PUBLISHED IH CRAVEN COUNTY Lcr-czt C?r!ziten of 1 cr.-j Tccr in - Caster I, bfJi Ccnllntu " 7Ae But AdceriUhts 'Medium in - UOLIEiNtttfiCa in Education, Happiness and Prosperity - Volume 6 No. 78. -NEW. BERN, N. ra, MONDAY FEBKUARY 22. 1909. Price Two Cent CAMlALSm MYSBUBGEl ! IWftoc tsfTh fffftr. Special to The Sun, .v-" 'fcalelgh.'N. C; Feb. 2L--Th North Oafoiina General Aaaanwlf -r tu Justi y. telys mope working day I ahead and ' rim an fnAM vmrV th ai kaa hoan accomplish!!?!"" forty days WM.. ' .. . ' T - ... ' uiMit tiitri a ana. vvsa- tn "r.'rteffrk t-Ttary -Session- to which the constitution .Jttnlta the Jeg- wraiure memoes pauuays, aenoe -un der the sctltuUonaI llmlutlon the ' an only be fifty two days of actual work,: unless 'the lawmakers-j stay . over the Jlmlt without-pay to round - up the -work. -In saying. that there remains .aa'much'or mor Work for the .Assembly than has: already been ' accomplished, the time that pihould be devoted to. highly important'' and-tar - reaching measures in : their carSful consideration is considered. Several of the most prominent members of '. theJeglelature,- In discussing the- mat 1 v4er today,' agreed'that if there was to be the careful investigation and dls ' . euBslonv ot : measures yet 'toibe- dls ,. posed that their' importance really -ref would require- not lss( than - six weeks.- r .-..: v '.V. .. x - Of course, In view-of the thorough ' work: of ,the finance committee in the preparation ot theTrevenoe and ma- chlnery .bills, tor the next; two years and the further' tact thai it is gener- any agreea mat ineru pauuiuv-ue iw and very minor changes Tb the jpres- " ent acts, the enactment 4tf these, will - be largely a matter of form with .It tie time consumed in their, consider sT tlon on their separate daily, readings, but there are other and vastly lmpor-1 art to be the guests of Governor anl tant metters. vFirs andtbremost isJMrs. W. "W, "Kitchin at the. mansion th question of bond issues, iBbndsl for tte completion Htb plan laa d by the 1907 legislature for adequate enlargement and equipment - of the HtntA twwmitiil. fnr the Insane under i ati k ik. nixfcati ritrnmh. slnn. this calHncfor 1600.000. ' Then there Is the million dollars bonds, de-1 flrl ' ahonlntelv necesgarv to attain anything Ilk - proper capacity and -equipment for th Bute educa-1 tlonal InstRatlons the University ot North Carollniy and the A. ft M. Col - lege, the State Normal and Industrial - rntlvsa. and the Eastern..: Carolina Teachers Training School, these be- : in alone . with the SUte hnanltnl ntmria In the 11.600.000 Man - ; nlng bond issue bill'. The 1500,000 for i. i h k la.rf. : - . UH uuoy'uu. m .vawuvu , .i. w. . ahanlntal ImneraUve and sen - arate bill for bonds la' this' amount tor the -hospltols-ai also pending, nn.on h. i. thA maunra mntem- plating an enlargement of the State! House and carrying 1500,000 bonds. 'T- And another bUl tor $750,000 bonds '. for a Stat office building as opposed to the plan of enlarging, or In any way' disturbing th , present artlsticltles, cities and towns decided to re-1 Washington, D. C Feb. 22, A mil kiatnw Qi.l unnaa ' I imrt favorably the. bill offered, today I Hon Italian has been collected by the . iih a.ii nf ratw flnaatlnnad ' importance Is th anti-trust leglsla- J tion which la to com squarely b - " ' . au.' DaH a ja TMAmm . t-h ... .t.l -A- rka TWK.t ,K. " ..i. win a .h. mM.i.I.,a.U1 rnmnlalnt nf tha Mltahell Cit - V, .v. i.n.. thai "Jr. . . .... .... L . . . b - majoniy (avurauie report . irum, iuo 1 Zam.L ,mmin if aither of these .. a...t. ik.Mbiu Mim jiim ith tirritan itnteb 1: k.t.....a i..r .n'nt. in ' jgrnes. . ' :r'.