the sun, nnw mimt w. a, Septembers. i;a "77T A iu ra craattac Mm lor mm at tka lbl BAXt mornim W mad foar afcMaa aataawnm. M ta fo hoi an tm tan - J m M. W Stack, al MiUanban. DanfcJa 0a K. I tut fh for CUMnM, Im imi mm u4 IkI.Ummi iiiim1 mt boot ur t. . tibyfamioatoed, Olmlftiln. arm aa iaai mfi 11 Beat for ThoOoweto, - NalaMa. rewa. Tarta Vooi. Da aiakaav. Waakaa ar ttitaa. Ma. M.H. i Mtt la kalkTTka naalaa tablat iinii H aara oc yaw aor aaa. twllag Ca.. Chlcata at H.T. M djjLLjjLLE,Ta aica e:x HAIR DYES KIL I A?R The 20tk Century Hate Tonic will make the hair BEAUTIFUL. This article Is not a DYE, but la made by the re ceipa of the lead ing dematoligists of the United States; and li guaranteed under the drupe Act by Con- gress Serial No. 1774. The use of this preparation will make you appear younger and pre serve your HUB asd SCALP at' all times. JfEYER FAILS TO Restore Gray Hair to Its Natural Color and beauty.. Promotes a luxur ant growth ot HEALTHY hair. Stops FALLING hair, cures any DISEASE of the scalp. ABSOLUTELY removes dandruff. The best hair DRESSING. It is the WONDEB of the AGE. Two sizes 50c and 11.00 per bot tle, at DBUG STORES.. If you fall to Ind It; send us the price of the larger dee. we will send It by return pre paid express. THE 20th CE5TUBY CEHMICAL CO. Dept. N. Memphis, Tenn. C. D. BRADHAM, Druggist Special Agent HOTEL CUMBERLAND New York. S. W. Cor. Broadway at 64th Street pear 60th St Subway and 53rd 8 Xlevated and accessible to all sur face lines. HEADQUARTERS FOB SOUTHERNERS. ideal Location. Near Theatres, ghops, and Central Park. HEW AND FIRE FBOOF, STBICTLV FIRST CLASS IN EYEBY RESPECT. All Outside Rooms. No Carpets. All Hardwood Floors and Oriental Rugs. European Plan. Transient rates, $2.50 with bath, and p. Restaurant Unexcelled. Prices Reasonable. Send for Booklet HARRY P. STIMSON, Formerly with Hotel Imperial R. J. BINGHAM, Formerly with Hotel Woodward GREAT BARGAINS STECXIL LOW riaCEJ! 4 our entire line of Buggies, and Jarrlagei. Never before were offered br any Buggy Builder in New Bern. We hops you will inquire before pay ing out any money elsewhere. We can save yon the rocks and we will do It Come to see as. Yours to please. -' 9 MUM HTRf!BT. Dyspepsia Is America's curse. Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspep sia every lime. It drives oat impari ties, tones the stomach, restores per. feet dicestlon. normal weight, and aMat. KMb, rewa. Tut eaaijle . m atakM. Wka or Orix. Ma. Ka. Ma. llavaf too. good health.' M the i New IJasoiiic Jkealrc J; WEDNESDAY, OOn T NKrl r'MKKK Wi' A. M. Baker Presents Countess Olga Yon Hatsfeldt, And a company of 50 singing 8 I dancing comedy artists in John Saunders and N. Harris Ware' Latest Lyric Creation, "A Daughter of America.'' A scenic production of rare and picturesque electrical environ ment. Prices 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50 J Seat sale opens Monday. Lymon H. Howe THURSDAY Oyl SEPTEMBER NEW MASONIC THEATRE Presents the SUPREME TRIUMPH in Moving Pictures The World's Mas terpiecesMore Amusing Than a Comedy More Realistic Than a Dra maMore Instructive than a Lectures More Intensely Interesting Than all Combined. 20 Big Features Beyond Comparison. S Weeks, Warrick, Philadelphia. i Weeks, Lyric, Cincinnati, 5 Weeks, Oepra House, Cleveland. Weeks, Nixon, Pittsburgh. 7 Weeks, Ford's, Baltimore. Direct from New Triumphs in the Best Theatres of the Big Cities. Prices 25c. balcony; 33c. and 50c. orchestra. Saleopens Wednesday. "HUMAN HEARTS." "Human Hearts." the 'Idyl' of the Arkansas Hills, like Shore Acres, and the Old Homestead, tfme only in creases its hold upon the hearts of the people. The prattle of an inno cent child, the tears ot an old blind mother, the strong love of a simple country girl, the truth of a half wit, the love of an old time negro, the pas. Chlekweed Tenders of Paris. London Globe. The vender of chlekweed in Paris is of well known figure. The sellers are numerous and their cry is one of the most note worthy of those that re sound in the morning in the streets of the French capital. According to the Bulletin des Halles, there are about 100,000 canaries in the capital, and the dally consumption of chickweed is estimated at $2,000. This sum looks very large, but It only allows a penny for each bird. Be that as it may, a Paris contemporary points out that a goodly