- . . ,- -. " ' -r 1 , . ,. ' V - i SAFETY I3TIIE GIIE GHEATVCOIt . ' :S!DERATIO;i ill A BAIJX. " -Ci you are saving money or; if you peek a bank for commercial business benefit ": iitevitaiihliigtiliMna zThu Bank has this mm ' Vtl. B. BLADRil. Vlm-pra. P E - wish our Gtistomers a Happy land Prosperous ear. Cuiflirlai iFire Insurance -.' . . tnc oxiAUib "viniiij Ill Belt your property; or boy yaa New ' Bern Building & Loan Assn 'Pi Ir-nni. will 1st ma : A ollAnf'a Inmarsat Is , U1 Ftr,: Accident and XlvestockInsuranco. anteed. . " ; 'i- .-.li?" '.--.v. J -'. w.oom Elks Temple New Cotton Seed Products and High Grade Fertilizers ':ki We'make a Specialty of Cotton. JSeed Meal Guano, which properly mixed with other- ammonlates, and best' quality of Acid Phosphate, and Potash, Ib considered the best Fertiliser that pan be used for the . lands and crops of Eastern North Carolina. Some of our brands of " Fertilisers are: Vv'y . ; - ' CKAYlIf COTTOK GUANO, 8-.8$ . v 1 " Onslow Farmers Reliance 8-2-1-8.1 J -:1 .' FOE? HIGH CIRADE FERTLIZER, 8-W h iTMlrisfc t$m'1U'::':'' , " . Dann's Standard Truck; Grower, 7-5-7 jr " ; :'. 1 5 Lenoir Bright leaf Tobacco Grower, 844 .;';.l- OHi Count Standard Fertiliser, 8-2.4 J : :; ;i?"Jowil County Premium Crop Grower 84-144J r A'. Pitts Prolific Golden Tobaeeo Grower, 8-84; Panilk!0 Eleetrle Top Presses t-10-2-l-2 Carteret-Bone and Potash. 10-0.2 - J y- f-5,4V' Oriole; TolM;GN!wef, 9-441 J. - ' :f Thin Brando Hiaroi iiecoma.' Very Popular With "TIms Four-; ' ' . mew said Their JJm Inereasied Yearlyil? We have a large list of testimonials fron) Satisfied Farmers who have nsedbnt! Fertilisers "and win use ho other! SeveVal farmers have V raiser bverltOO barrels of Prime Potatoes front our Irish Potato Gjmk ' no, and'tobacco vrown.from our Lenoir Bright Leaf Tobaccd Grower, hat sold tor" l.W.per'pVund.i:&-2lil:i-: ' C'&& - it you have not need our Fertilisers, you should Insist upon your dealer furnishing it to you fMmofftJfc, OUR LONG SUIT -' 7- :0 CRAVETJ STREET - 4. - j v. if, a---v. K i...--'? , -v ..... yv tkaTVSwiM! H .c:oal;'anlv; wddKIy The very beet, Lehigh, and Pennsylvania free burning White Ash, Feb, Stove, Chestnut and Furnace Coal; ; also the C. C. B. PocahoiitaB Steam and Domestic Lump Coal. J: All Coal Sen faed Before Leaving The lard . : mi:;:;::t CCAP.AMEED.' t I. at quality, of C: , t d-llvory ami - and mal' COAL rrd 700DA YARD : . irwojr pc:xt. '' requisite in its large fiBO. B. PBNDLBTOM, Eardware Co. Real Estate u 101- it home or invest jour money safely nnt varc flint ooi aldaratlnn. Also Satisfaction absolutely guar- Telephone 400 .r: Jfjj; In sanltnry plumbing la' expert 4: -workmanship. Nothing taken, "tor granted, skill' born ol long experience and the will :teit every client tfcie ronestworth of J his iaey.-Neve took "cheap" "Job In our history ratter do it -, for sothlngV But wo do return ; value tor .. money cnarge , yon . , nothing' 'fori an' 'esUmaio. .rnone 410. ; si ii Fine, sawed In atove lengths, attention given to all orilurs. t ' r 1 x ( e to Tle r on, I. l. Fznsommmoit p(. fepU Coamt tsa Cotrj Sti ' Capt R. O. prisp, of the tf. B. Cutter Pamlico, left jast evenln'r tor BalU more, Mi, summoned there on account of -the urlous Ulness'of his mother; -V? Mr. Chas. Reizensteln, of New York, N. Tonce a New Benuan, arrived in thecity this, morning Nju- the east bourn Norfolk and Southern train, on visit with relatives and friends. Mr. N,; a RicharAMmT of Dover, N. C;, came down to New Bern' this- morn ing to attend criminal court ' , :Mf. f. a-Mitchell, of Norfolk, VtL, who has been In the city for a couple of ays on; railroad business, left this morning on the New Bern and Norfolk train,, returning home, i V Col. Thos. C. James, of Wilmington, a prominent railroad figure, was in the city for a couple of days in the inter est of the Norfolk and Western, and left this morning for Washington, N. C. ir' Mr. J. R, Bell, of Harlowe, came up to New Bern this morning on the west bound Norfolk and Southern train. ; Mr, B. H. Jordan1 left this morning for Fountain, on a short business trip in