.v - THE SUN, NEW BERN, N. C, SEPTEMBER . 7 1908; PERSONAL MENTION W A BANK ACCOUNT : MEANS MORELsm.:-- f Aan simply a cash reserve. It means a mental reserve as welt, for the man with mdriey ahead is tree: from petty . worries that disttactjthose who live from hand to mouth, ; V V V 7 you have a" working ' balance in y f ftw an& on care devote your mental energies to the larger phases of our finances and thus make progress worthwhile. v Have YOU an account here? iXS. B. BLADES, tot. UEO. B. FEADJJSTOS, t a. filer. . WM, B. BLADES, Tic fres. TV A. 6BEFSI, Vice tot. TALKING ABOUT SOAPS. WE HAVE THEE Here are a few of the kinds we keep. . J ; 6c or 8 for 25c Kinds. Violett, Signet Glycerine, Wheelman's. . - 10c or 8 for 25c Kind. Our old friend Waltkes, Palmer's Violet, Violet Buttermilk .Virgin Violet, Ideal Violet; Heliotrope, Lana Oil with Buttermilk, Ideal White Rose, Olive Cream, Glyceroso, Palmer's Glycerine, Physicians and Sur geons, Elder Flower, Palmer's pine Tar, Malina, Wash Rag Castile, Lows Brown Windsor, Graham's Sulphur, Palmer's Carbolic. 15c Kinds. Colgate's Jersey Cream, Pear Unscented, Cashmere Boquet, Small Pears, 3 in box. 20c cake or 3 for 50c. 25c Kinds. Cashmere Boquet, Razor and Gallett Violet, Palmer's Garland of Violet Stiefels, Sublimate, Stiefels Boranlcae, Stiefels Schttryol, Cut lcura Cura, Glenns Sulphur, Packers Tar, Colgate's Coles, Sanitol Hygienic, Sanitol Violet Elite, Velvet Skin, Herpicide, Llgozone. Lubln's White Rose 50c. Pear's White Rose 60c. 1 Sharing Soaps and Creams. Colgate's Shaving round cakes, Mug Cones, Shaving Stick Wil liam's, roufid cakes, Shaving Sticks, Pear's Shaving Stick, Sanitol Shaving Cream, XBazin's Shaving Cream, William's Swiss Violet Shaving Cream, VInolia Shaving Cream, Witch Hazel Cream. Good Dog Soap, Naldln's English Dog Soap, Grandpa's Tar Soap, Curtis' Pure White Castile, any size. BRADHAM DRUG CO., At Pollock and Middle Streets. Incorporated. Capital Stock 30,000.00 First division of the Fall Term, Wednesday, September 2nd. Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Telegraphy and English taught by experts. A school with a reputation. The .oldest, largest and best equipped business college In th Carolinas. Write for catalogue, Address, KLWS BIWESS COLLEGE, Balelgh,2T. C. .. ... .. '.. .. .. Charlotte, K. C. Of People Coming and Going Seat 9 Troim mi Elsewhere. -iMr. Geov N. Ennott, has returned from Cedar Point, where he mulo a short visit with his mother. ' Mr..! Clarence, Land, of Wilmington, N. C, is Spending the day in New Bern with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas A. Land on Broad street Mr Thos. Chadwick went tip o Gold8boro this morning on business. Mr. J. F. Marchant, was a passenger on the New Bern and Norfolk train this morning going over to Norfolk, Va., for a few days on business. Messrs. Gee, Mann and Geo. Bowdea, spent yesterday In Caswell with their friends. Mr. Dempsey Wood, of Klnston, was in the city this morning between trains and said he had just returned from a splendid fishing trip mid was heading back home. Hon. Frank Thompson came up to New Bern this morning from More head . City and lett on the Atlantic Coast Line train returning to his home in Onslow county. Mr. A. E. Hlbbard went down to Morehead City this morning to spend the day with relatives and friends, Mr. E. F. Miller, of Pamlico county passed through New Bern this morning en route to Norfolk, Va. Mr. Allen Babbitt, of Bayboro, left New Bern this morning for Durham N. C, where he will enter Trinity College this session. Mr. H. P. Dorch, of Gcldsboro. N. C. traveling soliciting agent for the Nor folk and southern Company, came down to New Bern this morning on business for the company. Mr. D. E. Henderson went down to Jacksonville, N. C, today on a shor professional visit. Ernest W. Dunn, left this morning for a couple of weeks visit, in Wash ington, D. C, and Baltimore, Md., after wheih he will go to Philadelphia, Pa, where he will enter as a student at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathy, Mr. Dunn spent one year in medicine at the University of North Carolina. Uncle James H. Hunter, of Have lock is in the city calling on his many friends. Senator F. M. Simmons was a passen ger on the Coast Line train this morn ing going over to Jones county to his summer home on a business and pleas ure visit. Mr. Percy W. Peck, formerly of this city, now with the Philip Carey Com pany, of Charlotte, N. C, is in the city for a few days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Eugene McDonald, of Raleigh, N. C, arrived in the city Sunday and has accepted a position at Young's Pharmacy, which opened up for busi ness today. 