THE SUN ' NEW BERN. N. C,, SEPTEMBER ?. 1SC3.- A ' . ' ' .... - ' 'Hi M r ) i - tf1 JPDM ifiHED DAILY, except Sunuy et New Bent Puhlithinj Ctmpany. OFFICES AND PLANT: - NettCraTea Street 0WE5 6. DUNN, Xaaagiag litter. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, (la AdvaaeeJ Om Week .19 Three Months 1.25 Six Mentha 2.50 tea Tear 15.00 Tale? banes fulness Office He. 330 tutorial Booms So. 4 Catered at the postofflce is New Bern, N. C, as second-class mail mat' aw. MONDAY. September 7, 1908 RATIONAL TICKET. President W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska. Vice-President Jno. W. Kern, of Indiana. NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Governor W. W. Kitchin. Lieutenant Governor W. C. New land. Secretary of State J. Bryan Grimes. Treasurer R. B. Lacy. Auditor B. F. Dixon. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion J. Y. Joyner. Insurance Commissioner James R. Toung. Attorney General T. W. Bickett Commissioner of Agriculture W. A. Graham. Corporation Commissioner B. F. Ijrcock. Electors at Large J. W. Bailey and falter Murphy. For Congress, from the Third Con gressional District Charles R. Thom as. For House of Representatives, from Craven Ernest M. Green. There are seven parties in the field the largest number of large parties on record. Don't rush up the ladder of fortune too fast. It is better to go up a little slow than to have pushed some one off. Some of these collectors are just as cheerful about collecting money as a mosquito come right in singing with their bill. Automobile drivers have discovered that their most'' successful and satis factory trips are made when they have a crank along. The "pill box" hat, it is announced will succeed the "Merry Widow." But all the same the millinery prescription will likely cause husbands to think things it wouldn't do to print. Rich mond News-Leader. "Northern people will be sur prised at tho number of Taft votes cast in the couth this year," said P A. Woolly, of Savannah, Ga. Does he mean the smallness of the vote, you reckon. We suppose they are expect ing quite a large vote. through Texas. Missouri, UKianoma, Kansas, Nebraska and Indiana.', "1 have been' lecturing at Chautauquas six nights a week. You know v the Chautaupua movement all through that country out 'there to something tremendous. They come from far and "wide by the thousand, come in their covered wagons, and camp Just like the old time Methodist camp meet 'ing, and, my soul alive, they have ev ery kind of entertainment a man can think of, music, moving pictures, .lec tures, every kind of thig. That's what I've been doing. I Just stood on the platform and turned loose on 'em what I had. And they stood it re markable well, too, considerin'. "Politics, why you never heard tell of the politics there is out there. No body's mad though; everybody in the best of humor. I would just sit about after I got through my little plat form business, and listen to 'em. They don't mind saying what they are going to do, either. And I tell you the sentiment for Bryan is something tremendous." "I'll tell you, I was a presidential elector in Tennessee in 1884, ana a nresidentlal elector in Tennessee means more than it does in most States, for there a man is expected to gfct out and run just like for any other office. I stumped the State that year for Cleveland, and I stumped it again for Cleveland in 1892, and it is my deliberate judgment that things look brighter this year for Bryan than they ever looked for Cleveland in either 1884 or 1892. Judging by the way the people talk, you understand, I feel confident Indiana is going Dem ocratic. Nebraska is certain to go "for Bryan." And here he stopped. "How about Kansas?" I asked. "Upon my soul," he answered, "I believe Kansas will go Democratic." "I heard numbers of men out there talk this way, I've been a Republican and have always voted the Republican ticket, but I'm going to vote for Bryan "We've tried to down Bryan in every way because we thought he was not safe, that he was all wind and