the interest of his insurance com P,any. Sheriff D. J. Saunders, of Onslow county, spent last evening in the city, and left this morning on the west bound Norfolk and Southern train, going up to Raleigh on some impor tant business. Mr. W. W. Clark, left this moraine tor Rocky Mount on professional bus lness. . Mr. Frank D. P6rry was among the passengers on the New Bern -and Nor ioik tram this morning enroutt to Greenville, N. C on a business trip. Mr. Thos. A. Green went down to Jacksonville, N. C, this morning on the Coast Line train for a day's stay on financial business. Mr. R. L. Duffy Is spending the day in Beaufort on business. Mr. B. F. Green, Deputy U. S. Mar shal, went up the road this morning on a short official visit. Mr. Charles Flowers of Pamlico county, came up to New Bern this morning on the P. 0. ft W. train, and left on the Coast Line train for Wil mington, N. C, where a conference will be held between a delegation from Pamlico county and the officiate of the A. C. L. Company, In regard to regu lating certain traffic. Mr. Owen G. Dunn went down to Oriental, Pamlico county this morn ing on the P. 0. A W. train in the Interest of the New Bern Publishing Company. Mr. ThosJ; Mariner, the popular, clever and courteous baggage master of the Norfolk and Southern, between New Bern and Mackey's Ferry has been off for a few days. That Is he had a short vacation at home with rel atives and friends. The Captain was at his post this morning and making baggage fly. TTPEWBITEB WANTED WOULD like to rent typewriter by the month. Inquire Sun Office. St. "Wanted, imoo hand-made cy press heart, shingles. Write Beau 1 fort, N. C, Loci Box 132. " 2-4-2w Hlcks' CAPUDINE Cures Sick Head- aehe. Also Nervous Headache, Travelers Headache and aches from Grip, Stom ach Troubles or Fenjale troubles. Try Chpudine ifa liquid effect immedi ately. Sold by druggists. BBiscoix Outfights iangdon, Welsh Boxer Is Entitled to Decision In Six-Bend Boat. By Wire to The Sun.:. ; Philadelphia, Feb. 3. Displaying his usual cleverness, Jem Driscoll, the Welsh fighter, at the finish of his six round bout with Tommy Langdon, of Fort Richmond, at the Washington Sporting Club last night.'waa entitled to i he decision. Driscoll was best in every round,, with the exception of the third and then he managed to get an even break. Langdon made his best showing in the 'third when he rushed Drlsooll to the' ropes, with a series of body punch j es, and soon - had . the . Englishman's mouth " bleeding, a right uppercut to the face bringing the blood: He had obtained an even break in the round, and after that Driscoll led all the wav.'". ' vji-.'s'.'': "i-"'.", "i's'.,''nk t?! -. Langdon- was much slower In the rourtn round, ana uriaoaii. oy . cau tions Jabbing - brought, blood , to. the former's mouth and nose. ' In the clos ing rounds,. Driscoll never let up,.th work in the sixth being at close range With a few seoonds, left In the last round, Driscoll caught Lahgdon with a right swing to the head and put the local lad down on bis One knee for count of one. Tommy jumped up .tact, but Jt was not long before -the final gong sounded. - ' - -. .!.- ATIATOB FLIES AT BERLIN, Zlpfcl'l Machine, After Failures, Coy. ... f era Bile Sixty Feet Up,'; Borlln, Feb. 3. Armand ZIpfel, the French; aviator, succeeded today 'In making a flltrbt In his aeroplane of nrn'rly a mile at an attitude of 60 feet M. 7'pfi 1 hiis been carrying on his exp-:.:-.-. ,.! at Templehot ' parade groi:- t, and l.fs r-nchltio Is known as ( (''1 not prove ' . ! lu the in" fCWlECi 8IILL' X XtlZESt. baeadaga- Ketarasi u' Xerfolk - After : ; v vFrnKless Bearek, By, WW to The Sunlit :'-V-'f :' Norfolk,-Ta., Feb. J-Thero ia stUl no Identiflcatioo of the steamer report ed to have foundered off Diamond Shoals, on the North Carolina coast, early?' Saturday. The leveau cutter Onondaga, which has een searching On the coast in an effort to determine what Vessel it was that -went down, came , into port today but went out again. The. commander Of the ; Onondaga filed report with Admiral Taussig at Norfolk navy yard; in which he stated that during a search of two days off-Diamond Shoals the Onon daga was unable to find any evidence of any description that would lead to the identification of the foundered steamer. Those aboard the lightship are con fident that the vessel which they saw go down could not have been an aban doned derelict. Makes blood and muscle faster than and other remedy. Gives health, strength and vitality. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea towers above all other remedies for making sick peo ple well, and well people "w'eller." 35 cents; Tea or Tablets. Davis- Pharm acy. Movement for Y. JT. C A. at Anderson, ... 8. C. By Wire to The Sun. Anderson, S. C, Fb. 4. A move ment has been launched here to estab lish a Y. M. C. A., and a crusade will be begun at once to secure a large number of members. Mr. R. R. King proprietor of Hotel Chiquola, has of fered free of charge the use of a good gymnasium, the only condition being that the apparatus be properly in stalled so that best, results may be ob tained. Threatre.Goers Clamor for Rebuilding of Academy. By Wire to The Sun. Durham, N. C, Feb. 4. The alder men were confronted last night in their meeting with a long petition from the entire theatre-going public tn which they are urged to rebuilt" the Academy of Music at an early date. The council has not acted uuor this petition, deferring it until the lire losses have been adjusted There hae been a story that the insurance com missioner will not pay all of the in surance, owing to the good condltior tn which are found the walls of thi old building. It is believed by a great many people here that the Academj building was never really hurt am that the place can be easily rebuilt at small cost. But there is a fear that the place is dangerous beyond limit now, and that It always was. Tht theatre matter is worrying more peo ple than anything, else. Penny Photoes are mighty good things to Bend you1 sweetheart, rela tives and friends as Valentine. You can get them at Wootten's Studio, on Middle stret, next to the Baptist Church. Talk of Kocklngbanr and Caswell Rail road Revived. ' By Wire to The Sun. ReidsvHle, Feb. 4. Mount Aairy ctt izens have revived the talk of the Rockingham' and Caswell rallroac which was hushed during the past year, owing to unavoidable happen ings. It has for yearB been discusser1 that from the county seat of Caswell via the county seats of Rockingham Stokes, Surry and on to Alleghany would be a handsomely paying Invest ment, as it would open a vast, unde veloped country rich In timber, min erals, waterpowers, summer resorts etc. A splendid trade would' thur spring up along this new territory which would mean the enrichment of towns like. Reldsvllle, Mount Airy and others along the line.' Wentworth, Yanceyville and Danbury, as well- as the whole county of Ashe, are badly In need of railroad facilities, and: the proposed road, - would .mean -great thing for them. v M00BE8TILLB 10TS SELL WELL. Snbarb Known as Eastern Heights Is v Opened For Besldeneej. By Wire to The 8un. -:T , Mooresville, Feb. .4. The Eastern Hetghts Company today offered, tor sale 150 beautiful lots on the eleva tion overlooking, and to -the the east of Mooresville, and known as Eastern Heights,", 120, being; sold In. the morn ing. This afternoon the sale was con tinued and the remainder sold. .This was no auction tale,' the prices Ming marked on each lot, but they weiw sold on small payments down and small weekly Installments, - ' ."-'; i This part of Mooresville bids fair soon: to lie on of the Ideal, building spots of the oomlng city. ; The grounds hay been nicely laid all and trees' In abundance have been planted In a sys tematic manner, and In a tew ears this wllf" be ons of the prettiest parts of. Mooresville . ..l;! , V -; f ' ' AIR MILITIA CORPS FORMS. ; Wlseoasla Tolunteers Offey to Qualify Br Wire to The Sun.C -i;V-v! f Madison. Wis Feb.