"AY CO, Fltsgenlit, Wa.les.tt a ad Kerr, Re " rrtvm v F.ffeeitTe Uotoker 11, 1MH. TRAINS l.KAVK MCW BKKNt 1:21 . in.. .7:15 p. m. Dally Kacept . Sunday) For Lagrange, Cove City Dover, Klnston, Tuscarora, Golds boro an Intermediate stations. -:20 a. m, T:0O p. m. (Sunday only) For Tuscarora. Coy Ctty. Klnston, LaGh-ange, Goldsboro, and Interme- diate stations. ' k . :i7 . m., 7:18 p. m. (Dally except 8un davi For Riverdale. Croatan. Have- .. Vannni't YVllriwonrt Moreliead City, Beaurari ana wuermeoiaie " ' " tinna. . ' ? 'X v"-. ': ' ' :2s a. m.; S:60 p. m. (Sunday only) ...:.... Fo- Riverdale. Croatan. Havelock, Newport, Wildwood, Morehead City, '' Beaufort and Intermediate stations. T:JO p. m. (Dally except Sunday) For . Reelshoro, GrantBboro, Bayboro, Oriental and Intermediate stations. 7:1 pf m. (Sunday only) For Heels- boro, Grantsboro, Bayboro, Oriental. and Intermediate stations. 1:5 ay.hu- (Dally- Except Sunday) iTnir'Waahincrtnn. Plymouth. Colum- bia, Belhaveo, ' Eden ton, Hertford, "1, Elisabeth City, Norfolk. Suffolk, and " Greenville, Farmvllle, Wilson. Zeb jilon, Raleigh and intermediate sta tions. .1. -.. -: :U .. m., 7:05 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) From Goldsboro, La ' r Orange, Klnston, Dover, Cove, Tus " earora and Intermediate stations. S:29, a. m., S.6e p. m. (Sunday only) From Goldsboro, LaGrange, Kln ston, Dover,- Cove, Tuscarora and ' Intermediate stations. S:2 a. -nv, 7:10 p. m. (Dally except Sunday) From Beaufort. Moreliead mw Wilitvnnil. Newnort. Havelock, Croatan, Riverdale and Intermediate i stations. -. , , . :20 a. m., 7:00 p. m. (Sunday only) From Beaufort, Moreliead City, " Wildwood, Newport, Havelock. Cro atan, Riverdale and Intermediate stations. , , 9 00 a. m, (Dally) From Oriental, Bayboro, Grantsboro. Reelsboro, and intermediate stations. 7:15 p. m. (Daily except Sunday) From Norfolk. Suffolk, Elizabeth City, HertfoTrd, Edenton, Belhaven, Co lumbia, Plymouth. Washington and Intermediate stations, Edenton to New Bern; Raleigh. Wendell, Zebu Ion, Wilson, Farmvllle. Greenville and intermediate stations. H. C. HUDGINS. General Pas. Agt. THOMAS FITZGERALD, General Manager. YASIMGWN IET1ER ( By Ralph M Whiteside. Washington, Jan. 9. The fact that the administration after March 4, next, will officially be on the water wagon, has a yet had no marked effect on the liquor business at the national capita. What may happen as a result of Mr. Taft's example in cutting out all alco holic beverages during his term' ol ofiica is another question, however. Temperance people are inclined to ex ult and predict that Mr. Taft's r.ction will result In a marked decrease in the per capita consumption of "malt au,l spirituous liquor, wines, etc.," in the District of Columbia within the nexi four years. It may be Baid, without fear of sut cessful contradiction, that the distrie: can stand a reduction of this sor; without serious harm resulting. Undei existing conditions there is little need for any one with the necessary coiu of the realm to go dry in Washington, and, as a matter of fact, a very small percentage do permit the growth of abnormal thirst. TORS MAIL ST1US UNCLE SAM. Bovs Find Evidence of a Postal Car Hobbery. York, Pa., Jan. 7. An investigation is under way here to determine if there has been a robbery of one of the mail trains which daily pass through here on the Northern Central Rail road en route from Hamt.burg to Baltimore. Although the police and the railroad and postofflce authorities, who are co operating In the investigation, main tain strict secrecy, it is learned that on Sunday evening Henry Melching and Urey Wallick, York boys, while walking along the railroad near Gfantly station, a half-mile south of York, discovered a great quantity of letters, ruthlessly torn open. As they wer examining them, Postmaster S. S. Lewis rode by and his attention was attracted. It was found that some of the let ters contained checks, while some were merely private correspondence. Most of them were dated in Baltimore, Virginia and West Virginia, and had evidently been carried on a north bound mail train. When winds shriek in chilly glee, And enters winter with his key Guard your health, from disease be free ; Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Davis Pharmacy. ROCKEFELLER 11 A 11 NO CREDIT. Clerk Refused to Let Him Have Goods