Sun i MLdOEi-, ,::eo pAJLT,. ospt Sunday, j Bern JWiaAatf Cwbjwv. omCES -ANIl HANTS,' V sUsaflaf KltaiV';- . SUBSCKIPTIOH MICE, j9 Wak-i?i4i.? iiree Months tin. Montlu...:...,"..'.'... OsS'Teer .'4v,r hjk ' LIB 2.51 6.00 Xelepaesesi taslnets Office attarinl-KaSBU... ......... ...A. V v . Entered at Atbe , pott: office la New era, N O. m ": second class mail atter. ' ' WBDJriSlAI,.-..rebnMry 17, 9W9. ; riDowiA :'M-. weather jremlnd you of xt l iL. .t ... tK. ffarifan nlnw to get jbw--.v 'isjiWeHmTinr eather today, 'i.Vbut' 'ft- Is-toe- good to Jut long for -.:eroary.-T- ' .. . Samuel Gompera;' Job Mitchell and -Frank Morrison say they don't like Justice Wright, of Washington. King Edward Is annoyed by tb 'S? -presence ol toeli In his shoe. ' We "j, would suggest (that he have it pulled out. . . ' Look out for cold weather Febru- ary is now on its last lap, and only a few more days for March to set in with its winds: and rains. - February reminds us of a woman In many respects. It is so changeable. The weather (or this month, and has been all through, cold or warmer, fair ; unless it rains or shines. At a meeting of the Alabama Cotton ;JIanufacturers Association, held at Birmingham,-Ala.,-Scott Maxwell was 'elected president: The mill men in .. resolutions set forth that they want to, do all they can to secure the en- "'lOrcement of the new ttbild labor law sAbout 200 -Independent moving pic- ; tare exhibitors, affiliated with the In- tOPtinHrtnal PrnlanHnff anil Ptmrhmtno- ,n Company, met in New .York Monday ; ; to perfect plans for the campaign that ,i the New Tork Association is to wage agtimst the so-called trust in the mov- ........ - Whatever ether sins they., may iay at ,-ths door of this session' of ths leg-'.'- : islature, no one bss-.. bad the cheek ,-.'; to say it has not -worked, all the time fy it should have ;'flkedi'. Let's finish this or tbatbW ye quit has been th. civday' byV day. Workings good v'--; It was a singular coincidence .that , on' ths very day that., agro vu .. sentmeed to dath in Forsyth county, . the legislature killed the bill to have - all .executions take place la Raleigh. Ths old system of banging Is to pre : vtsIL ,FodrllWM sentenced on Frl- :i day thnjngislntnrsvtookr Its. action on v Friday .and ib negrs will be banged ;fon Friday' ' Now who 'will move or ' take journey on Friday in the face of - these ' vtblngf Winton-8alem During! Friday tlafc disensalon, when the confusion of "people talUng all about over the' bouse of representar tlves snd everything in .the. air w 1 ,U, 'fUhr fub";"Itv told "thai , the . sergeaot-at-arme Is' "trying' to -keep - order-partook ot irbat was tn the air and yell4 out ''There Is too much. 'conOshios'. ln,.the ous, genUmen-.v But nil will agree that It was pardons ble and natural te-say such k word i' Aht - provocation. Friday was uiy Id Toth church and state. , h Times. J ' se- reformers,- er some ot th great men. l-Senator Lr given notice that he Is r i up some ot the largo f a bills on ihe ground ! i-rally rushed, throii ... aue aste t, but are lortant ration. nppro- t hvA t ri a Meration, resul ney.-' This son' ! t that -1 - new I ' T ! Whiskey Froa The Prompt Mail Oder Wzzst q k :Jo sot take Ut m pt wWiisy urHmia. ara Aiyaot.. Y dba. a wUUy to Uc J das wtt ay oUMt coactn yo. i mi was. fj f Jmtt Ih K fli. Feat r: TW ierrice. We do act waat yoa Is tak. SeaboosTpara Food Law. s toyoonatw MUdachos. s: (ha rvcaw . . $ batakjOam 0U Stavwil 1.7S OUIaumCmwVitw .2-5. 0U Hulk Cvaiat Cm . . 240 WNirtiSMiCn. . . lit oidtr. 