- 4. Articli s of incorporation 'Were filed today f military aeronautic corps; the f, the THd State' The name H !' : i f : ? f "In National ns.' tors are . J -l -. " C Troops Back troBJ -Cnba, By Wire to The Sun. - l. :,X,.' ' ' Tampa, Fla., Feb. J. Two squadrons of the Fifteenth United SUte Cavalry 86 men and 117 head of army horses and mules, under-oommand of Capt. McNamee, arrived on the transport Progresso today,- after a very stormy passage from Havana. These troops have been stationed at Clenfuegoea for over two years, and are en route to ForJ Sheridan. MEXICO TAKES RAILROAD. Mexican Central's 7,012 Miles Become A Part of Government System. By Wire to The Sun. Mexico City, Feb. 3. The merger of the Mexican Central and the National railways became effective today, and the Mexican government has taken over 7,012 miles of line. E. N. Browr has been named president of the new company. S. M. Felton, formerly president of the Central, will remain In Mexico as the representative of the minority stockholders, "consisting of a group of Americans headed by H. Clay Pierce The financial corporation of the Cen tral, of which Mr. Felton remains the head, is not disturbed by the merger. CADET EXAMINATIONS. V. S. R. C. "Pamlico", New Bern, N. C. April 5th, 1909. There will be held in this city or Jjprll 5th next an examination to fill vacancies in the position of cadets of he line and cadet engineers, United 3lales Revenue Cutter Service. Any other Information will be given on application to the U. S. R. C. "Pam- co.- Respectfully, R. 0. CRISP, Captain U. S. R. C. S. Commanding PROF. BELL HAS NEW FLYER. Inventor Will Iustali an Engine on HI Tetrahrdral Kite. Ottawa, Ontario, Feb. 3. Glen Cur tis, the American aeronaut, of Ham mondsport, N. Y., has just passed through Montreal on his way to NOva Scotia to assist Prof. Bell and others to test new flying machines. "Prof. Bell is now finishing a new tetrahedral kite," said Curtis. "It Is to have the engines used in the Silver Dart Installed in her, and It will be Prof. Bell's first attempt to fly with his cellular kites by means of motor power. It also is the first kite of this de scription made to carry two men." SPENCER DWELLING BUBNED. Capt David P. Williams' Home De stroyed While He is Away. By Wire to The Sun. Spencer Feb. 4 Fire of an unknown origin destroyed a dwelling occupied by Capt. David P. Wllllame on Third street, here yesterday while the family was temporarily away from home. The blaze had gained much headway when dslcovered by neighbors, and It was heroic work on the part of the Spencer firemen and others that a Bmall por tion of the household goods was sav ed, a piano and a sewing machine be ing the principal articles taken from the burning building. The furniture was Insured for $750, which will fully cover the loss The amount of Insur ance, if any, on the building Is un known .and it is said the damage will amount to about $1,500. By a strange coincidence a main of the Spencer Wa ter Company had burst only ten min utes before the fire was discovered and the water supply had been cut off for a few minutes when the alarm was given. It required only four minutes, however, to have the water again turned on, and the firemen saved much property by prompt work. Mr. Williams was In Raleigh and was wired to come home. Child Fatally Burned. By Wire to The Sun. Sharpsburg, Md., Feb. 3. Curtis Bender, 3 years old, son of Webster Bender, a Norfolk and Western brake- man, was burned probably, fatally to day by putting paper In a stove and thereby, setting Are to his clothes nearly all of which burned from his body before his mother, who heard his screams in another part of the house, could extlng ish the flames. K Boy Burned to Death. By Wire to The Sun. Roanoke, Va., Feb. 3. Charlie Kidd, the 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rosser Kldd, was burned to death to day at Robertson's, Bedford county. while his parents were In the barn. It ta believed the little fellow's clothing caught fire from the grate. Cant look well, sat well or feel well with Impute blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure' with- Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply,' take ex e'rclse, keep clean and you will have bnt We. ; -'";:; - -t.ifc.,':--'i ' ' ii -I, in - TIRE C0NCERK8 