I'ntil Freight Was Paid. Tarrytown, N. Y., Jan. 8. John D. Rockefeller has no credit at the local trelght station. Mr. Rockefeller's su perintendent sent his expressman to the freight depot this morning to get a load of freight, but he did not send the money to pay frellght charges. When the man could not pay the bill, he was told by the clerk that he was sorry, but Mr. Rockefeller's name meant no more to the New York Cen tral than John Jones. The man had to drive five miles back to Pocantico Hills to get the money. Germane to the subject of drink is rather a funny little tangle In the navy department, which it took Uie paymaster general of the navy and the comptroller of the treasury to straighten out. The case may be thus summed up: Passed Assistant Paymaster DoUson of the supply ship Glacier, bought twenty gallons of sweet eider for the forecastle mess, paying therefor $6 When his accounts were turned in. the auditor of the navy disallowed the item, on the ground that cider had no place in the navy rations. It looked as though Mr. Dobson would have to stand treat, so far as the rider was concerned. He did not object to this per se, but as a matter of principle and for the establishment of a prece dent, he appealed the case to the pay master general, on the ground that 'sweet cider is clearly food, since it s a mixture of the juice of apples and sugar. Had the apples and sugar been purchased separately and made into cider and served to the general mess, it would have been perfectly legiti mate and would never have bee.i ques tioned. The cider was composed of apples and sugar, both of which art omponents of the navy ration, and A-hich have been combined before de livery to the ship." The paymaster general, after grave- considering the question, decided he was for Dobson. "The bureau," he said, "is of the opinion that Passed Assistant Pay master Dobson was justified in niak- ng purchase of the cider (sweet) terein referred to." The comptroller of the treasury then wrestled with the problem and strad lied the proposition by giving Dobson litis $fi, and saying that he wasn't so sure about the cider (sweetl. after all As the matter stands, officially, ider might be sugar and apples, and r mightn't. If it isn't, there is no authority in law for giving the man behind the gun the questionable com pound. It is, he may have (sweet) 'cider as part of his rations. Here ris a chance for Dr. Wiley. the charmed circle ot her Influence. ' ' Kansas does .not Intend to surrender her premiership tn the matter of freak legislation even to Oklahoma without struggle, according -to Ralph. Fletcher, of Kansas CItjr. during' tie recent visit to me nations capital. Having regulated freight and pas senger rates," declared Mr. Fletcher. 'the reformers inow propose to regu late the rates for meals in dining cars. State Auditor Nation has fixed 75 cents as the maximum price the istate will pay for a meal for its offl- ilals while traveling. He says a far mer will set up a better meal than one can get on a dining car and anlj charge 25 cents for it. Then why should the state pay more than 75 cents for meals? "Another bill to be brought in i3 for the establishment of a state dormitory (for the benefit of members of the leg islature. This institution is to be built at state expense. Every member is to be given a separate sleeping room, but all must eat together in a mess hall. The salary of the legislator is only $150 a session, and Kansas only holds a session every two years. It costs more than that amount to be elected to the legislature. It is argued that the state hotel," supplying board and rooms free, would partiallv recom pense the members for their work. "Prat, societies, both in colleges and high schools, are to be driven out of existence, according to the hill of an other new member. It is claimed that frat societies are building up an aris tocracy in the state, which threatens trouble in he future." STOCIlIIvLDELV XEETIXG Of New Ben Banking Trist Com V ': pair, New Ber, K. & -'v.