V V 4 V K v . . '. . ..- ' SherrM" THE ONLY.DEMOCRA 7hei BaiAdvertuika ' Medium in 'l Easier fiorA Can&uu Largett . Circulation of any Paper in -Easter Nortk Carolina, i . HOME: North Carolina, Her Peoplei-Thew Phgress and Development in Education; Happiness arid Prosperity Volume 3, No. 92 NEW BERN N. C. TUESDAY OCTOBER. 20, 1908. .I Price Two Cent 1 W i ,i . - , i: ill! V 'I . j -f -I ' . . . -a aP7lL cm mws swca Seas oflntertst Mash bAir A MAN 8LA5DEB HIS WIFE." isbtut Attorney Geeral Cleaeit ajrefarlag Brief, oa Pwrt ! State, ia ;' pU Unuaal toe-Vein .State' fair (beas SatlifactorUy. sUlal to Tbe Bun. , Bleifh. 'N. C.,-Oct- 20. AMtetnt Atdiy General Hay den Clement la pnpring the brief on tbe part pt tbe stator tbe appeal In the case oi State va. Inston Fulton, which oomaa np for sjument on Tueaday of next week f ronjOullford county, Involving the new ia remaraabie quesuon oi wnem Sr .Onot a husband can' slander bis 'life; The defendant had charged that bis ffe, who la a member of a most t exoepnt family, was too Intimate with 'helijamily physician; Dr.Mock. "Mock land tulton were both active masons linol bit fraternity at the.last annual aessli of the grand lodge investigated throib special committee some phases of 'tl case. There was also In the last glslature a bill that was de sign to have an important bearing Ion tl case. In the trial below In the case ow coming up on appeal before the e reme court the trial judge held taat ere could be .no slander as be- fweeihusband and wife. -There seemi Jo be k legal precedent either way and he rtult of the appeal on the Part of the stLe to the supreme court is awaft- d wli very considerable interest anil especDly among the. legal fraternity. VTheNorth Carolina negro state fair penetoday very satisfactorily for. tijje jpanagment The exhibits are of Quite ja credible character and Ihey hate feonsldeable midway features and alo facing features' that are attracting big cfBbTHeWoes'-Tne Wrnrbe tn Drottss all the week; -Wfe(ldug anno'uyerfenu4 camelrofii lliaa TJ-a "ateri DelaVlplf as fcgtoi,b.'C, of the marriage' on Saf rdayfl her niece, liss Theodore Dun- low aiil Mr. J. 8- Catea, now of Wash inEto. but formerly of Raleigh., Ht was chemist In the department of egrlculure ana went to wasningion o 'do special work In the department for (he instigation of weed growths. Comnenting on a week's stay that he jmade a the North Carolina College ht giicuure tand Mechaoica Arts, heif ' ' ' Jp. C. Bjercerd, one of the Held secre arles America paye the following " Vlbute o the student life of the co Lege r "1 feel vW grateful "for the -on Iortunl to visit "the A.' ft M. Oollegb nd i mighty glad V ae our aas lattohVofk In such splendid shapl fith so many of the leading studenfil - - 4ho1v Interested. : I mlfifledi ve ; m . leneralll- with the students and cai an close contact with the college let ra. J nndiheJIeadlag'men.' of the Vniegtf l. M. C A. workers and menV ftuaT wetfare of the college. Never be fore has theJOMAhaa the. doWmeiVani sapper of the5 students T3 as it no4 seems jhavt.fand I predict I a year oi chrtetlaa ictrVfty at the col i - Appeali from' the Eighth Judicial dis- trtct' conibsed of UMoh, Ahaon. CbW ) binC Mobre, Richmond and Scotland 1 counties will be called In the ttorth f Carolina supreme couriwuiyyH JtV-.. there belng, twenr; appeaU, One, of the most ni ibW Is. State, vs. notaoie ib.i negro jronan arejnder eatenoa to S years each,4n tb wiitaary tor tbe murder of a whltr youth in a; drunken carouse. TSCT?luS.orVliich they were convlctia fat cir it ptanuai. as s?stant AttAw-aN4 1iyl Clem ent wilt -present the cop jfor the atate or prosecution.1' Th4 d'ther appeals con- fstitutlng the' cwenaar are; mate vs. ITarrisii SQKWM t'MW- ".ne: : - Star ve. UfMhU Rduae Ha. n b! ; Emtth. , P W 1 jCuftfrtsop i i. I.'jrsan; Teal vb. Terapleton; Muse T3 r ::road; Llttla va. Duncan; Reaves $133.75 FOR IOT County : jSlb $200.00 Yesterday The Sun published