h mcrt! a q JandoffcrtL. VirG' .Zero I loney. Out of ;a of using enough of the right mia-Carolina; re the right kind. - '-VJii The cotton fclant cannot feed on barren land. Study -your 'oik - Find out what it lacks. Then apply the V necessary rcrrilixatiori and the results win surprise you. " See what Mr. YT. C. Hays of Smith Station, Aim., did. He says: ' ' "I planted about 30 acres of some .'gray aandy land' that had been in cultivation for over SO years, and need 900 pounds of Virginia-Caro - -bna Fertilisers per acre, and I expect to gath.r SO tul.t from f SO acre.' . This ia why w My it ia the right kind. We have hundreds of letters like this, and even stronger, in praiss of Virginia Carolina Fertiliser for cotton. - Oct a copy of tbs new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Book from your fertiliser dealer, or write our nearest sales office and a copy will be sent you free. . It contain pictures of the capitola of all the Bouthera States. . . , ,.- '-. ' Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Norfolk, Va. -CelaaiMa,S.v, Atlanta, Qa. aaaaah,Oa, ItaswhtSiTeaa. Durham. N.C. Charleston, a C. Baltimore, Md. Columbui. Qa. Mootfomery, Ala. Asparagus tips 25c per can Cut loaf Sugar 7c lb. 1-4 lb pkgs. White House Tea 15c. Heckers Oat Meal 10c per pkg. Heckers Buckwheat 37c per pkg. Fancy 31b Tomatoes 10c OUR TERMS CASH TO EVERYBODY H. Phone 174. ARMSTRONG, NEW BERN, N. C On Your Way From The Doctor's Office Bring the prescription to us. You may . wait for it or haveus deliver it-as you ', please. J ', - J , , In either event you may depend on ua ' to give it prompt and careful attention. T. 1 If you ask ua to deliver the perscription it i . ' ' will reach you at the earliest moment poss- . .ML 1 V - . ' " . ' ' BRADHAM DRUG CO. ; Corner of Pollock and Middle Streets, Sbri ttemt a Merest Cudniei Small Space .'-V' i . ; ' tenr strong ir : COURTEOUS f fiy piooiESsrvE THE SECRET OF SUCCESS 1 Successful men have always made a point of having a bank II account so that they could keep a careful record of their re- JH c" ' 1 : 1 Mint, anit Bvn.niltdl.a. Tltn nrlnlltfnn rf thla nlflfl if M N ( ' 1 oftea lenables one to acquiie a competency without " lit V i I any great self-denial, as it affords the opportunity II I I..W ot Keeping a careful tabulation ot tne ratio 01 ex- . llrW Penses to income. fNA ' WM. DUNN y1 I70 CD. BRADHAM T.A.UZZELL sft' IS. I O "Jsvics; PRSST. CASHIER K IO A fairly tood shipment of packed and Iced (sh was nude from New Bent this morning by.dxprtss oyer the Nor folk and -Southern road to yarions points thcoufhoot the Stats some go ing to Virginia and Maryland. The shipment was made by dealers in New Bern, Morehead City; Beaufort and Oriental. .. . , Receiver Thos. Fitzgerald, of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad Com' pany, and Mr. J. A. C. Geoner, assist ant general manager of the company, spent last evening in the city in the interest of the company's affairs, and making a general gurvey ot the prop erty here. They left this morning on a private car 101, which was attached to the New Bern and Norfolk train enroute to Norfolk, Va. white shad was more plentiful on the local market this morning. A number of boats arrived at the fish dock from down Neuse river for the local dealers. Among the great va riety, a number of shad were found. The roe shad retailing at $1.26 each while bucks are selling for 75 cents. Oysters are still In abundance, bring ing all sorts of prices by the tub. Capt. and Mrs. R. O. Crisp, who have been maklns their home at the Onstnn I Hotel,, have changed their residence. In the' future they will reside at No. 8 New street the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duffy. "Dandy Dixie Minstrels" will be at the New Masonic Opera House on next Wednesday night, Feb. 10th. Billy Kersand, the comedian and Arthur Prince, the hoop-rollei4, are with the show. The docket' in the 'city police court being clear, there was no session of court held this morning. I IAL. X & BALI, Cotton Brokers.' Agents for Ito3germ, MoCahe k Co, Cotton Exporters,- - : Norfolk. Yi ' ' v - . : . ..