Sun Z ' t MIED DAILT, except Bunda. i ILw ten PklliHz Company. . . 0ITICE3 AND PLANT: - Ke.e CntM Stmt. v'-T'-4 aUiagis MB. guBscsmioH puck, S H AirsteeJ v Cua Week.. ..,' three Monthi - tlx Month 1.K 1.04 4 Telephesesi , nImH Offles . . . . . 4 . . . ditertal Shm s 'f Entered- at the post offlo. ta New ' am, V M second class naJl hatter. . , :' 0. no; all women are not impartial to man. ' ' - Many are Inclined to think that the Tick seed arm p thy too. , ; By some" means, tough' beef iteak and doll knive meet at the lame table.- Several men have 'noticed that they had a long run tor their money, and , had to walk back. " ' Golden wedding! are the occasions ' for convincing many a man that all that glitter ia not gold. . When we get our paved streets, many 1 will have assurance that no grass can grow under their feet then. Because a mother: says her daugh ters are a great help to her, doesn't mean that they stay at home all the time. A foreign .miner, near Pittsburg, was given 30 days in jail, tor using black , powder contrary to ls)w. Must not have : been successful. -. . Many a fellow, who, at some time .r regarded a young girl as the sunshine : ; ; of his. life, has . lived to-find that he .has been left in the shade: With 1,000 employes three big ptate : glass companies in Pennsylvania have resumed operations. This means much light on the" future tor those men. : Grant Roger, of South Lebanon, Pa., la to succeed John Ugnt a steward r-or the county Almshouse. Maybe John could not throw enough light on the situation. .tvR Pleading guilty to stealing a horse and 200 cigars, Edward McKinney, of York, Pa., waa sentenced to three years In the penitentiary: Including the one . he took': with the stolen horse, Mc iKinney gotrtwo free rides. 'S'Jy'.K- . '. ;;, A slight earthquake shock at Mexico, Mos cracked the inner walls of the ' court house last week. Soma lawyers ' whan they walk Into a court house im V magines they can hear the walls crack ;, by the expansion of their head. ARE XHIXeS WHAT THET SEEM . "The etil 5aen do, Uv after them, ' The good la eft Interred with their tf. bone.'' . These lines were handed dowa to this v.. generation as true of other days, but ho,' after minute's thought,'' oaa dis pute their appropriatenessjln the pres ent age. , , : ? " ' ' In these advanced days of clvlliia f tlon, when Cinlstianity is making her ' ' most rapid strides; when flie plea tor . : hotter morals are upon the Up ot air tsost every one, we are seldom, told of - the food don yesterday.' But let a l'. man do ft mean thing and U Is told all " Over the world before breakfast next morning, " v, , tj T. It is painted on canvass and exhibit ed before the footUghtaf It 1 told in verse and sung front platform; it is . read from the column of the news papers; it Is rehearsed before the gal- , leries In the court room. And to make the occasions mor disgusting, It somer times hspnens, that hose who; in fori j ncr ci . would have stood In the 1 "n of j lice to plead for mercy'ou s .e wl-.n tn ust bear, the burden of r iidatloD, are today there1 aa' ' of the brosecutioit Are changing in all walks i, of f ) straight tnd' narrow; 'way ! T n, who p r- I In that ft C. 'very, '; f, have . ; t 1 . ii v-hsr noting what K tarma ta difference' of now and In olden times, stiU contends that "there Is more of sunshine tn this old. world of ours, than there la of shadow. .The only thing we need is eyes to see the beauty of the day as (hey come and go. . ! -'?