jr.?- 7 writes lira, 'E.-Founder of Lake Charles,.! "I used to suSer from headache, backache; side ache, pressing-down pains, and could hardly walk, :" At last I took CarduL and now I feel good all the time. i . , .. - . i. . - - c . . , . . - lilll : M lt WU Help You Cardui is a medicine upon the cause of most women's pains, strengthen ing the "weakened womanly organs, that suffer;. be- cause their work is too hard for them. It is not a pain "killer," but a true female remedy,' composed "of purely vegetable ingredients, perfectly harmless and recommended for all sick wo men, old or young. Try Cardui. . Women's Belief. ' AT. ALL DBUGr STQBES &) STRONG . iltu COURTEOUS v55 ' ( progressive : : r' k- OUR SERVICE I v.: I - : The service of tbls bank has been cindered efficient by reasoi 11 -V I tt tne knowledge of Ind'vidual requirements growing out of ft Y close personal relations with our depositors. We III t" Vv- " A incite accounts subject to check small as well as III - 7 , large "and pay 4 per cent interest on savings ac- It - r count of one dollar and upwards. ff 1 ATSsC-D.BRAOMAM T.A.UZZELLfljy I IO j"CST. CAIWIK O COAL AND WOOD . The very best Lehigh and Pennsylvania free burning White Ash, Egg, Stove, Chestnut? and Furnace Coal; also the C. C. B. ;' , . Pocahontas Steam and Domestic Lump Coal. . ' All Goal 8ereened Before Leaving The Yard . r:J':'' WEIGHT GUARANTEED. WOOD The best quality of Oak and Pine, sawed in stove lengths. Prompt delivery and personal attention given to all orders. ELLIS CdAL and WOOD YARD . PHONE 47. UNION POIKT. OUR LONG SUIT tys,T J C GREEN & CO. iBRICKfllllFEED ;.I always have a complete" r Oortii Hajv Oate and All : ; Oata, Eye and Wheat, r ,; .Remember X also carry 4 me Maricet. 1 r:.snel5Q VNITFD STATES BRANCH l:rdiccidcni H r J 'Jl;'5:.:irVC- H. BO VI- '. VrnUt !-'T - . , . ., ASSBTI. .''Bonds and 'Stock Ileal Kutate :, li-mfiniii in courno of led I. id . Tnterent accrued ' , fif-h on Deposit an-i ' t'.ire , . . . ie.0-42.8f 1J0M0.W ,J4,018.J 142.014 23 11,S8?,463.9H -.rilllly tier.. nil 1YJ.V1L1.1I. that has been found to act in sanitary plumbing Is. expert workmanship. Nothing taken for granted, skill bora of long experience and the will to give every client the honest worth of his money. Never took a ''cheap" Job in our history rather do it - for nothing. But we do return value for money charge you , uuuung lor an estimate. .Phone 416, ' T,r'S V'": SEE& STOCK and fresh stock of Corn MeaL t Kinds of FEEb. Also Seed ,'WW?MMM the best, building Brick on life AssrsS t:r:l::i lid Ms4m tm. I . I n ii , i r r , . "i .. i' Rlrve f.ir Liii-Hnml 1 j,",lmn" ... M.tJ 100,0'Mt t. Slirpl.m in V"'' (ini-l,,.,,,, J , t.l Skort htm of h&emt Cotidauei ''i bdt Small Spiut Miat Ira Hall returned from Askin, thla morning, accompanied by her cousin. Mlaa Florence Potter. Weather forecast for North C ro lls:, Fair, tonight Thursday, fair and slightly warmer. , ' ? Rev. i. W. Ham says his revival ser vices at the Tabernacle Church are growing In interest nightly! A num ber Of additions have been, made to the church during the course of these meetings. He extends an invitation to all denominations to come out and join tn the worship. The next National event Is Wash ington'a birthday, February 22nd. Then comes St. Patrick's day, the 17th of Marhy the wearing of the green. This morning, Mr. H. C. Lumsden was very busy at the Norfolk and Southern Trent warehouse weighing up 600 barrels of rosin, which will be shipped from this point to London, England. The shippers are Messrs. Slooomb and Starling. The product was manufactured in Onslow county. On account of a financial embar rassment, Mr. M. Suskins, a dry goods shoe and clothing merchant on Mid dle street had to close his doors to day. Several local fishermen with two small canoes, arrived at the fish dock this morning from down Neuse river with a fairly good catch. In the lot of fish there were about 200 nice large shad. They were purchased by deal ers at the1 dock! ' A number of schooners are In the dock, loaded' with