4 FWt P. X a hoMioi ok) fee CMplcto pnce-lnt. RETERSBURG.Va. NORTH AMEBIC A Jl CONFKEEHCK PROGRAM. The program of the North Ameri can Conservation Conference which opens in Washington tomorrow, has teen completed and the vain-features j M' it have just been made public. The President will receive .the Canadian and Mexican Commissioners at 10 o' clock tomorrow morning in the East Room of the White House. The mem bers of the Cabinet and of the Na tional Conservation Commission will be present. The Canadians and Mex icans will be presented to the Pres ident by Secretary of State Bacon: This session will be wholly Informal and brief. At Its conclusion, the Con ferees will proceed to the Diplomatic Room of the State Department, where the regular sessions will be held. It is probable that the remainder of the morning will be taken up with formal addresses of welcome and responses of the visitors. In the afternoon the Conference will take up its work in earnest. It is expected that the ses sions will -continue the remainder of the week. The evenings of the foreign dele gates will be very fully occupied with various social functions that have been arranged by their compatriots and government officers in Washing ton. The personnel of the delegations from Canada and Mexico guarantee the accomplishment of real results from the Conference, for all the mem bers are experts in the natural re sources of their countries. Canada will be represented by the Honorable Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture of the Dominion, the Hon orable Clifford Slfton, Ex-Minister of the Interior, under whose adminis tration many of the regulations con cerning the use of Canada's resources were adopted, and Dr. Henri S. Be land, a member of the Canadian par liament, who is a well-known author ity on these subjects. The rcjm delegation will also., be accompanied by-. Rooert E. Young, land expert in the Canadian Department of the In terior, who will act as its Secretary. Tc represent Mexico, President DIas has sent Romulo Escobar, Manuel A. De , Quevedo, and. Carlos Sollerier 8e- nor Escobar,-who heads the delega tion, is one' Ot the foremost author! ties in Mexico on the agriculture of 4' V.l -'.!. li5olcr?a' volte old. and vntlt WS, ,r alM maki" a upaclal-irtrer of raw rail ttnarta el PtU M 7 wa Will nriaur..ftU rt,.,... am-AhMM ,. . ....... I .. w , - - ' ' ' "icasa eeoDsi. ' r et. ,ie... ........... 1"S... '.'i.os.. , l.oe,,. I'le, ,-,- i.e. . . t.xn:;, h I I "V . . I-U.'j, i Hflaa Vaiary , , , . sAld Rr. - . ... , JSarn . .-h ,4 ,r. RaaalM i , . . ItaBTy-a ' ... ' Keha s. . . Oaar 4 b- Gmi t,, . . . YGaaeadr IWrfanfif b .1 ,..,4)14. nrwirr .. . MU V it: , i aaeti in.,.,. fro. m Ucj-. k. r ) uk ar W aaw oace i . you bate, p wUfay t"UPnt sT. i. why w. cam wah you ihe proaff . word for . W. waat . Mlowmg mmm an I . 5 PGBoa. . SkmW-ltywxil KM .. t-5jou . . 3.00 :iclM f 0UStolApk(nj 400 iHblnm . . . JM ilftilraX .... 100 Of cotiM check. AB penoaal ckecb the country.1 He has been at different times Minister of the Department of Agriculture and of the Department of Forestry. With bis brother, he edits the farm paper El Agricultor Mexlcano, and be presented a paper on 1 Agriculture In Mexico," at the time of the St Louis Exposition. Se nor De Quevedo is the present minis ter of forestry. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch the worse the itch. Try Doan's Ointment It cures piles, eczema, any skin itch ing. All druggists sell it. DEAD IN PLUNGE OF TRAIN. One KiUed, Six Hart, in Wreck el High Trestle.. By Wire to The Sun. Baton Rouge, La. Feb 17. A freight train on the Louinianian Railway ftl Navigation Company's line was wreck ed near here today, plunging over a trestle 35 feet high, killing one and During six, four om them perhaps fa tally. NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE. New Bern People Should Learn to De. tect the Approach of Kidney Disease The symptoms of kidney trouble are so . unmistakable that they leave no ground for doubt Sick kidneys ex- crfte 11 thick, cloud,, offensive urine, full ot sediment,' irregular of passage or ..attended by a sensation of scalding. The back aches constantly, headaches and dizzy spells may-occur and the victim is . often weighed down by feeling of languor and fatigue. Neg lect these warnings and there is dan ger of dropsy, Bright's Disease', or dia betes. Any one of these symptoms is warning enough to begin treating the kidneys at once. eDlay often proves fatal. You can use no better remedy that Boan's Kidney Pills. Here's New Bern proof C. W. Gasklns, 121 E. Front street New Bern, N. C, says: "I have no hesitation in speaking well of oDan'a Kidney Pills, as they were used in my family and proved very beneficial.. My wife suffered se verely frcm natag In her kidneys and Constant, dull ache in the small of her back. When I saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertised, I procured a box at Bradham's Pharmacy and my wife be gan using them. They acted just as represented, soon driving sway the pains and strengthening the kidneys - For sals by all dealers... Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllbnrn Company, Buf falo, New York, sole agents for ths united States. Remember the name Doan's and j take no other. r. FRANKLIN VH SKEY tw.'-Ib are quality mut b. uid to be bkr irk a raw OS- OUR SPBClAt-TlESl1 -Jta. DS,PalA, ..- KM V J.M a4,f -rtft"4.o v. .......... 4)11 , R 7S Cabfatet JtX Ry. lTUlrr ..,...,.......,. Prlrata Slack Rrt Vtbwkrr ....... Omt Rye Vhiafcry W. C. Cera whlakry .RO, Sl.Tit, Harm! Cora M fcinkey -Panaala Rye. Wi iafery thcatra.d VVhlif y Kollaad Ola .... .......4 ii i f , rrrfeetlua XXX X -la - "l Bran . -. r Miss Carrie Cannon,' . the 1 . uiar and efficient trained narse, wt-t -down to Beaufort last, evening oa ihe' west bound Norfolk and Southern t :n on professional visit' v j. i Mrs. Julia. BelWot Morehead Ctty, came nfl Ji 'ew. 3ern ;yeaterday, Xoi be, the guestof heraaughter.Mrn.l J. H. NeaL . ! ' . Tii;M: 'J i Mm.. W:' .4ganBrtlsMJreenTllls, CU' .came over to New-Bern last evening: on : 0ie. tag t. bouiid'Jforfolk and Southern train, to be -the guest last night of jar. Ul 'Moorel She left this morning' returning borne. Miss Clyde Cox, who ban been spend Ing a tew day a her home in Green ville, N. C, returned to. New Berfj this morning on the east bound Norfolk A Southern traln,' i . Mrs. Oswald Kafer, and yonng'son, of Newport, ' spent yesterday in" the city, guests at the come of Dr. and Mrs. Lelnstef Duffy on Pollock street They left-on the evening train, re turning borne. ." -'''iy'; ': "Tonr Dessert la- TJeUcions," That's a fredueht"' remark: heard about desserts made with "Blue Rib bon vanilla or Jemon extract. There's nothing so good for s sore throat as Drv Thomas' Eclectrto; Oil. Cures it in a few hours. . Relieves any pain in any part. ON TO WASHINGTON. MAKE RESERVATIONS PROMPTLY. In order to secure proper sleeping car accommodations, parties intending to avail themselves of the low rates to Washington on account of the in auguration of President-elect Taft, March 4th, are requested to communi cate promptly with the undersigned, as space is going rapidly.. ' B. S. MEEK3, Agent Atlantic Coast Line Railway, New Bern, N. C. POISON ,mrmi sun, For twunty-Sv yurs JBotaole Blood Kaar PtH SaSIer from BImS Polwa am tMl km It. RaS Sys. BaaUy ewrcS B. . ;- Balm (B. B. B.) bu beaouxlos jFMrly thouaands of sufferer frwn Primary, Saoondarv or-Tartiary Hood Palaon and all