-.' , ..t..ia. fan ".Mint- : -tors in lletf of fees they now receive la looming rather larg again JortlaoMtslol .n-: Mnl!dni 'tfOjntrndoi wupd4-v; mtaa;st8toy-aw. wta,i. w - ' - .k-.kiii .1... h.Uh. .ntv-nnnndariaa-'thls end a m. tir -ui'h,: r-- Office Btaff, charged with being a fugl- . k,'m -.m mtmm v,a aanthal opportunity to take a stand tor or .i.. -..i. .rfa.ini. Th Senate takes tap th question Thurs- site tor tt cbnrt house. :4iTthls con- ,,v. ,k. ...i ..fc-h.Lhv it i. nntahia that the nresent ' oVmond-Blow bill, which as amended court house at Bakersvttlei haa beeal wa, killed, the murderr crashing her Ing to toe detecHves who have been v .u- aaannaaalaMataii within the nast two vearsX l.knii with1 t vmlcb,'' Robbery was! searching for him sine th middle ot a salary -of 2,250. This smtter , Is ml sure to take up very considerable time in th. Senate and. In th vnt ..... .i,. ; ...... - .m.m- mr. Vj II1H Dl. UtlC tOI J VVUBIUVI UWaW mmMV time will be required to finally settle the matter. . The bill for the electrocution ot a . j..,fc i ih ncuiciiu;i vv u om iu tuu a ..... it t -'iiiury here, tnat passea ,ue iiuuuaiouu imm w omvo .uuu V!!h enual'.y surprUing ease Satuf- big ln the erectlonN ot new pubjlc c! y Is r it not QHs: fi 1 of tl e d as a most Important, iMo measure by sev a la the E mite rable !'i nine V) t- up C' -'He bi termed, omnibus 'education bill, which will be sprung on the assembly dur ing the last days, ot th session with ridiculously - little time' for proper consideration.1 . These and other highly Important measures along with minor bills wlth out number, each considered by the respective members from local view point ot vital Importance will orowd the calendars from day to day and make it practical 1y Impossible for any of.them. even thorn ot itwt att.By Wire to The Sun the consideration the Interests of the I people: wdldseein' to teauirt ioatTmtfe1rftOuinesTest UjipeaUvely;1 f The-matttfr ofsmor7Me vlBioo f or the ld Confederate -soldier is. another that is being pressed upon I must be tied before the adjournment, and most I carefully and deliberately, too, It the I interests 01 tne, -veterans ' who sacri- i need so much for the State. There I are a number of pension bills pend-l ing, bills to put all old soldiers on I the pension list, bUls to change the grade of pensions as to-the scale ot I injuries sustained or ot indigency and I bills for increasing the pension rev-1 enue, the latest having been Intro- duced in the House yesterday by lit. HcLeod to increase the pension tax on property to six" cents. - Resolutions are Pending now in both the Senate and the House tor final adjournment March 3rd, three I days short ot the constitutional tation, and in the house for no more I blllB to be introduced after February I 26th. . There Is little or no chance I fftr the adjournment resolutions to bel adopted. And there will doubtless be I as Usual bills of one sort and another comlpg in up to almost the very day of -the adjournment and urged to be rushed through undes various pre-1 wxts bl lmmergency. Members of the general assembly Tuesday evening next, for. a reception J State Officers - and their wives and those -people ot Raleigh who have I called at the mansion since Governor I inA Mrg. 'Kttehin 'have- been Installed I there. " : - -J - : - w yJr The Joint committee on appropria-j ltions heard trbm several representor I tives of State Institutions as to needs. among them being Principal ' John E. Ray, orthe State School for the blind land Senator Elliott for that school.! I The dilapidated rendition4 of the build - I lngs there was dwelt upon, and It was J urged that either the location should be changed in order to get more piay - 1 ground, or els that more land should be purchased adjacent to the present I nmnartv. . Biinerlntendent Falson of -- - - 1 the Eastern Hospital at Goldsboro for the colored Insane, was heard also as to the need of that institution. H : With" the' bUi ; for the creation ot Avery county put ot the Eastern halfjup by dynamite before It can be re- I of Mitchell-county set tor a special I order In the Senate today, Mitchell I county's troubles multiply in that this I evening the