PUBLISHED -m CRAVEN - COUNTY -i':- v - -' Largest Circulation of - pXcnTc in JAe BettXAdverfuing Medium tn', . , foifera Abrti CbtoJom, ; v u -J rv yM in Education, Happiness and Prosperity' -VolagiaU No. 75 '' ;f v v FEBRUARY 18. 19(h). . PriceTwo Cent 1 . r . . 1 p i iii i 1 1 i i.i I CAPITAL CTIY JVE17S BUDGE! DobigsrefThe i : tare U Rdtizh a. .V-'".-:? Special to -The-Suiu V5? J Kaielgi'. c; 'JpS? ;ftJeous committee on foaas wor fwws; : aol the bill Incorporating ta. Alt. to construct road runnlngthroUgh' Burke,' Mitchell and McDowell coun ties, mostly m the last namedi . By the ' skin pt Its' teeth the hill of tlon of employes In suits against rail' roads for damages In case of Injuries i or death received a" favorable report. The vote was t to 7, chairman Hayes of the Joint judiciary committe 'of the House saying, that If he had voted he would hae voted against It The . bill is much along the lines of the federal employers liability law, and. prevent the company from compelling the em ploye Injured or rellot of one killed to an election' between Immediate re-; lief or. benefit' from " the relief '-de-. partment or suit,' for damages.' Mr J i Connor accepted an amendment pro posed by Counsel W. B. Rodman of the Southern Railway to theeffect that If the employe at . the, time of the "acci dent was ,, violating - any ule of the company he could not - recover: dam , ageB. Mr. Grant-wanted to amend to, make the bill apply to any "person! firm or corporation," and not only com mon carriers. This was voftd own.i Grant declared It gave the police pow er to' search any . store or pool room without warrant. Mrfl Gaston said tt dm not as he understood It, but that he was noi very familiar with the bill. Br. Gor don demanded the ayes and noes on the motion to table and it was lost by 23 to 62.- Then the House, at the request of Mr. Gaston, backed by Mr. Doughton, agreed to pass it 'over. The bill provides for inspection of near-beer and . soft drink establish ments by the police or deputy sheriffs upon complaint by any reputable per son of some particular' place, make ByWira to The BujL imrcqmuu tow ion ur mora oil Afl.nln rthr P.h 1WW ,.i.i intoilcatlBg .liquor or United States lprf t . cense prima facie evidence :otsalk4 'Z&VJ'1 uu u" uu" whemt-Tnnmg probf of sale to any i j,Tr Pnt as a query in let- particular person, prevents physicians I tsrt -sent to members of the First from prescribing more than one quart Baptist Church by Rev. Blrney Hud- STIRS FLOCK Do in Sepkn Dayr a day -to any one person, . prevents Screens or curtains' before doors and windows of near-beer fountains. r Mr. Sigmon's bill to prohibit the Il legal sale 'of liquor In Burke likewise I caused argument and jocularity. It son, the new pastor, has started some thing of a furore among fashionable members of the congregation. In an interview last night Mr. Hud son admitted' having sent the letters, makes "possession of two and. a half and he Claims that it . was done only gallons prima facie evidence of keep- with the purpose of drawing attention hit for 'sale. Mr. Morton spake to the Uncertainty of this world,, and against It and declared his bill listing I not with any idea of sensationalism. every man who had liquor at home I The letters, however, contain the re for private purposes, making him pay I quest that written answers . be sent license and requiring 'the transporta- him, to be read at the meeting next tlon companies to report the people I Sunday night. receiving shipments of liquor and the BMESMY THE TELLER PROVEHWRDER IS ARRESTED - ft, Possible Solution of Two J. R. B. Car r away Out Year Old ihsterv Under Bond 5 w By Wire td The gnu.; Hagerstown, Md. Fife. 18. Human bones, believed to be ftose of Martin Ktnseli, veteran operator of boats on the Chesapeake ft Ohio Canal, who mysteriously; disappeared two years To the Creditors of The National Bank of New Berne: The teller of this bank has defaulted and is under arrest. The directors have made good the shortage so that the capital slock, surplus and undi- ..... -i -..... vib biuwu ao utiuic mo uc ago last December, have been found fauit ad ii Pnn(-PrnH r oh.nint.iv i . publishing of those lists was the best temperance measure ever introduced, but ..the prohibitionists of the House were going to vote it down because the dry; folks of the State did not want to go on record as having liquor at home.