Jen nie Smith, of Washington, a railroad evangelist of national reputation, lec tured last evening to a large congre gation at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church. Sho has made 1,200 conver sions to Christianity 'among railroad men since last January. It warms the heart like sunshine, cheers the soul like wine; gives hope for the future, blots out the past That's what Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea does. 85 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Davis Pharmacy. Operation on Otis Postponed. By Wire to The Sun. Baltimore, Sept. 7. Gen. Harlrson Grey Otis, publisher of the Los An geles Times, who is at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Is doing well. The surgical operation has been postponed for a few days. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures constipa tion Doan's Regulets. Ask your drug gist for them. 25 cents a box. Locomotive Spark Starts Blaze. By Wire to The Sun. 1 Grafton, Vai, Sept 7. The brick residence of Jackson Kinkald, at In dependence, 11 miles east of Grafton was destroyed by fire this morning. It Is thought a spark from a Bait! more and Ohio locomotive started the blaze. Loss, $2,500. Constipation causes headache, nau sea, dizziness, languor, heart palpi tation. Drastic physics gripe, sicken weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Regvlets act gently and cure KMstlpatlMi. 15 cents. . Ask your drug- "I have been somewhat costive, but Doan's Regulets gave just the results desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly." George B. Krause, 30C V.'alnut Ave., Altoona, Pa. A TRIP TO BALTIMORE Is especially attractive now via The Chesapeake Line Steamers Leave Norfolk daily, Except Sunday, AT 6:00 P. M. Club Breakfast 25 cts. to 60 cts. Table D'hote Dinner 75 cents. For particulars and reservations address, W.BW. CROXTON, T. P. A., E. T. LAMB, Norfolk, Va. Gen. Agt. E. J. CHISM, G. P. A., Baltimore, Md. Finds Restaurants Sanitary. By Wire to The Sun. Richmond, Va Sept. 7. Food In spector Holdsworth's report as to sani tary conditions in restaurant and hotel kitchens and bakeries in this city will be submitted to the board of health at its next meeting. It will show that most of the places are well equipped from a sanitary view point, and only in some instances was filth in evi dence. A FEW FACTS ABOUT LITER TROUBLE A dull, sluggish liver always brings a dull, sluggish feeling to the entire body. When the liver works properly the blood courses through the body in a bright red stream. When the liver is inactive the blood becomes dul land muddy, and it 1b full of poi sonous matter. A great many people try to get a fine, clear, pink and white complexion by rubbing things on their faces. They might rub a lifetime and the fame yellow complexion would remain for the liver causes it Only bright, red blood brings fine complex- Ions. Blood loaded with impurities from the liver sends the impurities out through the pores of the skin and turns the skin a brownish yellow. To get rid of the dull, heavy feel ing and muddy, yellow complexion get the liver to working again. Two 50c bottles of BLOOD INE will do it nine times out of ten. If you are troubled with Constipation and Strain ing use BLOODING LIVER PILLS with the BLOODINE. For sale by F. S. Duffy. DO YOU KNOW PROFESSOR HOLDEN? The Man Whose Corn Lectures and Corn Trains Have Added More than Twenty Million Bushels to the Corn Crop of Iowa. Prof. Holden has prepared for us a book which gives the cream of his lectures on corn growing. It tells all about seed selection, seed testing, getting a stand, corn judging, corn pests, etc., etc. It is a practical farmer's handibook. It it- not theory but practice just as it has been worked out on the farm. The name of thin work it, THE ABC AND CORN CULTURE HttOST VALUABLE BOOK OF THE CENTURY" A. I. Root, the yeteran agriculturist and bee man, says: "Thin book is the most valuable work published In the last century if the farmer will take right hold of it with enthusiasm and put its teach lngs into practice." The book is 51-4 by 81-4 inches. Contains 100 pages and over 89 Illustrations. Well printed, neatly bound. We want to put this book in the hands of every live farmer and farmers' boy in the country, and will maka th" p1ce low accordingly. . A BARGAIN PRICE Send ns 10 cents, eoln or stamps, and we win send yon the book by mail, postpaid. If, when yon get It, yon are not satisfied drop ns n card and we will return yoor money, also postage for the return ( the book. Conid anything be fairer f. Ad dress THE SIMMONS PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publisher of Holden's Corn Book. Spilngfield, Ohio. Made from pure dL billed filtered water. NEW BERN ICE C 19-21-23 Griffith Street, Phone 23. Neal & Brock Have Just Moved Into Their New and 'Commodious livery, Feed, Sale and Exchange Stables ,103 East Front Street, near ieuse luver Diiage. . j Special attention paid to livery and boarding horses. NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. .PHONE 93 VI Vi .'-h4: .i.!':I':J lllrtv.ia)t;i. :''"v

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