forma sf Blood; Dli uiaaaaa. , ,w Wi aolleit the moat obstinate caaea for & B. B. cures whar all else tails. ; If vou have exhausted th. old method of treatment and atlll have aohaa ana paina m bonew oaca or joiuta. iuieu itolilna- hnmora. Klalniia or pimples of Eczema all leaves after killing th. poison and putitytnr tla blood witH B. B. B. In this wai a flood of pure- rich Blood u aant direct to u. skid surface, the Itching (tops foraver and every humor or sore la bealad and cured. ' -" -. BOTAHIO RUK BSIiBl (a B. Whl la nlaaaant and- aafa trt . take: eom posed of pare Botanic Ingredients. It matlam. Muoua Patch ea In moatrt Sore Throat, Plmplaa, Copper-Colored spots, uioera on anj pari or. tn. ooay Katinaf auraa. ara run dan or nerroua. Hair ur Eyebrow (alllns out, take 8. B. B. It kill the soiaon. makaa the blood pur. and rich, haaUnff evary aoraJ and oompl.t.iy enangins - tn. entire body Into - a cleait haaUhy oonditioni CD, BBADUAJTS Drag. Store, II per Large Bottle with- directions for honw enre. Free Blood Cure Coupor ' This coupon . ent from Now Bern N. C Sun,, la for on larafr aample of E H Blood Bairn mailed fr. ulain nackaa-aa. Bimnlr i The1 ,w N. K.lf. . la I t-. Blood Balm mailed trae In vour nam. and add rasa on-dotti itnaa below and mall tat BLOOD Baliaa . OQ. Atlanta,. Q. .M.r..,..... Btat. nam af troubla ft row I now.- , " 7 rfi . U QsCaij appreciated.' Fer Full Qu'r.l! antaia V. c. Om Wklafccy tmm tX4B. mm . wmmi ' ! A '1 .11 I mmt I V ((Fl in !M per Oat U . ... i-ir S0! f JEb Kind To Hare Always Bought, and wiikJi Laa teca , - r in oae fbjr, over SO -years, hn borno the .signature .of L , , C- Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of f -la&nta and C3iUdxeiKxerIeneo . SJnst Experiment,'. v Oartorla is" namles.- Bobsiltate Od, Pwe- rortc,: Drops and Soothtar BTP- I 1 leanJ v contains neither Opium Morphine aor other Jfweotlo - , snbstance. It. age U its snrantea ,M destroys Worm j , and allays PeTerishnesft,-Ifc -m JMarrhoaaand Wlnel( Colhj. It relieve Xeethins; Troubles, -.enrw Conatlpatton A and Flatolency. It Mdmllatea the Food,1eslatea .th s , "' Stomach and Bowels, girlns; iealthy and nataral sleep.; The Children's Panaceai-tTho Mother Friend, v v . v The MYottfejQimp-Boi : , InUs: Fori Oven 30 Years. Made bom- pure & tilled filtered ureter. NEWBERJUCEtO. 19-2. .HGri& Street, -1ione-23. Steamer--Caroba Will leave every Mjunaay. ano . innr; day at 10 a. m. l.r Vanceboro, frora foot of Craven Street. -Freigni received sverrday. .. H. u l. POTTKB, Jr- Telephone 14. - . Ajent Stit Bern Drag CeaipsoyUIncifor Fresk Drags, Snatries .sna-Faaatain Drinks-8 Sosth Front atreet, Pkene A PERTTY GIRL Came here yeaterday and kald that she had . - DRIVEN ' FROM " HOME' It gma mile, away PMlne several stores purposely to ret nu? E- tract of Vanilla.., Many people have learned that our Etf ac t .wt-j, ' Vanilla I. far and hatur than the ordinary: .kind. It U .trooavr. Has the real Vanili flavorj f tt goes farther. We make a ape." ' elalty of FlaTorins xtrarU. Splcr and of all the Brags vaedln Cookery.. W. help you tp-maks yon-4iaba-taet batter," , BRABHAM 1 ' CJorner of "Pollock Galvanized Clothes Uoilerr, 1 Everything for the Kitchen.. - V f e invite you to drop iniind eee what all. , GASIJLL HARDWARE CO. 17 PAonc li7 . A. ftd baa Deeninaaeuuuer mm - Sonal supervision since its Infancy.!. -: A How no on to deceive yon in this, ', l-.-"l''L0SEii I.,7lf 70a have, any work ton to be done phone us : : j s" Machinists,,1 Founders, Boiler Makers & Black ; . smiths j; ;c - ii . is. ti. tbona 1.79 7? , , . -4 ifc i.t i .rjbJekeB 8andwlebes,bot Tomsts ana rrencn ouuwa airs. . 