- -i - - Sew Isrk Cettsa, , ,, , . ' j Open , High Low Close .' .'..5 .67 .50 .50 ...48 .; Mi ,;4..4 .4S'. . ',..2 .rr't. Men, . May v. July ..S. Oct... Spots V fiaJes, none. M4 .4t 1.29 1.80 Sew Ben Market Prices .. Sales, -,. .to. c Pert Receipts, z Galveston New Orleans Mobile . : .1. Savannah Charleston Wilmington ., Norfolk .. .: 15,568 ... 13.370 .. 801 .. 8,181 .. Ml .. 880 9 r 1)0 IT IfOW. Total 85,130 llxetyool Karket Open Close 'Feb,'..' .. ... '.. ..'..5.05 6.06 Feb.-Mar... ..6.01. . .W Mar-Apr 5.02 6.03 Apr-May 6.02 6.03 May-June 5.02 5.03 June-July 6.02 6.031-2 July-Aug ; .6.02 4.97 Aug-Sept .... ,. ..4.95 4.921-2 Sept-Oct. .'. .. .. ..4.92 4.89 Oct.-Nov. .. i 4.88 4.97 Nov.-Dec. .. .. .'. ..4.86 4.86 Dec-Jan 4.8S 4.86 Jan.-Feb. .. .. .. ..4.84 4.85 Receipts 12,000; American 12,000; sales 6,000; spec, and expt 200; Am' erican 5,000; spots quiet; mid. dull at 6.17. WANTED-P0SIT10N BT AN EXPE rienced man to repair and keep up and build new log cars. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Address B. F. Dukes, No. SO Pasteur St., New Bern, N. C Bern People Should Not Wait Un til It Is Too Late. The appalling death-rate from kid ney disease is due in most cases to the fact that the little kidney troubles are unusually neglected until they become serious. The slight symptoms give place to chronic disoiders and the suf ferer goes gradually into the grasp of diabetes, dropsy, Bright s Disease, gra vel or some other serious form of kid ney complaint. If you Buffer from backache, head aches, dizzy spells: if the kidney sec- jcretions are irregular of passage and junnatural in appearance, do not delay. Help the kidneys at once. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders they cure where others fail. Over one hundred thou sand people have recommended them. Here's a case at home: Mrs. M. N. Williams, 115 Broad st New Bern, N. C, says: "I have a high appreciation of Do an's Kidney Pills and do not hesitate to recommend them to anyone suffer ing from kidney trouble. For a long time I had a dull, nagging backache, accompanied by frequent pains in my kidneys. ' When Doan's Kidney Pills were recommended to me, I obtained them from Bradham's Pharmacy and had used th m but a short time when my troubles disappeared. From, this experience, I cm endorse them as a remedy of much merit." For sale by nil deal .rs. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., . Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. SELLS IT FOR LESS .2 STOCK 07 1909 K0BELS Ii2cyc!:;lvcrJ;.r.::3 LAST CALL TO TAX PATERS. Your taxes have sees dae since Sen. timber and sboald have bees paid prior to December 1st I eaa indulge j ne longer. The taxes mist be collected and it Is mr faty to collect ana coneci at once, xae senoois are borrowing money and there is no money in toe treasary to pay torrent expenses. For this lack of funds the Sheriff is censured. Is order to says yon extra costs sad expenses, I hereby no- ory yon uat, aniess year taxes lor lies are paid before January Uth. mi deputies will call at rear homes er Places el business aad let? ea any personal property to be fouad. I shall treat aU alike. Neither friendship aer aarret win aeier me irest a la. charting my official duties. - . J. Tf . BIDDLE. tie ; Sheriff. January S, 1909.; ., ,. . ' , PROCLAXATION I . All City Taxes, not paid on or be fore March. 1st, 1909, I will proceed to levy on any personal property to be found belonging to such parties and wUl advertise real astote and sell to mMt'.iikMi'0mti'9aa. J am oraered by City Board to set ae with city, all taxes by April 1st, 1909, which compels me to force pay ment of all unpaid city taxes In the momn oi March oj distress. Be a good cltlsen and pay your city taxes t once. Hove trouble and cost . Jr..--iy: J. J. TOLSOM. : '.-. V vCitr Tax' Collector T1 JCever in our experience have been able to offer the trade such superior SUITS AND OVERCOATS at the price we are now showing. We spare no efforts to secure them that exporionce, skill and money can make. PRICE $16 to $80. Some ona-fcurth less than' former prices. , i'- ;jjijti DOVT FOBGET - What you have a right to expect from our line of superior CLOTHING 'and you will meet w'th no disappointment. S.Ccplon Phone 409 74 end 77 Middle St I.Ias - lit tre a Clare A gosd iniftft" to' soil llonti rnents & IIeadt;tone8 :' for m in this fioc'uon.Av"Write f'"T fprtifU'.