'CI till RALEIGH. N C iv. ' U kJ l Cab u4 Voum Vimi AdwKcd col!iu Button Conmn el Mvif, oompUl, Sct-oW ct An. bpnwon. fti t Ptye) Culm c. A fan 9mmQ 'T't l I . .. 1- : . l I J L f .t.lr m mlirati L v w wnu 7 Hetnrv Jirom Or Baptist University For Women. Located in the center of Raleigh. Five distinct schools. I. School of the Arts and Sciences, with eight professors and els assistants, and including English, aMthematics, Ancient and Modera Languages, History, Science, Philosophy, Pedagogy and the Bible. II. School of Music, with three professors and eight assistants, an including Piano, Pipe Organr and Violin and Voice. . III. School of Art, with two professors and including Oil Painting Decoration and Design. IVf School of Expression, with one professor and one instructor. V. School of Business, with one professor and including Stenograph! Bookkeeping and Typewriting. Systematic training In Physical Culture In charge of a director as two assistants.! Club, in which by about three quarter of an hoar ol dally domes service students save $45.00 per session. Next Session begins September 2d, 1908. For Catalogue and other Information, address B.T. vAiry, BalefKk, V. tl ... SB" Phone) 87 THE BOTAL FLOUB IS .. UNCLE SAM'S PRIDE and ours also; 'The Perfect Flour," a scientific product of the most aprroved milling meth ods. The bread, rolls, cake and pastry it yields are genuine aalth foods the , kind that combines , purity, and delicious-; ness with high nourishing val ue. 'Try a bag today, and' be convinced. - , , LUCAS & LEWIS , Wholasala and Retail Crocars Hotel Arrivals The following out of town folks ar rived in the city this morning and registered at the different hotels: GASTON: C. E. Johnson, N. C; H. P. Dorch, N. C; A. u Collins and wife, N. C; Chas. Renick, Nashville, Tenn. HAZELTON : Walter J. Smith, N. C. GEM: R. M. Phillips, N. C; C. O. Fountain, Iowa; T. B. Koonce, N. C; H. T. Goodwin, Detroit, Mich; A. D. O'Brien, Wilmington, N. C. You should not miss seeing this display of Stoves and Ranges and Coal and Wood Heaters at J. S. Bas nlght's Hardware Company's Store. 67 South Front St. AT THE AMUSEA TONIGHT The Feature The Indian's Film Is Gratitude A bit of Western' realism that for scenic grandeur and vivid truthfulness has never been excelled the story appeals to all through its absolute fidelity to environment "Thou shalt not kill" and his un tutored mind is struggling had to grasp the meaning of the Master's command, when he witnesses a meet ing between Bessie and the halfbreed. The girl scorns the man, and when he becames insistent leaves him and enters the house. The Indian, his heart, filled with gratitude toward Bessie for,' the interest she has taken in his welfare, sees the cowardly ruf fian about to fire at her retreating form. To grapple with the man and throw up ( the deadly weapon, which explodes in the air, is but the work of a moment The girl and her sweet heart appear the door and the trick halfbreed turns the situation to his own advantage by accusing the In dian. The ranchman believes the lie but Bessie does not, and as her fa ther orders poor Lone Wolf away from the premises she takes his part. The Indian slinks away, wondering at the devious ways of the wr.'te man but grateful to the girl for defending him. The halfbreed has been waiting hi3 opportunity and asks the cowboy sweetheart to wait for a moment, and as the ranchman and his daughter enter the house thel halfbreed treach erously shoots the unsuspecting cow boy. Baffied rage makes his aim In accurate and the boy falls wounded. They all '. return to the scene as the coward dashes away. The ranchman draws his revolver and is about to kill poor Indian whom he finds kneel ing over the boy. Again the girl saves him, the lover regaining con sciousness long enough to exonerate the Indian and give the name of the man who has attempted to assassinate him. The girl and her father help the wounded man Into the house. The fa ther rushes to the nearby corral and gives the alarm to a score of cow hoys. They saddle their hoses and away; (the man hunt is on.) The lone Indian watches them disappear "They no catch him that way too much noise. Me take trail alone; me "find him, me kill him for her." He mounts his pony and rides away, soon striking the trail. We then see one of those strange events such as the great West alone makes possible. The savage, half tamed by civiliza tion, going back through ancestral in stinct to the wild hunt for blood of a fellow creature. Step by step, foot by foot, but with unfailing instinct guiding them. A broken twig, a flut tering leaf, then on and on; every mo ment bringing nearer to his prey. At last they are face to face. The half breed, no match for his foe, is doomed. As the Indian raises his knife to si lence forever the pleading coward, his hand is stayed by a vision. It