Senate committee on counlRy Wire to The Bun, I bv Senator Doushton for changing the county seat from Bakersvlll. to th Ideographical center" of the county, iTTi mHAirA U MnanfiO I&TOrlt.DI I hv tha ODimlttM Uti OUt that thtl ln.iln am.aara in ta that ths OUhtV .f,Ml.t K. ri.a m ItaVaMlvllla i .v mm is- within thre and a halt- mUe ot I in. aomethln. Uke forty miles 1 In I thraa iiireotions. The bill, would! ;1 therefore provldW an : adjitstmenf of the Urnuhia h. inoatin the county seat wher it would seem ta i be most nearly Mifnmiaaion at citizena -absolutely dls interested Is to b named tb locate the roernhir center and Choose, the Opposltioa to the Doughton bUlt to developing on th ground that if would deprlv. the people ot th county ot an. ntna in ettllns: their own at- 'Thia hill will nrobably b con- -m i aw. , - sldered Monday along with the Avery I county bill. - : ' all I The Stat Board ot Education has I w .nnmved ioana Mreitatln 152.- i -t-r . I AAA . . 0 , 1. 1 . In.. fit.J fn. miA school buildings In the State, - amounts being' distributed In a large and number ot counties, representing ery section. Under the terms ot of loans the Bchool districts recelviug the leans are oliU-ed tp invest 'yltigl' ;-t sn a: ;';?mal misount quiu nee U.8 Suta loan, Iwt in many lf,""-- ry niii h r-; ,j t'lan as nm. ; s C t ! s i i I ) 1" ft ' ' BIBTHDAYOF WASHINGTON Observed At The Na- tiond Camtol WashlngtbnrK Feb. 22.-Banks.J schools, government departments and I I vl of Up University of Virginia by Pres rwshlngtqh's 'btrthday. although bothhdent Alderman, but public announce Bouses of Congress in view of the I set-(large volume' ofhusiness, are In aea - sion.'; .'.' v ' I ' The (Jeorge Washington University I held awlnter convocation at Belasco Theatre this morning,, the principal sneaker betas Governor Hughes, of New York. He spoke on "The Pro gress and) Ideas ot George Washing ton." The Sons of the Revolution observ ed the day with fitting ceremonies, Washlneton'a farewell address was read in the Senate.' There were other appropriate'.' ceremonies ' ' Yonuir Man Stabbed. By Wire to The Sun. Index. Va.. Fe 22. In a quarrel I limi-lover a. young lady's hand, for which both were suitors, Lewis Morgan stabbed his brother, Wendell Morgan to death. Both were intoxicated. Lewis Mor- gan was arrested. I REFUSES TO NATURALIZE JAPS. Berks County Prothonotarj Obeys the I Federal Law. By Wire to The Sun. Reading, Pav Feb. 22.-iA;Japane. i resident othls cltha'reTqusted la I ltial papers for'naturallzatlon, but has I I man, owing to the Federal law which prohibits .naturalisation of Japanese. The aoDllcant is one of Reading's In- liAiiirai .Tannnxia- Warned In that f -togttaaV ana1 :'our customs. '" AVALANCHE BLOCKS PARK. I Dynamite Will be Repaired to Open . Thaw's Big Ude. By Wire to The Sun. 1 Wilmington, Dei:, Feb. 22. The I warm weather causina the frost In the I ground to thaw resulted in a landslide l alone- the drive in Brandywlne Park at the foot of Harrison street this after- noon. More than 20 tons ot earth and I .iai,. mHo nnnn tha itrlva and com- l --- - - nletelv blocked It A carriage was Just entering, and tWdrlver pulled up in Ume to avoid being crushed. The debris -wMl have to be broken l moved. America's 'Quake Aid $100,625. I American Red Cross for the aid ot the Italian earthquake sufferers, a oontrl- button today of $10,800 bringing the I errmttA tntftl tin tft EI.IHHI.BZD. . ? ' m ' , i l ttT.T Wlltril TA fl ALLOWS. I '' ,. - I Iff-- flAMwtAj m. VinlAr HftitrlAYad In . mmu -.. - , Hick f Tim. ' - lii win in Tim Am. TJneoln. Neb.. Feb. 22. After . the w.rdan had announced "that all was! ready"; and thr guards- had prepared Eu1o, who had been stopping at a I m laad R. ' Mesne Shumwa to "ttMlhous on Christian street, near Broad, scaffold, tha.Buprem Court thla; at- - 1 Shumwav was convicted of the mur der of Mrs. " Sarah Martin," aged ; '6S Uears. tar whom Shumway was m - ployed as a tannhandl On to night nt fUmtamhar 2. 