f.;;.';.' " ;Fis';.- ' t Insurance ' 1 Brick 1 1 G. A. NICOLL So. Front & Hancock Ste g 1 ' Phone 200 i Jl HORT SEA ML The Most Delightful Route to New York and all i I Su tier Resorts VIA THE J Old Dominion line. I i Express r'eamers leave Nor folk, Va., daily ept Sunday at 7 p. m. for New York, di rect. Fare between Norfolk and New York, one way $8.00; round trip, limit thirty days, $14.00, including meals and state-room berth. For tickets and general in formation apply to City Ticket Agents. I I I W. L. Woodrow, J. J. Brown, Traffic Mgr. Gen, Pas. Agt Gen. Offices 81 Beach St, 'Improved Passenger Sen ice Via Southern Railway Effective September (5th, Southern Railway will inaugurate through Pull man car service between Raleigh, X. C, and Atlanta, Ga. This sleeper will be handled on train 139, which leaves Raleigh at 4:05 p. m. and on train! 43 from Greensboro, arriving at At lanta 6:25 a. m. Northbound on train 44, which leaves Atlanta 9:25 p. m., arriving at Raleigh 12:30 noon, fol lowing day. Train 43 connects at Salisbury with train 35 for Asheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Cincinnati, Chicago, and other points. For Pullman reservation, call on or write W. R. McGlamery P. & T. A., Raleigh, of R. H. DeButts, P. & T. A., Greensboro, N. C. R. L. VERNON, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Inauguration Pullman Sleeping Car Line Between Raleigh, N. C, and At lanta, Ga, via Southern Railway. Effective September 6th Southern Railway established through Pullman Sleeping Car Service between Raleigh, N. C, and Atlanta, Ga., on th8 follow ing convenient schedules: Lv. Raleigh 4:05 p. m. Ar. Atlanta 6:05 a.m. Lv. Atlanta 9:45 p. m. Ar. Raleigh 12:30p.m. Call on ticket agents Southern Rail way Company or connection lines for detailed Information, or CHAS. L. HOPKINS, T. P. A., Norfolk, Va. PETITION FOR PARDON Application will be made to His ixcellency, Governor R. B. Glenn, for pardon of D. W. Dowdy, convicted of illegal safe of liquor in New Bern on the ground that the punishment he has suffered is as much as is required to vindicate the law. When New Bern voted dry, the law provided as a maximum of imprison ment the term of six months. He was arrested last fall, and on account of his health, procured his discharge from Klnston jail. He has been close' ly confined by the sheriff of Craven county since last February, making a longer terra than the voters and the law contemplated. Disregarding all questions as to legality of his impris onment, and his guilt, he has paid all the penalty understood to be required by the law. n nas a large ramiiy oi young children who need his time and labor la their support, and education, and even sustenance. I therefore ask the people of New Bern to Join me In this petition, and the Governor to grant the same. lOt -' MRS. D. W. DOWDY. Dyspepsia Is America'! curse. Bur lock Blood Bitters conquers dyspep sia every time. It drives out impuri ties, tones the stomach, restores per. feet digestion, normal weight, and good health. I 1 N. T. a eoaldharaaa aMioa an m bowala. Haiwllrl triad CaaearaM, and today i uhwh, ana today I am wall mu og Hi. ain. yaara bafora I uaad Caaearatal rad untold mlaarrwilh Internal pllaa. Thank. aoffarad nnknlii mImw wa joa i am lra froia all that thia moralnr. JSai WUtttUU UkaU of tnfferini humanilV.- B. F. riihat. Boaaota, m. SKWT "St"' SL"" Oripa. Uc, tie, Ue. Marat rid la balk. Tha gaoaiaa tablet atampad 0 C 0. naniitaad to eura or Tour money back. 8tarIlnfRamdy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 60 AKXUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES BRYAN CLUB IN BLADENSBURG Residents of District Name Committee On Finance By Wire to The Sun. , Hyattsville, Md., Sept. 15. The Bry an and Kern Democratic Club of Bladensburg district was organized last night at the Palo Alto House, Bladensburg. Clerk of the Circuit Court B. D. Stephen called the meet, ing to order. John R. Risdon, of Riv erdale, was elected president, and Milton J. Payne, secretary. Instead of a treasurer, a financial committee was appointed, composed of B. D. Stephen, T. Howard Duckett, and A. H. Dahler. A committee to obtain speakers was named, composed of Joseph Fanning, A. M. Lawson, and J. Moses Edlavitch. The following vice-presidents were chosen: Fred