-' The regular annual 'meeting ot the Stockholders' of the New ' Bern Bank ing & Trust Company, tor the (lection ot Directors and the transaction of such other business as may proper!; come before it, will be held at Us bank ing House, New Bern, North Carolina, on Tuesday, January 12, 1909, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 M. GEORGE B. PENDLETON, Cashier. to the Board, showing the number of votes east for "STOCK LAW" and the number for "NO STOCK' LAW." said elurns shall be subscribed and sworn to by all the election officers. j S. H. FOWLER. . . C E. FOT, Clerk of Board. . . diarrman - EXKCUTOH'S NOTICE. Having qualllled as Executor of the estate of James J. Howard, deceased, late ot the City of New Bern, N. C, this is to notify all persona havlnsr claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at New Bern, N. C. on or before tie 10th day of December, IMS, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement This 29th day ot December 108. . ,- J. M. HOWARD. f :. . : .Executor. ', STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Of the People's Hunk, New Bern, TS. C. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of The People's Bank, for the election of Directors and the trans action of such other business as may properly come before it, will be held at its bunking house, New Bern, North Carolna, on Monday, January 11th, 1909, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. T. A. UZZELL, Cashier. HEED THE WABJilXG. Msny Jfew Bern People Hare Done So, When the kidneys are sick they give unmistakable warnings that should not he Ignored. By examining the urine and treating the kidneys upon -the first sign of disorder, many days of suffering may be saved. Sick kid neys 'expel a dark, Ill-smelling urine, full of brick-dust" sediment and pain ful In passage. Sluggish kidneys cause v a dull pain in the small ot the back, headaches, dizzy spells, tired, languid feelings and frequently rheumatic ' twinges. DoaA's Kidney Pills are for the kid neys only;, they cure sick kidneys, and. ' rid the blood of uric poison. If you . suffer from any of the above symptoms yon can use no better remedy. . v New Bern people recommend Roan's Kidney Pills: -; , , - George Knnti,42 tvew street, New "Bern, N. C, saysj "I reci-,! .nend Doan's Kldney( Pills In the h . i.t terms; as I believe them to he li.o best kidney remedy to be had. I Btifferd from backache tor sin f t and It was hard for me "to Bimin or la't. Standing on my feet for any the b !i of time, caused a strain on 1 -t and as" a result the se- iiM li "canie too frequent Doan's i its, procured at Bradbam's y relieved me of the pains in ; and regulated the kidney se I advise anyone suffering ' 'v manner to give this reme- '1 t" Pi Ice The old guard, whether in or out o congress, is standing solid Demna Umcle Joe Cannon in his fight for the speakership. Here comes Grosvenor of Ohio, long one of the big figures in congress, now in retirement. He says: 'Mr. Camion has served a third of n century in congress, and there has never been a charge that he is corrup or has used his official position make a dollar of money. In all the scandals and rumors of scandals that have permeated the iatmosphere of Amricaa politics, there has never been a hint that Moe' Cannon was for sale or could be influenced by any consideration of personal gain or ad vantage. 'He has saved the country tho sands of dollars by his far sightednesj as the uncompromising foe of evry species of extravagance." Notice! The first quarterly meeting for the Pamlico Circuit will be held at Barne's Chapel, on Jan, 16th-17th. R. F. BUMPAS, Presiding Elder. FAT-SHO TYPEWRITER GOOD machine for sale for $15.00. Call on Owen G. Dunn, 69 Craven St. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Pursuant to th enower of sale con talned In these two certain deeds otT trust aatea respectively February Z2nd 9vi, ana April nth. 1997, executed to 3. H. Meadows by C P. Chatvman. and wife Lula D. Chaoman. recorded re spectively In Books 166, page lie and 166 page 620, the parties holding- the debt secured thereby having requested tnat sate or said property be had, de fault having been made In the payment of the debt accrued thereby, the under signed will sell at public auction at the court house In the city of New Bern at 12 o'clock M on Monday the 18th day of January, 1909.. the following rear es tate situate in tne county or craven: All that certain tract of land tn said county In No. One Township, boutvlod on the north by Creeping Swamp; on tne east Dy tne lands or f rank Former, on the south by the lands Of U B. JL.ud ley and Salile J. Chapman, on the west by the lands of