VLAPE ' JBLISHED l JM? GltAYEN.iCOUfnX "s r Ihe But Advertising : : Medium in .T-v. Eatitn Kortk CitnSttai .gfol flttDAY JAMARY, ft 190?. Price Two Cent f iVo Progress and 'tkvelopnient in Education, Happiness and Prosperity -1 i- .. A- '...,;. J,.. "v v- r. v . M ' '.';'' ' J ' iiv-i'T" s': i !1-'S 1VV, V1- 1 5 .. - ; 1Jiyt ttJs'iniiicmiUow mU intruBion. Mr. Douht6tu reminded Mr. StubM that Goysrtor.jJBrwuioii, of yirgjnlft, read. ljla me88p in' person when b Vm' inan'guraled. Mr.-Ciirrie."niad the TKJint that there wa periods in (-' the history ol'Ottr.rac? when tlje only way1 a.'ruier cooM commnhitate what WSmaiWioe tO tluim. At Ori Sunctare tont-.th4Hrwnft tame 1 in. ' i p.. om I wi-Tji r, r. T " vii-''H?' -if ' ! JomtvWMIon ol e legislature. ' : " . ."i.Tzvr- 4 "tv:f The: gorernor , atatea mat ma nuuh ' ..tura and ;tl' reoommenda- age had been transmitted according i. coDtoiittio80thlg tea- tp law; -that; his request had been cthfi:.W OWJ-br.th CoKdI of Stat. . i -ZA ' -.-; V-v '1 and the same privilege had been '' "M001 gWbyrthe llegislatnre of 1907. ol'AfatoblT-.Wrt& t- Here Mr. Morton arose to a question -t; 'thailir''i-Q6iSiiiin o'parllamentary Inquiry to ask if it t he be aXiuf&itjuAAt Jnsper- was right while- a resolution was be i, Mr., Pharr of Mecklenburg, lead- ing debated, ' to have read messages, ; the .fight in Qie,'8easte MSMr. from the governor and the senate, ton, of New Hanover to 0 Hse J that 'might Influence the body. Thl nst the1 repetition t of thil'lnaovsr' speaker' suspended the reading of the a mad by fOovernor , Glenn twoi senate massage upon the objection. rg gOi'lThWtlaxto& in-the- Mr, dHaymore respectively oppose ate whenlaintsjaaje eiine'fTom the, the granting of the request. When ivcrnor asUng tw' tiU'Jbhtt'sMaton the question was called and Mr. t noon to hear him read his message' Doughton's resolution was laid, before Si person.' Senator Manning1 offered the house, Mr. Morten called atten !; r' -olution.to thlsveffect.v This iwas; Hon to the fact that, bis amendment cd by Senator 'Pharr of Meek- had not been read wit the resolu urg.' -He ii6lti$& thW course jun-i Uon, iNow came the Joke of the' mora- "ed for H go-fernor and really, in Ing.. Mr. Doughton, a smile upon his . Jon,; which 'prevented relations, face, arose, to a point of order. "How yv-eeit the" executive, lexialattve ndj could the General Assembly be In - - r 1 li dPSCT") ON FILE EYtDtUCE, UNIONDEP01 At- Police Human's ClubPoss Res- Baren ' Fen en, Former JSri f teche Here, Victim of Chief By Cable to Thai Sun. St. Petersburg, Jan. 8. Col. IZavarn- Itsky,: chief of ..:the secret pollce at Vladivostok!, hasf been sentenced to four years imprisonment and the loss of , his military rights far nianufac- tnrlng evidence - in political cases. I j wo suDorunwias -wre aei BIG FIRE IN WASHINGTON Aoed to Loss Estimated About Twenty Thousand Culberson Resolution Adopted, By Wire to The Sun. v Washington, D. C Jan. 8. The res olutions of Senator Culberson direct ing that the committee on Judiciary report Whether in the opinion of Con gress the President was authorized to permit the absorption of the Tennes see Coal and Iron Company, by the United States Steel Corporation, was adopted by the Senate today. .t41 Ijrtiorter -terms. qeia ineir regular meeuug eaieruay i aparttnents of suspected lief sens, and afterhboii,-v Reports read showed' pro- Uy this means seoured ' .eomletions. gross In many lines and well laid He prepared documents ta: flans towards the. accomplishment of I show that Capt" Baron Feraefc, who others. was at one time the Russian nival at- The question of a union depot for (ache1 at Washington, and Whe later New Bern, was referred