Ul It . 1 : I . liit II II. . i- i ....i-lLe. T ii - - 7-r :AL-:2a4i? . . .T, e t rinday. , -,t t i AND PLANT: ' : Jjy I "5 V - ' a CniTem Street. . :., . ,..yrjSp. . 'A . . bibsceiptioji yiacs, ; (la AiTUM) ' ' . , . -: 9 Week ' , . . Y. ..... i M a Months .li...-v...4,l-2s : Months 'e ! Year-...... -M X TelepkeRetr; Jtoesg CEee,.;.....? ilJl Entered et the port office In, New; ern, N tatter. ' u kcoiI class man THIBSDAT,. ...... . Jaaeary M, MW. , HOBBIBUt IXAMPLE8.1;-: Sometime! you meet ft lovely maid ; , Whose beauty baa no taint, ' And fcet sudden shock because'; ; Yott hear kef Bar "I, ami!" t i Chicago's earnest notto Is . , ' "I will!" and not "I -wont!"' i il Mt tk arr!n.lnaa-A airlfl -, Who calmly say "H dontr " And so It joes, ; In Boston where v There's culture . beyond price, f Tou sometimes: hear the quick remark "Say, he dont cut no Ice!" There even is. man from Maine ' Who loves to chaff and quia. M, .M h. anrnrloArl tn knm n (. He often says "TJiey is! -Litnmnrvnia Journal . ' ' : All men look alike to the dlsgrun tied old maid. v : Junk dealers are ' old Iron and steel. not all who sell " Some mew Stereo' fre-herted they will give away adylce,,. . . Even the .mail with a sunny dis- position goes out some dark night . EVerr bald headed ,men feel they cannot part with the comb and brush. It seerss reasonable to think that jewelers Would make toed Watchmen, : Diplomas do. not mean that the bold er has any great amount ot diplo macy.. ri , ' . Now Senator Tillman thinks Attor- ney General Bonaparte has a bad ' memory. .. : . '; Shad art beginning to come In. Now lets'" see what effect the panic will have on the price. ,v ".. ' Oysters are plentiful' again. It they stay nere very long mey win soon have their mouths open. t . , k mnA n.n. i. A k iij i' ' a vwi usMuy taw auvie mm stv uimiiuu . wu o B- lng to make draw on a bank, . ' - v. t .. I " ' . t TTflpn for-A to tho arnrM anil the to the world .and tbe ..'world will keep face to you, provided t; both are not headed the same way. Whiskey has no respect ot person. . . , uk .i. .-ft smells lust as strong on the breath ; of a manTwlth weak lungs as it does on the man who has good lungs. 1 .More than tour hundred people of New Bern haW signed' a petition ask- In. tha Miroratlnn rommlaalon to . " . 1 . ' come to their rescue fa Securing a U- ' ' . i lon passenger itatton here. , Get lour hundred more it, they are required. Senator Borah, of Idaho, -lias Intro- ' , dueer a till to prohibit lawyers. Who are members "of Congress, from prac ticing law. It will be remembered v i l that the - Senator -. wast; chief counsel I for the State when Haywood, Hoy er ' and Pettybonev: labor leaders of tht coal mine, ware tried for the murder of Governor Stunentmrg. iv The( Sen' ttor may have learned, the . lesson then which he is trying to teach hit colleagues. , , " , , ' TILLMAN VS. BOOSEtTLT. '' i :Ui ' t t Many will look upon the Tillman Roosevelt tumult , "nslderable Interest The question t.t v. hfltlief or Mr. rioofew . i - 1 '- t t . .king re- . or whether . i . . Interest, is r. Roosevelt e way to his ; 1 r - err sereoa whs Batters wttk bt form of Kidney ailment, bo natter how many remedies the -bar. triad, aa matter hew nir doctor, tbey kn e suited, bo matter how eertoos the cue, to lie Monroe's Kidney Remedy- . trial. Sou