I I UBLISHED IN CRAVEN COUNTY ' ' I r-:: f Circulation of crrjPc?cr in . Essier Korth CaroVna.. s '"; - ,-: ;-. - - r. i. ' . ' y ( '.' . I A 2fef ; Advertising Medium in Eastern North. CmEaa. , HOME; North ?kirolim, i H and. Development in Education, Happiness and Prosperity I Volume 4 No. 62. : . - S NEW BERN. N. C., WEDNESDAY FEBKUARY 3. 1909. Price Two Cent ;. i .v.-- ' . , ..-... ..v..--1 ' ' ; , ' 'I -:-.r r ". . i - . --.. .1 CAPITAL CRY lor both., --.: -vV--;V : :.-i.':-.;v. Another prevent! blacklisting of em- I ployes by providing that any employer f rniTn nFm,I71 attempting 4" manner to prevent ,JfiJla)Xlll IJ.G 1 dinrged employe from obtaining : ---:-:-; employment I elsewhere shall be pun- ' 'I: . V J; ' ' ' 1 vi '': ;, ..Vi it: " lished bir One Hot over Ove hundred I (foliar, nnr Iau than nna hnnrinptt. .nri Daii&& lif 'Thk "l,PffKfl-jbe 1,al1 l"1 oamages to the dls- jr"a" i" ' TvM O. . r Ichftrnul amtilove. racoverahte hv'cWII action," the' act not to 'prohibit, bow eVorV A, t'rotJifur statement upon' re quest of the reason lor the discharge, aJflrma!na,, Unlawful 6ar.Jtw-cBt more, ' persons,' to agree together; to blacklist any discharged employe. ' ; Still another .makea the assigning turifcRaleigh; Sneclal to The Bun. r'T 5,J- Raleigh, C, Feb. 8. TM commlt- tee oil finance in Joint session of. the sub-committees learned last evening of any claim for debt against a reel- from ; Messrs. ..Hancock of Oxford, denl of this State-for th purpose of Bradham -of New Bern and Hutaff of haying It collected b? attachment, pro- Fayetteyille; an fighting the' bill 'to ceodings oitsldat the '"State or the y put license tax on all manufacturers, sending out of the State any claim bottlers and dealers In Coca-Cola and- against such person with Intent to de- , drinks containing caffeine for the ben- prtvtf a- resident of the right to have eflt, of the public schools,' which had his personal earnings exempt from ap- ' been reported unfavorably .by the com- plication the payment of his debt, - mittee on education of the House. The where creditor and debtor 'are In the finance i committee will do likewise. jurlsdicfloh of the courts of the State, The bill provided for a tal of fifty dol- punishable by fine' of twenty to fifty r. lars on manufacturers and , bottlers dollars, ' and person whose earnings ; and Ave doHars on' retail dealers.' . 7 are so attached to have right of action , , Unfavorable also will be the "report tor-recover amount "attached, costs to ' on the bill by Representative Cotton be collected out of person -to whom to tax the business of selling or giving claim is assigned or one who assigns, away coupons and presents In connect or both, at option of the person sulngj , . tion with the sale of cigarettes,, cigars the assignment of such clafm to a non- r and tobaco ten per cent "of gross re- resident and the commencement of ceipts. iy?t ',2 ;f " 0: ' .' -X - 1 proceedings In attachment to be prima i -A like fate met Mr. Connor's reso- facie evldehce.f violation; and! any- "lutioa'.to repeal the tax on peddlers one purchasing any claim with Intent ' ot manufactured tobacco and to pro- as above to be subject to the-fin?. mote competition among manufactur- The other bill by Grant "provides era of tobacco,';, :;. T.;" , that ill towna of 6,000 or more Jn- The dog tax bill for the betterment habitants aBall maintain agencies for of th public schools and training of procuring employment for the unem- s the children tor life's 6Ht Will' go to ployed, these local departments' to re- 'the House without prejudice, the com- port to the State Commissioner of la- mlttee declining 'to take the respon- bor and printing. " I V I'"111' 01 turnln8 lt own- 7 ; ; .It egins:to look right much like Favorable will be the report on Mr ihaTa mav ha aomBthinff H,in, thi. I ' " . o " Rodwell's bill amending the slot ma- chine act of 1907, so sis to exempt slot session with reference to the enlarge ment of the State house along the TENTH JUROR IS ACCEPTED But Is Acqnianted With