TiXZ SUN, liL,, EERJJ, tf.C. ZZ. 7, U il 11 Ul SOCIETY. , 'M1m Mildred Ball, has returned home iter several weeks' very pleasant Tlsit with (relative and friends In Raleigh, N. a Miss Emily Babbitt, of Bayboro, N, C, came up to New Bern this morning on the P. O. and W: train and left on the west bound Norfolk and Southern train going np to Durham, N. C, where she will enter Trinity College this ses sion. . Misses Virginia Windly and Rena Haywood, of Trenton, N. C, and Lena Collin, of Maysville, spent last even lng in the city with friends and left this mornnig on the New Bern and Norfolk train en route to Baltimore, Md., for a couple of weeks pleasure visit. Mrs. George Broadstreet, who has been spending several weeks at Bel lalr and Cove City, returned home yesterday. Misses Lula and Bertha Pugh, after several weeks visit at Black Mountain, and a short visit with friends in Ral eigh, returned home last evening on the east bound Norfolk and Southern train very much improved in health from their sojourn. Miss Ruth Henderson, who has been visiting for a few weeks ia South Car olina has returned home. i Miss Dela Broadstreet, spent Sun day in Caswell, N. C, the guest of Miss Carrie Tilghman. Mrs. Hanah Styron, of Raleigh, N. C. who has been visiting in the city for a few weeks, guest of Mrs. R. S. Mann and Miss Bertha Tolson on Hancock street, returned home this morning called there on account of the illness of a grand child. Miss Bessie Cobb, returned from Kinston, where she spent Sunday with relatives and friends. Miss Laura Wallace, of Morehead City is spending the day in the city, and is the guest, of Miss Sadie Hibbard on Pollock street. FIREMEN KESITE TRAMPS. Abandoned Pittsburg Hotel Burns, Causing Loss oi $dO,(HM). By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Sept. 7. The East End Hotel building, abandoned some time ago, was destroyed by fire today, re sulting in the injury of three firemen and a loss of $50,000. A dozen tramps, who had spent the night in the building, were rescued by the firemen, and a search of the ruins is being made for several more who are said to have been in the building. It is believed the fire was started by one of the tramps. TAGGED RATS SET FREE. San Fight Francisco Makes w Against Bubonic Plague.. By Wire to The Sun. San Francisco, Sept. 7. In order to stimulate the zeal of those who are engaged in ridding the city of rats to prevent the possible recurrence of cases of bubonic plague, twelve rats, each bearing a tag inscribed with a private mark, were turned loose today, one in each saaitary district. For the return of each rat so tagged to the officers of the sanitary bureau, a reward of $50 will be paid. Any regular sanitary inspector bringing in one of them will be promoted in addi tion to being pai dthe reward. The Telease and capture of the rats, It is expected, will aid the authorities in determining the direction in which the animals migrate through the city. Tic Km WA He Sited Toac" Two Large Piano Factories We own and operate two large piano factories In Balti more, covering whole squares, the STIEFF PIANO FACTORY and the SHAW PIANO FACTORY We also maintain our own " sales ware rooms in various cit ies, from which we sell STIEFF ft SHAW pianos direct to the people, on easy terms. AH instruments sold in this . territory are from our Norfolk store. When you buy a Stieff or a Shaw piano you get the very best, and at factory price. We always have a few second hand pianos at great bargain prices, and frequently some or gans. Write for prices, etc. (Ufa. &. tiiC L. C Steele, Mgr, 114 Graaby Street Norfolk, Va. Mention this Paper. rial PiaM Jaaesiawi ExpsitiM NAVAL CLERK FACES TRIAL. Charged With Mailing Objectionable Card to President. By Wire to The Sun. Norfolk, Va., Sept. 7. Arthur Jen kins, the naval clerk, charged with having sent an obscene postal card to President Roosevelt, being unable to furnish $1,000 bail bond, was today committed to jail to await extradic- tion papers for his removal to the Federal jurisdiction "jin ' Connecticut for trial. The postal, is is alleged, was sent by Jenkins to the president