O. C. Nobles, being the same land bought by said C F. Chap man from Harvey Clark, deed recorded in tne omce or the Keglster or Deeds nf Craven county, containing 200 acres mnre or less and being the same land Known as tne jonn ciarK land and be ing tne same allotted to John Clark In the division of the James Clark lands for a more perfect description reference maue to saia division. Terms of sale, Cash. E. H. MEADOWS. Trustee. Judge John Allison, of Nashville, reiin., is of the opinion that unless some adequate system of forest pres tation is devised, the south is in anger not only of a lumber famine, nit of dire calamities as well. He de clares: The lumber supply of the south. nd especially in Tennessee, is steadily decreasing. The timber of mv state is isappearing, and the water supply is lso going to waste. For a century or nore the water supply of the state has ot bee-.i utilized to advantage. Springs and natural reservoirs on I he nounlain sides have been destroyed or used as 'chute the chutes' for convey- ng logs down the mountains. Twe.ily ears ago the mountains were dotted vith such springs and when I strolled over the hills some time ago. I was tirprised to see how few remained. "1 appeared before a committee of ongress when i was here' attending he governors' conference, and ex- ilained the water and lumber situa ici, and I am confident that, if action ;ere taken, great results would be de lved, not only by Tennessee, but by 11 the southern states." LAST CALL TO TAX PAYERS. Your taxes have been due since Sep t ember und should have been paid prior to December 1st. I can indulge yon no longer. The taxes must be follrcted and it is my duty to collect and collect at once. The schools are borrowing money and there is no money In the treasury to pay current expenses. lor this luck of funds the Sheriff js censured. In order to save you 'xtra costs niul expenses, I hereby no lify you thnl. unless jour taxes for 11M1S lire paid lielore January l.itli, my lepiities will cull at your homes or duces ot business mid levy on any icrsoiial properly to he found. I shall rent all alike. Neither trienusliip inr hatred will deter me from dis barging my official duties. J. . KIIUILIS. mo Micriu, January 2, 1909. North Carolina Craven County Xew Bern Banking and Trust Company vs. W. Bailey, and M. A. Bailey, and Eastern Arm and Pin Company. Pursuant to the judgment of the Su perior Court, rendered at the November erni. 19118. of Craven Superior court n the above entilleu action, I, William Dunn, Jr. commissioner therein appoint HAKlilN VOES TO JAIL. Idling Feudist Punished for Slioolllifi' l'p Town After His Ueleae. By Wire to The Sun. Lexington, Ky., Jan. 9. Beach Har- 5, whose recent trial far the mur der of his father. Judge Jaints Har ris, resulted in a hung jury, was fineo p!Hi and sentenced for twenty days yes erday by Police Judge Cardwell at Jackson for getting drunk and shoot up the tov.-.i on his return to Jack ion the night he was liberated from jail in Irvine. in addition to this, his uncle, Floyd and John Day ntpeared before Judge danis and surrendered the young mac, on the OUO bail bond they had sign ed for him. and at the expiration of his term in jail for the misdemeanor he will be returned to the Irvine jail to await his next trial Irt April. MILLS AT CALIFORNIA HOME. To those who ' have never been In Colorado, it is a matter, of wonder that every man who has breathed the mile high atmosphere of Denver and has had a chance to see the wonders of golden commonwealth, Is a conflrmod Colorado boomer for the rest of his life. J. M. Woodward, formen a staid New Yorker, now a Denveri'e, Is an example. During a recent visit to Washington Mr. Woodward declared enthusiastically that there Is, no state lint -the union that can (compare with Colorado, so far as its 'opportunities and' its open hearted people are con cerned.. ''' i'' ,'", - "Everybody is p rosperous 1 in ' Coh rado," said Mr. oodward, ' "rtn.l the bard times about which no f:h was said In the papers about a year ago, did not-touch us at alL The mining interests are making money, and the farmers are' growing wealthy. ' Kuw are deposits are discovered 'almont every day, and silver, lead and even copper are found in more; than paying quantities. ... i "Farm land which five year ago could have been honrht for TA tri i. I)i!n"t tm