-. .' A little story Is told by the Term Journal, which is vouched tor by that paper, la support of its happy thought It reads; A man was sick. Re had a small place just outside a1 good-sited town. His wife was kept busy every day and every night earing for him;' she bad neither the time nor the strength to harvest the nice field of grass which grew on the lot, i She wondered how the work Was to be done. Every one seemed to be so busy about his own work that she did not quite like to ask any one to leave his own haying to do hers, One evening as they sat In the house, these wo '. good ' folks heard something that sounded like the swisn of scythes trough , the deep grass u t: side. Looking out of the window they saw five men with Jheir sleeves rolltd up, swinging along' steadily with their shining Wades, and every time their scythes came round a wide swath of grass came down. And they kept at it until the grass was mowed. No clatter of a mowing machine to disturb the nerves of the sick man in the house, no unnecessary noise, just a steady march till the lot was cornered. Then when it was all cured out nicely, a man across the way sent word to the men, "I have hurt my hand so that I can not come to help you, but here is say horso and wagon. Take them and draw in the neighbor's hay." And the hay went in without a cent's cost." Such things as these are heard of, only by accident. In such deeds as these is where the sun shines brightest Doing good tor outers. Men m times work themselves almost to death trying to do something that will make them happy; and when it is all done they find that the things they did for someone else, were the only things they have done themselves any good in. It must be a miserable evening when man lies down to rest to dream of the glory he has won, which he knows means the discomfort of others; to gain for himself one mora higher seat in the gallery ot notoriety. The stim ulant of the ambition- to punish and to oppress, will leave Its essence of re- .'gret, the same as that of wrongdoing and abuse. Dont think It best to live each day as if it might be the only one you are sure of. We know not what a day may bring forth. Some good deed each day will cause all concerned to lie down at night happier. "Better far, we rule by love than fear, lt no unkind word mar the good we might do here." PROGRESS OF PROHIBITION Remarkable progress has been made in America in driving out the saloon business from cities, countries and Mates. Prohibition haa crown so that ow 40,000,000 of American citlaens live In territory which the salon is under the ban. This is an Increase of 20, 000,000 In four years. The adrocatcs of the open saloon are alarmed as fnever before and thelrdesperate and frantic, efforts and appeals show that they read their doom. Two hundred and fifty American cities are now free from ail saloons. When the hells tolled out the old year and rang in the new, prohibition f" lJLimtnt favorite old and mallow. aWsMssaalssasssassssaWsaaasW '' '" ' I ' ' " ' aaw wm prepay all ezpreM cCwim .m then two speeial offers. . t ,-v. , - , '-" i?:.--HBRS AU A IVW OS" OVB SPBCIALTIKSl ; ly yV' ,;..Ls ra-- f .- ISil tkM OOODSl ' rbMrSM Hna Valley OlS Mrmrr JcScraaa Olfife RamlM IHnlt DaSx'n Mall Bah Kpn.n AaeaV f-rrr hat. Ia ...w.y.,l.Ie, M. ' i.e. M, . Hlvrr , . Caaaa , . , . ; . . Ovarh.,lt, hlc4 Im hmm.. lll h orrratrr Ml. V eraaa, rl. SvttlM. . .We carry all Standard Rraaria of Rye oad Sot- 1, All our goods gtiarsnlor d unrlnr the r-atloi: -. i Hmlt P. O. Mm y-( . I- -, ; ,, rv- , s ii,ii,, -,itit(-ly upon oi ui ULJ t km n velsaele Ownli HHkl I d wtlkoat Ib.s. 1 , m4 ttMi fwr nm, Mae tor taataaaUaa eat eu. tMiw aae aai toaBltolr aarae. moh Matt Mm e avarraaa. uses id. ra .wuft MTM vUaee taa la tea fall." l . HairTa. sun. Anwar, M.J. VmtSiokaa. Vaku or GrW 1M. Ik.tMan tM la balk. Th. (iln ubIM auaia 000. Siaaraalaaa m aar r iw( mommr