portion of land between Suresnes and Courbe- voie is set aside for the cultivation of the weed. $1,000 Interest on $50 New York Herald. The happiest man in New York to day is Adam Brede, chef in a lunch, room. Over twenty years ago Brede deposited $50 in the Seamans Bank for savings. With a friend he attend ed a festival that night and when he left the hall he found that both his friend and his bankbook had disap peared. Last Friday night he encoun tered his friend, who greeted him ef fuslveiy, and said: , "Here Is that bankbook, Adam. It has hurt my conscience for twenty years, but It was the means of saving my life. After leaving New York I went to Albany. From there I drifted put to San Francisco, where I started a fruit business. I prospered, and at the end of eighteen years was worth about 150,000. I arrived hare last Sunday and have been looking for yon ever since. '-.'.".'l He then handed over the bankbook and $1,000 for interest "My child was burned terribly about the face, neck and chest I applied Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank Into a rest ful sleep." Mrs. Mary M. Manson, Hamburg, N. T, Wew Ma owe's Moving Pictares lYMANHMOWE'S SPECIAL Lyman H. Howe's Llfeorama to be i seen at the New Masonic Theatre to. morrow night annihilates time and space with almost supernatural pow er. The new program takes the au dience from ice bound Niagara to tor rid India; through the resplendent natural beauty of Savoy (France) to the sculptured art of Rome and the tumultous life In Naples, and Indus. sion of an adventuress and the tender memory of a dead mother of the past of the governor of Arkansas, are all cleverly Intermingled by the deft hand ot the author of this absorbing tale of the Arkansas Hills. Each succeed ing season of this thrilling play's an nually increasing business has in duced the management to engage for this season's production one of the strongest companies ever organized in one cast To the lovers of a good play, not one on the list this season will appeal more strongly tHan "Hu man Hearts." Successful in its tenth season can be said of few plays but it can truth fully be said ot "Human Hearts." A drama which provides healthful rec reation for the public and which seems to instruct while appearing in the form of amusement, is a boon to any commnnlty. So many questionable Hungary's Campaign Against Drink Pall Mall Gazette. Count Andrassy, the minister of the Interior, is now devoting his serious attention to the drinking problem which has recently confronted Hun gary. A national council for dealing With the evil, whose work is to dis cover the best and - most effectual means for eliminating drunkenness, has been called into being. Primarily there Is to be a reform of all the drinking shops. . Budapest is full of "palinka" shops, where vile and destructive spirts are sold to workmen. Then the evil of strong drinking Is to be demonstrated in schools and other places, while a large Institution 1b to be built for dealing with drunkards and providing a cure treatment The governmnet has determined to scientifically attack the question. A specific tor nam Dr. Thomas; Bleetrle Oil, strongest, cheapest list. ment ever devised. A household edy in America tor 35 years. Made Blch by Rainstorm. San Francisco Call. Jacob L. Thompson, of San Bernar dino, Cal., has filed on placer claims revealed to him by a miniature flood on the aide of Mount San Bernardino. Thorn ason was prospecting among the old Mexican placers near Hesperia when he was overtaken by a furious storm which forced him to seek shel ter. After a quarter of an Inch of rain had fallen In less , than tone boor throwing the canyons Into (roaring torrents, Thomason , returned to his work. 1 When the . water . subsided he says he found scores of rich placer pockets and within a few hours pan ned out nearly $10,000 In gold. ' : After a' heavy meal take a eoupel of Doan's RegnMts, and give ; your stomach, liter and bowels the help they will heed.' Regnlets bring easy, regular passages ot the bowels,' : &0 . -a u II A PHOTOGRMHERINlNDJAgfo trial activities in Sicily. An exciting 10 mile Steeplechase and superb mil itary review in England; Australian sports and pastimes; The novel ef fects of physical phonomena; a new drill by the Reedham Orphans; the mischievous pranks of birds and ani. mals, etc., merely suggest the