11 ' ;' '' ' 3i PUBLISHED DAIIT. except Sunday. Ft AT Bent PtlJo&iat Company. omcES and' plintj own Drar SlMCKimOB PUCK. 1 j'.' v .... - TVU',' (UAatnnoeO . fcn Week 4 , threa Months US 1.51 5.00 feix Months .tta. . Telephones! m!im OH Entered at th poettJlfca In "Hew "nt C- aa eeond-'ctaM mall 4uttfe i, M05DAI, Xarek 8, 190. ; change the "data of the Prealdenflal Inauguration? . yisjii 'iftr'':on't- one agitate the :y abolishment of money because people teal ft and beoome thieves. ' Lehigh ConntJi'Pwinaylvanla, reduc ed Its beer Outpuilast year 11,586 bar rels. Doea prohibition prohibt? Says tha Chicago Hecord-Herald: Vulgarity is 'amusing only to th vul gar, and they-are not worth amus ing. Announcement is made that the forty-ninth annual state fair will be held at Raleigh, N. C, October 18th to 23rd inclusive, 1909. Some of the angel cake served in these days of ours speaks very dis couragingly of the digestive organB of its namesake. ' . So long as people can find trifles j to. qilarrel about there is not much danger of their looking for things more serious to grumble over. Tha girl who marries in haste and v repent at leisure can at least con , solo herself with the fact thatshe has kept some other girl' from repenting. It is reported that.' President Taft , will pay his own barber, and not use government employe as did Mr. Roosevelt This is one thing at least he will differ from the ex-President, A proposition has been made to an alderman of New York to. hold a public meeting on an ordinance to establish an official censorship on the stage. Another war spf :plsying to tho gallery. .SiM-M ''Spring would be gloomy weather 'If- w -bad nothing else but spring." Bo runs the song. And if the re maining days of March and all 'of April do not come to the rescue, w may expect nothing but "gloomy weather."' Down here in eastern t,. North Can llna we have had nothing v but spring, His Qroaadhogehip having v affiliated himself with the-Annanias : Chih, pays but littbj attention to the work allotted to him. v Flowers are ', "blooming and trees are budding with ' ; and the thermometer hangs -around ;-ihe seventies all during the day, while 'the papers tell us that Niagara Falls is frosen totytiu- Tlurrah jror eastern .. Worth Carolina. BAfcMJf FIELD FOB CtPID. ; Only One jlawUgs'-f Performed . by tialthersbarg raster bx Tws Tears. Galihersburg, Md;T Mar 8 That there, i something Radically; wrong with thia place from matrimonial sUndiioint Is the Opinion ot Rev. Hen . ry r.'auijruss,. pastor of Graos ML -'js.' Church.'ani that something should! be donerto wak jiji tha" young peopla. of " the town to 'a realisation of their !; -. obligations along that line is bis ad vice.: it&-&;?&t&iimii. 'lit a semlhumorous address In ; the . church last evening. Dr. Bufrrass made - the astonishing announcement: that during the two year of hi pastorate he had performed Just one marriage ceremony, and that not a single cou ple had beea married in Grace Church W ( III erection fv years agolfci ,Miss Zell .Crawford- and Harvey Selbj. both .