t i f Aged Capitalist Denies He Left East to Avoid Grauurd Wedding. !y Wire to The Sun. San Francisco Jan. 9. D. Ogden Mills and his daughter, Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, arrived in this city yesterday Irom New York. They will spend the winter at the Mills' country home at Mill Brae, near this city. In regard to the stories that they left the East so as not to be present at the marriage of his granddaughter Miss Beatrice Mills, to the Earl of Granard, the aged capitalist said: "I would have liked to have been iresent at the wedding, and would lave If I had remained. It was simply my custom to come to California foi 'the winter, and I have come." ITITIVE PRIEST AUHESTEGD. Slanl Caught In Sew York With Girl ': He is Said to Have Abducted. By Wire to The Sun.' New York, Jan. 9. Nicholas Slanl the Catholic . priest, , who disappeared from 8t. Rocco's Church; Newark, week ago itf company with Juliet Testa a 17 year old girl, was -arrested here - The couple' were found at the Brad ford Hotel, in East Eleventh street where they had been living since the day of the Joint- disappearance from Newark. ' A charge of vagrancy was made against the young woman, The 'two were locked up t. police headquar ters. ' ''. ; !' iEGAL NOTICES COMMISSIOXElt'S SAI North Carolina, Craven County. superior court. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. Bettie Banners or Bettie Ashley Vs. J. T. Ashley. To ,T. T. Ashley, defendant: Take notice that this action has been commenced against you for the purpose 1 of declaring the marriage solemnized hetween you and the plaintiff on the! llth day. of December, 1904. adjuiisred null and void, on the ground that you. tne cierencisnt, were at the time mar ried and had a living wife and you are uirtner notinea to appear before the Honorable Judge of. the Superior Court it the Court House In New Bern. Cra ven county. North Carolina, at a term or tne court to beerin on the 4th Mon day before the 1st Monday In March, 190!), and nnswer or demur to the com- olaint which has been filed In the of fice of the clerk of the Superior Court, or craven county. This 15th day of December. 1908. W. M. WATSON. Clerk Superior Court. 1, will offer for Rale and sell at the ourt house iloorNn New Bern at O'clock III., Alomlny, Jnnuary lath, llill.l. to th e highest bidder for cash, the fol- jwing describe.! property, town: The entire plant, umchinery, iixtures lililinK-s. lease-hoM, rails, tools and ppliaiH-es, appiu lenanc-es and property f every kind and description now used, copied an 1 en.ioye.1 by said Eastern Arm and Pin Company in the conduct f its business in the Cuunty or craven, tate of North Carolina, especially that ate.l near the village of Core Creek n said county, and where the said astern Ann and I-Mn Company Is car- ying on its factory; all of said proper- real, personal ana mixed or every kind and description owned by said ompany and used in connection witn the operation of said Company in the nioyinent of the business for which laid Company was Incorporated, in- luding all the certain rails used and mployed as a tram road upon the prop rty hereinafter described now operated y said I). Y. Hal ley. Also all the certain mill, buildings, machinery, engine boilers, skidders, log ars, train cars, belting machinery, )ols, fixtures and appliances, together with all timber, timber rights, ease- nents and all other property of every nature or kind, whether real, personal or mixed, owned by D: W. Bailey in onnection with the certain mill and nilliiiK outfit, tram road and outfit, op erated and conducted in the county of Craven, especially upon the certain tract of land used ana occupied oy tne a d D. w. Bailey in the conduct or nis milling business and situated in said ountv near the village or core creea. Also one Gasoline Launch now In th possession and owned by said T. W. Rallev. Also Eleven Bonds or tne iancasier Telephone Comoany. of Lancaster, Ohio. Forty shares or tne capital aioca or the Virginia Locus Fin company. Eleven Hnares ot tne capital atoca if the Elkin Chair Company. Tills the llth day or uecemoer, isus. WILLIAM DUNN, JR., Commissioner. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage executed by Alonzo Phillips' and wife to Mack Wetherington, bearing date February 1st. 1904, recorded In the office of the Beffister of Deeds of Craven oounty in Book 150, page 317. I will offer for sale and will sell at the court house door in New Bern, Craven County, N. C, to the highest bidder for cash, at 13 O'CLOCK ML, ON SATURDAY, JANUARY ltb, 10O0. the following described property, to wit: On the north side of Big Swift Creek, -ifholning the land of C. C. Butler, de feased. Young Powell, et als.. known as the Scott Spier land, containing 109 acres, more or less. This the 14th day of December. lKilj, MACK WETHERINOTON, By MOORE & DUNN, Attorneys. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the nowers conveyed In the mortgage from B. B. Bellamah, to M. C. Williams dated January 3, 1908, recorded In the office of the Register if Deeds or craven county In book 173. 1'aite 651. which said mortgage and land therein conveyed, together! witn tne powers therein conterrea, nas i been conveyed to the undersigned, to gether witli the debt therein socured, I will offer for sale at Dubllc auction I t the court house door in the-City of I iNev sern, on tsaturday, February e, 1 909. at the hour of Twelve o'clock. Terms cash, tile following described I property in the county or craven: Aaioining tne lanas or wunn. covd and others, being lots Nos. 40. 41. 30, 3i, az, t4, Da, ts, bt ana os as per plan made by P. A. Fuloher. - Duly fllsd February 27th, 1907 in the office of the Keglster or Deeds ot craven county, Book 166, Page 122, to which refer for urtner descrlot on. this sale is made to satisfy tie debt secured by the mortgage, default hav- ng oeen made in tne payment thereof. iius January o, Jtfus. J. S. BASNIGHT, tradinar u BASNIGHT HARDWARE COMPANY. ?, aleop or work? 'r's Itoeky Moik 'h, red blood. CAM. FOR AN ELECTION TO SUB MIT QUESTION OF STOCK LAW AT VANCEBORO, IN TOWNSHIP NO. 1 N. M. Lancaster and others purport ing to represent over one-fifth of the lualineed voters within a certain ais trlct or territory, having hereby pe tit lone. 1 that' an election be called by the Board of County commissioners. under section 1674 ot the revisal ot 1908, It. Is herehv ordered that an election be i-alled and held on Tuesday, January 12th, 1909,-and the question or "StocK Law" and "No Stock Law" be submit ted to the Qualified voters living within the district In No. 1 Toowtishlp, b- trlnnlng at the corner of Ham Waynes' fence at the Junction of Greenville and Folly -Roads, thence ud Folly roao with laid Waynes fence to Isabel Buck's 'ence. thence with her fence to W. G. Y.'hlte's fence, thence with Wi C. White's fence to J. M. Arnolds fence, thence with said Arnold s fence to swift creek, thence across said creek to Henry ho- Lawhorn's fence, thence with his fence to O. McLawhorn's fence, thence to E. McLawhorn's fence thence With -said McLawhorn's fence toi Whltford's lane, thence with said lane to the main road. thence up said road with B McLaw- horn a fence, u. McLawnorn ience. ttsnrv McLawhorn's fence. J. T. W. Hoell's fence, thenee across the road to thhe back corner of the Tr Ingle land, thence" with -the , f rlng-le fence; B. - P. Coward's fence and others to Maul's rtin." : thence with the back eorner of Peter Willis' fene, and front thenes to Die Dickson's fence, ,v-' mclaw hotti's fence and others to the Wash Ingtofl road, thence , with J. M; Lan caster's" fence t the beginning. Ordered further, tttat at said el no ballots Inform and color as prescribed hv'iaw for general elections be suhimt ted to the nuRlifled voters living wtlhtn the dlstrlot aforesaid, one nenritig th words In romsn letters -.stock LAW and the other "NO STOCK LAW." Fer the purpose of bobniif? the elec tion N. M. l-anoaster n hi . t tear mud Jlern-y Buck t i i v r err are nr.pnlnted poll ho s " nun ftrr,.-'!M Hbitil be i . .,(' li,,- 1 vnre Sm s . . MORTGAGE SALE! Pursuant to a power of sale con tained in tli at certain mortgage execut ed by John JSdwards and Sarah Ed wards, his wife, to Frank Edwards, Hearing date tne zotn day or January. 1905, the same being- recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Cra ven county in book 152, page 222, 1 1 will -sell at the court house door in New Bern on ' MONDAY THE 1ST DAY OP FEBRU ARY, J son, at the How of 12 O'CLOCK M, to the highest bidder for cash, all the following described property as conveyed in tne mortgage aforesaid, to wit: Lying and being on Big Swift Greek on the South - Side of said creek and north side of Neuse river, ad joining the landa of John J, Smith on) the North and Francis Wetherington on tne (-south, uavia loock on the mast, win Cleve on the West, containing 150 acres morefor less, except a am all piece that nas oeen reieasea. . - i - FRANK EDWARUg, -Mortgagee, I). M. GREEN, Attorney.