will be astonished to see how quickly It rel levee all pains m the baek lolna ar4 grows ceasea ey -ts-iiaaeys. xou will it re be at surorlaed to - see haw quickly the feet and t reduces the swelling In pomneaa ander the eyes, srter t.kint a few dose, of this remedy. Yea wSl be delighted to aee the color retarn Ing to your heeka and feet the thrill ot Tinr ana nn cneen icroer vnn sm thick or milky. If It hi pale and foamy, if It contalna aedlmenta or Drmanet, K u highly colored or haa as offeaalye easel 1, If yon eiiaate freqnently, yon abonld per 1st la taking tall remedy antti all aymp toma disappear. We believe thla remedy haa cared more aenona aioaey ainnenra than all the Kidney medtdneo that maye been componnaea. rroiesaor Hnnyoa oe- nerea tnat ue lemme oeaia taw nwj Rrliht'a Dlaeaae and Diabetes la aanee- easary and wiu be greatly reaaceo ny uua -re raw; Oo at ones to yonr dromlat and pnrchasa I a bottle of Monyonl Kidney remedy, n i It falls to give satisfaction 1 win reinna yonr money. Mnnyon. For sale by sll druggists. Pries 28c. wealth" , and had be been fighting fire (with Some member of his family about to be consumed, he could have fought with no greater energy. Even at this early in. the game it was hinted by some of the leading papers that he desired to inflict punishment and had I no aim whatever to correct an abuse. All along the spirit of vlndictlve- I ness has shown a plain nana, his I criticisms have been much 1 unlike Q, other men , hig position. I He seems to have had occasion to find fault and discover dark spots 'upon - 1 the face of men in all walks of life. If.. n,mht him with nr. other I , i I purpose than to take his life; women V . .. ' .. I hov. h,H .n ha a WtaH frmil Wh I. I wc-.v . f I Will House premises, one of which charg-IThe ed that she was roughly handled and I sought an investigation at his hands; 1 I children have been reported to have - i been rudely rebuked for passing him on the roadway, ana anotner little girl whom he has accused ot follow lng him. He has fearfully criticised the courts, in behalf of which his I party made such an earnest plea dur4an,l ,te Kuaranteed absolutely puro. lng the last campaign, he has charg ed man after man with the He, using such terms that the most conserva-l tive papers of the world have added I their disgust, and many other de-l jtestlble incidents have transpired dur- I lng his life at the White House. Mr. Tillman charges that valuable! papers have been taken from his desk, stating they were there when he left to take the trip for the benefit of his I health. Is it true that the agents of I the President took advantage ot his I absence and secured the papers as is I Intimated by Mr. Tillman? The charge as made against Mr. I Tillman by the President seems to I rest on the fact that Senator Tillman I stated before the Senate that he bad I -o-- " -i ""lint more you scratch the worse it had not undertaken to buy any, and! tnat tour aays prior to tnis, accord-1 ing to tne resident, Mr. Tillman had i " I d,ij n- Wi ' the lands in question. . , I Mr. Tillman has demanded an in Mr. Tillman has demanded an In-1 -.-.i .1 .