that sort of thing, but he just will not down. After both his overwhelming defeats he has shown himself a big enough man to absolutely dominate the Democratic pdrty and to keep up a big enthusiasm for him in all parts of the country. He is far bigger to day that he ever was, and he always has had the interest of the people at heart, and I'm just going to vote for him. Of course, I'd vote for Roose velt if he were running, but as he is not, I'm going to vote for Bryan." "The talk about Tennessee's going Republican is ridiculous," he said, when asked about his own State. "If there is anything I do know it is the State of Tennessee, every county, ev ery town and hamlet, every rock and rill, vine and flgtree, and I know the Democratic State of Tennessee will give Bryan a bigger majority than it has ever given anybody in many a day. Oh, yes, I'm going out there to take the stump. I'm going to get up and tell the boys what's what and how's how." made to check the extravagance or to 1 END 0P! A' fNlQOEV CHARACTER. f I broad. l V. V a ....."' ,VIV In th a last M lu' ' , " Maa Was Enjoyed - a Spectacular analysis are paw oy direct or mu- c Drla la Cincinnati. rect taxes wrung from the working Cincinnati Enquirer, Deonle. This 1b a great nation, and Death Is ready to Bclxe one of the we do not favor a cheese paring pol- most unique character, known to the l Citizens oi Cincinnati tor more mu icy; but extravagance is not necessary I who to maintain our growth, and recaiess gaw W1nlam y Tedford carried from expenditure of publie funds will not the ambulance into the receiving ward add to our strength at home or a- of the City Hospital yesterday after noon saw but a shadow of his former Air. uryan can renaer no gni iwilltam W; Tedford, as Ihe service to the country than to con- pieasea to call himself, has been a tinually harp upon the corruption gentleman of fortune all his life. If which has flowed from the protective his assertion deserves credence, he ... . v, v v v iQ was cqnnected with the nobility of tariff and the tax which has been lev- "a , 4 ., teortc career 'was at the head bf agance of the Republican administra- tne Irish constabulary. Of that of t ion." " ' " which he was proudest, however, was bis skill as a broad swordsman, and he claimed to be the champion of the world in this feat of arms. That he must have accomplished something in this line is evidenced by numerous medals he wore on state occasions, and which he treasured above all his aartnly possessions. That ho once OFFERS TAFT JOB. Candidate Replies That He Has a Job, At Least for Next Two Mouths, By Wire to The Sun. Spokane, Wash., Sept. 7. "I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of August 17th, and to advise you that - j- - " .n-Al In hlo Atfv la mmomhovan I am not onen to engagement, as I .. . have a job, at least for the next two months." William H. Taft, formerly Secretary of War, wrote the foregoing to D. Van Arsdale, of Spokane, president of the Idaho Railway and Navigation Com pany, In reply to the appended Ietier "Spokane, Wash., Aug. 1", 1908. "Mr. William H. Tart, trnohltlfftntl Tl P w ... i, (Ml "US'" leu"u i'iaivu " MC UtV V Z3 ICfllUCU i,. .... . a charger tnat mignt nave oorne Bayard in full armor, and his adver sary was equally well mounted. The bv the older residents. It was about 25 years ago that he Issued a challenge which was accepted by a man named Wolf, 'who had seen service in the Eng lish army. The battle royal was fixed for Sunday afternoon at the place now i called Chester Park. The sale of tick ets was immense, especially as the battle was to Je on horseback. When "Dear Sir: you have recently joined the interna tional Brotherhood of Steam Shovel rnfflnoan: Tr. thr, n AA t f lit 11 1P TP Will uSi...o. - , K-t,t nnm. i, . th morVot fnr n first Hnsa ene - BCT"""U ""S" UC 14 l"C "" - " I , . . U.. U ak our shovels on the oaianis 10 me cnnw uUl u uU. were of a different mma, ana turnea .tail. neer for one of our shovels on Snake river. Kindly state your expe- ipnee and references. Being