-of this place,, surprised Uielr, relatives rand friends a day or 7.'o agojiy announcing that; they had boen married at Waahlngtoa last week. ' rfnl'i, Va Mar. I. Found dead I t n! ht on the dttck of the tugboat t r H he was master, Capt, L- Al I J r was said by a coroner's Jury i af'ornoon to have been accident- j Killed. He seemed to have fallen i a wharf, a distance of about tea . Ko evl nee of foul play could " ' - f ... ' 'Jafaail, ' i .i fct .aa I Caaaana m Ml tka I sreald a to Vttkoat 1 was kNkM a IMM Ml via arl Itwt u4 aaae. Hw um aaktac Cimria Caaaj CUMrVI I ntl aar ek baaaar 1 akaH aartalair raaawaiaai Imi to mf fri a Ik aa MilflM 1 Sta MM. 4a iaaiaaa. Oaaaa bun a, x faaaraasiaUaa, fcesJror ' CAMOVtarrmirnc ftasaat.latal. rMM.TwMMi.B9a. sTsrat Stekaa, Waasss or Srlaa, Ma, afe, Ma. Marat aol to bnlk. Tha (aanlnt aaslat ataaifad COO. tHnilM4niUHgnMkMt. aterlinf Ramady Co., Chicafs fer H.Y. foe AK.UUL&TEI K5LUCI B3XU Basins; Carter Harrison Heaestead. " Chicago, Mar. 8 Another landmark the old homestead ot Carter H. Har rison, Is being removed to make- way for a modern apartment building. - It was in this: house that Mr. Harrison, then mayor, was shot down by Pen dergast on .the closing day of the World'a Fair. LOOKS THBOUGfl TBAMSOX AS JCAJTs BILLS HLVSKLF. T acorn a, Mar. 8 Karl Eggert, aged 55, who recently arrived here from Oshkosh, Wis., committed suicide in a Paolfio Avenua Hotel- about 11 o'clock last night Eggert-remained in his room all day and refused to allow the .loor to be opened. While a policeman- stood, on a step ladder culs'de, parleying through the transom with the man,. Eggert shot himso:( through the temple. In a conversation with the officer before shooting himself Eggert said his son had a short time ago com mitted suicide in San Francisco.-., He was a widower, and is believed to" have been worth about $20,000 in Oshkosh property. RESOLVE THAT tilKLS MUST LEABJf TO BOX. Mothers' Club Sees In Manly Art of Self-Defense a . Protection Against Mashers. Evanston, 111., Mar.- 8. At the last meeting of the Mothers' Club Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch offered, the following resolution: 'Resolved, That girls should be taught to box." Another member of the club assert ed boxing among women, when the desired efficiency waa reached, would meau the exodus ot highwaymen and street corner mashers from Evanston. A new member inquired -of Mrs. Mc Culloch whether or not she believed that knowing the squared circle game would add. to the peace and happiness of domestic life. After considerable debate the reso lution was amended to read: "Resolved, That girls should be taught to defend themselves from phy sical violence in a ladylike: manner." , This resolution was not so popular with the majority of the mothers and the first resolution was passed. TORPEDO BOATS QUICK TRIP. Whipple Averages Twenty-Eight Miles In Seventeen-Hour Ban. Los Angeles, Mar. 8. The United States torpedo-boat destroyer Whip ple, Lieut. Church commanding, made the run from San Francisco to San Pedro, a distance of 476 miles, in seventeen hours, or an average of 28 miles an hour. The Whipple has been ordered south "to join the torpedo flo tilla anchored in San Pedro Bay, pre- paratory to sailing for Magdalena Bay to meet the Pacific fleet ,. I Commander Church decided to make some speed down the eoast He lack ed but one hour of equalling tha sche dule , of the regular coast line trains between San Francisco and Los An geles. . If yea want good faney Cellerr, nice and crisp, f to BoyalPs. ' AT A SACBIFICE STIEFF VP right piano.-, costing ,: J450.OO and player attachment coating $30&0u at a sacrifice. : Plano. and player.. as ; good as new and can be seen -In. 6ne of the best - homes in New Bern. . Address F, care Postofflce Box 804, "'New Bern, N- C ' ' J 3t q.