- I vestlgation at the hands of the Sen ate, claiming no intention of decelv big the Senate or the nublla Considering all we know of the two men- ' Tillman's state - men' 'Indication of the charges un - til we hear the verdict of the Senate In the. matter. ILLINOIS DEADLOCK STILL ON SpringfieliL 111., Jan. 14. The two! nouses of the forty-sixth general as - SMnbl5' tolIe1 today upon the wording of .the resolution that is toli wJs;eaa the Board of Aldermen have u, . tri v.,.. J I decided to lay a permanent pavement nnng tne two Dodles together to can-Ion. the street of the following por- TMS the returns of the last election. !?? ' e stresu ef tha city of Mew ,, . with the deadlock that has cpntln - and anverat ri.v. .fin ..kJ,l.I UBQ several days Still unbroken, the house and senate adjourned unUl I ..... , . . . . . 1 0 oloc" Wniorrow morning. . ' i . ... . i W 15? UHMhW OF ADn.iKnn MM, SiSB Is That all Mraana flimi a. umw... . tlona holding franchlaaa or MNMn.nt of tha city of New Bern the laying of of New Bern be it ordained that each pipes or Wires under tha aurface of building located upon the etreets afore the street In that portion of the lty said, to-wit:- Middle atreet from Trent directed to be payed pursuant t the Rivet to Broad litreet; Craven Street, resolution ana election neia January s,irrom Trent Rrver to Pollock! South l0t. are hereby reoulred to lower the I Wane atraat n v.m ...... t .. said plpeai' drains or wires, whet, thejlfenoojk atreeSj.. Pollock street! from same Shalt be necessary, to such 'depth! aa not to Interfere with the work of the paving within thirty daya heiwof. I It Shall ba the duty Of that CltV JDnrldu. tiamnt h.ir. aat.hll.hjut .nn. glneer, under th. direction o the aeotkm from th. property, .with the Streets and Pump Committee, t fur- flity sewers. . V .... ,. nish all such holdera with Inforraatloa And the owners of the amid proper and direction -ea to which pipes, drains ties aad buildings are hereby required or wires ar. herein reiulrl tvb. to cauee the said connections 58 be lowered, -and the depth to which they mad where the eame ar. not now In ar to ha lowermL And ha ahall fur. .wi...... .... ther supervise tha said Work an so) arrana;. mai an pi, ana .awTHiiona or the street shall be tanea succewaive - ly shall be completed, without reourrlna iviis vn-v.n ..rv. uniri w-m iwuw4 the obstruction of -th. street but uue trnie. ' ' . " t." ' ' - ' That earh person; firm or eotaepra. tlon fnninir or refusing to romp! wit'i this o, ,.Mnre ehall b. -P.w -fifty (I69.C i lioiiara for each nRe-rea, -t. f. t. p.vrrBiwoN. 'j,,. lilt J my Cark. - 1111 ' " ,.:.'i,!!B i x I Mrs. W. ft. Chadwlck; of Beaufort, N., C was nftlsltor In the city yester day, the guest ot her daughters, Mrs; T A. Vtsell- and Miss Mabel Chad wlck. ;-ivv;, i - Mist Glennle Willis, who has been. iklttng her aunt, Mrs. Chas. R. P. Ed wards, In Roper, N. C-. returned home lsst evealns. V Mrs. j: 8. Miller and child, left This morning (or Duplin county, for a Tlslt with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0, W. Qulnn. Mrs. A, Block, who has been visit ing in Raleigh, for a few days, re turned to New Bern lsst evening. Miss Lillian Brewer left this morn ing returning to Vanceboro, after a few days in the city with relatives and friends. Miss Ella Lee left this morning on the New Bern and Norfolk train, for Vanceboro, where she will spend a few days, visiting friends. Mrs. John B. Ives and child, accom panied by Mrs. Harrell, Mrs. Ives mother, left