while the accused was in Putnam. Conn. What will you take for that Cough you have Bill? I don't want it, but if I had it I would take ALBERT'S COUGH CHECKER, a 25c. bottle will cure you. KILMER HEADS BOYS' BRIGADE. Chief of Maryland Division Elected National Commander. By Wire to The Sun. Baltimore. Md., Sept. 7. Maj. Gen. H. C. Kilmer, was today elected presi dent and commander in chief of the United Boys' Brigade of America which is In session in this city at the Fifth regiment armory. The only other candidate for the office was Brig. Gen. H; M. Strattton. of New York, and he was elected vice president. Feel janguid, weak, run down? Head ache? Stomach "off"? Just a plain case of lazy liver. Burdock Blood Bit- 'ers tones liver and stomach, promotes digestwn, purines the blood. Monument for Fort Malone. By Wire to The Sun. Petersburg, Va., Sept. 7. W. S. See- bold, a member of the Pennsylvania monument committee, has arrived here to look aftor the construction of the foundation for a monument at Fort Malone, a short distance from this city to the memory of Hartranft's divi sion. Former Minister to Liberia Dead. By Wire to The Sun. Richmond, Va., Sept 7. John Y. Smith, president of the negro reform atory bere and minister to Liberia under President Cleveland's first ad ministration, died heie today, aged 65. Baltimore Girl to Wed in England. By Cable to The Sun. London, Sept 7. Mary Godby, of Baltimore, will be married September 10th in the village church of Eltham, where her parents are living. Her fiance, R. N. Baker, is a popular men ber of the Kent Cricket Club. If voir property luui't already tarned hare A. H. Ronatree insure h before ft does. DIAMONDS Is the Diamond, it stands above all other gems, unrivalled for its dazzling beauty. The beauty of Diamonds depends largely npon purity of color, and depth of cutting. Our stones, both loose and mounted, are perfect hi color and finely cut ' Advantageous buying enables us to Veil our gems as reasonably as is pos sible tor the qualities. , Look at them before you decide to purchase you will not regret it J. O. BAXTER, i .-'.v. Leading Jeweler. "My child was burned terribly about !he face, neck and chest I applied Dr. Thomas Eclectrlc Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank into a iet ful sleep." Mrs. Mary M. Manson, Hamburg, N. Y. Vv. v 'est Here's what Barney Oldfield, the famous automobile rac ing driver, says about PEPSI-COLA: "I enjoy PEPSI-COLA first rate. It's a bully drink refreshing, invig orating, a fine 'bracer' before a race, and a splendid restorer afterwards." iiL. -i. -aa jf''if- , .-. PEPSI-COLA is the Original Pure Food Drink guaranteed under the U. S. Gov't Serial No. 3813. At all soda fountains, 5c a glass at your grocer's, 5c a bottle. Beware of imitations. I i HAIR DYES KILL HAIR The 20th Century Hair Tonle wIH make the hair BEAUTIFUL. This article la not a DYE, but is i made by the re- ceips oi the lead- i lng dematoligisti of the United States; and is guaranteed nnder the drugs Act passed by Con gress Serial No. 2774. The use of this preparation will make you appear younger and pre serve your HAIR asd SCALP at all times. SEVER FAILS TO Restore Gray Hair to It Natural Color and beauty.. Promotes a luxur ant growth of HEALTHY hair. Stops FALLING hair, cures any DISEASE of the scalp. ABSOLUTELY removei dandruff. The best hair DRESSING. It is the WONDER of the AGS. Two sizes 60c and $1.00 per bot tle, at DRUG STORES.. If you fail to and it; send us the price of the larger size, we will send it by return pre paid express. THE 20th CENTURY CEHMICAL CO. - Dept. N. Memphis, Tenn. C. D. BRADHAM, Druggist -Special Agent HOTEL CUMBERLAND New York. g. W. Cor. Broadway at Mth Street ear.S0th Bt Subway and 63rd 9 Elevated and accessible to all sur face lines. HEADQUARTERS FOI SOUTHERNERS. After a heavy meal take a coupel of Doan's Regulets, and give your stomach, liver and bowels the help they will need. Regnlets bring easy, regular passages of the bowels. Heavy, Impure bloou makes , a muddy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes fou weak, pale, aickly. Burdock flood