-.ti;:. :, ' ),,,-': ''.' ';:;. AtOBS, MAI I5AUGUBATI0X dev. Staart, of PeaasylTanla, Thinks May Ivtk a Proper IHtt. :;X ; Philadelphia, Mar, ;." Abandon the 4th of March 1. tet's have a more sea sonable, time me 'for . the presidential 1- duguration ' Governor Stuart and other members of the Union League who went to Washington last .week , to see Presi dent Taft Inducted Into oifios are echo ing this sentiment today. . Other memr berg of the league who didn't go be cause they remembered previous Inau gural experiences more or Jess bit terjoin in the chora, : PVS ( Governor Stuart ; ! caughtqld aiuj was a little hoarse this morning, ; Q , "There is no; doubt about .lt-4he date for the inauguration should be changed," ths governor .continued. "Thursday was the worst day, I ever saw- I thin May 10th would be a good day -to; . fixe upon or any time between May 1st and 15th. for then people would see Washington at Its best, with flowers In bloom, and the Capital looking beautiful., There Is no necessity tor men to go down there and sacrifice their lives la the hostile March weather " -1 ( s 1 Governor Stuart recalled the second Inauguration of Gen. Grant, which he attended, when-the mercury stood ( degrees, above, aero. . Two or three West Point' : cadets, marching In the howling wind without overocats, caught pneumonia and died. I hereby announce myself a c date tor Chief of Police, subject 1 the Democrstio City Primary. tt " T ' v . L. H. CANNOX. Ttt THE DEjCOCKATIC TOTEBS OF tBE CITt OF jrirT BlBH "K i desire at thls .tims to announce myself a candidate for, the office ' of Chief of Police of th City 'of New Bern.- subject however to the 'result of the - approaching DemoeraUe- Pri mary to be held for the Selection of city officers. : I believe in a strict and. impartial enforcement ot .all laws at all times. A .vigilant effort on,, the part , oX each, member of the . police force to detect any and all violations of the laws, and prompt and rigorous actions of each policeman "to .appre-j nend ail offenders; ana to expose and supress all" violations of the lair.:;!. am fully competent by reason ot mt-4 era! years experience as. a policeman la the city of New .Bern. - elected 1 will endeavor to measure up to all the requirements of the office.. - . ' Respectfully, " 7 "- tf. W. B. PARKER. A spring "tonic that' makes rlch. -red blood. Brings strength, . health , and happiness to the whole famlly.: .Noth ing equalslollister's Rocky Mountain Tea as a Spring regulator. 35 cents. Davis Pharmacy. f DEUIONICOSCAFE Is now open and any. one wish- f lng a lunch, of oysters, game or any1 delicacy of the season- or If you want a regular meaL It will be served promptly and, correctly. BELL & BRYAN Phene 103 Middle St TBATELEBS TABS NOTICE I Call on Miss Nannie P. Street, so she can explain to you the great, In ducements of her ..'"'..''.;?- TOUBIST IKSUBASCE POLICT which covers the loss 'of baggage Or personal effects, while in the custody ot any transportation or steamship company, hotel, or dwelling, either by Ore,' lightning or theft 6t Don't wait until your Blood 1b im poverished and you are sick and all; lng, but take Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Tea now. It will positively drive put all winter Impurities. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Davis Pharmacy. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil cdres toothache, earache. More throat. Heals cuts, onuses; scalds. Stops any pain. flicks' CAPUDINE Cares, Sick Bead- aehe. Also Nervous Headache, Travelers Headache and aches from Orip, Stom ach Troubles or Female troubles. Try ately. Sold by druggists. , The largest as sortment of: fresh candies reduced to 10c ner. lb. -: At KAFER'S . BAKERY i " If you have any work 0, to be done, phond ua :: . . xwiier juaicera & uiacK- 5 .imitha :: Bum s I Attamer CmraMllaM at I4iw.. Office Bnomt 401-1-t Elk Bull (Tin?. Pracllcu in the CotinttAS Of Orftv.n Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Oniilow, Cartel -i Pamlico and Wake, In tlie Mupreme t. Federal Couru, and wherever servn are desired. 4 louvic & Diuui j VIt" C"kw Practice Wherever Services ara ejimea, .f- Will leave e eiT Kvr day at id a, m, tr v f""t of Craven F I 1W.- . ' ';'; - U L. Telephone 164. 1 1 - , LOSE ;l UlSuiL -Mrs.' Stephen H. Lane left moning' tor Goldsboro, to v it it dau6:,ter, Mrf B. i. Hester. - j Miss Rosa IKnsey, who has been visiting Mrs, Joel. Kinsey, on George atreet,; left this morning tor .Kinston, where aha will apend a tew days with relatives'-y -! j- ., Mrs. Raymond Pollock and young daughter.. Smile, of Dover, who have Veen .ylaitlng ln the city, the guest of Mrs. Pollock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Foy, on Middle street; left this morning on the west bound Norfolk and Southern train retaining boms.1. . Miss Marietta ; Hewitt. . returned. where" she Spent Sunday with her par enta. ? ." -' ' ' , .:?; vs-;:'' :- MrsW. H. Best, Jr and child." ot Goldsboro, who have been visiting lit the city, th. uest of : Miss V' Katie Street.' on - Johnson street, left this morning on the west bound Norfolk A Southern train returning home. . v .Miss Mildred Gray, left on the New Bern" Norfolk train tor a visit with relatives and friends In Hyde county. Miss-Jennie Burrus has gone down In Hyde county for a couple of weeks visit with' relatives and friends. . . i "Proof of The Padding.': ; ' Is in : the flavorings extract; Use Blue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla ex tract and your pudding will prove de lightful. .-. . ' ' -.-i, -, "WEBDDTG IX RATAL CIRCLES. Norfolk, Va., Mar. 8. Miss Harriet Jackson Page, daughter of Mrs. Holt W. Page, one of the belles of this city, became the bride this evening of Ensign Louis Henry Maxfteld, "U. S. N. ' - The ceremony was performed at the1 home of Mrs. Charles Mcintosh Tun-' stall, a sister of the bride by the Rev. James H. Owen, pastor of St. Pajil's Episcopal Church: ' Ensign -MaxQeld entered the navy from St. Paul, Minn; TIME IS THE TEST. The Testimony of New Bern Peeple - Stands The Test The test of time is what tells the tale. The. public soon finds out when misrepresentations are made, and mer it aloDe will stand the test ot time... v New, Bern .people appreciate merit, and many months ago local citizens publicly endorsed Doan's Kidney Pill's, they dp bo still, . Would a citizen make the statement which follows unless convinced that the article, was just as represented? A cure that lasts 18 the kind that every sufferer from kidney ills is looking for. , v C P. Bartllng," J36 Middle street New Bern, N. C, says: r ?; .-""I: can recommend Doan's Kidney Pills lust aa highly, today as, I, did several years ago, after they had cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble. Before I learned of them, I suffered considerably from backache and pains thrdugh my loins, often being In such a condition that I could not attend to my work. - The kidney secretions plainly evidenced, by their unnatural appearance, that my kidneys were Out ot order and learning of Doan's Kid ney fills, I procured a box at Brad ham's Pharmacy,'. They went directly to the seat ot my trouble and I bad not -taken them long- before I was cured, v During the years which have passed, I have never .had occasion to ess a kidney remedy, as my cure has been permanent r For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.' Foster-Wilburn Company, Buf falo, N. To sole agents for the United State. ( , - .Remember the ; name Doan's and take he other.