is pret ty Bessie holding up the slate with those wonderful words so potent 'and powerful that even the child of the forest has felt their impress upon his undeveloped brain "Thou shalt not kill." The knife goes back to the scabbard, and he orders the halfbreed to throw up his hands and go on before him back to the waiting po nies. "Him part white. Let the Pale Face judge him me no kill no more." The cowboys arrive, but forgetful of their Sunday school teachings they promptly prepare to lynch the cow ering wretch. The Indian watches the preparations, but the girl's les' son is still uppermost in his mind "Thou shalt not kill." He pleads for the man's life. Bessie arrives in time to prevent the men from carry ing out their designs. "The doctor says it's only a flesh wound. Let him go, boys." ' She removes the rope from the half breed's neck and he darts for safety. Then as pretty Bessie returns to her wounded lover. Lone Wolf brings his slate to his little teacher and proudly shows her that the morning's lesson has gone home, for he has written underneath the words "Thou shalt not kill," "me good Injun," and we know as the picture fades from view that this poor Indian at least, is proving his gratitude, has found a home and place in the hearts of Jack and Bes sie. An Indian's Gratitude, amid scenes supplied by Nature, scenery that the world's artists gaze at in amazement NOTICE! After September 1st. 1908, we shall conduct our business as follows: Household accounts not over 60 days. Wholesale accounts not over 30 days. We purchase for spot cash to obtain discounts in order to get lowest prices. We no longer care to give in definite credit for months, years, etc. We are tired of "Please, remit, your account is long overdue" etc We talf this step in justice to those who are good pay and also to ourselves. We have nr time to listen to explanations or 'hard luck tales" . All those having outstanding accounts with us piear settle, as we wish to liquidate tbrtnand cease worrying. Difficult accounts will be pla in the hands of our attorneys for collection. New Bern merchants cannot go on successfully unless prompter pay is demanded and exacted. I B. HACKBU RN Aug. 5, 1908. NEW BERN, N. C I Heath and Mifan Paint None Better. If you want a durable paint that ' will spread well and wear well, use HEATH AND MILL1GAN. Let us send you a color card. Gaskill Hardware Co., 73 Middle St. Phone 14 ' Bessie, the pretty daughter of. HI ram Fairbanks, a wealthy Colorado i without hope of duplicating, scenery ranchman, Is in love with Frank Car-'that tourists from the Old World son, the dashing cowboy foreman on ' come thousands of miles to see, every her father's ranch. Her love is re turned and her father gives his ap proval to their marriage, but the old saying that "true love never runs smooth" is verified in their case. Just as happiness seems within their grasp the shadow appears in the per son of a halfbreed Mexican, a neigh bor of the Fairbanks', who has cast longing eyes on pretty Bessie. His mad Jealousy is aroused and gets be yond hie control when he sees her about to become the wife of another. As the story , opens, we see Bessie trying to teach Lone Wolf, a friendly Sioux Indian employed about the ranch, the beauties of the Christian religion.- She hag written in bold let ters on a slat the fifth commandment section of this great picture taken ni that scenic wonderland, Colorado, no such environment has even been giv en to a like subject. The background of reality lends absolute fidelity to this page from our great West. The comedy subjects are good, in fact the best that we have had. The title are: Inconvenience of taking moving pictures and wonderful fluid. Orchestra, of course. Special Notice To the man guessing the nearest number of persons visiting the Amu sea this week, we will give the choice of any f 3.00 hat in Coplon's store. Write your guess on paper, sign your name and address, and give It to the cashier. VgV Bath Room Comfort (kfpjl Every member of the family enjoys the comfort and conven ience a modern bath room provides. $tMi4ad" plumbing fixtures make your bath loom modern, comfortable and sanitary. When you remodel or build, let us estimate on your plumbing contract High grade "itattfawl fixtures and our first class work assure you satisfaction and future saving. Our service is prompt; our prices reasonable. W. G. MILAN, 53 Middle St, NEW BERN, N. C 30G x SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL REPAIR WORK FLOOR COVERINGS RUGS, MATTINGS, CARPETS, AXMINISTER, BRUSSELS, SMYRNA, INGRAIN, ART SQUARES. CHINA AND JAP MATTINGS, CARPETS, LINOLEUM AND OIL CLOTH, FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS. JOHN B. IVES, PHONE 257. 93 MIDDLE ST. V ''.rtV'"--;',-r,'-.