oysters of all sizes They are of a good quality and have a fine flavor. Th barge Edward A. Schlear, mas tered by Capt. Frank Jones, is loaded and ready to sail, with 42S thousand feet of lumber taken on at the Pine Lumber Company- of this city, con signed to Chas. Fielding and Robert SIzer Company, of Philadelphia, Pa. The large gas freight boats, Lena and Cart T, are at the Norfolk and Southern warehouse, taking on car goes of general merchandise, for deal ers in Swansboro, Onslow county. The A. C. L. passenger train, due in New Bern from Wilmington at 7 o'clock, was over three hours late last evening, due to the tender lumping the track near. Folkstone, S3 miles from New Bern. The train ran about three-quarters of a mile before it could be stopped. No serious damage was done to the track. The axles of the lender were so badly bent that a relief engine Was sent out from Wil mington to bring the train to New Bern. This wait was the cause of the long delay. The monthly social meeting of the Epworth League, will be held in thf league rooms of the Centenary Meth odist church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to all young people to be pres ent. ' Mr. Geo. H. Wlllson, day clerk at the Gaston Hotel, has resigned his posi tion to accept clerkship with the Guil ford in Greensboro. He will leave for his new field in a few days. Mr. P. L. Adams, of Fayetteville, has arrived in the city and will fill the position made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Wlllson. Tonight .the Amusea Company will put on one of Shakespeare's master pieces, Richard III.' This is undoubt edly one of the best films that .has ever been presented by any company, in the city. Mr. W. B. Blades and a party of friends expect to leave tonight on the houseboat Comfort for cruise down on the sounds, and visit near Portsmouth,- N. C, looking for a little sport with the abundance of ducks,., and geese in that viemtty. ; - , The barge -Clara! arrived In port from Baltimore, Md.. with 500 tons of fertiliser for the New Bern Building Supply Company," and Is -unloading her cargo at Stevenson's Storage Co's, dock at the foot of Craven street: 1 ' . Hotel Arrivals. :; :j - ' Gaston,; J. .K. Doughton, Raleigh; a:.W. Taylor. M. City; Fred A..Hull, NC-t ,a O. Stoo, Rllgh; Jr B Hlggs,' N.C.;, L, O. Clory, N. t.;i J M. Royall, Richmond;' N. O. Carpen ter, Baltimore : C. E. Cromwell, Mich ; W: 'Hl:'Cosloni fbver,N. C.; ' C. ' C. Stfatwell, Dover, ICC. h:?' Haselton: B. S. ' Oulntu, Bsyboro, K.'V-"'"'-""-' '"; .-'"' ' '' -T-- .-. -'''? " CkttV,''eoi:; Flegenheimer,' ""Rich mond; j.; BTWallace, Suffolk, Va. ;y?-y; :f -, ;,. .r C0tD mmi Cmpijy. 1 HlckV' CAPUOINlS is the best rem 4yte1leres tha aching and fsverish ness cures the Cold and restores nor mal conditions. - It's liquid effect Immediately, JOc, 25c, and EOc, at drug stores. J '; 1 ' ' ; ..".':.", jt ,-;''--;. ',;. - - ,; ;' atate of North Onrnlii Craven C"--To s. H. h Oaven 1 Th lln.i" v.-n Coiiiilv for .rthV Tragedy ot Rkfcsrd III" It would;. be superfluous to attempt a description of the great playsufflos It' to say,5 however, K la a true rep resentation of Shakespeare's master piece, and every movement as natural as; life. ""The Imprisonment " ot -'-the princsro !ln the tower -(legal heirs to the .throne of England) where they fre killed this making way Cor their unci Richard to be proclaimed king, and ila hand to hand combat -with Bosworth, where, the usurper lost his life at the hands et Bosworth,; are scenes you will never forget, ''' '.. trip VThrougli " 'Russla"i-Sh6wlng the lofty mountains, beautiful scenery, naUvea and, their customs ,?prlnc4 and pauper.-1 You will enjoy seeing 1L Good music and Illustrated song. Ge to Boyall's heaiqsarters for the best Celery on the market .' ;:- - HART & BALL Cottea Brokers, Agents for Badgers, McCabe Co, Cotten Xzporters, v - Ksrfoik,Tfc. Sew Isrk Cotton. , : Open High Low Close Mch. .... ...6T ,: 1B.67 - 9.50 .B3 May . . .9.66 .B5 M : J2 Jan. .. V. ..9.55 9.55 9.48 9.51 Oct .Ji7T!Mj 9.38 9.33 9.37 Spots .. .. .. .. ,. .. .. ..'9.85 Sales, Hone. ' , , New Bern Market. Prices , .. .. .. -.. to 9i-8c. Sales, 5 bales. , Port Receipt Galveston .. 