-u's. .. . ; FEEalUARY mm ;Th2 Dandy V,. Dixie Minctrcb Headed by Billy Xeriandi x And tho Cotton Picker's Band . ' . BEST 10 BEST ' Sure onough Dandiest Real Dar key Minstrel Show In the World, BarNon! f . - 0" . . -s .- . I v8EB BILLY KEItSASDS In i!,e "ESSENCE 5? CLE TIKCINSX" 'The N'ew Ym k City Big MIn..ti cl r-t, . ,' v . ; ' - 'a! tho'. r " v' tii!.i f ' t ' iiid Cone i .ili'ony r mUOiiii KJ Wwyii-.. I t V. : ' : ; ". -. - - . i ' - .. l. ... Yesterday was one of bur, busiest days; the store 'was,full all day and everybody was buying underwear , axiu vyxutc jguuus,atvuie ucugaiii prices. . . T M " f : m ' " 7Mv elM . II you aid not call yes-. zr vi--' . . . . - IL- , V7in teraajryou made a mistake for. the values are way: out" of the ordinary and we can ' save you quite aTlot ; oil .money. You will be well for your time if you 1 Jx m a iew minutes examining SJp iiiir manv seasonable oWer- tSS iners. :'s " ; " , . N ' All kinds of Muslin Underwear and white goods ( at Sacaif ice prices. . y Phone 212. ; ; 55-57 Pollock Street. PROGRAM AT AMUSE A TOKIGHT., "Fortune Hunters" The world Is full of them.. Some dig for It; sotae scheme, others cheat and many mar ry. These dead game sports are on the hunt for an heiress. Their ex perience as shown in the picture will be followed with great Interest... "Marathon Race." The American winner in this contest, equals tht great defeat of the Persians under Darius, by the Greeks under Militiader In the year 490 B. C, at Marathon, an ancient village on the coast of Attica. The sports of the town will be de lighted, and none can fall to be pleas ed. "A Dozen Fresh Eggs" This farci cal farce is a "side splitter," and If they don't split thew are reinforced. Orchestra and illustrated song. ft HORSES CLIPPED SEND YOUR horse to B. S. Street's Livery Stables . 66 Broad street, and have him clipped. Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum sets you crazy. Can't bear tho touch of your clothing. Doans Ointment cures tho most obstinate cases. Why suffer. AH druggists sell It , SH DON! I I -1 M - If you have any work to -to be done phone us :: -v New Bern Iron Wcrb iniachiniBts, ; Poonders, CBoiler Makers & Black- fiBmithfl :: :: :: :; :i - . , Phone) 7s ' ; Coal! Coal Hard coal J of the 'best quality -Penn-. sylvahia Anthracite ; in Chegitnut,, ptove, - Egg : and Furnace - Sizes. "Also the - Celebrated , Pocahontas Coal for Steam And Domes- ; tic pury" , IYert cIvryand T'r:':rrJ attention ' - " ( . ; : " ' ' . If we were exclusive silversmiths our line could scarce ly be more complete than it is and if some particular piece is desired it is quite easy for ns to procure it for you. On account of our little profit prices' it will be to your advantage to favor us with a call It you are buying anything In the way of 8ilverware. Table Cutlery, Bowls, Pitchers, Spoons. Toilet Articles, Novelties, etc Sterling Silver Gravy Ladle, French Handle $5.00. SjWatti Inspector N.& S. Railwa Window, Doori, Blind Balusters, Torek Column ' and Mantels. , - Lime and Cement Paroid Rooting. Can fill your orders at short Notice prices right.' Gaskill Hardware Co., 73Middle St . - - : - Phone 14 What You Want and eed GAS PORTABLES,1 ELECTRIC DISC STOVES, ELECTRIC PORTABLES, ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS, CAS HEATERS, . ELECTRIC SHAVING MUGS, -I ELECTRIC IRONS,- , . VIBRATORS, . t: - SEWING MACHINE K0T0RSMmr In- order to get the above Electric' and : Gas Specialties Introduced in New Bern .we are offering same at extremely low prices.. See our window,;- r. , , . NEW BERN ELECTRIC & SUPPLY (D0"?AOT, Hi Phone 297. . ,' Opposite Post Office :V!!. CLOSE OUT ) ' I have thirty to forty Heaters JJ: -' .left, will sell at following prices n - . $i:tu Heaters at ,$1:17 j , $2:50 - '" , 1:75' S) v ' . ; - 6. 50. "Wilson Heaters 4.75 ''; 6.00 Coal " '4.75 )!-: (! : - 10.00 Open Franklin 6.75 . 12.C0 14.CD 25 inch if 21 TI. D r , , 99 7.75 8.75 ' 1.75 l.ro '