aaaa. Starllos Rdy Ca., Chiaaf c K.T. M UlUALSALEaTEl KILU81 BOXES became operative in three great states In the sonth North Carolina, Missis sippi and Alabama, with an area of 146,000 square mBes and a population ot six millions. - Georgia has been tor one year a prohibition state, and just aa these lines are written, dispatches report that both Tennessee - houses have passed a state-wide prohibition bill. The South i leading the coun llry in the fight In other states, notably Texas and Arkansas, the voters prob ably will be called upon to vote upon a constitutional amendment tor prohi bition. Complete refutation of the argument of liquor advocates, that sup-eptltlous drinking in prohibition territory will maintain the amount of consumption I had In the annual report of John C. Capers, commissioner ot internal rev enue. In the last fiscal year, as com pared with the preceding year, there was a decrease of $17,998,072 in ex cise collections. The production of distilled grain spirits was 41,000,000 gallons less than that of the fiscal year of 1907. The rapid extension of rdry" territory lias reduced consump tion, and prohibition has alarmed the producer. Atlanta furnished an Interesting study in the effects of prohibition. In 1907, before the law prohibiting the sale of liquor was in effect, the ar rests for drunkenness were 6,480; in 1908, when prohibition was In effect, there were 2,577. Arrests' for other of- rfences have been fewer since We sa Aoott waa driven out The total num ber in 1907 was 20,696; in 1908 it was 12.758. In revenue. Atlanta has not lost, as was freely predicted by the apponents ot prohibition sho would lose. In 1907 the city's revenue was 82,442.071. In 1908 it was 12,683,084, an increase ot $241,013 under prohibi tion. Property increased in value af ter saloons were closed and the so- "briety of the people produced savings and wise investments. Christian Ob server, Louisville, Ky. . "My child was burned trrlbly about the facee, neck and chest I applied Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil. The pain ceased and the child sank into a rest ful sleep. Mrs. Nancy M." Hanson, Hamburg, N. T. TREASURY IS FAR BEHIND. By Wire to The Sun. Washington, D. C, Feb. 3. The monthly comparative statement of the Government receipts and expenditures shows the total receipts for January, 1909, to have been $47,480,428, and the expenditures $63,024,260, which leaves the deficit for the month $18,543,842, and for the seven months of the pres ent fiscal year $79,814,443. Easy Divorce Refuge Closed. By Wire to The Sun. Carson, JJev, Feb. 3. The State As sembly today passed a bill providing that applicants for divorce In Nevada must be residents of the State two years, instead of six months, as here tofore. '' ,s '. .'-'.. v-'T-; It expels all poisons,, stimulates the Internal organs, cleanses the system and purifies the blood. ' Such is Holljs- ter's Rocky Mountain Tea, the-most ef fective preventative of disease. 8J tent. Tea or Tablets.-'-Davie Phi key. 'IU rare quality must be tried to b 4 . Ex. Falil. S" ir' '- '".' ' -vs i.,-,.. i...-. 4JS , 4aa i. .......-, 4M iffS Beat For ' V' ft 11 jU The Dowel ; u A - ,i..,il4..-, ...v.'. ,-' '11 l.IS. ,.:.,:;...,.. ,;-:-" S.-S '' ..- 1 i ..,.... .. : l-in. l.M.. i.. '..... -i, ..'.". s.e 1-0.-.; . . , w,, .! fwsutaM are Mhithrr ;,'v",;i. see ChvaterSeM WhUkcr HallnS 61a PfTfeeMaa XX XX Apple Braailr fraeh Brandy I,' i I,.. ' : oo.i ' i-' K'stered J nisoaEi Mrs. 8. 