OPPOSE TAX. Claim AssMsmeat-fer Firemen's Relief IsTnconstlhraennW By -Wire to'The 9um'A ' '- j Richmond yiu, Feb,'' SIt' In' thrl purpose oi ine nre insuranoe compan ies doing business In Virginia to fight the consUtutlonallty of the act which imposes a tax of 1 per cent, on their premiums tor the benefit of the Fire men's Belief JjisocIationi:iJv,lv'' It Is an open secret that the tght v '1 assume the form of Injunction "odiirgs, with the' Idea of reetraln- i. Joseph Button, Insurance ' er, from proourlng certain Information from the In'; !es to form ft basis tor 2 Meanly -GUARANTEED MUSHEY Kvery brand Hated below Is "Guaranteed Under the National Pure Food Law," and Is further backed"by th reputation f "The Old Reliable Mall Order House." Order filled same day received. All goods shipped In plain packages. Money refunded upon return of goods, it not satisfactory. EXPRESS CHARGES PREPAID. Make remittances by either Postal, r Express Money Order or Registered Letter. Write tor prices on goods not listed. In Jog per ;al. . . .S2.00 . .. S.25 . . . 2.S0 . .. S.OO ... S.BO . . . 4.00 . . . 4.0O ... B.OO Eureka Rye Oan River Rye Grey Goose Rye Satisfaction Rye Old Henry Rye Greenwood Rye Jefferson Club Rye Hlghsplre Rye . . . N. C. Tuckahoe Corn... . . 2.IHI N. C. Swallow Corn 2.50 Virginia Corn Whiskey 3.00 very Old N. C. Corn Whiskey. 3 At Old Burro Corn Whiskey Swan Gin , 2.2r. Holland Gin 3.00 Apple Brandy 2.IH1 Very Old Apple Brandy S.50 Peach Brandy s.50 Our Specials: AMI1I FT f ORN Fine OM cp- J4 fuU iurta. 2-65 AHiuLxi turvn per Diitied 8fuiiqu $5.00 fflfKAnF RYF Smoth nd 4 full quarto. $115 VUtrvrtUE A I L Mellow, , 8 full qBarts, $6.00 COUSINS SUPPLY COMPANY, M. I. HESSBERG & SON, Proprietors, RICHMOND, :::::::: VIRGINIA S The Old Reliable Mail Order House. Phone 57 Steamer Carolina Will leave every Monday and Thurs- lay at 10 a. m. tor Vaaceboro, from toot of Craven Street Freight received every day. H. A. L, POTTER, Jr.. Telephone 164. Agent COLVIN & HENRY Civil Engineers Land Surveying, Draining, Mapplni Plana ' and Estimates. Offices oavt been moved upstairs in the J. W Stewart building on ' Middle su-eet COLONIES' CTIOX BELD I'P. TrouM Over Location of Capital Blocks Sonth African Conference By Wir to The Sun. Cane Town. Cane Colony, Feb. 3. The convention 'now being held here with the object , of forming a plan tor the union of all colonies, has beVi deafllooked for a week over the Ques tion of which city shall be the capital which threatens to wreck the whole ichemo.' 1 ; ' k- eompromjfle, however, ta now be ing discussed, whereby the honors will be divided' This provide that Cape Town Shall be the seat of parliament Pretoria the ' admlnistrativo capital, and Bloemfontein the headquarters- of the Judiciary.. . ' v If ' It Is thought probable that this plan ! Battle 4 rail Ut. 8 tall at. l urn i c wnwiu-i tMHmmuo SAY! Want something good to drink? Try our "Boston Combination Coffee," or "White House Tea" B2.ZO S4.26 3.4S 4.TS 3.T0 ' 5.2S S.2 2S 4.00 T.7B 4.50 8.7S 5.0S S.TS .00 11.SO 2.20 4.30 2.7 S.2S SO .1S ioo riis 2.80 B.OO S.40 S.40 2.TO S.2S 4.00 T.T5 4.00 7.75 LUCAS & LEWIS Wholesale and Retail Grocers Can Cancer Be Cured? It Can. We want every man ana woman In the United States to know what 'we are doing We are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without the use of the knife or by X-ray, and are endorsed by the Senate and Legisla ture of Virginia. Physicians Treated Free WE GUARANTEE OCR CURES. Kellam Hospital No. 1615 W. Main Street nicnaroND, ta. i PROFESSIONAL CARDS AtUrMia'aad Cam m tim. i.. i S ' OrBce No. 04 South Front stre,.bvr a Telegraph offios. ,y '' ' A f; i;-Y Prsstloe in the Counties of Craven, lor '.'v '-' .'.'-t" On, ones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carteret, P ' ?,. ; lioo and Wake, In the Supreme and Fedemi ' :v' -'': . CMirta, and vheresvet ssrvices are dtsirrd. .:..: J': i . LL Moora. . Wm. Dunn, x -MOORE' DLTKN. Attorneys AOwinaatiora at-'- a."4' 43 Droad L .New Dern, N. a Practica wherever Bcrvkcs tx J1. y' '.--". ?'t--i-- '?':' will be adopted. - ,- .'