a Defendant By Wire to The. Sun. ' 1 ' " . V Nashville, Tenn Fb. 8. The tenth Juror In the Cooper-Carmack case was accepted this morning at 9:30 o'clock. He Is a young farmer, J. A. Woodruff. He Jtnowg John D. Sharp, one ot the defendants. "The third panel of the fourth venire was taken this morning. Woodruff was the tenth man called on this panel. Fifty names were on lt. which contained 102 names Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 3. Two more Jurors were added In the Cooper mur der-case this morning. Both are far mers. .This leaves but one positive vacancy in the Jury box. If Juror Whiteworth Is unseated, two more will have to be secured. - One of tne Jurors elected this morning said he was a friend ef defendant Sharp, but would not allow his friendship tor him to influence his oath as Juror. . The.defense seemed surprised when State accepted htm. machines from which drinking water ,meB ot plaM ppred l0me years f State Treasurer. In The Legislature. ' By Wlie to The Sun, :- Raleigh, N. C , Feb. 4. Resolution was presented In the Houbb today against Mr. Morton's bill to exempt New .Hanover county from the prohi bition law. ,, The bl to relieve ex-treasurer Worth of further liability was report ed favorably. This Is in connection. with the defalcation in his office while la sold. ago by Architect Frank P.' Milburn, of I nw. . . .1 4n 1 ...... .. A I - ' . ia,u..u wi1. s, Washington. , The Idea l for the State Raleigh, N. C, Feb. 3.-Senator the early adjournment proposition.-- to Issue 1500,000 bonds, to run fifty Pharr introduced a bUl to promote the Senator Elliott has introduced a reBO- yew ,t fcer, centn 15s1m- pwponmmagemeht v of toresu' - W lution that e" finance committee he- toreat that the State would, pay an- North Carolina. Also one to regulate requested to make ite report by Feb- nuauy WOuid be little more than pro- the powers of corporations, tuary 21st, no new bills to be intro- per-jngc, on xa present State Senator Nlmrocks, introduced a bill duced after February 15th. alItSn- and Supreme : Court libraries which to regulate land surveys and Senator ator Fry a resolution flxlijg a limit for wouia naTe flreproot Quarters In the Barrlngei- a bill to encourage agri- we jnwooucuoa 01 du.s. eni8rged building. , The enlargement culture. by the latter senator yesterday to etj wfiul4. Involve-additions to the north hi resolution away rrom ine eommu- Rnfl boatB p, tte buaag and tlaM Factory Burning. tee on ruiea was votea 0QWoy, Bitne nMng the dome very muchlBy wire to The Sun. - " -f v- I along tne line 01 tne enlargement 011 New York. Feb 3 The Unn far r -. i 94 f s h. imllhArtlvtf branch of 1 .. .. I. . .. . ..x. I -wew IorK eD- a. . Ia ano iac - line national capital suw omcers ami ' " . an nBUOn cP'" " tory of Newby and Evans, is burning ? J L XoTXht promlBent mBlt0" WaUy 40 to the ground and.the Are Is soVc! ator Ray . ineasur. to jUlow tU . of miUbete , gooi prospect tor the. danger of Bpreadlng t0 otnb, Interest as high as eight per cent in hJ,n--tala nrnno.inn ts en throueh f v - H Tnrrnnm. BAM RECORDS DISAPPEAR ENDS HER LIFE UNDER STRAIN Prosecution Unable to Find Them . Broke Down Under Con- . stantly Narsing By Wire to The Sun. New York, Feb. 8. A sensation was caused by the announcement' today, that important records of the Borough Bank, of Brooklyn, by which the pros ecution counted as its chain of evi- evidence to convict William H. Oow, on trial In Brooklyn Supreme Court for embezzling (145,000, had disap peared ... The papers disappeared late yester day and District Attorney Clark and Assistant, Mr. Elder, are unable to find them. The accused banker will be called as his own witness. 4 By Wire to The Sun. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 3. Refusing yiRGINIAN FOR CABINET. Meredith Said to Be Picked, iat He Denies All Knowledge of It By Wire to The Sun. ' Richmond, Vs., Feb. 3. A, wide spread rumor is current in political circles in Virginia to the effect that official announcement Is soon to be made of the appointment of Wyndham R. Meredith, of this city, former pres ident of the State Bar Association, who bolted the Democratic party last fall, to cast his political fortunes with the so-called Taft Democrats, to the port folio of Attorney General, In the cab inet of President-elect Taft It is known that Mr. Taft is endeav oring to break through the solid South, and it is believed that the ap pointment of a Virginian to a cabinet would do much to build up the Re publican party in this State. -When sees this afternoon in regard --o- the rumor, Mr. Meredith at first took a jocular view o fthe matter, but, later, becoming serious, he disclaimed any knowledge of such an honor. cases ot special-private contract The th,g sglon -vote followed a long aeDate, senator factories, Several hundred employes, majority ' DnmtnAnl AAtrAW ma mi Fnof 11 rara are I . m 1 . kalnn tnlran J- f f2fi iIfrl ' tram , ..11,- lrt. of the Lom the burning building by elev.- Th. onmmitwM814 tot th hearing thi afternoon tors, fire escapes and ladders. Churchland Baptist Church Burned. By Wire to The Sun. Churchland, Va., Feb. 3. The Bap tist Church here, the handsomest country church in the State, Just com pleted following renovation, was de stroyed by fire yesterday. The negro Janitor, after making a hot Are, went .to sleep, and came near Demg cremat- . Loss, $15,000, insurance $7,600. tors Doughton, Bassett,- Emple anal Hanklns fighting It; '.on Judiciary had turned It down; but , lt -came' UP on a minority repore sign- ed bySenators- Lockhart, Klutts, Fry I ..."and'others..'i;--:r:r:;;'- v-.jxw The House enjoyed" another SdlscuB- sionless day, the-thifd Tunning.'; Ixts 1 of -work was disposed of, with many mpty seats And Speaker protem Mor- . ton In the Speaker's chair again. 1 -Chairman Bowie ot the ;isommlttee before the Joint committee on manu- facturies and labor to oppose 'the Hins dale child labor bill. The first on the scene was' President Miller of the Southern Cotton? Manufacturers Asso ciation. '. Although none of the detail 'plans are made public, yet it Is regarded Three alarms have been sent in, but the Bnow-clogged streets are delaying the engines. 126 Negroes Arraigned. By Wire to The Sun. : Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 3. 126 negroes were arraigned In the police court this as certain that within the near future I mornmg anj given various sentences there' will be erected in Raleigh anM . .eouence.of a spectacular police ladeauate soMial buildinK for the State I ' .... - On XeaorM reiont wwa luwimuj w .. . , i mm iuuie imi. wbum . 'i- get the House to change Ua mind about umversny uepar 01 meiuc.u, veek elgnt . attempted assaults on " the Senate bill allowing the governor wted here with Dr H. A. Roysfer as young girii 'have been, made in the -to appoint cpmmission to confer dean. The department to now occupy-1 .ectJoii and the raid followed with similar onmlBBlons J of . other .s gUCh attack last nigni. - States with a Ww toward unlformleg- ettevllle straet..;K. :. - . , lslatlon by the 8tetes-of the tTnlonre- Mr, j, A. Parhani, tor several years !l -4 Magoon Calls on, President. i-iiiliimarriaae s nd divorce, de- a member ot the steff of the News and By Wire to The Sun. .. ....i ma nronertv and other things. I Observer, and tor some time telegraph I .: Washington, D. C., Feb 3.-rCharles " The House let htm "get the vote recon- and State news editor, has " resigned jj. Magoon, former governor of Cuba, ' aidered y which, the iIU was tabled and gon:to,.FayettevlIle, where . he caileij on. the President today and told 'the othef dayi and then proceededde- will be associated with Jno. A. Oatea n)ni he na(j ieft affalra.in first-class llberateiy to knock It In the head again in the publication ot a weekly news- condition in Cuba. ', ' ' Mr. nnrrle had declared ItTwas paper iand. a Job' prlnt'ng business. It fjomei administration hould have utterly worthless. In vain Mt BowJe j tt understood that he will be succeeed-1 paln salllng and a new government had explained that