- " - New Bern, N. C., Nov. 10. lHt. "' law w . " UIKCII'riOJI BALK. Bv -virtus of that certmln writ of execution to me issued out or the -or iiu-Mc,i;ir mi; x TF8 nOKTT KAIL OKDE3 Wf"""; All Goods Guaranteed Under Pura ".- v- Food Law and Dras Act Why ipend roar money fcr compounded or rectified goods, when for the same money you can get the straight -article i Look for the Pure Food guarantee which yon will -find on all oar goods, it means much to yon. . You bur direct when you order from ns. 'We are wliolesale dig- : tritmtors and guarantee satisfaction, or money refnuded. ' Goods shipped in neat, plain packages, express charges , prices in bulk lots. Booklet complete list and full in ; formation mailed an request,,; , ft ' ...'.-- On list named below ws make food losses and,taakage. ,' (AIA PULL QUARTS ) - ' r , ' Ot. , On prepaid bottle list ' . mixed - orders . hipped : at prices quoted. wrlever f best world even .................. .ii.i C."lrnkotnKt. llhm,rtfW)d - liaise loW com whiskey),.. ,, t.fo ' Donald Ktanjt Malt Whiskey (medicinal).:, 3.15 . m. ymcn , r.ii.. iiuc univu.u, o.cr looprooi 3.40 nuivn MTvrn7c,cxint Hue (WHUCU in DWUJ . Dr. LcBams's Buchu Gin (medicinal) m-cij mwiajtu vera ttncnwcsii MS ... J 40 -i5 K.el yt Copper Distilled Jbottied la bond)., (.so IC1BS1 JHO.1t. IDOttleu IB DOUd) ... J.6J Sqt. ' 4-95 6 JJ .S1 7.6S -5S 7-45 0.30 Si- 75 Put up la tone fugs. safely packed In plain cases, Kentucky Rye , .-. , ,-. . . I " orth Carolina Cora w .... I Ai I- In -i , . ICHAKi- 8hr f 11-ortWlne. ... 1 ; ..... J i ' all charges prepaid. ,"j 6hlpp. Kelly's Medk jsUas Tompttag (liuekt l&arjrlaad rye) ....... 4.50 I ralloa j-yesMld Fitucky Rye . 1 gauon 5-vear-oia rtortn 1 I gallon Holland Gin . -. 1 gallon Ritra Fine Sherry , ffallnw Vm4. BI.A 1. . .n iffsllon RxtrsGoodl'ortWIni. . "."'!.. : I Pki-.l J i gsllos wearold Maryland Peach Brasdy ,v 1 gallon 4-year-old Virginia Apple Brandy d'- KPF1-111L orrra 1 callonc Old North Csrollaa Cora . . . . . . 16.00 3 gallons Old Kentucky Rye . . ...... if 6.00 V plain V 3ga onsi'iw tin. . ... . w without 3 gallons Apple or Peach Brandy . . . ..... 6.00 I", . 4 7-4 gallons of either above . , i -5o J casing. . If goods named in Special Ofier ar desired In plain esses, add 60c oa 3 sad 85c. on 4 7 c gallon pscksge. '' . On orders west of the Mississippi, add soe. additional for each 4 quarts, except Kelly's ( per Distilled (bottled in bond) on which for orders outside of Vu(inia,ths Carohnas, Cm. Alabama, Maryland and District of Columbia, add 40c. for 4 quarts, 75c for 8 quarut, $1.00 for is quarts. , 1 Goods Named Below Shipped toy Freight or ECxprc Charlies "COLLECT." Safely Packed In Neat, Plain Cases. No Mark to Indicate Contents. Wholesale Prices Quoted on Cass Ooods.below are Flat, and So not Com Express Charts. Osceola Rye Fine, Old and Mellow Diamond K Extra Good Rye Major Comfort Best for the Price Korth State Corn ' Old and Mellow Old Valley Corn Fine Quality EXTRA SPECIAL li ti li ifiSSi I 1 Case t6 Half Pints and 8 Plots ,...,w....:.,i,A....ti Case 16 Half Pints and 16 Pints .................... b -i . Case 31 Half Vials and S4 P'nts ...i...,..,.,...,..ii.ii 1 Case 16 Half pluts and H Pints ................... 4 " Case )t Half PinUaml 16 PintSj...., ...... ......... e ,.( Case 31 Half Pints and 24 Pints .............. ......10.4:. 1 Case 16 Hilf Pints and 8 Pints s-o 'i I Case 16 Half Pints and 16 Pints .................... $.:t Case 31 Half Plats auaail'ints 9-41 I Case 16 naif Pints and 8 Pints ................... lot taeieii'iitrint9aniM'ints .................. 5-. Case 31 Half Pints and 34 Plats 9.4' 1 Case 16 Hulf Pints and 8 Pints ( , vaseioiiall jfiorsann lorinis s.si Case 31 Hull Pints and 24 Pints ..,i,.-.i..J.....i55 All ChnrF- PKhPA.U Extra Fine Old. over jooprooi sTKAUHil North Caroliai Ccm Il-OO J v to your point. PHIL. G. KELLY CO. rSZ&i25 Fine Liquor . 