to the dub became commander of th eport M-Vla-by Its president, who acted on the divostok, and Gen. Pflug, who corn suggestion of outside friends of the manded the troops at Vladivostok in club, that a resolution by them accom- 1907, were connected with the' revo pany others to be presented, asking lutlonlsts, and his false evidence had for a union depot. After some thought much to do with the removal of these over the matter the following resolu- officers. ' Washington, N. C, Jan. 8. Wash ington suffered a serious fire at four Ing to I o'clock this morning. Haven's grist mill and storage warehouse and gin house of William Bragaw ft Company, were burned. The loss is about wenty thousand dollars. The fire was just in the rear of the hotel Louise, and for a time the hotel was threatened. The origin is unknown. Many political prisoners will be re leased as a result of these revelations. EXPLAINS TAFT'S MI S8I0N. :.d departments f Stkte.! "He ois-;l Joint session and In recess at the Norfolk and Southern Railway Com- e any teellngln the matter, hut I same 'time ?'V ."Mr. . Morton himself pany. ,1 that the governor, in reading I laughed as load as any one else. Mr. lutioh was adopted: Resolved: by the Woman's Club of I the city of New Bern, North Carolina, that the Receivers of the Norfolk and Southern Railway Company and the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company be, and are hereby requested to unite President-Elect May Determine U Ca- and build In (he city of New Bern, nal Shall be Lock or Sea Lefel. a union passenger station, suitable By Wire to The Sun. ' to the needs of said city. New York, Jan. 8. Robert Murray, Resolved further: that a copy of a magazine writer, in from Panama this resolution be sent to the General last night aboard' the Royal Mail Offices of the Atlantic Coast Line R. steamship Tagus, said that the . im- R. Company, and to Messrs Fitzgerald. I pression in the Isthmian lone la that Walcott, and Kerr, receivers of the Mr. Taft's mission In visiting; the Panama Canal at the present time Is to decide whether the thoroughfare We hereby certify that the forego- shall be lock or sea level. Former Postmaster Coyne Bankrupt. By Wire to The Sun. Chicago, Jan. 8. F. E. Coyne, for mer postmaster at Chicago, today Sled a petition in bankruptcy. His liabilities are $58,156, and his assets are $15,025. Mr. Coyne'B pri vate business is that of a baker and restaurant keeper. age in thW manner, was nev-1 Morton called for the ayes and noes. tng ig a copy of resolutions passed by Mr. Murray says that is th ereason femplated , bjr; the 'founders of I The resolntldh was adopted by a vote I the Woman's Club of the city of New that the engineering experts are ac- Bern, at a regular meeting held on companylng Mr. Taft on the tralp, and the 7thv day of January, 1909, and that that the question will be definitely set- said club has a membership of seven-1 tied on this trip. ty-etght. Regarding the claim that Gaton MRS. M. M. MARKS, I dam would be weak if there was an President. earthquake, Mr. Murray said thaf no MRS. J. M. SPENCER, Secty. . matter what sort of a canal would be The Club then took up for consld- built, owing to the topography of that ute. government. And rightly I of 76 to 86. Ayes: Messrs Albritton -r'f':.,- I Barnes, of Hartford, Holton, Bowie, 'Manning Insisted that thelBrasweil, Buck, Butler, Cook, Connor, r waa extended this courtesy I Cotton, Cox, of Anson, Cox, of Pitt, i ago an he knetr,ao good Cox, of Wake, Crawford, Curries, Dal f ha'.snould be refused this ly, Davenport, DavtsT Doughton Dowd, r the legislature, last ses- Floyd, Foy, Freeman, -Goston, Gavin, i dullghuri with the governor's