Bitters makes the blood rich, ed, pure reotorea perfect health. ills: 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ideal Location. Near Theatree Shops, and Central Park. SEW AND FIRE PROOF, STRICTLl FIRST CLASS Di EYEST RESPECT, All Outside Rooms. No Carpets. At Hardwood Floors and Oriental Ruga European Plan. Transient rates, $2.50 with bath, and up. Restaurant Unexcelled. Prloet Reasonable. Send for Booklet HARRY P. 8TH801f, i Formerly with Hotel Imperial R. J. BINGHAM, Formerly with Hotel Woodward Sfcnzsas, Ward & 4Der Attonw)i aa4 CesBseUers a tar CMS oe No. South Front street, over 0. Telernph office. - Praotos id the Counties of CraTen, Day (in, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cuteret Turn lieo and Wake, in the Supreme and Fedent Courts, and whereerer serrices are desired D. L. WARD, ATTORNEY AT LAM 52 Craven St, NEW BERN, N. C. Practices in State and Fed era Conrts. DR. J. H. LAWRENCE SECIALIST. Diseases of Ey 3, Ear, Nose and Throat Eyes examined and Glasses Fitted. OFFICE "9 Kiddle Street, Next : to Hetel Haieltoa. Office Phone 1SS. Res. Phone R' Residence 19 East Front Street. LLM. I J m t mmi miE I If you have any work to to be done phone us :: ' New Bern Iron Works Machinists, Founders, Boiler Makers & Black smiths :: :: :: :: :: Phon 179 i i Good pictures and good music at the Amasea tonight. r BEAD THIS-GENTLEMEN! Our Fall and Winter Stock is how complete as we have just re-. oeived a second lot of the Season's .handsomest woolens. We are In ; a position to show you the Latest styles, patterns,' and fabrics at prices ranging from $16.00 to $50.00. Our fashion plates contain the most up-to-date lashions. Tell us what you want and we will show it to you. We have It SS I Perry & Rountree A "THE TWO LITTLE TAILORS ' NOTICE! The Parlor Car Vance, operated be tween Goldsboro and Beaufort, and the Pullman Sleeper, operated be tween Greensboro and Beaufort) have been discontinued, effective Septem ber 1st, 1908. F. W. TATEM, Division Passenger Agent ' BLOODINE The Word's Tonic is the best tonic and body builder. Free Sample by mail for 10c. Address, The Bloodlne Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. BLOODINE , LIVER PILLS cure Sick Headaches, Biliousness, "" Dlssl ness, Dyspepsia and Constipation, 25c. a box, mailed by The Bloodlne Co., Inc., Boston, Mass. Wm. Dunn, MOORE & DUNN. Attorney 4k Counsellor at 40 Broad St New Bern, N. C. Practice wherever services ar required. NORFOLK & SOUTHERN RAILWAY Reduced Rates to Norfolk and Return, September 15th. Cheap per capita excursion from Eastern Carolina territory to Norfolk and' return, Tuesday, September 15th, 1908, final limit Friday, September 18, 1908. The following rates will be au thorized: From : Rate. ,( Goldsboro .... $3.00 " Kinston.. S.OO New Bern. . . 8.00 Raleigh.; .. .. .. .. .. 3.60 . Wilson.. .. .. .. .. .. ;.' 176 ..Farmvllle ; .. . . 2.75 i Greenville. ...... . . . . . r. 100 , Washington.. .. 2.00 ' Plymouth . .- . . .i -.. ,. J.00 ' Final limit September 18th,. 1908. F. W. TATTJM, I' Division Passenger Agent - THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HECHANICT ARTS Practical education In Agriculture; A Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufactur ing, Dyeing and Industrial Chemis try. ' Tuition $45 a year;( Board $10 a month 120 Scholarships. Exami nations for admission at the College an 'September 2d. Address, THE PRESIDENT, West Raleigh, K. C For that Tired Feellnf try the lm tea tinlfia::" UNIVERSITY nr nhdtu r ADm ima 1789.1907. , dead of the State's Edoeational System DEPARTMENTS i College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, ' Hedklne, Pharmacy. -''.'V mmmim Library contains 48,000 volumes. New - water works, electric lights, cen- !: iral liafttln avatam Maw Hnr. .': mmw Jrt i ' uL U.j A, DOUding, , R0 STUDENTS. 9t Ef FACULTY, V j Tbo Fall tfrm begins Sept 7, 1908. Address rXANCIS P, YE H ABLE, . President ' Chapel HflL X. C Accidents will happens, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' Electrlo 00 for such emergencies. It subdues the pain and heals the hurt. . ..., .. - , " . .V'.