1 -3-1 "t4 DRUaCO. and Hiddle Streets m Kettlca, - Bake Tans, Tots and we are offering.- . . yy - B O . u c . . . Koad. I- : i) f. t 1. 1 the pnua ol uumv 1 . -a. . , awi ler h n s 1 a. i . oilmvir rt3S t i f coniwcmive unrtiousj I tim -4 . at( a Ua .-I- -Mata Um 4H Mali a Mm 4 (Mil a Ha -IMatl a lla -t- eaau ailae Urn u m 'ft Urn II All orders for-the tW oust be aecoaipanied wiih cub (or u. many .tunes as ada, ar U run. These ada. are inexpensive.' bet ., they bring quick mull and sun n turns. 1 CHATliWKi. 'iEn5I, 50.;11, I. 4" , R. M. meets every Wedr.eaday sleep No. v-jT -Middle street' Brothers v' fronj other reservations V cordially y 1 WBloomed.i-T. V: Aahford, 8. J. H. . .. Smith, a of R . x ;" ' TIPXWRTTEK WA5IKD WOUtB like to rent typewriter by the jnonth. , Inqulrs SanaQfoce... , ' St. BiTEX4s)OB K. , XXIQirS QF- ) HABJI0XrMAetsjooBd nd ourtlu Wednesday nights m acn montn in;. Knights Harmonjp hail earner . Hancock and' BroadJstreets at T:S0 .; o'clock;- P. B. Weodi -president f. W. ' H. Davis, viee-presldent; J. H Smith ;:. secretary; R. JL.H111, financial see-; ; ...rstary, B.-j,Jh,kii . -5 e&nnDrns rcr-rraiT hbidacbx"; Out last eight t i Headache and aer-v voug' thW iwornlngf Hicks Capudine; just the 'thing to M you for business, Clears the head-braces the nerves.- v I Try it At flrugstores. ' r ' I WAKTKB-POSITIOIf BI A!t EXPE. " - rlenoed man- to repair aneV keep-up .and build new. log cars. . Satlsfac-. ,Uoa guaranteed, .Address . B. - F. - Dukas, No. 20 Pasteur SU, New Bern, v .' N. C ' - . ' . - t B0E8ES J ClIFFEB-k 8ES 10UB r; horses B. S. Street's Livery Btables rr 1 t 6t-Broad'streetr and have him clip-- .; t : jrpsd. ; , M-lm. - IFOK 8 Air OB STOBf He. f7,- ' ' 'corner 01 Pollock and Craven streets Apply to Miss F. B. Small wood- Phons 830. . . w. . taxnels all poIons,;sttmulates tbe: : ImtsrnaW.prgana, sleanse -the system - -and pntlflee the Uood. .Bach J HollU Itefsjaeckj? Monntaln.Tea,lh saost ef- Xe?utt, psnvsntaUvs o!,( disease .- ; t pre,vantatlve olvi disease. .- : t& ctn ta. Tea or TabletSmDavis pnarm- I BATE A: GOOD XANT.,FBE8Hi cows whigh, gives mean extra, sup- ply of jnllk.: WU1 furnish any quan. y tity., customer .wishes, at any.jtlmeJ , Quality and service guaranteed. ' Phone 917S-rlngg., L, Brar;""' -, - -. . "I J '!" ' " - I ,.'J.M I. " " .- 1 ' . nsr ase.subs.stotjs utsaiH t 7Sents .per load, on the mill yard. w,: . .BnlonJPaIiALnibsr'Oonipany-- at. 1 5 BABBEI3 X ADTK ? JLXLt ' B0SE . . ;"and Earjjr Obio seed.potatoes. norther ; em grown, ; For. sale by . Chan." B. -..-'i, Hni, S6 MlddUJt . . tf. for saie-ue mobthxbx ara. ' about tn Jnrst-clasi condition. Can be seen at New Bern Iron Works ft Supply.Companyv Eugens WllUams. LWASSTED. C0XPE5IESI r.AOOI. L. keeper and stenographer - Give ref- , eraneesv and tate,salary - expected, - ) iLock Drawer Kins ton, N. p., St I rmTEB ik, jiadb- : CT .jress,hesrt shingles Write- Bean- ,-fort, NCU Look Box. 131 , 4-wT LIFE UrSPBAHCBDO I0P WHITE Ufe InsumnceT If so, do yon want , ; i to represent ths Best Company and : Make More Money? Is so, get In on 4 " the ground floor by writing to The - I North State Agency Company; offices 1 No. 604, 608, and 607, Realty Bund-- -ing, Charlotte, N. C. 4 SU, F0UB-DOAWEB TEBTlCAIi FILING f Cabinets for only $19.73. ' Call and examine same. An exceptional bar- gain.1- OWEM. a DUNN, 69 tave .ing Bridge Gcores, by calling on a O. Dunr . C. 8. K. C "ramlloo", ?Tew r.-ra, K. C, 'T .are will be held in this city on Apni 6th next an examination td oil t.ipn!.r.!pa )n the position of cn-l-tg of ' :e 1 e-d t--- t t: '.leers, Vulted ' .....j Kiv.;.ma ( i c forvii.e. .r y o'lior hifr;!,: ioi, ;n be Riven 1 1 . ':on to t!-e U. rt. C, "J am- - v r- .