Glbbs, Gordon, Grler, Hageman, Hamp Fell SS Feet Through Bridge. By Wire to The Sun. Grafton, W. Va., Jan. 8 Jabes To bin, a glass-worker, while trying to avoid a passing train, fell through the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad bridge here today to the rocks 35vfeet be low, breaking three ribs. His Injuries will be fatal. CITY LOSES YOKES GALLERY. MR. DIS0SWAY BUYS A HOME Takes Over Well Known' Property in Atlanta BEEF PROBERS SHADOWED. federal Authorities In Chicago Inquiry Followed by Private Detectives. By Wire to The Sun. Chicago, Jan. 8. That United States District Attorney Sims, James H. Wil kerson, his chief assistant, and other Federal employes connected with the Prk and JuBt'ce Disoaway, of this ,i . .... I city, ana waB rormeny m Dulness with investigation of rebate cnarges against I The following article taken from the Atlanta Constitution will be of much interest to the many Menus of Mr. Jack Disosway, a former resident of New Bern. Mr. Dlsbsway is a brother to Messrs stockyards packing firms are "shad owed" by private detectives was an nounced today. No details were given, but the law yers have been aware for some time of the espionage. Among the grand jury witnesses to day was F. A. Spink. Elaborate pre cautions to keep Mr. Spink's Identity a secret was adopted, and, although he testified during the forenoon, it was not until late in the afternoon that his name was learned. Up to a month ago he was traffic manager for the Na tional Packing Company, and more re cently an employe of the Chicago and Eastern Indiana Railway Company. DELAWARE. DEMOCRATS WIN. Satisfy !oa- ot the resolution New York Property Sold to Mortgage of 2;7,500. By Wire to The Sun. New York, Jan. 8. The Yerkes Art i'lajtHamluisyt' Hses,:t:'tlitrtJmton the.ldesj of nttlng up kitchen i country, there would have to b a I Gallery and the plot ot ground on W-P&&' J"lt'W the.W school 'uildftg,wKh the dam. Ujj.,. r Phaff 'sent forward- erres-.Kellj,'Kenned7. rKoonce, Latham, to the effect that the DentfteJLommond,: Livingston, Lovelace, Ma- g to the Governor's request, I Jette, Martin; Mitchell Morgan, Mur- f rcasion was hot to 'he con-1 phy, McLeary, McDevitt, McDonald, ti'i establishing a precedent as I of Moore, McLaughlin, McLeod, Mc- alm of establishing a domestic science department This came up at the suggestion of Mrs. Charles Hollister, and the Club appointed a committee to confer with Prof. Craven with ref- Flfteen Perish In Costa Rlcan Storm. By Wire to The Sun. ' New York, Jan. 8. Fifteen lives were lost, three large Iron bridges t':e sense of the Senate that ;ft Wlllla,ms, 'Parker, Perry, of Bladen, I erence to the matter. Mrs. Charles L. swept away, a railroad disabled for 30 Stevens, Mrs. CharleB Hollister, and miles, and telegraph lines destroyed 1 l a advisable, to adhere-to the I Parry ot Vance, Poole, Price, prfvott.1 84 RUSSIANS DROWN. ."" of having, the Governor jub-1 Redding, Reed, Rodwell, Scarborough, Mrs. Sam Dill, Jr. The plans to be by a week of torrential rains on the nut L s niaBsage In writing.-This -eras I Shepherd, Smith, of Durham, Smith, I Ranldered are to see what can be Atlantic coast of Costa Rica, accord- yptad down 2S to ZK 0;,Aplz, Jot, Randolph,' Taylor, Tomlln, Tnrllng- done. individually among the members ing to advices received here today. r. When the motion came j-' up 'the I ton, underwood, Wallace, "Warllck,l0( thB club in starting this depart House, Mr. Morton disliked to oppose I Weaver, Witty, Mr. Speaker. ment from Aiieghany, hut he had opposed Carver, Cordell, Crumpler, Everitt.l WILL BCILDENGINES AT GARY; Steamships In Collision, With a Fatal the t adintf of-the message .by