- v poison .0 te Pani Cffl-J& criicaiT sua, rRBUB. : for twmty-flvf years BoUnia Bleed SlBBf PmiK Saffer fma BImS PvImb S lal Umo-w Itt - Hrmt TT' f-m,Ur raroS kr B. S. K. Balm (B. B. B.) has lxen eSrlnr yearly thouaanda of ten Aarars troia Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Blood Poison and all forms of Blood Diaeaa. W. solicit in mont dbatinate oatsea (or BT ft a (urea where all (alls. - It ve bare ahauated ttie old method o treatment and still bava aohes and Slna In bones, back or Joints, Rhsu ltchlns, watery blister or open, Itching humors. Risings or pimples ol Ecuma all .Isavss siter kllilnc th. poleon and purnylng Ui blood wltti B. B. B. In this war a flood of purs rich blood la sent direct to the skin surface, the itching stops forever and ever humor or sore- Is lisalsd and eured. ' :-,... , BUTAWIO BLOOD BALM B. B. B.) -la pleasant and safe to take; com posed ot pare Botanic Inarrwileots, It purifies and enriches the blood, matlsm. Mucus Patohe In . mouth, Sore Throat, Pimple. Copper-Oolored ta ints. Ulcer on any part ot th bniiy, t dug sores, are run a own or nervous i r or nrow faltlns: out. take B. h. . It ai the poi n, make the b . . i r.tte and rlh, he,. - ng wrj sore sii1 ..,n,y ehanwii - the tnlln buiiy , a. niKii, h. njr conditioa. ( .... I K.a. . , f f tl per iff Hm lllli 1 fr fUR Ml J thU ' ! hei . I A ,Tte Bind Ton ITare Ahrays Botight, ftnd vrhlcli taa been :. . tm se for Ovw 80 years, baa bosno the signatnro of aad bag Allow no .-JUI Coaaterfelta, Iniltatioo rnd"Jost-aBOod?oro but ; r. ExperUnents that trifle trltji and endanger the health of lafBAta mod Cbildrn--Eiperlence against . Eijeriment,r.1 AVhatlo.CASTORIA Oawtom la a bftvmiwiav saMtitate ror sjasxor uiv xsm; '. smWn. Tnvma Knrl Rnnthlnsr 8TTT1D8." It is Plesaanta It -a contains neither Opinnta, Morphine nor .otter. KarcotJcj' .!, . and allays Feverishnees. It cores Diarrhcoa and Tfkidj i Colic. It relieves Xeethlng Troubles, cores ConsttpatJott' and FIatnl:acy."- It assimilates the Food, reg-alates the ' Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.) ; That rnIMrn'si nuMrh Bears the mm Ini Use For Over; 30 Yearo.' ,MSsw nwmmt.tt smsi sjtsfeata WrSBPl FEED BRICK I always have a complete and fresh stock of Corn Meali ji Conij flay, Oats, and All Kinds of FEED. , Also Seed -Oats, Bye and Wheat." - - - - 4 -" - t" -1 v i Remmher I also carry the best huildihff Brick on -- the Markets - T .1 C. LK Spencer,.1 v . Phone 150 " Building WINDOWS, DOORS, BLINDS, ttXX AND CEMENT. BALUS' IERS, PORCH COLUMNS AND TURNED WORK. . Vfc - f"' HEATH AND MILLIG AN PAINT, PI RE OILS AND lilD. " GASKILLBARDWARECO: Phone 147 . i I BRICK, LIME i j "i;:vL:mL:::.. 5.11 t I, ILcne 1C3. ssaa"-, ta'Ua.t thkkea bundnltlici alwaji on hand at BoraH's. WANTED BIDS BY OH OF NEW - BERN. For opening dltche-for dntln pipes on Change' street and George street Plans and profiles can i seen by tip plying to chairman street and pump committee.' , ...