Heller, Bladensburg; Oliver H. Donn, Brentwood; Joseph Fanning, Riverdale; Charles Obold and Raymond Watts, Tuxedo; James H. Farrell, Riverroad; Charles Bent ly, Landover, and William D. Beall, Ardwick. Thomas H. Mahler, A. E. Bowen. Charles Sauberlich. F. H. Gasch. ami A. B. Garges were ap pointed a commute- on arrangements., a..u .l iuiHuunceu uiai meetings ; will lie held every Thursday evening! mini eiecuon aay. There's nothing so good for a sore rTirnflt no T.r Thru-Moo T7M f nil rf?p Best For I Bowels XV - Canov cathartic . ' " '- " .w v.,.tne direct consequence, a little remote Cures Oil. Cures it in a few hours. , m time and SI)ace but nQne ,he ,ess MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage execut ed by John E. Goslee and W. R. Ben ton to J. V. Blades, bearing date the 10th day of July, 1907, the same being recorded in the Collector's Office, Dis trict of Pamlico, N. C, port of New Bern, N. C, Liber 15 of Moitgages,, folio 71, I will sell at the court house door in Craven county, North Caro lina, on Wednesday, October 14th, 1908, at the hour of 11:15 o'clock a. m., to the highest bidder for cash all the following described property as conveyed in the mortgage aforesaid, to wit: One gas launch, complete, called the "Janie L." length thirty-eight and two tenths feet, breadth eleven and eight tenths feet, depth four and three tenths feet; built of wood; one desk no mast; sharp head and round stern. Capacity under tonnage deck six and twenty-eight hundredths tons; capaci ty of enclosure on upper deck one and seven-one-hundredths tons, gross ton nage seven and thirty-five one hun dredths tons, net tonnage five tons; built at Vanceboro, N. C, in the year 1905, measured at New Bern. X. C 1905; last license. No. 117 isued at New Bern, N. C, February 5th, 1906; together with all the masts, bowsprits, boats anchors, chains rigging tackle, apparel, furniture and all other ne cessaries thereunto appertaining and belonging. J. V. BLADES, Mortgagee. New Bern, N. C, Sept. 12, 1908. SIMMONS, WARD & ALLEN, Attys. MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage execut ed by John E. Goslee, and W. R. Ben ton to J. V. Blades, hearing d?.te the 10th day of July, 1907, the same be ing recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Craven county, In Book No. 62, Page 456, I will sell at the court house door In Craven county North Carolina, on Wednesday, the 14th day of October, 1908, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m., to the highest bid der for cash all the following de scribed property as conveyed In the said chattel mortgage, to wit: One boat complete, called the "Three Sisters," length, forty feet tlx Inches, ' breadth ten feet Dead rise model, launched April 5th, 1907, draws three feet of water, together with all masts, bowsprits, boats, an chors, chains, rigging, tackle, apparel furniture and all other necessaries thereunto appertaining and belonging. J. V. BLADES, Mortgagee. New Bern, N. C, Sept 12, 1908. SIMMONS, WARD & ALLEN, Attys. Y IMPURE MILK A Scientist's Picture of the Kind That Hikes Ceasamptlm Richmond TimesJMspatch. ' Dr. Saleeby, who gained a good deal of undesirable fame by giving premature and unfounded currency to the so-called cure of cancer by the trpsln treatment, has come into the lists again this time as a champion of pure milk. England, according to Dr. Saleeby, has at length, found out the danger of Impure milk, and the risk of In fection has "become accepted by that slow-witted ass called public opinion as not only sensational, but sensa tionally true." When Dr. Saleeby was invited to take part in this fight for pure milk in New York City, he told the pasteurizers that "this is be ginning at the wrong end," adding with all available force," that he would not countenance even "boiled tubercle and boiled filth." In Eng land he has been studying the milk problem at its source, and describes the process in the following manner: "Well, for instance, and without troubling ourselves about such mat ters of course as the pollution of sub. stantially all the milk with fecal ma terial and such unconsidered trifles, let us consider the case of the milk ers who have to deal with abundant traces of blood more conspicuous by far than pus in the contents of the milking pail. The cow, like thou- 'sands of other cows, has tuberculosis of the udder. The milkers stir the mess round, until the bright red streaks disappear, and with the re mark, "We aren't going to drink it off the milk (and blood and pus and tubercle bacilli and exereta and the rest) goes to Brighton and Eastbourne and Hastings for the consuiuntion of the children there making holiday." Like every other fair minded re former, Dr. Saleeby does not attribute such conditions to conscious callous ness or malevolence. Rather he sees in the milk man a want at in,airinn. Hon, since thev "do not see what the observer sees-the little funerals, the hriK!