- feei fCELls::rD daily, eicept Sunday. F Ken lira V " 4 Campmtj. : GFTICE3 AX3 PLANT:. -. X. t Crave 8tntt : :- S Xanagiai EBr subscbiptioh fbicb, . (U Astss) On Wert ...:. Three Months ... a L2S Bis Months Om Year 6.00 Ttlephsam fishiest Office) Ke. m. dltorlal Vs. 1 fi Entered st the post stops in New era. N- C, as . second class mall attar. " THUBS9AT,.:..Fenary 18, WO. Altogether noWjrtorward-Marcht ..'A South Carolina refuses to adopt prohibition it should now be able to do some business with North Carolina. - ' The " legislator , cap do what It thinks best, and while we might kjck we recognise that we cannot help our selves. It may .ba that Mr. Roosevelt had nothing to- do with, that California af fair, but wo are inclined to fell glad that he butted In. We bare been hearing for years that tne $ta-a iPapitol is not large enough v... and yet they continue to make it ans 'wer the purpose. -.Bear Admiral James 0 Green, U S. N., retired die at Rdenton. N."c. yesterday.-' His last, active duty was the command ot the cruiser New Or leans. . : .. The motion to move the capltol from Raleigh to Greensboro was a Joke, but when they .start put to enlarge the capltol you will see somebody take it . up in earnest The House has passed the bill au thorislhg the director of the census to collect and euhllah additional sta tistics qf stocks of cotton bsled in the United States, as ot November, Jan: nary and March ' . The West Vlrgina Senate has or dered George Byrne, a. former news : paper man, to answer questions pro pounded by the committee Investlgat- ,lng the expenditure of $30,000 last year to beat the prohibition nmend- ment An enterprising Alabama negro has been arrested for conducting an Illicit booseorlum In an open grave. Peo ple who have bertofore refused to be lieve that splrtts haunt graveyards on occaslonf - will not no doubt revise their opinions. Salisbury Post Nine thousand policemen- in New York are looking for a man who with an automobile run over and killed, a woman. It looks like to us there are enough after him to catch him, - We would suggest they had better get Un , ele Sam's army to find him before he gets away.'' we take the following from the Raleigh Times: Mr. Chaa.. L. Aber nethy. of Beaufort, was In, town yes terday on a business errand, and the , seeing of hlnf calls to mind the time : helmed as a yong lawyer in '.thai section,; and, by, hard, wprk has. gone up high In bij profession and Is con sulted in many Important Cases, v He . had nothing to bnlld spon, but hard work, and with that has succeeded.'; -" Joseph Carr, - of Young township, Jefferson county, has cow which, has given birth to sight; calves In three years. r Twice the bovine has brought into the world twins and pa the 6th of i::!s month , she found' herself the 'iir ot thfee calves. .On February :, V.m, twins; on February,' 1901, ; on February 6, 1909, triplets i than a year previous to the ar A of the .first .pair of . twins one if had arrived anvthe scene. Two f the latest arriveU; are t!