1907.- Mrs. ''Martin .opposed to b to modv.i Shumway was convicted On. circumstantial vi- dene. " - ' '., ; -V ' , LITTLE HEROISX. HO FL11CES. f m--r- f V "- 'iv, .; .,. . ..'.' Saves Smaller Brother's tit a Well As Their Horn. ' R Wlr to The Sun. I ------ - - i Tork, Pa., Feb. 22. Anna autxer, m., ' -- -. Laars old, a plucky WrlghUvUl girl, Ui uew uuft.iyaara diu, a piuvaj we l.aved the life ot her o-year-oto oroinMoi -n-w .u.a. u r Jame this morning when hi nignt nimo oao -.woraw m . ev - shirt caught tire from an overturned l win ouy, m air ,;.. the oil lamp. She probably." saved hives of three y- 'r children ana pro t'Hl the tl Uon of the bouse . , s - ..)'- a out of bed arose -to turn ! mp a? 1 over- t- ENDOmiENTIS ACCOMPLISHED Andrea j Carnegie Do- natiWUU.VOU By Wire to Th Sun. unariotteavflle, Feb. 22.-The mll- Jftf f Qdowment Is now accom iu brief de- talis was communicated to the faculty ment will not be made until Founders lDay. Andrew Calfegle subscribed five bunded thoustnd dollars on condition mat ntqe raisea. uuring Mr. AiQBrman s visii to New York the mark was reached without appropriation' Of bequests. To Flop The Maine, By Wire to The Sun. New. York, -.Feb. 22. John Arbuckle, wno floated the Yankee is in negotla- tion wltn the . government to raise the Maine. - He-declares he can bring the Maine to th 'srface and tow to dry dock easier than the Yankee. ' Preside!!? Nephew Dead. By. Wire to The; Sun. Washington p. C, Feb. 22. The news of the ilejith of Stewart Boug- Ian . Robinaosi President. iRoosevelt'a nephew, was received ft the White House today.- "iHe died at Harvard yes- terdar ,i .4V9 The President probably will attend the funeral. Wednesday. . SLAVE CASK TO HIGHEST COURT. r Alabama JettTp'k Right to Liberty to jbe Tested. Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 22. The of Alonso Bailey, the negro charged with . lolatlon of the Alabama com moor iaw, was aecmeu lgainst him, -decision being announced Saturday.. - JT. 'TB cas wiIl now be taken as rap Idly as possible to the Supreme Court I of the United States on the ground that the effect of the law is to en- I slave men by depriving them of hrty without due process of law. lib- BEAT COP, IS FINED 1100. Mendicant fought Like Tiger When I "' " " x"" By Wire to The Sun. I Wilmington, Del., Feb. 22.-Arrested for begging on the streets, Robert 1 Simpson proved that he was an able bodied mendicant lor he assaulted Pa trolman Bradford, who had him in cus today, and gave the officer such a tus sle that he almost got away. Simpson was today fined $100. and costs in the City Courts for assaulting the policeman, and $20 and costs for begging. During the fight Simpson's head went through the plate glass window I of a store on Orange street Why did you not use your clubt; That is what Is is for, said Judge Cochran to I suvrM v, w I fled ill tUe CftM. I JILTED filRL'S BEYENOE, 1 . . . Helped Detective Find Man Searched I .'' 1 ;FP Sine Deoeniber, By Wlr to Th Sua. PhUedelphla, Pa Feb, 22. Basllo was arrested yesterday by Detectives - tive from New Jersey, where he is J wanted-: torl-kipplng .j.hl ball on lcharg of selling liquor without a n- cense.. vAmor merlons charge may also be l brought against h m, acoord- Eecember. . No trae ot him could. b found until yesterday, when it to said rm Wk . revenge for his Jilting her, i Sh Informed the detective that the I man, oy leuing nor us woe um uia.- rled, and by promising to mak her into wife, had persuaaen ner w come I from New York to Philadelphia With 1,. . " . - ataak mna lzimm. ;ia aoiwaivc 1 .