this morninK on the New . - Bern and Norfolk train for Norfolk, Vs., where they will join Mr. Ives, and make Virginia their new home. Miss Nina Bell returned home this morning from Goldsboro, after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. John Charl ton. Mrs. Carrie C. Schollenberger, re turned home last evening from Phil delphla. Pa., where she has been vis iting relatives and friends for a cou ple of weeks. aee "The Cat and The Fiddle." An entertaining musical treat is promised at the New Masonic Opera House, Thursday night, January 21st, when "The Cat and the Fiddle" will be presented. The organization is said to be one of the largest yet i , ... . Bwu ), DUDlDenng IOrty people. The nlav la nw anri nr. n it, . . ,. . . , . " mnui Bin aim ue musical Donion or suDernrir fhnraftor , . . , vaudeville part is in the hands I of 8onie very Bod people and includes t h ft Inmnil, RlmAra ?tafara UlnnnUn Buhler, Elaine Frohman, Florence Willis, Chas. A. Sellon and many oth er celebrities. Pure Absolutely. Blue Ribbon Vinalla and Lemon ez- tracts are made from the fresh fruits The real fruit flavors. If you rub Gowan's IN you rub OUT Pneumonia. It al ways cures croup, cougbs, colds. Wherever there is Inflamation it al ways does the work The secret however is to have always a bottle in the house. All druggists handle the great external remedy. Three, sizes 25c, SOc, 1. Buy It today. Any skin itching la a temner-testnr Itches. Doan's Ointment cures biles eczema any skin itching. At all drug I stores, lint Wiamm nn HS!L ' .. ' I n.V .".""5.. t-ro- Una. reaueata hid, f,ir piih, j yvitmrm i. .v.vv; par value, nva per cent ( per cent) thirty year coupon bonds, merest payable semi-annually, to be street"" 4M"t"""' " "r Uam. 'St to Tw.iv.ctofF.b! rur'r"t' J "d the eame will be Aldermen' toat'dryV" " Bra f I Bach bid must be accompanied by vci .iiavu uiwk iut i wo jiiunarea and fifty (I2SO.O0) Dollars aa guarantee of t?m. of the wd. K ac'ceed. to the ."tV"' reerv the right to reject 1 1 . I all bids. F. T. PATTERSON. ISM City Clerk. 1 Burn, to-wit: " 1 Bern, to-wit Oa Middle 1 Oa Middle street from Trent River ' rou .ireei; on v. raven atreet Irom I Trent River to Pollock: on South iFr on t 10!tr?t 'rorn Kaat ont street to. Han- I cock; on Pollock atreet from. Oraven 1 street to Middle atreet and on Broad .ruiii'miuiu. suvn 10. nuoDca ?Wh.rES Thi me vrovool I DWil .UUHlltlWl W a.TOlO OI LO. pe.pi.. 1 hA, . . ff a. ih. Rmm .i .M.m,M r i Craven street f Middle atreet; Broad atreet from Middle atreet. to Ha&oock street, shall b required Within thirty a It further ordained that lA th. aald territory WfierAwlota are vacant ,the holders thereof shall be reaulred wttnmi VM SBJn. pT10l tO lay SM SI tabllsh on. connection with, the ea'd sewer for every fifty feet lof -vacant lot fronting on the atreet. above named ' That the city, engineers Jinder the Joint direction it the coirnfttteesi on Ktreeta and Pimir aad - Wateti and l.lKhla ahall furnish and dealgnata tha proper grades and deptha for the con nections herein required to be made. . That each owner or holder of a build ing or lot herein referred toy who ahall tall to Comply with thla ordinanve nhn be nel . Fifty (thO.eA)' Dollars ami earh VMk the same -ahall be I. : iM,,-omiMi.'t, attr notl!. -from any -r , . f a city, ahall constlux ie oiiAnce. 