--' ; g, hlle the third would' pro' y ,ave i doing likewise bad r ' ,th r " l upon l,,b" ;Wng : : p irk. I"! " ' ord. ' f 5 (jur t ,;;u:g sprout grubbing. but ot a retiring and modest disposi tion. .Mr. Epeer Mm exploited this Incident f hla early life, and it ftt through the subtest io ! friend In Lexington. Ky that P.. J. Collier, of New tork city, and president of tie Lincoln Fara Association, extended pressing invitation to th old gen Uemaa to attend the ceremonies in memory .of his dead companion and America ' President Dr, Speer is bale ud hearty sad until . recent years practiced kls profession -;f BBTAX TO SELECT XOXCTIB. i nave not seen any. account ot the way Bryan takes his defeat., pis present position, his view of the elec tion, and the ideas he and his friends have ot his future," said a personal friend of William J. Bryan. "So hers is the situation on all these putters. It Is, the result ot careful - inquiry. correspondence, travel, personal meet ings, and, as near as possible, rep resents the most accurate views ot himself and his near-friends at the present time. "Mr. Bryan," said his friend, "will not be a candidate for the presiden tial nomination again, but he Is deter-' mined that the Democratic npmlne In 1912 shall be a man. who was loyal to him last November,- and who -is known to hold what Mr. Bryan calls 'advanced and proveaslye views "During the next tour years new men and issues are expected to make their appearance, and att entirely new political alignment may be expected within the Democratic party. At pres ent Mr. Bryan does look With favor upon the presidential aspirations of Governor John A. Johnson, of Minne sota, or Governor Harmon, ot Ohio, although, reduced to a choice of the last two, tbe Nebraskan prefers the Ohio executive. "Bryan regards Senator-elect 8hlve- ley, of Indiana, as a progressive Dem ocrat; also Senator Chamberlain, ot Oregon; Governor John Burke, ..and Representative Champ Clark, of-Mis- sourla, who is to be Democratic leader of the House of Representatives it Washington after March 4th. "The friends of Bryan do not yet regard Governor Shallenberger, of Ne braska, or Governor Marshall, ot In diana, as progressive, although there Is hope that their work will receive the approval of Bryan, and that their names may be added to his favored class. Bryan will continue to wrote tor his newspaper and lecture con stantly for four years. "His income ranges from $60,000 to $80,000 a year. He was badly brok en up and bitterly disappointed over his defeat, for which result he was unnrepared. And he has taken the third defeat much harder than any previous reverse In politics. "To friends he has revealed his be lief that the chief cause of the heavy vote for Tart in large cities was the defection ot Catholic votes. And friends amopg that persussjon are trying to argue him out of the notion, and are bluntly telling him that the real cause was 'lack of confidence in Bryan and. his ppl(tlc4 theories.' "Mr. Bryan does not attach much hope at present to. the. movement to make him United States Senator from Nebraska two years .hence. Many friends ot Mr. Bryan feel, that his place is not in the SenateJVEx. Torturing secerns spreads Its bum' Ing area every day. Doan's Ointment quickly stops its spreading, instantly relieves th .Itching; cures It penna nently. At any drag store. ; s Bewland Het a Ssldde. . Hagerstown, Vd., Feb. 18. Clerk of Court Harry B. Baker, arrived here from New York with the body of his sister-in-law. Miss Mary EL Rowland, who, as stated in nlapatches from that city, committed suicide .by inhaling gas. Mr. Baker denied that Miss Row land took her lf;a4 aayi hey death .was. duf to ajii accident caused by gas escaping into her room from a stove. AT henpecked hubby once was he, .His it didn't like his compaaeev But, tow they'lrf lovbl 'as ,be, h , Bpth taks Hollstort Rocky ,ont tain Tea. Davis Pharmacy. BOTH JBE EK piTpRCE. Wlaehester Wife Allegvs Creelty, sad i Husband Win VFlla .Ctwas-ElU. 5 , Winchester, Vs., FeW 18. CTtng that her husband-heat her during fit of temper, and .that he hr"'n'i t kill her if she remained In V ' Mrs. Rose Landon a former ' rapher, ot Washington, D. C-, t stltuted suit for r"-"- t I ! band, JulSi'fi I - ' , v ' ) ' of a local p-' : r' .. 