- - ,, woman's jiam as Bust r JuaanantR., ., . . the She Is only U. -7m a 8hi ikad Sived 1300, and sh told the detec tives that when b got this from her he refused to marry her, telling he was done with her. She then her left for hT home In I! h-e Vu' 'irk. i-fjen county. i t'ie Phlla- - n was WRECK ON THE PENNA. Sevn Bodies Have Been Removed By Wire to The Sun. Philadelphia, Feb. 22. The first section of train No. 49, Norfolk ex press, on the Delaware Division ot the Pennsylvania Railroad, was wrecked in Deniar yard at 2.51 o'clock this morning, crashing Into two locomo tives standing on the main track. Following the collision a combina tion baggage and mail car, a baggage car, caught fire and seven bodies have been removed from the wreck. They were all trainmen. No passengers were hurt. The cars were filled with passengers on the way to Norfolk and were tossed from tiheir seats, and many were slightly hurt. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 22. Southern Railway limited No. 35, southbound, was derailed at Harblns station this morning. The engineer was instantly killed and the fireman was seriously In jured. The cause is utfknown. The track was cleared and the passengers are uninjured. On Honeymoon. By Wire to The Sun. New York, Feb. 22. Mrs.' Hetty Green's daughter, Sylvia, who was is to marry Matthew Astoi- Wilkes next Tuesday morning will take the first stage of the honeymoon in an auto mobile. Bi Slack ( rushes Into Street. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 22 The high wind this afternoon blew down a huge iron stack on the plant of the Wilming ton Brewing Company, Front and French streets. Several people and teams in French street narrowly escaped being crush5- ed. A crowd of people, bad just left the Pennsylvania' Railroad station across, the street, and a panic threat ened among them until it was Sund there was no danger. city Holds up spenders. Wilmington Water Board Suspected of Extravagant Intents. By Wire to The Sun. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 22. Declar ing that the Department had been ex travagant. City Councilman White last night besought Council to block the plan of the Water Board to remove the offices to the old city pumping mill, at Sixteenth and French streets. The board had asked tqc $25,000 In ad vance, iitid it was claimed it was in tended to spend the money in fitting up the uew offices. Town Hag House Famine. Georgetown, Del., Feb. 22. With business increasing- and several fac tories starting to work, the question of homes Is becoming a serious one in Georgetown. Every house In town is rented and new families are to come. Carpen ters are rushing .work on an old fac tory which la being turned Into an apartment house, with accommoda tions for six families. Old barns and woodsheds are being fixed up to make them habitable. WORLD'S BEST EXCHANGE. Broker Awards Palm to Sew York, Against London. Vnrlr Cah 99. Rttllpf that th London Stock Exchange to surpassed ...... M TA Q.W RhM hoth UJf luo .-o as regards Its methods ot trading and ,t. personnel was expressed today by ner ot the English exchange, who was testifying before . the Government's m " w lesuuing ix ? lu' . ...were all colored, and paid the penalty committee which to Investigating tnei : . . ., ... jia.r.n 1 1 for "hot-alrlng In the loud tone of methods In practice on the different . New York exchanges., Woodlock now a member of the New Tork Ex- change. He explained the svstems In vv . - .... JJ. rrfc.77rJ:."a .., a.h UB mumui 7 7 hnn lh. Inn Ann Rlvlt ' . - mcnange, r Mr. Runaall. ah emnlove of th Nw Bern Lumber Companywho had the mtofortun. of breaking hi. leg Satur- -T T . - day y,ing. near toe mm. by railing front his bicycle, Is today getting along nicely, and well a could be ex pected, due to a double fracture of the bone. , ' ir tannsaftfT fn siiinnnnitt tnu It will be unnecessary tor the chap- .,na fnr tha Washington's birthday lu.vni Rerves ArmorV to secure Boyd. N. C" A. C. Tunnell, N. Ct ...i... T.. .t,arf win ha , .rtmittMlUMcGulon. N. t.i 8. Gold, Baltimore;! the policeman was badly 1 1 .i,h..7 t,.m . : - - Resolutions. At the regular meeting of the New Bern lodge No. 764, of the B. P. O. Elks. February 