'ii, at for the purpose of t1 flft'-e a tenant hy lew. Ul IL, IUI i Is Jaaaat . Waaaar 1 ropoiso V a.KaPim l..- , ;f: CUT, m LVi mat has rm a? Kaaqr rMfk NM gyvai td fiHia ty-flye yeers Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. 8.) haa heea cuilue yearly thousands ox auueiwre iron rnmitTt Benondarr or Tertiary, flood Pel. on and oil forms el Blood jjineaae. Wj solicit the moat obstinate cases for B. R. R curaai where all alea falls. If von have exhausted the old methods of treatment and atul .hae' aihea and pains In bones, back or Jointa, Hhsu- Sore Throat, Plmplea. Copper-Col orud ola, uioera on any par-, u ui oooy, ixlnat aorea. are run down, or nervous. Hair or Eyebrows tailing out, take B. B. B. It Kills wo poiaon, siskss toe hinnd aura and -4eh. heallns every sora and completely changlns; . the entire aody Utie a ciemBlieaaiBy wuuiuwi. ItchlnV 'watorr -bllatars H or oped, aV waterT mi humora, Rlaln Ecaema all lea res after , ailllnsT tn ilaos ana aurrryina; u eiueu wiw R. a In- this mr a flood of pare rich blood Is sent direct to the" akin surface, the itching; stops forever and every humor or aora Is. healed - and BOTANIC BLOOD BAIL at B. B. B.) la, .luunt and. smfs'ia tskt! Com. posed of para Botanlo lnaredtenta. It C. D. BRADHA3T8 Prtg Ptore, II cr Large Bettle with lireetloas for home cue. Frets Blood Cure Coupon This coupon (ov.t from The New Brn N. C. Ban, la good for one large aampla of Botan lo Blood Balm mailed free In plain packages.' Simply fill In f our name and address on dotted Ines below and mall to BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ba. State name of trouble, U you know., , f ..SPECIAL NOTICES.., ONE LENT A WORD Ho ad. taken for leal than 16 cents, the pries of three lines. Six wards of avenge length, make a line. The following rates are for consecutive insertions: I a tin a tin 26 tha SX tha cants a Itae -4 ctmU a Hoe JH cents alias IS . All orders for, these ads. must be accompanied wiu cash for as many times ss ads. are to run, , These ads. are Inexpensive, but ' they bring quick results and sure re turns. WANTED A GOOD MAN TO TAKE orders and deliver our Teas, Coffee, Spices and Extracts direct to con sumers. Grand Union Tea Company 216 Church St, Norfolk, Va. LOST BIBD DOG ABOUT ONE year old; color, white, with liver colored ears,, and left side of his head and spot on ta'. Finder will please returun to A. D. Ward. NICE APPLES, BANANAS, LEMONS, Cocanuta, English Walnuts, Raisins, Grapes, Tangerines, Ice Box, Peanut Roaster for sale. Several nice show cases cheap. Christ! Gilan, Pollock and Craven street FOCB-DBAWEB VERTICAL FILING Cabinets for only 119.76. Cell ecd examine same. An except'cuel bar gain. OWEN G. DUNN, 69 Craven Street , FOUND BUNCH OF KEYS NEAB Elks Temple. Call at Sun office. ONE FOUR HUNDRED DOLLAR Kimball piano or sale. Call or ad dress C. E. Taylor, 113 Hancock St TO LET ONE FURNISHED BOOM to men; also table board. Apply to 103 Broad street ' BRIDGE SCORES LADIES DESIR. lng Bridge Scores, can obtain same by calling on QVG. Dune , ,' CHATTAWKA IBJBE, HO, 14,'t 0. t, R. M. meets every Wednesdsy'sleei . vNa v. IT.. Madle. street, V; Brothers lronv other reservations cordially ?" .?r3 ft ; WUiltU, v. V A. 1. $ f V-'.