1 do'n BRks for r 1 :. of $10 a v Landon ' 1 ' a cro 1 ' : Essentials f tbe happy homes of to-day is a vast fund of infonaatioa as to the beet methods of promoting health and happiness and eight living and knowledge of tbe world 'i Wet ptodustS.---'r ! ' - - ' ' V : -' Products of 'actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented an which have attained to world-wide acceptance through the approval of toe WeU-Intormed of the World; not of indi vidual only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtain ing the best the world affords. - H One of the products of that class, of known component parts, . sn Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and com mended by the Well-informed of the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manu factured by tbe California Fig Syrup Co. eply, and far sale by all leading druggists. IN PORT WITH BURNING CARGO. Sokoto Bans From Florida to New port News With Fire In Hold. By Wire to The Sun. Newport News, Va., Feb. 18. The British steamer Sokto has arrived here with a fire in her cargo of rope fiber. It was discovered in No. 3 hold when the Sokoto, bound from Vera Cms to Halifax, was oft the coast of Florida. Her hatches were closed, and the Sokoto raced Into Newport News. The portion of cargo in No. 3 hold valued at 630,000, but it cannot be told as yet what damage has been done . ,' 1.-1.. J. 1.1 -u J, It coaxes , back that veil feeling, healthy look, puts the. sap of life in your system, protects you from dis ease. Hqlllster's Rocky Mountain Tea has no equal as a spring tonic for the whole famn. ,J5. cento, Tea or Tab- lets. Davis Pharmacy. FATfKQ BIDS WAKTED. The city ot New Bern, North Caro lina, desires proposals en twenty-five thousand (25,040) square yards ot street paving using granite blocks or vitrified brick, or both. Full plans, specifications and re quirements will bw furnished upon sppllcatioa. .All bids must be filed on or before the first day qt March, 1909, at 8 o'clock, V. M., at which time thi Board ot Aldermen will open the bids. Tho city reserves the right to reject all bids. c. J. McCarthy, Chairman Streets and Pumps Com. Raymond Hitchcock Bankrupt By Wire to The Sun. New York, Feb. 18 Raymond Hitchcock, the actor, this afternoon filed a voluntary petition in bank ruptcy in the United States district court He gives his liabilities as f 28, 284, unsecured, and says he has no assets save $16 on deposit In the Mu tual Bank. NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE. New. Bent People Should Lean to De tect the Approach ef Kidney Disease, The symptoms of kidney trouble are so unmistakable that they Jeave- no grouna tor aouot. Hick Kidneys ex cretp a thick, cloudy, offensive urine, full pf aedjment. Irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding. The back ch,ee constantly, headaches and dizzy .spells may occur and; the vicum is Mien -weignes .down by a feeling of languor and fatigue. Neg lect these warnings and there is dan ger of drqpsy, Bright's Disease, or dia betes. . Any one ot these symptoms Is. warning enough to begin -treating th kidneys at once. eDlay often proves fataL . -j M -' Ypu nan use no better remedy that Doan'S Kidney Pills. Here's New Bern Oreo: . - .. : .v 'v C W. Oasklns; 121 E. Front street, New Bern, N. C, says: "I have no hesitaUon in speaking 1 well ot opan's EMney'PUls, as thiy were qsd in my.tamlly and proved vary baneflciaL . if y wife suffered se verely from pains in her kidneys and cunsvam. out acne m me small 01 "v ufw;, . wua saw.uoans suaney Pllla rtvr(lrt T nmm,r.J . 