a call to Democrats for subscriptions to The Bryan-Kern campaign fund. "We also published a list of those who had con tributed. We are very glad today to be able to publish the names of more loyal Democrats who have contributed ift the cause. We hope tomorrow to be able to publish still more. The fol lowing Is the list ih full: ; " I W. W. Lelnster ................I 5.00 L. G. Daniels 10.00" 5.00 W. Blddle W. M. Watson . . C. B. Foy S.00 6.00 ' 2.50 5.00 5.00 6.00 M. B. Hart ..... M. H. Allen .... J. J. Tolson '. . , EL B. Hackburn J. O. Delemar 1.00 J. B. Holland 1.00 T. A. Uirell 1.00 S. McOowan ................ 2.00 J. Baxter 1.00 K. Willis 1.00 P. M. Cbadwick 1.00 A. E. Hlbbard 1.00 O. N. Ennett 1.00 vs. Railroad; - Gulledge vs. Railroad (rehearing) ; Rushing vs Railroad (two appeals); Leak vs. Bank; Davis vs. Stevenson; Conder vs.- Secrest; Hen derson Company vs. Polk; McKeithan vs. Blue. ' Commissioner of Insurance J. TL Young Is bringing to the special at tention of the city authorities of all the cities in the state that expect to participate In the "Firemen's Relief Fund," created by the 1907. legislature the fact that if they 1 expect to partici pate in tUs fund they most show to the state Insurance commissioner , that they are strictly .complying with the state building laws and file with the commissioner before October 31st, re ports in accordance with blanks how being sent to thorn and must report ac curately the value of, property used in fire protection. -. . Agricultural Commlcsioner W. A. Graham, Sta'e Veternarian, Puro Food Chemist C D- Harris and others of the North Carolina Agricultural depart ment have gone .to Nashville,, Tenn., for the annual session of the Associa tion of Southern States Commlsioners of Agriculture and Agricultural Work- ors to be in session there this week. . . GIVES HER LIFE TO POOR. Wealthy Baltimore Wemaa Shuns ;.., Laxary to Aid tbe Needy. 4- j By Wire to The Sun. . , ..-i.j Baltimore, Oct. 20-r-Ml8B Helen 8ktp with Wilmer, .daughter pf i the tyate Genera 8klpwjth. Wilmer, who was a trusteo, 0 the Johns Hopkins Hospital from April,. 1898 until bia death) July 12, 1901,. has been appointed to take charge 0? the social aervlce department of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. She succeeds Miss Helen B. Pendleton, I who resigned to accept ' the position of assistant secretary of the'' Charity Organization Society of Pittsburg. A. ! Miss Wilmer la recognised as one of the foremost women philanthropists of this city; She frequently haa giv en large donations to the Johns Hop kins Hospital, and a year ago" made a contribution of $ 80,000 for the erec tion of an addition to the nurses' home. She could Jive In luxury if she desir ed, but ilnce her graduation aa a nurse from the John iHopklna ' Training School she has devoted her time to oharity work, becoming a district nana and vlaltlng th homes oi the needy Ai.it;'i': I'.'i. I.1...1.1 " " ?' ' )1w Democrats AcUve la CaroUaa., f,, -,. Pentpn Md,Oct2p,TCarollAa;(dem ocratsts are conducting a ,most active campalgnnlreadyhaving field, a doaan terpa. 9tneettoia,,;.,flnator;; spoke at Hlllsboro yesterday .afternoon and at thai town, hall ln,,pento.iast night, where be was greeted by 4 targe and representative audience, Including many ladles. THE BRYAN- .;' rl ' &. K. Eaton' . 4 'A 1.00 1.00 J. S. Miller ... T, J.Mitchell ... L00 2.60 P. M. Pearsall R. H. Tucker 1; J. & Thomas, jr. 5.00 1.00 8., B. Parker .................. J. C, Whltty .................. E.,' H. ft J. A. Meadows Co. .... l.0 6,00 T. P. McCarthy 2 SO B. G, Creole Walter Duffy . . LOO Cash, W. C. S. 15 20 .eito 610 6.90 C. L. Spencer C.-P. Snow ... .. W. Willis B. M. Green H. C. Armstrong , 1.00 R, aj ij. i . , . i. . . 4 . i .", ... 2.00 W. G. Boyd 1.00 G. y. Richardson 2.60 H. M. Groves 1.00 A. D. Ward 25.00 V. M. Carawoh 1.00 .Total ..