8. Taylor returned fcuuie this morning from a short visit ia More head City. - , -, --i-,-;- .' ,- Mrs. J. T. Palmer, left this morning on the New' Bern and .Norfolk train tor Belhaven. where she win visit her husband, who has a position In that town.: ' ; ,; " Miss Lisaie Oliver left this morning on the west bound Norfolk and South' era train for a visit in Tuscarora. Mrs, Matilda Jordan, of Washing ton. K 4., who has been visiting In the city, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Seymour: W. Hancock.-on Broad street, left this morning on the New Bern and Norfolk - train,; returning home. ' Lfr"8 .'Vir;viV Mrs. R, U Stern, leit this morning on the New Bern and Norfolk train tot Tatesvllle, N. CU where, she will spend a few days, with her parent. Mr.' and Mrs.' Joseph Klnsey, of Fort BaruwsU, arrived Jn , the city thU morning on the east bound Norfolk ft Southern train, for a, stay in. the City with relative and friends. Gnaranteed, Fare. - Blue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla ex tract are made, from the real fruits. and are guaranteed by the makers, under the National Pure Food Law, to be absolutely pure. HOUSES CLIPPED SEND T0UB horse to E. S. Street's Livery Stables 66 Broad street, and have him clip ped. 2-2-lm, WILL OREGON PLEDGE SCHEME Eepubllcan Legislature Will Elect No Jtore Democratic Senators. By Wire to The Sun. Salem, Ore., Feb. 3. By a margin of one vote, Speaker McArthur voting in the affirmative, the lower House ot the Oregon Legislature today adopted the favaroble report' of the Commit tee on Elections on the bill making It a misdemeanor tor a candidate for of fice to take a pre-election pledge. . The bill is aimed at the scheme un der which candidates for State legisla tors promise to vote tor the popular choice for "United States Senator, no matter who he may be. This plan re sulted in the forced election by a Re publican Legislature of Governor Geo. E. Chamberlain, a Democrat, to the TJ. S. Senate recently. When baby loses flesh, looks pale, Is fidgety and nervous, the little one is ot well nourished, and should be given a soothing, healing tonic Hollbrtert Rocky Mountain Tea Is the best tonic i or babies;,', purely vegetable. SB cents. Davis' Pharmacy. For COLDS sni GRIP. . Hicks' CAPUDINE is the best rem edy relieves the aching and feverish- ness cures the Cold and restores nor mal conditions. It's liquid effects immediately,, 10c, 25c and B0c, at drug stores. ' . J. W. wnXIS,n4Tlee.Ves. ; It. L.WQXIS, SeetK' Established and equipped for the acconmodatlon aad pleasuri '' of sportomenOn the famous, Lookout BsrUame Preserve for wild fowL v Located ten- miles; J s t as Morehead City, N. O I appreoUted. ' rar . tut 1 a f . eartSt I V L . . . IS BMmmfUUUW Wl WB,-.yj-.: ;y - :h l'J..WV.;f;;&S,:ft : '' 1 .'osbtaet Xx are vwkr .. ,t.?'ty;'.j, .. St1' Pvlvl Bra Walahar ........ .......... i aee , OaaW Prar R Whlilnjr . l. l . . . . S.M ! M. C Cm Whlaker Sl.TS, S2-0 3 .'.0 .. . !.&, (1.75 Ola f 3 n t o ! an TOttj Kind To Hv Always Cottirht, luid which lias been ".- la - use tor over 80 years, haa borne the el -nature) of - and has been made tinder hia per-; fir 2J&?-fj' tonal nperrMoa since Its infancy'; m.ify 4UcitiSi Allow no one todecolve yon in this.' ".An Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-frood" are but ' ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of lafantt and Children Experience against Experiment.' What lo CASTORIA r ' CaBtoria is A harmless substitute for Castor 04 Vtxj - torie, Arops and Boothia; Byrups, .IJ Is Pleasanta" I -; :: ' r eontains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Sareotte . j r substance. ' Its a&re is its graaraatee. It destroys trms Vf and allays Feverishness.It cores Diarrhoaa and rVmdH " ; Colic. It relieves Teethins; Troubles, enres Constipation and Flatoleney. h, It assimilates the Food, regulates' the -Stomach and