16th, 1909, the follow ing resolutions were unanimously adopted: To the Officers and Members of New Bern Lodge No. 764, of the B. P. 0. E.: We, your committee, beg leave to report the following: . In behalf of woman, whom every Elk honors, we feel thp.t ColVcr's Weekly i.ns grossly Insulted the womanhood of the nation, and It Is our duty to let our brothers know of the insult. Whereas, the following article ap peared In Collier's Weekly under date of October 24th, 1908: 'Colonel Watterson observes that the proprietor of the New York "Times" "deserves to be hanged to the nearest lamp-post." In the same issue of his paper It is related that because a negro In Kentucky was ru mored to have sworn, and drawn a (revolver, his homo was burned, and his wife, his flve-year-old daughter, and his small baby were shot by the expectant mob. In Springfield, Illi nois, a little while ago, a woman said something about a negro, and with the horrors that ensued the country was ablaze. Then, after the burning and the shooting had subsided, the wo man's story was disproved, and the negro, whom the mob had failed to get, was set free. That little Item about the final truth, when it emerged, was in most papers half hidden from the eye an unimportant fact, to blush unseen. 'It is well known that many-fid 'Identifications" are sheer hysteria, often for crimes that never were com mitted, and many other charges and identifications are founded on some thing worse than hysteric:'.! in vention; they are the easiest escape from scandal. Now these are not the things to say, no doubt. They alto gether lack chivalry and the aristo cratic virtues. But perhaps it is time to put justice and truth above "honor" whatever th-.t may bo. If this pr.ra graph were not already named, "Chi valry" or "Honor" would serve for a title as well as any other term as well, for Instance, as "Murder for Fun," "Brutality," or "The Lust for Blood.' Be it, Resalved, that the article above Is a reflection on American wo men, and In our Judgment should never have been written, and New Bern Lodge No. 764 desires to go on record as condemning said article as un unwarranted reflection on our women. Be it further Resolved, that said Colliers Weekly shall be excluded from the reading rooms of the Lodge, and that a copy of these resolutions be tendered our dally papers for publication. H. B. SMITH, E. R., WM. ELLIS, P. E. R., THOS. DANIELS, C. H. Com. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Donavan, and daughter. Miss Julia, of Harrlsonberg, Va., are visitors in the city, and are guests at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Donovan's daughter, Mrs. G. D. Wood. Today being a legal holiday there were no stock or cotton markets. Mr. Chas. Coplon has gone to Bal- timore, Md., for a tew days on a bus- lness trip. Mr. Lee Street, a popular young son ot Pollocksville, Jones county, spent the day In the city and paid a call at the matrimonial bureau, which is presided over by Mr. Stephen H. Fowler. All the old members of the band. and any one who Is interested in the jrganizatlon of a good band for New Bern, are cordially invited to meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the Na- val Reserves Armory. Today is George Washington's birth day, February 22nd, a legal holiday, and is being observed by the banks the f ' I lUiauu, Wljr J. Tolson, City Tax Collec - - ,. ,. L... fr..h n f n.lnt - " " ' r, on n h,. offi ,n th ,ty bail - is "" Mate Hall., I Masonic KeUce. I A inawla1 -v.mmiinlrntinn nf St. - John's Lodge No. S, A. F. A. M., will I.. ...j .... rt. aanli. Pahrn . . ary 2nd. 1909, at 7:30 o'clock. ' I . . . AV. ..,-.. nora ill UIV f oiivwwbh win. memoer. eamuy requa P W ' VlsRlng brethren coraUjr Invited It MttmA r B nnla nf W. V. - -- - - -i i n A y Secretary. : .., ' iii I,,1 mi hi..y Betel ArrtTals,:v 't Gaston: ChM. H. Haist, Pa., i Workman. ' Richmond; W K. pavto, ened to kill him It he did not IBaltlnHn. ",,vv--,'.',V ' . J ' - Ibis hold. :: '.,' ? 