be knew practically led onthe staff of the Newa and Ob I wnid transact business of the, Island nothlna of the bill, but it-was uena-1 server, oy r. nutiwu Vmu 1 m a satisiactory manner, j;., tor Manning's" and had been reoom- for several years managing editor or mended he thought, by the bar asso- the Industrial News, Greensboro.' . elation. ' . , " ; ' ' - . f Among the many bills passed on . ;,, ,. . . Superior Ceart.. final reading by the House were a ays- Th following business was dlspatch- tem of regulating the registration, ea 0f at the mornlng'sesslon of th sale and Inspection of codlmental orimJnaI term of the Superior Court j stock foods, condition , yowui Hardy Trial to Begin Today. By Wire V The Sun. Suffolk, VaVFeb. 3. Sam Hardy, ac cused of slayihgx Tiberius Gracchus Jones, today will be arraigned for his life. Attorneys on btAh-' sides say there iB no known reasohN(pr a fur ther continuance. They expect to ob tain, a Jury from the 40 veniremen summoned. Lord Barton Succumbs to (Wation at The Age of Sixty-Two. Bv Cable to The Sun.- London. Feb. 3. Michael Artnui Bass, first Baron Burton, died in Lon don this evening. He underwent an operation for an internal complaint last week.; : He was born in 1837, and was direc tor of Bass ft Co.. limited. ,lneqallty Bill Passed.- " By Wire to The Sun. " ' , Washington, I. C Feb,, 8. Senate passed bill to aorrect Inequalities rank cf nine cavalry and infantry of ficers, due to system of promotion State v. Marlon Moye, charge, lar-1 prior to act ot 1890. ..u inrv medicines: Senate bill lncorpor- Ceny, Jury out-when court adjourned, allng the North Carolina Public Ser-j ' State vs. Abner Partscharged with vice Company to run a railway from mUrder of Thos, Toler. case continued Greensboro to High Pointrrestcrlng Untll the next term of court.. The. de all property rights, to persons dls- fendant gave a $500 hond for his p ' charged from asylums for the Insane pearance at that term, r ; on covt;3caU of recovery from the Bu- Btaie vs. -Henrr Harris,' was ar- pr-i-hiti-ndent of the Hospital; facllt-l ralgned on a charge of burglary; casol steady, MABKET REPORT. - Business open- 1 , r' li'KBe of moil 1 '. t. t. ' . ' Cotton 1 By Wire to The Sun. New York, Feb' ing cotton i fairly active, undertone Opening: Mar. .&b; May s.01 July 9:46; Oct. ,9.25. r-s and doeJs not heard. (lfendant came into court and entered J ;New York, Feb, J.wQains all around n i.in of miuv ad threw himself onlm stock market today. - Copper etocks !'.8 mercy of the court. The" Juilr.e prominent. Amalgamated nd Smelt- i,im four mimiLs on the county inn ur 11-8: Anaconda 7-5 .higher int.". 1 1 1 rtrnilM. . - lemicaRpe copper gainou t jiuiu."- liit i n!! mads issues ; were- Reading, lllc, and Southern Paclflc Ctunt of Davie, has 1 l..r,i v.!ilch Bhow : r - ;i r 'y ! i' -.-.-1 f .ie vs. I.c ( 1 1 y or r!' .- . fv ' ( ' nrro, inr- 1 nnti;m : '.'!y; no 1 1 11 :i 1 i 1 Fnh 'S. Wheat-' a llttl nine of unexpected adv!n Oi-'-nliig, wheat, May. 1 y.i r,3 1-4; oats; V:v r 1 ' i 1 1. BASS' ALE BARON IS DEAD. to leave the bedside of her sick mo ther, although she had been repeatedly warned that she was 111 enough her self to be under the doctor'B care, the mind of Mrs. Mary E. Cliff, a young married woman, suddenly gave way under the double strain yesterday, and she ended her life some time during the early morning at the home of her parents by swallowing a solution of bichloride of mercury. Mrs. Cliff, who is a dressmaker, not yet 29 years of age, has a daughter 9 years old. About a month ago her mother, who' lives at No. 5141 Glrard avenue, was taken sick, and since that time the daughter has been in con stant attendance at her bedside. Worn out from her nightly vigils, she arose to perform some service for her mo ther about half-past I yesterday morn ing, and, after complaining of severe pains in the head, suddenly left the room. The mother, who was in bed in the second floor front room, was startled a few moments later by the sound of a falling body. Thinking