- He argued against the right to search in the bill for Burke. Mr. 81gmon asked If his bill did not al low ertough tor camphor. Mrfl Mor- SEEKS $250,000 FROX HAGGIS. along the banks of a small stream of water . emptying Into a" big road near the Klnsell home by school children. In addition to having a large sum of money in his possession the night he disappeared, Klnsell also had on deposit in bank nearly $2,000. This money still is In the bank, his widow being unable to use it owing to her inability to prove that her husband is dead. Ever since the night of Kin- sell's disappearance the theory has prevailed in the neighborhood that he was murdered and robbed. safe. JAMES A. BRYAN, JOHN DUNN, G. H. ROBERTS, IS. B. HACKBURN, C. W. HUNGER. E. K. BISHOP, A. D. WARD. This statement is made by my au thority and is correct. FRED A. HULL, National Bank Examiner. Ella Rawls Reader's Husband. Claims Share of Peruvian Millions, By Wire to The Sun. New York, Feb. 18. Athole B. Read er, husband of Ella Rawls Reader, was the plaintiff In the supreme court today In a suit to recover $250,000 Mr. Connor's "Mil to "do away 'witlj ,thej figwSrs fo the orosg flre 0l questions compulsory feature of the" re net de partment will bf reported unfavorably. from James B. Haxein. the millionaire ion acanowieogea it allowed two ana mneB owner and racIng man, in con a half gallons for that purpose. Mr. ., with !.'. n,Vrhoi nt Grant got. In this also, and Mr. Slg- Several mines In the district of Cerro more house dellverle moa-entertained the House with nis BUTCHERS ROUTED IS PAXIC. Indiana Housewives' - Revolt Sends Them Haatllng With Cut Prices. By Wire to The Sun. Hartford City, Feb. 18. The end came suddenly to the trust formed by the butchers of this city, when they ordered out their telephones and an nounced that they, would make no TOHX TO BACK BAR ROOM. Citizens, Minister, and Mayor of Mont- clair, N. J, in Novel Project. By Wirs to The Sun. Montclair, N. J., Feb. 18. A move ment to give Montclair a model bar room was started at a meeting in nlty Church last night, which was ad dressed by Dr. Henry S. Williams and Mayor Henry C. Crawford. Several residents gave money to establish a cafe, where, besides spirituous drinks coffee, lemonade, and soft drinks, as well as light lunches, will be sold. Bartenders will be employed at nominal wages. Thtir income, how ever, may be largely augmented by the commissions allowed on the sale of the non-intoxicants and the food. The profits from the saloon will be used for its further improvement, and in time it is expected to piovide a reading room, recreation place, and gymnasium. It is thought that the saloon will have no trouble obtaining a liquor li cense from the town council. Mont clair now has only seven bar-rooms. SAIPICWRES SWUNG JURY Veiws of Carnage Basis For New Trial Plea BISHOP HOSS RALLIES. Shortly before six o'clock yesterday evening Sheriff J. W. Blddle put under arrest J. R. B. Carraway, teller of the National Bank of New Berne. The warrant was sworn out by National Bank Examiner, Fred A. Hull, of Ashevill'e, and charged the defendant with violations of Section 529 of the been expected Methodist Divine's Condition, While Serious, Is More Hopeful. By Wire to The Sun. Baltimore, Feb. 18. Bishop E. E. Hoss, of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, underwent a surgical operation yesterday morning at Johns Hopkins Hospital for intestinal trou ble. Mishop Hoss was upon the table for nearly two hours, which was due to the fact that the surgeons found his condition much worse than had ..IMI. 1 1 V - M( . .. .1 , . J... L II road In North Carolina, the Coasi ' Line. ; . f -- -:. ' :-V;- t': , Senator Bassett's lil W prevent; . garnlsheelng for debt out "of the State received favorable Consideration. The House was called to order last -night at 8 octock by Representative Bowie, of Ashe Many private roll call rM wr mum on second, ana ine following-acts were passed on third 'reading: . " ':'' : '- s. B.fwr:.B!ft6fcMr or drinks containing one-half of one per cent or more of alcohol, requiring United States license, for sale, In . Reldsvllle township, . Rockingham . county. :'. r ' v Enforce better drainage of certain . lamia Iti'flaatAn mrtA T.ifinnllt.