wealth of interest and charm of the new pro gram. forms of amusement are. thrust upon the public, the young and old alike find much in this beautiful living story to think over and enjoy long after ward. Rich in incident, in its variety ot characters, In stage settings, it is one of the few attractions of great merit on the road. The spectator is carried into the delightful atmosphere of life in the hills of Arkansas. The trouble which falls upon the simple folk of the Logan farm, reminds one of the line "The trail of the serpent" The beautiful and touching denoument however beard its lesson. Wait! The author has struck many true notes in this play and the well chosen cast blend their harmonies with fine effect It is with pleasure that Manager Kehoe announces "Human Hearts" at the Masonic Theatre Tuesday Sep tember 29th. Regular prices will pre. vail. MILLIONAIRE HONOBS HEBO Rewards Chaffeur Who Wrecked Auto In Effort to Save Woman Chicago Journal. Search was begun by the police to. day in an effort to solve the mystery surrounding the identity of the mil lionaire who is said to have liberally rewarded a chaffeur for heroism dis played In saving the life ot a woman. The chaffeur was driving an automo bile that the miilolnalre had ordered and intended, to use for a trip for himself and family. The woman was badly Injured and is lying at her home in a precarious condition. The chauffeur wrecked a $6,000 car and risked his own life in the effort to avoid running her down. A medal of solid gold, designed In one of the large State street Jewelry houses, Is said to have been presented to the chauffeur for his heroism, and efforts to aid the woman, who was made blind by the accident and whose ribs were crushed, have been made by agents of the mysterious man. ; The sufferer Is Mrs. Jennie Tonlnl tt is thought If she recovers she will never regain her sight The man of wealth whose Identity is being so closely guarded gave an order for an auto by telephone to the Tyde Park Hotel garage September 11th from an Indiana avenue address. It was a "hurry- up call. All the cars In the garage were out and W, A, Swadey, who lives at Chicago Beach Hotel, was asked if he would permit his big car to. go on the errand. ' He consented and his : own ; chauffeur, Schober, was sent The big machine whirled around Into Thirty .ninth street and across Langley avenue Just as a street car approached. ' Mrs. Tonlnl, who m em ployed in the Blssell Laundry, ran around In front of the car and stood dazed In the path of the automobile Schober had three alternatives to ran down the woman, collide with the street car, or tun his machine Into an Iron telegraph pole at the curb, ' -i-M ls V. i i'i " TUESDAr SEPTEMBER 29 The Never Falling Delight, , W. E. NANKEVWL&S Enormous Trlimph HUMAN HEARTS i 1 A Story from Life Presented la in Dramatic Form. (Abounding In Humanity, Bub T bllng Over with Joyous Com- J edy. f 'I'htHllflwy onil IfMlf.H. Gil.. -7 Thrilling and Realistic Situa- tlons Aronse the Spectator to the Highest Pitch of Enthusiasm, Orchestra 75 and $1.06; Bal cony 60 and 25 cents. Sale opens Monday. A Daughter of America Yes! A Daughter of America is a musical comedy, bordering on roman tic opera. So many questions have been asked as to whether or not It was a drama, farce comedy or opera, we will, as a matter of theatrical In formation, define John Saunders and N. Harris Ware's masterful lyrle ere. atlon as an operatic comedy, which embraces all that Is commonly known as musical comedy. Countess Olga Von Hatzfeldt, who Is the bright particular star of A Daughter of America, Is a popular favorite in this city, having appeared here on several occasions with some of the best musical organizations of late years. She is a most gifted sing ing comedienne, dainty and petite of form, a face ot rare beauty and charm. Possessed of a mezzo suprona voice and a nimble pair of dancing feet, she is Ideal In the part of Rita, the ambi tious ladles maid. A Daughter of America will be seen at the Masonic Theatre tonight, with all its wealth of scenic and electrical splendor, Interpreted by an Intelligent company of fifty singing artists. He chose the last at the risk of his own life. The big machine was wrecked and Schober was thrown 10 feet away. Mrs. Tonlnl was struck when the au tomobile careened and as seriously hurt The Postal Telegraph, Cable