a mom I Thaw nAVOP mot f tha nasnfintion. w are com- .w. .... . . fmtornih- since men leatora nas iea a pre- Wura vorv truly tanuu eiaici;c VAN ARSDALE." S'8' and Kinarca occupations, uuring would the late change in administrations some started to boom Tedford for did The authorized life of Grcvor Cleveland is to be written by a per sonal friend, John Finley, president of the college of the city of New York, who desires all persons having letters or other memorials of Mr. Cleveland to lend them to him. "D. "I did not expect Mr. Taft " said Mr. Van Ars w i m tn tn advise him chief of police, and so seriously Lt',0 rirfM nffP a ven if he the old phrenologist take the joke that (.Hi.!. Hi"- V fj ovu doesn't make good on his present job.' Mi 'Ijt m Jit i 1 .--t li i- Ml Paiii. to m IhKl - mi Mm ay hnU trm BIm4 PoImb Tor twratyflv yemrs BeUnle Blood B&lm IB. B. fi. has ben curluc yearly pthouunda of . suKerr from Primary, MCQBiarr or i ,rii, v . d wu - rKBUD and all iorma of Blood plseas ; , W aolieu Xtie nest oDitmaie caeei xor tv. B. B. eurs whara all else fall. If rou hava eznauatad ttia old metnooa ei raatmant and still hata ache and naina la bonea. back or joints. Rheu mattnin. Muoua - Patchea In mouth. Sora Throat,, Plmplea, Copper-Colored tota, Ulcera on anf pari oi uia eoay, atlnar aorea. ara run down or nervous. Hair or Evuhrml fallinc out. taka B. B. B. it kills the poison, niaaea uie blood nura and rich, heallna- every sore and comnletely charnting- tha entire Doay into a clean, naaiuiy conaiuon. varea aiescsaa. t Itehlna. watery blistars or ltchlnar hiimorn. RlainES or Dim n.cxema an leaves aner imu ms olsoa and purifyina the biooa witn I. B.-B, In this way a flood of pure, rich- blood la sent direct to the skin urfaca. tha Itr.hlno- atODa forever and aver? numor or aora ia naaiaa maa CUBAlICLOOD BALM B. B. B.) is pisacant - ana sale to taia; com posed of pure Botanic ingredients. It purines ana enricnes ine diooo. ; . C . BRADHA3T8 Dnf Store, fl r Large Botflei lth aUieetieas for aoe open. :.spEciAt notices: L- ONE:XNT A WORD . No ad. lakes for lets than 15 oeatai i tha prise M three lines. Bix word of , laveiage leagtk ke a line. The -Cfollowing ' raws are for oonaecotira" InaarUbos: ' , . .' -a aants a Ua vJ , cants a Has ' 4fi aaats a Una 4 caati a Ha -JX aU alias a - csats a Una .1 vmm.iri taBSS 11111 1 1 tjaBii... .7S Uaass- 1 All order for these ads. must be 1 accompanied with cash for at many -times aa 4a. ara to run. , .' , These 'ads. are inexpensive, bat -they bring quick results and sur ra- torns. , . . . -si : ,-- . CRAYEK LODGE NO. 1, KMGHTS OF HARMONY, Meets cecond and fourth Wednesday nights in each month in Knights of Harmony hall corner of Hancock and Broad streets at 7:30 o'clock. S. R. Ball president; J. H. Smith, secretary; R. R. Hill, flnan clal secretary. enre. Free Blot3 Curt Coupon cut This eoupon from The New Brn N. C Sun, la rood ior one wrn nmpit oi oown ic Blood Balm mailed c free in plain packaaaa. Simply - All In ?our name and address on dotted Ine balow and mall to BLOOD BALM GO- AUanta, Qa. ; Stat name of trouble, if you know. LOST OWE AUTOMOBILE CRANK. Liberal office. ; reward for return to this WANTED SECOND HAND HOIST lng outfit for hoisting material on building. " Rhodes & Underwood, New Bern,' N. C A sneciflc for pain Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil, strongest, cheapest lini ment ever devised. A household rem' edy In America for 25 years. WKONti MAX HELD FOR MURDER. he was several times present at In spection at police headquarters. Only once again did he come into promi nence, when he was reported to be . engaged to be married to a woman with considerable means. The lady declar ed the engagement oft, and Tedford sued her for $25,000for his lacerated heart, but the suit was never heard. But Son of Swedish Banker is De tained as Witness. By Wire to The Sun. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 7. The Dutchess county authorities learned Does your watch tick with uniform Ity? It may seem reliable and yet work cranky. Bring the watch here at first signs of trouble. "A fix In todav that thev had arrested the wrong time saves dimes." You may possibly man for the murder of Frank Hakan- equal our prices but our repairing is son. a Swedish farm hand, who was pre-eminently the best In the city. "We found dead from a Distol wound on the are experts at watch doctoring and - 1 highway near Gay Head, 13 miles from H.H.CARR, ARTESIAN WELL DRILLER, 504 DAISY ST, COLDSBORO, H. t According to the Hendersonvllle Times, C. F. Toms, who was nominated for lieutenant governor by the repub licans, on his return home says that he would rather be nominated for lieutenant governor by the republicans than elected governor by the demo crats. Looks as if he has got his choice and should be happy. BOB TAILOR AND BRYAN ''.' .v ... , ... . . Tha Washington . correspondent of The (Charlotte Observer, tellt of the 'following conversation with Senator Bob Taylor, ot Tennessee: V"I bare Just coma back from a trip HEAPING IT HIGHER The Richmond Times-Dispatch has word to say about Republican ex travagance, which follows: "One hundred and fifty million dol- lars deficit is a fact that the Republi can party may dislike, but cannot deny, nor can they escape the burden of this condition by proclaiming that the falling off Is due to our lessening import trade, .because the increases of the expenditures in the last Congress is the prime cause of this remarkable debit. The last session ot Congress increased the total appropriations by $80,000,000, and the total expenditures of Congress will run up to $2,000,000,- 000. The army alone received $20,- 000,000 additional, the explanation of which nobody seemed to thoroughly understand. The world cruise of the battleships will cost millions in re pairs, besides the coal bills and ex penses ot the voyage. '"Ninety-nine thousand Federal office-holders under Roosevelt, as com pared with 10,000 - under ; McKlnley, have been eating fodder from tha pub lic scrlDt. and no effort has been here, yesterday. Waldeman Epstrand, 27 years old who says he is a son cf Gustav Ep strand, a banker of Guthborg, Sweden was first arrested, as he and Hakan son had been together the right before. Epstrand, who was also employed as a farm hand, says he was unable to induce Hakanson to go home and left him on the highway. Today District Attorney Mack re ceived a telephone message that Hak- anson was shot by a fish peddler,, who saw the man staeger in front of his horse about 3 a. m., and believed him to be a highwayman. The psddler drove on. Officers started in an auto mobile to arrest, the peddler, while Epstrand was detained as a witness. Ths latter Is an educated young man, who says he has been a wan derer since 1903, working In clerical positions In Austria, Egypt and Eng land. He arrived In New York last March and falling to get a position, took up farm work. when your watch leaves our hands it is right. J. O. BAXTER, Leading J-weler. HARRIMAN GETS OVATION " Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment. It cures piles, eczema and skin itching. All druggists sell it. POLICE CALLED IN Friends of C. B. Roberts Might Spirit Him Away By Wire to The Sun. Atlantic City, N. J.. Sept. 7. Police were rushed to the city hospital this morning In response to a call that friends of C. B. Roberts were prepar ing to spirit him away. The doctors assured chief detective Wholen that such an attempt would kill tha Bal- tlmorean. H The police were .posted about, to prevent any possibility of tha plot being carried out Robert's condition is mora serious that at any time since the shooting. Promises to Build Railroads And Cap tured By Shrlners By Wire to The Sun. Portland, Ore., Sept. 7. E. H. Har- riman was the recipient of a great deal of attention as he passed through Central Oregon cities today on his way to this city. All were interested In learning of his plans for railroad ex tension in this State. At Roseburz. Mr. Harriman was met by a delegation of prominent cit izens of Coos Bay, who