1- Haielton: Frank Broon. N. U.; '' - , 8. H. Forbes, M. C. " r'v -- ' M . THE FLEET HAS ARRIVED Great Day in American History. By Wire to The Sun. - , Ft. Monroe, Va,, on Board United ' states Tug Peacock, Hampton Roads,' Va., Feb. 22. It is a great day for the navy and the American people. Historical Hampton Roads has not witnessed such an event since the bat tle of the Monitor and the Merrlmac. When the globe-circling battleship fleet cash anchor today In the im-. niense watery trangle, bounded by Newport News, Norfolk and Fortress Monroe, there ended one of the most spactacular and successful cruises in the history of the world. The fleet anchored after a review at the place where It started over a year ago and is home in almost as good condition as when it began the long Journey. For a week cities bounding Hampton Roads have been fleet-made and the culmination ot en thusiam and excitement reached this morning when the great battleships steamed majestically into Hampton. Roads. The ships amind thunder of their guns were in line which extend- almost ten miles and from the time the Connecticut passed the May- ' lower until the last vessel dipped its -(lag and last salute had been fired, , forty-five minutes elapsed. Books More Orders. . Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb. 22. United States Steel Corporation evidently ln rends to get all the business since its open market was announced. It book e dmore orders Saturday than during the whole of last year. It practically scooped all orders offered for next six nonths at incredible prices. RING GEM IMPRISONS HIM. West Chester, Pa., Feb. 22. While he was pushing a bulky letter in a mail box on the street In West Chester i $500 diamond ring on Jesse L. Jones ' -inger caught In the slot of the box. It held him there a prisoner until an employe of the post-office opened .he box, pried loose the frame-work:, and liberated the Imprisoned hand a hard half hour's Job. Vrrtlgo Drops Man From Pole. By Wire to The Sun. Lewes, Del., Feb. 22. Taken with a fit o fvertigo while climbing a tall" electric light pole, Town Electrician White had a narrow escape from death, and as it was sustained several I cuts and bruises about his body and i face. White tried to quickly descend and succeeded In getting down part of the way, when he fell heavily the rest of the distance, fortunately break ing no bones. Bankrupt Except for Clothes. Norfolk, Va.. Feb. 22. W. E. Rus- 8eii, former land speculator and Pine Beach contractor, during the early Jamestown Exposition period, and now a land company clerk, today filed a petition in voluntary bankruptcy,' asking relief from unsecured debt : amounting to $56,000. The petitioner , says bis only assets consist in Wear, ing apparel valued at $50. .- HOLD-IT TOO SLOW FOR HIM. U rges Robbers to Hurry So He Caa I Catch His TraiB. gt. Louis, Feb. 22. Hurry np and I take my money so I can catch my I train," said Edward Cogley, a Wabash 1 engineer, when waylaid by three ban- 1 aiu early today. :, ;v.E-. Cogley chafed under th delay incl- dent to being robbed ot . T gold watch and a gold medal for bravery, which adorned his breast , : y - BULLET OPES3 SEGRO'S JAWS. '"'(saspssaaasnssr' f'.s ' 'V ' ' ' Thief Snsiiect Bite ArresUag rollce . Chief. Canvllle, Va., Feb, laAchlef of r lice R. E- : Morris was forced tr' to shootero Shaw, a negro and .hllr.n hl kiln'k. - . reui. .-.v., ...... make him let go the grip he lm l I... ... . i I Ula iiraui vu vu. viuwi uauu. w. norm saw oov- Btrw with a bket of cu der his arm and .MMhlm to I Th. ran anit tha nfflnar tr, - ZTZ iy the negro burled hi teeth I chiefs hand.. Th policeman hhv pistol, and, pressing the w W. I against the head Of the negro, Itai , ine negro uio. not ooey um i Wm, let had placed, his leg. The - I Shaw was locked up.

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