her daugh ter had fainted, she crept out of bed and crawled along the floor to the door Becoming suddenly weak, she gave one call for help and sank unconscious. An aunt, who was also sleeping on the second floor. Immediately respond ed, and on rushing into the bathroom she found Mrs. Cliff lying on the floor, groaning, but unconscious, with an empty glass beside her. She rushed out into the street and summoned Dr. C. P. Ellis, of Fifty-second and Thomp son streets. Dr. Ellis arrived within five minutes after the woman had drank the deadly dose, and, although he did eveiything possible to save her, she was beyond the reach ot antidotes and died an hour later. Prolonged ill-health i3 ascribed by the police as the reason toi the young woman's act, although her relatives claim that she had been using the pois on for medical purposes and drank the deadly mixture by accident. Clever Thieves Rob Victim of $1,000 While He Is Eating Dinner. By Wire to The Sun. Chicago, Feb. 3. A satchel contain ing nearly $1,000 was stolen from be hind the cashier's desk in a restaur ant today by two men. R. S. Swain, auditor and collector of the restaurant, which Is one of sev eral conducted under the same man agement, had made the rounds of the other places and had stopped for lunch. While he was eating, a man divert ed his attention for a minute and a second man seized the satchel and fled. CANADA TREATY NOT SECRET FLED WITH CASHIER'S SATCHEL. Two Hundred Chinese Die in Fire. By Cable to The Sun. Canton, China, Feb. 3. At least 200 lives were lost in a fire which oc curred today in a fleet of flower boats. The charred bodies of 170 victims have already been recovered, but many per sons are still missing. STAU-SPANOLED BANNER LAW. Indiana Legislature Wants Missing Stanza Sung In Public Schools. By Wire to The Sun. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 3 A bill was introduced in the legislature to day ordering the State board of edu cation to provide for the singing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the public schools at stated times. The bill provides that all the song shall be sung. The author of the bill said that the third stanza is omitted from the song books used in the public schools, and that the stanza was stricken out be cause an Englishman objected to it. Under the bill the State board of education will have to see that the stanza is restored and the entire song sung at stated times. HIDDEN HOARD LED W MURDER Amos Beach, Neighbor Arrested. Their Strange Relationship. By Wire to The Sun. Abingdon, Va., Feb. 3. The mar riage of Miss Floy Moore, aged 1ft and S. L. Jackson, of Smyth county, aged 27, is of unique features. The second wife of the bride's father is a sister of Jacksons, and she now be comes also his mother-in-law. Mr. Moore is both father-in-law and broth er-in-law to the bridegroom. Child's Body in Box in Creek. By Wire to The Sun. Wolfstown, Md., Feb. 3. Several boys, while playing along the hanks of the Conococheague Creek, near this place, yesterday, discovered a large box floating down stream. They fished the box out, opened it, and found in side the body of a white male child CASTRO ACCUSED OF PLOT. Denials Made That Recent Negotla- tlnns Were Withheld From The Dominion. By Cable to The Sun. London, Feb. 3. -The Canadian cor respondents ' of ' the English papers have been sending complaints that the terms of the waterways treaty between the United States and Canada, recent ly signed at Washington by Secretary Root and the British' ambassador, James Bryce, were kept secret' from Canada. The British foreign office today Is sued a statement that from beginning to end the whole affair was negotiated with the full knowledge and acquies cence of the Canadian government, at whos. instigation the draft of the treaty g prepared. The statement adds that. all amend ments were ptvuared by Canada or re ferred to Ottawa, aqd concurred In by the Canadian government before being embodied in the treaty. Schools Close for Lack of Funds, By Wire to The Sun. Annapolis, Feb. 3. Owing to lack of In deavoring to keep their schools open by soliciting private subscriptions. Yeneraehw! Court ..Takes I'p .Case Against Kxlle President. By Cable to The' Sun. . - . Haracas. Feb.