7,101 New Orleans .. 7,603 Mobile ; , 7,42 Savannah 2,033 Charleston 256 Wilmington 250 Norfolk 1,138 Total Liverpool Market. Open 202,203 Close 5.05 5.04 1-2 6.05 5.06 5.07 1-2 5.08 1-2 5.09 Feb. 5.05 Feb.-Mar 5.05- Mar.-Apr. 5.05 Apr-May 5.07 May-June 5.08 June-July 5.0S luly-Aiig. ',.5.09 Aug.-Sept. ..6.03 Sept-Oct 6.03 5.03 1-2 4.99 1-2 4.96 1-2 4.94 1-2 Oct-Nov 4.99 Nov.-Decv .4.96 Dec-Jan .4.94 Jan.-Feb.i.. .. .. ..4.92 ' 4.93 1-2 4.92 1-2 Try Sew Bern Drna- ComnonW IniO for prescriptions. Accuracy and puri ty 69 Sdith Front St, Phone 65. i DELMONICOSCAFE Is now open and any one wish ing a lunch, of oysters, game or anjr dellcaey of the season or Jf.feu want a regular meal, It willi be served promptly and correctly. DCTI P. DDVAU !uuuu vx mil mi 5 Phone' 809. . 10S Middle St ff a LEWIS WaU Paper Room Papered, IS 00 and fj. . epposrrB p, o. - Pboae SST. 6 the watch buyer to knot Oat Us time-piece Wu bomnMrA l tha C. tnp aid Timed In cm -roch ia the plan o( , i nOAVAnD' The iscognlsed standard pocket fimg pieceiororefetctr,) - See Our ExhlbiTo! COWAKD.VATCnC3 v , 'To I ;C?;Welare ri6w selling. Butterick Patterns, the oldest and tresis propose Itocaalarassbxn ideasarsKbin ion Book" on sale : H We" b'elievb we have beyond questioil the mos popular line of patterns to.;bh veryreasonable, 10 and 15 cents: none highe - You'll do well to see the Butterick spring.styles ; before deciding how to make your new garmehti V. G. Phone 212. SEilS. IT FOB LESS They " Are Here! The New Hats. Stetson Our assortment of the styles -of, the season Is so largo that It' will be the leasiest thing In the world to pick your j hat our." - ' . . s ' We have the Stetson Soft and Dorby Hats In all the latest styles. ' , JUst received our line . of Barry Shoes , and Oxfords. , In all leathers and widths. )"'.. . r "L'f$Si6 11.00. - : '' I .Drop a hd look them flver.,- ; , S.fc;:!::3: rhsne m w 'f i v. 7fr and 77 Kiddle St. (V 'T frf? ItC: ';.': " We went every man r'd woman In the United States to V.tcv ' .t we are. dolnf We ire ' cm : "5 C-'o"-,i, Tumors and Chronic Eai,a ' t f.:e of '-e U"n or ly X-r:.y, i 1 e.-e 11 ' r 'i V';l I -. . : - and are offenng the Fashion Sheets Free DUNN & CO., : ; 55-57 JPollock. Street. LH JOEL MITAKER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat " 8PECIAIST rot Balelgh. ; Will Be in New Bern, Saturday Feb ruary 20th, atDr. N. M. GIbbs' office, Elks Temple, between the hours of 9:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. Hereafter he will make - regular visits to this city every four weeks- The Best Hotel b Norfolk, Va THELORIiAlNE American & European Plans Granby St L. Berry Docbon, MfiT Best Lunch in the city 35cts: I HAVE A COMPLETE Columbia, Rambler, Hartford, and Tribune Bicycles. ;imma fii'ZV Sporting Goods Store Bicycles, Cans, Ammmition, Phonographs, Bast BaU Goods, Etc I- ' 91 MIDDLE STREET. nozzzz pirt Irkurance ; j , Tj fRe Estate: 'p: New Bern Bai!u!i&Loan Assni ' (XEI 8EEK8 OPE US APBIL ' " , iTJsell your property, or liny y ou a home or Invest your money safely K von will let me. - 4 clients Interest Is our very first cor stderat Ion. Also Uf Flro. Accident and livestock Ins Urance. Satisfaction absolutely guar nteto. ? ; t ; v , ' ' ' t," ' . 4 i WiJj.'..-. . .W.G.B0YD,'i . .Elks Temple. . - Telephone 400 ? IjusTtecevEDr ( shipment of English i ' ;j PerambulciorG and Go- j ; Carf.s -without , 11 -Com by n - v I W. WaUS, Pres. - J J J. W. WILLIS, ML, Tictt.Prak; J . Mm nuiiiiis, oeCTy. -r- k :-w Lookout Bay I ( : Cbb Hoase BstabllBhed - and equipped for the7 accommodation and pleasure-. of -sportsmen - on the. famous I T Lookout Bay Game Preserve foe ! Lookout "wild loi . east ot fowl. , Located ten miles Morehead Clty.-N. i, Reasonable terms. -; Moreheat City.. Tf. C STOCKOf' 1909 MODELS Racycle, Iver Jobnsca lv PHONE 253 J) e

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