-' C. J. McCAimi Y, . ""' ' Ch '! I 1. - Bids will be clo1 i at 8 o't' ' ' y nleHt, March f'ld. Junlp ; nt . n been maae unaer nu per , one todeoelve yoaln tbls.' ; Signature of WE CABBY FENCE WIBE. 1 ; ot all kinds In- stock..;, Barbed H wire, poultrjr V wire and. . Just plain -everyday wire. . Come and" get what you Want, either to flz up your t old tenoe or build a. new one.': Of course -wa kava' the hammer, the staples, hinges, latches, and all the rest or the hardware. . ;: You cant name a thing In the line we cannot op' ply. Come and try it VSEED STOCK c! 32 Middle St. : t " Material eriSiiinglss AND 'CEMENT.') 1 zji:;Co i ' ' f A 17 Craven t. IIHYE A C0CI) riM 1 ' r ...... .. cows, which gives me an extra sup f. ply of milk. . Will furnlah any quan t tlty customer wishes at any time. ' Quality and. service guaranteed. Phone 917 8-riDES. F. h. Eray, - It you'd be dubbed a h And win a handsome I Tlie secret here I c' i i T;:k HoMluter'8 I ' nt nfglit, ., ' -e (':!, :SC a. in., 1 1, p, m. (Oa.,y j-.xr.p.,t F r.fifty) F.r Lap huks, Cove -i.y '. 1 .ver, Ki.istsHi, 'i u .- ora,' iuius. buro and lnieruieu.ata siMilona. . ; M a- m, J:O0 p. m. t..,nuav only) ' For 1 uanarora. Cove Cuy. Klni,m, LOrmn, Ooidaboro, and luierme- amis iunon - r?',-,T:1l p' (D'lr cept Bnn. ' "-I V r R,Ter,aie( Croaian. Han--;:' niwiiwi, wiiawood, Moreuead .' - cay, Beauiurt and Intermediate . - -ttuns. - . :l . m. 1:50 p. m. (Sunday only)- -' ' Newport, Wildwood, lurehed City ' " Be&ufnrt and lni.....t ... 'j--..- P. m. Dllr xoeot Sundav Vnr :-' ? ' v ReelaboTO, Qrantaboro, Bayboro. " : Orieotai and inUrmedla'e station. . : ,1 j 01. (Sunday ' only) For .Keelsr ; : i : T-i ksOrantaboro. fiayioro, Oflenlat,- t'M a., m. (Daily KrcSDt Rnnriavk . ' F,or ""Jilnaten, Plymeuth, Colum- : - J ' "; . Blliabsth City; SortolTteH?itSa i Oreenville, aTsmivUle. Wilson, Zeb- L . i i 2?a. jRMsh-aa iBietsaaldiat. sta.,;-4?-- if UUOS. .;. v;- v ; .7,.-.;:', .'v ii" if? : -in. CDally except - , ounosyj todi uoldsboro. . L- " Oraaaa. Kinston. TJntrar rma i ! Aearra . ipd- Intennsdlate atatiotav -a. m.,'s.M h w.(Sunday only-.is, ? -From Goldsboro, LaOranse, i!n-. - : L K?" Iver, -Cove,. Tuaoarora and ' ' i IhUrmedlate station. ' . - ;-; t : l a. m., -7 : 10 . p. m. (Daily .xcapt ," : : i ptx uunaay) From Beaufort, Morehead ." Vvi- WUdwood, Newport. Havelock, v t ';- CroaUn, Rlverdale and Intermediate' i r - . -..-..ataiiona. . . - . . V :t0 a. m., T.-OO p. nv-(8undy only).. : : . iroinncauiori, uoreneaa City, ; f ; : .'WlldWOOd. JeWDOrt. Hanalock Crov . ; t Klverdale . and. intau-madlate : a. m.(Dally) From Oriental,!.', i . k Bayboro, OranUboro, JseslSbore. a.'.'-'' ' . intormedlatatailnn- ; t .-.',.. .-v 1;lt p. m. (Dally except Sunday) rram.&.t'.C' ' ngngci; OUITOIK, JElliaoetn City, - -J; -7 : r . Herttont, Eden ton, Belhaven,-. Co-i - V -. X lumbla, Plymouth, Washington and - --f i X ;.ntrmdlats stations, Edenton to ' i i; v w U.Kew Bern; Baleigh, Wendell, Zebu . a f .... Ion, Wilson, Farmvllle. GrsenvUl,,,-:-fj 1 v x ,it'aa utrmdlat, stations. - - .-:,-.';.',-. .z - h. a iwwiWc-eT4i:ff,'-v .:..-.. .-. fSanaral Pa. -Aart. ,'. litf,'. General MaiUagetViii ,,' 1 ; j7-tK-X0nom.--.&, : 4 State otJiortJuCacoUasv Cravsn County, TO a H. Fowler, -Entry Taker lor CtiM'fii vea Coonty: . ..; . . .. i-. ;-;V Vi ! Th a unaersicnea -w. H. Watson, of ,.." -r,".. . . and, laysi-Alalm.. to . tha. .fnllnnrln m.. a-- V. 'i scribed piece o rparcel ol land in th "-: V&'i'' w,wnaaip.L.Taven county states or ' North Carolina, tha asms aalai nnnt : ''-.-:"-; . and unappropriated land, and subJeot..iv''&'S''. ' co sniry, vis: uni tnes aoutoatde -of ;s Neuse river, and North aide of th -Nor." ".'.Vi S'r 'w. ' folk and Southern ftallroad. Bounded -. ' .