1 rsMnaw s rnarmacy ana my wire be- mw iuhos lUBiu. iney acted just as renresMted. .soon. drtvint w. 4fc. jpains s.4 strsngth-Un, th. kidneys ! For sale by all .dealers. Price 60 Nenta. Foeter-Mllburn ComDsnv. Buf falo. Jtew. York, sole -agents for tbe united a 'Remember; the name Doan's and taka as-ottervA:-. -.v- CTTtt 8EKTIC8 IlJUilHATIOJrs; Jk tltsf BxaunlAattoSi Under the I Males sf-Ths r, JUiCltH Service For the position of clerkrcarrler In w.,ruj( . ! v posiomcei an exr amlnatfnn niuiM nn it,. 11,1. uoj yi man:a, xauv, ; commencing at v tr- v . -L.-n . .. 'U)T) for this examination iif is on the prescribed form, rip -ssary Instructions. ";.ed. from the Commla- Ul SOCIE: -. " Mr, and Mrs. Thomas G, Hymaa left last evening on the west bound Nor folk and Southern train tor a visit to Goldsboro. , . ; ; Mrs. W. H. B. Blandford and child. of Dover, who have been spending a few days m Norfolk, Va, passed through the city last evening, return ing bxime. v ' . .,v.t-r,-;s ." Miss Elizabeth Ellia left tkia. morn ing, going over to Washington, N. C. to attend a german. . , --; Miss Jane Stewart has gone over to Washington, N. C, where she will at tend a' german. . ''7:'t .v-i'f Mrs.. Walter Duffy left this morning on the Atlantic Coast Line train, going down to Wilmington, N. C on a short business and pleasure visit. . ' ' : Mrs, L, I. Moore went up to La- Grange this , morning : on the west bound train .for a short pleasure visit Mrs. J: Frank Magulre, ' left this morning' on the west bound train for laGrange, where she will make a short pleasure lsit ' " , ' i - - Learn 1 Make Desserts. - The secret t delightful desserts is in the flavoring extracts used. The best cooks us the best extracts Blue Ribbon vanilla and lemon. Trade Report Richmond, Va., Feb. 18. Brad- street's Saturday will say for Rich mond and vicinity: Trade conditions generally show i tendency toward Improvement. Shoes and leather goods are more active. Manufacturers of harness and saddle ry report increased orders. Lumber is more active, than at a comparative period of last month and manufactures in this line are gradually resuming operations. Dry goods are reported more active. The tobacco market con tinues strong and previous prevail ing prices are maintained. Cotton continues generally active, prices ranges up to 9 3-4 cents. While col lections continue backawrd the ten dency is toward Improvement. Crop conditions are reported good. Retail trade Is quiet New Ben Drag Company (Inc.) for Fresh Drags, Sandrles and Fountain Drlnkfc69 South Front street Phone 65. TRAVELERS TAKE NOTICE ! Call on Miss Nannie P. Street, so she can explain to you the great In ducements pf her TOURIST INSURANCE POLICY which covers the loss of baggage or personal effects, while, in the custody of any transportation or steamship company, hotel, or dwelling, either by Are, lightning or theft ;. ,'- r 6t There's nothing so good for a sore throat as Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil. Cures It In a few hours. Relieves any pain In any part ON TO WASHINGTON. HAKE RESERVATIONS PROMPTLY. In order to secure proper sleeping car accommodations, parties Intending to avail themselves of the low rates to Washington on account of the In auguration of President-elect Taft, March 4th, are requested to communi cate promptly with the undersigned, as space Is going rapidly. -, .: 7 , B. S.