-.RSiv ,.,vmiq.i .u end swollen bones, the tubercle-laden abdomens, the rotted lungs, which ore real and certain, of these and the like abominations." On the other hand, despite this ter rible and oppressive picture, we see such improvements as have been made in the dairies of Richmond. We know that in New York the fight for better milk is real and effective. The dairymen themselves are beginning to understand that as better milk costs more to produce, it will sell for more money, and we may confidently hope that the time will come when an en lightened public will demand, pay for and receive pure and wholesome milk Little children will doubtless still la in many instances suffer from all the diseases which follow improper nour. lshment or the use of tuberculous milk, but that "slow-witted ass, the public, has at length, we think, defln itely decided that Impure milk is not to be tolerated. 3e was as sick as sick could be, . Friends could give but sympathy Sow he's well and strong as three, Since taking Hollister's Rooky Moun tain Tea. BRYAN'S BEGINNING They Didn't Think He Could Elected Bat lie Wag Washington Post. Be "Mr. Bryan's political start was due largely o accident," said former United States Senator Manderson, of Nebraska, at the Arlington. "At the time Mr. Bryan received his nemlna tion for Congress the district was re garded as hopelessly Republicans, and It was hard to get a prominent Dem ocrat to make the race. The leading man in the district was J. Sterling Morton, who served In Mr. Cleveland's Cabinet, and he was begged to tke the nomination, but declared he was tired of leading a forlorn hope, and others also declined. "About this time along came some one who eald there was a young law yer down at Lincoln who was a good speaker and who hadn't a big law practice, and that he probably would like to make the race. This young 'man was Bryan, and the Democrats decided to name him in opposition to Representative Cannell, the Republi can candidate. No sooner was he nominated than Bryan challenged Cannell to joint debate. Of course the latter accepted, but that was where he made a mistake. In the debate Bryan wiped the earth with !m. Not only that, but hla orator ical ability and his youth won him enough admirers to elect him, al though a great many ' Republicans who voted for him had not the remot est Idea he would be elected." NOTED FEUDS Df POLITICS Personal Qsaitels Which Hare Af. -. feeted the Electlea ef Presidents Boston Globe. ;. ; T Instances in which personal quar rels have affected the election of Presidents are familiar tb all. Mr. Cleveland himself has hid encounters with ex-Senator David B. Hyi, and in 1888, when Hill was elected Gov ernor of New York and Cleveland was defeated for President, It was sus pected by many that the differences between these two .Dmocratlc lead' ers had brought about this mixed re. suit of the poling. Twenty years of bickering between Conkllng and Blaine terminated in the letter's defeat for the Presidency, In 18S4. In the meantime Conkllng had been forced from public life, and he did not life his voice against his old antagonist He merely declined to speak in his favor, saying, "I am not in criminal practice." When election day came, however, it was found that Blaine had lost enough votes in Congling'8 native county of Oneida to lose him the electoral vote of New York and the long coveted presidential chair. Charles Summer's quarrel with Grant did not cost the general his re-election, but it contributed mate-j riany toward the development of the liberal Republican bolt in 1872, and the campaign of Greeley, nothing in all Grant's career so disturbed his equanimity as the