-'"' . Create superintendent ot agriculture : and sanitation foir .Guilford. ' : : Establish stock law In Cumberland .'and Lee. Substitute for bill to revise charter of Southern Mutual Home and Real : Estate Company, of Wilmington. S. B. -to- establish and define duties " of board ot Internal improvements Of H town otarshalLvv.';. y y ; 8. B. extend powers of building com - tnlttee of town of Marshall. Secure better drainage of lowlands of Forsyth.'.' Amended-, ty Mr. Mc- "i .... ' .A - Crary to include Davioson. . ' 8. B. to amend Ttevisal 1811 and re- ihnS!J laws 19(1S relatives to yWH. w . r T -7 " -number and compensation of com " mlssloners of Northampton county. ' ' , anthnriilna the buQdlnr Of Stock law fence In Lllllngton and Stewarts . Creek townships, Harnett county, l p,lfl, tn rnniirt . tenocranher . for 8th judicial district. ' Amended by Mr. . ' Hayes to except Chatham county. T Protect fish '- in Lake Phelps ' or . Scupernong In Tyrrell and "Washing- ' ton bounties, ' ' Protect fish In Clay county, Protest nsh la Haw river. '.,,,,:. Regulate toklng of clam In Mason- boro Sound, New Hanover county Hyde county to Blades River and pre- : Tent fishing therein and l Fortescu ' Creek with drag "nets. Fix salaries for officers ot Rooking- . i ham county and Increase school fund. '' i For relief of ex-sheritt Suttle, of . Cleveland." , ' Extend time for Camden Ferry Co. , to erect a drawbridge over Pasquo tank river. Encourage destruction ot hawks and owls', by putting price on heads of hawks and hoot owls and others. (A motion by i Mr. Grant, to refer to fi nance committee vit voted down.) ' For bettor drainage of Leanard Fork lands In Howards Creek town- ship, Lincoln. for 'several minutes, and finally the bfll went over at -his request. TUSKEGEE CONFERENCE Discussing the Health Accused of Bribing Witness Who Cleared Him of Another Charge. By Wire to The Sun. Tuskegee Institute, Feb. 18. Repre sentatives of more than 200 schools By Wire to The Sun. and colleges In the different parts of the South attended the second day's New York, Feb. 18. The selection isters to this country, were welcomed of a jury occupied the entire day at I by the Peace Society, of New York, the trial of Carl Fisher Hansen, a I at a retention lipid nt the Hotel Anfnr session oi ine msaegee negro lawyerj on a charge of brlbery of a today, witness. I President Frederick Lynch, of the District Attorney Jerome is prose- Peace Society, said, in an address, cutlng the case in person. Alexander! that the exchange of professors be Mlchaelson, the defendant's law part- tween universities of the three scan- eHaltb ner' separately on the dlnavlan countries and the United same cnarge. nine jurui s wore oe-1 siaies was one ui me greaiesi lurces lected. I In puromotlng peace. All three min The Indictment grew out of the re- isters replied with brief speeches. cent trial of Hansen on a charge of I Each said it was the object of his extorting a large sum of money from I country to obtain arbitration treaties Joseph F. O'Brien, a Philadelphia dec-1 with all nations. orator. The defendant was acquitted. An Investigation disclosed, it if al leged, that one ot the State's witnesses had been bribed to change his testi mony, ference, The meetink today, known as the I Workers Conference) Is sequet to yes terday's meeting Special subject of discussion today is General Condition of Negroes in the Southern I States. There was also a "Mothers Meeting" demonstration ot farm work, and discussion of "Model School' connect ed with the institute. - I . r. roes de Pasco, Peru, for $2,500,000. Hag gin subsequently sold the mines to the Cerro de Pasco Copper Company, which in turn transferred the proper ties to the Cerro de . Pasco Moning Company for $60,000,000. Reader alleges that Tie had options from about 300 small property owners in Peru for their lands, and thtt he communicated with Haggin. A deal was ml by which, Reader says, he was to have got 10 per cent from