- MBBKS, Agent Atlantic Coast-Line Railway, New Bern,.Jj;C.! J'j'' ' nil POISON 'tcosojyqn,' 1 ror twtmty-Or yMrt Botanic BlOofl nir rant inn mm - ' '" Bain IB., n, , has wwn euring-yearly l.tnouunaa 01 luann -ir"m. rrir.iarj Saonary or Tertiary, Blond Polsof .T aoUclt toe most obstinate earn fpi B. a . By cures .whera' all-else falls; U rm have exhausted the -old "method of treatment and still ibave'ache "Hand Betns in bonaa, beak .-or Joint, lOiu . juhjag,. watery b"tec.v m i Itchlnir huranni, Rllnir or pimples ot Bownta all ' leave afters killlna th potaom and purirylns the blood Wit B. B. B. In this-way a flood ot pur rich blood la ahnt drct to il ekla aurfi uit lUMnf stope lotvr ana 9 , MOTABIO IILOOD BALM (B. 'B. B.1 ' It .leart and ull to take cum pomd of pare Botanle lnfrrdlAWr Ji ljnl1ea S'"' uriUe th blood. 1 - - -matitun. Mucua ' Fatones in mouth, 8ore - Throat, .PUrplee, Coppar-Onnrd Spots, Dlcera on aay part of the body. Latins i are run down or nervous, Uttlr or Eyebrowa falitnc out. take B. I B. B. It kill the poinon, makee the 1 kloo nure ,nrt rl. h, b.mis every or " c boay in th enilre ! y condition. " ; s tl per f -r tfln'f I C, D. A p r' 5 " i The) Kind Yoa Havre) Always Dought, tvud wLlcU txaa been , v la use), tot Tr 59 fears baa borne tlie Efgnatnrt) of i - All Counterfeita, Imitations and "iJast-as-good" are but r-; t'' Experiments fhat trifle With suid endang-er th health of U InfkntA snd QUldrtPA-Sxpezienoe against Experiment Csvstori Is ft kannkM nbstitxrt for Casio OH, Ite y -'i fforlc. Props ftnd Soothlns; gyraps It J Pleasant, JI - contains neither Qpiom HorpbiAe. nor tbee. Jlarcotl , snbstftnotv Its Is t Jroarantee. It destroys Tvrms, and allays FeTeriahnes. It cures Piarrhoea and Wind, 'i t Colic It reUevea Teething TrobleCTir and rutulancyi It arnlmllntPt the Food, regulates b ' atimmt nil RflwtJa. arlvinsr The CaiiMiei.BsMwiii ceriyjriEJc Bean tne; The KindiYou-Haiej In.JUsdsFor Over 30 Years.; New Arrival of Unprepared? Buckwheat ''Sunbeam9' Brand Ltpton's Jelly Tablets lue Ribbon" Lemon & Peanut Butter in 10. 15, 25, Pt. Cans Burnishire Tub Butter Fox River Butter H. Phone 1 74 ENAMELMARE FORIE IOTGHEN Galvanized Clothes. BoilerrKettles,' Bake Pans, Pots ind Everything for m Kitchen. m ana see wxiav, GA8KILL HARDWARE CO. Phone 147 ifiii--- LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATRIX'S JtOTIOB, Ravins qualified aa Administratrix ot the 'estate of Elisabeth B. Duffy, d- ceaaed, I hereby ratify all persons nay Ins ' claims against t in estate ot aald dAnaaRAd ttk Axhlbit tbem to me on or before the 14th day of January, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. f All persona Indebted t the said es tate will please make Immediate pay ment. MART B. COPPEDGB, Administratrix ot o ' - EllMbeta B. Duffy. This Uth day of January. 10. ... , HENRt K. BRTAN, - ? ' ' , ttojney, . ; Am, vwm vmn ultmist- , Vunuant -U the power at sal cea talned In a deed In trust xeouted to me yJ.; J, J?artjind. Annie B. Hart his Vflfe, dated the ltH day ot Xtaeem ber reeorted tn .the ftfBce of the Register of Deeds, of Craven County In Book PS t. , I WMl Sell at publlo auction' at the oourt housa Is the city of New-Bera, on Monday the tat day of March,. at it -A'Olpek, M.. .the- fetiow(n,4Bef 'he real tau situate In the County; ot yraven s, . All their undivided, one-rfourth in terest to that tract sareel ef land formerly oWnad by H. 8. 