- oa the North sad Bast by Fred Pat. and' other and on 4he South nd West i-J' tya Bryceulpock and .thr,oontaJnr. "-i j," by estimation 100 acres more or less. z:; riantereu ibis aitn aay or Feby, 4os-'t-rV'-fni-i . ( . :; -.. . hi - ;-,' W,,H. WATSPNa;,,;. 1047"' : mark LEGAL -NOTICES ;.-;.DMiiiirmA'arRs woricvfefe.,fi; 1 RSvlnS OJUSjlflad as admlnlatrain nt ; i " . ' th estat o Henrietta Ni KUbirnrd-.?t3 pr.1- to. im va ui unuiy m vravea.-i... v, ZtW tat of North Carolina, this to to notify ' ;i ali person, having- .claim alnst th fpij-ivikJ.. estate ot saio aeceaaea to exhibit them-i;;--'-? properly-Terinad. o th underslsiied at; M Jt'dX" New Bern, N, on or before th letb..'.- - ' day of February, 1010 or this tootle; tj-"Sflv -v- TI1I be pleaded In bar of their recovery j iiii '" v. All persons Indebted to said aatata : ; , . will ' pleaae make immediate payment j $'''1; . a,'v.j,.a '"ni. v.r S.-aSyt-gtliC- '.' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -A f. -' i -Notlde Is -kfmbjr- lw that uitf'slf tJ'S derslgned has duly guallfled as Eieo : ' " utojr of the last written-testament of ..-."' W., D. Pearce, des-J-;fi;-y' fo 4kt estatt shall fentthelp 0aln) Wfth tnderslgned. tor'-;layttentii;:4pi." or befor the 20th jtay ;of February. ' .' WlOi. otherwise t this notteo wilt pleaded In bar of their recovery," the ' - ." debtors, to the said -estates trit W, B.-" ' Pearea wlUplaaas jaake - immediate "Sv payment io the tinderalpietl. as-furt?:'''"-' ther- lndulgence.annot.';lven3 ;.Thh-f9th;.dar otvlbrnaiTlWsv;l . -Efcecutoft State of North, Carllna vraven county. . 1 To' ft H. Fowler: Untry - Taker-for-Vi 1 ' m'"- ?.; Craven; !eunty:v...y;r,',:. p. ,j-r,:., J The Vinderslgned C C Ipock, of CraV -S;-. ,-- '. van County, North- Carolina nter-and -s lay olaim to h followlns described rV." plec or parcel of land In Noi X Town- Tf -,,-t f , shipv". Craven. County,, atat of ..Noth-t;;ti.--,vJv.,..v-::' Carolina, , the aunt being vamnt and -unappropriated land, and subject to en-" .v" " ' try via; j.; .-.-' -r,-, 1 On the north kjr S. cyNeiL land oh th i . '5 VxtibrC G. ipock and Aaron Ipock.' , ;; " Oa tl south, by C. A. Ipock, On. the-,.,.:it;'.pv.1U;-eaat by Aaron Ipock and ft "C -Ipock,;--! V ooDtslnln; by sstimatioa It seres more t S, - ' or less, .- '- -- - , ; , ' . 'Kntred-this lth day-e)f''rebrary..5;.;:.:v'A- . ''(. c, 'o. ipocbc -; -:V r j.n.Mi - I, 1 , ... . .... .i.....'i.--T;. ' North Carotins Graven County. .'- . - . . --f . ' 4 - In the Superior Court . -t . -Warn "Ban GoUa OU FeHlltm MUls . f .A',, c wBt.cn. i'.-n - -v Notice of Summon, and Warrant -of Attachment. 1 The defendant above-named will take " notice that summons In the above on- v ; , titled action was iHBued against said defendant on the -SHth flsy .of Febru ary, 10 for th recovery of ' !7.7i) due on account of breach of contract, which Kumnion is- returnable to the -suTierlor court of Craven county on the fifth Monday after the first iiomlay. nf . N'irc'li, it being th th day of Aunl, - in-t. - - . . -, , .... . Liefendent Will also tnke notice tlvt - rarrant o( nt1a;linint wan imkh. i ) BaiU clerk of the superior Cimi t ' ven comity on the iiith ony of i ry, )! nrnlnat the property t,. .frtililHiil in t .-fv,i t ..in ttwrftnl ti RUiiiifiiue'tn erior r t st tue ti, ;lo,,ve-nien i i.,iimI f.,r the ! tsuiiirnniia, alin and -n-tu-Mi !huird to am.r eua . . . snur to the conuM'Hnt of f. a' relief dninu-t will 1-e W. . v, A Clerk of th aiUpBrjr cui t 01 i , rills tli iolh day. of February, .1. 1 't,';i-rv: ,.U-s,tv.f-.i:'r""

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