Conv pany will furnish complete returns of the presidential election to be held this fall. We have an unbroken record of twenty odd years during which our bulletin service has been superior to that of our competitor, both in point of speed and salient Information. Direct wire, from Washington, D. C, cut In, anywhere in city, or returns furnished over phone, or by messenger. For rates or further information call phone 280, or apply at Postal Tele graph Cable Office, 79 Middle Street New Bern, N. C, Regulates th bowels, promotes easy natural movements, cures constipa tion Doan's Regulets. Ask your drug gist iot them. 25 cents a box. . SCHOOL NOTICE 1 The examination of new and con ditioned pupils win take place - on Tuesday, Sept 29th at 10 a. m. School opens in regular session on Thursday Oct, -at, 9 a. m. : ' - : Pupila who desire to rent books can get their books any time after Sept 21st The price Is the same as last year and follows: ' First Grade $ .80 Adv. First Grade 1.00 1.29 L00 2.29 2.50 2.80 8.S0 4.00 2nd. Grade 3rd. Grade 4th. Grade Bth. Grade 6th. Grade ................. 7th and 8th Grades 9th. and 10th. Grades I will be In the offloe at the school building dally from 10 to 12 o'clock and will be glad to see either pupila or parents In regard to the school work for the coming year. " ' ' .-lH. B. CRAVEN, ' Supt One of the tl the bappy homes of to-day b sivafV fund of information as to the beet methods sf promoting health and Upomeat and right living and knowledge of the worldt est ftodtiBtn. -ftJ-'.i-ft HaJfi- j Products,' of actual excellence ju4 najonaoief 'elaima . truth! uDjr presented, and which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-informed of the World; not of IndV viduaia only, but of the raaay who hare lbs happy faculty of selecting and obtaifti fag the best the world afforda,. One of the prodocta of that class, of known component parts, Van thicat, remedy, approved by physicians and conv' mended by the Well-informed. . of the Worldasi valuable and wholesome family laxative la the well-known' Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. Jib get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by the California Fig Syrup Co Holy, and for sale by all leading druggists. (TRINITY COLLEGE ) a 4 (Four Departments Collegl ' ate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library fa- ' ' w cilitiea. Well equipped lab oratories in all departments of Science. Gymnasium fur nished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young men wisMng to study law should investigate the superior advantages ouered by the department of law at Trin ity College. ...... For Catalogue and further in formation, address, J. W. JTEWSON, Registrar. Durham, N. C 1 Trinity Park School I A Flrst-CIass Preparatory School Certificates ot Graduation Accep ted for Entrance to Leading Southern Colleges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in the South. Faculty of ten officers and teachers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing forty thousand volumes. Well equip-' ped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruc tion. Frequent lectures by prom inent lecturers. Expenses ex ceedingly moderate. Ten years of phenomenal success. For Catalogue and other infor mation, address, "; ' e e H.H. NORTH, Headmaster, Durham, N. C The World's Premium Seed Cora which took the Premium at tho. World's Fair. Raised and sold only by the Daisy. Seed Farm. Writ today for circular. Price ; List afiS Sample, free. ' " ; THE DAISY SEED FARM, B, F. D. No. t, Winston-Salem, N. O. Can Cancer Be Cored? It Can. We want every man and women In the United States to know what we are doing We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or by X-ray, and are: endorsed by the senate and legislature of Virginia. WE GUARANTEE OUB CUBES KellniTi IHoanitaL X lilt W. ataln Street 14 JUL la WOarincten. a. C sad B tan Tla lttMtto Coast Une, ... Tickets on sale . every; Saturday. tbnltod to return the following Mon day. Electric cars, to Wrights vile Beach ovary 20 minutes. For further Information call on gent or writ: T. 0. WHITE, General Passenger Agt W. J. CRAIG, , Passenger Traffic Manager, . Wilmington, N. 0. Made from pure !L; illed filtered water. HEW BERN ICE C 19-21-23 Griffith Street, ' ' Phone 23. A

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