$133.75 TRACE DEATH TO QUAKE SHOCK. Tourist In Jamaica Developed' Parafy sis from Experience. By Wire to The Sun. Cincinnati, Oct 20. Hiram Harper Peck, 69 years of age, a leading capi talist of this city and well known to New York city bankers, died at his home today of paralysis- His illness was indirectly canned by the Jamaica earthquake of . several months ago. Peck was there at that time, and the physicians say he never recovered from the shock. . , . Peck was formerly president of the Farmers' and Shippers' Leaf Tobacco Warehouse Company, of this city, and also of the Northern Bank in Coving ton, Ky. v '1 HOPES TO SAVE YANKEE. New York Millionaire to Try to Float ; Stranded Cruiser. Newport, R. I., Oct. 20. John A.- buckle, of New York, suger refiner and philanthropist, who recently signed contract witn the Navy Department to float the stranded cruiser Yankee from Hen and Chickens Ledge, m Buzzards Bay, arrived at the torpedo station to day, accompanied by Paul Shuman, an expert wrecker. Lieutenant Comman der Mark L. Bristol, In charge of the staton, placed the torpedo boat Gwin at Mr. Arbuckle'a disposal, and he, with Mr.Shuman, visited th . Yankee. .The qruier apparently, has suffered little from., storms since she struck the ledges-, ; t r . ! ' 'f .. , After an inspection of the vessel the party returned her.e Mr. Arbuckfe will use compressed air in his attempts to float the cruiser, and Is confident that he will succeed., He will begin work in a few days. FALL LIKELY TO KILL CHILD. Dodging Train, He Tumbles Twenty . ,iv feet From Bridge. ) trying to get out of the way of a pass , Hagerstown, , Md., Oct- 20. While ing. train thla evening, Oliver Folta, 8 year old son, of Jacob Folta, of Hag erstawny tell from the bridge over the Chesapeake ft Ohio Canal, at WUllamsr port, a distance of 26 feet to;tba groand and , sustained injuries. that ..jt uougm wuf prove.aWv. .,1 ; , :.t.t ,. Warrentoi Jlerehanta, Orraaisews , Warrenton., Va,. Oct.29-At meat-, lngjit'm,erchanta lo th counoll. room PBatnrdayafternoon, Warrenjofl Mfroantlle .AisQCiatlpn ,as Iorme4 with Joseph A, Jeffries, prpsldent;i. W. HWary, vice president x B, Gray son,, treasurer, and F. W- ennlngs, sec retary. Meetings wilt be held on the first Friday In -every .month. . Numerous oommittoes were appointed. US I' ! r : if Foresi Firest Itcging in lAmgrlslcM.4 SETERE AT HAMPSTfcAD PLAINS Have Been Fighting FUasea ail Night A Five Mile Stretch of Flames In Connectlcat Stamford Haw la Dan gr Life Loss is Heay.' t By Wire to The Sun. fi .. New York, Oct 20. Forest fires on Long Island are threatening rpalatial homes of Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, Mrs. Adof Ladenburg at Hempstead Plains. Twenty Acres of brush and woodland on Staten Island are ablaze. . The fight against the flames lasted all night There- is a. five-miles stretch of flames In Connecticut. t Stamford la in danger. The flrse are burning In many parts of Michigan. Loss of life is heavy. FISH DIE AS STREAKS FALL Catching by Hand Now Favorite Sport Near Pittsburgh By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Oct. 20. One effect of the great drought, wnlch for almost three months has held Western Pennsylva nia in its grasp, will.be that the Gov ernment win practically be compelled to completely restock all the rivers and streams with fish and billions will have to be sent from the various hatcheries in the spring. Where the streams run through populated re gions the fish are captured by hand before they, dl. andase used as food, nut, in yn nioijtatain sections 4hous ahds, many of them bass years in der veloping, are scattered the streams dead for3 lack of water: .The , Ohio, MoVongahela and Alle gheny Rivers are. so low that they are fairly alive with fish, and thousands are neing taken every day by men and boys. No matter what action Is takaSt the' game flt& wardens; to wawl restocking e streams? If will be of sufficient sizeto be of use. TRADED IJT STOLEN PASSES Railway Clerk and Pool-room Keeper Arrested In