Boweb, givina? healthy and natural sleepJ The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friead. Bears the The KindWHafe f Always In Use For ' Over :30 Years. v .SPECIAL NOTICES..! ONE CENT A WORD " No ad, takes tor less than 16osnta. the price ot three lines. Six wards of average length make a line. '-Tb' following rates are for consecutive i insertions: -cawtssSe . S MU SUM! 4 eaaU Baa; tiaa 16 tia at -IS calrti Ha -I Caarta Mm fS sr Ail orders for these ads, fuust be accompanied with cash for a1- many times as ads. are lo run, " These ads. are inexpensive, nut they bring quick results and sure re turns. , FOB SALE OR BENT STORE No. 87, corner Of Pollock and Craven streets , Apply to Miss F. & 8timnwDoa,7 Phone 830. . ;',i';:tw FOB BENT-DWELLUiO No. POL- - lock street 'Apply tdf Wms Dunn. F0CBnBA WEB VERTICAL FILING Cabinets for only $18.75. Call and examine same. An exceptional bar gain. OWEN G.fDUNN, 69 Craven . Street. . - BRIDGE SCORES LADIES PESIB-, tag Bridge Brores, can obtain same by calling on 0. O.'Sunr" CnATTAWKA 1EIBE, JS0. U, L 0. R. M. meets every Wednesday sleep No. J IT Middle street' ' Brothers. . from other- reservations, cordially welcomed. T. P. Ashford, 8, J. EL Smith, a of B. " ' '. , THREE OB rOUB. TJKFURNI8HED rooms with bath, suitable for light , house-keeping. ,K Apply at Na. lt ; Graves 8t . : 'ih:-v':':$..J WE HATE OPENED 1 HAT, 6RAIK ' ; hd Peed "Store, a CrSven street, ' and would like to 4av youf tradi' Phone 18, BURRU8 CO, W, P. ! f Surras; Mgr. vv !iVvfcjii'r:" S'SiS' - '" '"':','''---H'::-tl:VB.i;t FOB SALE BABC0C1 BTJGGT, BEST ,make; nearly new, cost 190.00 i wm sell toir $46.0Q; apply la Middle Btv "i or Box 178. New Bern, N. C. 1 TROUT, SHAD, XACKEREL I HATE Just received a tine lot of New River Trout;: Receiving Shad sit through the dex tl will receive on the sri rival of ttertraln this evening an Jotber barrel of those fine King Mack-' erel from Miami, Fla.J. B. WAT-, ' SON, the Oyster jtnd Fish Kinft-r-' ' ' j"hone 142. : jlf'- 'i: '' ; -,' CBlTEH LCBCS K0. 1, KJflCSTS CI i ' HARU0ST, Meets cwiond nd tourti " Wednesday nights in each month Id ' Knights of Harmony hall. Corner o) Hancock and Bread streets at 7:31 ; O'clock. 8. R. Bali president! 3. t( ' Smith, secretary; R. R. Hill, finaa CAFCDDfE forTB:At lir ASACHE." : Out last nightf ' Head.K Le and ner vous this morning? ; Hit! s Cxpudlne Just the thing to lit you for 1 'ness. Clears the head braces the n-ivs. Try it At drug store.-. fAKTED A I r ' or and I . ' ' i, i:. t:cj As i , ' 1 neper., C.: i ! I ': s Eva Wi., C. "J r' fiignftture -of '.? Tke lWWtf lse Sweet Tmr have held the office of President or the United States since the' beginning of the' manufacture rof',vv.v-::Kl''-i't-''!;':4rM SMFF'PIAKOSI! The country has 1 been through ' three wars and several severe financial panics, but -the making -of STIEFF PIANOS has steadily: grown through them ail. - - This could not have been pos Bible -without strictly r sprlght rdealings, and the best .lnstrow jnent . ' r ( The growth : and success of thiS 'Dumnesa is a strong argu- -TS6W la tavor of your having ' . STEEFP PIANO. Dont you think sot 75 Sold, from maker to user, odj. .easy terms if you wish, and sav$. ing you s good round sum. . . I I A. C Steele, Xtr. V" . ' .jllAGnsby Street Worfott,, ' Mention- this Paper.' , i CScal Pirn Juesm Eiposithj' i PURE WHISKIES " Cnarodtti Under the Katim d Pure Feod mi Dn$t AcL Melvale Rye Whiskey, yrs .A old: Four fat full Aiart. - Kxpraas prepaid Sherwood Pure Rye' Whla.' : f ? years old; Four- 4) v full quarts. ' Express pre . paid- ..,......,V..... "w.. " 'yson's Club Whiskey; Four ' full quarts, Expresa pre- -paid .t.. ........... 