accepted his invitation to ride with him and take breakfast. He told them it he could be Insured interest of 4 per cent, on an investment of $5,000,000 for ten years he would build a road Into the Coos Bay country. At Eugene, Mr. Harriman was tak en on an automobile ride around the cfty. At Albany, where he arrived at noon, he was met by the Mayor and several hundred citizens. In an address Mr. Harriman said 'I intend to do more extensive rail road building this year than for long time, and Oregon will receive her share. I will build across the mountains, but have formed no defin ite plans yet. My reception at Albany and other points In Oregon has been most pleasing. We must work to gether. . - "! A pleasing incident of the day was the capture of Mr. Harriman at Hul- sey by an excursion train ot Mystic' Shrlners who were on their way to Eugene. They threatened. to take the railway magnate back to Eugene, but he begged off on a promise to con tribute a lot of "Zem Zem" water to the crowd on its return to Portland. A Shrlner's badge was pinned on him and a fes placed on his head. He was then allowed to io,:...!.::;, Baby won't suffer five minutes with croup if you aply Dr. Thomas. 3eo- trlo Oil at once. It acts like magic. Ico Cream delivered to any part of the city at 86c per quart McSorley's Railroad knch Room At N. & S. Passenger Station Can serve you with Fried Chicken, Ham, Tongue and Egg Sandwiches, Hot Coffee, at all times; Milk, Tea and all kinds of Soft Drinks. A choice line of Fine Cakes, Fruits. Just re ceived a shipment ot Clnco Cigars. Yours to serve, Phone 407. . aa 1 i FOB BENT MY RESIDENCE COB- ner Broad and Hancock; hot water, heating plant, baths, hard wood 1 floors; recently papered and painted. Apply to C .D. Bradham. J. N, BRITTAIN TAKES PLEASURE in notifying the people of New Bern that he has decided to locate here, and is ready to make any and all repairs to pianos and organs. By dropping him a card he will call and make estimates, and guarantee his work to be. satisfactory. Can fur nish ferenceB from the following firms: Cable Piano Company; Les ter Piano Company; and Many Re liable schools. Address all orders to The Sun Office, until further no Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Cures toothache, ear. ache, sore throat Heals cuts, bruises, scalds. Stops any pain. I I FRFSH SUPPLY OF nUtTMArrS CANDIES) JUST RECEIVED DAVIS' PHARMACY. I COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL RICHLANDS, N. C SECOND SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 7th, 1908 Free tuition to prospective teachers. Course of study prescribed by State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Thorough Instruction; strict discipline. Board can be obtained at very reasonable rates. Music department; vocal and instrumental. For further particulars, address JOHN W. HALL, Principal. Real Estate For Sale and Wanted. Am offering at cost a new, commodious and well appointed bouse, with large lot, good location, built ot beat selected heart lumber; easy . terms...; Also several customers looking tor homes centrally located pro vided could be bought at reasonable prices. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. w W. G, BOYD. Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agent Room 305 Elks Temple (Take elevator). Telephone, 400. "Doan's Ilntment cured me of acne; ma that had annoyed me a longtime. The cure "was pennanent"-Hon.- 8. W. Matthews. Commissioner ' Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. , PS YOU WIST HOT ' think that a tan Is very expen sive. Consider the benefits de rived from it Twill keep you cool In the warmest of weather, It ot the right sort' and costs but a comparatively small sum. .We're, prepared to equip your place withan electric fan, war ranted to give satisfaction, at lowest price. Best results as sured. Our reputation is guar anty ot that "'' : " - - r NEW..BERN ELECTRIC & SUPPLY COMPANY, , : !r.' ' ... ... , Opposite Post Office

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