- W 4 m i n.,ln CRATEN tODGX HO. I, KNIGHtS OF i KARXONT, Meets necond and (ourts Wednesday nltrhta In ach mniih tn Jfcnlghta" of harmony hall corner ot Baneock and Broad streets ai f:30 O'clock.; & a' Ball president;) J, B Bmlth, secretary; B. B. Hill, Anan olal secrotsjry. ( . ' "., J- n'" flip ' )' W t' ' - ( -. ., we want every n un and woman in the United; States to know t whst we are doing We are 'curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Cures wUhout the use of the knife by X-ray, aid rr endorsed by the f !nate and Legisla ture of Vljrglnls. ;-"rt '.'-.' " . , ' , Y.2 CCT1EA?- Waa m r i ut aaat m Bawily ni-ea Foe twsn DO la, In buying StieS Pianos. First, ! you buy direct from the maker, and get a strictly high grade In, atrument, fully guaranteed In every, respect, at Wholesale price, and on' easy term if you wish.- :;.,. ' Should anything ever occur about which yon 'might like to consult the seller, yon. don't have to search the country over, tut write direct to us, no matter when, or where you are, and , we will respond at once. STUFF PIANOS have, been made tor more thai half a century; none are better; few equal ' (5 For particulars; If not comintf to Norfolk, write ' v ; L. C Steele, Kgr, f 1U firanby Stmt Kerfoft, Ta. : Mention thla Paper. ) Official PiaM Juksowi Expositit ..ICE.. Made from pure dL tilled filtered water. NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-2 -23 Griffith Street, hone 23. Steamer Carolina Will leave every Monday and Thurs day at 10 a. m. for Vanceboro, from toot of Craven Street Freight received every day. H. A. L, POTTBH, Jr. Telephone 164. Agent Wnrajiove eWaasss. , moba rapid re's a sTaVHaaTaTaTaWsTsTsVsaaTsBTaVaBV t ajBBnjjgsBBjaBaaaaBiSBJajB 3 Guaranteed Uu.f & t Ration al Par Food tni Dnt Act , lfalvale Rye VPtl-Atey, t yra . old; "Four (4) td quarts. Sherwood Para Hve Whla--- .er, t year old: Four ) fait quarts, Kajrea pre paid "yaon's Club Whtakey; Four , full quanta. Jlxpreaa' pre paid .' Svery drop of Tyson's CluB . ' Whlafcey guaranteed to be ; pure and better - thae, v . . wraaxey sold "by other ... hotuea for................ Trson'a Norfolk Jfje Whin- ; key: Pbor (4) f'l quarts, . Thfl brand, equal to any V?"-'. '. fl.SS on the market Kx- preasi prepaid ...... Tysos's Monogram Rye Vulakeyi Four (4) fuU quarta. sxureas prepaid. .tSJW Tyaoa's Hxostf3 Bye ,--" ; Whiajcey. per Snon,,ait---f . prras prepa.d .......... Tyson's Pure Orrt' per gallon express prepaid .az.ee Tyson's Pure) N. -' 0. 4 Corn t Wt ifcev. par gaUon, ax- ' 1 -preaa prepi.d ,...i.......9M Tv.nn'. "Old Qrandfathar" . . Corn - Whlslset;; , lull quarts, expreas prepaid... Oooda abapped name day-as order received. V roave good all losses and brerkase, but we do not pay express charges on anvthlna- laaa than a arallon. Write tor our. big price llat Address,'' ' t ALBEMARLE BISTHUNG CO. W. J. Tyson, Jr, S14S Brewer St, Sorfott, Va. J. W. WILLIS, Pres. J.. W. WILLIS, nU Tlee-Pres. Jf. L. WILLIS, Secty. Lookout Bay Club House Established- and equipped for the accommodation and pleasure of sportsmen on the famous Lookout Bay Game Preserve tor wild fowl. (Located ten miles east ot Morehead City, N. C Reasonable terms. Morehead City, K. & FOR A 4 DRAWER;: VERTICAL v FILING CABINET.:- Owen G. Dinin 1 69 Craven SL ,? NEW BERN, N. C, ' GUARANTMD UHDUt THt DMUM'AOT. el ' DaiKrrulT, sIom rUUn lair and' aQ tcaip Rsakuss gray hair to its origiBal eokc, pro. Srowth oi hair, arria a youthful atwearaaca, .aspjriwpwoguia, a year aruggiit can I aappnr yoa sasdllXXl, will xpr yoa' Wp, SfmLVim 20lh Century Cbsslctl Cx, L'SSk nJ Cc r C . i I lakes a valu:!1: r vrc!l: as a liaiiL; ' -1 - P -1 ..