thelFagg,- Grant, Green, Hall, Harrison,! . ResnM m Odessa. g i or two years ago for constttu-lHaymore, Hlnedale, Jarrett, Killlan.l American Locomotive Company Buys By Cable to The Sun t 1 reasons. ': H read from the I Kitchen, Llnneyr' Morton, Hyatt, He-1 .plot of Ground In Indiana Town. Odessa, Jan. 8. The Russian steam ( i 'nn la suprjortof hie posIttottlDbn er Vviatolav, with a crew of 38, ' : t' ;s was an encroaehnfent' Of the! Pitt,' Rhodes, Rose. Slgman. Smith, of I New York Jan 8. The American I came ito collision near Novorossisk, a vi on the .legislative depart- l Harnett,. 8nell, Sparrow, Stlmpson, I Locomotive Company has purchased with the Greek steamer Poseidon to- t f tue government i Two veara I Stubbi, Turner. Williams -of Cabar- nint of-fsft acres of land at Gary, day. The Sviatoslav sank within which it stands at Fifth avenue and Sixty-eighth street, this city, which were bequeathed to the city by the late Charles T. Yerkes, were sold to day to satisfy the mortgage upon the property. The price obtained was $277,500, which barely covers the mortgage. The corporation counsel had made repeated efforts to have the property saved to the city. He, however, took no steps to pay the mortgage inter est. The art treasures were not in eluded in the sale. "Apple King" Sopher Gets His Re forms and House is Organized. Dover, Jan. 8. By playing shrewd politics today the one man who has been holding up the entire Delaware legislature, preventing organization of the house of representatives exacted pledges from his colleagues on reform legislation, and the house was prompt ly organized and began business. Representative Francis M. Sopher, the Delaware "aple king," and leaaer of the "dry" and agricultural elements in the house of representatives,- w as the holdlng-out member. He this af ternoon voted with the Democrats. and broke the deadlock in the house over organisation. The entire Democratic slate went through by a vote of 18 to if. ur. Thomas O. Cooper, iof Wilmington, was elected speaker of the house. AGROUKD. OFF CAPE CHARLES. 1 Mr. MortonJ we saw the gov- l rus, WUsbn, Wooten. r send a blll before-this house, ! .-Mr. Morton gave notice ot protest i br himself, 'accompanying his I L. . t , s and we saw that bill acted ; by the house been-introduced " irton- disclaimed - any -personal : In the matter as between thton tnstHtad. that thnn. r i-. I ' - 't"':,l nplled with already in F ?r FULLY' AWE as c! t In"- I smttal 6f the wrttteni fff.f-Affaid llf Initiation tbtTltV where the largest ned. tt being now ? ff -V -,"IWWW" railroads converge at a s , " . 1 fit I mefclal center. Hnannamas.uuo -d 'to know by : a House could air ' a member to speak uid not consider Mr. dii a . vallif. ana fmm He saw no ham'that "P"1 lri .vator Monday next Lg ta her ewn parlor today by a ne-: : -t ty - '' ' . I'-'" '" ' ' I man, of South Carolina, is somewhat Freight Steamer Anglo-African Lost Bearings in Fog in Lower Bay, By Wire to The Sun. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 8. Losing her haortnira In thA HpncA tner veRterrlav inan irom tne unuea siaies oieei uu unuuico. . I . . .... mnrn ill, tha Rrltlch R pnmflr Aneln- Cnrnoration. and Diana are being Four ol ner crew managed m tne i fni- w ninnt there. moment of the collision to get aboard African irom locopna, wexico, iui The fand purchased is twice the I the Poseidon, and were saved. The I Baltimore, got out of her course and extent of -that ocupied by the present 34 other members of the crew were I brought up on Smiths Island, oft Cape plants, and when fully occupied will lost. 1 Charles. give employment to from 12,000 to I The life-saving patrol from Smiths 16,000 workmen. The