- S.in ; accoraance with instructions from Senor Alcan tara. minister, of the Interior, the at torney general will bring suit In the high , federal court against Aiipnano Castro, former president of Venezuela on ' the charge of having sought to cause the assassination ot President Jose Vlncente Gomes. , s; :" Minister Alcantara's communication to the attorney general was aeoom n.nlod hv documentary- evidence, which, he said, "was collected alt the investigation into - an I abortive plot aaalnst the life of Vice-President Go mes, the constitutional charge el. the mldeiici.::V "The documents show mat tne oiaos, hand conspiracy; Srtiicn Aapplly wai frustrated by the presence of md of the supreme magistrate, was the Result ot -suggestions, advtee.r and orders of Gen, Castro,?, . T - " it V ApcMpA that 1 U. bvu 1 ' j w adequate proof has been furnished Ior the beginning of the action agilnt C.astro.f v;,., " Willemstad, Curacao, I r ntche orulsor Utrecht c I irt y !' ' v. The An 4 1 fe' yestri' Water-Filled Tank Bafaed. ByWlr'to'The Sun. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 3. A wooden tank, containing 10,000 gallons of wa ter, on the farm of Senator Thomas, and valued at $600, caught fire whilel a plpq. was being thawed, and was burned down. li-The 1 this Congregational College in Illinois I'p. set by Coed From Berea. By Wire to The Sun. Chlcaeo. Feb. 3. Coeds at the Con gregational College at Wheaton are in I this county on July 1. 1904, when Sam- furore today over (he arrival at this nel Ressler. an aged tongate Keeper fashionable institution of a young ne gro woman. The college authorities may have to take charge with a heavy hand to bring quiet out of the af fair. The young woman. Miss Nelly Bright was recently out out of Berea Col-1 By Wire to The Sun. leee. in Kentucky, as the result of e Corry, Pa., Feb. 3. Seur Woodln, race war, and her advent In Wheaton SO years old, who during the gold ex- GAMBLING HOUSE HELD CP. Thieves fiet Away With W,147 From fioldfleli Resort. ' Goidfleid, Nev.,' Feb. . Three mask ed men held up the Mohawk saloon, one Of the biggest gambling houses here, and got away with $3,147 early this morning. Entering the front doorJ In Indian file,- with guns drawn, they lined up about twenty men who were in the place.;'; '' T .: 'f; ' :''r " Then one went behind the bar, loot ed the cash register got the key to the safe" and took all the bank foil and coin sack he could find, and walked out of they saloon while the others covered his retreat . , , King Gawt'ef Pr. tgan. By Cable to The Sun.' . Copenhagen, Feb. S Dr. Maurice F. Egan, the American minister to Cen tner, and Mrs, Egan last night gavs a dinner to the king. All the foreign representatives end their wives were n-efienC' i-V'v'' "'-.? By Wire to The Sun. y Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 3. With almost "f $3,000 of hidden treasure turned up in all conceivable hiding places in the house yesterday's murder of Farmer Alfred Haullman, InTIquea township, by two masked robbers, who were un able to lay hands on much If any of their victim's hoard, led to the arrest today of Amos Beach on suspicion. He lives in the neighborhood and has been frequently arrested for minor offenses He came to this city, and his talk In saloons, giving details of the murder, revealed secrets that could only be known by a person who was In the house. He was locked up until his statement that he was at home at the time of the murder can be investigated. Haullman, who lived In an unpre tentious, one-story frame house, lost several hundred dollars by the failure of the City Trust Company, and vowed he would never put any more money in a bank. His aversion to tanks was well known. The men who murdered the old far mer wore masks, and. the Inmates of the house so badly