Haggin on the purchase price. Read er's lawyers today obtained from Jus tice Fitzgerald permission to serve an amended complaint The housewives of the city are in ecstasy. They had arranged to have fresh meat furnished by farmers, and Revised Statutes of the United State's, which when denned read thus: Em bezzle, abstract and wilfully misaply funds and monies from the National Bank of New Berne, and making false entries on the books of said bank, while .actingjn the capacity of teller. '.' contract, were tn have heen alBnB J The defendant was held in $5,000 justi- today for delivery. The butchers ,reu uu,,u ",:'U,B u,,l,ru olaleB uom' called a meetlnir. tnok rtnwn their fnr. mlssloner Charles B. Hill, for his ap- This afternoon he was resting much easier. Altogether, the bishop's con dition, while serious, was regarded as more hopeful. More than a hundred telegrams con taining words of sympathy and en couragement were received today from al) parts Of the country. By Wire to The Sun. Suffolk, Vs., Feb. 18. Claiming that the jury was unduly influenced in bringing its verdict ot deatbagainst Sam Hardy, the Holland merchant and choir singer, for the murder of Tiber- ious C. Jones, by having witnessed a moving picture show in which scenes of carnage were porjected, lawyers for the defense will ask for a new trial. During the progress of the trial tha jury, with the permission of the court and in custody of deputies, attended a theatre where two of the films por trayed scenes of death In a Kentucky "moonshine" tragedy and a duel in Normandy. Should Circuit Judge Mc I.emore decline to set aside the ver dict the case will be taken to the Court of) Appeals. TRY FISCHER-HANSEN AGAIN. feits, and ended by declaring war among themselves. Today they have been scurrying around among their old customers, offering to deliver meat on telephone orders, and making a reduction of 3 cents a pound on the best cuts. THREE ENVOYS' TALK PEACE. LAWYER HANSEN ON TRIAL. New York Society Gives Reception for Scandinavian Ministers. By Wire to The Sun. New York, Feb. 18. Herman de Le- gercrant,( of Eweden; O. Gude, of Norway, and Count Carl Moltke, of Denmark, the three Scandinavian min- IS REP0R1ED FAVORABLY TO STUDY AMERICAN ARMY. MsJ. J Gen. Road, of Australia, Coming to the United States. London, Feb. 18. Maj. Gen. John Charles Hoad, inspector general of the Australian military forces, who has Redaction in Letter Postage Pleases been in England tor six months past ' The Islanders. I conferring with the government on TWO CENTS TO NEWFOUNDLAND. ' f . .1 Al" iae iss tilll tO Lreate tlie COOn I By Wire to The Sun. the subject ot an imperial general staff St. Johns, Newfoundland, Fan. is. lis to start for home via tne unuea Two-cent letter postage between the states February 27th on board the Unted States and Newfoundland will steamer Lusltanla. become a reality on Morch 1. The! The American authorities have of postage has hitherto been Stents. The fered Gen. Hoad every facility to in- announcement ot - the change gives vestlgate' matters' otneral interest Newfoundland I in connection with the American army iy of Avery By Wire to The Sun. Raleigh," N. C, Feb! 18.-The' Senate general satisfaction. ' . kW jit Brttlafc mlnHlM hu nntl.nj,i will vtslt-sll mllltarv canters ..I, nyiA I v - uu ' hv . " -". " pecn iv iuv yuvuii pi i augouicui a www i iruui cite aubuuu w iuo . w.,uv, towns reported favorably the bill to upon fWi create the county of Avery out of part of Mitchell county. The bill is S sub stitute tor the original bill, but dif fer from It trot slightly. ; The bUl makes Unnvilla the county seat- On objection it was re-referred- to -com mittee and will come up as a special 6rder Saturday. : , Dr, Wilfred Grenfell, the Labrador missionary, when m Washington re cently, i made representations on the! subject to President Roosevelt and Postmaster General Meyer., ; ' Ing methods. EIGHT POISONED BY MILK. THE FLEET IS NEAR1NGH0ME pearance Friday, February 19th, In the government building. L. G. Dan iels being accepted as bondsman, The law firm of Moore & Dunn, of this city, have been employed by Mr. Carraway and District. Attorney Har ry Skinner will reach here this even ing