9rcl (4 ceaud) described and eonvyed by deedto Fred Q. Mitchell by M. O. pix an and wlfa daiU Decenjher 18th, -lnojfe recorded In the oftlca of t ie Heaixter of Deeds of Crairen County -in Book U Pase ; and the same "conveyed by deed by Kred O.- Mitchell, to J. J. Hart, aaiea inKawim . - - - corded In the oillce of the, Httter of InMda. Craven -County, Book U. pages - J 4,4 70 -whloh reference 1 made tor a more perfect - description, , January m, . . ,. Terms W. V 'V.'-'f State of North Carolina ; Craven County.- To a H. Fowler, l.ntry. Tuker for Craven County: The underpinned C. O. Ipoi k ven County, North Carolina. lays elalm to the follown piece or paroel -of land In 1- hlp. Craven. County. ,a,, ' Carolina, th "aama beimi unappropriated land, and Mi'. Tin't'e north by B. O'Nell. 1 wit by C. C. Iiior-tc and -n tlia, south I' t'. A. Iv ' t ty Aaron loo.k and (J. rilnnff by Humatlon 13 Si of Cra- t-i 11 and rilied 1 n f , ..ih 1 this lsih dy of F c. C. 1, ; i iu naaTveenmaaeunaer uis per , . . . sonal lapewialoin since Its infancy.' -- ADoWtto one to deceive yoa in tills.' - '" v healthy and natural weep; tr- Pm1! eiguarare .rt'-t q 1 5 V 4 l2c ; Yanilla flavors 40cts .9 " : 25 Mt as w; 37 x ct sizes uways Bougnt ARMSTRONG ' NEW BERN, N. C - We invite you to drop wc bic uueruig.. korfoiiandsout RAILWAY CO, ruaa-erald, WetMtt aad Kara,-:' -..;: i BSecttve tMkr II, MSS,.'- . 1. - .... ... . --. . TRAINS LBATM REWSEBm t.tt .a. nv,' V.lt p. m. (Dally Bxcepi e .., , Sunday) For LaxranK. Cov City . Dover, Kinston, Tuscarora, Clolda ...boro and. intermediate stations. .. :S0 a. m, 7:00 p. m. (Sunday only) For Tuscarora, Cove City, Kinston, .... XaOrange. Goldsboro, and lotarme- ft.!, - n . V..S . n - ' wri.M f imiiy hhdi nun. . . day) For Rlverdala, Croatan, Hav -'- lock, Newport, Wlldwood, Morehead - ; buy, oeauion ana latermaauue ta- .v liona; r a. m- i:ie p. m.-i-Sunday only) , For Rlverdale, Croatan, Havelock, , Newport, Wlldwood, Morehead City, Beaufort and Intermediate atationa 7:ie p. nu Dai)y except Sunday) For t . KeeUboro, Oranuboro, . Bayboro, . Oriental and intermediate atationa, 7;I0 p. m. (Sunday only) 'For Keels ... boro, Oranuboro, Baybore, Oriental. ; and Intermediate stations. t:U a. m. (Dally Expt Sunday) ; -. w vvumnaion, riymoutn, (joium- - Dia, uelliaven, Kdenton, Hertford .V." Elisabeth City, Norfolk, Suffolk, an ; intermediate etatlonr-nw Bern to v,; ureenvuie, tarmviiia, Wilson, Zeb - , ulon, Raleigh and Intermediate sta- L TRAINS ARRIVR AT BBW BKItffi :la. m.,- !:06 p. m. (Dally except , Sunday) From Goldsboro, La 1 Orange, Kinston, Dover, Cove, Tu 2: carora and- Intermediate atatiuu. Slid a. m, (.SO p. m. (Hunday onlyi-. From Ooldaboro,. LaQrange, Kln . aion. jjoTer, uova, Tuacarora and x.- Intermediate atationa. -r . :! a. m., J:io p.. m. (Dally except Sunday) from Beaufort, Mornad - Oily, Wlldwood, Newport, haei u, . . Croatan, Rlverdale and intermeuw-e -.. atationa,- . ... ...... t:l a. m., 7:00 p. ra. (Sunday only) . From Beaufort, Morehncl - City, Wlldwood, Newport, liaveioik, Cro . Jttin,Hlvrdal and lntenn-.Hate ' stations, :0O a. m-(Dally) From OHontnl . . Bayboro. OranlHboro, Realylioio, ai.u lnterme'liate station f:lK p. in. (iuily except Mindnv) From Moriolk. (jutTolk, j -..ii t ' f. iitti,id Kdeninn. .1. . - n. i - liin-.l-ia. Plvminii . a "i .. . In! rti n ( fl iaie ( . , io l ; Nl)W 1 mil; llu!