Pittsburg By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 20. A clever swindle in issuing and selling by wholesale . forged passes over - Penn sylvanla. Railroad lines was stopped yesterday. , It Is alleged when Frank M. - Johnston, son of Train-master Johnston, of the Pennsylvania Rail road, a clerk at the Union Station, and Guy Mangan, manager o the Seventh Avenue rfotel pool-room, we're arrest ed anfl taken? before JWagistrate Kl-by,-narged 'wltb bniniy.u; Mangaa also wurget with receiving stolen goods, and he as -seni io jail. John ston's father furnished $2,000 ball for his releaapi70 t; .VI The railroad officials have been try ing to keepxthe arrests a seoret, but the date for.the hearing of the men Bas been set for. Thursday. The rail road pass auditors first discovered thi scheme. fThlargenumbey of passei turnover to'taemfby itriln eonduqi tors aroused suspicion, and an invea UgaUon showed that the signatures of piuruua ouicers on me passes were forgeries. 5 ' ; ." t f I Ther railroad police quietly watcnel all clerks and officials who were perl (pitted' to enter the room where blanf lasses are stored. Young JohnstoiL ft la' saidf was seen stealing passes an aarryfnr them to 'UVImjl-room' 6t tbi leventh Avenue Hotel, where heWnf id them to Manager Mangan: The lal fir -was watched, hbdllfh 'alleged! Eas found to have disposed' ei'tha lasses- to traveling salesmen fos smal at the hotel. .. Johnston -waa arrested fe his office, and Mangan was arrestejl tMe.ifeoMroaaattUi aatd thoasandi oJMj.ylaveJeenofeilh manner. . THREATENED SEN. TILLMAN Arrived in New York This Morning ARCHIBOLD LETTERS BIG THINGS Expresses Himself as Pleased Because He Got McLaarla, Bat Is Not Sur prised He Pities Senator Foraker, as "The Old Man." By Wire. to The Sun. New York, Oct 20. Senator and Mrs. Tillman arrived home this morn ing from ehroad. The Senator said the Archibold letters made public by Mr. Hearst were the big things of the campaign and the one subject of In terest on the other side. He said he was glad to got McLaurln but was not surprised. He pities Sen ator Foraker. He says he is an old man and no worse than a good many others. He said he will take no active part in the campaign, ' but will spend a few days in Washington before go ing to South Carolina. VILLAGES FOUGHT FOBEST FIRE Threatened to Reach Powder Mill and Blow Up Town. By Wire to The Sun. - Wilkes-Barre. Pa.. Oct 20. Forest fires threatened the destruction of 01 iver's powder mills, on the mountain near here, last night The whole neighborhood, assisted by the people from Georgetown, a near-by village, turned out to fight the flames. It was hard work, as .water had to. be car ried for a considerable distance. About 2 o'clock this, morning the first- was extinguished and the mills saved. Gen eral. Oliver gave coffee and cakes to the fighters and thanked them for their assistance. t ' The people of Georgetown feared that If the powder mill should explode the concussion would be so great as to wreck their homes. This anxiety gave power to their aid in putting out the fire. TO FIGHT COST OF LIVING Anti-High Price League Formed to Force Down Expenses. By Wire to The Sun. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct 20. The strength that there is in union is to be em ployed by working people in the Brushton district in resistance to high living that is, as far as the cost goes and daily papers of late have dls played a hint of the propaganda In an advertisement reading: Wanted Everybody to Join the Anti-High Price League. A. H. P. League General Delivery, Home wood. ' The' fact that In New York tenants bad formed an Organization which had compelled the ' landlords to reduce rents suggested the query why a sim ilar organisation could nMe formed here. The Antl-Hlgh-PrlcS League re sulted. The plan is to have the organization take in all Greater Pittsburg and bring about a reduction in the cost of living. There are no dues or