and enter the case on behalf of the government From the best Information obtained today a shortage in the bank's ac counts was discovered about January 26th, and the directors took the mat ter up for investigation, which re sulted in the arrest yesterday at the instigatiqn of National Bank Examiner Hull The amount short is not known at present and it may be a few days be fore an accurate statement can be made. It was stated today that the conditions in this case were showing rather contrary proceeding, inas much as the amount thought to have been short was growing less as the experts go along, while in other such cases the amount grows larger. Friends of the defendant give depth to their expressions of regret for the unfortunate occurrence, and he is not without a few. They claim that while the charge rests against him, they do not believe the defenedant has received the benefits of t'.e money. An inter view with sonij of his closest friends brought out the fact that he had al lowed himself to get In this trouble through his efforts to help his friends --by allowing them to overdraw their accounts. In reply to the question "Why he should allow such extensive over drawing on the part of some?" it was stated by one of his friends, as coming from the defendant, that he allowed them to overdraw first for personal friendship and continued to do so from time to time in the hopes ot getting il all back, What plans the defence will pursue have not been given out, but It was Btated today that developments may lead into any direction. That it is claimed for the defence that he has not used this money for his own use, rill call for testimony from a num ber not known at present- What may levelop at the trial -will help the de fense In shaping its case. Tho shortage reported, had no effect CONSERVATION CONFERENCE Began Its Session In Washington Today This Time Bribery of Witness lu The O'Brien Case is Sought By Wire to The Sun. New York. Feb. 18. The State's , case against Carl Fischer-Hansen, the lawyer, indicted for attempting to bribe a witness during a recent trial which the lawyer was charged with extorting money from Joseph E. Brien, a Philadelphia decorator, was presented to the jury today. After the jury-box had been filled the Prosecu- or suggested that the jurors be warn ed to advise the Court at once if any person sought to influence their ver dict. The Prosecutor said that in the ex tortion case the defendant lawyer paid Attorney MacaluBO, the principal wit ness against him, the sum ot $500 to influence testimony in bis behalf. He said the State would seek to prove that Arthur Kiesow, a subpoena-server acted as intermediary. Washington, D. C, Feb. 18. The North American Conservation Confer- , called by President Roosevelt through an invitation to the govern ments of Canada and Mexico, began its sessions here today. The conference is held to consider mutual Interests in Canada, Mexico, and the United States, involved in the conservation of natural resources in the three countries. The delegates were presented to the President by Secretary Bacon. The reception was brief and informal. At the conclusion of the reception the conference opened in the State Department. Glfford Plnchot deliver ed the address ot welcome. WAS N0WING IN POCKETS So Says Undertaker o Carmacks Body By Wire to The Sun. Nashville, Feb. 18. Yesterday af ternoon a pistol scabbard was found in Senator Carmack's overcoat pock et. This morning Flnley M. Dorrls, prominent undertaker testified that he had examined the clothing of Sena tor Carmack twice very carefully, and that there was nothing In the pockets He said two of the atternoys for the CHESTER CHIEF SHOWS TlVCti ove dt-aino re of Haw river an .mi a cr? k In Rockingham. r's L U relating to prohl la conn'y started 1 t;y c.jMK'.'riiMe a : n fire of r- ' ' 'of - -, (' -a titi a run Woman Near Death aasV Warrants An ,. Out for Parkersbarf Dairymen. By Wire to The Bun. . . Parkersburg. W. Y., Feb. ISWar- Wllmington. Del., Feb. 17. Chief of rants have been Issued for a score ot Police Pennington.