land adjoins the Theatre and Hotel burn. I island discovered the vessel at tne nftw tilant nf the steel corporation. By Wire to The Sun. , I breaklne of day and rood by. Word The -plant was selected at Gary 24 Springfield, Mo Jan. 8. Fire wnicn I wa8 gjgo gent to the city and a wrecK- miles from Chicago, to provide for the broke out early today In the Baldwin I mg tug of the Merritt-Chapman Com number of I Theatre and office building, complete- I pany waB hurried to the scene, al- slngle com-lly destroyed that structu', and although it was not thought that the numbef-pl ptner Duiia.insn jn tne dus- Bnp g ra gerious danger. Tnere is nt iness district, and badly damaged the I tie wind and only a moderate sea run- Woman Bobbed In Her Home.. I $400,000 Colonial Hotel. Inlng. She Is reported in good condl- By Wire to The Sun; The total loss is estimated at $.250,-1 twn Richmond, Va., Jan. 8. Mrs. G. F. 000. Fire Chief Kanada was tne oniyi it wm be necessary to lighter the Schmidt, of 80S East Byrd street, was I person hurt. His Injuries were ot carg0 before the vessel can.be hauled Struck In the face and knocked sense-1 serious. , I off the beach, and the wrecking tugs have asked for barges for this pur- GERMANY GETS wLVT. ' linte. It U expected that she will be i ' I floated tomorrow, Mr. T. G. Hyman of this city where Hyman Suply Company's present place sf business now is, the firm at that time being known as J. J. Disosway & Company. Since Mr. DUosway left New Bern ae has been in Atlanta in the machin ery and mill supply business and is the president of the Cotton States Belting and Supply Company. The following is what -the Consti tution has to say about Mr. Disosway purchasing a $27,000 residence: For $27,500 the home of W. T. Cren shaw, 781 Peachtree street, has been sold to J. J. Disosway, through the B. M. Grant Real Estate Company, W. B. Matthews managing the sale. The Crenshaw home ig one of the finest on Peachtree, and has always been regarded as one of the choicest locations on the handsome thorough fare. The lot is 78 by 260 feet. Mr .Crenshaw is well known in At lanta, having formerly been the man ager of the Remington Typewriter Co. in the South. Mr. Disosway, the new owner, is the president ot the Cotton States Belting and Supply Company. Mr. Crenshaw sold his beautiful home because he and his wife will leave on the first of Ffjruary for a world-wide tour of three years. They expect to travel extensively tn vBu---rope, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America. They have a large circle of friends who will regret their absence from Atlanta during that time. ILLINOIS CLUB BURNED. BIG SALARIES FOR OFFICIALS Famous Art Treasures in Chicago Gone, With $835,000 Loss. By Wire to The Sun. Chicago, Jan. 8. The Illinois Club, consisting with its splendid art gal lery one of the historic landmarks of the West Side of Chicago, was de stroyed by fire last night, entailing $325,000 damages. Starting in the art gallery, sup posedly from crossed electric wires, the flames swept rapidly through the building, and in less than an hour the structure, with and its art treasures was a mass of ice-covered ruins. The Illinois Club stood In Ashland By Wire to The Sun. I boulevard on the West Side. It was Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 8. North Caro-1 an old-fashioned two-story structure Una state legislature met at 11:30 to-1 and was formerly owned by J. Rus- day when Speaker Graham made the I jell Jones, a trend of President U. S .nnrainremeni ot the legislative com-1 Grant. $6,000 Instead of $4,- 000 For Governor mittees for the term, and appointed tht pages and laborers for the term. In the senate a .number of bills were in troduced, one to Increase governor salary to $6000, caused a warm debate Senator Fry, leading the opposition. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 8. Senator Nlm- ocks Introduced a bill to increase the Governor's salary to $6,000. An amendment ottered by Senatoi Ambassador Hill Pays Over frc&VHXH To The Koch Institute. Berlin. Jan. 8. David Jayne HUM EDISON'S NEW BATTERY READY. gfuaing the eovern-H doe,n' want,to PP. gro rgiar, who made his escape with or Glenn was re-pn : i.'rHMa twenty-doUarWH taken from a desk. e aid he might say H aoout flun- , ; - m... r -- ! ade good (applause f , eays ne win repiy at xn. proper i jnSING WOMAN FOUND SAFE. rf the hall). He was 1 time and not mince ois woros. I - 1 , , ,.,.,,..;. I ileal office. rMrl , He solicits the fullest publicity and Inn. Harrison, Whe' Vanished From tye American ambassadpiry paid into Ufter Seven Years Work, InTentor Will ad objected wlthps qt a tear, ot oeing eieciea io uei ; .. car, Locate tT"a rnenas. , wt WMnpipwni raony anurew . Try Unt his tar. s ago, but that 'Annanlas aub. 11 f -'v'' , Newport, Jen, .14lr' Bllsnbeth Carnegie's glft,.of $X26JJW to the W)MlBy wire to The Sun. C. Burke HarrUon; wife, of f. , Paul; IiltuU for,tTubej,oulosis Research. . I New yorkf jan; gThe self-pro BONDHOLDERS' BlfiHTS' -HW11". I Haltiaols, : DresldentVpt; ,M. HttiMm.f. Hfu.tfN ,()pnwaiiieate4' tt 1 nelllng' storage ' battery cary with -m ' Electric and Manufahturln Company, president ot .fhe .usutute Mr. earner l Which Thomas A. Edlsoh has been .ex- J' t be T'-.li for Imprevtments ub was found today at the .home of Mrs. gle's cordial acunwicagmeni w'lperlmentlng for the last seven years Tam ;.e. Even After SiUe. r' ..l J. Colllnr, 108 West Enghty-flrefc street gratUoatlpn,. he felt.upon having ceep (a now being put into Its final form i Norfolk, Va,' Jan. 8 Judges Hano-1 where she has been! since, her dlsap-J elected an honorary member, and his, ftnd wm be tried out over the tracks kol and Bain decided here today that pearance Saturday, M she flighted I good wishes for theo success of sol 0f the Third avenue system next the first mortgage bonanotaers vi-.inei trom.a uoiumDaa, avenue, osxw.i, ,. ii i prowicrem. wwrs. ; , , , i spring. Much of the ground at the terminal Empie to make the salary $7,600 wat j has been urider sublease for several lost. I years to small shop-keepers. The The bill passed second and third I claim is made by Norfolk county that readings. I the lessees violated their contract in mil in IncrBiwn H&larv of Commls- I jnhlptiinir this nronertv. - " t sloner of Labor and Printing Iron? $1,500 to $2,500 passed second and third reading. Senator J. S. Manning of Durham- declared his Intention to Introduce in vcrnor then he i I; ad ctijftted two sf ho was sure a r -a tuik than I f ti read what r C'l-nn t'Mei ito fnth- L c' rr.nonii.ioti.rt Th mnllrA r.omDany must I ,Mrs. Colllna said Aha aad ioend Mrs. I . . .. ' " . " I The car not only be paid for the right of way Harrison taint and weak Jn. the eUeetJtlB.APES PICKsjFBOM BEACH..' J storage' battery, the.metal parts of extending 'from';, Norfolk ; to Ocean I and .4ook eT.,konk-HnHeTTlaoil :'iV-.v'..'M'iG:'r'?-' ' Iwhlph are of nickel, .instead of lead, View over turn1.";e ' y the Bay The car Is to be operated by a e the i as in f r nU property acquired was unabi to give an account-of her Hudrtds el JUrrels, PrebaWy Jettl'l jnij the chemfcal re-actlon. qf, yhlch f ' ore Terminal Company wanrterlngn, , 8heJ remembered., being soned, Beach, , Lht Ulai Shore, i u t im alkair rkthe? thaljf ot an acid ..rtpnse upon the tuln- left alone whan she alighted. from" the ; Eostport, 1 I., Jan, B.r-Hundreds Of eompoaltlon, ,i,'-.v'i,'-,' -'M j i ' ' ', . fm.