1... BJvary drop of Tyson's Club t Whiskey guaranteed to be , pure, and -- better - -than s. whiskey sold.- by : other ' bouses for ...... ...... Tyson's Norfolk Rye Whls key; Four (4) full quarts. t This brand, equal to any;- , II.I0 on the market. Er.' .--v., press prepaid ........... .SJ.TS Tyson's . M o n e s r a m': Rye :..- .wniaKey; four i) tun ' quarts, Exprass prepaid. . Tyson's- Exposition Rye , Whiskey, per gallon, ex- r: - prass prepaid .Tyson's Purs Gin, per gallon express prepaid Tyson's Pur N.A C. Corn " Whiskey,' par gallon, ex- " ' f .' press prepaid- ......... ...t2Z Tyson's "Old Grandfather" . Corn Wlitskey; '. full " quarts, express prepaid. . .SSO . Goods . shipped same day as order received. VVe 'mage srofMt all losses and breakage, but wa do not pay. express oiiarges on anything less, than- a gallon. Write for our . hig price list Address,'''-"' :' '"..''",-'".'.'' .' iti .f. ..-', t - hu.MM.,- u' l,. 4 Va. ; ;:f;'--'v";s W. J. Tsya, it' li-SJ Creww Bt,':'-1 Ts.. ML " .4 I. T. 6onlt FiiaseraiO, V. - . Vn. :2 a. ra., 1 p. n,. Sunday) r lt lover, Kington, i boru and In lormft.i.. :t0 a. In., 7:ti p. m. tMmuay . lof Tuacarora, Cova City. KIukui . lAQrange, GolUaboror-and intormo- . diata alationa. M a. m., ,7:18 1 p. m. (Dally axeept Pnn. -i far) For RivardsiB, Croatan. Have- , lock, Newport, Wlldwood, Morotiead . City, Beautort and iuterinediat la- - UUOB. . .... 'Jf- ms. ,:M a m. (Sunday only) For Riverdale, Croatan, Havelock, Newport, Wad wood, Morehead ulty. -. '"" .Beautort and intermediate aiaUons. f" raily except Sunday) Iror , Keelaboro, Orantaboro, Bayboro, ' Oriental and Intermediate statiena. :10 b. Jn. Sunday only) foi Reels ; - boro, Granuboro, Bay bora, OrlaalaO,, - aaa Inteamedlate ataUona. - 7. SP" E"V Except Sunday) Z For Waahlnton, Plymouth. Colum-V-' "la, Belhaven, Edenton, Hertford., 4 Ellaabath City, Nortallt, Suffolk, and intermediaU stations. New Bern toV ' - Oreanvilla. Farmrllla. Wilson, Zab- . , v. ulon, Raieih and Intermediate sta- i ' . . . tlona. . . ' . ;- . -millll isana tm rv.w . i :lt a. m., t:0fr m. (Dallw .or . Sunday) From Goldaboro, - La..; Oransei Klnaton, Dover, Cove. Tu- '' oarara. .and . ini.nnMiu,& . . -nv p. m. (Sunday only) r rom uoidsboro, LaGranaa. ifln.- .- , aton, Do ver, -CoTa, TvJbarora aat ; ; : "V 7:10 B. m. rfanr :axnan' . ; 5?. X'.rrProm Buort, Morahaad ; !a City, WUdwood, Newport. Havalock. mvanaii ajra iniarmadlala - etatione. - -. - .. - v :! a. m I'M m. m. (8undar obItI V CTJ? Beau'ort, Morehaad- Cltn I Wlldwood, Newport, Havel ock, Cro- atan, - Riverdale and to tarmedlata atationa. : .Jy- . : m. Dally) From OrlantaV V Bayboro, Orantaboro, Reelaboro, and 7 ; It p. m. (Dallyexoept Sunday ) Front ' -i.: "SS01- Jiiiiaabeui Clty,.i r Hertford, Edenton, Bolhaven, Co 1 . lumbla, Plymouth, Waahingtoa and intermediate stations, Edenton ta - New Bern: Balalah. WaadeU vj.k. lon, Wilson, Farmvllle, Greenville i.K'i-M-;c-ran4 Intwrmadlate stations. r--r'f":-'-ri;-.-'. : - '-. la. !.. . ZLi S:-.;;-v': THOMAS FITZaBRALD, ?TttT$?ih y' - wanarai anager-'-:-ii ; .. iGALprailii. t, ;.':Viaa-, j, i iliijV'iy-3-fea:v-''. ; ' ; MORTQAOB SALH. , i. MenhOatnWOkaWee) County S; 'W;.:.''j Pursuant to the powers -lvan ma An :i ":" J;:: a , oartaln -ttiortsasr deed, executed on .i' J the first day of April 108 by D, W.' -w ' i -Cleve to T. P. Aahford and C Hi Hall, '. tradlna-as The New Barn Fruit Com- -' ;. . pany, and recorded in the office ot the ' Register or Dsads of Craven County, ;4t "p " hi book 170. pake IM, I will sell fori cash to the highest bidder at the oourV CKWif,- nouse ooor in Craven county at- il tixyZj o'clock M, on Monday the. Srst day -of V'i,. February, lo. the following deseraied'v-''''-'''' property, towlt: . . . .. -"J.'