-of Chester, and I local dairy-men, charged with the Tame. DvfiuR. a mMsoner in his. cut1 1 nolsonlns' of eight nerifons thiouch tody, . created much excitement at I the alleged oss of toi mialdebyde and I By Wire to The Sun, It Is Now 926 Miles Oi I'Z Cape Henry GORKY'S FRIEND ON TRIAL. PUPILS ARE SUSPENDED. MoundsviUe High .School Students" Ab sented Themselves on Lincoln Day. By Wire to The Sun. MoundsviUe, W. Va., Feb. 18. The entire high school, with the exception of nine pupils, has been suspended by the faculty. The students last Fri day refused to attend school, claim ing that it should be a holiday, and members of the faculty say the stu dents remained about the premises, and with yells of "Lincoln," prevented the primary and intermediate grades from having school. As a result of the suspension there was no session of the high school to day- . WOMEN ATTACKED IN BERLIN. Fire Wounded Sunday and One Mon day by Mysterious Assailant By Cable to The Sun. Berlin, Feb. 18. Five women of the working class were wounded in the city and in the suburbs yesterday. while this morning the wife of a mer chant was wounded by the alleged "Jack the Ripper." None of th ewomen were seriously hurt, except the merchant's wife. The blade of the assailant's knife broke , against her stays, and he beat her into unconsciousness. PRESIDENT TO SEE QUAKE ZONE. May on the standlng.of the bank whatever. defenge exam,ed the clothing one day Money: sumcient . to corner any pos. -ourmg nlg absence. Die loss was piouea iu uiv iwiik vrvwi I Monty sufficient to covwer any pos- by (he dlrectcrz. The properties of the defendant were turnod over to the bank by him and while ,tUcy may tot I Rsvolatloalsts Trying W vewrmine h cover the amcunt short this with the I wv-ityh-f Hss Been k Spy, .. : . - ... . i 5 ... , I sufficient amount to cover me suori-1 U nut In hv tha fllreetM. sort tl-an V "e oua. Also be Received 'by Kins; and Pope While la Italy. By Cable to The Sun. : Rome, Feb. 18. The announcement that Theodore Roosevelt and his wife ' will arrive at Naples the end of March on his way to East Africa and- will received here with great satisfaction. Both the king and pope have ex pressed the desire to meet him. '. Ar rangements .' are being made tor Mr. Roosevelt to visit the earthquake sons. . . . I . . .i v v. i. . . . . . maRiirna uia .wmMiiora ana uv bukih.- ii . wmw, ...... Slxtn ana maraei suwn ww aiwr-puier prervuvs iu num. : on-Boara- lagsnip uonnooucuw bb - . ' " " , ... , I w-n' in thlo cltv tndav before a Bus noon when Dycu. broke away, but , Mrs. Philip HoU.s, a prominent o-b-. w B0- ,26 miles .th. ' t V-A u . . v.. mi.i r.. I i ..r . j.,K ..J 1 I I '.THIS niOmllll WOBH. lUlB OUUf CSIUV I l.,v,.v,.; v..-- was recapiurea oy vniei raiumw nu.o i . " i r.n Het, 11.. Maine New ! . . - ..... .t. u. 1.. nd,M.w . Pftltah writer hd r ht life can be -- --- - . --- ,Ior me oana 10 gy.w..., i p r amona Hampshire, Idaho, Minni! : - tu, , ana inaual i' iile to deposit tneir accounuii an iuiuu.w irnu vV " Evcus Is wanted in Chester on a charge of stealing money. Pennln? .... ..J Vt. ....... .nlt:- -r f ., ion mm uib pi ,rn,nr n,o wraii , i a trolley car, for Oip-'for v ' v-l Is dotilit Bave 1. US r r- 'M"1 t i rn, I i-r c;isp e t t f m are likely I Salem, of Admiral Arn JolnH t!' flet. '. (Klron,not -one i peared to withdraw their on ra charge of being a spy. in the is I account ' At no. time since the mat ter became known has anyone display ed the least doubt In the bank's stand- - the utmost confidence being ex- il evorywhero, 4. , jj,.j,' service of the Russian police, . - , The case-resembles that of Asef, the man who has been condemned' to death by the revolutionists tor trea son. Shot During Altercation. '' Anna polls, Feb. 18.Haiy Tongue, of this place, was shot In the abdomen late last night, in i WesJ street by a ttegro, one of a party ot tour with whom he had an altercation; and who escaped. He has a fair chance ot re covery, hut feeling against the assail ant runs high.'' . , Bride Were Short Dresses. ': Hagerstown. - Md.. Feb. 18. Nalle Dellnger, of Water Lick, Vs., and C. Stokes, of Front Royal, Vs., came to Hagerstown today and were man! i by the Re. W, C. Griffith, tha 1 -yer-mlnlster, at his office. Te b who Is only 17, wore short Or

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