hlstility toward him on the part of the Massachusetts Senator. The very day after the elec tion of the President's per project for the annexation of Santo Domingo under Summer's leadership, the lat. ter's friend, John Lathrop Motley,: wa sdismissed from his post as American minister in London, and Senator Hoar has described Grant as shaking his fist at the mute, unoffending walls of the house in which the Senator lived. ine angry estrangement drove Sum ner from the Republican party, brought upon him again his old heart trouble, and hastened his death. Vaa Buren's factious revolt from the Democratic party, when it failed to nominate im for a third term, was so destructive to party sucess that his tonowers were called "barn burners ' and likened to the tabled farmer who burned his barn to rid it of rats. Another ' noted schism with far reaching influences was that which divided Jackson and Calhoun. Aris ing over a personal incident. It nlav ed its part in the nullification plan which brought South Carolina on the verge of secession in the thirties, and cutting off Calhoun from the hope of tne Presidency, restricted his career to his State and did much to inspire and confirm his extreme dogma of State's right. The acrimony between Hamilton and John Adams was involved in the downfall of the Federal party. It disrupted Adams' cabinet and depriv ed his administration of the undis-' pensable support of the great Fed eralist Regulates the bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures constipa tion Doan's Regulets. Ask your drug gist for them. 25 cents a box. YOUNG KLOMAN A SUICIDE Purcnts Objected to His Marrlagy- nnicli Was Set for Tuesday By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 15. Police of ficials are agreed now that Andrew Kloman, third grandson of the first partner of Andrew Carnegie, commit iea suicide by sending a bullet through his heart with his left hand early Friday morning. At first an effort was made to keep up the im. presslon. that the young man had been murdered. At the Mercy Hospital, Mrs. Kloman mother of the young man, and Miss Kate Jack, the young woman to whom he was to have been married on Tuesday afternoon, met for the first time last night. It was because he loved Miss Jack so that he eould not give her up,' though his mother re fused to meet the young woman, who is a Protestant, while the Klomans are Catholics, that Kloman is said to have committed suicide. The meeting between the two women was most affecting. Mrs. Kloman fainted and had to be carried to the reception room. ' , The wedding was to have taken place last fall, but was postponed .three times at the reqquest of Klo- Iman, who could not bring himself to displease his mother. : While Miss Jack will not admit It, It Is believed that at their meeting on Friday night, Kloman pleaded for further delay, which was refused. Iltchlng piles provoke profanity, but profanity won't curs them. Doan'a Ointment euros Itching, blooding or trotrnding piles after years of suffer ing. At any drag store. - ' ' ' -a ' " enna ly yeT prom at-- a 1 -I. I ly oruae Dowels, cleanses fine system effectually. assists one in overcoming Habitual consignation permanently. To get its oenejicial effects buy ine genuine. Ranujactured lythe - California fio 'Syrup Co. 50LB WUAUrttUaKttSra-DWr40TU rnuMH college) i i Four Departments Collegi ate. Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library fa ilities. Well equipped lab oratories in all departments f Science. Gymnasium fur nished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wishing to study law should investigat- the superior advantages Ouered by the department of law at Trin ity College For Catalogue and further i formation, address, a f. D. W. NEWSON, Reghtrae. Durham, N. C. f Trinity Park School I A First-Class Preparatory School Certificates of Graduation Accep. ted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing forty thousand volumes. Well equip ped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruc tion. Frequent lectures by prom inent lecturers. Expenses ex ceedingly moderate. Ten years of phenomenal success. For Catalogue and other infor mation, address, a H. H. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, X. C Seed Corn! Seed Corn! The World's Premium Seed Cow which took the Premium at thi World's Fair. Raised and so.d only by the Daisy Seed Farm. Write today for circular, Price List and Sample, free. THE DAISY SEED FARM, R. F. D. No. S, Winston-Salem, N. 0. Can Cancer Be Cured? It Can. We want every man and women in the United States to know what we are doing -We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or by X-ray, and are endorsed by the senate and legislature of Virginia. WE GUARANTEE OCR CUBES Kellam Hospital. No 1615 W. Main Street RICHMOND. VA. $2M to Wilmington, N. &, and Re turn rla Atlantic Coast Line. Tickets on sale every Saturday limited to return the following Mon day. Electric cars to Wrights vile Beach every 80 minutes. For further information call on agent, or write: T. . C. WHITE, General Passenger Agt W. J. CRAIQ, Passenger Trafflo Manager, WOmiagtoa, N. C .ICE,. Made frorrt pure & . 'iUedl filtered water.' IIEW BERII ICE C 19-21-23 Griffith Street , Phone 21. A. . . : iA . V ads eeru new r iua lzz? a Loan The subscription list for Series No. 34 of the New Building and. Loan n-utvu Ulfcua VMUwr 181, Is growing daily. We expect to sur pass our last April Series, which you' remember exceeded 500 shares, repre senting over 150,000. The largest since the organization of the association 20 vpara mm Some of our enthusiastic friends "" iuh as gooa an investment as life insurance, others class it with government and state bonds; of course we agree with them heartily, because ita really the very best and most at tklnlr a li . tractive Investment offered in the city. considering the great benefits derived at so small an outlay. It only eosts $1.25 share to join, thence $1.00 month ly. Its a rainy day provision and well worth your consideration. W. G. BOYD, Room 805 Elk's Boildlng. Thone 100. What will you take for that Cough you have Bill? I don't want it, but if I had it I would take ALBERT'S COUGH CHECKER, a 25c. bottle will cure you. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. North Carolina, Craven County In the Superior Court Before W. M. Watson, Clerk of Superior Court Clemmie Elliot and Husband, Elliott Etta Hooten, J. L. Bland and wifo, M. A. Bland vs. E. R. Crooker and Bank of Landerdale, to E. R, Crooker and Bank of Landerdale. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court by affidavit that E. R. Crook er and Bank of landerdale as non resi dents of the state of North Carolina, you are hereby notified that a sum mon and petition for sale of real es tate for partition has been duly filed in the clerk's offlco of Ciaven County, N. C, in the above entitled aetion by Clemmie Elliott, Etta Hooten and oth ers. You are hereby notified to ap pear before said clerk at the court house in New Bern, N. C, on Monday the 28th day of September, 1908, at 12 o'clock M., and answer er demur to said petition as you may deem best otherwise the prayer of the petitioner will be granted. It is ordered that this notice bs published once a weok for four weeks in the New Bern Sun. This loth day of August, 1908. W. M. WATSON, Clerk Superior Court; MORTGAGE SALE Pursuant to a power of sale con tained In that certain mortgage ex ecuted by James Borden and Sutton Borden to J. W. Stewart, bearing date the 13th day of October, 1900, the same being recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds of Craven oounty in Book 133, Page 393,-1 will sell at the court house door In New Bern, N. C, on Monday the 28th day of September, 1908, at the hour of 18 o'clock M, to the highest bidder for Cash, all of the following described property as conveyed In the mortgage aforesaid, towlt: Fifteen acres of land bounded as follows: On the East by John Latham; on the South by A. & N. C. R. R. and on the West and North by Sam Brooks, being the place where I now reside. J. W. STEWART, Mortgagee. Dr. Z. V.PARKER has moved his office 3rd Floor, Elks Temple, has well fitted offices and would appreciate your patronage. GREAT BaROAINS SPECIAL LOW PRICES On our entire line of Buggies, and Carriages. Never before were offered by any Buggy Builder In Now- Bern. We hops yon will inquire before pay ing rat any money elsewhere. We can save you the rocks and we will do it Come to see us. Tours to please. G. S. Waters & Son 7 BBOAF STECIT. Fire destroys, bat a policy with A. M. Eosatres irOI rebuild for yea.