obliga tions. All that is asked is co-opera tion. It Is not alone rents against which the" leaguo proposes to wage Its fight The purpose of the league is that the prices, of milk, meats, groceries and bread shall come down. Should the milk;man merely grin when advised he must reduce the price of milk he will -be told 'not to come again. To bring the butcher 'to "time the "meat substitutes advocated by physical cut turists will be' tried, and" the people will dodge rheumatism, 'stomach dls fr88 knd torpid 'livers' iri addltlon'to 4ildlni;thine4"i&iinV..i(tlie ".irot cer wiri be' given the laugh when little' clubs are formed among the Jeaguers an. household Supplies purchased whdlesaie from' the bia! houges.' When the bakers1sti' hi lahnot' waking i, : cent or urom uuubbwitci win d&ea tineir own urvitu. A WAGED? v.- . ON THE SE A From Dech of Red Star Liner BTILLEJJ STABS , HIS RIVAL All Were Bomad for. Seme Parts of Sooth Dakota Rival Expresses Hit Intentions and Miller Beaches Across Table and Stabs Him. By Wire to The Sun, New York, Oct. 20. The Red Star lUner,.Kroonland, brought in the story of -a short sea romance and tragedy today. Susanna Roeb, ot Suxemburg.. made a trayellng acquaintance with Heiner ich Miller, of Suxemvurg in a coach. They grew to know each other better in an Antwerp hotel, but took differ ent cabins and saw nothing of each other on the vessel. .They were both bound for the same part of South Da kota. Miller was to take In farm in South Dakota. ' Nicholas 'Trausch, of Stolsenburg, saw and admired the girl, who was a beautiful brunette. The men frequently had words, and Trausch declared his Intention 6f meeting her at a dinner table Sunday and Miller drew a knife, leaned across the table and stabbed Trausch In the side. Miller ran out on deck and leaped Into the sea. An attempt tp rescue failed. Trausch's wound was slight. FINDS AND LOSSES GOLD. Trindad, Col.. Oct 20 While mak ing an excavation tor a furnace in the cellar 0t. the residence jjf William Flypp, Joe Aoaya, a laborer, unearthed $1,900 In gold. He propped, his shovel, made a hasty exit and buried the gold in four different places near the Col- -orado Southern section, house, several blocks away. Then, evidently fearing that the money would be missed, he got out of sight and has not been located. A few minutes after Anava had dis appeared .'James fPlynn remembered that his father had buried some money in the basement last fall, and on in vestigation found that it was stolen. He gave the alarm, and a searching party was successful in trailing the buried money. The amount was recover and placed in the First NflHnrVnl Pnnlr YOU3TG MEN SHUN POLITICS. UaiisuaLack ef Interest Shown in I Jlasachusetta JSegistratloa. Boston, Oct 20-That there i an unusual Jack ;ot .Interest by the rising generation in the; coming electron la apparently shown, by the slight in- creasy In, the registration in the 33 iue (m me state as compared with similar ' registrations ' In other presi- dential yeara. The total registration of the S3, cities tbja" year, was 359,033. compared wtth 366.J14 la 1904. The usual .increase every four vear in the city registrations, of Massachu setts .is about 8 per ceiit, while this year, it amounts to scarcely more than FIRES SWEEP MOUNTAINS. Pottsvllla; ta Oct' 40-Forest firea started by banter Tr'Taging on the mountainw, southwest of fottsvllle, and alreadyVhsylire sweeping a wide areav . , J ' .s,:,i ;:,.jt:',.f ' S Much valuable timber in'belngi do Itwed.iahd'tkero is tiofMopVdf M being tingniiaed '4ritJl ffherrf u a heavy rain. Farinerl mre turning out libeat traAhe: bhrWng brdsh' Vhere taairS premised attf endangered, reifS emnes are endangered, reiFi at as there, is nil wafer' fi ottliainfi, 1 geheralty!' Vr lzmg that fight hres, menaded. .. ,-. ' , fitiun tafpVhJtng? dow WtVblood-red orb, parttally;. obscured: ,by te .moke , clouds. , 1-0:

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