- ruaKerali!, L1 ESv-ei '.re .fi. 1 '. THaisa i --. . . ,. m a. m T:t -p. n. u ... fljnday) La arw . Dover, Klr.ito , 'i j.c r bor. and lnLut-...dintA r M a. m.. 7:0 p. m. (,Su For Tuacaroiii, Cove c . '. LaOrantte, GoIiUboi-q, and 1 ,l diata stat'ona, . - 7 a. m., 7:18 p. m. t)atly';xceiit f- day) For Brrerda"e,.Ooa an, ) a ir aa- KeWDoit. w Wwnnl . , C.cy, Paatatort aui lnteriiieuio & - tiona, . - tO a. m.,' 1.-60 p. in. -(Sunday cnty For Rlverda. Croatany Have! -. Newport, WUdirood, Morehead Cm - .Beaufort and l'.itArtrw.,Vai. . . ID. P. m. (Daily except Sunday) r ,,'r Keelaboro, Oranteboro, Baybon., Oriental and -intarinaHiMfA' .tano.w 10 p. m. . (Sunday only For Reei- boro, QranUboro, Eayboro, Orientul, and i&termediata-arflio,, .. . II a. m. (Daily Fxcept unday)-i ; For Waab.iiscton. Plymouth, Colum ' bla. Belhaven, Edeuton, Hertford, iEllsabetli!!ty. Norfolk, Suffolk, and " Intermediate stations. New Bern to .. Greenvtllo, Farmvilla; Wilson. Zeb , ulon, BaleigU aiA lutermedlats iu v .ff-.t7: z1- , TRAI.Vs itH'vn a ww mnnw. ' Ua. m.. ,I:0 p. m. -(Dally axcent BAinaayi Frost Goldsboro, , La- ' wm. AiuDujq, iuver, vove, 1'ua-v -oarora.- and intArThAHi.f. ...'... . 10 a. m., 6.50 p. m. (Sunday onlvi . From Goldsboro. latOrange, Kn ton, Dover, Cove, Tuscarora and intermed'n-o nt.Hnn. -- , . ..A ... . , . . a. m., j:iu o. m. I nan v -rui . Sunday) From P..,-,, un.ak.Kr City, wUdwoottsNewoort. Havelook. ...i ' 'e "no intermediate ; atationa. i - . . :I0 a. m., 7:00 n. mi (Sunday nnlvl From Beaurort. Morehead -, CHy. " Wildwood, Newport, Haveloek, Cro atan, Riv.rdal. and Intermediate ' -atataona. . :00. a. - nv (Datly) From mrlentai , Bayboro. anjsboro, Reelsboro. and " Intermediate aro-a. , Norfolk. Bvffolk, Elisabeth City, , Hertford, Edenton. Belhaven,. Co-' J"01. Plya outls Washington, and ...u ,iiiioji js.oer.ton to i New Bern; Raieigkk WendelL Zebu- u minK, ra.rfrv:ue, Ureenvill. and Intermediate stations. . , -'J E. C HUDOINS,.- ' THOI1A3 fitzqebaLd. - - -anarai Managar. j-, . . LEGAL NOTICES OBTOtoc aai.n. North Carolina Craven Count -Pursuant to tha power, given me tit certain rmnrt I........ tha first day of AnriT tana k. n -m - Clev. to T. P. Ashford aad fl M. w.n' trading aa Tha New Barn vm. . Psny' end recorded In th. office of tha r w """"e oi graven county, ' :.J..L "t.f". 1 will aell for cash to the higheat bidder at tha court houe. door In Craven county at It tZ1 . ""."onday the first day of - it .v., um suiiowing uascrib.d iyMi, wwit;i -. .( . , . . . "... w. v. iwm lana ,l.t?t. ,n Na- 1 Township, aald county. aojoinina tn. lands of T. & Jackaon It t 2"'- w-A Cleva. B. T. Whtte tf "nua ana wm. IS. White, and. bonndeda. follows, vis: Beginning at L. M. Morris's eouthaut r .JTI runlng north with her line to W. A. Clove's line, thence with W. A Clove's n. to D. Q. White and Wm. Whlt.'i line thence with their Mne to- E White's line, than with aald B P White. I,n,rt0,,,ulBun' th" With said Jtuu to T, S. Jackson'. Una. then with said corner o( I. M. Morrla. containing acres, more or leas, and being the same land described In tha deed of WiL Clev. and wife and other, to D. W 2ve. dated Feb.. 1008. aid wii.teS d In the office of th. Register ol Dwdi' 148. ravr in sook 119, page This Dec 10th, 1001 f, T.;P. ASHFOHp and a H. HAX1 .. h'-di ..Tradlhg'aa.: V ii Hortagaa. ' MORTGAOB SALE. made on the h ti day nt Tto.,., t,. '. . ... ..... .. ...w,,a iiiuri.aJfH: nM. batwM . It tlld.'