scared that all the description they can give is that one was taller than the other. When these masked men walked into the house and pointed revolvers at the Inmates and demanded money, Mrs. Haullman, from her sick-bed, directed her neighbor, Mrs. Aufc'eline Cramer, to get money In a tin can for the men. She secured the ran of money, but instead of giving it to the men she ran from the bouse. The robbers shot at her but missed her. Enraged at losing this money, which they evidently -thought was all they discharged several shots In rapid succession. Old man Haullman fell dead with a bullet In his brain, and Amos Kreider, a visitor, was. shot in the neck and shoulder. He is not fa tally injured. Mrs. Haullman has not yet been informed of the death of her husband, as she is so critically ill that is is feared the shock would kill her. The son of the murdered man, who lives on an adjoining farm took charge of affairs at the house today He be gan a systematic search for money, and found it In many places. Between the leaves of the family Bible were found many bank notes. Money was also found In cups in the cupboard, In buckets, under the carpet and be tween feather beds. He succeeded in finding about $3,000. which was funds, the colored public schools I of Anne Arundel county have closed brought to this city ana aeposneu in for the remainder of the school year. bank. He expects to find considerable some cases the teachers are en-1 more. RACE TROUBLE FOLLOWS GIRL. It is believed that the murder was committed by some one living In the neighborhood, who knew that Haull man kept all his savings in the house, and also knew of the old woman's Ill ness and that Haullman was In falling health and could offer but little re sistance to their securing plunder. A similar murder was committed In was killed. His murderers, Lee rur man ind John 0'3rlen, were '.ight in Vlrt-.i la and were executed on June 29, 1905. . Forty-Nlner Hangs Himself. threatens to precipitate a like strug gle. In the case ot the Berea College. the authorities took the case to the United States Supreme Court and gained the power to exclude negro pupils. citement of 1849 made the overland trip to California, hanged himself to day In his bedroom.. CALLS BISHOP A GRAFTER. Rev. Dr. Harmon Hakes i-nare Against Dr. Smith to College. - By Wire to The Sun. r" Atlanta, Ga.. Feb. J. Formal charg- Wreck on Seaboard. Abbeville, Feb. 3. Three men were Instantly killed when the Seaboard I es of grafting and tyranny were today . freight trains numbers 20 and 29 col lided, six miles north of here early this morning. The dead are: Engineer, CLYDE MOORE, . Fireman. L. H. NICKLES ' Colored brakeman. . . j made against Bishop Charles Spencer Smith, of the African Methodist, Epis copal Church, who resides la Atlanta and who superintends the work of the .t..,.h in rionrvla and other Southern; States. The charges are made by the Sev. Dr. Harmon and other African' The trains were running" at high 1 Methodist Episcopal ;: ministers la peed when they met on a long tree-1 Georgia. They will be passed upon tie. ,-Both locomotives and tea can I by the college of bishops. V .. were totally demolished. , The charges allege that Bishop ( 1, 1 I Smith, In making appointment rorcea ISOM TO HAMFTOK COLLEGE. ' I preachers who were given good placer to nav him for making the .appoint Beqnett by Philadelphia Woman, "Wlw I menu. If the preaehera refused, they Lett 120,000 lor-Charity. ,v - Iwere sent to poor places. ? vr3 1 Philadelphia,,-' Feb; 9. Under ' the I; It Is also alleged Bishop Smith pub-' will Of the late Mary: Lewis, tf thle j lished two booklet and forced Ms, city., probated today; $50,000 la given J preachers to buy them at $1 apiec. to Hampton Normal and- Agricultural I The' bishop bi also accused of. forcing Institute at Hampton, . Va. . The will I each presiding elder to pay him $2 in disposes of a 'large estate,, and a total (order to keep up the Episcopal ward ot $120,000 Is given to charltlea,';', .rffobo, 't;'V-V' .,' ,' ' , " 1 i