-' '. i i. 1 . Ion, Vv ii-Min, if' . iKxiivuit -andlntotinediuih . THOMA3 FITZr-n :.S'1jIV f-iute of Not ; C.. tCT A 'v. Ko ad. tcs for lw tln 15 the price oi Uimt U fcix "! turn? lenr h Bk a line. . foiiuKiti ar lur eomecuuv inaeniuutt I tlaw .1 in S aeati tin S thaws. . . im I . aaaaaaUa 4 than H eeaU a Sm 16 Him ,.., ,A HriillH $t tleaes , 1 1 iXene aHas lawn 1 ... ...i.i.S aaats a Uaa 1 -All orders lor these adv stnst be aooompanied with eash for a many times as ads, are to run. : . ' These ads. are inexpensive, hot they bring quick rejuju anjl sure re turns. ? CHATTAWIA i tOSt, SO IL L 0. R. M. meets every Wednesday sleep Novii-SZ Middle streei, ' Brothers from other1 reservations. : cordially welcome T. P. Ashford; a , J. H. Smith. 0. of B,-.-?!.V ; ; TIPEWBITIB -WASTED WOULD like' to rent typewriter b the month. - outsit X4Mei iff. ki-jioars o f H ARSON Y. Meets second and fourth Wednesday night. lieach month Ja'vJ-;,. Knights of -Harmony hall corner of . Bancoek and Broad streets at V.St " J ; o'clock. j D..R Wood, president; W, :: H. Ivs;lo-preiMatrj. H. Smith 'i?-' aecretany B-: Hill, financial secy V; ;'v; 'JH)tf.;iZ rfMw. rV ' CiF:qDI?E er f!T14T HEADACHE." u Oat lastnightti Headaehe anitner .'w' r QHStthl taoralngT ' HWkstiapudina Just the .thing 4o M yoa for business. 4; ' Clears the head-braees the 'grtss -.t-vv; Trjr;.tt.: Atirg: stores ''-r ,' .-:ll .: rlenced naan to repair, and keep tp ' and,:buIlot .new )o cars; aatiafac-. Uon ; guaranteed, Address i B. i F. pukes, No. 10 Pastenr. St, New Bern,- N. C. 1" .;.im v r" ? P0BSES . CIPXQ-- KK TC8 - V,hHfJtnmjU..mifc Uvery Stables t -I Broad-street, and have him clip- - - MB SALE OB BI, 8Wf Js t?, : ; ' corner fit Pollock and Craren streeti 'r:.. Apply , to Mls F. 'B. gmaUwopdw :' i, . ' Phons WQ-i S ? t::3-i'f niwki:-- ?terj)al tw4' jptesas the system , ; -nd purifies tbtr.ataod, flnch-ls Hdlllai S tert Rocky Mountain Tea, the mostaN'ii " KWtffiV wveBteUy;;bt ;fr disease, .fe 4M W. 3etf,-Trpf TaWett,,jnyia pjunn, '.Vi-r. I cowsjr wwen gives, me an etra iunf ply pf milk, rWUl Ornish-any qaan. ' tltv ' customer wishes t tnt.ilm.: "f.V-.- Quality, and service guaranti nnv--. iaiv 'e iuWa amam - - "M JWr ioad, on the illi yari tlnlpB Point lyumbes Oompany. tLii' pABBELft AI5K. RBXIiM)8B' fj: nrX?lhioed arU jrraws. -For; ito:brJS-&&:..y:. ' HIH 35 Middle St , iM.r, J shosf 1a flrst-clasi epnltloni i Can ' be seen at New Bern Iron Works A '. .-" 4 Supply gmmr.jtnm, witjiains. ; 4 is ft .; i ".y.'i'jtiii 1 u.;jji." 1"; iff'ii., 2- WASTED COMPEHTEKT B00K keeper and atehpgrapher. - Give ret- .- ; " erenoes and "state salary aspected. ; . -.Xoek-ItrBmr.1 Kinston, N. a'f.ifc";-' i'h ij m Jim 1.1 1' 11 "1 if " S,iST! 'f-fi: ; WASTED ltSOM HJ.ADB" CI. fpress ' heart, shingles. Write Beau-J V S vlorUK. a; Lock Box 1SJ."-,.; J-4-Jw. :. LIT? INSURiNCE-DO I0U WRITE ' flJfoJnswranceT It so, d(? you wanf ? to represent the Beat Company and ? , Mors.MopeyT Is so, get In on the ground floor by wrltlng'to The " North State Agency Company, offices vNos. 04, 606, and 607, Realty Build- ' lng, Charlptte,N. C . ' 3t FOP-PBIWIB TEBTICAI flLKQ Cabinets for only 119.7$. . Call and "examina same, An eiceptlonal bar galn. OWEN a DUNN, 9 Craven Street-- - . 1 .; lUlbtiH ..i LA" ' J 1 : - lug Bridge Ecores.'can obtain r y calling pn o, q. Bunr P. S. B, C. TamHoo'', ?fcw T 1, 5. There will be hold in t' i r"v ( i f 1 ". n r-t n e cell's in the poni I."S T X r- ' t ' 1 V 0 ( on of c -r ' " a to t' . l V I ! 1 t ' C. If- at Hod wa Pt. ' -'ilerson i' sarfle "tter ' .i. l-