. -- -"-wMiae., hie wife, of t.ie PTst'nart nrJl ;oSSJ56liiX'' i'lld ""ortgage deed la recorted l th. ofllc. of the Register of tZ.'.?i Sravn uounty. In Booklda. m eepw-ine undersigned will ""'' h to tha highest bidder at public auction at tha fr,. n. iI at New Bern, Craven C-anty. North Car i'lS' V th 4Ul dRT f February; 1 o. at tbe hourof Is o'cloek ht, to satisfy ."eaiv.n';taa wured by th. aald 1 ' cf "'" I' r parcel of land lying and belnar In U11 Third Township. Cvaveu Oourtiy, North Caro tonwit'I,0Wn des,lfc:aate4 'ollowa, 5lfita5!n'r ' staikS oh th. sanalrthen to b Iron etaka on the tar kiln bJ, John Carleton's corner; then with-, the Jane made by W. B Pearee and J. if. Elder to a corner made by them; then a northwardly course to a; cherry tree on Neuse roadi then to the head of the swamp' ditch; then with aald ditch .to the canal; then up the canal to th. beginning,, containing 65 acres mor? or less. " ; .. iv " . QBO. T. PEAftCE, .: '. '" ' , Mortgagee. , . MOnTOAGB (ALB. , Pursuant to the power' of sale con tained -In three certain mortgage d-e i executed by A. Phillips .and wile to J..-W, Stewart, bearing date aa follows: February H, 10, recorded In the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Cnv.n county In Book 167, page 498; one bear ing date April 30th, 1900, recorded in Book 16,-page 1187; one bearing dai I6th of March, 1907, recorded in Bom 185, page 90, -I will offer for eale a,t will sell to tha highest bidder tor crhii at the court bouse door in New Bern at U O'CLOCK M, ON SATURDAY, 4A1H- ' DART let h. 1WOV. the following deacrtbeii property, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Craven count .. No. 1 Township, containing 91 ac:. mora or laaa adjoining the land of C. Butler, Jr., and C. C. Butler, Sr., .ei. ala. being the piece of land upon whl. h tha aald Phillips now reside, known i. his horn.- place, and being tbe ski, a purchased by aald A. Phillips of Joim H. Butler by deed recorded In the ofllce if the Register ot Deeds reference to which la hereby made for full descrip tion.' i." !. ,". . . . , , , Also " one other -, piece or ; parcel " lnd containing 10 acres known as t Henry Cox land bounded on the no y the Paramore lands; on th. south a west by tha aforementioned 91 acre t of land which i. my own. Alao one other piece or1 parcel of Inn ! bounded on the north by the Po- i land; on the east by C. C. Butltir, a ,, on the south by C C. Butler, Sr., a., i on the west by the Powell land, r -talnlng 100 Seres, known as the f hpler laqd. Also one other piece or ' parrnl i land lying and being in said stale township adjoining the above awn 100 acre tract of land which I r, toKtha with all rights, powers ,. equities In the narne. Alao my entire atock of g"ool.. t and mfirchandine ot every n. now situate and helnir, or iii,. , be durinar the exlstem e of ti,'o dneHS, sltunte or t,.-iniT i, ho, e and v. rMH)n-a i ot-t ..rtiM hy ln ' tf i nt iDH pIpi-A ; v 1 f.n r -