1413 EAST MAIN ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Local and Long DitUnoe Phones 1MB . RICHMOND, VA. tsl D A Trial Order Will Convince v Yon That Our Goods Are ; "As Good as the Best and Better Than lie " Manhattan Club Rye, Manhattan Club Rye Golden Seal Rye ; Golden Seal Rye Perfection Rye Perfection Rye Stone Mt. Corn Stone Mt Corn XX Corn XX Corn XXX Corn XXX Corn 4qt 4qt Igal $5 00 '4 50 4 25 , ' 4 00 3 25 ; V ' J- 3 CCC 2 75 , lgal " 3 00 4qt 3 25 lgal: 4pt I gal 2 4qt , 2 lgal" 2 Express Prepaid Potts-Thompson Write for Catalog Chattanooga, Tt mlllllimilmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 11 , .... , - 50 50 50 Sao '.AT I', flUARANTIED UNDER THE pit Will remove Dtuuiraff, stops falling fc,.' distwue. Restora fray hair to at ot motes rapid growth of bsir, giving a y. Thouiands ol srstimonisls. For tale br a Wc aad 1.00 pet bottle. U your d and as $1.00. will atpnmjou luge canal to the beginning,, containing; 86 acres more or loss. , . . ' , - GEO. y., PEARCE, '- Mortgagee. Mnsvnian aim .,"!. h" . Pursuant to the powet of sale eon. 1 utiueu in- inrsfl.nnrrain mtftM J- - nee of the Clerk of the miperlor court 1 axoutd hv a pv.ii i- 11, . of Craven county Iq that certain ac- j ? "aS.,.. .""L '? f to Hon-lately:- pending' therein, wherein Pebnfr! -l"JJ V fP,u,: Hvman BuDDly ComDanw 1 DlilntlB and If ebr"af? rocordsd ta the of-r fendant, I wlll. on Tuesday, February foul'iJ'vln ?0,,lf 1". P4M; one bear 3 n ull .1 lh. nanrl fan.... nnnr ling date ADrll SOth. lflOS. .XMtiaratM 1 In the city of New Bern, to satisfy I Boolt . 189, page (87; one bearing date said execution the following described I '"th- of Maroh, 1907, recorded In Book real estate 1n the County of Crsven: 1 166, psge 0, : will offer for sale and 'i.. ,nA '""r??" . ''lc" ine oeiena-iwui sen to the highest bidder for cash ant North -Carolina StavoMCompany on at the court house door In New Bern at o7 p.7I Of lani Vltua't; in the Clof " ARvTatL??" A H? r.1?. &! l th followlnrdescr bsdD.r.v ollna Btave timpaoy, recorded In theJIAn(ni .L V?,l!! l or pa,cel ol offlce of the Itsglsfer of Deeds of Cra- 1 111 and being In Craen county, ven county In Book 1C(. pages ( andl"- 1 ownsnip. .containing si acres 1, inciuaing a a part or said real s- I "f nujoining me isna 01 u. tatn all -maohlnepv. . nrini. - hniiars 1C, Butler. Jr.. and C. f?,' nutlxr. Sr . pines and oar situate thereon and all lals. being the piece of land upon which other moveable articles,- the property Ithe aaid Phillips now residss known as of the said North Carolina Stave Com. this home, place, and being the. same pany thereon situate. . Bale to com mence at l f, M.. terms cash. This Jan. i, 190K. - JAMR8 W. BTnnT.w eiierirtCravi.it County;' purchased by said A. l iiinin. nf .t.i.n H. Butler by deed recorded In tlis olll.-e of the. Register of Deeds rsrnrrnre to which hi hereby made for full doscrln tion. - - . ... - MOHTdtliN il-. f I. A go one otner piece or pared cf By Virtus of the uowr ,,r ...1. mna containing 10 acr knon k t tains! in ih.t HMMh m - HenrrCot land bounded on II, not made on the xili dny of I)e.-i.iniM-s. Imis I v the Paramore lands; on tne n.iuih ed aforesaid as the 1 gather with all sto tures and furnltin . in carrying on II 1 with his good win I - Also, one note kins, datod March i;un, - One note given l.v . dated Uarch 1 2, 1 1 . t One not Klven lv 1 February 2lth, iim. i , JOne note given l.v 1 Febmary 16th, inn., One note givon t. -dated February j - One note Kiv- m i. : datod Januarv 11 11, 1 -t -One note ftlv.n i11 dated January bin, 1 By'MOOTtE! A Di ¬ ll.. Jtllllf -'-... North t Pursuant to u a certain niori--the th-Kt - . Cleve to T. trniiing bh fi lH.ny, anil i" lui'Htcr f in hoow 1 yii. CHh t( tlil- . hoH il - -r n'rim ' .r ll'..ill I. 1 Olll! bstwenn J. M. Kldur and l-nnny l- iiim- "is who, or rn lust imrl. and u,.nrKf Pesrce, wiil-h p-ud mortsrKe dead Is rscorded In tn I weds nf C'rm. n page 160 et s. - i., Hoil for csnIi t . tnthlln and ion ni it Now Horn. ! iillmi, on the 4Hi ut Uie hour of j me Hv'tal note. '.it. ,, ti,..t . f I... 1 h - H of the Ki-tyiMl mnty, in hook 1(12, .e tmihn-HlKned will hiKiient bidder at ourt l'-o - .h,(,r i oool v. :i i - r- ol I ' , . I I west by the aforementioned m a. le 1. of land which is my ow n. - Also one other piece or m,r-.-r-l tt 1 hounded on the nm-.h i w :. f . land: on the east iiv s- s . on the south hy C. ' -on the -west bv the i Isitlintf l'.-i act- n i . ! ilnr land. Also ......