-'- V;'--.' . ah tnat earuin- lot or parcel of land ii , . -Situate In No. 1 Townahln. uM mhhi. adjoining the' lands' of T & Jackson! Lt. u. Morris, w. A. Olava. n. w wk. - p. Ck White and Wm. E. White, and " ' uuuuau aa lunywa, TJ tlnnln at ! I M. Morris's ' aonthaaat . rnrn .nrf ; . runing- norm With her line to W. - A." Cleva's line, thence with W. A. Cleve'e t'i ' line to D. G. White and Wm. Whi. ;i : S iv wki. . ' witn tneir nne to u. V y iimuivDmu aara ai ' wnite 4 -S--- L-: w nun, men wun aald Kun J-" ? ,f'- iaekson's line, then with said ''. . ""u" iina o me Deeinninn. .a ooraer mum. Morris, oonuinlng- two '.: fores, more or leas, and bains; thsam;i& Cleve ' and wife and others to D. W.r ?-Z f'i " . Hi 0(nc ot tbe Register of Deeds :' - Sl.y"" 0"r m uooa t7, pass .l'" f AT. P. ASHFORD and C. H. HALI f, sana rauiT ViX, : MorUge. rurauant to . Dower o aala talned In that artain mnt.. d by John Edwards and." 3arhMi,3 '0? " waraa. Bis wife, ; to, Frank Edwards-.' k bearinir date the Jeth. day of January C' im!. i5.u"m,el,",,r 'ecorded in the i,:" office of the Register of Deeds of Cra- will sell- at the court house door "ta' ' . pw earn on 1 .-'' ?2JDL'rH1? "A FIBRIN. Si S AR, lee, mt the flaar 1 OLOCK , - ' : higheat bidder for cash, all the following described property as conveyed in the mortgage aforesaid . IvtarM helnc on Big Swift ek?iVfi' i on the South Bide of said creek and- -c, .t , north sida of r Mouse river id- -f-i f. Joining the lands of John J. Within 5 ; the North and Francis Wetherington on, " : '. the 8outh,lavtd Ipock on the East. Wm Cleve on the West, containing lse acres'" more or less,- except a small Dieoe that : . '-- ' haa bea released. - " ' . -ii .. - XTD ,w WftH. :....-.. k M. GREEK, Attorneyf0tfe, ' law Iw"1' C l0V M'" ,84 . . ' 'i, ' '' - -" ''.; ' ' vr-.-'-'iA AJQ" V Bo1 o' Aldernien have d'Jed o 1" permanent pavement J.-"1; trt of the following por B2?n, to-wltt't, ,tt ew On Middle "wtroet from' Trent River B1&? streets on Craven etreet from Trent River to Pollock; on South Front street from East Front Street to Han oock; on Pollock street from Craven street to Middle street and on ' broad street from Middle atraat u. i. etreet; and ''.- j .7..' wnereaa. The ' same proposition -has been submitted to a vote ot the people and have oeen ratified and approved by them, now therefore: . . . . , nZ the Board of Aldermen of the city . 2f .fle1r Bern be ' ordained that oath building located upon the streets afore--said, to-Witt Middle street from Trent River to- Broad street; Craven street, from Trenf River to Pollockt South Front street from East Front street to Hancock street; Pollock - street from Craven street to Middle street; Broad treet from Middle street to Hanmnir Htreet. shall be required w'lhin thirty; .lays hereof to hare established con nection from the property, with the oity sewers. . ' And the owners , of the said proper ties and bulldiiifrs aro hereby required to causa the snld connections to be made where tba same are not Bow In existence. lie It "further ordained that In the ald territory whore lota are v.i.nt, ne holders thereof sliall be -rauuired within the saine prl,,d to ly and es taiiitKhone eminertion -with the said ""'r Tor every hiry fpnt of vai'mit ml fronting on the struts above nun . 1 , "''St the city enn.nwrs'r l o nt diim-tlon of tue r,ui)".ini..,-3 , , ' and pimiiMt and v.t..r t '""'it "hud furnish an.) dHi(nnte -e ' and d'-i"is tor ton c..., riMin ri"i'.,i to h i. .i . t '- n owner or !...., ...r ..f a . i. i.r lot I , ,ti r- y i l-'l. . -r the I to C". 1 he I Hon) i .' "J -v. "

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