-e, but must also be car ,' ! y'--yr ':';. : ' r- ieto,.rtltvyeWpe- arvbeln , Br Mese changes the Inventor popes 'ainea upon ui". 'aul' ?uv" iw lura out oatiary uii na lire savers ana pining erews ar resistance w corrosion -win-; protons ngaged In a wild scramble to recover its life an Indefifllte number of; fears he irult sjt :l X (,'''. beyond that ot the Wteriesj no In 'It Is believed tnat $hey,Vr thrown use.' klf's '! ... ;i ;,'',-(. rovemenls Pt upon td, ini: rnili I t' oii ' t my husband was follow- washed uwin -the Long Island shore I to turn out a battery whose euperior ; ma ! ;.-n we got off the car," she l and life savers and Ashing erews ere I resistance to oorroelon will , prolong .iii-intj..'"! turned end did not, see 1 engai n. Then I h'- ne contused,: This I the ti .won. an bus taken Care of mo ' l ci'l' 1 tip my huaM overboard to- prevent ;' eome vessel ..Such It battery ihe thinks,, wilt make 1 i ?, I nl from fomids.ln.. Much of the fruit is j i t .i ci tne l in excei.i-nt confliiwp, . ana is , wuh: . t i ' d!-1 brn- ' t l ) the mainland and sold to st low 1 ' ''I. '- . !e an eteotrto eat generating Its the premises, which can he cheaply as troip Sorfolk Ferry Lessee Sued. By Wire to The Sun. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 8. Norfolk coun ty will bring suit against the lessee of the Norfolk and Portsmouth ferries for $20,000 damages. The county iwns the ferry system, and with It the ferry terminal property In Nor folk city. Inspect Soldiers' Shaft at Petersburg, By Cable to The Sun. ... 'Petersburg, Va., Jan. 8. The mem bers of the battlefield commission of the legislature at an early date a bill I the Third division, Ninth army corps, materially enlarging the powers of the J Army 0f the Potomac, all ot Penn Attorney General of North Carolina. I sylvania, are here inspecting the shaft ;."i and providing an assistant whose sal ary shall be $2,500. The present as sistant is only for the term that ex pire next Tuesday, there being no provision for an assistant for the term of Mr. Bickett, who succeeds Attor ney General Ollmer at that time. Sen' ator Manning's, hill Is designed to erected by the State ot Pennsylvania to the Federal soldiers killed la the PR0POSE8 A, STATE PENSIOli. 5" : , i,::,' f, Bill to Be Introduced In Pesniylvaala BiVlns; 16 a Heath tt Teteraas..-' give additional pbwer to the attorney By Wire to The Sun.1 , ' general so tnat he may examine into i MarriaMrg, pa., Jan. .A out air ' , the business methods of any corpora- lowing ,a, penslon-of it Jnontb to 'v tlon as to whether they are con formal every veteran who was a resident ot . ; ing W tne anu-ruai taws m uo piwv,i rennsyivBuia at -me ouiurqas; ijm tg; make ft necessary ;t6r,the attorney jcivn war, "and who k at present; or Hbj'hK geaeravto approve hit petitions tori the tithe f' "hie ' application, a. Wia'' $Jrt charters and ameodmenta lbr,eorpor fide resident l the State, wm be in , atlons, before ,fgranted by the sec re- trooucea (n tne legislature at the re- c ; .A Ury of Btate. lf thermore it would quest of the fltate'Defjartment o the ' ' make the .attorney tneraL the legal Qarnd Army of the .Republic.. -sv-V '-y advisor;, of ihe,''rijoi'atlorl eommls-; v It is estimated that there are BO, slon ' and .attorney .01 , record' lttall 000 veterans in the State wba are v. .', ratfa'.':ta.-'trliles.' th'Amrsitosi'.iMnv- 4el'ned td receive the proposeil pen- '.."'' misston is a.party. .-fi,. :jv 'S' I J I I 'V t I1-, a. V . U. Via try X tt I- ' "V t, l't-.l; ' rH'lri'.,.r'.-..il, :. 'i.'.. 4fiLV K ll-K

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